HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-17, Page 9Thursday, June' 1 th, 1919, l i. THE CLINTON NEW "ERA ••••••••••0610•000•••6•e000 • • ' •. LASE CALL • • 0 • cd O 1OOK AT YOUR LABEL 0 :• 0 • ; 0 00000000000600000000000.00 ONLY SiXTEEN, GIRL VERY SICK Tells How She Was Made Well by LydiaE.Pinitham's Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La. -"I take pleasure in writing these lines to express my grati- tude to you. I am only 16 years old and work in a tobacco factory. I have been a very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully s i n c e taking Lydia ,E., Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and am now looking fine and feeling a thousand times better." -Miss AMBLI& JAQItmmLARA, 3961 Te- boupitoulas St., New Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa. - "My mother w a s alarmed because I was troubled with suppression and bad pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pimples on my face, my complexion was sallow; my sleep was disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and bas regulated me.-•, I. worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them." -Miss Enema& M GUIRE, 110 Timing St., St. Clair, Pa. There is nothing, that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let- ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Practical Train- ing School. Wel ays',thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments. • Commercial, Shorthand Mad Telegraphy Our graduates succeeds and you should get our large, free cataloguer Write feria at once D. A. McLachlan, !Principal WANTED 10000 doz. Non -;fertile New Laid Eggs card week We are prepated to pay a premium for eggs from flocks where there are no male birds-eggsto be not over 4 days old Broilers aild Fat Hens Do not hold your poultry until fall - when the market is glutted and the price is cut in two. Sell now while the prices are high Seed Buckwheat and Millet We've a good supply of Buckwheat and Millet at reasonable prices Have you tried our ` Quebec Maple Syrup ? We have only a few cans eft A carload of Bran and Shorts due to •iarrive this week The Guoo-Iaoglois Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W. JENKINS P donna • See and here our finest New Stylish designs of E Doherty Pianos and E Organs, • �- special values in Art' r. m a. % Cases Q • 4 • • Pianos and organs rent A e ed. Choice new Edison E • 2 phonographs, Music & E rr variety goods. •' ' A ARM Eixlporiunl m E 1;. Hoare: , HillreaPPINVOVVITereareerYVVVVVVN NORTH ENO I+EEI) STORE Seed Corn On Hand -A large stock 'of Corn, Mango's, and Turnip Seed, which will be sold ATl TEE LOWEST PRICES. Secure Your Order for Fertilizer Potash ,For Your Root Cnop. We will mix it for yen at the store. Agent for Heintzman Pianos Old ones taken in exchange, and balance on easy terms' ,..1. FPANK W. EVANS • TERMS CASH. PHONE 192 I RA1�DfiRUNItSYs M Attractive Trips To Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park rkrenhe Var Eawart h a Lakes Nlaganetawan River, Timagami, el c Hound trip ;tourist tickets now on sale fvom certain stations er. at voryf low fares; (with liberal sitopeiioyors. - Muskoka Express Leaves Toronto 10.15 a m. daily,' except Sunday. for lelnr'koka When/ Huntsville, Algonquin Park anct North Bay.. C'onnections' dremad e at ,'Muskoiral Wnarf for Muskoka Lakes.. and at 'Huntsville for points eta Lake/ at Bays. Parlor -Library-, Buffet car to Algonquin Park; Parlor -Library --Cafe car and first. class coaches to North Bay, 'Full particulars and tickets en apple-; ca'tioa to agents. John R.ansford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 67 A.0, Pattison, etation agent 1f yon want special advice write.to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter 'will be opened, read and answered by a woman and hold in strict confidence. ,K.,,,0 0 gain -s C O N 0 0 ;O'O o'b'SX,S'sn • ,O,' d' I PI 7. . ..w by CHARLES FeioNDS WALK ,ay Aathor of i,' ;P }Merle,,' rA' "Tiro P' termon; c t t , ,,,' etc. eeolle 'Alia T-1=aolit know -moo( "laugh or -or cry!" And doing both, she darted suddenly from the room. 6Xiss Carew had not been gone al minute before the stranger he had ace ,costed the previous day appeared hal the doorway. "Can I have a word with you, cape Min?" said the man. • Tam was impatient of any interrup+ tion just at this }uncture. Ile favored 'the .intrud r with a scowl and bluntly asked him what he wanted. The man stepped inside and closed the door. 1'have learned," said ho, "that nd ane is allowed to go ashore; I donee particularly mind about that; but I came away rather hurriedly, and 1 would like to send a message to mer- ely yely people. Would there be any objec- tion bjecttion to that?" The fellow's manner was furtive and . clandestine, and Torn was a bit puzzled. Betore he could reply, the other drew a sealed envelope from his Pocket and laid it on the table, and upon this he laid a ten -dollar bill. "Whoever takes that letter ashore," said the man, "and finds a trustworthy messenger who will deliver it right away, can split the ten-spot with him; 9 Sivver's not picked up for an hour's easy work every day, but it's worth something to keep one's •Yolks from worrying." Sweeping aside the bill, Tom me- chanically picked up the envelope and glanced at it. He did not start or betray by any sign that the address gave him a dice Must shock of surprise; his suscepti- bilities were become calloused to any fresh sensations of this nature; but nevertheless he wasamazed to see that the name upon the envelope was none other than Mr, Phineas Flint's. The street number--wi:ieh Tom could pot identify -was pollee l'eadquartere. "My uncle," explaiued the man, glibly. Very carefully Tom replaced the en- velope and upon top of it the hill; then he leaned back and fixed the man with a look, "See 'here," he demanded with ab- rupt authority, "net how do you come eo be an this yacht, anyhow?" The man's countenance expressed eatonishment, "Hasn't Mr. WIBard !obi you? he asked. 1 9t makes no difference what Mr. pp ...d has told uta----Y'ei asking; you." T le abrupt manner la t the man an. n 'Why, it was this way," he said'. qty. "My uncle ' learned Thursday'. ebat Mr. Willard was in town, looking aor a young man to talte the place of leamebody that had bean hurt; I was Wanting a job, and he pat me wise to, LMr. Willard was in something of a urry, and it didn't take us long to a bargain." Tbls explanation was illarein'Lttng. et required but a second's refection to array the whole thing clear' in Tom's mind and at the same time definitele; lis the man's status. Flint at last had struck Willard's Il; the latter's, urgent need, to find man to take Catlin' place had in r e omr mann c to the detective's rate pars, and he had been quick to•takead..: of IL Flint knew in a gen, way what Willard wanted, and hastily picked a Central office that would till the requtrementa etly there had been no time to him; be was expected to nom' ideate with Fant as soon ae the 'parry was located--b•ence the letter. Tom was guided to a epeedy de. *ton by leeverat considerations. Lt. antagonise thu „Ian might inetin the upsetting of Willard's plans at the very moment of their ful5llment; to retain his good will would 'leave a rep• resentative of the adverse interests on the premises, who could frustrate Wil- lard if the latter's schemesreally were to interfere. it would be the detect - five's role to wait and watch, and as John Callis' substitute he would be given •excellent opportunities to learn ;what was going on. - "Sit down," said Tom presently. As the man obeyed, he stood up and, 'thrusting his hands into his jacket pockets, coolly surveyed the other. "It happen," he went on, "that I know 'your uncle' pretty well myself." The man gave hint a quick, sharp glance, but said nothing. "I would ad ;vise you not to attempt to send that letter ashore; It's my opinion that you 'can serve Flint's ends better by doing !just what Willard has employedyou to do, and by trying not to excite Wil - lard's suspicions. You will earn, a thousand dollars, won't