HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE CLINTON NEW E'EA. Thursday, June; 3rd, 1915',' Buy Dress Goods Now IN spite of the war, we have . been successful' in obtaining a complete assortment of the beautiful new shades and fabrics in RESS °40DS The dress goods centres of Continental Europe are either destroyed or in the enemies' hands. Priestleys' famous looms, at Bradford, England, are now working overtime making, cloth for the Allied Armies. The beautiful Spring goods that we are now showing may be the last we will be able to obtain for some time to come. 901111.11.0 alt .ra ]IDs PRIESTLEYS LIMITBD. WE STRONGLY ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW, AS THE PRICES ARE LIKELY TO •ADVANCE. This Spring's Priestleys' showing includes many novel, and very beautiful fabrics, in the latest and most fashionable shales; as well as the more staple lines that are always popular. See them in our Dress Goods Department. MEN'S STORE. Merchant Tailoring Men's 'Furnishings. •Phone 103. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods .and House Furnishings Phone 67. WN'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON DO VOU KNOW That we have reeeiyed sorne more Catsup that for quality and size is unequalled at the price, and makes a splendid appetizer for the warm weather 15e per Bottle or 2 for 25e As the temperature mounts and the busy housewife is often in a qundary as to what to prepare for meals, We oiler the following suggestion which will assist her to solve the problem BREAKFAST -Oranges 30a or 40e a dozen, `Breakf all foSbods Krecl W ales, Grape Nuts, Oorn b lakes, Roman Meal, Oat Meal, etc„ easily digested and at popular prices MID DAY MEAL --Canned Vegetables, that ave prepared in sanitary factories, We mention Peas "Magnatia Brand" will please you, 10c tin PICKLES -To appetite. add zestttry our Queen Quality Pickle sweet or mixed, 30c quart. DESSERT isawaysufuiportaut featuro of the mid day meal, try our quick Tapioca, Jelly Powder in all flavors, Orange Marmalade, Strawberry and Raspberry Jams When day's work is over the family needs something more substantial, we have a fine assortment of meats -Cooked Ham, Roast Pork, New I➢ng• land Ham, Bologna, Corn Beef, Etc. Phone 111 Successor t0 5, Barr. e FOIE' STORE [DF ilKA1LITY Phone orders promptly attended to eameamaminawasswassifzennawnisaaasslome Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in can struetion and design but ex- tremely ,well made in,every de- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to bnyall kinds of Furniture �3. .LL Q& .ATE 1Ns0 N Fnnrnitesre Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball' 110 RESIDENCE PHONES-- J. D. Atkinson 186 A DEMAND FOR, TOMATO PLANTS There has been a greatt demand for tomato and other }similar plants to replae.t those killed by the re- cent frosts in this locality.• ADVERTISING- ISMS. Advertising is not 'only first of alt, ethical and serviceable and economic but it its also a fine art. It doe:4 r''ot come by instinct, but by education and apprentice -ship. NOT A "FORD" STORY 'Here is one from the Boston Transcript: "The ear I use to -day I've been using steadily for six' years. It has taken me to' my of- fice' in town and back, and 4t has not coot me one cent for repairs yet." "Great Scott, what a record! •Whaf car is it?" "The Street -car." TOO MUCH SMOKE. Local motorists beware If your machine • issue an unreasonable amount of smoke at the rear you arc{'liablo to be "pinched." This happened in Toronto and the con- otable read the section Of the act as follows: "The operator ofany motor vehicle shall not,permit''any unreasonable amount of smoke to than! from any * au'tontobile. ,. 1 1 uig Sale oiGNohIewill'e The Largest and Best, Yet On 'Saturday next we start a Graniteware Sale that will startle those wanting to put in a stock of, Granite— ware. The prices will be limited to bc, 10c, 15c, 25c. Nothing higher in price than 25c—some articles to the vatue of $1.00 will be 25c. See Our Big Window—it will Surprise you also 5c, 10, 15c & a5c Tables in our Stove. Store AS. USUAL—A great big stock of Barbed Wire, Black Wire, Brace Wire, Poultry Netting, and all seasonable goods. %ARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES T) LT R AB L E --Fire', grates are three -sided; last _three times as long. Shaped in:the the to grind up clinkers .