HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-12, Page 2PAGE, TWO.
ittaaieutaassitstest wawa
Phoned muneatemeniezieleasisemzere'rss
Dry Good
HO aSe Ear
sea ,..zatearsels
it you could aslc this question of every well -gowned. grace-
tul Canadian woman, her answer would invariably be
Naturally) Grace, Ease and Comfort be-
come second nature to wearers of C/C a
la Grace Corsets.
Come and see the wide
variety of new models
now being shown.
A good showing of
new style Ready -to -
Wear garments is
aiso an view
Hoose DreSscs 1.24 -We put on sale Saturday 3 due Ladies House
Dresses,. all new styles, made of Print, Charebray and Percale, good
washing colors, sizes 34, 30,138, 40, 42, values up to $2,25, for quick
selling Saturday 1 24 •
Waists rWhiteLawn and. Voile
'White `ri.tiSts 013c -V\ o have abouttwo don
\Waists left. As we do not want to carry these over to next season
we pat thein on sale Saturday at Ube
F6rasirSkirts 1.24 -One dozen only White Wash Skirte, merle of
Pique, Repp, Indian Bead, sizes 21, 25, 20, 27, 23. waist band. These
are extra good value, values up to 2.50, for 1 24
l{Iiiilinery 1.00 -Last call for .Millinery. Just six hats left. Take
your choice Saturday 1.0U
Made in Canada
Made in Canada
Columbia Record
Is as true a mark of quality as the Sterling
mark on silver.
The making of a Columbia Record is an
artistic triumph.
Every shade of a vocal expression and every
variation intone is faithfully recorded and
The same holds true in reproducing instru-
mental music.
In the records,of such famous selections as
Tschaikowsky's Overture 1812, one can dis-
tinguish the notes of every instrument at
any moment, even in the most tremendous
Get this Demonstration :,Disc 'at 30e
In order that you may become better ac-
quainted with the qualities of Columbia
Records, we have issued a demonstration
record at 3oc. This record is typical of
the thousands of records in our, general
catalogues and demonstrates to what a
degree of perfection the•CoumbiaGraPh-
ophone Co. has brought the art of repro-
ducing vocal and instrumental music.
We will gladly play this and any other
Columbia, Record' tor you,
Clinton, Ontario
claves that the, quadruple Re-'
tente owes debt to Belgituui she
can never .adequately'repay.
Remits of Exams for
Entrance Into formal
Those in Huron County Who the
Recent Test,
Toronto, Aug. (1 -The Western On.
tai lo resoles of the middle echoot ex-
amination for entrance into the Norui
al schools are ir)ven helow. The cerci
110110s of the successful candidates
and the statement of marks of those
,ho failed will be mailed to the princi
pals or inspectors in the course of a
few days.
A. candidate alter whose name a mid
dle school subject is indicated in Mack
is required to rewrite said subject
with another deparaulentai examine
Lion, for which he iseligible and
which be is -quires to tette. Such a. can
didale cannot be admitted to a Norm
al School this year.
Successful candidates who desire to
attend the coiling session of the Norm
Schoch; ate notified that their eI
rp li
cations for admission must be made to
the Deputy Minister of Education not
later: than \Wednesday August 25. The
Normal schools will open on Wedues
day, September 1 at 9 a m at which
time ail candidates must present them
selves. Applicants are required to be
at least 15 years of age before Oct. 1.
The following are the Clinton pupils
that have been successful. There
may he others in the li.uron list that
attended the 0 0 I that have been
overlooked: -
W. R. Obowen
L. Churchill -
M Dock
V. Hearne
11. Holmes
E, E Jamieson
c Kaiser (physics)
P. Moffatt
11. McGregor (honors)
A Petrie (Ancient history)
1 Rothwell
H Rodaway
I: Sanderson
J Stnillie
A Townsend
E Wasman (ancient history)
Huron -M. 1. Aitken, E, 8, Attker.
F. N. Allan (honors) M. E. Allan (with
L. S art), Myrtle E, Allan (with L
wet) M I Anderson, in Andrews, A
Archibald, S. 0. Armstrong,. W
Armstrong, A L Ballantyre, F L Barb
er, 5 Brimlcombe, L \V Bowel', (hon
ors), J G Bowler (honors) A E Broken
shire 11 N1 Cerswell, .(boners) Al .13
Clark, W Cleary J le Chesney' (B. and
History) W R Chown..L Churchill,
J1 y)
M Cook, L E Cowan, 1 V theory, W.
