HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-12, Page 1It , Established 1865, Vol. 50, No£ _ .�-�..�;.,,ago.,.a�,.;.;>�..aa.A�omR��,.t,:ae•.�. C.I._U4TON ONTARIO THURSDAY AUOU T 12.1915 W. I I, Kerr '0: Son, Editors and Publishers very e mil: o� 1 I ' ii�� ' Empire is free ° the !shit ke :° can shirk while his loyal co r � •,�' the � `f � � 4':� ?"a r 3 comrade goes •rI•,p^. the front. y�1t To -day y � � iJ, d"W�,✓ YJ'd:r F;7 �1,.,7i 1'l �tirJ :.k��L'.�Gr.do it $s-..' up to the people of Panada c the British Empire to prove that they are wurthy of the liberty and freedom that they nj Do we measure up to the ad-tr antage of liberty and, f"reed;o that we enjoy? "---Sir eor' e a Foster.. 1'r nwos'+nvu.wwciaaeoaaeennucva�+r+�. ..,. a�cimnveweuvwTasv:�xmaia'am�uv„•uxacaarsrmm. ,• VVVVVVyvhe.0.t ptav AVlryvvk imw ivorhowa.koWp4GLo'n0 AATNAr*AAF4r?:droyo nitobn's Premier Slid at the R xatl Store S, Rest Quality Drug Store'Ttie )isexali! .,tor® ESS Phrn,B, . 8. jj ("1 Has Had End fight Has 'Come Urscathed- Through a Trying Ordeal ' •,:...^" .�' :: „' , • »A•+a uanemase out .mom - mrawnsx.,eamt»s,',..2x: xtnrs m • wtarun.,.r.,,,. z+aaa®z*+,mnnnx±vr. vrss, + ! � � for Liberals Revd Oro leen SerhIqer With Our Sohiiir; ;..*********-144-141+41.144 � hi Manitoba ••- Posses Away n enly t ��a����6� � �7 ��• r� �,*�Li Liberal Seats Assinboia Lansdowe Lakeside Le Verandyre Killarney • No man who has nspi�d ,�to Arthur • position in the publlic life+ !'f Can- Norton ` ado ]Os ever been subjected leo an attack so gross in, its dctiails as 111ttie bceulaid against the, 0LW'Premier Brandon of Manitoba, Sion, Thomnsr Craw- Cypress ford Norris, cluliug the past ,1111 • months, All the accumulated cun- ning of .fifteen years of political c5' ton IV lt i the RANVO VVVVVVYVV40 NYVVVVV4i4l v' VV VVVVV�itfF/yPV'v:a/VV W441 '' parmarmezczaubtra VVVVVVW WVVVn94'VVVVd1VMVW1/VAPW41\6+A0404AP4Ai'4NAAA1A6WIAMa 11 e i,�j Yal l�ic' 0Pa9VA®let • 1 > Capital 1t e1'17i1 .. $ J) ® 0, Q0 Capital paid 1p r . .. .°. '11,560.000 e (3. �ided 1 C Reserve and uu 11 C e (fits 3 Q?€3 fJ' i9 i Y i Assets ,.. 185,000,000 ..eta 3°� 060 OOb 1 °Wi thA V4v'L�}1 1 "'va'ide (C®ll�iriecia o ii i s 3 1 3 Interest. At+lved on Sayings Deposits Gomm making- Business Transacted. Dauphin Dolomitic ietr,guing in conn t' 1 adiinistration of, they affairs of this prbrince vie released by the discredited power behind the' late Roblin Ooterriment for 1311e pur- pose of, dragging clown into the mire of its own making the new Premier, But he has 'emerged from lel iht oC ' ttlesl Jungle le clean•r 1111 J .r g marrying the • respect of the people. r of Alan 11 to is Earlyin I Af- t not .5'f 3ter the the Rie -t] long y Commission ]incl -keen 1)p (mien p io investigate the chug of graft in connection with t construction of"tha 'Pr vincial P lament Buildings, the Roblin Go Minnedos;l Mountain • Manitou,• Alordcn Portage Beautiful. Plains - 'Rcml:wood . Russell Bulletin Saint Boniface Elmwood Saint George Emerson Saint Clements Gilbert Plains Swan River C'inli Gladstone Glenwood ll, mint: ami x 1 l _�alc )I ^ c 1.,„ Virden Turtle 'Mountain l' innipeg North 13. Winnipeg Centre 1 Winnipeg South A. 1ST r ,11111 n Sao let ;I B. i, CS Conservative Seats he Carillon •l1nhlin a1'' Danville Saint Rose, r,• eminent suddenly resigned, al Mr, Norrie