HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-17, Page 10TIIE CLINTON NID 9V, fattA.0 '. Thursday Jtine 17th, 2915 DUSTLESS ----By opening dost damper ,nd _ direct draft damper, when shaking The past week has been one of unusual activity in the Rug Section- owing to the exceptional character of the values presented We have freshened up the assortments with additions of many new colorings, .patterns and sizes, thus making' choosing as varied and interesting as before, BRUSSELS RUGS AXMINSTER RUGS HEAVY WILTON RUGS ENGLISH TAPESTRY RUGS I{IRS�H FLAT ROD Kirsch Rods Can't Sag—Never tarnish Curtains and Draperies are used in every home. Get themost pleasing, effect by using the Kirsch Flat nod. It, makes it decidedly easy for anyone to secure charming window decoration—the kind that convey: the impression that they are the work of an expert. Made in standard sizes and extensions '—there is one to fit any window and a special style for bay windows. Our Immense Stack of Linol;ellrns.' ' Affords the best choice, best values,' a.nd the widest range '6f patterns in the county Rugg '• for the Veralndah and SUm3ner Heine These are made of matting and very durable, will stand exposure and can be washed without injury to color or fabric. Green and natural shades—Reversible Special Japanese Matting Offer A few hundred yards at roc per yard Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 Ineereevemonvoseearne Alert's `tore Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103 O V R®� JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON MOM Just a Moment, Please! 1 > Powders Ever ' Baking y to out your attention1, � ish to call We wish can guaranteed to government standard. We stand behind this line which is especially put up and named Ifohnson`5 • Own Braking Powder 'Fol' next Saturday only we are of;leriug it.at 2 cans for 25c We also wish the public to know of other lines of Balling Powder we carry. in stock: such as Forest City, Best, Etc., Baking Powders that are well known brands. J Pho!}e 111 Successor to S, Barr. Fancy furniture w THE STORE OF QUALITY Phone orders promptly attended to Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your•nspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,ever•y de. tail. HerM'are the finest creations of the, furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huston to buyali kinds of Furniture F,.AL1IST+ s.r=lg2NSON urniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104nson 186 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES-- . J. D. Atki dustall is is Carried up � ne smoke pipe. See the McClurg . __ _or write for booklet. 35 BYAM & 'SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS PREPARING FOR THE 12TH The Fife and Drum Band of Murphy Lodge, Clinton commenced their practices last Friday night,for the corning I2th. elePeoes sAeuAAAAAAAA LLALLALAAAAAA AAdsAAeAAA+AuAAAAAksus eAA 414 Local News41P. AD VERTISIN G -ISMS. IMPROVE MEN TS i.e The more insertions you put o_1 Mr. John Rapson is putting an additional story on his house ion -until next month, the less sales you North Street. Mr, John Dayment are lil:elytomake this month. North the Contract. CARD O•F±'i4ANKS. 21st birthday of the Prince of The family ofthe latet Mrs. Thos Wares, Judd wish_ to express their heart- NO felt thanks to the neighbors and' NO WAR STAMP REQUIRED. friends fcr their kindness during the seri is it nees of Mrs. Judd, The Let tie again remind our comes; �tten pondents'that their budgets 'eo e t' as • nsual for one cent. No RRESrCtaD FORtINCENDIARISM otamps are required. A. D. Strong, of Galt, has been nr REFERENCE TO DISASTER. re•tted on a' chatge of setting fire. a N.e. te. PRINCE OF WALES BIRTHDAY Tuesday of this week.was the MINOR LOCALS. Swimming time. - The good old palm leaf will soon be called into service. The wedding present problem is equalled only by the worries of Christmas. Summer holidays are looming up rapidly. WHY NOT HERE In Hamilton an advertisement is in serted in the city papers warning owners of vacant Tots that in accordance with the statute the weeds thereon must be cut by June 30 and kept cut there after during the season. In the event of this, not being done the city will pro cued to