A Orich, H Cuming, (3 W Cunning
ham, M G Currie, T 141 Cutt, (algebra)
E R Dorman (honors) G N Edwards,
A M Elliott, V. le Evans, L W Fink
beimer, (honors) H A -Fisher E E Free
man, M 0 Galt (honors)111 D Galt (hon
ors) 1C A Gibbons, IL Green, F L Bain
ea, L S M'Hamilton E- I' Barn A Bays,
(algebra) V Hearne A B Henry 1:1
Hinehley 11 S Holmes.. L Holmes, 0
W Howson. (Eng, Lit.) M G Ieard, L,
0Jackson, E 111 Jamieson, (4 Jefferson
L P Kaake, L M $sake, U P Kaiser,
(Physic's) G Kestle, (honore) 5 E Klein
reds R G Laird (ancient hietoryj 13 :J
Larkin (honors) 21 II Larkin U W Lot
W L Lovell, (honors) M Machan, Al, 0
Malone, 4 Middleton, P 13 Moffatt, A
M Munro, D Miller, K Mael4regor,
(honors) A MacKenzie, Al MacPherson
N E MdCaughey, Al McDonald, (anc.
lent history), G McDowell, . G R Mc.
Kenzie, E. M. McLean, O McLean. E.
E iVlcltlichel F L McPherson, h G
Nairn L E Oetreicher, M L Parrott
A. Petrie (ancient history) M M Phel
an, R Rennie, 1 Rathwell, (wi, h L 8
art) M L Redmond M D Robertson, H
Rodaway (ancient history) 11 Roger
son, (English Composition) D S M floes
H J A Ross, D Sanderson, H-0 Scott,
(13 and O history) M Shackleton, G
Sheriff, J 13 Smillie, NI E Snell, (eon
ors) RM Stoddart, N Stonehouse, V
A btrothers, 11 P Sullivan, (ancient
history) 111 Sweet, C. 13 Taylor' (ane
history) 0 M W Tichborne, A V Tin_
man, (13 and 0 history), P E Tiemy:n
(horit,rn) A, L.'Tierney,'A S. Town,
,heed, if L. Triebner, 18. W Tuvuliull,
21 I9 l'urnbell, 111 E Walsh, 11' E • Wel.
tern, L++' J Wasman (augient history),
1 Welsh.ON Welsh (boilers), A. 1,
Wilson, .11' J Weed, W I1 Work, J 0
®t$flee®filter!teeet ,...B71D6toec'1(')11Br1 o
'ee SaY
That the Kaisers eons den ce
'won'a be • ?very clear when the
Allies gee 'through with Brim.'•
Thali with tha arrival of August
it is ;hoped August Weather will'al
so make its appearance. It will be
gladly welcome, , •
Thai Conductor Ausebrooke, of
the( G. B. and L H. road, who has
re'tir'ed has been a faithful em-
ployee of the G. T. 12.
,Thati iFa:xniei's are warned not
to .sen V. produce .to Toronto , on
t:hc, C.O.D. basis, 'Producers in
all parts of the (province have
complained' to the authorities hi
Toronto of swindlers paying for
goods With 'cheeks that turn mitt()
be worthless.
Her Nerves Were So Bad
Thought She Would
Go Out of Her Mind.
That you will find the acl•vertise,-
nients a \ abatable aid in shopping
and in buying economically. Read
then; every week:
Mrs. Hellas Knox, 45 Harding St., St.
John, N,B., writes: "I suffered greatly
with my nerves, I could pot sleep at
night, nor work, and the least little
thing worked on my mind and bothered
me. Last winter I thought I would go
out of, my mind, 1 would screech out, and
my mother really thought I was going
crazy with my nerves. It was so terrible
I would hold my head and cry. I tried
two doctors but they did not do me any
good.. I thought I would tell you that
m b
to -day I aperfectly cured y, ng
thfbe t fixes of Milbern's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and I can: recommend them
to all sufferers from nervous troubles so
you can tell everyone that they ale the
only thing that did me any good."
lvllilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
500 per box or 3 boxes: for $1,25, at all
dealers or mailed direct on 'receipt of
price by The T. Milburn; Co., Limited,
Torouto, Ont.