you?" "So Willard promised," returned the .wan, "You may depend ou it," Tom as, cured him. "1 haye known for some 'time that Flint was looking for Wil' lard -and more especially for John Califs-" • The detective sharply interjected: "He's an this yacht right now-dis•. abled. That's why you happen to be here; you were hired to take his place, I'll see to it that he doesn't get away from you. Strikes me yen have oppor-. tunities that old. Flint would apprech te„ The man no longer tried to dissem- e. "I eee that you have me spotted all t. Cornelius is ma name. What's e game? Pbineas had ne 'time to ut me wise." ' "He couldn't have told you so very ooh," replied Tom --"little more titan can myselt. I am not in Willard's .nfidence, but I have the best of rea- ns for knowing that whatever it is e's up to, it is strictly ou the level." "H'm-m-m," Cornellua mused, "that ekes my position a bit difficult, :sal It?" "Not particularly so.. All you have do is play fair. If anything crook- ed shows up you can count on my as- slstance. But the orders are strict boat going and coming, and you Idn't expect me to make an e'xcep- on of you, Flint or anybody else. Oa side, I shall say nothing to Wil - about you." Coraellus picked up boils bill and returning the drat to bis pocket Ad tearing the eecond into tiny bits. "'Flint will be alt up In the air over hearing from me," he remarked; if I can't, I can't You have the wood on me now. Have you any ea what was in that box they ght aboard ]sat night4" ot the slightest," returned Tom. eft looked a whole lot like a coffin." tom filled. and lighted Me pipe, e Mr. Cozneltne sat and watched Intently. As the same idea had (oocurred to the first -named, he could jnot disparage it now. Cornelius broke ;the silence:: "Coffins, you know, are only used !when there aro dead people to put in jthem. Any cadavers around here that . you've noticed?" "You're a nice cheerful chap, be- Ilieve me," retorted Tom. "No, there are none, It can't, be Callas, beaause he's getting well -saw hm less than an hour ago." "Just suppose," Cornelius went on meditatively, "that Willard is expect- ing somebody to die -at a given time, say-" "Hang it all!" Tom cut in. "You don't think the man is plotting delib- erate murder, do you?" Cornelius did not say what he thought. He sat considering. "Well," he said at last, rising, "I guess I'll have to take your word for it that everything. is all right until I see ditferent. But a coffin" -he shook his head dublously-"it don't look good to me." Whereupon he took his depar- ture. Shortly after nightfall Tom saw Wil- lard and the man Cornelius board the launch and go ashore, and be watched them with a quickened sense ot antici- pation. If that sleuth is worth a darn," he reflected, "now is his chance to get word to, Flint." He did not witness their return, but about an hour later he had a glimpse of Cornelius and one of the other young men, garbeff in soiled and worn overalls and jumre, like a pair of stevedores. Somewhere around halt'pant nine, the coffin -shaped box once more ape reared. But now, instead of two men, all four of Willard's retainers were carrying it. Indeed, it would scarcely be too much, to say that they staggered with it, so,. heavy had it grown, and so marked ;was the contrast between the ease and ladefference' with eehich It had been , ' `ontlnued next week. For 7 Years . Was Troubled With @ler Liver. Riliburn's Laxa4,iver Pills CURED ltER' Mrs. E. L. Hurst, 61 Symington Ave., Toronto, Out,, writes: "I have been troubled with my stomach and liver for the past seven years; also have had constipation, causing headache, back- ache and dizzy spells, and I would almost fall down, I tried all kinds of remedies without obtaining any relief. I com- menced using Milburn's L'axa-Liver Pills, and they have cured me. I have recom- mended them to many of my friends, and they are all very much pleased with the results they have obtained from their use." Milburn's' Lase - Liver Pills are the original so be sure and get "Milburn's when you