was requested( to for a Cabinet rand become' the Pri Minister of the Piorince. •Immed ately the Liberals( took office t 'eport was circulated thorugho Canada that, a "deal," a "saw off," has been arranged, between he new and the old 'Governments herel•y the scandal in connectio w ith the Paritament, (Building mild be hushed 11i) if 11'1•, Non' and 1. JIS minute �� 'r IA were -ushered li tC e, t e n to power. el. 711T, • 1 That report, it is no lee own, was circulated from, Otto. wa, not from FVinnipog. n The !Fullerton Cltaiges.` Then, as the Royal C'onnniSSiQ showed no signs ,1)f ceasing its in ✓ eltigations, came the "iFu'lerton charges," signed try fourteen Con seer ativc members, 111 qt Jers, and claiming that for thu situ. of ;1;50,000 Premier Norris and se ;oral of his col:engues had agrec(0 'co mite terms with Thomas Kelly, 't1) o e e. accused c con"ro Y+ it 1c tor, and certain representatives o the past,Government, The Premier it scantly appointer) a second RoyalCommission' t investigate 0 Y the so-called Fullerton' charges. It .becanre known as the, 'Perdue Commission its members being Judge Perdue, Jud c Gault, and Judge Robinson, allof whom enjoy reputations of the highest( chance ter, Before this second Commis slot Mr, C. P. !Fullerton, K. C. en- deavored for three weeks tot bring forward some evidence which. would bear out his charges and eompr0n,ise the new Premier. Th icsult w'as that the Comntilsiot closed the investigation wiChou It eying received the substantialiioa from Air. iFull'rton 'lone word o Its charges. And later •the Com- mission's report unanimously de clared !that the c1' Fullerton'., charges" hilt! been unfonndcd and o-' Al] N07 '19 was t I a n 1 L COm 1 t x'- b P eee elltion. No Po,scnalr 1'_s Ly Premier. During the election campaign which followed the investigation of the ,Perdue Commissi'on• the s 1 termer drelnot descend in one sof his speeches to the discussion of pe.rsoutlities He avoided any referenee an public to the alttempt, of J. 11.:Howden, :tomer Attorney, General, who declared there hs.d been negotiations between: IVIt•. Norris and himself to ruin his rep uta(tion, "I do not lvanlf to, 'think about that," .11e said one clay in a private conversation, "Tot have to, place one's self, f an r i 1 ceoad in the w'i'nless box, testifying ito the, false ness of an ex. -Minister of the Crown, is too, disagreeable rand dis tiesteful tto mention" he sake. There is another andia deeper rea son why t3l'emien Norris' finds the subject of 'Howden distasteful, al- though 11e says nothing, about it. Both ,;ren 31 are boys together in neighbouring .counties in Old On tali0. Mr. Norris dvas ,born' at Brampton, and grew up. oil •a farin in,Peel county, Ontario;, •and just across the line in Halton, "Jim' Bowden spent his , lboyli&,od,. on another farm. tEot11 3Tt.ys come Continued on Page 5 1Io1_'is Socialist Seats me Winnipeg, North. A. he Winnipeg, C'•:ntre 11, 111 a a b i R. �, MANNING Manager, 'Clinton Branch VVVVMt V iVW. V ' t V°d M./ VVVVVVV+ VVVMV bt4.VVV V V VVVVbVVV►3VVVR0V'di* w tit - RPORATiED ....;.:� �. INS 1855 . ,, t iniE i t e I �, _moist:As ,ANti -�� '• P TAL*iND l6.EsERtVE $8,80,00 96 yranches iu Canada 4 General Bmllking Business Transacted r CtRC[.JLA6,, R LETTE S OF CREDIT HANK) ONEY ORDERS artment Savi n s Bank :Department . Interest AlU«• eq at Highest Current Fate c. tt • R d C. E.1iD®evdipf, et Manin(r Clinton EraDi lir +,1• .,. ...;. •.,...