HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-24, Page 7Thursday; June Nth, 1915,, THE CLINTON NEW ERA •••.o••••..•••••0••••• • 0 • LASr CALL • • 0 u � LOOK AT YOURI LABEL a •• •0•0000•0•0s•••000000•00•e CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's best Practical Train- ing School... We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments. Commercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy Our graduates succeeds and you should get our large, free catalogue, Write forlit at once' D. A. McLachlan, !Principal TED ,CiN 10000 doz. Non -fertile New Laid Eggs each week Weare prepared to pay a premium for eggs from flocks where there are no male birds -eggs to be not over 4 days old Broilers and Fat Hens Do not hold your poulary until fall- when the market is glutted and the price is cut in two. Sell now while the prices are high Sees] Buckwheat and Millet We've a good supply of Buckwheat and Millet at reasonable prices Have you tried our Quebec Maple Syrup ? We have only a few cans' eft A carload of Bran and Shorts due to arrive this week The Gm -Ingots Co., Limitea The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W. JENKINS AAAAAAAAAAikaalaAAAAAAAAAAA V a PitillOS .j a a Crgans,' Special. values in Art Cases C • • Pianos and organs rent •� el •Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. i " Music Emporium 4 4 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Years,RestoredTo Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ• ing us such letters as,the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health: Glanford Station, Ont. -"I have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. :Y r ; pound and never ;;/ ' "?•r'z found any medicine to compare with it. I.had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years', ntil I began taking your medicine. I al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. " - Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Chesterville, Ont. - " I heard your medicines highly praised, and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. "My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. "I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and 1 recommend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." - Mrs. STE- PEEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. C. Moore' 1 ► HIRPOSWOVaravvvyvvvvvvvvvi NORTH END FEED STORE Seed eorn On Hand -A large stock bf Corn, ',Man cls, and Turnip Seed, which will' be told AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Secure Your Order for Fertilizer a. i b'O-OAAPOO 840ta ge: t.P;e:; t9 5ro+ tg E i y CHAR ,E8 El)i:ONi1S WALK Auri1',1 i;, :1., net vet' .:lade," mem. , .....ester i'Cnh„' etc. inusE have' brought -to light tyre small- eet of lost articles, to say nothing of a young lady. NE STRUCi( IT Then, in disregard of express In- etructions, both search -lights were brought into play, which explored with lingers of dazzling light every inch RIGHT AT LAST hof the river's surface for miles down- stream, while all the Kohinur's boats' After Suffering Almost Two Years, plied hither and thither in the quest. "Fruita twee" Brought Relief But It wss all of uo use; not the slightest trace of the missing ,girl was to be found, Yet Jessie, with her elder- ly companion, hoping in the face of de- spairing certainty, watched and waited until the last boat returned. The girl's overwrought nerves gave way as. 'Tom, haggard and almost ;frenzied, approached.' Clinging to the other woman, she sank weakly into a deck -chair, her body convulsed with soba, "Aunt Jo," she gasped, "we must tell Mr. Phinnoy-everything." "Yes, yes, we must tell him -tape him fully into ourconfidence," she re- turned. "But you must try to com- poee yourself, my dear. Captain Ehin- ney will assist you to your room." -" "Oh, Aunt Jo! • Aunt Jo!" moaned Jessie. "We shall never see her again! I can't stand it! Papa, oh, why-" The words were Lost in a sudden un- controllable fit of weeping. ' At this juncture Tom was "awakened from his hopeless lethargy, by a hail from the river. Henan to the head of the accommodation -steps, where Mer- cer was parleying