destroy the weeds and charge the cost thereof to the owners of the property. Would it not be well to have such notice given in Clinton. s c ce ARRANGE FOR SUMMER SCHOOL. Full arrangements have been made for the third annual Presbyterian summer school to be held here at Hotel Sunset, Goderich, from July 5 to 12. The clay exercises will be given over to studies and in the evening addresses will be given. Well-known speakers will be on hand, including John Griffith; B. A., of Ronan, China. Judging by registrations already the school promises to be the most successful yet held. Throughout the Salvation army headquarters in Canada yesterday special s-rvices were held In sour memoration of the- Empress of Ire- land disaster on Say 29, 1914. A BUSY ,NIAN, St. Marys Jouri.al:—One of the busiest men of the Conference aria a man of good executive ,ability was .Rev S. J. Allen, of Clinton, secretary of the Stati'o'ning Com- mittee. A SILVER WEDDING Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald of Toronto celebrated their silver weer ding last/ 'Friday by' :t roseption Sn the afternoon and evening n t their • house in Spadini road. Mrs. Mac- d'onald was wearing a gown of Ma- zarin blue brocaded crepe de chine, with a fuehn of beautiful Brussels applique lace, diamond 'ornaments. and a cormrtge bone uet of white and purple heather. Miss M:tcr- donald, who raceivcd with her 'Parents was in ':t pale yellow, crepe gown with torso°e and pannier of yellow pattern with Dresden flow- ers The drawing -room WOS fo:t- TEACI3 MOR SLS AND MANNERS Hon. Dr,: P1-ne, minister Of ode - cation, is still determined that On- tario children shallbe taught pro'- per manners' and morals, iiespite the withdrawal of 'the first book on that subject which he authorized some years ago. "The Golden Rule Books" is the latest set that the minister has' authorized, and he notified Chief Inspector Cowley, of Toronto that these books on man- ners and, morals must be in the hands of the pupils by September next, He leaven it td the 'trustees to say whether the Board Of Edu- cation supplies them free to the pu pils or whether the pupils be re- quired to buy them for themselves. THE BEEKEEPERS 4. d' A goodly number of wide-awake bee ib keepers of surrounding districts attended the demonstration in the Apiary of Messrs Irving Bros., south of the G. T. R. station on Friday afternoon of last week. There were various manifulations of keen interest to beekeepers, including an examination of the hives for disease, and the putting of a colony through the treatment for cure. The finding of the Queen, the removing of bees from supers! and operating to prevent swarming all had a tendency to hold the attention of the beekeepers present. The demonstrat immitmeee,ion was conducted under the direction of Mr. Morley Petit,, Provincial Apiarist. More Those,taking the ore prominent parts were Mr. Dunn and Mr. Hunter, local le inspection of Apiaries: Splendid ad dresses were listened to Mr. Dunn in a comprehensive manner dealt with all phases of beekeeping. In the course of address be emphaized the necessity of bees for the propogation of fruits: Mr. 1 Hunter also gave a very practical address. The grounds of Messrs Irving were ideal in every way, and the demonstration was a' pronounced success. inn special Sale to premises in Scaforth; owned by him. The fire occured on May 19th and the property was heavily in- Fared. The case will be tried by the magistrate in Serif orth. APPLICATION ;FOR NATURALIZATION Application for naturalization from Max Pauyer, 'of Godei•ieh, Kivel Lebel, of Blyth and August Guhr, of Seatorth, came before the general sessions of the peace for the county last week. GARDEN PARTY TONIGHT. Don't forget the L. 0. L. Garden Party tonight. (Thursday) On the lawn of Peter Cante;l'oln's. The Kittle Band will fnrnieh a (gold program and the Lodge, will di-, t ide Dart of the 'proceeds with the Women's Patriotic Society.. LAWN SOCIALS Lawn socials ere now being .ar- ranged and this office, as usual, is in a position to print bills for such en Al anti neatly, With each TO the pleasure given by the refined ex - e llence of Lotus Lawn stationery is added the satisfaction derived from the fact that It is a "lade