HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-17, Page 41 'WGE FOUR,
Thursday, June'17th, 1915,
;<n 1llininelltiWai�
Ready -
to -Wear
Phone 78
Dry Goods
House Par
eclat Yat a
Se l of
Just 8 Spring Suits
left. We do not want
to carry these over to
neat season. They
are up to the minute
in style The cloth
is the best that has
beenU produced • for
1; the season's wear.
Colors, black, navy;
grey and champagne
Your choice of any
Snit tett at
Exactly Half Pelee
Special Sale of Ladies, Misses
and; Children's Coats
'About 15 Coats Left to clear, all this season's
styles;,°good quality cloth, most all sizes, your choice
at Hail Priee
White Wash Skirts 95c
VITko 'dozen white Wash Skirts, made of Rep and
-andiansHead, Some cf these are slightly soiled, and
4nostiy small sizes, not one of these sold for less than
41.6,6; some as high as 2,00, your choice 95e
c$aturday Sale of KitchenAprons
Overall kitchen ani general purpose Aprons—
tiplendid quality percale, either loose or shaped to fit
the figure. We have sold over 20 dozen, and put on
..sale• $atilyday 5 dozen more at 59e eaelt
See these in Window.
The Jure meeting of the County
,Council opened .in the Court'Houn
Goderich, Ion Tueday, Jnne lst, all
i ' e t•
,meitmb..rh `ileing •pi .son .
mutes of the January +Them
were read and : dopted.
Communications were read from.
T. E. Robson, clerk of Mi'ddlest x,
•,aieknowledging'the reseipt Of copy.
f y the byslaW
passes by thisc
+ciounty relating to county bound -
line brid . s,. '
Social and Personal1
Major Rance, of 'the 33rd. Battl.,
spent a few•days here this 'week. He
leas just returned from a short course
,at Ottawa.
Revp,Vr.,Corcoran, Seaforth, was a
visitor ni town op Tuesday.
Messrs WV..Collyer, A. J. Holloway,
Ray Rumb�all, Jos. Itattenbury and
Ike Rattenbury ' motored down to see
the Soldiers at' London on Sunday.
Mrs: Z't t D Fair was the guest• of
her st'tcr, Mrs. Jaunts Watson at
'Seaforth last week.
We, are pleased to see Mr. ,Fred
Livern e able.to be up town again
atter ins rnlui.y.., A week ago Sunday
while: attending ,to, his ,duties at the
Piano'Factory he was fixing an electric
ssitcli,,, whey,. ;he fell and damaged
five ribs.
Blyth Stanclarcl:--Miss Mary Milne
and Miss. Maggie- Johnston were
nests :05 Mr's. T.' D. Johnston, rat
Clinton; last week.
Brussels Pb.t. ex Principal John
Shaw, was renewing old friendships
in Brussels and locality. Ile taught
:here 19 years•anct Many a man and
woman who passed through his
:hands never forgot the excellent
training ' they received. Mr, Shaw
own splendidly ldt and was a
holds his y
I> ,
'avelconie vi5ltbr. '
Mr. E. Thompson, son of Dr.
ThomlSsoh', 01 Hamilton, aucl student,
ofTo'ionto University, is assisting his
uncle1Dr. C. W. 'Thompson, in his
a1 work.
Lie 't. Chas. Kerr, of Welland, ex-
rpeeter to leave for the front with the
.oversalS;has -Contingent on Monday of
'tis week.
P.'r d•d,l
Brusels osta Last Saturday
imoriiiig Garfield Jamieson left for
Midland where he has accepted a
posits u as''bakeS lit( the shop of Mr.
Rubyl: Ww:•wish:him an enjoyable
time ,l the Northern town. tart. is
. n steady—goer and will do his best to
give stisfaotion. Mr. Jamieson was
• ,a bajter a,t ;Connor's Bakery for
some: , me itis: winter.
'a'arimz .
Mrs ; Da' Hainiem, Detroit,'is visit-
ing h cottisao;' MteSQ Graham.
