HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-24, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 49, No. 52 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE 24 1915 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers See flow The New Era Want Ads Carl Serve 'You in •Filling the Needs of To=day in Business or the Home—Give Them a Trial __ _ __ . , - n.vM6we'.wr,ru.m.m"..omr,accw,rva.ru.i„muwx,urnn-'t.':tA VWWVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVWVW AAAAAAMAAAAPIAAAAAAAAAAAM For Your Own Sake Preserve Your Complexion Duchess Violet Talcum Duchess Dose Talcum Duchess Yucca Talcum I klave just arrived -They are are unsurpassed in quality and odor- We have them in flesh and white. O.K. Proxide Vanishing Cream is unsurpoesed, we have it in 25c jars at BestQnality Drug Store The Rexall Store 1-10 tc,m2m,s Phm.B. 4.V VYVVVyyyyyyVONYVVVWWVVVWVVVWVVVVVWWVWWVW VONVVYVVVVVVVvvvvVvvvvvVVAAAAAAAMAAAWAAAAAAAAAMc I`t e Royal. BApk OF CANADA Capital Authorized • $25,000,000 Capital paid lip 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 4, 13,500,000 !Total Assets .. • 185,000,000 3b0$ i.A. i cane t with World-wide Conlnec tiof& Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking, Business Transacted. R. E MANNING, tem Cliatoa Brach 1 WVWMFWVyvirvwvvyVyWWVVVVI WWVVvvvvJVVWVWWV LII1'.11I'.III'_ l0' 111' tI_t IILA'zttroliv III'oliwIII'-attriu miwalw.gui'luraIlruel r. 5. -1 Ti %IttiIII, III'1111n111..111 311 11:i111r111'lall`111111a171i 117.111uI.1 MICU iII.'d Ap••••••oNNa ••♦otm•4mG44 emmo a♦4.4.e*eeo®tA44♦♦4 4m19•+ID• 4 ♦ 4 Incorporated THE MOLSONS BANK 1855 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' TRANSACTED INCLUDING CAPITAL CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND BANK PJIONEY ORDERS RESERVE $8,800,000. 92 Branches 1n Canada Savings Bank Department At all Branches Interest allowed at highest current rate 0 E.. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch. ee ul 15 Ordered Clothing I Ready -to -Wear Clothing Thciwe,101I4.4., e®dI A Raincoat is "Jack -of -a11 Trades." If it looks cloudy, you slip into your Raincoat. If it turns cool— well and good, and if it cl'ars up—all right. "QUALITY" Your Raincoat is as dressy as any light- weight top coat you could wear, A perfectly balanced Overcoat Cravenetted to turn water. The Raincodt of to- day is a much different proposition from the coat of a few years ago Our Raincoats are made by a maker with a reputation for making the best of coats, and we guarantee them to do their. duty. MO, 8.50 510 to $20 Agents for, the ';I C.P.R. Telegraph StllFighfng forK g and Countryj • H. Coats Appointed Chiefi. Qam. Sta#istieia These tWOI letters were received' froM Pte Will Remo by his parents this week. Dear Father and Mother:— Just a few lines to let you know I ant well, I have just come out of the firing lines again, ]:wrote, to you after the last battle to let you know I was all right. Some of my other letters Must have got lost, The last time was nine days without a wash or shave I'm getting tanned like an Soudan. The enemy is trying to get me they even throw, shrapnel and. bullets and Jack Johnsons but we don't nrincl the bnhets so snuch as they are easily digested but I must not boast, for I'm within hearing of the rifie fire yet, i y candle is going out so I must close my letter for this time• Froin Yew San, Bill Dear Father and Mother- Just a few lines to let yob. ';now I'm well,•I received the chewing tobacco" • all right and the tobacco from the boys ' at the factory. I wrote a letter to thank them for it and thank you 1 very nntch. 1 had a letter from Toni Yesterday. The weather is nice and esamassaaaasisaamaisonra warm. It is good weather for the crops and they are growuhb fine some of the wheat is tinning out in head. ISlay the weeds. They can grow two crops rut year ' here, they dont pasture their cattle here but feed them in the stable all Ex. -Secretary Bryan is being weighed the year around that is the most of in the newspaper balances in the them. The potatoes Lire growing United States of America and up to fine. I thine: I will find a wife and date is reported short weight. Peace at buy a farm mit 'here after the war any price night be a great wrong. is over, 1 have three picked obit all ready, one in England, one in France, and one in Belginni. My toes a:•e bothering me, the one I got hurt in war it is said 5,500 villages have been the factory, the nail is coming off destroyed in Russian Poland and that the big one. I must bring my letter the gaunt wolf of want and hardship; to a close for this time.Stalks forth in much the same way as in From Yom Son Belgium. The day of retribution is ]3111 coming. --0 Probabilities are more favorable for a," "*****.