HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-17, Page 5Thursday, June` 17th, 1915 LSB C'LINTON.NRW trAo shit 4, ilverware Or Wedding Gif is Silverware is most acceptable to the bride. It is practically imperishable and conveys a laetitrg memory: L No;,Lride eon agave •toot' Much Silter►iia"re It is valued because it is one the . rime necessities u of the P young hoiesekeepee- she is proud to show it and she finds real use for it every day We Suggest Silverware as the Ideal Wedding Gitt We have a good assortment of Tea Sets, Bake and ll:tsseOie Dishes, Dessert Sets. Bread and Sandwich Trays Batter Dishes, Etc. Knives, Forks and Spoons of all Kinds. W. n. O ELLVAR JEWELER and OPTIQIAN' EYES TESTED FREE ••••e••••••••••••••••••••• Local News 0.10310001116401111111161.111111111111111111111106 LESTROY CATERPILLARSt,, There is' a law demanding the destruction ,of caterpillars. Cater- pillars are very numerous this year and persons finding nests bei prop- erty !shoulea see that they are de- stroyed, 1t EW POST%L CARDS. The. new postal card with o red two,cen't stamp On the corner in- stead of the, old ,green one•ice;nt stamp, is making its appearance in town. It is handier than the bld one -cent card in that it :saves lick- ing a stamp for e.,eh card. ISSUE C'HECSi', WITH STIMP. A: D. McLean, manager of the Canadian bank of . Commerce, states that the banks will probab,y issue checks already embossed with a ivar'stamp, paying the ',Govern-. merit the( costs of the "stamp and charging thee costomers tc o cents for each 'cheek issue'd';them: 00. COUNCIL WOULD NOT GRANT NNIEL!). KITCHEN. The county ,council turned down the proposition for contributing to the purchase of a iicic1 lcitchen for the 33rd Batt. Our soldier, ,boys, however, will not have to do with - ant than' comfort;' thanks .to the work of the. ladies .in ' collecting, and to the generosity of our citi- zens. The ladies have now :the money 'on hand and they will make the presentation to the officers in the near future. DOTY—LIBCrE.eR` W:CDDING,' An interesting ,event' took place at Kalamazoo,'Mich., on Wednas- day of last week., being nothing less than the matriageOf Mr. Freu Doty, vied president and manager of the Doty Marine Engine arid Boiler Co., Ltd., of .Goderich. The lady of hie cbo`ce was ;Miss Leta LeGear, eldest daughter of Rev. and 'Wei J. T. LeGear. The ceree mony'took place in the First Meth- odist churca,• ,of which the ;bridlePs father is pastor, and he conducted the marriage service. Mr. and Mrs. Doty lett for a honeymoon trip which included Chicago, Detroit and Nev York. They will reside on Norfolk street CALLING OUT RESERVES. It is estimated that there are at least a quarter of :a million men 1n Canada on the military reserves, which it las now been decided •do' organize throughout the � omh n_ ion, The ,majority of 'those it is computed are under the age p'f 45, and therefore Of military value. The military reserve as understood here includes all the linen Whit) have had military teething and who have received their dsscharge.from the regiments including those Who have attended •the annual training, camps which • have been held . 'in many places in Canada. in past years, .and therefore a ,.good hum•r ber ,of. local igen will be .affeetea bythis order. There,' is a very large number 'sof qualified ofEcers on the lists, many -of ` them, how- ever, hating, already, •velunteereci. for•active serVioei W' O T iT The W C T U will hold their annual meeting on Friday evening at o'clock at the home of Mrs 0 J'• Wallis. ]'+flee tion of ufiieers • +l FAILij TROPHY SKIPS .G Dr:Axon and E Mr: Oourtice ' for be been elected t o be the ski the ha s P two rinks for the Faill Trophy games. at Mitchell next Tuesday CLASS SUPPER TBE Girls class Of Wesley Church, taught by Mrs (Dr) Rutledge held a supper at the'home of Miss Lily den kips, Goderich township on Wednes day of this week 109 YEARS AGO➢F ,L>. tii at ri' ,. �r1 On Ii'tnda' ii' J.l�e anni r};rs1gi bamQtimen of'Naipoleon from Europe. And 100 years from now the people will be able to tell about another:ruter being sent to some warm spot atter a of 191 the w 4 and 1915 INSTRUCTOR IN LANGUAGES Mr Norman L M51reh, formerly Bey' Secretory of the Y M 0 A; Strat o ford