, Thos. Watts received word
• early node
that his
atwthei! was dying. He went to
Strati rcl by_ anto and caught the
early oxlit0ing train ;but aumivecl:e
few h iiS
' nate tb, see his'mot ilei
gl?1Mi'. M. D. McTaggart returned
home 1'tist Friday from his trip to the
•.Panarua Pacifi.o • Exposition
!McTaggart in 'speaking to the New
Lr,u stated that the attendance was
away below what they had expected.
but rf was a tine show. The
Canadian Building vas one of the
main attractions and woulal be a big
advertisement toClanada.
Mrs. -B. 3, .Alain left this week to
visit her daughter at Calgary.
Mrs,lPinuing, Mies Minht Pinning'
were '-at Mitchell attending the
3unero'f the late Wilk, id 3. -IHoclson,
Mr. ,Salisbury Orasvfor, th, Paisley,
was here attending the funeral of his
aunt, the late Mr's, Thos, Judd. •
Miesilrwin, Deaconess, 18 11P001ing
as few days with hth' parents, Mr. and
Nils, J,; A Irwin.
Mr. Carl Draper, Niagara Falls
N. Y., spent a few days at the
parental home. Mrs. Draper is visit
ing at Fort William,
Mitchell Advocate:— Messrs Joseph
Wesenberg and Robert. Pullman,
Mitchell,were thrown from a scaffold,
near Clinton, on Saturday last, and
narrowly escaped serious injury. As
it was they received several nasty
Mr, and Mrs, Thos, King and Miss
Isabella King, Detroit, were here
last week attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Judd. Mrs, King was a
sister of the deceased. -
Mrs.' Bone, Wingham, who is
Secretary -Treasurer , of the West
Heron Women's Institute was the
nest of the President of the
Organization, Mrs. Kilbride, for a
couple of days this week,
ale 13664560 Jroa®®®e••s••
• •
• s
iFrom E. N. Elli'olt ,clerk of Peten,
i'boro, asking co-operation. i.n. mama
fora iziR; ''Glia '115cal Gokeainmcnt,tFi
*ye inn ieil ali'ties the. same righ't
b'5ss5Js;95fneral 'L'.tirds its ;= d}hei
ltodverty. ,r
, 1riip 131uevale Li,-terary. ^nd Sot-
'eia4' Debating Soc'.i:ity; ,rsking `he
loutish to takesteps to lave i die
uttriet representative appointed in
ethrs Bounty:
s •:iFrom tilt( local Government re.,
gatsdrn�+' i"tiuntyl st1e tem' bf'c lectric
;ilIrom the Education Department
aErl.'ing for date .O1 coup cilirtneeting.
From R. Cooper, clerk of Web
land regarding licensing.of, auto,
;,"From N. E. Birch, Clerk od Oe.
,lord County, setting •forth reasons
p'ivhy members of councils •should be
:Tempted •l'or a, "term of two year c'
instead'one.'one god iaslcing co-oper-
atien in memoralizingl the local
Go'vornment'to amend the muricip
al act to this effect. ,
, -iProm W. H. Bullard, Snspeeaor,
certifyingothat the wiring ;in the,
goal is clone satisfactorily.
From R. W. Wade, Secretary
•Provincial Winter Fair, i.sking fee
"grants• for county' prises. •
From 'Harriston . High School
•showing amount due by this county
for support of pupils.
After -passing •a number of .ac-
counts,. the counil adjourned until
Wednesday morning at 10' o'clock.
The account sof Stanley town••
strip• for bridger work was ,sent to
Road and Bridge Committee.
D G. Clark representing the
117"cClai•v Munu1. eturing Co., Lon-
don, addressed the council in ref.-.
erence to t:'upplying, a field kitchen
for the 33rd battalion.
The report .of D. Patterson Co.
Engineer was rand and sent to
Road and Bridge Committee,
Moved by Taylor and Lobb that
this council give a grant of $1000'to-
wards securing a portable kitchen
for use 'of -the, 33rd Regiment pro-
viding the towns and townships
this county supply the balance Of
of money necessary for the pur-
chase of the same. Semi to Execu••
tire committee.
'Harding and Demerling, that a
1,ridge be buil:: between the
Huron and Perth,. gsetween the
townships *if lir wick and Walluce
to Roacl and Bride Committee.