• ......•. •.. 01411.0 ••m••••• ,'A+:k•040.44•• •••00•,••••••4aha/1144104,•••••• • • • Orderer Ready -to -Wear • • - ii1othil Clothing • o• • • l x A 1'v kY fie .^,•,'i • 11110111C1) SditirdOg • z'• f It i not a Question of Profit Now • • 4 • is • • i� • • <i• • • .5. PP° • .•1. P •• r • •• 4 o • 4 4 • • • • • • s 0 4 • 4' e 4 • • •• • • • 4 4 •• • • 4. • • • • ••• • • y;. • •, • • • 4 • • •• • •• • • •• •4 Commencing morning you on • t, • • can take your pick of any $!.60 0 2.25 or2' 5 2.0 . OStrawHa - 0 st or 98c• 4 •. or any 50c, 60e or 75e Nat for 39e Wewant to clean out our entire Straw. Hat stock regardless of profit and cost. 'No Goods Carried Over'' an unbreakable rule of this store, Thesep rices 1 will prove the truth of our rule, e • See Window Display •2 Morrish Clothing 1)f toS uare Deal for Every 3Alan • i' 4, • Z ••• • ;•••••••••1•*.•N•••Net••I ••••••••••••••••••4•••W4 Principal of Presbyterian College Montoeal for Eleven years, Montreal. Aug! S-Itev. "Da John Scrinlger, PtincipaI of the Presbyter ion College in Montreal,died sudden ly yesterday morning at; 'his -summer residence at Bae, Que. He was wide iv known, heaving been very prominent in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and baying been a Wormer editor of The Presbytte ian Re view, He was born at (1-111, Ont., in 1819. Ills son, -O petro Scrimger, was recently awarded the Victoria Cross for distinguished bravery at the front. Born of Scottish parents, Dr, Script ger was educated In Gailt at 131' Tas sie's School (ao<v the Oollegiate .In s itute), qt the University of Toronto [ o and Keoz College, z ,.e, obtalniu^• his B A in ISO, 131 A in 1571, and being gradn (ted in theology in 0 1 the Nunn. , , tat 1) D. y v h S\ esler•a1r ) T 111 a he m t Collage, Moate Ll `Jn 1871130 .gi,arried Char' tette 13, d•uagh,rr of the Iate.las, .tl Gnirdnor of Bayfield, Ont. lie was ordained in 1073. Incl was roster 00 Calvin Church, iattinteeal, 11 15.82, holding a leeture!ship in the 0-lontrenl Presbyterian (;ollege from 1571 tc 1575. Re then rasigned his chai'getu devote his full time to college work as pro • 1(5501' of theology, holding 'bat chair about twenty-two years. Since 11101 he was Pt'iueipal of the college. Dr Stringer (v0s the author of 111t Met000 articles in •the Presbyterian College Journal and other religious magazines, and lar five years edited The Presbyterian Review, his office being in Toronto. 1 9 n1.Ulhe v g was bon Dred with Meet ion as s 1'n ndertlMr 110 the Montreal and Ottawa Presbytery. Ile was a member 01 the joint committees on Church Uuio e u, As a preacher he was forceful and eloquent and as a lecturer was P05005se t of acharmingly clear and distinct delivery The deceased was a brother-in-law of Miss Gairdner and Postmaster Gairdner, of Bayfield \Vienipe At e1' st 0. -The Norrie ravcrIn cn 3119 to -night returned to p 1W')' with 5'i gt eaten'r nhnl- ' n ^ns of supporters ever known in s Mla.litoba, rv'',y member of t v in Government w.ts elected Ty n snh- 1- stantial n13v . , t t 1'L' Y out ut of t'he° 0 40 scats being treaded the results - at midnight tonight show only five seats rebid; ear' be: `' 1lfely, placed in the Consereative column, and