HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-10, Page 4AGE FOUR.
M* linely
Ready -
to -Wear
Phone 78
New WMIe
Dry Goods,
ulshili s
Strong Variety Here
The showing this season in the Wash Goods
Section byfar excells anyprevious season. A very
extensive sale of wash fabrics has been predicted in
the forecast for summer business, from all quarters.
We ask you to come and see one of the finest
and most extensive assortments ever shown here
Prices Range from le to 8 c a yard
The New White Waists are
The new assortment of Waists is larger and
more varied than any previous year, insuring a very
satisfactory selection, at any price you wish to pay,
including Voiles, Lawns, Embroideries, Silks, and
Crepes, in all •s;zes,
Prices from 1.25 to 5 00 each
Millinery $2.Q8
We put on sale' Saturday two dozen Ladies
Trimmed Hats, all new styles, values up to $5, your
choice Saturday $2.98
A Clearance of Ladies Spring
Coats and Suits
Your choice of any Suit up to $18 for 12,50
Your choice of any Coat up to $15 for 8.00
Local News•
a •
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••
The, tent caterpillar is becoming This weele Earl Owen, only neon
more and more troublesome. Exam of Mr. and Mist W. T. O'Neil en••
one your fruit trees and destroy tne listed and will join the '83rd Batt,
Best alt London, accompanying him w'1'.
be Mr. K. Wilson, of the Matson
EARLY POTATOES Bank Staff. The Clinton Honour
Mr. Bert Hovey showed the New Roll is growing. Who'll be ; Rho
Era some early potatoes and they next?
-were a very good size considering the IFREMLIN—DILLON WEDDING.
backward spring
Clinton has seldom turned out to
a band concertras. they dia last
'Sunday evening. •w.lann the Kiltae
Band gavel- a Patriotic and Sacred
concert. The streets were jamned
with (people, rig's and au'hos rend
many came from the neighboring
'eeewn•5. The bantt gave tetany new
selections, including ,the d'rerch
and Belgiart National Anthems.
T. S. Treleaven, photographer,. who
. 'laad been ill for some time past, died
at his home early Sunday morning.
Be`was in, his 55th year. He leaves a
widow and one daughter. Being of a
kindly disposition, he was well liked
by everyone. The funeral was held
'Tuesday afternoon to Greenhill Ceme
terv, the services being conducted by
!.Rev. Mr. McKinley. pastor of the
Methodist Church. The deceased was
•a brother of Principal Treleaven of
the O. O. I.
( Clinton, June, 81915.
..Editor !of New Era.
Dear Sir;—
In the issue of your paper on. the
-20th of May lastta reference appear
ed -relating to 'thewill Of my
F'a'ther, the lata Jtames Nesbitt, in
Which it started that it t;ried< to
upset the will and'thal it was a
just will, etc. Path statemeln is
are untrue, Mx ea, I did' not try
to upset the will, All I asked was
to have it proved in solemn forma ft
had aperient right tor take this'
sour r, and onlyl exercised 'the.
eight giver. me' by ;the Surf ogat
judge, ,H
ialt r>otthi v
"•t8'Court,Act„ ,ri
this cave out. Al); he did was to
hold ion the! evidence of (the wit -
messes .ot
it-messes'of the will that it was Ivor..
oily i ned,t and that (the twill was
not attacked; by Mrs. McKee eie or • and Attend the lath Annual'
•any onel e'ls'e, and jell That was be- llieeting of the
fore 'or he had Ito dealt with,
was as to the proper execution of
the will, which. was in fact,'the-on•-
ly questiore he did cl(efiL with.
It in quite clear that the person
wbo,rep'orted the matter an it
appears in your; paper Was either
ignorant'of the exact facts( or did 80
rnaliai us1y with itOt01 placing
nae in a false light;, In either ease'
f'theperson hasany idea of dcc-.
eney or fair play, the liaise 'state-
ments, should be withdrawn and an
apology not only to me snit to the
,'Court, strouidho made forth with'.
Yours Truly,
r Mrs'..- T. McKenzie Jr.
