HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-10, Page 1/NTON
Established 1865, Vol. 49, No. 50
JUNE 10 1915
W. H. Kerr;, &, i ] �, `t itors and Publishers
See How ` The New Era Want Ads Can
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R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch
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O s o♦®♦®oa•O*ea***
complete List of Mations
of the Lnndon Confer. ence
Goderich, North .. . ....... ..... Wm. K. Hager
Goderich, Victoria .... ........ ..James E. Ford
Clinton, Wesley.. , , . , . Wm. L. Rutledge
Clinton, Ontario st .. S,' James Alain
Seaforth .............. ........ Geo: McKinlay
Brucefield j; Greene
Hohrresville R Johnston McCormick
Blyth George Jewitt
Dungannon Irving A. McKelvey
Nile John W: Hedley
Benmilier Forbes J. Rutherford
Auburn Walton . ... . ... . William Conway
Frederick W. Craik
Londesboro Christopher C, Kaine
Bayfield John E. Jones
Varna Arthur W. Brown
Chairman J E. Ford
Financial Secretary G Jewitt
S. S. Secretary A W. Brown
Temp, and Moral Reform Secy . W. Conway
Exeter, Main st S'imuel W. Muxworthy
Exeter, James st W. George H. McAlister
Parkhill Herbert J. Uren
Elimville George A. Barnard
Centralia Wellington A. Finlay
Hensall John F. Knight
Crediton Selby Jefferson
Grand Bend Joseph E. Cook
Sylvan S V. R. Pentland
Ailsa Craig Allan H. Brown
Lucan Robert H. Barnaby
Granton Leslie W. Reid
Woodham Christopher W. Baker
Kirkton Robert C. Burton
Chairman W. G. McAllister
Financial Secretary A H. Brown
S. S. Secretary C W. Baker
Temp. and Moral Reform Secy . J. F. Knight
Continued on Page 2
$1,500 Added to Hydro Cost
The regular' June Session of what is necessary to be done and
Council was held on Monday even-
Minute:, of Regular ai'd swell:
meeting were read and confirmed.
liMembers pr ?.sent at Monday's
session ; Mayor Jncicson, Reeve
'Font, and C'ouncillors, Wil'tse, Fitz-
simons, Miller; Shepherd and
Tho Iliad.' Band asked for ra
grant $250 for their weekly band
concerts for the summer.
On notion of Oltzelmons suet
l,Viltse that band was given ',i300,
® , rn'l that Reeve Forel iend Councillor
Wiltse be a cotnmittre to meet ,the
O Band. and. arrange for 'the) weekly
q • concerts.
Dr. Shaw, appeared on behalf 'of
R the 1'ublie Ureinttos Commission,
Hydro Corn -
,•' ,llI 1.0
••.•r d tl
,'at the �
✓ .
.t 1 .tate
III( �' me
nt of
O for a
are askingpayment
m 57,000 which is owing 1.0 therm
This. aincunl! is made up. of the
N 1063 10 sci.hno' rdebenu tures and
O debt occurred between estimate of
Engineers of the FEydro Depart-
ment and the actual cosi. Soni.e of
the Councillors were[ not slow in
expressing their views on thisMat-
ter, but as it has to be paid tale
• Council can do nothing but raise
• themonev andpay it.
♦ On .motion, ofOForcl and Wiltse
that we instruct ,out Solicitor
to make application, to Municipal
••Railway Board to raise by de'bente
O ure of $;7 500 for paying the balance
♦ off debt incurred for instaling of
• 'Hydro -Electric system; Ctirr•ied.
• Clerk MacPherson read udraft 'of
♦ the proposed; Street watering By-
law and the Councillors discussed
• it at Some length.