of these fire there are foto• n S'reneh..Canadians, Sir. James Atkins and W, 13, Sharpe, his right hand, mon, both - of, whom resigned seats in the JCommons to run, were; beaten' by ,. l.rg majorities, while only five of I the fo•n'rof/ rte su� r 1111' era 1 1 t{1 1 e IRoblin administration regained, their seats in the 'Rouse. The up -to -'date co •'es nn -war ), dent nevelt fail to ,cork in t re mord c`imbrogf;on Some Dates in the -War Worth Remembering June 2S, 1014 -Assassination of A rcheluke !Francis Ferdinand at e 1 Sarajovo, 1 . DIPLOMATIC 1 • 1.0 14 1 23 -Austria 3 115"'a 9 July r t au .ends tiC r t 1 111 l{let 1 :11, 1'1 .9.. 1 1 , 23 -Japan drel.uc•s 41wtu to Ser})tam on Clermany - `August 1 -Germany declares war October 20 -Tut key hegins war on Russia, • on Russia - August L-T'rit c.5' rieelna•cs rt state November 5 -England and of war exists' with Germany. nt y. France declared 1'5111' 00 Turkey. August` 4 -tin lard t vol n 10 nce9 tt December DecOm .e 6 i 18 -Egypt proclaimed IY 5,(211 f• war with fBritish g 1 o t t t C erm:'tny. a Li 11911 protector arc, TunafisR? Something new and' pleasing to the taste, very rich. chicken' meat, just • a J the thin °, summer b I salads. Ask" .for Tuna Fish or Chicken of the Sea only 15e per Tin ' The Store of (anality W. T. i T. Q NEL�, THE HUB GROCER Phone48 1010 7Fehrnnry 13•-0ermnny opens sub Alliance L1'caty marine( "blo:kade" 0951051 Eng- May 21 -Italy declares rear upon land I11ay < 4 -Italy cono Y Icn 5'es Triple CITIES C 10 August ., -Germans capture Liege. August 20 -Germans enter Brus- sels. Atigusll 23 -Germans burn Longwy (fortress), Augus-t 27 -Germans burn Lou- vain. ou- rain. September 3 -Russians occupy Lcmberg. • September 7 -Germans take Mau barge, (fortress). ' September 27a --Russians . take Jaroslav;• , .10 Marc,; 22 -Russians take Prze- mysl (fortress) Ailrit 18-Austro'Gormane re - June +23 -Austro -Germans take 1(a T•lr•lorc II thea. July June 3-Austra-Germans reocen-t t:ysz a- S ,1 <t 7i elle „,m3+ 1 APTURED, 1.1 October 9 -Germans take Ant- werp (fortress). October 11-Britishtoecupy Ypres November 6 -Japanese take T'singlao, German protectorate in China • November 1.1 -Germans take 7)1x111(80 t December. 2 -elf occupy ]33c1grade. De'ember 0 -Gree dz. :December 15-, retake Belgrade.. 2 -Austrians , ]15 OCCI '111(1)15 take Lo 30013)11115 1.5 I • June( 23 -Austrians reoccupy Lem C berg Ilelli the Red Cross, ht followinglettel wasreeciu'd by Mr."T. C. Johnston, Z u'Lor•ia street recently, front one of our Cliot11)1 1't. seems to he along long way to boys.- Constantinople. I)e tr LS•iend,-J mauler if 1 will surprise you by tl1 upping •,y'O(( 1) ecce lett files. 1 was thinking of von last, n1 -ht as 1 was taking t solitary serol) aftev 1),11)111 and wanted 1,1 write, For it seems Into an 070 since 1 law, you, The watchword Ir.:Manitoba is Please answer tllttt 1 may beep in still collas anybody Here s00ia aotteh with friends in the home teltvl. Tell me herr dings 11c going. IC 4ty?' Ike areal Shoruelille and �I1)nd the• --® 11l' and the. place inteneely nit1 re: t- inge -It. is 111 education to int t AVIS disapp*inled whel1 they 111'111(5' 11111 1)013(1 VIP. 1 counted on 1.1aining fur Field Ain balance but tlteyure tali• it1 • Its in two's r 1 S Ir ?, and three's for any old work. 