and formerly rm y of Clinton has been to the ositou f instructor apppointed t p o in languages in the University Schools Toronto, at an initial salary of $1,700, These schools include the Faculty of I]ducation MINOR LCCALS, Stratford has 5 cases of smallpox Parchment butter paper (Choice Dairy Butter) for sale at the New Era Office Read the advertisements Have you been over to Bayfield yet? L 0 L Garden party tonight FALL CCTJRT. DATES. The followi:tg; is'the date for the courts 'to he held et Goderich. The 'Honourable, the Chief Just- ice of the, C ,ninon pit ass—Tuesday Sept: 21, jury. The 'Icon. Mr, Justice Britton— 'Nov. 23rd, 'mon-jury. ANOTHER PRESENTATION. Welland Telegraph ;—A party of thirty ladiese members of the Ladies' Aid -Society of the Metho- dist church,. met at the ;come hf Mrst (Deet Colbeck Wednesdpy 'af- terno'on to present Mrs. '1 Ret 1 W. E Kerr as ith a tol en of their appreciation of her s'ervicas to the S'ceiety in the pasta An address oft' ibute was ret d Py Mrs. Colbeck and Mrs. Chalmers Presented 11Irs. Kerr with a beauti- ful brooch, pi h. A GOOD SUCCESS Ideal June weather beautiful grounds and dainty refreshments com bined to make the garden party,given 1 by the Girls Club of Willis Church, on Dr. Gunn's lawn on Saturday after noon Last, one of the most delightful entertainments of the year. Tea was served at small tables placed under trees and in otber shady nooks. L'ttle white tracked flowertits were busy yI among the guests, selling their pretty boquets of June flowers. The Junior Girls Club had on the lawn a candy booth while the Seniors had two tables at which they sold aprons and home made cooking. The Queen of gypsies pitched her tent in a corner of the lawn and very many of the : ladies visited her to learn the' mysteries of the future. The proceeds `. of the tea and the gypsy tent about t twenty dollars will he given to the Women's Patriotic Societe . to be 1 used for whatever purpose Way may deem fit. The balance will be sent to Dr. Shearer, Toronto, to be used for the fresh air fund of the Presbyterian Church. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE DISTRICT MEETING The annual district meeting of West Huron Women's Institute was held in Goderich on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs J. W. Kilbride of Clinton. President, occupied the chair, and carried through the business in quick style. The work of the institute is in a flourishing condition and its efforts for good as far reaching as they "ilYiNWINA/INAMAtiddi , In, Times of Peace In Times of War Your ' Eyesight is Essenfiia �• a, Failing Vision -an enemy 4r to comfort and pleasure—can NE rbe nursed into Beranek totion by. B e rnelcon di ,lasse hGha —a our - ••"'' A'ly. roc u s e15134d, a p d .14d a ed usel tan, h ner.,teisary etattliOinenta. To be at war with your eyes is taking a dangerous chance —a condition tont need pot exist. s. Avoid all- such folly •by wearing glasses that will n sure happiness and content ment. A. J. Grigg Pi Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses WINS IROPRY At Galt Bowling tourney J B Huo ver won the trophy with a Guelph rink. A press report states;- Skip J B' Hoover's shot in the fifteenth end, robbing Galt of three points and giv ing the Royal City quartet the same number, took the Seagram trophy to Guelph to night. It was a great fin ieh and one of the closest games of the tournament. Besides the cup the Guelphites each received silver butter dishes and the runners up club bags DENIES STATEMENTS, Dr. Thompson, who was one of the delegation to Toronto recently tc see the Ontorio License Board, stated to the New Era that the press report that appeared in the New Era contained many incorrect statements, The New Era can only remark that our report was taken from the London Free Press. We have written to the Secretary of the Commission fore a correct report but up to press time no n ord has conte back. MRS. W. H. WATTS DEAD. There passed to the World beyond on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock the beloved wife of Mr. W. H. Watts of Bolton, who was an highly esteemed resident of Clinton, for the past twelve years, removing to Bolton, where they have a prosperous business only last fall. There has truly gone to her Heavenly reward a noble upright soul, truly a living wife and tender mother will be missed, she died as she lived and has gone to receive her eternal reward. She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, Mrs. Cook, of Bolton; Mrs, Fred Cooper, Toronto; Mrs. Gosleigh, Clinton, also two eons, T, Watts, Shoemaker, Jack, of Bolton. A field Kitchen for 33rd. chase of FielKitchen, be eigt.e f by Treasurer and Secretary. It was, moved by Mrs. Manning and seeonded by bliss Coulson that if their be any surplus that some be sent to Slrornteliffe 'Hospital, England. ➢Fund ,on Hand.