HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. �9t THE :CLINTON NEW' ERA. Thursiday, Julies leen, 1915. Buy Dress Goods Now N spite of the war, we have been successful it obtaining a complete assortment of the beautiful new shades and fabrics in 8 ^ /$1°1--D�i`ss�oo 5 The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the. enemies' hands, Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford, England, are now working overtime making cloth for the Allied Armies. The beautiful Spring goods that we are now showing may be the last we will be able to obtain for some time to come. WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO RUT NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE. PRIESTLY S' U I ,I This Spring's Priestleys' showing includes many novel and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shades, as well as the more staple lines that are always popular. See them in our Dress Goods Department. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. BR'IWN'S MEN'S STORE. Merchant Tailoring Men's P u'nishings. ,Phone 103. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON DO VOU KNOW That we have received some more Catsup that for quality and size is unequalled at the price, and makes a splendid appetizer for the warns weather 15e per Bottle or 2 for 25c As the temperature mounts and the busy housewife is often in a qundary as to what to prepare for meads. We oiler the following suggestion which will assist her to solve the. problem • BREAK1?AST-Uranges 80o or 40c a dozen, Brealefask footle, Krumbles, (Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes, Roman Meal, Oat Ileal, Shreaded Wheat, etc,, easily digested and at popular prices MID DAY MEAL --(fanned Vegetables, that ere prepared in sanitary factories.. •We nentinn Peas eMegnatia Brand" will please you, 10c tin PICKLES -To sad zest to appetite, cry cur Queen Q,eality Pickle, sweet or mixed, 89c emelt. DESSERT is always nu important feature of the avid eley mea!, try nue quick Tapioca Jelly Powder in all flavors, Oran go 51 i'malade, Strawberry and Raepberiv 3ems When day's work is over the family needs something more substantial, we have a, fine assortment of meats -Cooked Hain, Roast Pori:, New Eng• land Hans, Bologna, Coen Beef, Etc. J ,' 1kI phone 111 Successor to S, Barr. { Y! THE STORE OF QUALITY Phone orders promptly attended to a Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and leeceptionRoom, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buyall kinds of Furniture B.A.Z,L (& 'ICINSO N Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PHONES- J. D. Atkinson 186 Special Sale on the Following at Reduced Prices 1 only Lawn Mower regular $5 50 for 54 50 1 only Lawn Mower regular 5 00 for 4 00 1 only Volmer regular 7 50 for 6 00 1 only Wheelbarrow regular .. , . . 4 00 for 8 25 1 only Portable Rubber Bath regular 6 00 for 8 00 1 only Refrigerator regular 12 00 for 10 00 1 only No. 2 Daisy Churn regular 6 75 for 6 00 1 only No. 4 Daisy Churn regular 8 75 for 8 00 1 only Grindstone tubular steel frame, regular6 00 for 4 50 8 Hammocks at cost Cot Glass at a good discount, for balance of this month Headquarters for a complete Line in all in all Kib+ds of Hardware HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES STREET LIGHTING. The street lighting for the month of bfay amounted to $137.50. EXETER USING OIL Exeter has had its first application of oil on their Streets. Clinton will follow suit sometime after all the other towns have been using it. C L E AN ---No dust or flying ashes. ' Ash chutes wide all. ashes into convenient pan., No . ash shovelling necessary. See the , McClary dealer or write for booklet. 33 BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS '• Local News i 4 vvvvvvvvtvevvvvvrvvvvv..vvv vvv+,,.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw.sv'tw i STREET PAY SHEET. CEMETERY RECEIPTS. Last montes •the pay roll of the Superinilent Shobrooke( reported street commrttoe for wort3e on t?:e 567 7C1or sale tlotd . and work. dyne. streets arnountedone.yi109.03. Some good work wasp done. PRONOUNCE It! Off agin', On Agin',, Gone Agin', , Peremysl. 