'Twenty tnl • a1'( off > fl t(1 a base hospital tonight 1'1, Frame., , a 13) 1 l legate, , e I believe. lttt [ didn't 5'L it 111 to go.lhr:vtcillfe.alt., mitesc ant eaver the 11unt httt I would not envy athem ,1101, work in a has hospital' I have been 13)3 11111 d on to a clerk's duly. They 1(11111110 it rvuul) be only fol' a ft'n' 1)r, t ks and l since,'ely 11111)1• so.I clen't 1111e it for 1 lrnv0 but an 1011(" s worn and ,a whole day to du it in. That leaves rue tau 11111011 Lime 111 rvasle. 10 1 t1 p study 1 1 .tet c • 11' 11 read amp' officious, thiel hettde) "non eon!" of Neer bustles around and wakes 0 rasa, V) e 11 ace 111 1(8(11(0 rt prett tic• 1)1 1t orla in to keep pe,u'e and that spoils the job. Yon set. there is a big difference in - being a '•prlvltte" and being all urdiu- One way to improve i:1)n appear - We are rt 1fti lg for the promised "drive" of Lord KiteLouer, ,Take in one of the big ,+airs ,inti its many of tite 103011er'ones as you can conveniently attend. , • --00-- 'Harvest rush to the GPCat West is -n5'.+ more O 1 n❑ ! t.ie I 311 1'(111'. 6 There tern bo 00 excuse for the ` 0ut-,0f-works" 1f they do nntse cure remunerative la3)01,1tthis seas on ol'the year. --VD-- Japan is pi 1?.'ing tlr' friend in 1 ted to Iloesi;t and clesera-es credit for her 1 z raetiaalevidence of friend MAD. nose ',Topa coal,, git•0lutu]y cher Nations useful 7 '1511ersr on i1 tetrrity and honorable dealing. a•'v man. A private has to "stay where he is put" and a, 1)111)1 has neer_ ante of th0 country -side is toerv,d 3 to ]let 001(11(1 in great profusion in some communities. It r • ' rt,uld not be such a big task if it 10.20. gone at with a vin,, , An army numbering no Iess than 550,000 is being ntarebtiled by Holland.. It is a big bill of expense toeven .1 C+ � ,'o- lin c antz„hhor 1ho.is ,a trouble some fcll',w, Nrth!1,g' like bo ii:g prepared for eutergeneies, Our wise 15 g that' if the lar continues .t, 0 i t 1016 largo t 1 rgc 1luutbers already. in 111(1 scrap will he amplified con sidcrahly before the close: --065--- If a pereen wilfully violates, the Ir.1he has no right to waaste!uiueir time hunting round 'for ,'sympathy if he has been well. "stilted" by t ulded by om 111 1 sense. 1)c n t. Il5('. 1Cat d tho' prolific I like. 11 11031' for the sphere is sal 1 oldie grorrt!1 of n'cad different. 1t 1s rough and often low but w e run see met e , or au sorts aper eonihlions 11 .1/111. 1he genuine to the highly varnished substitute for lion. Yon lain,,' whet 1 Inettn, it is interesting to talk to the lads Who have been in the aw0u1 hell of horror. 11 n sickening. I don't be- lieve. any 0(u' van even imagine what it is really like. i knot, 1 can't, Ask the '1 cent sr, 'ale, r n t t I they want to go beet:, and almost invariably ex- claim, ",Hoek' To h with that." Seventeen tante in for Medical in- set etinrl today and wiwn they were stripped. 1' saw their minks. None of Hunt scorned Inximls to be pronnml0 cid phi ieally At, 1 don't blame thele either. They have dont their bit and note we 01(71),' Lo take blit 10(01 As I. wrote out their papers 1 was templed to add a prefix to tree doctor's (it." ,Inst' think for a minute., when there are a him hied bullets hying fol each man, what is the lottery that lets dime pian ort, 'Mother dawn for s!x month. and the next dirt n 1'ur ever the magistrate. There might be ff the world (.0111,1 1t ally see IL all every spieit would be crushed and cry, some excuse' for a ma)) 0110`blul{d c1'} ,ruin a brukeu Ilett, '(live Pt;Lcc, erect pito trouble bite the fellow t1' d t r, i] s he' is tem( ,'_u'tc oto be ,,abbe d generally, finds out that there ere others who can' tlurn aor- z:crs as well as 11e, --6A-- Cle1 n ho nest - sr' t a ] 1 ' : g rt govern. 