On moti'o'n; of Wallis and Shen-
* that the street commit-
♦ tee meet on'Friday evening to
look into the street .watering by-
• law and repor'tt to Council,. t -
• The Street committee repots,;
♦ Work !of cleaning,, up; Macadam
• streets passed at previous meeting
-0.h.as been: nearly finished. We re -i
3 commend that grass Ion streets
where •Street Committee consider
necessary. c at once. We
itece ar be ute
also have a retquest from Mr. C. Mid
e dlet'on that outlet of Mary street
• drain be cleaned out 'through .his
♦ farm • as the, water from the ,'own
• spreads 'over acres Of his land land
• 15 causing him[ considerable foss.
We recommend 'that 'Street Corn -
Z ini'ttee o'ee Mr. Middleton eau find
Ready -to -Wear
A Raincoat is "Jack.of-all Trades." If it looks
cloudy, you slip into your Raincoat. If it turns cool—
well and good, and if it clears up—all right.
Your Raincoat is as
dressy as any light-
weight top coat you
could wear,
A perfectly balanced
Cravenetted to turn
The Raincoat of to-
day is a much different
proposition from the
coat of a few years ago
Our Raincoats are
made by a maker with
a reputation for making
the` best of coats, and
we guarantee them to
do their duty.
$5, $7.50, $8.50
$10 to $20
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C.P.R. Telegraph
Morrish ( .
• The I� 9
e , tor EveryMan
A �quareD al o
The Last Dig' Week for
Pineapples at
2 for 25c
Sunkist Naval Oranges
The Store of Quality
W. T. r owj ' a'
Phone 48
Also the probable cost and try and
satisfy Mr:' Middleton as 'cutlet of
Mary elreet drain through Mr. Micl-
dleton's farm is very necessary. Al-
eo ,that '.boles be filled on road pp-
posite Wm. Jackson residence from
G. T. R. Railway to end of Corpor-
ation and that sidewalk ire put
from T. McI<enr:ic's planing mill to
railroad. • The 'repots aaas carried,
The Cemetery Committee report-
ed !that cemetery caretaker him
been doing, a good job in keeping
cemetery in first class shape. The
Committee paid a visit to cemetery
on Monday morning.
The Property Committee made
their report --1,11.e revert( having
had scales' m'tvcd ,:and itpproaeltes
matte. The bill_ for sonic hot 'he-
ing vouched for, does not appear
'i Statement. - We re-
' auto :Financial S
in Fi . nc 1
eommencl that: Loath furnaces in
basement of hall be 'overhauled
luring the summer. Report Was
The Councillors had a long clis-
enssion aleou'+'tiho location of the
band stand ,and it was decides( to
leave it to the Property Commit-
tee, • ;
The (Finance, Statement wasn•ead
and adopted., c.
The mayor brought up the clues -
tion sof the) Skating Rink, as Mr,
Trench complains, 'the Assessment
is too high. The Court of Revision
decided they could do nothing
and stent)- it bade to thc. Council,
On motion of Wiltsae and (Fitz-
simons that in the event 01 Mr,
Trench paying his taxes in full
each year, We agree to give a
grant ;of $7fi per year.-Oarried.
The 'town Solicitor was instruct-
ed 'to take) action to recover a
band !uniform,[
The Council, discussed the use bf
the split log drag Councillor Wet-
lis upheld the drag for excellent
work, 1
The Council( adj'ourne'd.
Joe Clark, Jr, Going To Drunken Men are Common on Streeto
The Termite Star,. of •Friday last
makes reference to Lieut "Joe'' Clark jr,,
who is a nephew of Mrs. Thos, Jackson,
Jr., Mrs, J. E. Cantelon, Miss Clark
and Mr. T. A. Greig of town who is going
to the front:— Joseph W, G. Clark,
second son of Mr Joseph T. Clark, was
given a provisional lieutenancy on the
formation of the 109th Regiment, He
obtained his commission after attending
an officer's training class in Owen
Sound and passing his examination with
flying colors. When a draft of 42 men
was called for to re-inforce the 35th
active service Battalion at Niagara
camp, Lieutenant Clark was placed in
charge,' He has been on The Star staff
for about two years. "Joe Clark junior"
attended Harbord Collegiate and
University Schools. IIe is twenty years
of age. He played golf at Lakeview
Club and Lambton and was a member
of the singing cast in several amateur
e.+4ravaganza companies, which have
been popular in Toronto recently,
Bev. Dr. Manning
is President
Of London Methodist Conference
for the Ensuing Year
St. Marys, June 3, -Bev. Dr. Thos
Manning o1 Central leleth'odist
church, Stratford. was elected Pres .
iden't of the London Methodist' Cam
ference in succession '50 Rev. B.N.
