HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-24, Page 8PAGE 1 IG1 r. EJnu$u TEE CLINTON NEW BRA Values EJGS in The past week has been one of unusual activity in the Rug Section owing to the exceptional character of the values presented. We have freshened up the assortments with additions of many new colorings, patterns and sizes, thus making choosing as varied and interesting as before, BRUSSELS RUGS AXMINSTER RUGS HEAVY WILTON RUGS ENGLISH TAPESTRY RUGS KIRS(!H FLAT ROD Kirsch Rods can't Sag—Never :Tarnish Curtains and Draperies are used in every home. Get the most pleasing effect by using the Kirsch Flat Rod. It makes it decidedly easy for anyone. to secure charming window decoration—the kind that convey the impression that they are the work of an expert. Made in standard sizes and extensions —there is one to fit any window and a special style for bay windows. Our Immense Stock of Linoleum Affords the best choice, best values, and the widest range of patterns in the county Rugs for the Verandah and Summer Home These are made of matting and very durable, will stand exposure and can be washed without injury to color or fabric. Green and natural shades—Reversible Special Japanese Matting (Offer Afew hundred yards at roc per yard Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 �7 yOWN'S n A OUR Men's Store merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103 JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just,placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON a®st® Just a Moment, P1e . se! 1 We wish to call yob), attention to our Baking Powders, .Every can guaranteed to government standard, We stand behind this line which is especially put up and named Johnson's Own haling Powder For next Saturday only we are offering it at 2 cans for 25c 'Ve also wish the public to know of other lines of Balciug Powder we carry in stock, such as Forest Ulty, Best, Etc„ Baking Powders that are well known brands, J Phone 111 & A t THE STORE OF QUALITY Successor to 9, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discrimrnafing buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buyall kinds ofFurniture Ramp rdz di.TKil\i"sON ' Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. San 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 semsomamemosemeNeummummoom 1 Special Sale on the Following at Reduced Prices 1 only Lawn Mower regular $5 50 for $4 59 1 only Lawn Mower regular 5 00 for 4.00 1 only Volmer regular 7 50 for 6 00 1.. only q wheelbwrrory regular 4 00 for 325 1 only Portable Rubber Bath regular 6 00 for 3 00 1 only Refrigerator regular 1200 for 10 00 1 only No. 2 Daisy Churn regular G 75 for 8' 00 1 only No. 4 Daisy Churn regular S 75 for 8 00 1 only Grindstone tubularsteel frame, regular8 00 for 4 50 3 Hammocks at cost Cut Glass at a good discount for balance of this Month E Headquarters for a complete Line in all in all Kinds of Hardware IIARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 1 CHARGED' WITH- ARSON. A. D, Strong and RoyMetcalf, of Galt, charged' with having set fire to a livery barn at Seaforth on May 13th, were sent up by Magis- trate' Rankin to stand trial at the Court( of General Sessions, Bail was arranged last /Friday at the sum of $3,000, COST OF THE ARMY WORM. Last, years's 'invasion by the army worm cost considerable in Ontario. The, l'osees are estimated at a quarter of at million dolinis', while in Quebec, New Brunswick and, Nova Se tna are estimated at $59,000. In Ontario the worm ap- peared in 243 townships and 42 counties: YEN RIPLE Y IS USING OIL. Ripley Express, Wm, Irwin, of the Commercial hotel, is oiling the yards; and the experiment in laying the dust has been so suc- cessful: that he has decided to buy another consignment of. oil, The streets of Ripley will also be oiled, providing sufficient money can be subscribed; MOVES TC7 DUNGANNON. Dungannon News,;—Miss Celia Pentland .has rented ,t part of her house in the village to Dlr. Young of Walton, who. with his wife, evil' move I0 the village in July and open up a shoe repairing shop here. Mr. Young, are a hired 1'oc:rl preacher, hats been pi sidling at Walton and Bayfield for several yearn incl is said to be an expert shop -repairer; SEAjFORTII .PRINCIPLE RESIGNS There will be some changes in the' teaching staff of the Seaforth collegiate/ institute with the re- opening( of the school in Septemj- ber. Principle McKay Incrresign- ed, and also Miss Murray, moderns teacher. J. Fr Ross, B A„ present teacher in mathematics' (succeeds Mr. McaKy as principle. The other two appointments` will be • made shortly. ' n CASE THROWN OUT. An appeal of an award Of a ditch constructed, bn thdj.0th and 7th conceesi'ons of 'hullett Township by Thos. Adams was thrown out by Judge Doyle as having no jurisdicr tion t10 try, award, which was thrown but by him last year. The Judge stated that Mr. Adams could bring action against the township for damages. Mr. Best Of Seaforth appeared( for 'Mri .Adams, and 1VIr, Brydone toe the township. DOMINION, DAY RATES. Single firslt'-elasa fares will ibe given on the G. T. R. for Domin- ion Day, Gooch going and return,' ing Thursday July 1st, Single first Maas' fare and one-third, good