11. p. JUST TRY US "A Dollar bill may carry to its re ceiver the vilest infection says the Winchester Press. But bring it in. We'll take the risk DELIVERY VAN ON ROAD. Mr. C. Connor, 'the`Huron Street baker now hast et bread ean'to de- liver his bread and mikes to his oust omers. it isrnnchrfaster then a boy and express; wagon. 11IAKING- IMPROVEMENTS. "Our 0 Wilk Sam" Mr•, S. S. Cooper of the Normandie Hotel has had the c'0anen t moil at work fixing up the steps at the talo entrances. A. good job ha( been clone. MAY NUT HAVE A MODEL SCHOOL 10 has been rumored that the Ontar io Government uiay do away with the Model Schools this year:, owing to their finances being a low water mark. It this is so Clinton will be without the usual crowd of student in the fall BARBEEING AT BAYFIELD Ole. 0. Whitmore, who has been with Mr. A Lawson for the past year, has gone to Bayfield where he has op enecl up a barber shop. The young gentlemdn ehou d do well at the summer resort TOURNAMENT POSTPONED The Seafoi,th bowling tournament has been postponed from July Iet and 2nd to the 7th and Sth of July on ac count of the Seaforth race meeting OIARMERS 'USING OIL. Blenheim? May, 26. -The road 'oil- ing enthusuasm, which has been of great benefit to th.e laying Of duet in this town, during the past( two seasons, hos •spread to some ports of the country!, surrounding, and a number of farmers are grading their roads with particular a'treand giving them' a coat Of oil. This has been done in several places by individual farmers across their own properties, and( has been !found beneficial to crops and more cleanly about; the louse. One par- ticularly fines stretch of country road is just east Of the town, where three farmers have co -opera tee and have a stretch of rioadthat heti no equal in 'tho' county. Thee( is over a quartet Of mile of it !across the farms of Messrs. Nell and Arch. Campbell and Mrs. J. E. Pickering, and others who have seen how well It works are reported to be get- ting ready to follow this example, MINOR LOCALS. A PLEASANT EVENING. Last iEriday evening the pupils of Principal '13ou k'e room repeated their Empire Day program before alarge !audiences atOi,tario Str. Church. Those .present had an enjoyable evening. H.•of R. COMMITTEE MEET HERE The Hamel of Refuge Committee met here on (Friday last 'on !their way back from Co. Council nndpaid the 'Houecl 'of Refuge a visit. Every thing was found to be in good shape. ANOTHER "BULL'' STORY. Objecting strongly to being ship- ped out'of town, a bull broke loose at the railway yards Saturday and led farmers( and shippers !a merry chase over fields .and gardens ar d through fences before he was fine ally rounded- up and roppe d. L. 0, L. GARDEN PARTY. June. Lots Of mini now. Exams will soon be hear. Council met or. Monday evening. The Greyhound excursion June 15. ,. The gratis' will neon have to be cut along' the etree'ts. Get voml hydro hills .paid night to Eaves ,poror 10%. L; 0. L. Gtidere leanly in town on June 17th. Sue big bills, The New ;Era' will be .sent to ,any. address in Can'adr4 for the remail-, er 'of 1910' Iter only '40c, The Street Committee are having seven -el of the Macadam ,streets cleaned up ancc the grass' removed off the ,sides Of 'the roads, June Don't forget the 11 'C, picnic on. July 1st, A good time is fguar- nteed and amusements of all sorts ,p i11 be 'their to entertain the pub- li•s, 'thJnele Tomes] Cabin'• was played herd ort Monday night, but the Company did not have !a very! big - crowd. They went from here 'to Blyth. Send in 'the newt's. Don't forget that we have, ue , drop box nn the door for convenience sake, and y'ou can drop. ' in, the items there at eight. Be• sure and sign your same, It will not he published. The Neve Era has 'a- /complete line of wedding stationery' which we can print, in the latest ;`style. Your !order will receive prompt attention. CAN SEE THE PLANS. Anyone :wanting) to me the plans the proposed changes at the mark et Square can do sio by culling at