Hazen, Lon don,, 'this afternoon and
Rev. A. E. Thomson, Aylmer, Was
elected Secretary. Rev, Dr. Jas,
Smyth, principal! of Weselyan The
'ological College.; Monti ear' .'and
Rev. Dr. J. W. Graham, eecretiary'of
Education for the 'Methodist
Church in Canada, deliverred r d -
dress on' the work each was eng'ag
ed in.
Upon recommendation of Rev. 73.
S. Dougal, St. Th'omae,'and Rev. W.
H. Harvey, London, it was decided
to send a cablegnarri '01 congratula-
tion and loyality 'to King George ex
pressing the loving sentiments of
the conference On his birthday.
At the morning, sesai'on the lay-
men delegates said some rather
harsh 'things about't.he ministers,
who, they claimed, were retarding
the growth of democracy in the
,Metho' l it church, and were also • e-
sponsible for the failure of woman
suffage as :aligned with church
work. It wast he general opinion
of the laymen that members' of
boards'other than the o:iielel board
should be allowed to assist in the
distribution of win'f and, bread• '.t
communion. The dropping of ' a
minister Iiy the Conference who
had failed '10 acquaint members of
that body of his determination to
enter upon the wedded state called
forth some adverse criticism and
much wit.
Nevtofficers 'of the Laymens
Association of the London Con-
ference 'were elected this
Theywere: Honi President C. A.
Aueten, Chatham; President, Wm.
' d It l0cc-Presider,
Gib o L'o c n dit
and Sectetary-lTroasurer., J. ,Fer-
gusonSarnia. The Executive
Committee consist of the following,
members: U. B. Holtby, St. Thom-
as ; H, C. ;White. St.Marys ; tl, W.
llumphr'ey, Chatham; land William
Heiman London.
Seaforth Traveller Wounded in War
Sth, J -"Sc
to inforeaform youure 2. 24558, inLanceerely Seregretrgi.
John Leslie Reid, 13th. Battalion, of
tidally reported wounded, between,
22nd to 21th April. Further parti
culars'when received will be sent you
The above message,' received by
John Reid today, tells of the wound
ing of the eldest son of the manager
of the Canadian ]furniture Company.
Leslie was iittached to No. 1 company,
5th Royal Highlanders, Montreal, first'
contingent Ills 'company was next
to the French in the Langemarck bat
tle which occurred in latter part of
April, and no word has been received
from him until today. Much anxiety
hasbeen felt by his parents and many
friends. The continued silence was
ominous. Leslie is a eplended type of
young manhood, and was formerly.
assistant secretary of the Y. M. C. A•,
London, Ont., and afterward connect
ed with the Y. M. C. A. at Haverhill,
Mass. He was a -traveler for the
Canada Furniture Company with
headquarters at Montreal, when he
enlisted. He has a brother in a bank
at Goderich, also a brother in another
bank at Guelph.
Wingham Man Wounded
Win liar: June 2.-A telegram was.
received here this morning, that Pte,
L. Aite
heron was dangerously wound
ed in France. His mother resides
here, She' is a widow, He was in the
employof Mr. Louttit, butcher, for
some time
St Marys{ Jure 0.. -Ordination of
probationers into the ministry of
1:he Melho;"i.5 church was, as uru L
the fea'turo of Conference. Sunday
At 'the hands of Do,lTlromas Man-
ning, president, assisted by Rev..