in Canada." Note Paper Envelope. Invimtiam. Writing Tablets Neckties C rr pondenee Cards Initialled Stationers, Caldemna . Club Note and St.tiooery. grant with carnations and rosss, c.rd.er we insert free of charge a When nen New Era. �S dining,' tt 1; in the 'n The N tea tiler.ice n 1 'the notice and room aa' arranged with a cloth bills are printed here our anininnuln and white, emleoidlered centre an rote for inserting ads ,is 25e. a pierced silver basket of gypsee chill um and tiny pial.'roses, the f CAR TURNED TURTLE. While Mr. Weston of Bo held ante a companion were returning; home on Wednesday afternoon fast. heir car turned to •hie tamrowing wedding cake s'tatd.ng at one end, and Mrs. D. 13. Macdonald who was at the wedding 25 years ergo) pre, sided at tit( other end and poured nut the tea. The aseisvanis were chit' and uL eve cry ininriitm wlr. Mrs. R. J. Gould, Mrs, M. C. ,Cance, St. Thorie% Miss 11Iarjorie Gould, -Weston about head ':incl shoo cl.•re Miss Mary Sommerville, Miss Linda The car w^•' 1 idiv damaged nd Mrs. Harris McPhedram, Mrs, Mee was towed to Scaforth for repairs, Donald, is•1 sketeri of Mrs, 'Dr.) Gan slier, of town hnu'dtughter of Mrs. Christian, who is at present tie.iting Mrs, Dandier hem e. on the Following at Reduced Prices 1 only Lawn Lawn Mower regular .... .c $5' 50 for $4 50 1 only wer regular....... 5 00 for 4 00 1 only Volmer regular , 7 50 for 6 001 1 only Wheelbarrow regular.\.. . 4 00 for 3 25 • .1 only Portable Rubber Bath regular : ; 12 00 Inc1088 00 5 1 only Refrigerator regular00 1. only No. 2 Daisy Churn regular 6 75 for 00 1 only No. 1 Daisy Churn regular ......... 8 75 for 8 00 1 only Grindstone tubular steel frame, regular6 00 for 4 50 8 Hammocks at cost Cut Glass at ar good discount for balance of this month Headquarters for a complete Line in all in all Kinds of Hardware IARL.AND BROTHERS STOVES, HARD,WARE AND NOVELTIES ' VISITORS HAD (GOOD CAME Friday afternoon some of the vis- iting Oddellowq after their busi- ress meeting- wended their way down to till bowling green anie hack an enjoyable game with :come of our local; bowlers. Those who took part" were ;— Visitors Locals A. W. Robinson R. E. Manning. J. Crooks W.�Wi .man W. Taman nt R. Creechsk. <E. G.Courtice sk. DR. W. H. R IRKS MARRIED. Rev. A. K. Birks of Dundas, known in in and• around Clinton Se,- ceived a cablegram • last week en - trimming that his son Dr, W. H. Dirks, who i$ a medical missionary of the 'Methodist` Church at Chung Chow, China had been, remarried atShanghai, on May, 16th, to 'Mis's Cleora Janet, third daughter of Mr. John 1vIcCrregor of Oshawa Ont. Mrs. 13irkei is a graduate nurse of the Hamilton city hospital. The New Era extends felicitations to all concerned. WHY NOT MAKE IT BEAUTIIPUL. • Would it not be a good' move for the cemetery 'officials and' plat owners to get'together to d evise ume wayOf enhancing the ia.ppearl- ueee of Clmntail cemetery, which could" be made One ,Of the most beautiful e em 'terieS of its size in the country. Clinton, Cemetery is in an ideal spot 'and.used by the siturounding •country and The New Era doesn't think it would be out of place to ask thevarious 'town( ship Councils to help in beautify- isrg the sacred sere. The We D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest—Pliways' the Best eaarg�®^y'' .pae_rnova.s Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily redeye a cough. Try t— eaJJIIOT% Dispensing Chemist TILE PENSLAR DRUM STORE MEIN2111/111. Furniture, Rugs & 1 irloleum We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only ant some odd pieces. You will find le to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good tine of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JD DUNFe . Phone 28. Funeral 1Director ..ana 'Undertaker e Night and Sunday Cana¢ansevercll at Residence over. store BLACK BASS IEASON OPENED. "Standing back: with well -booted feet, "Where the brook and river meet," the reellisherman will be found from now on. On Wednesday of this week, he has 'not forgotten the date, was the beginning of theol.en season top black bass fishing Trout? aim, yes; all right of course Salmon?hum-m, big gamte certainly Shark fighting?? picturesque if you like, but no good