go -r. ing Wednesday, June 30th, and Thursday, July 1st, valid Inc return Friday, July';2nd, 1915, Above re- duced 'fares apply between nilstar- tions in Canada, to and from Der 'iroit, Port Huron, 'Mich., Enfield, Black Rock, Niagara] Galls, pane Susipansion 'Bridge,[ N. Y, :FA.CTORY LEFT ZURICH The Zurich Herald of last week reports that the Jackson Co. have moved factory from that village:— The Jackson Mfg. Co., who manni- faetured clothing in the sold Bap- tist church for about a yetir, are removing their nmachines', &tc.., to other: points. Whenthe present wart began they Pound it difficult to procure, sufficient material to keep all their factories runnieeg and consequently. the .one in this placed was closed. Another clrrawr- back was the bonus question. The first year that the company eperi- ated here a voluntary 'subscription wast taken up Land the citizens of Zurich; subscribed the sum of $200 towards securing the factory for this town. The eorpany we en deeetand,r•wanted the same bonus felt another year, but it cis thought( impossible to procure it in the same manner las the forrnl- er one and the matter was drop- ped. The removal of the factory will be a1 'severe foss to our town as the factory, when in full blpenar tion, 'employed nearly thirty hand's It again, show clearly that Zurich, should, haVe a Board of Trade to lo'oli into maters of ,this kind. 'e( CONVENIENT Burns coal, coke, or Wood._ Large feed doors make firing .easy. Thursday, June(' 24th 8150 Water pan is, filled ttr l ac 1 without removing; (See the McClary dealer or write for 'booklet. BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS • 4LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAaLAAAA4,AA* A 4 e i a 4 Local News VVwrVevasw!YVYVVVYVTIMI YVV;).VVYYwVwwwVVVVVVeVi: ]=LAY AT ZURICH. The Clinton Baso Ball terata play Zuriclr? on einiday 'of this week. They are^goirg to Wmgham on the let of July to play the home team. ANNUAL RIDE. Tom Jacicsoe and 1111 his 'high Street kids took their annual motor rides. on Monday night, but the pleas'urel was spoilt ct little by the rain. They packed Elliott,s big truck, WINS GOLD MEDAL. The School of Commerce heel the -pleasure on Friday June, 19 of pre- senting to Clifford ''Hunt of Set forth! a studs it' at the school, '.r gold me;lal.aword_d•by the Educa- tional Department tit New York City, for proficiency in typewriting On a test', held by a repeesenhative of the company, 'Mr., 'hunt wrote for ten miuntec at the rate of sixtyfive( 65) words per minute. A Goli Medal is awarded for arate of 55. This student is to be conk gratulated in not only reaching the the high standard required but exceeding, it by 10 words; PREPARATION FOR PICNIC JULY IST. Preparations for the big picnic under the auspices of St. J'oseph'c Church to be held/ On July loci, are, rapidly being gone. Pornraro with, and indication c,re that this year's' event wil.V be bigger and better' than ever. Enthuciasic corn mittces have been appointed and given good( weather, the sue - cess of past years should be exceed- ed, The picnic will be held in Oar - belt's Grove, 'Hullett, 214 miles from Clinton and conveyances wilt meet all trains, and leave the posteJe - ficcf every half home The various booths eri11 be opened rind eo,I- teets will be held. Dinner and sapper+ will be served on the ground and 'a good time guaran- teed everyone. THE SHOE ON THE OTHER '3+OOT. Some folk get very touchy when asleed to square up accounts end try to say disagreeable things As long. as t'hc1 accounts runs evcry,- thing is' beautiful but as soon us balancer day( comes the sky be s conies overcast; at once. Practic- ing( the Golden Rule would malty people feel different anct 'show then[ the fairness of the transact - lion. The. New Era has met some cases of both'elasses in our effort to collect the hundreds of dollars outs'tand'ing on subscriptions, some of RI for long years, We are very much obliged, for a number of prompt[, payments and expect 'the scores of others to hearken and heed, the notices sent them by the Publishers Adjusting Associatation who have the accounts in their hands, LOST. BY 3, SHOTS, Last) 'Friday. 'afternoon four rinks of bowlers from Seaforth carate up tri Clinton and had: at friendly tie tallies h were totalled up, Seun forth had the majority 013. Foe - hew were' the players asci scores;— Seaforth Clinton Page H, S. 'Chapman Barber Dr, Shaw Neil J, Harland Grieg skip -14 R, Ball sk-10 Gold'th'orpd E; 'Hunnieforet \McKayC. Libby Tamair( J. Morrish Shine sk,-21 G Robertson sk—it McMillian A, J. Grieg McLennan J. 'iia ;ter Claris • W. Grant Best skip -11 E. G. Courtiee-17 Rev; Argo H. E. Paull McMillan' J. Wiseman Bright • B. 'Hovey Morsont skip -13 Dr. Axon -18 159 56 SWEET PEAS. Mr. Si Davin has sweet peas 10 •bloom already.. This has most of the flower lovers /beaten with the pretty flowers. GEE; YOUR, COPY IN EARLY. Owing to the" first of July com- ing on Thursday Of nett 'week the New Era will go to press on Wedl- riesday. All changes of crdv:s must be hi by Monday moon. LET THE NEW ERA KNOW. If you are going away or having visitors on tate' 1st el ,;aly let the New Era know. Get yeur newsy items in early as the New Era will be published on Wednesday of next. Week. - - ENTRANCE EXAMS. - The Examinations for Entr•enee tc( the Collegiate' commenced Mon clay erten-mill with a big flee of pupils 'takiegi part at the Colleg fate. They finished up their papers Wednesday, EXCURSION FARES, The G. T, R. offers 'the travel- ling public single fare tickets for the 1st of; July good going and returning on July 1st. br (Fare and ones'third good going June 30th and July est returning July 2nd, DECORATION SERVICE: The Clinton Lodge of I. 0. 