ask for them. Price, 25c. a vial or 5 for 91:00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto,. Out, UO SNE tAS.DYING Suffered Terrehiy Uniil She Took "Fruit -a -fives" ST. J$AN D11 MAMA, JAN, ¢7t1.1, 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, I have been cored by. "17ruit-a-tines". I suffered so much that would not dare eat for I was afraid of dying. ,1'ive years ago, I received saitipies of "Fruit -a -fives" I clid not wish to try them for I had littleconfidence in thein but, seeing my husband's anxiety, I decided to do so and at once I felt relief. Then I sent for three boxes and I kept improv- ing until rov-inguutil I was cured. While sick, I lost several pounds, but -after. taking "Fruit-a-tives", I quickly regained what I had lost. Now I eat, sleep and digestwell-in a word, I am completely cured, thanks to "fruit-a-tives". 111.a.oam M. CHARBQNNT9AU " Fruit-a-tives " is the greatest stomach tonic in the world and will always curelndigestion,SourStoinaeh, "Heartburn", Dyspepsia and other Stomach Troubles. • 5oc. a box, 6 for.$2.5o, trial size, 150. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-ttves Limited, Ottawa. Centre of Earth Solid? From the speed at which earth- quake wavcs travel through the earth an English scientist 'Pas constructed a theory that the world has a dense central core, whicb may be measured in time. New Wrinkle In Windshields Side windshields, to be fastened to automobile doors so as to swing with them, are an English invention, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C,:fit.S"i"O R I A SUNDAY Lesson X11.- Second Quarter, For June 20, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Ps. exit -Memory Verses, 3, 4 -Golden Text, Ps. cxli, 9. Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. NL Stearns, This is not such n fnscinatina nn'- +vwyrr,r•uw+aGwvw�i*aMV'�dV�iVliOyiMOW WE ARE Dealers in Pedlar Galvanized Shingles, Corrugated Iron, I Felt and Slate Roofing, iEavetroughing, Plumbing and Heating, } Lightning Rods. Call or phone for prices. Repairs promptly done, arSgasacranittistisaccantemennuomings Byain & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. Www DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH WATCH is a delicate piece of machinery. It calls for leas attention than most machinery, but must be (cleaned and oiled occasionally to keel► eperfect time. affeitle proper care a Waltham !Watch will keep perfect time t' ill a eu rLe Itw 10 a lifetime. p Y Y , ai'e11 to let us clean your watt emery 12 or 18 months. i Edison Records and Supplies W. R• eounter tion for meditation as that of lash week. This tells of workers of in. iquity and the snares and gins and nets which the wicked set for the righteous. Yet it is written by the same holy Spirit. It. seems somewhat like coming down from the Mount of Transdgeratlon to contend with the devil and his works. It reminds us that our adversary, the devil, still go. etb about and that we need the whole armor of God for the daily conflict, and if we would not be overcome rayy}} grow weary, we must 'consider 51ll1S who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself on our behalf (I Pet. v, 8, 0; Eph. vi, 10-13; Heb- xii, 3). It does not matter what particular part of.David's life this psalm refers to, 13e was in the conflict from the time that Samuel first anointed bim;•before that privately as 0 shepberd; after that more or fess publicly till his death. From the time that a sinner''reeeives the Lord. Jesus and thus becomes. His redeemed property be is in the conflict ,with the world, the dealt and the devil and can overcome only by the blood of the Lamb and absolnte confidence in Him (Ilea. sii, 11; I John v, 4). Lord, I cry unto thee;" so also In Ps. elaii, 1, 5, "T cried unto the Lord 3, E' PAGE SEVEN Lri NYAL'S 'Mayfi YWer Lea M. (POWDER' F •o rdn# : rierre,hing • It Cli"8. �01 Mayflower TalcumPowder NYA(S Mnyflo„er TARIM 00150, m. The distinctive odor of Mayflower Talcum is entirely new, and of such charm and delicacy as to immediately