with some one in a boat. "Who is it?" demanded Tom brush- ing his first mate aside. ',That you, Phinney?" a familiar voice came up out of the darkness. "This is Flint." BOOK IV. A Specter at the Feast. CHAPTER 1. What the Box Contained. Jessie Willard's visit to Rudolph Van Vechten partook more of the na- ture of a visitation -as of some heal ing shrine's patron saint; for by Sat- urday night he had so far recovered that, at his uncle's repeated urgent so- licitations, he was able to attire him - pelf In the habiliments of formality and attend the directors' meeting, of which already he had been notified. In the gallery of the dining -room -- modeled after Thane Cedric's' banquet- ing -hall -an orchestra discoursed syn- copated melody in blissful ignorance of anachronism. The president of the Continental Union Banking and Trust company and the head of the At- las Safe company occupied seats of honor, and their long laudatory re- sponses aponseE put the flung touch to Ru- finishing dolph'e impatience to be up and away. Midnight approached like the ter- urination of a sentry's winter vigil, and as he determined to slip from his seat near the long table's Toot and find his hat and top -coat, there came a diversion that stayed him. By con- trast, any interruption to the oratory was interesting. The butler noiselessly approached the head of the table and held a whis- pered colloquy with the host. After a minute or two the Man of Iron nodded, the butler stole away, and the man who was speaking at the time, realiz- ing that something extraordinary was impending, paused, faltered, stopped, and sat down. Four men, clad in overalls 'and jum- pers, entered, carefully bearing among them a large oblong box. They halted and upheld it with patent effort while Mr. Van Vechten arose and, in his un- impassioned manner, addressed his guests, "Gentlemen;' said he, "some of our friends have not forgotten the occa- sion we are assembled here tonight to celebrate. We have here, I am as, surer, something that will commemo- rate this happy event in a most re. markable and fitting way . ." And much more to the same effect. • Then a space was cleared in the center of the long table, a few of the diners were disturbed, and the boa was deposited thereon. The porters . withdrew. Everybody eyed the innovation en. riously-and a bit distrustfully, too. The box, suggesting as It did the end of human endeavor, was not an in- spiriting center -piece, nor was it in. (harmony with the temper of the eve• fining; put after much jocose specula, tion respecting its likely contents, at ,the host's command servants appear. led, with screw -drivers, and, amid an ,expectant hush, the ltd was removed. The disclosure, coming as it did into brought aboard, and the extreme cat% tion with which it was being handled now. Willard's patent exploeive Sashed in- to Tom's mind. After all, was it not possible that he was about to perpe- trate some appalling disaster, and that Paige and Jessie had been won over to whatever extreme mistaken principles he justified his conduct by, so that they to believed them to be right and high-minded? With an im- minent sense of the `man's powerful in- dividuality strong upon him, the idea, hideous as it was, was not altogether impossible. Willard was himself superintending the box's conveyance with such anx; sous regard and solicitude that Tom's misgivings swept over him again,in- tensitied a hundredfold. With uo clearly defined 'purpose in mind, he involuntarily stepped up to the gangway, as they began to nego- tiate the difficult descent of the ac- commodation -steps. "You need more help there, don't you?" he demanded. Willard barred his progress with a suddenly extended arm. t� "No, no," he returned gnicklY. "These. men have been carefully in structed; they know just what to do and how to do it." Nevertheless it was with a disquiet- ing feeling of apprehension that hot watched the long box lowered careful-) ly into the launch, which was immedi-j ately cast off and allowed to drift with' the current into the darkness before the motor was started. None of the crew accompanied it on thistrip, and as once before, it went