That 'Uncle Sawn is lcouningainore
and more about the "scraps el pap
cr" as the daysgo by. '
* * M N++*+alae.. +++4+444444
Over The Teacups
Air. Col 0191 s of Toronto, anti a
10111(. (iti'eee al Blyth, es reuetviug
oldacI)l)0inttnn0(s in a,ucl around Colin
P-oln o Mag,s1 i alt+ A uh ccs was a
(10(100i61 11 c-isit0 nn Tuesday,
Af't (1o1an `,hast', of Springfield.,
011io, ,s here visiting with his brut.
Dr: . W,_Sllaw',
Miss Elva Levis returned to 'Toronto
•1,2 Monday. ,alai spending her vaoa-
Cion to her home,
Mise Ross Levin. is spec ling two
weeks with relatives in Defro it,
Lieut Harold Herr, son of Rev. W,
11 (111/ Mrs. Kevr, fora'ni ilv of Ontario
St. Church, lien enlisted with Iso
ovetscas eolith:gent and will go tvitii
the: next contingent.
11r, and Mrs. Maxwell' of Leaiiitng-
lam, who made their - home here with
Mr. anti rots Hugh Roos for
eve)' a year 0111 v101L1113 here for 0
conpl1 of weeks.
Rev, E. G. 1'owt111 took the sorviC'es'
ail Che North Street Methodist church,
11 ((eticia on SundeV last. '
Miss Sara Agnew, who has been
away cu',,n, vacation trip areturntd
to her home, on Monday 11131A.
Mr. Goo. 1' Jfa.l is atl,euding the
I. 0..0. 1t Grand Lod;,,' at 31i'atlord
repeesenLative of the Cerium Lielge,
Miss Loma 111(05 Besali Harland, of
Guelph are visiting vela t)('05 and
friends in town.
IIansell Obsorvev-Tho tollowi11g
young ladies left last evening to camp.
for sooe days at the Bondi. Misses
Pearl Bruw 11huts and it 1,a Ranuie,
Gert Petty and Miss Chill of Clinton.
Stratfoid Beacon. Ma T. A. Twit
dto11 of Townies is visiting his ivo•
shot A0.s..A lwitrhi11, Erie stilet,
who is seriously
Sarnia Observer -Rev, S. J. Alli n,.
of Clinton, is Lite '31,1.00 of Mi.% and
lOre. \V. 11 Crasvl'ord, Charlotte
Mr. Oliver .Iuhnstou, of Goderich,
was 0 visitor in town on Saturday.
Mrs. :lames Campbell, of Mooeejaw,
has been the guest oI' her sister, l'i rs,
Mahalfl. The eisito:• is now spending
as i'ew days at Mitchell.
Bir, A. T. Cooper took the services
at the Leeburu appointment on Slrn•
tiny last.
Fort William,
1Agnew,' of 1.'U \`
lei•. Sta ii
nu hisvacation withht, mo-
spending i.
hies' 111 town.
Miss 1a. Chidley :returned List week
from Toronto, where she has been
taking up a special eauese al the UMM-:
Pet:. Will Walker, of the 33rd Balti.
London, is Home for a few holidays.
Mrs. Thos. Henderson, of Seaforth,
is visiting her nephew, Mr. Geo. Rob-
Mrs. R. D. Charlesworth and son,
of ('ort Arthur, ere visiting the for.
elrr's mother, Mrs, McRae, flatten -
bin y street, West.
Mrs, Guest, or Wingham, was the
guest of her mother, Mrs, Mitchell,.
Albert Street, North.
J.lurso:13,, theleeisb,.1219, 1933,
rtel Will
hhI Hos ital
,luly, 27th, 1(15
Warren House, ]-tee ()rose Ilk spite].
Reyes, Kent
Dior Father and Mother --
lust a few Hues to le,' you Ir.{'r 'il)w 7
am getting stronger'. I can we c all
a• o'rnd the gard(n aid out cm the
lawn and out on the road it piece 1'
get all kinds of motor vides. 1 received
v00s lettere all right. I hope the folks
are all well at home. I guess I will
have a fortnightyet in this hospital ars
the Dr. has been around and. says 1
ens not fit to 140 yet, but 1 expect to go
I he Blomley Coin fotel ensel y Home+soon
It is a place for the Canadians. f wilt
he snrryto leave here but 1 guess it
don't make any difference what 1
want to do. Aly back; is sore at nights
I don't known what Way to tern in
bed some times, 1 had a gond tone
last Friday one of 1 he nurses hod w
birthday party at bee home and 'eve
were all inviter_ to, go' I was, wonnbpl
on the 15th of June in the same battle
as Lieut, Col, Beecher was lci,led in ,T
was laying beside him when he died
I will close for this time from your
son, 0
Bill 1,
Births,, ]ilarria oes & Doaahg
WURAI-WOOD=At Bayfield, Ont,,'
on Wednesday, July 28, 1915 by thel
Rev. A. McFarlane, pastor of Sl,,
Andrew's Church, Bayfield. Viola(
Mrs.).John Wuode,slSaytfield,nto, Tal
mann'L. Wurm of Zurich, Ont,
Miss A. Wallace spent, Sunday in
Gocli rich visiting old friends,
Mrs Edimindstou was the guest of
Mr. aulAlrs. Oliver Johnslon for a
few days,
Miss Jennie ]olives spent a few
days with Uvclericit friends.