0..T. will holcl, their annual decoration Seti'ice On ?Friday, erenieg, July 2nd. All members of this 'order are invited to , attend, They will leave the lodge room at 6,30 heed- ed by the Kittle Band, LIMIT USN OF WAR STAMPS. While one and 'two( -cent war stamps ni tv be need for postsge the poet Mike). department giles notice that no war &temps of high- er denomination may be utilized fon poiitagc', nor mny those 'of the inland;'•revenuc- department, ^IRST( OF1 THE SEASON. :Despite thee cool evening, there wa,f a ;air crowd nt the L. 0. L. garden party on the Lawn of Mr. Peter Caett lon fart TI uredry e; e r ing The 11l11ic Sandi gave e good lengthy program o_ patriotic music The night rr as pretty cold to stand around very long. PATRIOTIC' TEA. Don't forget the Patriotic Tea' to be held on Mrs. Mry's lawn, R et- tenbury St., en Saturday oftern'o0n thcl 26th. There will be a sale of aprons, home made cooking and candies. Na admittance( fee, re- freshments served. Everybody come and bring -someone. FORMER{ CITRATE THERE. Monday Brantford Expositor me - der the( above heading reports on St. Paul's Rector;;—Rev. Gerald Potts 'of Clinton and formerly cur- ate of Grace/ Anglican church, Brantford, was in the city yester- day .ancl conducted the services in his former. charge. Two' excellent sermons were delivered and great- ly enjoyed' by splendid, eongregae tions, which attended, HAND 'YOU•P; ITEMS IN EARLY The New/ Era is always greatly pleased to be supplied with reports of meetings of societies, church services, weddings; in fact, with everything( in the nature of news, that cannot be O'btlained: conven- iently by our staff. But we must insist that( when such article's are of any considerable length, they must be handed in early in the week, sometime :on '1VIonday. Of lotit hal gotten sb' that every( - one wal'ta until 'the last hour, and as the time of publication apt" proaehes, we are srwamped under an avalanche of Copy, 1't ought to be possible to let' us have reports ,of Friday, Saturday and Sunday events on Monday, "Do. it now' should be the motto of everyone who Pa.l anything to write for 'a r,ewsnaperi' TRY CONNER'S `BUTTER=CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to"be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 — sc Loaf 710 file pleasure given . , by the refined' ex - alliance of Lotus drawn stationery Is added the satisfaction derived' from the fact that it is "'Wade in Canada." Note Piper Envelopes Invitedoos Writing Tablets Paneteries Correspondence Cord* I nitiolled Stationery Condemen'*Club Note nod Stationer,' Often the eheap'est'- Ilways the Best Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam. What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, . as the formula is printed on each label Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re,ieve a cough. Try it j". 11077M -Y Dispensing Chemist DIE PENSLAR DRUG( STORE > Furniture, Russ & 1. inoleuns We can assist you h selecting your Furniture, if You are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and sen the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Vieline, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaetion j i) Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store wassmnamsksmaizsamsseiniessransunraammininzwooinie F o rEavetrongbing and Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds try ns. Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Thos. lawkins I The Corner Store I agLllve and Let Livle' Are You Going Camping 1 The season is here again where avec . begin to think of lake and stream mud: the pleasures that. go along vritin camping and picuicing If you are going camping, see eaCee garding your supplies. We are special- izing on this trade Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are bandy and appetiziis g I for the picnics and little jaunts that; campers frequently take, Wekese I Cold Meats, Jellied Meats Potted'SP,eat: and Peanut Butter, Salmon, Sarditees;, Olives and Cheese Specials Strawberries, Oranges, Lemons Bananas, Pineapples, Ripe Tomateree Green Onions, and Lettuce Plumbing said heating �o Er lunniford Shop—over Moreland's Hardware Phone 53 P$ONII 45. Play Shoes and Barefoot sandals ' We have a fine showing of Barefoot Sandals and Play Shoes for the little feet to 'wear during the hot summeron m ths, They are 'not expensive arid the comfort to the child is great. Soft Tan Leather or Canvas Stott Soles of Leather or Rubber A Complete Dine or Sizes Prices He, 85c. $1.4)0, S1.25 Fit out the Little Feet with these Comfortable Play Shoes and let them enjoy themselves all Summer. FRED. J1 KSON P F i 9l aiilv3 �"i.F:'H�II I& tl t:fid 6 3 k k . htt 4.44 _ w It