appeal to every woman' of refinement. Antiseptic -exquisitely fine in texture, it is pre-eminent for use on baby. All Nyal preparations are in a class by themselves. Myal's Face Cream and toilet requisites are almost indis- pensable for the complexion. Ask at the Nyal Quality Store for free copy of our booklet, "Your Complexion,"' which includes directions as to proper methods of Massage; 129 Hovey, Druggist with my voice." No place nor circum•conewooeeeieee stance need hinder our cry to God, foe Jonah cried to the Lord from the beily of the dsb and was heard (Jonah ii, 1, 2). On tbis occasion David seems to have needed help at once, for he said, "Make haste unto me." When Peter was sinking in the sea he needed help quickly and cried, "Lord, save mel", And immediately Jesus caught him be the hand (Matt. sive 30, 31). The fillet on the cross needed salvation quickly, and he obtained it and went to para. dise. Prayer as incense reminds us of Rev, v, 8; viii, 3, the latter passage teaching us that tbe merits of Christ arenecessaryt0' make any prayer. tie ceptable and that by those merits ev. cry true prayer iu liis name reaches the throne. We think of the rather of ablei the Baptist offering incense in. the holy place while the multitude was prayigg without, nod we see by faith our great High Priest interceding for us as we eontfnne here ie prayer Luke 1, 8-1;0). The evening sacrifice reminds us that salvation and service all depend upon His precious blood, for He died at the hour of the evening sactldco. We need continually to pray rbc Prayer o9 verse- 8, "Sot n watch, 0 Lord, before my moutb: keep the door oe myli s " for if • o au moo tree no p. S d t in word the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body (las. ill, 2). "Who so keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth els soul from troubles" (Prov. mai, 23). Elsewhere David said, "I will keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked is be- fore me" (Ps. xxris, 1). In Ps. Isxsiv, 10, the writer speaks of being a door. keeper in the house of God, but here David asks the Lord to be his door. keeper. The word of God in our hearts is meutioned as a remedy acninst sin (Ps, 5rii, 4: exix, 11), Clinton, Ont. Verse 4 or. our I sson„ 'vanes axe; "Lead' us not into temptation, but de- liver us :from the evil one. May the thought or our. weakness keep as -fat away from all that is evil" Verse '5 reminds us of Prov. lx, 8, "Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee." And yet so good a man as -Asa could not stand a reproof, but imprisoned the Lord's messenger (II Chron. xvt, 10), The marginal reading of this. lesson verse is helpful and also the revised version. In verse 8 we are reminded of the Prayer, of Jchoshapbat, "We haven Might against Ibis great company that cometh against ns; neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee" (II Cbron. ax, 12). There also comes to mind Heb, ail, 1, 2, "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us leaking unto Jesus." "Let thine eyes look ii la uu, and let thine eyelids look strafe it before thee" (Prov, iv, 25). It Is iecessary that we look in the riaht ection and at the right person, for te r eyes affect out hearts (Lam, in. "• ,1. it 0 blessed when we see no `, 10 any more save Jesus only WWI o' r seivee (Mark ix, 8). The last two le son verses make us think of T;fmmi1n. a ,u was danced upon the gallows wheal le had prepared for Mordecai; also r. Duvet' w1yttc in Ps. xxxv, 8. "tot t xis tea tam t.a'Mth Lid catch him eI' ' Lits, 1e't5, vii, 15, "He mutlt 't ; t saga e.gas a sad is fallen into the ace 's0 dl easee5e," and Prov. xrvi .7, -"Vr.S$ tWIaleamees a pit shell lull We can safel,, cnteretita0 1,601 01 of iniquity to vet e reel, aaaer awn ruin, while we pat to 1 trust in the Lord, rely wholly amen Ifim and lire only For Him. When wt' ran say From the heart. "I know film whom I have be- lieved," we can nso add, "And am per• sunai.ed that He Is Shin to keep that .MMoa.,� �.