Last Saturday afternoon at 4 pe
m., at Trinity Church, Sombre, wes
the etene of a quiet wedding, when
'Miss 1Vlary Elizabeth Dillon wits
united in marriage' to Mr. Herbert
gremlin, of Clinton. The ceremony
was conducted by Rev. Mr. White
The young, couple wet unattendea
The bride wore a gown of white
organdie. The ,young( couple are
rived hotne Monday, the bride trave
oiling in fe tailored made Suitt IN
blue, and, are getting settled in
their horn nn Ontario street. The
bride wet for over a, year and a
half connected with the 'Doherty
Piano Co'.,, in the off:ee,
Following an illness of upwards of
three months Mrs, Ellen Edith John
son, wife of George Johnson passed
peacefully away at tne family home.
270 Morning street, Stratford, Sunday
afternoon, shortly after 4 o'clock.
The late Mrs. Johnson was born in
Harmony, being the daughter of the
late James Densmore. The greater,
part of her life, however, was spent in
Stratford, where she was known to a
wide circle of friends, by whoa the
news of her death was learned with
deep regret, Besides her husband, a
family of six survive, being: Mrs,
John Murray and Mrs. R. A .Ilayhow,
Stratford; Mrs. R. 8, Byam, Clinton:
Miss Hazel and Messrs. George and
Elgin at home, Her mother, Mrs,
Chas. Logan of Tacoma, Wash., one
sister, IWre J. M. Carney of Tacoma,
and two brothers George of Tacoma,
and John of Ocean Beach, California
also survive. The funeral took place
from the family residence on Tuesday
afternoon. Interment being made at
Avondale cemetery
Sealerth Cie
One of the Best Rues Meets in
Ontario—all the Best horses
2 100 IN PURSE1
Caine to Seatorth oli
Jul 1 ,
July st and '2nd
H. Broderick, .See. W. Go'rei:lock, Pres
domplete List of Stations
Forest Anson E. 'Woodlouse
Bosanquet.'....... :Under Superintendent, Forest
Stony and Kettle Points.. , ... , Thomas Laws
Thedford John H. Osterhout
Wyoming Y g `Joseph W. Pring
Marthaville J. H. Mundy
Brigden Fred S. Okell
Corunna , .... Thomas A, Steadman
' Wilkesport • R. A, Brooke
' Port Lanibton Arthur J. Love
Chairman W. H. Graham,
Financial Secretary• , ;+ a `•
W.J. Ashton
S. S.'Secretary H. Winans
Temp. and Moral Reform SecyB. H. Robinson
London, First Methodist Charle's R, Flanders, D. D.
London, Dundas Antos J. Thomas
London, Wellington George N. Hazen
London, Askin Hugh S. Dougall
London, Colborne....... , ..•. , F, L. Barber
London, Centennial HumphreyA. Graham
London, Hyatt Harvey D. Moyer
London, Etnpress T. Wesley Cosens
London, MVlemorial - . .. , A. C. Tiffin
London, Hill st. . ....... . ...... John Kennedy
London, Ridout st Alfred E. Lloyd
J Melvin Keys
• Robert I. Hosking
Thomas E. Sawyer
Bryanston James L, Foster
Siloam A David Whaley
Thorndale ...................... William L. Hiles
Thamesford Alexander G. Harris
Dorchester Geo. J. Kerr
London Junction
St. John's
Putnam Edward A. Shaw
Nilestown Under Superintendent, Dorchester
Belmont Leonard Bartlett -
Lambeth Selborne Anderson
Westminster Rufus L. Wilson
Deleware Herbert J. Creasy
Chairman G N, Hozen
Financial Secretary J G. Kerr
S. S. Secretary T E. Sawyer
Temp. and Moral Reform Secy. W. L. Hiles.