down -stream instead of across to the landing. What was the meaning of it all, any- how? What strange operations were going on in his very presence that he should remain so ignorant of them? He walked aft to the taffrail, upon which he leaned and stared into the night at the point where the launch' had vanished, until roused by a touch upon his arm and the voice of Jessie Willard. She spoke with an agitation that had an electrifying effect upon Irim. "Captain Phinney,, do you know, where Miss Carew is?" "Why, I haven't seen her all eve he returned. "I supposed she in her room -or with you?" • The girl all at once seemed toI shrink with a. sudden unnerving fear. "She's not in her room!" she cried, ,"! thought she wan but shehas nal peen- Neither . have I seen her -not Once dinner." There was a pause. I "Didn't she go ashore?" Jessie pres- ent y faltered. "No," Tom replied. & Potash For Your Root Crop. We will mix. it for you at the store. Agent for Heintznlan Pianos Old ones taken in exchange, and balance on easy terms RACE'. EVANS TERMS CASH., PHONE 192 ANEYTRUNKSYSEM MR. WHITMAN 882 St. Vatter St., Montreal; "In 1912, I was taken suddenly 111 with Acute Stomach. Trouble and dropped' in the street. I was treated by several physicians for nearly two years. I was in constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped down from, 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Several of my friends advised me to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and I did so. That was ..eight months ago. I began to improve almost with the first dose. No other medicine I ever usedacted so pleasantly and quickly as 'Fruit-a-tives', and by using it I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and misery were cured. I completely recovered by the use of 'Fruit-a-tives' and now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise'Fruit-a-tives' enough". H. WHITMAN. 50e. a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Dominion Day EXCu1 SIGN. FARES SINGLE . FARE. Good going and returning July 1st only FARE, AND ONE THIRD Good going June 30111 and July let. Return limit July 2nd, 1915. Return tickets will be sold between all stations in Canada east of PortArthur. Secure your tickets early at Grand Trunk ticket offices. John Ransford & Son, city paesen- A. 0 �Patnd t sonet station Agents, 51 How long the ensuing silence lasted,] While they steed staring helplessly, ie. ba each other's eyes, and by degrees realized the significance of the girl's; absence, neither of them afterwards] ever knew. They first looked into every likely place that might conceal a -girl, terror; end dread growing with each step that) brought nothing to light. Tom scarce.; ly noted an elderly lady who join,?"' 'them and in a soothing manner, tri to compose the ablest hysterical ° rl. As for Tow, he was from th very first torn with an awful, unspeakable, teas, but he acted with a dispatch and dtroatasas that loft no posaibiltty nag- , ;acted. Their own harried but nevertheless 'quite thorough search proving ineffec- Ovo, all bands were called, and the $ohinur had such a fine -combing as SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson XIII. -Second Quarter, For June 27, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Ps. lxxviii, 65-72. Quarterly Review -Golden Text, Ezek. xxxiv, 15 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. LESSON L -The resurrection, Matt. xxviii, 1-10. Golden Text, 1 Cor. xv, 15-20, "Now bath Christ been raised from the dead." 1n some respects the resurrection of Christ Is the greatest event in all history, for had Ile not risen from the dead His life and death would have been no benefit to us (1 Cor. xv, 14-18). The kingdom promised the very heart of the company's good humor, was realized only resultantly;. ;for the box did not belie what it Eng. Seated. It really contained a coffin: One distinguished by its elegant cream - colored silk -plush covering and pure rose -gold ornamentation. The long egtension handles were of the same • Continued next week. SUFFEREr b. FR i 6 tarirh Of The Stomach FOSI 8 YEAR'S. Milbo:lrn's Laza-Llama. L IIlS Cured Hero cu wavier