Dr. Axon was celled to Ohesley on
Monday to attend the funeral of his
Reeve Stewart, of Seaforth, was a
caller in town on Monday.
Miss Hunnieford, of Detroit, spent a
week with her brother, Mr. E. E.
Warden Govenlnck 'was in t ownon
Monday paying a visit to the Rouse of
Rev. J. Greene accompanied by
Miss 13. Greene and his granddaughter
little Marion Thompson are visiting
in Toronto. The reverend gentleman
has not been feeling any too good and
wert to consult a specialist.
Mrs. J. Boyce and, Mrs. Thos.
Beezo, sof T,nrq,rto, ares visiting at
Mr. Isaac 13ez,to's Dinsle31 Terrace.
Rev. 11, A.I. Langford, of Listowel.
1005 11.5 105911 this week.
Mr. Mernee, of Seaforth, was it t•isi-
for lar town on Monday.
Miss Lily Carr. of Blyth, a Deacon-
ess, was 2i town on Monday.
ells L. Troasc of \Voodstook, spent
the week end with his Mother and
other relatives in town, He reports
that businessisvery good in that city
=Mrs. (Dr.) 42ossauic and daughter,
Dorothy, of ,lnnerkip, are visiling .the.
former's brother, Mr. G D. Roberton.
Dr. and Nes. Agnew and children
loft last week on their return trip to
their 1101110 tab Medk'ine Hat.
Stratford Be at:Doi-Rev. W. T.
CIu1I is leaving for Northern Ontario
to spend several weeks ?,ear J .ellys
011 the T. R. N 0. railway,
with his son, Rex, 01012, who is fire
Nit's, W. R. Counter and blaster Bill
'returned from their visit with Brtaut-
ford relatives op Saturday.
Mrs McCoy, and olirldt'en, of Lon-
don, are visiting the forwer's father,
Mao A. Wilkin.
Air Nita SL s. 0. McDonald spent
Friday last with their daughter, Mrs.
Thornton Mustard at Bayfield.
Mise Eleanor Kemp is spending r1,
few days with Miss Lydia Morrish,
who is camping at Hayfield.
Miss Ray Newlands and Mrs, E,.
Brown were in Seafovth on Civic holi-
day visiting their grauchnotber', Mrs.
Nil. John Ncelands, Sam. Brown
and John Brown rite going West to
the harvest fields.
Mitchell Advecetc.-Miss Helen
Witrcl is visiting friends 41 Clinton. -
Miss Ruby Yates is visiting friends in
Saturday's Brantford .lixposiLot'.-'
Rev. C. E. Je al ins of St. Jude's An
glicen church has returned tram his
holidays and will resume the responsi-
bilities of his e,liarge tomorrow,
Mr. Jock Giem,, of Seaforth, and-
Mr', Win. Greig, of Toronto, were call,
ing on old f010nde in town on Tuesday
The visitors are brothers of Mr. Thos.
Greig and Mte Thos. Jackson, and
sons of Mos. lr role sr„ of town.
Mr. Daniel Prtor,"tafter his tumble
at the C. C. 1., is table to go out for a
want thesed ys.
Mt Phorias Mann, who has been
Visiting his daughter, . Mrs. Win.
Butts, returned to his home in Listow
e) this week.
Yen can help the Editor' by letting
trier know who your visitors are.
Miss Olive Cooper returned last
Week from Tnro,nbo, where she has
been taking a epecjal course at the •
Summer school at the Unive.tsity,
Mts Ales,, ArnfsLion ,,, ofToronto,
speet a few days at the home of Mr.
11113 Mrs. Waalter Manning and with
old Mende.other
Rev. T Paterson, 1,1 Sarnia, spent
the week mei with Mr. and Mos. W.