for eating Whale Overdone by Jonah, BASS? Now you're talking. Other, vanities O3 fishing are goad material for 'stor- ies, but bass catching is sport. No bass fisher ever needs ;to—exag- gorge, If he tries, he will findh s imagination Outdone by the reality, Painted pictures facie before the actuality of the scene; vivid est dreamix;ar,en't, half as good as the true happenings. The 'bass ;the dreamer lands isn't nearly so sti11 a fighter as the one be bottles with, because the positive bass gets away; iand'',what is time Mise in fishl- ing if the fish doesn't sometimes get away? How: else can the fish- erman exult if—no, when—he lance one? The world at large benefits in either case, owing tothe corn - municative, nature of the fisherman He is not selfish aro censor in his de- partment; his achievement 'erre published unstintedly and he glee; res in defeat, the defeat ,that prove es him sueli:a good sport that he's going back 'Co try again. There bre fish,. and black ,bass, and ft's black bass 'the lineman will 'be zf:• ter. ,, IF THIS KIND OF INSANITY WOULD ONLY SPREAD The Smith Falls Record:—An Ogdens- burg man undertook on his own account the other day to relieve the labour situation in that city. He went to a hardware store, represented that he was starling to clean up the city and had a large number of shovels, hoes, rakes and other tools delivered at a certain place. He hired all the men he could find and put them to work on the streets and lanes. He was a truckman and used. his own outfit and bought another to help with the work. Everything was going along beautifully ,and in ,a short time he would have had the whole city a model of cleanliness but somebody noticed something queer about''. the proceeding and told somebody else and an investigation revealed the fact that the man was crazy, The con dition of the unemployed got upon his nerves and he went temporarily insane. But what a fine turn his mental derange neat took and what a splendid example he set to a lot of people in a lot of places who claim to be in their right minds! `One can scarcely help wishing 'that that particular form of insanity would spread. — TRY -- CONNER'S UTTER=CRUST SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 'zoz — sc Loaf F orJ avetreiughieg and Sheet Metal Work of all minds try ns. The Corner Store "Live and Let Lire" Are You UIoiilg Ca.mpin, The season is here again when we begin to think of lake and stream and the pleasures that go along with. camping and picnicing If you are going camping, see us re- garding on yourks s applies. We are special Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are handy and appetizing for the picnics and little jaunts that campers frequently take. We have Cold Meats, Jellied Meats Potted Meat and Peanut Butter, Salmon, Sardines, Olives and Cheese • Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Specials Strawberries, Oranges. Lemons, Bananas, Pineapples, Ripe Tomatoes Thos.11awkins Green Onions, and Lettuce Plumbing and Heating• 13e Hunniford Shop—over Rowland's Hardware Phone 53 PHONE 46. kIIryygIIlNyIISFl4IIy3ly p.NIIh3! fall!Akailt+•!.1.1.4•i'•II•411H.44.?••Ftd'gd TEST OUR BETTER SHOES You'll find here not only the late model shoes —the best of shoes -the shoes you'll like, but you will find that buying shoes here is a pleasure—both for reason of the excellence of our shoes and our. splendid painstaking service in fitting. We spare no pains to see that you are ;fitted with just the right sort of shoes, and that you are Fitted Correctly in Every Detail If you buy shoes here once, you'll do it again, We have a whole army of patrons that have met with this expelience and never think of going elsewhere Men's Shoes $2,00 2.50 3.00 3,50 to 650 Women's Shoes at 1.50 2,00 3.50 to 5.00 )toys and Girls Shoes 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 Children's Shoes 35c 506 75c 1.00 to 1.50 There is nothing new or ;startling about our prices, you have seen the same figures quoted time and again, and they will continue to be quoted for all time to come BUT we ask you to come here to see and learn how mush better shoe value your shoe money will secure here than it will if you buy your shoes "most anywhere." FRED. J2IeKSOI