The Clinton New Era, 1915-08-05, Page 6,jt PAGE' SIS. SUMMER eLOTIRING FOR MEN The real summer season is young and we will have lots of hot weather yet before it is time to lay aside our lighter weight clothing for those of warmer and heavier materials. ME VS RAINCOATS. Every man • needs a Raincoat and our stock is splendidly assorted right now. Best Canadian manufacture, good wearing materials, in Raglan, Balmacaan and Motor styles. Colors—olive, fown, light brown, and dark shades., BOYS ` NEED 'RAINCOATS, TOO t For nobody expects a boy to remain inside on account of wet weather. ` He must run errands and attend to "business as usual." Splendid roomy styles like the men's MEN'S UMBRELLAS -Don't let a sudden downpour catch you without one. Strong, steel rod and frame, silk and wool, silk and linen, and all silk coverings, with a large variety of handles to choose from. Men's Stemmer' Shirts - Good fitting, well made skirts. A large range of light and dark patterns, soft or stiff cuffs. Oanedian make, best materials including percale, chamhrays, zephrd, mercerized and silk. Men's Underwear Double thread Egyptian Balbriggan Shirts, Drawers and Oomhivation. Spring needle ribbed Mesh, Merino, Lisle and Fine Wools. Felt IlatS Soft and Hard Felt Hats, new Fedora shapes - in Black, Blue, Grey and Brown shades, Straw Hats Half Price renames, Straw Sailors in all the newest shapes, Snap Brien Canton Hats, and Common Straws. W's Store Men's Work Shirts Extra wall made roomy shirts,' black and white stripes and colors. , Good wearing and washing ma- terials, including duck, drill, Oxford, etc. ]lien's Pyjamas Lightweight Pyjamas, in neat light and dark striped flannels, madras, crepe' and percales, Men's Sox Silk, Silk plated, Lisle. Cotton and Cashmere - Extra fine qualities, 'black, white ani colors. Work Sox in heavy wool and cashmere. Men's Neckwear Always something rew to show you.: Have yon seen the new military stripes on Khaki ground, knitted cross bars and stripes, all shades. ilathands to match. AT THE WOMEN'S STORE SPECIAL -1i dozen only Summer Dresses to ciear at HALF PRICE WE. SOLICIT A CALL ulnen s Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 BROWN'S Men's Store Merchant 'Tailoring -and 11Ien's Furnishings Phone 103 —_OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON MEM A Biscuit for [veil 'IaSle-Prices Right. With 30 or 40 varieties of Fancy Biscui s to choose trom, there is no need of heating up the oven and kitchen during hot weather, in making cakes and cookies, There is a dainty and wholesome wafer or biscuit in our store for every taste. Here aro a few suggestions, a bargain while they last - Molasses Snaps 81bs for 25c Pineapple Sandwiches And other varieties of Dainty Vanilla Bar 2 lb for 25c and Delicious Taste Lemon Biscuits u When you are going camping or picnicing, look over our window and you will see some suggestions for your picnic or camp life. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. 1O NS jd.a,.. Phone 111 THE STORE OF QUALITY Successor to 5, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for yaw inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail dere are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to boy all kinds of Furniture BALL ft3z .A.TKIN-SON Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors - Phone 104 N. Sall 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J.1). Atkinson 186 Midsummer Shoe Sale Our Fifth Semi-annual Shoe Sale is proving a greater success than we anticipated, and to make it still more interesting to you, we will place on sale addi- tional lines this week, at prices that will move them out quickly. Women's Patent and Kid Oxfords, reg 3.00, sale price 1.98 Women's Patent Pumps, reg 2.5o to 3,00 sale price 1.98 Women's Kid Oxfords, 20 pairs;` zi 3 4r reg 2:50' to 3.50, sale price .98 Men's Tan Boots, reg price 4.5o to 5.5o, sale price 2.98 Boys' Fine Boots, reg price 2.50 to 3.00, sale price .98 Men's Canvas Boots,' reg price 2,00 and 2.50, sale price ROD AND GUN. The August' issue Of Rod and Gun in. Canaan published at Wood- stock Ont.4 by W. J. Taylor Limit ed, and on the news stands, maak,es good reading; for the sportsmen Its storied,- of hinting and. fishing and "been ,thertee` descriptions of various outings in Canadian Woods or or Canadian waters arci in line with the vacation( season and, the magazine is one well worth while tucking into the club or dunnage bag whey( setting out on the an- nual summer vacation, METEOROLOGICAL' REPORT FOR JULY 1915 • The highest maximum tempera ture for the month( was 85° en 14th and 16th. The lowest mini mum temperature was 44° on 6th The highest range was 28° on 9th and tiro lowest range was 7° on26th Tae means for the month were maximum, 75.16° thea minimum 56: 35°'and• range 18.81°`. The total rainfall; for the month wrla 4.76 inches. 