— Goderich ...... .................. $ 800.30 Exeter ......-.. 350.00 Clinton .. ,.. 200.00 Seaforth ... , Wingham 200.00 200.00 are bountiful. After the reading of ' the reports the president said that the 1810,30 ladies had just cause for pride at the R. Reynolds, Treasurer, Godeich presentation of such reports, at the Mrs. ailten, Secretary, Exe er same time stating her gratification at so large an attendance. The officers elected for the ensuing year were: — President—Mrs Kirk, Dungannon Vice President—Mrs Cruickshank, Wingham Sec. Treas,—Mrs Young, Goderich Those who attended from here were —Mesdames Kilbride, Fitzsimons, Munroe, Chant, Paxmans Kearns, Flyi m, Mason, Fowler, Holland and Fairfull. They went up by autos DOMINION DAY AT GODERICH Goderich is tel have an old time Dominion Day celebration. A pro gram has heee arranged which ;will ; provide and ente •taia'nnhent,tyIn 1the snnornt' ing, on the Square, there will (be e ' t ut mocession of d cora ecl a ,os ,u (1 bicycles, floats, etc., a hu'by show, suitable, prizes, and •l, series of children's games. The afternoon sports will include football,le- crosee, speed 'tests—gentleman:s road' race, running race, and 2.00 trot Or pace -athletic contests, Highland' dancing, etc. •A apeciul feature will( ha a motbrcycle ince, avhich•is expected' to be bne.of the - ino't interesting ' events 'o'f the; daer s Program. The 33rdRegiment ' band will 'furnish musie,throtjgh'out . the; day. Ali s hood' children, 01 .procession whether from town ,or the townships, aviil-be) ad/Pitted :5ree'to the afternoon -Sports, Dod- o' ich, o'do'ich' ms A delightful. spot at this a'eason 'of th•I yeer, ,and many 'ci3- ftors', aro expected on Dominion ' Day.--i-da to ' IXNSPECTING`GOOD. ' TARVIA STREETS. ''. Renfrew 'Mercury—Reeve Moss, as chairman of streets, and Town, En- gineer J R Stewart ave e1p 'its+ taws oihi,Fx d':Sy and S'i i i da�;lr, 0t insper4fi affviated aff:idadam,ro'd' ways there •They, -were.unde% the wing of M5 Buse, representative 'of' the Tarvia company and hof Mr. Stewart, chief or.gineer of the Civ., Improvement Commission. This, it must be recollected,- is not an Ot- tawa city otganizati'on, but one fin- anced by the, .Dominion Go'vern- men't. The Lady{ Grey road, run- ning outi from the city to Rock- liffe'park, is certainly a standing adVertisement of the excellency of the tarVia treatment when thor- oughly done and repeated 1:or rt 's as 'resit gent os so 1 of two. I i � ]t Hca x fa asphalt and the sat iit running auto mobiles raise no dust, from its sur- fuce a i lime been used to i• come r i a extent fn Renfrew, anuaery and Argyle streets being the examples ; but in Ott two he ,s more .liberally urged and' is there-; 'ere °Vent More efficient. ••••••00000s••s••••••••Tit• Men and Events • a•••••••••••••••••••••G,••• THE WIRELESS WIZARD. LLir.••. • .m 5., I o es. 'mreenteMO MABCONL Marconi, the wifeless inventor, re called from America to Thaly to assist the Govcinrhent of his conn try in carryings on war (against Austria. On the ground that "there is, war enough in Europe „without intro- duciivg it -on the floor of the synod," Lay Se rotary John. Bana- t ord, o •lrtnsford,' of Clinton hats daesd Id not la introduce "Vntee for women at this yearn session of the Synod of Huron and consegttently the meetings wilt be robbed of ore of tete t, f u. e the :features o The' measure to enfranchise the, ladies hal been before Inc : ynuu, t rant( us ass. Huron 'Ol] f01 • some e , f H i Y 1 0 has never• failed to arouse rebate of a heated and lengthy nature: Last year's ,voting was very etosc,, bat the measure, went down e r e- feat on both the clinical ,and auy 1; FOr sides' of the floor by narrow ,mat: - gins Another intereutingl ennounce- meat is. that Secretary •Ransfo:d, who hasi Dor many .years servett' the synod in an efficient and pains taking manner, . will, on !account of al pressure of private business le - tire from secretary hip. 