*"4'"“++ 44^ 4-', Church Union betwean the Presbyterian '` y n A Methodist and Congregational churches EDITORIAL AL ` than ever. The vote of 368 to 74 was significant at the recent Assembly of the 24' 44.4"x" R"' ".44t 'l4 . ' -s-r will be objectors holy. eOcourse there will be objectors but the tide of opinion ftott a in favor of organic Union, whether consummated 5 yeats or 10 years hence. No small amount of good has come to the Christian people by the brotherly discussion of the subject.. To AdwcE'lise?s god Correspondents Owing to next Thurs- day being Dominion Day, the New Era will' be pub- lished on Wednesday. All changes of advertisements must be in by Monday noon to insure change. Country correspondence 'n Tuesday should bel by y, night. We hope all will pay heed to this message. EDITORS king of the great toll exacted by. Do you keep a bee? --C-- The shell game in Europe is very costly. People of Manitoba Entitled to Glean -up Winnipeg Telegram Vigorous Comments on the Capital Scandal, has the following In "If the evidence give t before the Royal Cominissiorf in Minneapolis is5•t ue, n grievous 'outrage has Lean perpetrate l against the people of Manitoba "'rho evidence diseloee3 that their was' i cohspir•tey to rob' the people of this Province of a large sum: of money in connection with the construction of the new Pate 'lament Building in Winnipeg. "}'ire evi_ien::e shows, fn he:m'ore, Continued 'Un page R. Winnipeg Mane June Ii: -The Winnipeg; Tel_gram (Conner•rativr'l publishes a special edition this morning largely dec.ut•'d to the ear i deuce, of 11orwood and Salt before ( the Royal C'ommiusion inAl.innc•ah- c,lii: yesterday and under •the heading "A. plain Duty" Editor of Labor Gazette is Succes- sor to Late Archibald 'Blue Mr. R. Coats, who for some year's past has been the editor of The Labor Gazette and Chief Statistical Officer of the Lahor Department, has been appointed Chief Stratistician and' Controller of the Census, in succession to the late Mr. Archibald Blue. Mr. Coats, who is a member of the High Cost of Living Commission appointed two years ago, has had an admirable training and experience for the larger task of looking after all the statistical work of the Government. He will be under Sir George Foster in the De partment of Trade and Commerce, and his new office will include the col lation and publication of all depart mental statistics along the lines re commended by the Oommissic'n ap pointed two years ago to inquire into the question of the overlapping or inadequacy of Dominion statistics. Mr Coats is a graduate of the Univer sity of Toronto, and has been ecnnect ed with the Labor Department for some seven or eight years MP -Coats is an old Clinton boy, and his friends here wilt rejoice in his well merited promotion • 6 11 Duromm Old Boy Honored at Toros ♦ ♦ 4 4 ♦ ♦ • • e •♦ ••♦ • • • ♦ 2 ♦ 2 2 • 2 '2 2 i• 2 7t i; ro small Honor to be elected president of the, Toronto Method it'll•Confer sae jprobably the largest, of the Canudian Methodist Confcrereesf and Rev. R. J. rlre- leavcn' is to be congratulated' on the fact thatf he was elected last week by a large majority over an exceedingly popular and able op- ponent. It was at 'once expression of thel est cern in which ihe is to • • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • • • •®®m••eDo®m•ece••••• BAPTIST CHURCH. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Fairfull was not his usual self and Mr. Chas. l-Iolland took the services and preached to able sermons. The Canadian Order of Foresters will attend divine service in the Baptist Church on Sunday. WILLIS CHIIRCH Rev. Mr. Turner, Blyth, occupied the pulpit last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Harper was taking the services at Blyth, The S. S. Picnic is expected to be held on July 6tih to Bayfield. The, Csirsil annual "stampede'. of the Covenant Bible Claus last Uri-. day _ri•- day. with large attendance, fine htieather ty the lake et Bayfield end ^n altogether enjoyable any. The day was spent in Baseball, boat - leg swimming and other sports and •titer rt happy isupper for whicll`' all were, ready the caravan reachecll home,: in lime to miss the r•am. Next Sabbath the minister will preach both morning and evening Morning Flaw lean our Nation Please God." ex -ening 'Answered by tare.' Their nrnail Patriotic Service of Mr. McKenna said the war loan the Sunday Sehool and Bible Class 1 would be, met by bonds issued at ' ill btf heldnext Sabbath Rafter- parr, and carrying •1;¢ per cent. in r,000 nt 2.30,. There will be an ^d. dress.