S D. Chown/ D. D , gcr,erafsuper•t
intenclent, foil' ,young men receiv-
ers a copy 'ofthe Scriptures' and
authority to "preach the Wos'slnd
administer the sacraments in the
congregatidn," The ceremony al-
ways [;interesting, attracted an
overflow attendance. The newly
ordained ministers are; -Rev. R. A.
Brock, Montreal( Rev. J. L, Oast
er, Toronto,. (Rev, S'. W. Craik;
Thaines'vi]le, land Rev. J. E. Jones
of Crediton.
The ordination ts'ermon was
preached by Itev, Alexander Lang-
ford. lee% feasel' at 0. ta. m, was
conducted by Rev. Walter Rigsby'
The sermon' 'this evening was r by
Rev, L. 11. Scott of Toronto,follow-
ed by a sacrament service, in
charge of Rev. D. N. McCamus, Rev,,
James 1Husser, 'of Atwood, address-,
eel the, Sunday School.
A ;service d 'to the 'schedule
on short notice, vas atemperaance`
masa meeting' this afternoon, ,an
dressed by Rev,: Dr. Chown and
Rev. E.°, Powell, agent Iof'Huron
County Temperance Leagae. The
meeting ',was areangedr' with a
view Ito'helpingt'the Canada Temp-
erance Act campaign in Perth
Voting On the by -/Jaw takes place
on June 24
The extmin er,( board which will
deal wits, And:dates pf'the com-
ing year haslbeen selected /(s fol-
lows Revs. Dr. Manning, G. N.Haz-
ed; W. G. 'H. McAllister, J. W. Baird
A. J, Langford, W.H. Graham, C.P.
Wells and A. J. Thomas,
The conference} heard something
unusual and unexpected yesterday
When Rev. Samuel J Bridgette late
of Montreal' Conference, but how
stationed in• Ashfield Township
Lucknow gave his reasons for seek-
ing a transfer to his conference. In
the Eastern Townships; he said
Protestantism has; been swamped.
".Originaily's'ettles \by English.
speaking 'people,' he explained
Our Catholid neighbors have come
among us, and Isave withdrawn
'their ,support, dram the public
tscho'ols. Our. churches' have been
weakened numerically 'and' finan-
cially and my, heart has been sad-
dened every time I have tuilnecl,
back to myr old home,I' have felt'
that I would like•to have ss charge
in aP rotestant country and 1
asked to come among you Last year
you granted niy request[?"
Others introduced( b Dr. •,IVIanne
ing president, and welcomed into.
If you bevel anything to 'sell try the conference%, were R. A, Crook
neveadver'.ailsi tfia trent!topayin ,The' New Era Continued on Page 4
Bo'Declared Huron County Delegates to Ontario License Board a
Friday Last.
Toronto, June. 4. -The warning vote, be made dry. The tempera -
issued by Bon. W. J. Hanna a year anee people in 'tlre municipalities,
ago' that temperance people in din-. under local option' were twell sat-
islfied '\ett•' the law enforcement,
but they were impelled Ito col, -
operate ,with. the 'others. The act
wont into effect and since then can,
di'tions had been bad'; There were
drunken .nen on the s'tree'ts and.
the (town was running wide Open -
.M, Clinton, Goderich. Blyth and
other places drunken men were f ea
quen'tly heed on the streets.
The licenscf inspector for Centre
Huron had resigned, the board wets;
informed, and a new main In sym-
pathy with' 'the enforcement Fslh
temperance law -was needed. The,
deputation urged .that the thence
, -
!ors ' a't o enable there
ors be paid enough 1
to dev'dte 'their whole time to the
work. At preseit 'they belt that
they were not paid enn'ugh. It was -
also strongly urged that a. mew
magistrate mord in sytinprtthee
with thct law be appointed.