the Con's'tableee toffice. SCALES MOVED, Last week the town scales were moved back to' their new position to make wap f.or 'the Carnegie annex to'our Library! building. NAND DATES. June 17-L 0. L: Garden Party. June 24 -Garden Party.;Lordes'b'oro July 1-R. C. picnic, afternoon. July 1 -Garden Party Londes'eeoro WAS IT FOR THEFT. Somebody one evening last week removed a pane of glees from the ba,cle of Mee J. 1r. Hovey's Drug Store, but must have' been scared off as nothing was found missing. CLINTON MISSED THE STORM. Clinton missed the vi'olen't storm that did 'o much damage in West Orn Ontario on Moncla.y. Wel lutd a good rain storm that cooled the air and did good( to the crops. A Press report! from Goderich save; -At Goderich and vicinity consid- erable damage( was clown ley light- ning. Victoria School in the 'town Mr. Peter Caatelon has, very kind was struck; and evetroughing'nn ly offered his lawn for a garden side of the building torn off. Mr. party to the Clinton lodge L. 0. L. Mc\Tally's house on Bruce street to be heli! 'on Thursday. Juno 17th. Goderich, wile damaged. The and part of the/ proceeds will be lightning went downs the chimney given to the Women's Patriotic, and ripped tho plaster off'the walls Society. The Clinton; Kittle Bane cracked the butside wall. Word will supply a Patriot'e.' oatmeal from. Goderich is to the effect that program it is' hoped" that ' 'ft was' the heat is et rain (std hall thee a will be a very large kitlen d -i storm that bas been experierced mice at this openime Garden Party there in years. No • crop deux ge was 1!carned, of last night. FIELD CROP COMPETITION The .following members of the 003CAc11 lndu Priu1 and Agrienl- tm'al Society have en -toned the names in the, Standing 'Geld Crop Competition for the district: Colborne Township- John S. Clark, 'Hugh Hill, ib'letcher Pis'hcr. John S. hernighan, C. C. McNeil and J. A. O c'Hardy. Godcrieb Tewnehip-isare Sulk - held, Harry L. Salkhold, Geo. An- drews, J. McClnsky, J. Sowerby, J. P., and !Geo. Laitheneite, The crop chosen by the Society is •Oates and the judgingttakes plea at harvest time. DEATH OF 01109. HENRY TOWN Death removed one of Seaforths old est and most respected residents on Sunday last, when ties, Henry Town passed away at her home on George street. Mrs. Town suffered a severe attack of paralysis the Sunday prev- ious which was followed on Monday by a seemed stroke, and she gradually sank until the end came on Sunday. Mrs. Town was born in London, Eng land, 72 years ago and spent her early married life there, coming to this with her husband 43 years ago. For a short time they resided in Wood stock, before coming to Seaforth, where for over 80 years they have been well-known and greatly respect ed residents, She was of a bright amiable disposition and her death will be a distinct loss to her many friends and neighbors, to whom she was en deared by her cheery council and kind ly deeds, and especially will her loss be felt by her aged partner in life and her family to whom ebe was so deeply attached. She is survived by her hue band and a family of five sons and one daughter, Thomas, of South Bend, Indiana; George, of Wroxeter; Wil line of Hamilton; Lieut, Percy, of r 1 n ':on; Sidney, of Chicago, and Mrs, Bartriim, of New York, to whom the sincerest sympathy is extended in their bereavement. The remains are interred in the Maitlandbank deme. eery on Wednesday, the funeral ser vices being held in St. Thomas Church of which church Mrs, Town bad been along and consistent member legate weetes:coeeliicatateei 8®®OQ9 0 o , WITH THE CHURCHES. ee • 0(900E30(30800000438611 0160 WILLIS CEIUECIR The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper %eel be administered at the morning service next Sunday. The minister will conduct this service and also in the evening. The Preparatory Service, at which also new members will be received, will take place Friday night June lith et 8 o'clock. The minister Rev, le. C. Harper, B. D, will preach. The Ghee' Oiub are giving a Butler Sale of Work and ,giving codk- ing and a Patriotic Tea, on Saturday afternoon commencing at 2 o'clock,on the leave of Dr Wm, Gunn. The First Annual Picnic of the Covenant Adult B. 0, will be held next Friday, June 18th. ONTARIO 8T. CHURCn', Me 0. 