Kalbfleiseh and iFingiand that St.
Joseph Bridge 'ha repaired at
once as the south --west abide•+
meet is broken Sent to Road and
Bridge Committee.,
Bissett and 'Murray that 'the
bridge on Lake Road int Leeburn 1'e
luilt this season. S•-nt to Road
and Bridge Committee:
Communications were read from
C. Jones, C.. E. and Robertson and,
a1 Nab solicitors respect' n bound-
line between Huron and Bruce
-Sent to Road, and livid se Commit-
tee. ••
Prom D. W. Ccllins relating to re.
port front Western •Oni,:essity of
Froin the Pros,incialf Set eters, call
ir,g attentio:{'t'o the Canada Temp
mance Act; and the responsibility
of the county in the matter. Sent
to Executive Connnittce.
The report 'of the i?inanre Com-
mittee, was read.eind passe d.
The report of the Special Commit
tee ,appointed; atthe J:teary imeet
ing to report on the enforcement of
The Canada?' Temperance Act was
read and left' over for thither con-
sideration, P
Moved by Thompson and Murray
that this Council make the usual
grant to 'Hayfield Public Lilnary
Sent to Executivi Committee.
Kalbfleish and, FingIan d, that the
council adjourn until Thurs:1ay P.t
10 o'clock.
A lett 7 from the County Solici•
tor and the judgment Po '.Rio Hon-
or .
on•or. Judge• Holt, reonecting Holme_
sledvs. County of 'Huron. Sent to
Executive Committee:
The report ,of the County Proper.
ty Committee was read •end',passr d
Taylor. And Pori. •t]v:at 'the clerk
be instructed to mail to each
member of :this Council" one copy sof
the of each aessi'on
^s so"n
minutes ea
as received from the printer—Car-
rinter Ch'-ried
Luthwatite .and • Ford, that - the
question.. of. uprchasing an electric
stove fon,, goaler's residenceibe•re••
con sidered,—L'as't.
The aceounttof the county prip-
Inc waif ,received .and sent ho the
Fance •hommlttee,
The.report,'of 'the Edhea'tion Com
mrilthe wars received and F,:issed.
Flower Sunday will be observed in
Ontario Street Sunday School next Sun
afternoon. The following program
day g
will be of interest to all
Hymn, The Lily of the Valley.
Duett, Captain Anderson and Lieut.
Laycocks of the S. A. Staff.
Lesson, Grace Walker.
Solo, Mrs. G. M. Elliott.
Address, Rev. Dr. Rutledge.
Duet, Mrs. Innis and Miss Wise.
Reading, Miss Stewart.
Japanese Song, Girls' Class.
Duett, Mesdames Saunters and,
Quartette, Misses Howe and Wiltse
and Messrs F. and C. Thompson. •
Strangers will be welcomed.
Next Sabbath will be the annual
"Flower Sunday. A special program,
has been provided for the afternoon,
The pastor will preach both morning
evening and •gppropriate music wilt bei
rehdered by the Choir. ,'
Mrs, Geo. A:. King, soprano soloist.
of Goderich, will siuv in the evening
"Open ye the Gates," and "Softly and,
tenderly Jesus is Callyug. ,
Miss Bradshaw presided at the
League meeting on Monday evening.,,
Tl ose, who. tools, 1ppar,t in the •, rogrgrp
were; Misses .f1o1 slay% + dtdens''and''
earlySu'n'day Soho'ol ; plan: will belief&
in July in Mr. Henry Peacock's
grove not far from town. This wipe
en ,opportunity for .all ,connected .with
the School to attend:
The annual Flower meeting off the
Junior League will be held on 1+'riday.
Mr. Gordon Rutledge, Winnipeg, gave
an address on the ':newspaper Game'
at the Tp.vorth League meeting on
Monday night. Mr, Rutledge has been
connected with City.papers for some
years and gave an interesting address.
Mrs, u. Rutledge and Mr. T. E, East'
each sang a solo.
The pastor will preach next Sunday.
The Girl'tt: Clubof Willis Church
lead a fine: clay for their Lazaar and
Garden party.