� ,, X0000©NJ000060008000®Q'rr90000e)ego6atU+is'<jfesa ateeetafeateaaaa$,e0 • • 0 6.1 • m • 0 la la Advertisements, of Every Kind O m 6 0 a ¢e a a c ea (5 0 wulcn 1 nave- committedunto'. Win against that day" (11 Tina. > 1, 1Z. He is able to guard us even from stunt bling. and we, may joyfully sing, "I!( God be for us, who atm be anklet us1' (.Trade 24, revised version; Rom. "Me 81). • Sottoal'moot Compound. A safe, reliable repn,ating eewlleine, Sold in three do. aroes of strength -No. 1. $ig.. No, 2,53; No. 3, 55 per box.. Sold by all druscints, or sent prepaid on receipt Of pprice, Free pamphlet. Address Two COOK MEDICINE co., TORONTO, 087. (handy Windsor,) Weather Made to Order Sir Oliver Lodge, speaking before the Institute of Electrical Engineers at. Loudon on the electrification of the atmosphere, said that if electrical control over the atmosphere were ob• tained it might be feasible to control tbe weather. Many countries, he said, wanted to produce ram owing to drought, an4 he could not but suppose that tyv ascending a mountain and dlacharg. Mg a sufficient amount of electricity 1 g i t9 into the clouds they would stimulate some of them to coalesce and fall, and a real rainstorm might result. This, however, would be an expensive matter. There are parts of the earth be- longing to the British Crown whin would be better for some weather' control," said Sir Oliver.' -hi.ldrela. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA TO '1A KNITTING BAGS. Dainty Affairs Into Which the Ball and Needles May Be Slipped. The smart woman is always aR fait In the mutter of bags or similar acees series to the costume. unfortunate', tem),ting looking bags are so castle anti nannufnetarers bring out such a great vuriety of these that one must be not only 'vigilant, but prosperous, to i;oep up with the styles. Nowadays, too, there are bags for every occasion. There is the ever use - es Cs t,: • �'t. 0•f m • 0 0 s• s• y s N • •promiscuous cation, but you can CO • • ea s� I • ai • is • •eeee0t oseeme00ee04d0eeeseaeeeereese emeeeimeeeeee' The Key to the Situation Ifyeu are looting for a situation a Vasei ied' Want Ad. Is the ke which wit unlock Vie deer to the private Office of the buolacta roan. • e' too busy to„tMeveitaw ai txl>Ech htn attent,on'',1ed sasuro an appotnttnont by aSltaatton wanted" rad.+ • 0 • • • • 0 • • Y • a•u ..1....L7_E.1 :IN .,d:3 V !T Y 0•.,nmp4 ma a.v, w..,. Bring Most Satisfactory Results from 0••0••••••0••••••••0000.00 eheeateeO0000000000000000.0 /HAVE YOU A PHONE 41 • In •Your Office, Store. 10 • •Or Flotne? T+�' �� a. • IIf so Yon will be 1�� , R s; to ntelrested iii the s• ' Modern I Teieph2ne Tablet s • )Iry .�- '1 n little inventions imaginable. It is • ROne of the simplest and handiest made of sheet steel,. oxidized finish,the paper roll attachedronils trona the insuring a smoothh writing surface, and i ;; •, top and cuts on. at any length desired, 'For taking orders or jotting dawn • notes these tablets area great woven ' s • • • • fence, They are readily attached to a either des • k or wall 'phone, and their • use is aliowed by all telephone coin • panes,•. • Price $ 1.00 • sIncluding three extra rolls of paper) • • • elint011 N• • e • s 0. s. s *9 • m m• Jeweler and Optician a • Issuer otlVlarriae LieensCs• with narrow vol lace. it isembroidered, 6000e00000000e0000.9eato l03 tpeeeeeeehte®6®••••OStdBta0000 in two color and green. Agents For Clinton VANITY ANS) Els n'rINo BAGS. band bag'which milady merles With her when she goes shopping, and there is the bag for the opera, for the bridge party, etc. Pictured here is a model furnished With the beauty eelthat p rho modern woman likes es to have constantly at band. The top of the bag is of silver, with a mirror set inside. Carried out in satin there is a pendent Jewel to give a touch of color below, Now that every one is: ,Imitttog for the war sufferers, woman most needs have fancy bags in whirs to carry the materials for the work. The knitting brig illustrated is a circular - iterate of natural colored drawn up at the top by pink baby ribbon and finished.