'Folli wheat cutting on 22nd and crop good, A. wet month rain( fell on 14 days. Thunder, 1st 12th, 16th 26th, and; 28th. Rainbows seen' on 16th and' 20th. , MINOR LOCALS. The Police Court continues to do V118111035 with the charge of drunk being,. the chief item 'Many 'took advantage of the Civ' ic, Iiol day spent- the day, Out i of this week, Thc° Grand Lodge of the T, O. O. F. enacts in Stratford next week. Did you go to Thorold? SESand in the news.: that' is good news' to Tho NeW Era. It is al- ways welcome. ' Council met on Monday night of Othis? week. How do yo"./ like? the tax rate? During,'the pant 'three weeks Stratford. Rias sent(' 106 recruits to jobs the '34th Battl at London, A, good crowd was pre- sent at the band concert om Fri- day, night last. r ,Tho, bowling green has been i a 'big, attraction during the 'past week. Ler us hear from the soldier at the frons; • if you got a letter. All the, citizens are interested( in their welfare. ' Thor Kiltie Band' -was! .oujt (for a prectiee( roar -Th cn:Monday ;night ant( made a good showing, from Montreal on theldnside. They are only- sup- posed( to Mold 26 men, men but alt present• they are 46 of us in one bust' eves,, then itis, better accom modatiotO ,then we had, ,at London. and the) meals ere away? :head of whaf we got at London. Sq we have no reason 'to cgmpbain. ,But they are pu'tttingi the work to us as; they want us to leave for the front in three; weeks( But I don't think we will gets ;there that soon as we have not had suffficient training yet. spur camp is situatsc1 ,about a mild and a Ivulf•' from the sea right in the southeast corner of England, On a quiet night we can hear the guns at the front as we are only 'about 30 miles: from the firing fine. Every day,they are quite a number •of aeroplanies pass over the camp here, -'either going or coming from the front. ,Shorndlffe`is the station we got off alt hut (the place is only a village. Folkestone is the ?leered town and is about three and a miles from camp, but we can get cars a' short piece from: oampwhich takes!' lus'to 1Folke`itone 'I have not been up to\vn since we !came as I haveel a bid cold But: they 'say it is, a fine place. II, is right on the .sea( and is a great summer resort, ' fi TBE CLINTOII NE'W RRA; • Thursday/ August; itS, 161t l i, Utilizes every.heat unit. Flues- arranged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in a s nd 1 e down behind it and twice un der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. al Sold by Harland Bros. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA£AASAAAAAAILAAAAAAAAuce...AAA ur.a/146 11 a 1 4 4 Local News ► 11, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv♦vnvvvvvvvvvvviTavvvvvre \to. STREET ACCOUNT Thc/ Street pay sheet for the month, of July amounted- to $145.96 HAD A GOOD DAY FOR PICNIC Tho Bentley congregation 6-ind Sunday School held their annual picnio to Bayfield on Civic holiday and had u good clay for at. , CIVIC HOL.ID 9.Y. The town wad quiet on -Wed nesdayq when the Band, Pirernnn and 'Bowlers besides holiday trr- reliere left town for the holiday. 'HYDRO ACCOUNT FOR JULY. The Hydro account' for Street lighting for the' month lof July was $137.50 ,and towri hall and lamps $4.62c. RETIRES' ON PENSION. Conductor T.1- usebrook, of Gode- riclt has retired( from service of Grand Trunk after afaithful con vection', with the company for 50 years Conductor Ausebrooke, en- tered the G. T; R. as'a brakeman in 1865 and has( served the /" ,big systena- continously (evert since, He, has Leen a conductor on the Buffalo-Goderich' 'passenger run. 'He has received the company's pension. MINOR LOCALS. Is 'yomf'New Evil label darted in advance. Sena the Neu`, Era, ito your ab- sent friends. They will enjoy the weekly letter from; home! , It's, only a dollar, but it+means a good( deal to Thci. New Bra if hundreds are slow in paying' that on their subscription. The 1Farmer's Advocate -A ele,vn farm with good, eomfortable tbuild- irgf and well -kept grounds is more tri'• ba desired than much money in the bank, 5, , PRESENTATION 'TO PASTOR AND WIFE, Beforei their leaving St. Thomas, the members and adherents Of the Central` Church met and, latter spending{ a social hour, presented their retain pastor Rev. ID. Ro- gers, and lyre. Rogers( each with an address and presentation; from tho Joint Board and the (Lr dies' Aicl. Rr'v. Dr. Warner, who for years has been an honored mem, bell of the Oei ire!, happily pre- sided. A few' weeks previous; the W. 