�.I(ciei when "rocked".'= See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 32 BYANi & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS Pe ' J,41, e ., QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe1AAAAALAAAAAAAAAAikAAAAAAAA 4 .4 L • 1 News UOUNOIL MELTING MONDAY The regular meeting' of Council will be held on Monday evening of next week. ADVERTISING -ISMS. Many a community has made im mense strides forward because live intelligent advertisers have brought it the knowledge of its needs and of the available supplies SEVERAL V,1 S1: CORS 'HERE. A half-dozen 'transient rags were seen the other evening at the Y no doubt( waiting fo • their parlor. oar to take them '00 Their journey. MO V INGS. Mr. T m..ilut't rented the ,home vacated by Mr. Reynolds' on Wil- liam s'tree't, Mrs R, V'altou, of Rai tenbo: Y St has rented the house pin 'Victoria St; vacated by Mr. Wm. Scutt. ENGAGEMENT AANNO1INCP.D. 14Ir. and Mrs. Marshall Braith- waite of Londesboro, announce the ur.•gagement lof their daughter Alice Verna to J'os'eph Vodden. The merI iager to take place in Juane. IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. R. Tiplady, Optaric Street is having his house repainted. Mr. Chas:, Baker and Mr. John ,May is doing the painting it is not neces- sur3 to say itis well 'dare. BOWLING IN FULL SWING. The' Lawn 1: 0'; ling,eseas'on has had a gond start so far ith 'C' e Clinton Bowlers and many new members have joined, BANK FIOLIDAY The banks are closed today, keeping the King's Birthday. COMING For the-steenth time Uncle Town's Cabin will be played/in Clinton.. See Advt. on another page. PATRIOTIC TEA. • Thr, Ladies of Ontario Street Church will serve the 'Friday tiftei'- noon Patriotic Tea in !ho Town • 1-a11 this week. THE HALF HOLIDAY. The' Barbers take their 'aft erno'on ofll evcryThuesday and startedto- day. tunderstand the Dent- i.Its are going to take an after -I r.00nl tou and the lawyers will soon follow suit. BEDS PLANTED The Postoffice beds were set out today with canvas by Mr. T. Cottle, Florist The beds will improve the appearance greatly and is always a. beauty spot to the eye of the visitors to our town. STREET OILING Brantford Expositor:- The city assessment department has had to cease the field work of the department for a few days, to prepare the lists for street oiling in addition to those al- ready sent out. There are six miles of additional streets, and oyer 00 notices will have to ha sent out, SISTER DEAD Mr. James Smith received word on Tuesday afternoon that his sister,Mrs. OPENING BAND CONCERTS. away Cowan' of Bright' had passed away after suffering for the past Thc1 initial open -fair band cion- couple of months. She was 71 years cer11 of the season was given 'last old and is survived by a grown up Thnrsdayi evening by the Kilties at family. The funeral was held on the Band stand. The program was Tuesday and Mr, and Mrs. Smith varied and the and. although ha v- went down to the funeral, Mr. Smith ing lost several of fts members is the last of his family. showed the marked result' of a goo;l winter's practice under the cap- able leadership of Bandsman Dixon. WELL KNOWN TO MANY 'HURONITES. Saturday's papers report the torn ipation 'of Mr. J.'E. Cairns, of Saska ton, as the Liberal Candidate ,or the Doniini'on Parliament as 'Rio present mender denlined the r e- i:omination, Mr. Cairns controls a big departmental store in the Western City and many Huron blcl boys and girls has been employed in the business. TO PROVIDE AN OiFFICE. Police Magistrate 'H'olinstead, of Scaforth, is bringing an action against the County. 