Ridgetown James E. Holmes
Morpeth. Allen E. Hopper
Guilds Frank Burgess
Highgate Edwin W. Edwards
Thamesville Thomas T. George
Bothwell Thos. Fothergill
Moraviantown James C. Nethercott
Wardsville Byron Snell
Florence Walter M. Kitely and Arthur Page
Glencoe Wm. G. Howson
West Lorne John W. Andrews
Rodney J. W. Lees
Dutton Archibald McKibbin
Northwood One to be sent
Chairman J. E. Holmes
Financial Secretary E W. Edwards
S. S. Secretary B Snell
Temp. and Moral Reform Secy .T. T. George
St. Thomas, First
St. Thomas, Grace
St. Thomas, Central
Whiting's Appointment
Aylmer .
Summer's Corners
William H. Harvey
Walter E. Millson
S L Toll.
To be supplied
Albert E. M. Thompson
Maxwell Parr
J Frank Reycraft
Joseph Jones
Thos. W..Blatchford
Chester McRoberts
William H. Taylor
Frederick Sypher
Solomon C Edmunds
Frederiok. Stride
Charles R Durrant
Thomas J. Snowden
John J. Durrant
John Henderson
John Mahan
Walter J. Kilpatrick
To be supplied
Hector W. McTavish
Edgar R. Elgood
W. E. Millson
S Toil
S. S. Secretary D. Durrant
Temp. and Moral' Reform Secy S. W. Blatchford
Yarmouth Centre
Port Stanley and Sparta
Financial Secretary
Chatham, Park st
Chatham, Victoria
Charing Cross.
Edwin A. Pearson
Emanuel Medd
James. E. Hunter
Blenheim David N. McCamus
A Roy Johnston
Under Superindent of Merlin
William R. Vance and Geo Bennett
Richard Blackburn
William W. Shoup
Edwin Matthews
S W. Hann
A W. Barker
Dawn Mills Clifton Gifford
Wallaceburg , ........... , . J. Calvin Reid
W. Roy Osborne
S Quinn
Walpole Island Peter Myers
Chairman D. McCanus
Financial Secretary W. R. Vance
S. S, Secretary . , G. C. Gifford ti
Temp. and Moral Reform Secy R. Osborne
Walter E. Pescot
LeRoy White
Robert Hicks
Henry T. Ferguson
Cedar Springs
Jeannette's Creek
Windsor, Central
Windsor, Howard ave
Windsor, London st
Amherstburg . Abram W. Tonge
Malden. .j.. , S. John T. Fortner, r,
F. Clarke,
sex .
•F "
• • ' , Eg�rrtort F. Armstrong
Kingsville. eore A King
tri �'
C Lou's L. Couzens
Walter E. Donnelly
J. F. Suttcliffe
Robert J Currie
J R Peters
Clarke F. Logan
Samuel Salton
R, Fulton Irwin and A. Wickens
. Alvin E. Millson
C, P. Wells
.. William Patterson
.....W. M. Pomeroy
E F. Armstrong
Romney....., .. . ,
Pelee lelaud. .
Financial Secretary R F,
S. S. Secretary .. • „Clark Logan
Temp, and Moral Reform Secy W. I -I. Donley
Hev. or. Manning
from Newfoundland(, now at Wilk-:
eeporte; C.N. Marshall, from 0111
to St. 'Mar s,' S. W. Hann, of Alberti'
conferdn'ce now in Dover R. J.
Rutherford British Columbia, now
o'ra'tion at lrienmilles ; F, G. Robin_+
s'on, fo=
Montreal; Conference, now
at a
W t d ,cud H. 13.P arnby Sask-
atchewan now,atl Belgrave. Under
the same head of business. Rev., Y.
E Malo'ttt saidra fewwords of fare-
The report 04 the circuit 'bounda-
ries commission,iesen ed b Rev.A i7 141 Phom ptjl started an
hcur'ai btislc' deb t!t g sniiithe
p,tesiog rof.t..ltre'.Tim r"rceo'mm'eni'd
a •tions made.
That 7VIerli'i, and Ouvrey • unite.
under the+ superintendent and is
colleague. That Lyons circuit con-.