'Itis. •d, whose Rang - f L a ose home is in :Clinton o made this :announcement at Time - day afternoon's session. oo•'•osods•••1.'pile••ofi•••••giye0e0•••siMitievoip•e�*.i • is • • • "ioronin gar •..oeser•••••iessN•o•seo•••••••re•••.• ei•s•od••s.i y VYheiet$ ,1,03. 'Hogs 8190. Oats 69c. Eggs 16 to 19.• Blrttor26ct o 27c, • Butter) 20 to' 21 Wheat 1.30. Eggs 19c: Uats 50c to 55c. Cattle 8,50. Buekwhent 65. to 03, Shecp 8: 50.9 Barley 65-70. Lambs 0.50. { ; Peas 1.225., :! - ' Hogs 9.25 -• Shot'ta 30.00. 1Barlb io7.8 tb'80'• I Bran `2800' ora tI y •Pcas 1 25 to 1.35,, iHhy+forr,bai'ting 32:ob ta'nd ,1Ifi0U rr't •,:elf`s , i �, � 'rll•a+„torr +, • 4 DISTRICT NE Kipps n Fruit' crops are showing serious effects of frost in the early part of the. spring. Refreshing showers of the past few days have greatly helpecl 'hay ' and the spring crops, but unless they get plenty of rain they will he pretty short. Miss Agnes Cummins, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Duncan McGregor here, died on Sunday morn ing, after a long illness. trlr, Wm. Sinclair, Rossburn, Man., who has been atl:ending General Assembly at Kingston, is spending a few days with Mr. Dougal Kettleton and other friends before ' leaving for his home. Rev. A. McKibbin and wife,of London, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and ivirs. Henry Stevens. A farmers' picnic will be held at Bayfield on Friday, June 18. Brucefield Mrs, Andrew Davidson has a very successful barn raising on Thursday, when about 50 neighbors gathered together to put the timbers in place. Mr. John Doig has the contract and every thing was shipshape. 114r. John B. Mustard is improving his place by leveling off the ground in front and sowing grass seed. Large quantities of pressed hay are being shipped from the station here, Thomas Brown, Seaforth, is the shipper Miss Brown is improving the appear ance of her property occupied by H. D. Cameron,by having 15 painted. Miss Alice Watson is visiting friends in Orono, near Bowmanville. A pretty wedding took place on Thursday at the farm of Mr. Thomas Dixon, London Road, when their daugh- ter, Miss Maude, was united in mar riage to Mr. George Glenn, of the act joining. farm. The ceremony was. per formed by the Rev. Mr. Banker, of Sea forth, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the couple, after which all sat down to a sumptuous repast, The happy couple left on the 4.30 p. 01. train, They will take a sail up the lakes before returning to their beautiful farm on the London Road. Mr. George hill, near Hensel', and son John, from the West, were calling on old friends here last week. John is home on a three months' vacation and is accompanied by his wife and child. Mrs. Cornish, Clinton, was last week the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs T. Carr. •0, E. Pattison, station agent, has pur chased an auto from L. Beatty, Varna. It is a Saxon runabout. ' Wm. McQueen, formerly of Knox College visited his hone this week. He has lately been cat camp at Belleville, with the volunteers. He intends going soon to England with the troops under the auspicics of Y. M. C. Association. Dr, Grey, Montanna, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. S. Reid. Tuekersmith. Mrs. Worth, Goderich township, is the guest of Mrs. Seely. Mullett Mrs. John Lawson and Herbert, of Auburn, spent Monde)/ with her sister, Mrs. Eph, Brown. Mrs, David Mountain left last week for Dakota, to visit her brother who is in ill health, Miss Bessie Waite, of Goderich, is visiting at the house of D. Mountain. Mr, and Mrs Henry Adams Sundayed with their daughter, Mrs. Jos Yungblut, of 10th con. Ivir. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart spent Sunday with Blytit friends. Mrs. Lawson and son, Herbert,Auburn', spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Brown, and also visited Harlock friends. iVir. and Mrs. John Gibbings took in the Moonlight excursion .,on Monday night. Mr. Chas. Weymouth' is visiting friends in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Tebbutt and two children spent Sunday with, the litter's sister, Mrs, Herb. Oaks. The old friends will regret to learn that Mr. Ben Mason, Blyth, is not im proving in health as rapidly as it was thought he would when., the warm weather cane. Lots of rain mw. Brussels Post:— Last, week Mrs Moody I-tolland underwent '• an operation for appendicitis and is progressing quite favorably her Many friends will be pleased to learn. We' wish her speedy 'convalescence. The sick lady is a daughter in lay of Mr, and Mrs. James. Holland, of the Huron Road. , . • .,,. - Messrs, J, M. hest and J. C. •Grieg have been appointed strips to repre. sent Seaforth on the ball Trophy JJ(Competition in Mitchell on the 22nd ins! iMA i'. To The New Era Correspondents News matter mailed to ' The New Era in unsealed envelopes does not come under the postal classification of 'letters' and will' not require the special war tax . n' Ilam'" ..,�Yi a Ten business men of: the town have undertaken the work of 'preparing a Dominion Day celebratioi and.assnme the full responsibilty and risk of financial loss, They propose to spend $1,000 for which they expect to haye s worth while program, A baleen ascension or two . will be a feature. Clinton will play Wingham in baseball 1ipd,the; six dation Indians of BKaiitford win,v1a1Wiyyttgilam in ladrosse• Bands anslfireworks will providb furtlierenjojfinentt, ,,;. _. r: J. Clarence Wilsonand 1. Earl Porter have graduated with honors as civil 'engineers and Richard H. Lloyd with honors as a mechanical engineer from the $cl'tool' of Practical Science,Toronto. J. W. Ansley has graduatefl from Toronto University with the degree P. A , as a specialist in science, winning the medal given by Victoria College for highest standing in the course. Fred Homuth has graduated, .in pharmacy, Toronto. These are all Wingham boys The Ladies' Patriotic Society met fn the Council chamber of the town. A Ic bands es li containing soc s, large shipment pment con g t g and dressingsvaluedat $i00 was made on June 1 The purchase of a T to be field kitchen ' u presented to the 33rd Regiment having been decided upon by the surrounding towns, the Ladies' Patriotic Society has been asked to co-operate with the towns of !Exeter, Goderich; Clinton. VatalaNYVVVVV101001\AAIVVVVYVVVY Seaforth and Brussels in the endeavor to raise funds. Monday, in Bennet's plaining ,mill, Mr. \Vm. Haney, one of the employees, had his arm cut from a knife flying from one of the machines. He was taken to Dr. Hambly,soffice and attended to, who says he will soon be back' at his work, Mr. Haney's home is in Bluevale. The Orangemen, True 'Blues and Young Britons, intend to hold;, their walk here this year on the 12th of next month and a good program visitors from outside lodges. Brussels,Teeswater; Kincardine, Blyth and other pteceswilt be represented. Harlock Mrs. John Lawson and Herb Sunday ed with Mr. Daniel Stevens. Mr. Chas. Parson sports a new auto. Seatorti While Mr. Weston, Bayfield, and a companion were returning home on Wednesday afternoon, their car turned turtleon the Mill road, throwing both out and severely injuring Mr. Weston about the head and shoulders. The car was badly damaged and was towed tc Seaforth for repairs. Certain developments have taken place as a result of the recent fire which destroyed Byrne's livery barn here, re- cently. Circumstances pointed to the fire as being of incendiary origin and an investigation was started and several clues discovered which led to an arrest being made. The case is being conduct- ed at Goderich. A handsome new pipe organ is being installed in St. James' Roman Catholic Church this week. The instrument cost 00,000 and will be ready for use, on Sunday. At the latest regular meeting of Brit tania Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Bro, Wm. Ballantyne was presented with an ad dress and a handsome Morris chair to mark the 50th anniversary of his initia tion into Britania Lodge. A number of congratulatory speeches were made, to which Mr. Ballantyne replied very suitably. Many of the older members were present, including Bro, John McIntyre, of Hensall, and