The report 'of the Financial Com
mittpe via;; received and pesscd,
1.livmgstone and Demerling, that
allirhotipni to amend the .reports
of btrim1t'5 e, while, in Committee
•of line whole, be recorded in full in '•fa.ss•es••ss••••NSN•s•s•
in 'the mmites by giving names of i Y1
Lobb 'and' Lmying'itoh,that, , the
courictltradjourn,until iPr day ;morn'•
ing at ten o'cltoek.
1414317.1 ,
The repot'; 'of th� Road' anti„
Eiidge C'+inmlttel was read rxt•d
Leckie and Kelbfleisch, that' the,
gGour,<il now adjourn 4o go into
Committee •on Equalization of .aat
eesement foil 'this year.
The council resumed and the rd -
port of the Equalization Committee
was presented and passed.
The (Souncil then adjburi'nedi . -'
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee reported as
Re application of J. H. McClinton for
a grant to Huron County Poultry and
Pet Stock Association. We recommend
that no grant be madethis year.
'Re motion of Msss„Taylor and
Lobb, asking for a' grant of $1,000 ,to-
wards providing field kitchen for the
use' of the 33rd Regiment. We recom-
mend that no grant for such purpose
be made owing to: the fact that the
33rd Regiment is practically nil,•being
merged to a military division and we
do not consider it necessary fot practice
drill during the summer season, and even
if necessary or useful such commodities
should be supplied by the Government
where the distribution of the cost would
be more equally made.
Re circular letter of R. W. Wade,
Secretary' of Winter Pair' at Guelph,
in December next, We recommend
that leo grant be made this year. '
Remotion of Messrs. Thompson and
Murray for grant to a public library at
Bayfield. We recommend that no action
at present be taken as we understand
that the library is not yet established.
Re judgment of the County Court
for sum of 5315 and costs to Police
Magistrate F. Holntstead, of Scaforth,
for office rent for the past five years.
We recommend that the county solicitor
be instructed to appeal the case to the
Divisional Court.
Special Committee
The special committee re enforcement
of Canadafollows:—
Temperance Act reported as
Acting on the letter received by the
Warden from. E, Sanders, Chief officer
of thr license department of Ontario,
which outlines the duty of the County
Council in regard to the Canada Tem-
perance Act and enclosing the estimate
as prepared by the Board of License
Commissioners and endorsed by Hon.
W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary. We
recommend that this estimate be accept-
ed by the Council.
We also recommend that all county
constables be required to do all in their
power to assist the Inspectors in the
enforcement of the Canada Temperance
following is the estimate of the
, License Commissioners of the cost of
, enforcing the Act' in Huron: Inspectors
salary, 51,200; :Inspector's travelling
' expenses, 5500, costs of prosecutions, in-
cluding constables, witnesses, etc.,
5500; counsel fees 8200; office expenses,
$100, making a total of $2,500 to be
provided by the county.
Education Committee
The Education.: Committee reported
as follows:—
Re communication from Inspectors
Tcm and Field for increase of 5100
each for travelling expenses. We re-
commend that no action be taken.
We recommend ,the payment of 5339,-
17 to the Harristai High School. This
being the amount due for Huron County
pupils attending at Harriston less 551,
the amount of fees paid.
County Property
The County Property Committee re-
ported that they had examined the gaol
and found the house neat and clean.
There are four prisoners confined there-
in. They also examined the wiring,
which was done since the last session
and recommend that the bill for same
be paid. Mr. Griffin also asked your
committee to purchase an electric stove
for the gaoler's house, costing about $70.
Wa recommend that no action be taken
at the prese t time.
An account of H. Hunt for supplies
for gaol. We recommend that sante
be same.
An account of C. C. Lee for 1013 of
56.S3 for supplies for gaol outfit was
recommended to be paid.'
House of Refuge
The House of Refuge Committee re-
commended that the tender of Fitzsim-
mons for beef at 15 cents per pound be
That the tender of Leevy and West-
wood for a washer and drier with other
equipment for the sum of 5300 be
accepted, and that a motor be purchased
to operate the washer at a cost of 5100.
. 1•
Itirths, Irllal•rl.l0 „a. s � A.
STEVENS—In Hullett, to Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Stevens, a son.