VMS 'olLyons, Crossley and Bunten;
Mount Verm'onl and Ebenezer ap-
pointments and,'thalf Mount Vern-
on andEbenezap be recommended
to amalgamate. •
That Corinth circuit consist of
Corinth. N'orth'Bayham. North Hall
and 'Culloden, and that Corinth and
North 'Hall be recommended to
amalgamate and build a church at
That Seim mere Corners circuit
con ist'Of Sununers Corners, Rich -
Mond Fairaiew,.ander the'euperin-
teudent of A',ylmer circuit. An
amendment by Rev. H. A. Grahiam,
and Rev. A. E. Lloyd to leave ever
ehnase two for a year had few sup-
The decision means that confer-
ence is •opp'osed to the 'principle Of
continuing "float'ing"•appoin'trncnt
such as S,immersi Co.ners and
Richmond, which cannot be ea,pect
• cd to become self-supporting;
and that it upholds the boundaries
comirassi'on in its policy .of group -
in charges- that will make up a
strong circuit and one able (to pay
a reasonable salary and contribute
to funds of • the church.
The refes:,t of the general con-
ference of the Methodist Church to
allow women equal privileges with
men in church'' council bodies was
cens'ure'd by •thd London Confer-
ence members this morning, when,
by a volt of .84 to 65, the body
in session herr, decided that the
higher council of 'the church did
wrong in not giving women the
The question was brought up by
the report of the social 'servic .ante
evange'lis'm committee, which was
read. This had to do principally
with the suffrage question • and •
The report of the Sunday school
cemnrittea showed that 51,`33 schen=
ars were attending Sunday school,
and 5, 386 teachers were !teaching
them, Thor taking teachers'
CDUr:Ae6 numbered 564. That only
cre-'quarter 'of the scholars had
Pledged themselves. as total ab.
stainers was 1,•uncnted, and more
attention to. work of,temperance
in the Sunday echo'olwas urges
in the committecee report,
The sus'tenta'tion fund' commit
tees's clause in lis report that Only
$150 be devoted to helping pay the
salary of the minister 'on poor cir-
cuit:, was passed, although 'much
discussion woe,, engendered before
the resolution finally went through.
The churc:i' property conuniltee
brought in several recommenda-
tions which' were passed.
A splendid appeal on ' behalf Of
Victoria College was made by Dr.
Rowels, who put before the confer-
ence rnomber,,'the work 'of the
e'titution and the needs' of it. That
Victoria C'ellego day should be
held in the various 'Methodist
churches throughout the, 'confer-
ence c1i ttriea• was the opinion of
Pres'ieen't Manning, but no decisive
action wail ft ken in this nssrLs r.
The reports of the laymen had to
do mor'tlY with temperance. The
missionary Committee reporters
that 8009,110 had been a+aised dur'-.
ing 'th,) last year and .that •the
amount wants 1 for hest year
would be 8100,000.
Conference Notes,
Rev. Daviel Rogers, who has been
pesrtor in many charges in 'Heron
County has superannuated and has
been appointed` as' , issistan't in the
pastoral work, of the first,Me'tho-
die't Church, Lced'on, •
Thos. 13. Copeland has. superan-
nuated and hes gone•tho London t,o
Rev. Walter. Rigsby, who has
spent many years with the Indians
on the St. Clair, and a former ;pass
tor of Blyt_i, has superan-
nuatod and will reside -t Lambeth.
Rev, Thomas, Sanderson hue dos-
ed his active ministry and will live
at Dresden.
Their old friends in limo nCoun-
ty will hope,' and pray tyeh will
be..epared ror many years 'to come,
Ministers Who Motor
St. Marys, June Pioneer preachers
in Upper Canada covered their extensive
circuits on horseback, With building of
roads came the two wheeled cart, and
then the top buggy, which for 30 years
has been the standard vehicle of the
country minister. To -day the automo
bile is entering the field, About 10
ministers of London Methodist Con
ference own motor cars. Rev. E. G.
Powell travels over Huron County as
agent of the Temperance League and
Rev, John Morrison, of Sarnia, is engag
ed in lecture work, but the remainder
use their cars in the ordinary way in
place of horse and buggy. Efficiency
considered, they find it economy to do
Among those whom the, high price of
11oatsecraft does notSariffect .dare Itev. Frank'
`bsterhoutof,' of 'Medford Rev. Joseph',
Oeok,",Grand Bend; Rev, .Leonard Bart
lett B lib
e onC' r. L.L'l' ' i
D W. 1{ tleel a into i
and Rev. W. R. Vance, uMerlin. Rev.