neesa stn nalmorcai man as king, one alive from the dead. LESSON 11. -David anointed king, 1 Soni. xvi, 4-13. Golden Text, 1 Sam. xvi, 7, "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but Jebovah looketh on the 'heart," In the case of Saul God gave the people a man after their heart, but now He placoses a roan after His own heart (chapter siii 14; Acts slit, 221, the imost unlikely, humanly speak - mg, of all the eight sons, but thea Lord's own choice, and He is still' looking for hearts that are whole to- ward Rim. LESSON III. -The shepherd. psalm, Ps. xxiii. Golden Text, Ps. xxiii, 1, "Jehovah ,is .my shepherd." .Oonsider all the shepherd and shepherdess Sto- ries and then see the Lord Jesus as the good shepherd, the great shepherd, the chief shepherd ,and the shepherd who shall yet gather all Israel and feed them in a good pasture (John x; Heb. xiii; I Pet. v; Lnzek, xxxiv, 14, 15). Such a shepherd can never let Itis sheep lack any good thing. Lessem IV. -David and Goliath, I Salo. xvli, 38-51. Golden Text, Rom. viii, 31. "If God fs for us, who is against us?" . Truly a, fearless shep- herd, to whom the living God, though iuv4ible, was more real than the vis- lute mass of flesh and blood in the form of Goliath, Elis great desire be- ing that all the earth might know that the. God of Israel was the true God and that 9115 name might be honored and not reproached. LESSON V. -Saul tries to kill David, I Sam six, 1-12. Golden Text, Prov. xxix, 25. "Whose putteth Ms trust in Jehovah shall be safe." From the day that the women ascribed more glory to David than to Saul, Saul was jealous of him and sought to kill him, but God delivered hint npt into his hand (chap- ters xv.iil, 7-9; xxiii, 14). Back of it all the reason is seen iu Saul's disobedi- ence and in his allowing an evil spirit to take possession of him (xvi, 14). Lessee V1. -Friendship of David and Jonathan, 1 Sam. xx. 32-42. Golden Text, Prov. evil, 17, "A friend loveth at all times." Consider how their souls were knit together from the day of David's victory over Goliath until Da- viel said after Jonathan's death, "Thy lore to me was wonderful, passing the love of woman" (11 Sam. i, 26). Yet such friendship was but a faint type of the love of Jesus Christ to us. Lessor: VII. -David spares Saul, I Sam. xxvi, 5-16. Golden Text, Luke vi, 27, "Love your enemies; do good to them that hate you." At least twice Daviel had Saul wholly in bis power, but refused to lay a anger on him to harm him. It was just the same on David's part when lie was cursed' and stoned by Shimei; he would allow no one to harm him, but just left him to God. LESSON VIML-David king ores Ju- dah and Israel, II Sam. 11, 1-7; v. 1-5. Goldeu Text, Ps. xxvilI, 7: "Jehovah is my strength and shield, illy heart hatb trusted in Him and 1 am helped." In due time the Lord accomplishes every purpose of His, according to Jer. 11, 20; Ps. xxxiii, 11: Bpb. !, 11, and so David u'm•vm� h+r+aw WY•wrv.+a+.."�wr+prw✓ero,+rwNV WE ARE 1 e '' tiers In is .ns.„.ms r 3 Pedlar cGalvanized Shingles, iCorrugated Iron, Ig Felt and Slate Roofing, 7 Eavetroughing, Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. Call or phone for prices. 1 Repairspromptly done, P P Y Mrs. Agnes Gallant, Reserve Mines, N.S., writes: "I take great pleasure in writing you. I have been a great sufferer, for eight years, from catarrh of the stomach and tried several, so called, catarrh remedies without relief until a friend of mine advised' vie to try Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, which I did, and Inc."red Tour vials completely cured tea• Be sere and get Milburn's,Laxa-Liver Pills when you ask for them as there are a number of imitations on the market. The price is 25c. per vial, 5 vials for �j' punter 51.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on �(� • e �l receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Jeweler and Optician Limited, Toronto, Ont. Issuer of Marriage Lieenses -.- .y,.---�.