( by Major J. W. Shaw M. D., terest: CLc:nc,ll ,i :,f 'Cschcgtrrr McKennasolos, duets, incl appeopiiitto reel- _r . _'. " - • elation as welie rats the Patriotic Day Order of Ser'ii :e which w.l1 be followed in all' the Sunday Schools in ,the Presbyterian Church in C n hd'a next Sunday. In this sery ice Mrs. CaElliott, Miss Lulu Bowe Capt. 'IIcnderaoli and LiraLiry- •c tion . take part \Visitors who come will be cordially welcomed. The Col- lection will bo in aid '01 the Canad• Ian Bible Society's Fund to supply •Bibles to the Canadian }7xpediti'on ary force. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Prof. Wright, of Huron College preached in St. Paul's church, morning and evening last Sunday. WESLEY C'HURCD Nunn Ladies Entertined by 33rd Leldr by th brethren lay ana s,t . clerical and•arecogmtion of his, o,? ity and fidelity to the church 'of ihicii he lam so long been an honored{ minister. . Mr. Tr el ea yea is a native of the county 'of Aurouhnving !been born on 'the 9th concession; of Ashfield littler over fifty years ago and has many rel: tives•-stilt living here. His Continued on Page Two land scandals We Don't Near About Ottawa, June 17—The Ferguson report a which was sprung in the dying days of the session, as a sort of necessary postscript to the activities of'the Opposition, has not panned out according to expectations., It was intended to do double work—to offset the war supply scandals, which had already got into the newspapers,and also to offset certain Government land scandals which might be expected to get front page notoriety later on. The great virtue of the Ferguson report was. supposed to be that it"gave the Govern - STERLING TI,., IA i. Is the best package tea on the market to -day for '30c per lb. Although tea is very high and will be higher,our Sterling Brand will compare favorably with regular 4oc package tea. Try a package and convinced, be The Store of Quality E I VV T O'NEIL r 0 1 n. / A GROCER CC J HUB t' Clothing '_E fDTH The A Square Deal for Every Man ii Phone 48 N••N+•• 4 N•NN,N••N/N•N•NW! . , •• •••®•• centre Huron r is -1 ir-- The Annual Meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association will be held at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth on Tuesday, July 6th, at 3.3o p.m. .A good attend- ance of Liberals is de- sired. A deputntionr'cf Huron County' women, consisting of 'Mesdames ''itton 'of Eretet Redmond of ... Winghain, Nanning o Cl n'ton'and Weak of Seaforth,1 were 'visitors rat the mobiltzati'.ory camp i t London. last ,Friday •afterno'on.' They went to male arrangements , for the, field 'kitchen that Huron County „. n s n '•n 'o th 33rd 'Volum)are l a_ ,i g t e Ovvers_as, Battalion and wh 1a there were en'tertainei by Lieu't.r,Co1. Alex. Wilsonk'of£icer commanding the 33rd. They lied lunch at 1.30 in the officeis i mess tent and af,- terv;ards inspected the regimental. lines and saw the different types. 1 kitchen on exhibition. of field o There' are s'eve.ai kinds placed there by the manufacturers and it IY decide on the type than was, Lo e y.. the ladies' came to London. The women of Moron County are emir- t'inuing their great work for pa.trf otici causes/ and have undei•talcen n funds to 'o• i e •i to rar.'e eufli.r t fu .