Bre, Thomas Hill, of Egmondville. After a lingering illness Mrs. Ernest LnBox passed peacefully away at her home on John street on Sunday night. Mrs. Box, whose maiden name was Cyrillus Dixon, was 25 years of age,and is 'survived by her husband , one brother and three sisters. Roderic L Thinking she heard some one walking on her veranda, Mrs Robert Henry, of Windsor, who comes here every summer discovered that the fireplace in the living room had set fire to the outside wall about 3 o'clock Friday' morning. A quick response was made by the fire brigade and the blaze was extingnished before any great damage was done. The loss will be about $100, covered by insur- ance. Court Goderich, No. 32, Canadian Order of Foresters, attended service at St. George's Church, Sunday morning, when the rector, Rev. J. B. Fothering'• ham, addressed the brethren on the three amts of the order --liberty, benevolence and concord. Visiting brethren were present front Clinton, Bayfielcl and Benmiller and there Were about 150 in attendance. ' West Huron Farmers' Institute Saturday elected officers as foliated:— President,' Joseph Mallough, Dungannon; vice-president, J. W: Salkeld, Gotldrich; secretary, Wn1. Bailey, Nile; auditors, John'Dustow and Charles Girvin.' A" resolution was passed changing over' to' the new, system of calling the organization an agricultural association. The Paget Grain Door Company,'hete1 has obtained an order for 20,000 sTiell ham. • , .1Ganlesboro Remember the Lawn, Social ,on 'the Parsonage lawn on the evening:,:of thd 24th, Clinton Brass Band will, ,furnish music, also a good programme of, solo's readings , quartettes etc. will be given. Mrs. W. Lyon spent a few days in London this week. ' Mr., and Mrs,'11: J McGee and Miss Blyth,' Auburn, were debts of ylrealLe Gedde' on Sunday t t , Mis Bertha Brogden who has been spsnding her vacation• under, the parental roof returned to, London, on Monday. Mr. VV. Fathergill, Westfield, was a visitor at the hone of Mr M Braithwait on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs Thos. Riddle, Auburn,. was, calling on old acquaintance on Sun- day last. Mr. Riddle has entirely recovered from the injuries he received some weeks ago by the overturning of his car. Quite a number went to Goderich on Monday to take in the moonlight. excursion. on the Greyhound. Vlre, J. ret d lo ton to, is obliged to contradict an alleged stateient, of lately,madebeardbshe a whic h' by a farmer residing neat L ondeshoro,, that while in. Toronto about 5 years ago, he claimed' that he had come with th antention of making ht is • For Women and Children". ° A:: Our stock of Wash. Dresses is now very -complete and pretty, and the very best value your money can buy. We have the Iittle Dresses and Rompers i,or th}e{ wee tots at 25c, 35c an 5oc,and he better • r esse 1 5 35. t f.,a ~..:. white and colored from 50c to $2. t Ladies House�Drsses froth om 1t z it special. .value ata'$1„ .`1:cf r1 $ Special Values in Shoes At the present tine we are 'showing some-wonder- 'ful values'in women.and children s Patent Colt Button.'. Boots and.Pumps • These goods are made of, the best,. `of stock and will give excellent satisfaction and at the, ,same time very moderatelypriced, Full stock of Sandals and Tennis Shoes , We can Save you Money on your Shoe: Bills It Witt pay you to Try Us Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business with her a debt of tong standing. no financial, otter was made by him, But on the contrary he stated, Indeed he thought by this time you would have forgiven and forgotten it. Some years ago Mrs. Reid was obliged to contradict through the• press a fake statement made by the same person. blrs. Reid thinks it is high time for the man in question to cease to do evil and learn to do well, Stanley Ex -Reeve Wm. Glenn, has installed a new gasoline engine for the purpose of supply power for pumping water and doing his grinding. Mrs. Thos. Baird and Mrs. Mary Cameron are visiting friends in Ashfield, this week. Miss Kate McDougall, Grand Forks, D .k ate, is spending some time among acquaintances here, she is the guest of Mrs. John Butchart at present. Mies Agnes McFarlane, Clinton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos Fraser. The