-w...., aseweettareOlIDIZA Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. vvvvtovooknownnowvs DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH WATCH is a 'delicate piece /lot machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be ',cleaned and oiled occasignalbr to keel', merfect time. With proper care a Waltham !Watch will keep perfect time dor a lifetime. It will pay you pvell to let us clean your watch fin every 12 or l8 months. Edison ecords anid Supplies (; 1 PAGIS SEVEN srtmranaxu.,ap+2tv:,¢•,u�aeriawve�a,rcw>ma+ao•;4� ro 2N N VSA► L'S 9 Mayflow�!er- TALCUM PON'AER' Fog ",it : .t2{�i'h.,. aping stoup. rMa flowerTalcumPowder Nyal's Mayflower Talcum is an ex- perience to every first time user. Itstouch is soft, soothing and refreshing. Its distinc- tive Mayflower perfume, delicate, individual, elusive. Ideal for every use to which you can put a Talcum. , Nye! Quality preparations can, be obtained only is Nyal Quality Stores. Ask one of them for free copy of Booklet entitled "Your Complexion," giving full par- ticulars of best methods of massage. r J, E. Hovey. Druggist Clinton, Ont. uucame mug over ail: Israel anct went on and grew great, and the Lord God of hosts was with him (v, 5, 10). Just as surely Jesus Christ shall sit on Da- vid's throne hi due time. LessoN IS. --David brings the ark to Jerusalem II Sam. vi, 12-15. Gold- en Text, Ps. cxxii, 1, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go unto the house of Jehovah." The story of the Ark of the Covenant always suggests the presence of God and Elis provision of perfect righteousness for sinful man. I thinly it the most wonderful type of the Lord Jesus in the Bible. LESSON 8. -Nathan rebukes David, II Sam. xi, 22-xli, 7a. Golden Text, Ps. 11, 10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God." A sad lesson on the deceit- fulness and desperate wickedness of the human heart even in such a chosen vessel as David. There is no perfect man in all the Bible story but Jesus of Nazareth, the Lamb of God with- out blemish and without spot, holy, harmless, undefiled end separate from sinners. LESSON XI. -The blessedness of for- giveness, Ps. xxxii. Golden Text, Ps. anti, 1, "Blessed is he whose trans- gression is forgiven, whose sin is cov- ered." 'How great and all sufficient is the sacrifice on Calvary which can put away transgression, sin, iniquity and guile. Then Re becomes our home to dwell in, where we are safe from all enemies and our snide• through all the wilderness of this world. LESSON XI1. - A prayer for the tempted, Ps. exli. Golden Text, Ps. cxii, 9, "Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me." Re who forgives and saves is able also to keep and to guard even from stun). bling. He is able to control the tongue which no man can lame. Ete 1s nigh to all who call upon 11!01 in truth, _mem®IMPIISS.®ncme...xu4..09.1 OGOODr13LT®e®SSISOCOSSRPoeassoC •tsessesaaneomapoorpo•eoogyse • 63 ax co 09 ro • 3 lY f@ • a ct o to Si • m • A a • • • Q a & 1 t • l It you had a volca like thunder, w 0 , w ih a Megaphone attachment you could • not roaalt ac utany people as r • yon nen 11190031t our want ads. • • • You have not dot the wilco but • •• our paper Is at your service all the • o 1' year aronsinl. •• • .,,.W44.�, w •''. ^ i �taia 4 'J:i'.?'d+ J �✓�n.v.A'.etl.i "n' • • • • • •• Bring Most Satisfactory Results from m •TIII " . MRA • • • • 0010•00011••1e••MMIM••o••00006000ea60960000006••O•••• • a 1,94 r "For Sale" Advertisements, ofjEvery Kind Mesa- phone Methods • 49 • • • That the proceedings of rhe meeting: of the Canad:un hlanaifact finers+ Association throw an•intea;- et.iia ' sidelight on the manner in which patronage has been hand] led atOttawia and also exlribittlro protest made by the aesociririon against' the holding 'oaf z Domin- ion general election at this time. .i.t is) a pity Use nssoo:rition did rot go nstep further and demand that( Premier Borden ,should stop Unrest by Maki rg a public declara- tion that there will be iso ale^tion until after the war. The reasons agains,,l ,a fall election are quite as i'orn,' as those sgitinst a Juae olection. RAVE YOU A B,&D SORE ? If : so, remember these faets- Zam-But;; i5 by far the. most widely ua'ed balm in Canada! Why has it become, so popular? 