} t P d the 33rd Battalion, which wins main ly recrui'ted, in that country, with portable field kitchens. Wins Imperial Commission Mr. George McTaggart, jr., von of Mr.' and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart of Clinton„ passed his final exam- inations at the., Royal Military Co f, lege at Kingston, and has been recommend for Commission with the/ Royal Engineers 01 the Im- perial army. The young gentleman is to be congratulated upon his success. Two and a Half Billions In Excess of Revenneis the Debt British Government now Faces London, June 21. The Britis1' Government now faces a debs of more than two and one nib billions dolle_.rs in ex cess of 'revenues. Chapce'lor of Exchequer McKenna; announced in introducing the war loan bill in the House'o Commons this after- noon, calling for supplemental loan of 'one and a quarter billions. ment the last word. This last word is not as affective as last words ought to be because, so far the jury persists in looking upon it as a rather tiresome and expensive joke in which the laugh somehow or other has gone wrong. What makes it such a saucy document is the nature of the charges to which it is put forward as a reply. Satan rebuking sin is not a circumstance to this to quoque per- formance of er-formanceof the land grafters. To turn away wrath an answer should be soft but not soft enough to poke holes init. The Ferguson report went back fifteen years in a futile attempt to "get" Frank Oliver. and the main thing it discovered was that the lessee of certain lands, be- longing to the former Ministerofthe Interior, was behind in this mining i royalties to the Government, a small matter of detail' for which Dr. Roche I was willing to make the usual allowances until it became necessary "to have - something on Frank." Whereupon the Ferguson report got busy and such slackness toward a Liberal ex -Cabinet Minister was found to be a grave scandal although nobody- had thought it worth bothering about• up to that moment. Like Tartarin of Tarascon, who set out to shoot lions and brought back a harmless inoffensive camel, the Ferguson report was something of a fizzle. It dug down fifteen years and didn't get enough' gold filling to stop 'a tooth. It tunnelled among the long dead and buried and met with the usual result— ' bonum—of —oft the dead e morins nil nisi d action nothing but bones. Its course of was about as reasonable as exhuming the body of .Che hron, the builder of the Great Pyramid in order to get him 1 in wrong with the Trades and Labor workmen in paidhis w he on r sbecause C e g s onions.' The best its friends could ever it was that report of Ferguson uson sayof P g. hearse. t stones sat the brew. at If instead of stopping • short October, I911, the Ferguson report had Continued fon page ;2: cool. of the Sal ion rimy toil Last Sunday morning the pastor took as his subject "The Prayer of Habakkuk." At the evening service his subject was "The message of a Tempted Leader." Last Sunday morning the Sunday School met the same hour church did. This Union service will continue during the summer. Mrs. A. T. Cooper will give a Missionary address at the Junior League on Friday night. Rev. W. K. Hagar, B. A., Goderich, will preach next Sunday morning and evening. The mixed . Quartette sang ''The Lord is my Shepherd" and the male quartette sang "Swing back ye gates." ONTARIO ST. CHURCH Services on Sunday will be Con ductec.,. by e'e; S. J. Amp the er the Facbry The Boys in the iFiinshing room of the Doherty Piano Co , vsnt tobacco to 'Pte, Wm, Bezzo, whi is minting at the. front with the 1st cu g t le ter cut, lIe sent the following' back to them Dear Boys of the Finishing Room Just a few lines just to Id you know how I am getting along. I am well hoping you are the same, and will be glad when I can be back again. I re- ceived your package of tobacco and words can't explain how glad I was to gete on it, 24th lot'9uof fiewoite a rks.niThe Germans shelled us out, we had to hide in water over our knees— any old place to get cover from shrapnel. I do not want to blow as a bei hdl o noo have knowhow soon I may getg y through so far without a scratch, I will try and tell you what the boys are doing now. We are down for a swim in the canal—some are cutting their toe -nails, -bin " or for "something" r lookingf others are their shirt and trousers. We are caving fine weather. It is very warns and I was thinking of the boys and the old elni tree at the river. I could almost see you inn. It Made me feelhdhomesick,er Jbut I have my part' to do and the best way is to face it with a smile. The other night we were digging new trenches. about 150 yards from the • Germans. I must close many thanks for the. tobacco and will lie glad to get a letter from. any of the boys Yours truly, Yon. Will'. pastor evenings topic "An Eastern ern Wedding and what was said about it." Last