8, Hawke,formerly of Clinton occupied the pulpit on Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Next Sunday, Rev. S. J. Ailin, who has returned from the Conference at Se Mary's, will preach both morning and evening. The financial statement for the past year shows a balance on hand of $260,00 and also shows the total amount raised for all purposes to be $4500 00. WESLEY CUURCI The pastor spoke on "things which cannot be' shaken" at the morning service and at night, Rev R Fulton Irwin, of Wheatley, preached His subject was "Divine Equity" The Christian Endeavor Committee had charge of the League on Monday evening_ The W M S held a social evening on Tuesday night Mrs McMath gave a report of the branch meeting recent ly held at London The pastor gave an address on the Conference world at the Prayer meet ing on Wednesday night The pastor expects to preach next Sunday -- TRY - CON N £"''S BUTTER=CROST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 sc Loaf 0. the pleasure given by the refined -ex- cerllence of Lotus Lawn stationery is 'added the satisfaction derived frons the fact that it is "made in Canada." Note Paper Envelope, Invitation. Wiping Tablets' Ponetcriea. Correspondence Cards Initialled Stationery Gentlemen's Club Note nod Stationery The W. D. Fair eo. Often' the cheapest--2Uways the Best Mainit .16130 Penslar White Pine end Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it- Dispensing Chen1 J,E_ HO7i"MY Chemist TUE PEN�LAR DRUG STORE Furniture, Tugs & L•in leurnb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only slant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advents to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, • We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction J S. LIN Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store ForEayetroughing and Sheet Meal Work of all Kinds try us. Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Thos. Hawkins The earner Store "Live and Let Live" Are You (Going Camping ? The season is here again when we hegin to think of hike and stream and the pleasures that go along with camping and picnicing If you are going camping, see us re- garding your s:ipplies. We are special- izing on this trade Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are handeeand appetizing for the picnics and Tittle jaunts that campers frequently take. We have Cold Meats, Jellied Meate Potted Meat and Peanut Butter, Salmon, Sardines, Olives and Oheese Specials Strawberries, Oranges. Lemons, Bananas, Pineapples, Ripe Tomatoes Green Onions, and Lettuce Plumbing and Heating Es E. unniford Shop -over Rowlands Hardware Phone 53 PRONE 45. 1§.44.4•* N ''i ***4'x'44** *******4! TEST OUR BETTER SINES You'll find here not only the late model shoes -the best of shoes -the shoes you'll like, but you will find that buying;shoes here is a pleasure -both for reason of the excellence of our shoes and our splendid painstaking service in fitting. We spare no pains to see that you are fitted with just the right sort of shoes, and that you are Fitted Correctly in Every Detail If you buy shoes here once, you'll do it again, We havemofpatrons that havemet a whole army v with this experience and never think of going elsewhere Men's Shoes 52,00 2,50 3.00 3.50 to 6 500 Women's Shoes at 7.50 2,00 3,50 to 5.00 Boys and Girls Shoes 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 Children's Shoes 85c 50c 75c 1,00 to 1.50 There is nothing new or startling about our prices, you have seen the same figures quoted time and again, and they will continue to be quoted for all, time to come BUT we ask you to come here to see and learn how much better shoe value your shoe money will secure here than it will if you, buy your shoes "most anywhere,!' e. 'Fdf•;:9;4i'..,«>F3t'N.41l�i�fir�'��&�3•�d••F��F�H. 111111=11•1111•11111111111111MMINIM. 4111111011/41111111191 FRED. JACKSON