'Because it healer sores, cures -olein diseaeea, and does what is claimed for ft. Why not let it heal your( pore? Remember that Zam-Ault is alto- getheld different to the 'ordinary ointments. Most of these consist of anima l• fats'. Zam,Buk contains no trace of any ,animal fat, or any mineraV matter. It is absolutely herbal. Remember that ZamelBuk is at the same time healing, soothing and antiseptic. bills poison in- stantly and call harmful germs. It is suitable, alike for recent in- juries and diseases ,;tad for chronic sores, ulcers, etc Test how diff- erent and superior s error Ga n r Buk real ly is. All druggists and stores at 50 i 1)0x, 1;s2 1150 Zim-Bul. Soap, Relic -vee sunburn and prcevnts freckles. Best] for baby's bath, 25e tablets. ileiosoes sooasaseaoossam0000 ews MR.. ROWELL IIOhO17ED At the commencement eeereises Nor hweOtern Urrversi(y Chicago yesterday the honorary 'degree of doct,r of Laws was conferred Ono i 1,7e on Wesley Bowell. -1,•;„ C. Ai f , A lead,”, of the I ibex l l Op position in the Ontario Legislature PROBE :ILI. CONTRACTS. T io announced at Otl iw n that • the investigations by Su Charles arles gy Davidson into milli cielxuL men purchases, will embrace every con- tract for supplies The prelinainl- riea will be in private. • • +ID 43 • 9) es an • 49 • • • e • • 1OR11'E CA I•IIOLIC CLUB. The Cal:ho'ic nn.mbers of lire 34t11 and 131,c1 13atb.alions have d ,cidod to form; a Catholic Club in3 coni neel:ion with the camp at London. Between 390 and 100 members( are already enrolled' Bishop (Fallon has obtained permission t•o erect u largo marquee on the grounds. 2 ks will obviate the march down r town churches which is now neces nary, Bishop,Fallon bus been elect ed honorary president, D. A.. Po; coke; now a member of the 33rd. Battalion president, land (Sergt. Crow(f of the 3•eth, Battalion Sect- a otaryeitreas'urer. DOMINION DAY AT GODERICH Goderich is tat have an oldHtilme Dominion Day celebration. A pro gran has been arranged which will provide a long clay's amusement and entertainment. In the morn,- ing, on the Square, there will pie a procession of dscorated,autios .end bicycles, floats, ete., a bla'by show, suitable prizes, and is series of children's, games. Thr a'fterno'on sports will include football, la- crosse, speed tests -gentleman's road race i running pace land 2,50 trot 'oi• pace -athletic contests, •••••••eee••e••••••••••••• •i8•e••oes••o•••e•••Oe•ses• :Highland dancing, etc. A special • HA ♦ E NOU OU rC7` PHONE 0 InyYour Office, Store, - 0 • • or 'Home? • If so You will be • Interested in the • • • Modern Telephone Tablet ,93One of the simplest and handiest little inventions imaginable. It is made of sheet steel, oxidized finish,; insuring a smooth writing surface, and the paper roll attached pulls from the • top and cuts off at any length desired. a For taking orders or jotting ,down 0 notes these tablets are a great conven fence, They are readily attached to •• either desk or wall 'phone and their • use is allowed by all telephone com • Price `1l.®0 e • • Including three extra rolle,of paper) 4 ID • • feature will' b a motorcycle race, which is expected' to be one of the most interesting events Of the day's program.. The 33rd Regiment band will furnish music throughout tate day. Alt echo'od- children, in procession vr thefrom town or he town hip], will bel admitted free to the afternoon sports, Good'- °rich is / delightful spot at this 'season of they year, and ,many vie- • itors0 are expected en Dominion Day.-Advt. • • • • • • O 0 • • 0 • .egoal - •5•. l�oi -r • ��/y-..�5..:..r 5 Agents For elinton' • b•®0.Oo••b0••0.0e0e• •o•oeo•ora•o••o••••oaoeoe•e®®®®�'• 0450000006111104906/e106100000e00 • TO CORRESPONDENTS. •• • - • --- • • • • Write on 'one side of. the • • gaper only. We will be • • g?teased to supply you with • • al'1 u want. • Avoyoid all items reflecti• 6410 on personal, character anddo j not send any items which • • • have a double meaning. Send • o ALL the news that IS news. •. • • IMPORTANT. •,. • S \ •• • We want a correspondent ,• • in this district and we would • • be pleased: to communicate • o .with anyone wishing to rec. 0 ip present their locality. All •- • supplies furnished. •' esosse•••••••••••••••o••etl