HUDSON — In Stratford, to Mrs.
• Wilfrid J, Hudson, 17 Dolma street,
e slaughter.
HUDSON—In Stratforcl,Hospital, on,
i Thursday Jude 10th, Wilfrid 'J.
1 Hudson, aged 29 years,' formerly of
Clinton. '
s +
mo rand seconder nfuCh amend'
mefttfs -Carried.•
' �hg repot t Of the Speeial"•Com-
mibtee"relatmg to the; enforcement
;o'f }the°'Fouad . Tempenanee. Act,
wat read ,again and ,a dented.
orts s
Gods rich is no* included in O A.
L A. lacrosse group No. 3, Tho re
vi9ed sciierltil
June 12—St Mrrys at.London,'
June 1f—W,tngl �fi;m, aft `t:
w ,ti Jnne •21119,06clei'fe'h� a"';
•sc"..r da July
, ,July 3—Winglana rrv},li.s b
at Yondo!im.
d. •'
at seat,
attd Attend the 16th Anneal
'' Meeting of the
Il ,
SetoFh r
t inn thib
One of the Best Race 11Lects in
Ontario -all the Best Horses
2 10o 1N PURSES
July 7=Wingham, ,aft St. Marys,
'rtreluly it -51. i'/Ia',yet at London.
• July 14—G'oderieh atWinoham.
July 21—St, Marys at Goderich.
July 21—London at Wingham,
July 28-45 inghamr at Goderich:-
oc1'erioh'Iuly 28—London at St.'Marys,.
Aug. 4—Gocterich at St. Marys.
Aug. 11—St. Marys at London.
Aug. 18—Loaclonf ac Wingham.
'Have youpaid your subscription
yet. There are a let of town people
^ still o',ving fur a number of `ear's
Conte to Seafol'tit on I Some petty 'thieving is reported
• .full, 1st and 5lltl' f in town.
July ( An epidemie of ` lockjaw et 'this
A l� "•1N` D ime° Would ii
�� 14l AT1L)v ,►NriZ, il be' explainable by the
Boassa,ck Sec, W. ova o fact'thay} ]yi'zernyt1! is, 'again • in 'the
W G nl ck, Pres limelight:
,en afiN
Capt, W. Fingland Writes of Trip
• Across, the Atlantic.
Mr. John 'Fingland, Reeye•'of linl.'
lett;, has the following letter from his
son Capt. Will 1 m tau ,written on
, P g ,
the way across the ocean to serve with
the Canadian forces BS a Y. M. (1, A
officer. The lettt r was written on:
board the stieam@bip.Megantic a couple
of days before the vessel was due to
teach England. •
• Somewhere in the Atlant iC
Dear 'Father • I dont 1 011 know'
Where 1°axq V1'e,h tvo beau zil,yai' g
apu�u'' d Ehe•dilean'tb odg'e the gpp,tei{rt•
line `Wei3{lFu"t utft't in•'t'he AM'. t,•tc,
tilt`i't got quite warm, quite different
from 'the snowweather of the St. Law
renbe but we arra well within the
danger zine now and it is rather, an
limon Boy aft the Head
six "i 7`whieh the men11kexshili'rang-
ed :from 10 to 130. All in all Ire has
already had a broad and efficient
training in all •the, work with whieb
he swill 'be connectedi and .., mile
.board feel that the ;large numle'
of men Wird, applied foithe, 1posi-
tion' either 'by letter or in 1 ereonal
interview they have selected the
right man.
• 1`he board sof • directors of : ;the
club have annoou'need that 'they dui'
continue the policy . n pp cy .of the pres'ent
e a d'make no changes.
out careful considerationIntensi-
fication will be the idea that will
be carried out, •anti eilll4f',the,ltime
o the superintendent
the 'li3' mI11 gintrhr±;eiru.. 1 1'1e 1; n;
c ub
',will; be thorbUghalyl ovexh'auled and
Int in gggc( condition .before the
coming seasons '
anxious time. We know that any Lo`t
moment without any warning a for-'
pedo might shoot into us. So it was a . '
great retief;•when: an hour ago •two'
torpedo destroyers cameracing up to
us uneither side to escort us into port.