F. Louis Barber, who moves from
Listowel, will be looking for a garagge
around the parsonage of Colborne street
Only those charges receiving aid from
the austentetion fund. get any horse feed
allowance, which might be applied to.
'gasoline, so conference "should worry:
it ill lW
Local News ti
1VAMC'S1t_Uli7 M3 t'15Y'1.
It is expected , that Pts. hews
Thursday, June lath, ':1915.`
Manning and Ray Ca'nte'lon, Math
of town, • Will ,now • be in rho Olci,
Land, Lew went withWinni-
peg contingent and Ray evith the
McGill Corp , which joins 'the 'Prin-
cess, Prsts. We all hone it hey will
come home safe and sound.
• Next to doi;ag s thing yoursel,
the b sf
e ,way to learn as to see
r",clone It is rone thing to sitin
s'nrne Contention' roam and +hear ri
man Stell how he man'sg.o his Rees;
it is far better to g'o'With lsim in-
to the amary''nd have n charca to
do at the, apiary 'of Messrs
m B� ie s
a ao rClinton,.1 Ch A tai 'men
( y 2 .r
u alk south fn
n G.T: R. Stallion)
T'lidav, Juno 11 art.36 p m ' A
!qualified ap''',ry in+s•r clot 'sent
'by the Ontario Department !el.Ag-
riculture will ehow'h'ow to examine
hives for diseases, and will 'actual-
ly put! a eol'ony through the treat-
men't for elate. Other maniputa-
limes will 'then be e1'own. sucrr as
finding the( queen, removing bees,
from supers/ operating to prevent
swarming. etc„ etc. Proniine'"t
local beekeepers wld, 'be askes to
eteke. pert rand :resist in the discus-
sion Of practical questions. These
apiary demonstrations 'are being
held elf oven Ontario, tend it with
be well worth your while to attend
one. Ladies aer especu,lly invited,
and all are advised Co bring bee
veils so they can creme might out
into the apiary with comfort.
Last week. Rev. Mr. Newcombe
received the following imitation
to attend the' jubilee of the Zion
appointment, Elmvillo circuity
R. 1' 1, Grantor', May 31st, 1915
Rev. 'Mr. Newcombe,
Dear Sinir ;—At the requets of
our pastor, Rev. G. A. ,Barnard, I
tr rite to ex'te.id you an invitation
to afftend thc, Jubilee services of
Zion appointment, Elmville circuit,
on Sunday andt'M'onclety, June 13th
and 14th. Although it is about 35
years" since you labored here, you
are not'• forgotten, and ,if table to
meet with us, at the Jubilee see.,
union, we promise you a cordial
welcome. Rev. J. Quante and Rev.
Veal have pro:nis'ed to conduct the
services on Sunday—ancl, we are
trying to get back as many as pos
sable of the 'old pastors for trhionday
Anticipating 'the pleasure of meet-
ing you,
Yoursl Truly
tFaancis 'Morley.
In speaking to till New Era Mr.
Newcombe stated "that owing to
his illhealth he would be unable to
attend, and, turas indeed sorry ns
three of hill best years •were put
in there." "True", he, scud ".he
salary plica- then was only 5'100 but
the •othee'things, provided to his
household made! up for any smell -
Less of salary." Rev, Mr. New,'
come recentlycelebrated his 82na
birthday, and. cieeprte his (frulity
and deafness he Still continues to
work for his Master in helping the
poor and attending the, 'Church cer-
vices whorl at ail table. Mr. New-
combe regrets that he is unable to
go back and 'see his old friends /2t
the Zion circuit, but trusts that
they will have an enjoyable'Jubi-
lee and that the good s .,ric al-
ready accomplished -4 will go on in
the years to come.
Bazaar and Patriotic Tea
On Dr, Gunn's Lawn Saturday June
12th at 2 p. m. under the auspices of
Girl's Club of Willis Church.