Chairman Ft ivelle stated that he
had 'little faith in the O.'nade Tem-
perance Act,. and that it would
prove exceedingly difficult t'o en-
force it 2s' well as local option_
The board„ .,however, would do
everything in its power to have:
'the law, enforced,
tricts where, local option was gen-
eral should go slowly before throw
leg it over in favor of the aider
Canada Temperance Act, since the
federal lawrcould not he enforced
as efficiently and had a few of the
safeguards of the loc'il option law,
has been more than justified. The
C'anad'a Temperance Act is, in force
in 'Huron County to -day, and if the
verdict of the deputation that wait
ed -upon the pro,. iocral license com-
mittee'to-day means anything it is
that' the county act kis been a fail-
Opposed to Scott' Act.
Friday the Huron dePutati'opi
heard from Chairman iFlalelle, Of
the committee, and a ,strong tem-
perance man, 'an opinion of the
Scott Act identical with that La'r
ppr� used, unofficially, by Hon, Mr,
The deputation was composed of
Di.'A. J. Irwin, of'Wingharn, 1. A.
Irwin, of Clinton, and C. W.
Th'omps'o'n, of Clinton. Mr. Irwin
told the .board 'that the Canada
Temperance' Act '.vas brought up
in 'order that+' some towns, Exeter
and others[ that could not -pass
local 'option, might, under a county
Co. L. 0. 1. Meeting at Clinton
Serpi annual county meeting of
the 'Huron county L. 0. L. met in
Clinton On Monday. afternoon. W.
0. •M., Walteii Hodgins, .of 'mean,
in the chair.. The brethren present
«ere from Lucrn, Seaforth, Winth-
rop; Godericly Township, Bayfield,
Hens'all Exeter, Crediton, Porters
Hill, Centralia, Goderich, and Sum-
rr,erhill. They are going 't'o' cele-
brate!the 1211'. of July with S. Hur-
■ ■
■ ■
on , at Lucas. Special trains for:
that place will be secured. -
A good program of have spill;%
foot ball, and other':sports, ;besides
the 'usual band prizes,'and ;the the:
speakers ofthe day include such
able .men as R. R. Gamey, M. P. 1'.,..
and Rev, J. W. ifodgins 'of Strat-
ford, South 'Huron will be, well
represented and 'one '04' theebest
clays' this year will be''nt Liman or'r•.
the 12th, of July.
Women's Patrotic Work
r �
A special meeting of the Women's Church have always had Elie repu-•
Patriotic Society will be held in Cation of sterving excellent 'teas
Connell chamber: •Friday 'afternoon end ,this 00e was no eat -tins to
at 3 o'clock, June 11, ,The Pret,i-, the rule. Mrs. May and Mrs. Steep
dent urge, alt members of the Rae l',ourect'thel: ea half the' lime ,and
cutive arc(. as many members of Mrs. Courtice and Mrs.' Hooper the
Society a& possiblo to be li se.nt remainder. Tee proceeds of. the
The Ladies of Patriotic Societl, tea r:mounted t'o the grand !total'
wish 'to thankt the' Crce Bros. for of $'38 20.
•the', many favors drown the Society Donations rec.ived byTreasurer -
The Cree Bros. have done all dray- since last report,
ing asked by the ladies free of Ni, May ' ]..Op.•
charge, Mr, T. M.sron, Summerhill ,, .15
.A1 out next regular Bneetiug, Ithr5 warren 5 Oft
June 1S the beautiful fancy work Miss Estella a inu iefot1
.... 1.01
and the Artistic Iland -tinted ,batter Willie McGill .... .,... .25'
Plate so generously donated by Master Reginald Noble .25
Eris Rance and Mia Crant, respect !Yit 1 Holland ,50'
ively, will be dit'poscd of. Mrs. Mrs: Oliver, Johnston ,......, ._. 5.0D
Holloway ane'! 'Mrs. Kilbride have bars, Roland•,.Oft
this matterin charg andtwill hr bit Shepherd 1,00
ready to give, elery lady ach'trce Miss Wallace 2.Utr
to• get bre of these beautiful gilts. Miss Mont c stie... ...... L.oe-
The ladies of the English. Chute 1 Mrs. 'Baker ._....... 1,0
will s'ervra tea. Mr. '11 Be cam _..... .1.0e
Never were e,o many people at Bliss Margaret Bcetcom ,,...,1.0D'
a Patriotic Tea 315 at 'the one Mrs, James S,iell ...... 2 ail
served by the ladies of Ontario Ontario Street" Church Tea35.20
St. Church in the Council Chamber Mr. Weaver's Concert 0.50.