They seemed to come from nowhere
at a;'tremenrjous speed.; , The ,Union
Jack was a wel'eorue sight—in fact I
never before was so glad to see it. X ou'
st.euld have heard the soldiers cheer.
They were getting pretty anxious. An •
order,had gone out from the General
that there was to ' be no music, bugle,
calling or singing, But you should
hear the hand playing up on deck and
the men cheering
field service this morning in one of
the cabins. It was {lather unique, as
we stood in our uniforms with our
life belts buckled or lying near at hand
I slept last night with my life belt in
my bunk 'and think tonight I will.
steep with my clothes on. We
were all instructed to keep pretty
close to the lifeboats, which were let
down this morning into position so
that we could get into them„ Tbe
service was the English church form
and lasted about half an hour, The.
situation was rather tense as the men
marched into their places, The hymns
chosen seemed appropriate; "Rock of
Ages," "Lead, Kindly Light,” "Stand
up, Standup tor Jesus," The soldiers
seemed to enter into the spirit of the
occasion. The throbbing of the en-
gines made a dull monotonous sound
and the swaying of the boat made it
rather hard to stand still, 1+'or music
we had a band of about a dozen in
strnments. ft was a service not soon
to he forgotten.
The voyage, I think, is nearly ended
The sea has been very calm, I did
not enjoy the luxury of being sick,
though quite a number were laid out.
We have bad three concerts on the
way over; there is some splendid talent
ainong the soldiers. W, e have also run
off a het of sports when the melt were
off duty. Fur prizes about $150 w
collected from the officers. General
Steele, the commander of the second
contingent and his staff are with us.
There are about 1,900 soldiers on board
—would make a good haul for a Ger
man sub. Tbe Kaiser would certainly
decorate its crew with the 'iron cross',
We had an accident on hoard a coo
ple of hours ago. A couple of men
were examing a revolver when it went
off, the hall going through the arm of
one man and breaking a couple of fin -
gets of the other But what is that in
time of war'? The easy way they talk
of death is a marvel to me.
Tomorrow will he the 24th • likely a
holiday for you, while I may be land
ing in England. Well, every man to
his taste.
Goodbye and love to all.
Bes'nre and come) So•Clinton on
July 1st and, attend the R. C. picnic
r:.nyy- perso.Y needing Counter
Check Bo'o'ks cannot do better than
ander them at the New Era Print-
ing Office: -
St Joseph's
and Garden Party at
J. ' Carbeli's Grove
on Thursday
Dominion Day
int. ,n Kiltie
in Atti nitallee.
All Kinds of
Dinner & Supper
Rev. John Hiogan
A red and white heifer under one
year, marked wilh two notches on the
r,ight ear. Any information leading
to its recovery will he thankful! re•
Brucefield, Ont
Wanted •
A district representative for the
County of Huron, A permanent posi-
ocktion for the right man, with exclusive
Nurserymen, Toronto
''Cook Range For Sale
A "Chief" coal and twood range,
not in use very long. Will sell at a
reasonable price.
Ontario Streeet
Sealed tenders, addressed to the un-
dersigned, will he received up to .June
2dtb, 1915, for an addition to the Clin-
ton Collegiate institute. Tenders may
be for the whole or part of the work.
Contract No. 1—Masonry, cement,
Contract No. 2—Carpentry and wend
- work.
Contract No. 3—Plumbing, heating,
Contract No. 4—Painting, etc.
Plane, specifications, and conditions
may be seen at tile Royal Bank, Clin-
See. 0. O. I
A hank hook between postotiee and
station. Finder will please leave same
at the New Era offiice.
Gasoline Engine
For Sale
A seven Horse Power Gasoline En-
gine gine for sale ata ai sin. Used only
for a short time. Further 'particular
The Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Ltd., Clinton, Ont.
Driver tor Salt•
A good quiet driving mare for sale.
Apply to
Albert Street
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
• Good stock of all grades on hand
Also Agents for—
Trust and Guarantee Co. Limited
of Toronto, Ont.