1130 1)t should 1)c chosen ahead 110 U'1' if or Tory rule. The pie crust promises antedating 01, elec . lion - ,appear that easily broken t 'r 1)'l t vers r hale 4 creel • 5'.l Ce Cali be placed in theta, A good record is superior - to rosy1 pledges in the n/os8 of cgses aster) ninny Prot•. 1)a g (ys m remit at ) certained; in the, ast. me that is a hint to get mu, so f + p hart better conic quick ly to the end. 1 hat t n't had any w ore, front home yetycl; 1 ,1 1 barn only been in hyo w eel( $32,000 was a tidy gift tq Lloycir , a hill!'. Letters will be ilte by George by the AIahan.tia 110 Grvalior 'he firs t ' e - L t a til aur e h. l rhe otitez' clay, t:hn colt, to be spent I: hope fiats ]lads good well incl re- in munftlons of tvar t0 a!d in'rrirn- 0lined to give 11817 a good latter in re - f.0 ring the coming, victory, It would Ponrs'.1`ruly, appear 0010 Joltn Bull'ss children Ar were, viewing, with one 'another in their expression of 11 l e pfulness to the groat' British Empire. That old theory that "disintegration hail set( in" was a r Dry clumtsy 'lie. d 0s••ti@0•••••••••••••••••• Canadia is making a noble respon • se 10 the cell of the Motherianc1 and - her offerings of soldiers, doctors Patriotic Notes e, d, nurses will compare with the best we have no doubt. The purse 11 • I strings have not tightened ':when ••••�•�•••••••�•••N�•y�GD 0-recticed calls were properly under stood by the people of tile! Dentin.. ' 1' 1)d come to- their meeting, ' with tea, ant . The ole Recti tiVhite ,11'11 Blue . od sale of home made baking, ltridiav has not; ' lost rave bear 'still floats hg. 13th on the Lawn of Mrs. McI1 g majestically in the 1a:tLtle Rz1c1the art s3„ i.n St. George's wlartl, Again," I 1s rather hard to write here for 1 am in the Y. Al O. A. tvtnleen a1c1 Cheat is • some noise, the Mee o'clonk rush is on. The St. Andrew's Brotherhood have fine club rooms in most of our renins, Theta, [( is nun n. 1'u St iL •a1' to '9 1 1, Plains, Where Cgenerally go 11111'lutee a canteen,library,billiards, clicss ere. t l.(t'cy 1),1 to the hold 1 ,v ( a file(e)1 minute service, with a vegetal: s(rviee on Sunday. Communion is held in the little chapel at the bank, (81111,111Y i 1/101,81111,p i Inll ,just, it Gdtcrchlttr.hpttrul0 The Salvation Arany has also rest rooms and canteens throughout the caulps. The 1710rinal wan ]las ,just come ,rotes in this Dominion have asti 001111 to den le 1i13 1( Fred Sluauan to t. y 15-Ger,l,ans take Prt+as- py Przemysl (fortress), July 24 -Germans 'take Put- • June 10- Germans talze Grodek -tusk, (fortress), - 4 'IMPORTANT LAND DAPPLES 1014 °. •- August 17 -Serbians defeat Aus- mans at Augustowo, 1ri11us on the,. Jad n•, Oetobet 2,1-Russiandefe t C' • 1... p. ret August{ 19 -Germans defeat the mans befoad.Wtlsaw. • Freaeh in Lorraine November 17 Austrians defeat to August 23-A usti iens defeat Serbian5 1)CVtI Jer a • Pussr•tL ,a at z asrnc, November 