last (Friday, The Ladies of this Women's Institute 131,1320(;„
t. -
Gard Against Army Worm.
worm may do consid-
armytv y
damage in 'the County again
this year. Owing' to 'the serious
,outbreak last Year, p'osei1ily a much
larger nrunbee of caterpillars [vin-:
tered over, than heretofore, conse-
quently, there is a greater likeli-
hood of another Olutbrealt this sae. -
son. Farmers Med haves any low
lying land should keep a sharp
lookout during' early July for the
young ca'terpillare,
Methods }of Control.
The most effective Method is to
plough for dig trenches at least
ten inches deep across their hath,
taking caret to have the Is'traitght
'steep side away from the worms
so they will, be unable •No elim'b up,.
and ()veil on entering the furrow,
Holes must be bored at intervals
of fifteen feet, In these the
worms drop and can he then de-
stroyed either by crushing 'ompour-
lug coati 'oil over them. Spraying
a strip four or five yards wide
across their path with Paris green,
t;wo ' prourtdt per forty (gallons sof
water or lead arsenate
per 40 gallons, proves effective if:
foilage is, dense.
The adult is a grayish colored
meth abonitl one earl lt1rree ,quarter
inches across 'the wings. These,
appear (towar&the middle !of June:
and lay their eggs either In little•
ma'sses'or rows on the grass, grow-.
ing 00 the, low lying Iground. .&
ern le female may lay 700 eggs.
ten or twelve days' these datch'and:
the 'tiny( caterpillars commetnece•
feeding. In about a month from:
the lime of hatching they aref (hull
grown and ready to enter the
ground to pupate emerging again
in about 'three Or four weeks Cas t3.
mottle ['when they again lay eggs,
which in 'tur'n hatch .and feed cantle
edod''wea't'her,when they Meld inw
der grass and 'other Material for
the winter. In the 's'pr'ing they •
emerge complete their growth
Pate and'appe'ar as the June maths,..
The point is, keep 'watch tof your --
pasture land -tarot they do not igol.
beyond :easy &entrroi.
_'fl n Co and the a -t'
Hpr C Cal Temperance �
Goderich, Jua s 4. -.For the second
-time iinthe histo. 'of Huron the
Canada Temperance, Act, or better
known as the Scott Act, in now 41
force throughoull the county, hav- are paid, into the 'county treasury
ing come' fnU0 effec''t on May 1. and lil.ewiscl all expenses are paid
There was some doubt in the by the county treasury and should
minds ,of the County officials and there be any deficiency at the end
temperance worlceril as to, who of the year the Provincial.' Govern-.
would be responsible for enforcing men'[ wilt bear one-half the ex'-.
•the law after May r., but (the new pease. It is not likely 'there will
board of License Commissioners 'be any shortage however, las there •
have cleared 'the lair by sending to is' now on Band in the treasury ata
the county emend' a statement ea surplus of $4,400; which was left
what would( be expected from the over where{ the net ,wast in force 25
county and what the ,Government years ago:
would '.dao for 'the county. ' All the feounty Constables Will be
Sections lig to 150, inclusive, of required, by the council to assist
the Ontario Liquor Act with ": the the inspectors t'a strictly enforce
amendment of 11014• ;give direct the law. and the tempt. nee'organ-e,.
insttructions,and' the county conn- izations in every ''municipality
ell have accepted the estimate of promisee to stand behind the offs -i
the board and will now; do its best cers in the fulfillment of their dut-..
to have the law, impartially ens
All the, fines and (fees collected
under' the, Canada Temperance Act