farmers on the line have been busy this week repairing the roads by Statute Labor. London Road Gladys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shipley, underwent a slight operation at Clinton last Saturday and is doing as well as can be expected Mr, A. Wittingbam is putting a cement foundation under his barn. Mr. Henry Peacock is decorating his house with a coat of paint. Mrs. Stsvensou, sr„ is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alex Welch, Goderich township. We are pleased to hear that Mrs Biggins. Br., is improving ofqerr, ,being under the doctor's care for the past or 4 weeks, Mr. Arthur Wiltse and Charlie Waverly took in the excursion to Detroit, A coaamittee from Tiar0t d'sj$unday School waited on the Epworth League on Tuesday and', iriyited the London Readers to join with them in a picnic next Thursday. The invitation was accepted. ; Mr. Lorne Stevenson and .sister Grace motored to London :on Sund'a'y and spent the day witjh• tb'jir sister, Mrs. Wheeler. + Personal J91•o t e s` 45-7 Tr .'may 1f those having relatives or Mende'49. .5, visiting in town or going away' • notify UP of the foot cosh week, give"". + would announce it in the Naw ERA. ,� V/44444.1444+0444+1,411 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne W elsh', Ohatham are visiting with MT., and. bit's ;R. . Welsh, Rattenbury Street Mr. C. J. Scott and Miss A.liiieScott•, London, were here.' -attending the Williams— Lovett wedding on Wed- nesc111y. Mr. L. Boltop, of Strut tforalali's's'pitf^r' chased the barber business itt0 eaforth- •. from Mr, .W, Gottschalk„who.iat.ends,,.. goieg West shortly The Mail Order. Craz (Wiarton Record) W.1at does this sending of money to mail 'order houses mean locally? It is, worth; while for :the citizens of this town and ?vicinity Resit down and, ponder overi'this attest - ion. It means poorer roads, poorer schools, higher taxes and lots of unemployme n t. Local pros'peri'ty is the thing in- volved in. the purchasing from large firms ill the city. goods which could be procured from the local merchant, It is a poor thing to tear down the business stability bf the local merchant to build up the prosperity of the large city firms. In the long. run everyone is the loser if thd people of this 'town patronize the city tma'il order houses' to thd detriment of ahe home merchant, if local mereheunts cannot get sufficient business to the expense of 'operations it means that; smaller sticks will be carried and itlief range of selection will the restricted. It• 'means that fewer clerks will be employed, it means that fewea' houses will be built or. ren ted ; it meane that the .garesate of the town will be retarded,! Th” s that at in. theIon run th' amount 1of taxes which the have 't'o pay in town, will have '5o( bean- creased be ►n• creased or that the public highway --' and other{ conveniences will Have sacrificed This., sending away oi money ae like a boomerang; it ➢always,strikes back. The school •teacher'`:@ ends away for her gowns the 'kneeling house keeper, sends antay'101 his needs. Then comes"the 'cry ' (that revenues front' 'focal taxation are not equ;il to meet expenses ,on ac- count'of+;decreased business; Then' the school boards arer.2confiw•nted with the necessity of • cutting sal': aries,;,'the. patrols 'of the boarding housie'Teiome fewer; the sign "for . rent" ,is, Been conspicuously''] osted. ' on buildings: "• If the people would 'cut bu't'the ' mail /order nee sense fo: six months there would be lineal prosperity which would 'surprise everyone,.' Let us.•;+'try it. ummer LooIweOI'. We can help you solve the "roblern. lii�Kee in Cool pt' P .1., 1 1,;a p 9 of keeping .cool and comfortablee during. the warm days of the hot season. ' it die have'readY.for newest „ Are You Read y finspection,. the newest .. gigShoes to suit everyneed cin, ma , +.;;ILibht Summer Y Y -.hh'ave. For the Street,` House or Sports. ''t ,...„b ,ave. A full range of Misses and ars �h;ticD:ren ss�tpp , , , n Pumps ��d-" . • Ghlldre s, P t per pair. ,• •R�h ers. From 5c to �x,2g PP. . Women's White Canvas Pumps In plain, two -strap or Colonial style $I.5o to $2.oO per pair A complete assortment of shoes always in stock for all the,Summer Sports P 1-1. S. MPIN Phone 70 16