26 --Germans defeat`August 99—Germans" defeat Bus- Russia,Ie 110011 Lodz. I a slaps near Tannenberg. December 5 -Serbians defeat Aus it September 5 -Beginning of battle trians, ( A of tl,,o'1VIarine,. ending in Trench December 25-Ru.signs defeatthe ,g victory • Austrians near T,arnorv. October '2 -:Russians defeat Ger- w 1915 S January ll-Bettld of Soissons, position at Les Eparg1.09 _ P 19 11000 by the. Germans S, t Aprilret 25--'Brit ishi defeatTurks I February 6 -Russians 'defetCet 1dland, ireats b1) moth sides ; of O m'105 ,vest of Warsaw.,11111 Dardanelles, Tebrnnty S -Russians defeated May i-3-Aristre-tlermatls break to and di•iv on 'out ofEast- Prussia, through Russi,.n lines in Westt Ga. 2l-Russzany 11,1,5'11 out licia. and levee nretroa•G. 01 Bul owing. • J'13no ;13 C+eemans break Russian J' Maria 10 -British defeat German Lino east of Przemysl' at Neuvo Chapelle, Juno 23-Germens drive 'Ruse' 39 1VIomit 3t Russians defeat Aus- ' from positions west. of Lemljerg, irlan r' in Carpathians and enter •June 25-Ger$nans force passage lto.nga.iy of Narew river 1 , . .April 0•-alvig.+tt3,c)y storm. German I ''' ii'tip0}1TANTS LA ENGACEIVIi39NTS, 1.9.14 r i > Angus 28 -Battle' off 13eJigo- No3'embee :1. Ctel)man 1)03'01, sic- I g land, British vietoi•s, tory' off C:'•oro.ocl, CI ite. S September • 22 -Germans ;subma'- 'December 8-Brit15h ravai vie- ( zine sinks,British Crnisei•s Aboukir tory off lFa'lkla,d letands, Cresey and Rogue, o 0.1907 te. 1?,T. Slonlln• A 131 0. Depot Co'y, N[5' Iical 1n5pcctiou Room Moore Barraeks, Shorncliii'e, Fng The W. P.1 , S. ask all to r to 1 e em 1'1 The Supply Committee request all 1. reei:e, , ' ho are knitting ,netting and sewing for the ociety,wand have finished work to lease seed it in to a member of this ommlt e to Mrs. s. Cliaut. Mrs. Munroe 1' Mr Her s, e l a1'. Y The J.'reasurer has received the fol. wing donations which then Society cknewledge with grateful.thank,;- hiss 7+i. Washington `12, Mrs. Robert. earson 92; 03Ir. Ezra Washington 55. Premier Rlydel has been having a real fine time (across 00 "herr- Irl pond." n His visit I 91 . �'' ] 1 evil C16CRL i ado good is diel the t arious< occas 5)!0318 OD which' Sir Wilfred Laurier ions on which Sir'i Wilfred, Laurier and groat inthei 018,1Lnrd. These.` leaders, cart hardly say, too much ' in favor of the Land of the Mtaple, 8s when: it comes 'the time toprove AAAAAAAAAMAAAAAMAAAA A .our ability,, and ospaeitt I s '•:. v make goocl: Canttks is the licd',•hat can ToThe New .'1'a most assuredly do it. Russians 7 Q1 --e5'— OrrQSp091Q1e]itS : 110' are good hands Janaary 21--Eng:tgenieet ,be- iPerO'tndez, tweeri: ,German and British squad- ' March` .1.8 - Three rce (,uo battle German cruiser Eluchel sunt slips sunk in Dartanebis, Naval March, 14-Britislif squ"adlonsjnks erlgagoments without land *forces 1 German cruiser Dresden "near Juan Juppoa«t abandoned at the bac,.-up milfarry tactics but t wish they would 511011 chiinge the order o5' things do a : Cort'arc( march sothat, the war might! bo 010sifcat1on of"letters'and,will the. sooner( tet•m.inalreci, >Fur the not require the, special war, tax i `past 12 months' ,eG,rrihle losses there c is very lit, e t o show,v that t Continued on Page 5 News matter , mailed to The New Era in unsealed envelopes. do's not come under; the postal