'l7, S. prs ,.ted Mrs Rogers with a life membership - certifi- cate, PREPARE FOR LONG WAR - Plans ere being prepared at dig t:isional headquirtcrs in. Lo'ndcln Ort for the construction of a large ,.umber of huts which will be uti-- ilized as winter q carters for troops ia'train g at London next winter Thd department is ' )proceeding with all arrangements on the assumption that the war will con- tinue fora ionggr time, landias lit is the intention of maintaining a large camp at London noir the ,dur- ation of the war, itis deemed is d'vis ible to have buildinge for winter use on Carling's Heights. A UTO7'v7OBILE COLLISION. Mitchell Advocate, -On Thurs- day night of lasif week (Dr. Mair met with a badf accident when 're- turning from the bowling tourtna+. ment at Stratford. He was com- ing down thd' hilt east ,of 1H'odc's corner, Stratford road, in his auto when he noticed a car approach- ing in the opposite direction. The lights on the latter car were , not burning well, and the Dr, thought the auto' was on the wrong side lot the road ''He switched to the left to pass it, but a collision was ;there - salt. Dr4 Mair's car was so badly damaged,. that he had to telephone to Mitchell for assistance. The other machine was broken sone, was able to proceed to S'tnatfo'rd 'Fortunately the oc"upants escaped unhurt;. The Dr's loss is heavy. • • STREET WATERING WAS LIGHT Owineto so mud(' wet weather last month the' street ;watering account was only $43.55. ('IN, CHARGE AT ORILLIA, i Packet, '-Engineer Greenwood has notified the contractors for' the re'a'l"pninping station that more workmen' must be employed, and the work puahod with greater (vig our -Engineer Greenwoad'was in charge of the work of Installing Clinton's waterworks and went from here to Orillia.. Al CLOSE GAME ;Thor benefit baseball, game for the 'Firemen last Friday drew L fair crowd over to; the? Park. The game was delayed in gettingstart ed so'that, only -5 innings: were played and the town team 'won by 'ascoru of2to0 over• the "has beens". Dr. Shaw madet'an impar Hal( umpire, The IGltie Band in full uniform was preeont and Fink' asked Hawkins for' a "long Tom"- and he got it. it short program, The batting find up was;; - Town team. Has beeps' Johnston c f AI. Draper Forbes 3 b 3, Doherty Mains 1 f llcEwau Hawkins e E. Johnson Rnmball 1 b Kerr McCaughey p Tasker Matheson s e Fink Stickles r 1 Couch Johnson 2 b Mitchell Scene by inni•rgs Town team -01100-2 His hi' en3-!Fans -0 TOOK 'HONORS. +Owing to the initiald being, giv on only in tics exam.' reports last weeld we mis led two names and also had ono, in wrong. 1We give belong the correct reporti05 those who passed frame the C. C. Il.; Miss' Tena Marguis, honors L. A. McKay, Honors 'C, 'Cantelon R. D. McGowan. Z, C, Churchill. J. Grainger. S. H. Nelson E. C. Reid 7. J. Powell E. Kemp C. A. Nediger C. C.Cook H. R. Kilty 55. A. Morrison E. L. Blake. T. W. Gray. H. A. Stewart E. R. Carter. - C, M. McKe azie, H. Cantelor, M. L. Chidley. L. W. Churchill M. H. Crich] V. W.' Crioh r, Finglancl E. Kaiser', R. McKenzie ,The local Collegiatehad g(olod results with the; exams. when you compare it wit'., the(rest of the provincep --- TRY -- CONNER'S TEk=CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone Zoe — — Sc Loaf MOW iO the pleasure' given ` by the refined ex- cellence of .Cetus .fawn stationery Is added the satisfaction derived front the fact that It Is " JVlade In Canada." `• Note Paper Envelopes Invitations Writing Tablets Panatellas Ci ;p ndse.Cards ,.ylemeoa Cub Noaereand,S tsti°nary The.W. Dm Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold.. Nothing else will so reeaadilyyrre.ieve a cough. Try it— V s . • • � IO V' Y" Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE xecteminn Furniture, Rugs & L inoleurn We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advauta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of 'Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction .ISS. DUNFoR Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over. store DOLLARS COUNT Let tis give you a price bat your 'plumbingf. or 'Furnace and see the Dollars: we can serve' you. Agents for Hecla Furnaces Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating 1' H s �s Skop-over ltowland's Hardware l Ee E. Hunruford Phone 53 I PONE 46. 1 The 'rosier Store "Live and Let Live" Why bother with hot fare? when you cars get such nourishing grin delicious cooked meats ready to serve? Nott' that the warm weather is at hand, we would urge that you 1.100 cooked' mmore ea , ts:of (these wholesome All. 'of our meats are of a select}, eel quality, and 'we can confidant -1 ly say that 'you will be gre,'ztly, 'flossed- with them. '.Here are fetw suggestions,--' Cooked !Ham -Whit is more de- licious than a slice• of nicely Hal.yore$ ham? I Veal Loaf -.1 creator of appe- tite in itself, 11 a warm day. Cooked Spe"ialty-This is a most appetizing solei meat line. Breakfast Bacon -In the cool of l the morning these are splerrdisl-ri.r-`_ line's to serve. Bologna-Ni=sly, Mt. 'and made by a reputable firm. s TO FACTS 6 GETTING DOWN We think our shoes take the topmost position in every particular— For Style, Fit, Quality, Durability We believe our shoes are generally conceded. even by our competitors, to be Shoes of Unusual Excellence The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2.00, $2.5o and $3.00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing 95.00 or 96.00, Getting down tofacts-we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store. .61.441 Shoes for Men, for Women, for the School Boy and •r Giri for Very Little Peo ple, and Infants F E1. JBieKSON r+d F+iF M t 4 F+ E l f t+ N+i i *� t•t•d'+�t:N_'N t' !1.14.1"[. t