D. Fairs lie contin1103 on his trip
to Teeswatsr on Mouday. The rever-
end gentleman's wife lea sister,of Mrs
The many friends of 'Vies. Fred
Cooper and baby are pleased to see
them back for a visit, they being visi-
tors at thelxrme of Mr. auc1 Mos, W.,1-
.JCoope,. for a couple of weeks, We are
always glad to see our Clinton boys.,
back,.. Fred being home last
They have a, host of friends in
Clinton who would be pleased-tq Wel-
come them 'back as residents. The:
friends of the New Ere join in wish-
ing:1110)0) sneceas' Wherever their lot
shall becest.
• •
Rev, Dr, Dickie, of Chatham, oc-
cupied the pulpit last Sunday and will
preach again next Suoday.
Rev. E, G. Powell,' Field Secretary
of Huron Oo., will preach next Sunday
both nioruing and evening. '
The Financial report for the past
year has been printed and distributed
The pastor's subjects list Sunday
were "1 will Trust" in the morning
and "The Method of the Master" at
The -mixed quarteate, composed of
Mrs. Best, Miss Huller, Meseee, Moffat
and .L4)aet sang with good effect "Flow
Could it be".
The W. M. S. meets in the school
room to night at 8 m.
Last Tuesday at the meeting of the
Canarterly Board, Rev, Dr. Rutledge
While some statesmen• are coil to
the good, fr!oon. the 'viewpoint of
their party, most of the legislative
brand seem td , be political mis-
essa000o•66••00,.1c sees....
Phone Want Aids to
The New Era
Many telephone (subscribers
find it quite convenient and a
time-saver. Experienced ad-
visers are always on The New
Era end. Phone 30.
was given, the unanimous invitation
fur the fourth year. The Dr. accepted.
the invitation, subject to the will of
the Stationing Board.
.That if if wasn't wet, it would be
too holt or too dry. ,Under any'
circumstances there would be an
opportuiaityl to final fault with the
Weather 'Man
Nese Era and Daily Globe:--... $g,50
New Era and Daily Mail and
Empire s 4.50
New Bra and Weekly' Mail
and Empire .. 1,65
tee* 3.35
e v l,ra and Daily World
New Era and Daily News.--.-- 2.85'
New Era and Daily Star ' 2.85
New ) and Family 7i
and Weekly Star 1.85•.
New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85
New Era and Northern Mee-
stinger 1.80
New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85
New Era and Farmer's Sun1.85
New Era and IDaily Freer
Prase, morning 3.36
Now Idea and Daily :Free
Press, evening 2.85
Nev., Era and Weekly. Free
Press 1.85
New Era and .Morning Lon-
don' Advertiser 3.65
New Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85
Vote Era and Weekly Adver-
tiser- 1.68
Pew Era and Fart° and Dairy 1.85
dew lira and Farmer's Advo -
S lller C
Let us reduce your coal.
bills. We can do itby slap
ull .
plying you with. a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of c pash, This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will 'save you money. Give
it a trial
,, Holloway? Clinton
Sate of Land. for. Taxes
Notice is hereby given that the list
of land for 'sale for the :arrears of taxes
has beela prepared that denies thereof
may he bad et this (Stine, that the list
is being published in the Ontario Go'
Tette of the issues of July 24th, 31st,
Augnst 7th and lith, of the year 1915,
and.that in de€malt of the payment of
the taxes and costs the land will be
sold by public auction, at the Court
11'uuse,in the Town of Goderich, on
Tuesday. the 2nd day of November,
1915, at, 0 oloek p.m.
Treasever s Office, County of Huron,
Goderich, July 27, 1915,
Co, Treasurer, Huron
in the Estate of Sarah Shanahan,
NOTICE is hereby giver that all
persons having claims against the
(:state of Sarah SLanahan,late. of
the town of Clinton, in The County
of IHur'on, 'widow, deceased,
who died on or about, the 30th day
'of July, 1915, are required to de-
liver to the undersigned executor
or his solicitor, on or before the
First day of September, 1915,
a full statement of there claims
together with particulars( thereof,
and the nature 01 the securities,
if any, heIdi' by 'them, alt duly
verified d byaffidavit,
AND TAKE zE NOTICE that after
the said lase mentioned date,
the ,said exeeutor will
proceed to distribute 'the
estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons estie
tled there to having regard only
to such claims as 'they shall have
received due notice in accordance
Dated et Clinton, 'this 5(11 clay
of August, 1915.