Sundaywas ",Flower Day' and the services were of special irnterest. The pastor's sermons morning and evening Were appi.op v e en The ria'td to the day. Th ing sermoaht. was', from fibs words "Con sider the Lilies." Mrs. King of Goderich, assisted the choir and shy d eangt with much appreciation sol'od that delighted all. Flowers Of all Kinds abounded made the church attnaelive. The large clusters of peonies were es- pecially fine and fragrant, The audience in the afternoon togetlreRn with members toff the Sunday School completely filled the auditorium(' The pastor and Mr. Bradshaw, the superiritendent,presided, Rev.' Dr, Rutledge' addressed the young people in way that enlisted the attention Of everyone, A Jail,- anese song was ,given by et. class of girls, Solos werel rendered by G. AL Elliotb, and Mrs. Saunders Of Goderich, 'rives dit5tyl were given by the( lady, 'officers .Of the Army and one by Mrs.I lines and Miss Wile and a quartette b S 'Misses s Howe and Wilted and Messrs. Cta le and IFeed •Thom P s'on, Mi ss read:- gave excellent e Stewart r einexc in bus's Grace Walker .also 'assist ed in the programme and . Mrs. Treleaven presided at the organ. Field Kitchens Presented to 33rd Batt!, Two splendid field kitchens of the type{ perfected by the Me - Clary Ma.nuf,_wttiring Co. 'of Lon- don er e presented to the 33rd. Overseas Battalion bydelegation elegt t on of 'Huron County' ,ladies lingt4 Heights, London at noon roti Wednesday. The 18th; was given such kif • diens prior to their departure from, London and the, 34th Batumi'- ion received its quota in Guelph The 33rd( had only the 'ordinary osis and nt and th ,.ger Y cc uirme g 1 accord +•arc q P9 is l al io ir;nn, bf the donors segay very much appreciated. One •t .large type ' e 1 YP is th the kite: heed ns g of i for: the Hien( of the rank and file and the other'' flor 'the officers' A couple of additional kitchens .are yeti required' for the needs 'o'f the men, t Tiro ladies were- introduced by Dr: Shaw, of Clinton and .Mr's. RF. Joan ib"itt:on, of Exeter. reading ,the( address, which was signed by Mary E. Redmond,;' of Wingham; M. G. Manning, of Clinton ; Eliza- beth Gibson, 'of Gocle ich; anidMr•s. Oecag Nei},, of Seaforth. 'Miss Gab son, of Ooclerich presented the }eceipt for the .kitchens which . were delivered, to Lieut. Ool. W. A. Wilson-• who( replied suitably. NI rs. fClinton•t n C , a] , ,a s >\rc1`< W Cl Wall er of Cli:rton, Tilts Colson, oaf Seaforth; 'Mrs. !fieamen, Of Exeter:; 'Airs. Dickson,• of Exeter, Mrs. and Misd Hooper of Exeter ;' Mrs. Rev. Collins, of Exeter and others ac- companied `the party. s Speaks Mr. MusgroveP came 'eM .P. enr , s roi P ti r Musgrove i g 'and aa- down with the delegation 'ho hveie ) '- O 9 who t O I dr the`j dresseP rader*. at'fuli strength, briefly He called attentji'o n {go khe gook work( ladies) have dlome in Red , Cross, Society, and in other capR,he- itiesl anddeclared that the fair eel of 'Huron County to -day pre' forms's an act' worthy, of further laurels. The tro'o'ps' in action re- quire good food and such flit -4 °hens are calcnh"ted,: to maintain •a supply of the best available, Mr... Musgrove, facetiously( expressed the hope that they would never fall into 'hand:{ that, would ultilize • them to line the Germans. The. British, he said have 'embarked, tip ry avery difficult tasl. 'ana - o ' is up' iso those.' at home to take good, °are. of the men in, the field.. ham. Capt.. t n ' o•fWin P Dr.Redmond' d Wing ham. of the 33rd Huron Regi- ment and others were is ith the party. Whileq it wad' the intention t'o, make, the presentation : atnform,al Col. L. W. Shannon, commanding officer; of the division and others of the staff! were present. Later the ladiesl were entertained by the officers of the 33rd Battalion at luncheon in thiJ 'officer's mess. The Address, The address read by :Mrs. Fitton follows ;-- To Lieut-Coi. A; 'Wilson, Command ing 'the 33rd Battalion of the Tlurcl. Or erscas Contingent Sir ;--The several organizations. htorkingi for the support of our forces 'on active services and rep resenting the various lnunicipah_. ties of the County of 'Huron feel deeply honored -i n being allowed to inR iadditional a n iter to the regular activities 'and to further assist ie 'the better e- quipment! of your splendid battal- ion( for the more vigorous prose- Continued, on Page 5