'of 'Huron to compel it to fnrrish him with n;n 'office, fuel, light and'ifurs!iture 'as Police Magistrate for Seaforth, Mc- lsillop and Tuckersmith. The evi- dence was taken before His Honor Judge 'Holt'somd time ago and are gumen't was heard on Monday last. when judgement was reserved, MiNOR LOCALS The NOW Era has complete lino of wedding stationery which we can print in the latest fs'tyle. Your ordey will receive proanplt at•ten}4, tion: Big celebration in Wingha,m bin. Dominion Day. Leave your Order for' your •next job printing .at the Now Era Office. The motorists are enjoying litany trips! these fine days. Cars from outside- points pass through -town almbs'ts 'every hour of the I1ay, A. R. ALLOW aY APPOINTED. Mr, A, R. Alloway, editor Of Prin ter and publisher, was ,appointed assistant manager 'of, 'the'Canadian Press Association at a meeting of the Executive Oommitteelaf the or- ganization held yesterday. 1 The office .is a 'temporary one created by the' hoard &f directors because 'of the illness of Mr. John M. Imrie the manager, and the appointment is for six months, During that period 'Mr. AliOway will/ be in charge of the (manager's 'office titn-, der DSr. Imrie's supervision, and at the, expiration Of 'that period Mr. Imrie will, it is hoped, .be • able again `b disoharge all the duties of ills past. JUNE' ROD AND GUN/ "The Glittering Lure" is 'the title n st given by, : Bo ayyea leale to a D story' Of before -the -season fishing in the opening pages 'of June Bed enols Gun Which is published at Woodstock. Ont. by W. J. Taylor, Limited. "Honest Weight' is' an rmus'ing tale of two rival Iflshe'r_ mel➢ as related bit. 'one Of the !'tench Canadian guicies who ac- companied''them'on their outing after de beeg wan, Three' Sweded there were is also., a hurn or'ous story relating the exper- iences of a "vulgar rambling trio'' elrowing( how everything turns to ashes to those without a purpose, "Sport in and around the Bosky Mounitafns" ' Carefree Days in New foundland," etc. and /the regular de' partments, which latter are Mull of interest to the 'fisherman and make up a very interesting early ,summer iosue CLINTON 'BRANCH OP WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The annual meeting of the Won -i- onic Institute' was held at blrs. L. Paisley's May 271915, when the following of i ars vver•c elected; -- Pres Mrs R. Munroe, 1' Vice -Mrs. T.11Sdson, 2 Vice -Mrs. 'H, 13. Chant. See. -Mrs. T-L';'owler. Treas.-Mrs., IDodd. Auditor's;--fdks, L• PaisloY, PrMrs. Charles 'Itellyar. Direct ors. -Mrs; Keri ns, hire 76. Murray, Mrs,!Henn, Mrs Paxn:an. Dis. Directoe-Mrs. Munroe. The summer meeting will be held at Mrs. James Juniorrl's on 'the evening of June 10 at eight o'clock when Mrs, Burns, of Toronto, will give, a splendid address, also a good program will be given, re- .freshmerts( served, and silver col- lection taken, Ladies not members as well as members are very eorai- ally invited, FIGHIT THE MOSQUITO NOW The mosquito has not yet arrived. Nevertheless now is the time to be • gin to fimht against the pernicious pest, Water barrels should have tight fitting covers of wire mosquito screen, Water tanks should have a ventilated inlet and overflow allpro tectecT with wire gauze, Buckets, tubs and other receptacles should not be left where they will collect water. Tin cans, broken bottles or earthen or tin dishes should not be thrown on the rubbage heap where rains will fill them with water. No accumulation of water is so small or so filthy that mosquitos will not use it tor anursery. a Even roof gutters m y become c10 ed and furnish breeding places. Ellii minate the nursery and you go afar to remove the pest. Operations should begin at once, and as soon as wrigglers appear the work of oiling draining or filling ilk LACKirsch Rods Can't . C_... u milialer Tarnish limilmi . '� Kirsch is the man who took the "sag" out of Curtain Rods by inventing a flat extension rod with round edges and curved ends, which allows your curtains to hang flush against your casing, making a very pleasing effect. They may be attached in such a way as to show the woodwork or if desired, to hidb the casings, should" they