Andrew 'lilynn, E:eocutor.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for Executor
Administrators Sale of Farm
on the London Road
IN or Hale
oReo.Runabout Oar, in good running
rder, Cheap.
On September 3rd, 191.5, there will
be offered for Irate at public auction
Part Lot 13, Concession, 1. Stanley Tp
containing 02 acres of land. This is a
fine farm in a choice twenty, being
within half a mile of Briwelield. Soil
is good clav
loam. u acrls of orchardd
the buildings and iu):'rovements,
including frame house, bank barn and
drive shed are all in good repair. For
furtherparticulars apply to The Can-
ada Trust Company, London, Ont.,
Administrators of the Estate of James
Ross, or W. Brydone, Clinton, Solici-
tor for the Administrators.
Dated this 2913 day of June, 1015.
We have just received a carload of
the same old brand of Portland Oe-
went which has always given you
such conlplete satisfaction. It always
fills your requirements. You cannot
matte a mistake using the National,
S. J. Andrews
The season is now on for gasolene
stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene
out of our Bowser Pump -rt passes
through 5 screens and a filter -Prices
always the lowest,
Auto Supplies and Bicycle
Auto Livery
J. ft Paxman
anieil►ality of the Township of
Goderleh, County of Huron.
TIDE is hereby given that I have
tra teethed or delivered to the per-
sonsmentioned in sections 8 and 9 of
the ')ntario Voters' List Act, the
copie.:required by said sections, to he
so treismttted or delivered, of the list
mac ;: pursuant to the said Act, of all
pers as appearing mg hy the last revised
Ass sment Roll of the said Munici-
polis to be entitled to vote at elec-
tions or members of the Legislative
Asseibiy, and at Municipal Elections,
and t It the said list was first posted
up in:. y offloe, 13olmesville, on 2nd
day o august,' 1015, and remains there
for in ?cation, .Electors are called.
upon examine the said list, and if
any or •stone or any other errors are
found ',erein, to take immediate pro-
eeedin, to have the said errers eor-
t'ected, ccording to law.
Township Clerk
Clinton, Ont.
Finest Lock in Enron County of
"Made i mulct" Monuments. Best
British to fr.reign granite, finished in
up to dal style anddesign. Come and
see them Note -A granite base goes
with eac monument.
Opi4Site tltc Postollice
1 a,
Wester `University, London
Income nbied-Now $75,000
Another lar ; addition to Faculty and
Equipment Arts and Medicine
Greatly Tncr,sed Enrollment in view
r particulars to:
Coq for Sale
Fre h Cows
privately. Tier
furnishing ban
springers, will sell
will be given by
ble paper.
Poult Wanted
Highest mark price will paid for
fat hens and bro rs
Phone 14 on 108 Base Line
(louse or Sale
Property'of the 1 e Mrs. Thos. East
-Frame, 7 rooms, goodcellar with
cement floor, wood tied and
pen, all in good
rep: r, 11 fruit trees -
apples, plums eherri and pears,
Apply t. ; , W TLTSE,
Phone 40
Painting 415 Pa er Banging
Painting and Pape Hanging neatly
and promptly don • Orders left at
Hunniford s Grocer Store or at my
residence, Victoria 5 'set,
Dunure Gar ey (9221)
WEDNESDAY- Wi leave his own
stable at noon and g • by way of Lon
don and Huron Road to Gilbert Mair's
for night
THURSDAY -By s olmesville and
Maitland (Jon to WVn Durst .k Son for
noon, then by wav ,f Bethel Corner
and Benmtller to W • Hoake's, Huron
Road, for night
FRIDAY -lay way of 1, a 0th con to
Porters Hill for noon, the 1 by way of
71h cnn to Reuben Gtigge 'or night
SATURDAY -By way of Steep's
Corner and Bayfield Roar to James
Jackson's, 2nd con Staple , for noon,
then to his own stable wh re he will
remain until' the followin Wednes
day morning
'Guinea Gold (I 020)
,MONDAY -Will leave his .wn stable
of 40, West end Tuckersmi h. and go
south to Mill Road to It Pa pie & Son
for noon, then acrossto a loon Road.
and west to Wm Dale's for night,
TUESDAY -To the Gra , m House,
Clinton. for moon and uhtll' following
VV EDNESDAY-To his own stable
for noon, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning,.