Assets over 513,000,000.00
Money invested in First Mortgages
with interest paid half yearly
Principal Si Interest Gttaraltteed
Ll T O
The season is now on for gasolene
stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene
dnt'iof our Bowser Pum —it passes
thrdugh 5 screens and a alter—Prices
always the lowest,
Auto SupPilies. and Bicycle'
'Auto Livery
J. ..
.iiPama. x n
r y )
TL A.'
We have just received a carload of
the same old brand of Portland Ce.
\ment which has always given you
"suchcomplete satisfaction. It always
fits your requirements. You cannot
make a mistake using the National,
S. J. Andrews
Srnaller Coal Billsi
(Let us reduce your, coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying , is in 1onou, with' a coal that
last ,gives'aa steady'
heat and leaves only a small
h This coal is
amount ofash. 1
The Coal That S',afisfies
1 t
will save you money. 'Give
itt trial..
i6 fedg,,.' s�fN.�..iF Ck:
J Ho tU� aY. Clinton
Finest stock in Huron County of
"Made in Canada" Monuments, Best
British-and,ft.reign granite, ,flnished'in
up to date style and design. ,Come and
see them. Note-4�,,,„ggranite base goes
with each monmx•d t,
Opposite the Postodice
Western University, London
Income Doubled—Now $75,000
—p --
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment In Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for Particulars to:
House tor Sale
A good seven roomed frame house,
waterworks indoors, large cement soft
water cistern, good garden with sev.
era) young fruit trees in bearing, An
ideal spot fora poultry- fancier, as
buildings and yards are new, there is
room for 150 birds if needed, for par-
titulars and price apply to
Carnegie Annex
Sealed Tenders will be received by
me up to June 22nd. inst. for Contract
No. 5, Carpenter work of Carnegie
Library Annex. Plans may be seen
and copies of' specifications ' obtained
at my office.
Public Library Board
Cows and Calves for Sale
Fresh Cows' and springers, will sell
privately. Time will be given by
furnishing bapkable paper.:,
I have on band a few choice calves
from 2 to 4 weeks..ofd,.Personally selee
ted, can get h.'li'mitbd'"'number Inc a
week or wo. They are well,bred and
in good condition
Poultry Wanted
Highest market price will 'paid for
fat hens and broilers
Phone 14 on 160 Base Line
Cement, Flour and Feed
Oar of Cement coming at once to
Londesboro. See us for prices. We
always have Flour and Feed on hand
House for sale
Property of the late Mrs. Thos. East
—Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with
cement floor, wood shed and chicken
pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees—
apples, plums cherries and pears,
Apply to H. WILTSE,
Phone 40
Painting & Paper hanging
Painting and Paper Hinging neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
Uunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
Eggs molHatching
From choice Barred stocks, White.
Wyandottes, and White Leghorns, at
$1 per 15 eggs, express paid, or 75c at
Piano Tuning
Mr. James' Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he ie pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,'
tone regulating, . and repairing.
Orders left at W. •Doherty's phone
61, will receive 'prompt t attention.
DHnure Gartley,(9 1`)
WEDNESDAY— Will leave his own
stable et noon and go by way of Lon
don and Huron Road to Gilbert Mair's
fur night
THURSDAY -By' Holrnesville and
Mailan 'on to Wm' bur & n
t d ;Hurst So for..,
noon the, °b .' io of' et el or
Y ,, v... he .0 r,..•
N,. , te.
a .Be t17�ller t '
qdv n �w1�', Tiaalie's.,l�nrcOt?-•,•.;:
iRoad; for dight,
FRIDAY -By way of the 6,th cop to
Porters Hill for noon, then by way of
7th con to Reuben Griggs for night
SATURDAY—By way of Steep's
Corner and Bayfield Road to James
Jackson's, 2nd con. Stanley, for noon,
then to his own stable where be will
remain until the following Wednes
day morning
Guinea Goll (13020)
MONDAY- Will leave his own stable
lot 40, West end Tuekersmith, and go
south to Mill Road to It Papule & Son
for noon, then across to Huron Road
and west to Wm Dale's for night
TUESDAY—To the Graham House,
Clinton, for noon and stall following
morning -
1'1 EDNESD AY—To his own stable
Mr noon, where be will remain until
the following Monday morning,