not be as nicely finished: as you would like. They can, be had either single or double. A re easy to put up, and are durable. The W. D0 Fair eo. Often the Cheapest Always the Best :tea PIONVIIMMEgatf d Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a, doubt this is the most. efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily redeye a cough. Try it— II0 V 3 Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE G.V CORNET SOLO. .F. S D rOR L A The. Stratford Beacon in their report of the bard concert made a a favorable comment on ''i 608811/8 Clint onian wino moved with his pa r 11 to the classic city 0I1 'or: the features of last night's pro- gram was the cornet solo, '-The Lest Chord," by Bandsman Tone's whose selection received a round of well -merited applause. HO.1ti1 SOME TOWNS HELP TILE BAND. A band is al,vays ,t good fol the town and the Clinton 11il- Kilries are second to none f or a good musical program. We clip the 'following from a Western pa- per, -To ius0 what a position a responsible band can work in e community is illustrated by.the Hum •.I'•, Sask., Bank under the direction Of Alfred Talte. Al- though 'their local council have de- cided 'to cut bus all grants to the different societies that have a call/ on the municipal fun(}, ' (their cis!ion to. still support the band was carried unanimously and the coun- cil granted }fi500 for the ,year apart from the leader's salary, They ore also paying Kot the lessone of alit young members taking the places of those who have left for the front o1 gone to other focalities -Cana-, dian Bandsman: ea,0®®04,11®®4)064100 004 O 41 O WITH TRE CHURCHES. 0 0 610961111•000111 41000081110416 WESLEY CHURCH. Pastor preaches next Sunday. The League Monday night was a chargea of the Good Citizenship iA Depart- ment. art- ment. The Junior League on Friday night will be addressed by Miss Sloman, of St. Paul's Church. The Ladies Aid are meeting this afternoon. TRY -- CONIVER'S UTT1R = CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 — 5C Loaf Furniture, Rugs & L inoleum5 We can assist you in selebting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your Advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction CSFs *ndertaker and Fnnoral Director. Phone 25. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store For Eavetroughing and Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds try us. Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Thos. Hawkins I The corner Store "Live and Let Live" l reaktast Foods for Warm Weather Corn Filmes Shredded Wheat Bis'ts 1Gusto Wheat Biscuits ' Force Flaked'Wheat i Triscuits Grape Nuts Puff Rice Puff Wheat Krumhles Malta -Vito For a Quiet Lunch. Red Cross Pork and Beans 10c per, tin, 3 for 25e 01ark's Pork and Beans, large tins, lac 2 for 25c Heinz Baked Beans with Ohilla Sauce per tin 150 Small tin Simcoe Beans 5c Coro, Peas, Tomatoes 10c, 3 for 25c 1 Salmon, 10e, 15c, 20e, 25c, per tin. Buy your Pineapples now for preserving- Special reserving Special for Saturday Lettuce, Green Onions, Radishes, and Strawberries • Plumbing and Heating ' E. 1unniford Shop -over Rowland's Hardware Phone 53 PRONE 45. y Children's Shoes Every parent knows that children's shoes wear out fast and the cost counts up. Good Shoes for Children—our kind—are al- ways the cheapest sort of shoes to buy. There is nothing saved in buying "cheap shoes" or "bargain shoes" for children, they are always the most ex- pensive in the end. Wehave high and low cut shoes for boys and girls, in all sizes and widths,. and in every good style. Box Calf. Patent Calf, Hid Gun Metal, Viet Kid, Ete. Lace and button styles, made on nature shaped lasts, flexible, durable soles, spring heels and low heels. We have a correct shape for every foot, in a right size and width, 50c, 650. 850, Si .00, 1;25 to 2,25, according to size Give our Children's Shoes a trial and if they do not prove our words true, your money goes back to you without a murmur, PREF. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE STORE 4. 3. 4. 1