The Sale will consist of Home made
Cooking, Home made Candy, and
A Ten Cent Tea will be served all
afternoon in aid of Ladies Patriotic
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Good stock of all grades on hand
Also Agents for—
Trust and Guarantee Co. Limited
of Toronto, Ont.
Assets over 818,000,000.00
Money invested in First Mortgagee
with interest paid half yearly
Principal Sa Interest Guaranteed
The season is now on for gasolene
stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene
out of our Bowser Pump—et passes
through 5. screens and a filter—Prices
ai°ways the lowest,
Auto Supplies and Bicycle
Auto Livery
J. H. Paxman
•'We have just received a carload of
the same old brand of Portland Oe
inept which has always given you
such complete satisfaction. It always
fi IsI our requirements. y q You cannot
make a mistake using the National.
S. J. Andrews
Siaalle>� Coaj Bills
Let;uS reduce your' coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying you with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat atldileaves'only aisrn,all, 1,
ago1XHk Q fash This coal
e -Coal That Satisfies
It will
ave yourmoney.. Gi,ve
it a trial.
R. J. Holloway, Clinton
Finest stock in Huron County of
"Made in Canada" Monuments, Best
British and f,,reign granite, finished in
up to date style and design. Come and
see them. Note—A granite base goes
with each monument,
Opposite the Fostoirice
Western University, London
Income iDoiibled—Now $75,000
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for, particulars to:
Carnegie Annex
Sealed Tenders will be received by
me up to June 22nd, inst. for Contract
No. 5, Carpenter work of Carnegie
Library Annex. Plans may be seen
and copies of specifications obtained
at my office.
Public Library Board
Cows and (wives for Sale
Fresh Cows and springers, will sell
privately. Time will be given by
,furnishing bankable paper.
I have on band a few choice calves
from 2 to 4 weeks old, Personally selec
ted, can get a limited number for a
week or two. They are well bred and
in good condition
, Poultry Wanted
Highest market price will paid for
fat hens and broilers
Phone 14 on 166 ' Base Line
Cement, Fleur and Feed
Car of Cement coming at once to
Londesboro. See us for prices' We
always have Flour and Feed on band
House for Sale
Property of the late Mrs. Thos. East
—Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with
cement floor, wood shed and chicken
pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees—
apples, plume cherries and pears,
Apply to H, W ILTSE,
Phone 40
Painting & Paper Hanging
Painting and Paper Hanging neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
Hunnitvrd's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
Eggs for Hatching
From choice Barred Rocks, White
Wyandottes, and White Leghorns, at
Sl per 15 eggs, express paid, or 75c at
Baby Chicks and Eggs
Get your order in early for baby
chicks We are starting our inauba
tors now and will continue till June.
Barred Reeks, S. C, Brown Lyhorns,
R. C. Rhode Island Reds, and White
Wyondottes, All first class tow/ and
bred to lay. Chicks 15c and 20c each.
Eggs $1.50 per 15, Reduction on larger
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty Wishes to in -
[Men the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
Dunure (xartley (9221)
WEDNESDAY-- Will leave his own
stable at noon and go by way of Lon
don and Huron Road to Gilbert Mair's
for night
TkIURSDAY—By Holmesville and
Maitland (Jon to Wm Durst & Son for,
noon, thio way
g liy of Bethel Car "r':
enol Betti itlller to Wm Hooke's, Fluibrieer,,
Road, f§r bight
FRIDAY 13y •evay of thee (iib con •'to''.
Porters Hill for noon, then by way of
7th con to Reuben Griggs for night
SATURDAY—By way of Steep's
Corner and Bayfield Road to James
Jackson's, 2nd con Stanley, for noon,
then to his own stable where he will
remain until the following Wearies
day morning
Guinea Cold (13029)
MONDAY_ Will leave his own stable
lot 40, West end Tuckersmith, and go
south to Mill Road to R Papple & Son
for noon, then across to Huron Road
and west to Wm Dale's for night
TUESDAY—To the Graham House,
Chilton, for noon and until following
VV EDNESDAY—To his own stable
for noon; where he will remain until
the following Monday menuing,