HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-06-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR. Tag, QINTON NEW Rail Thursday,Jule, 3rd, 1815; Millinery Ready Vear GaCillellt8 Phone 78 Dry Goods' and an ilouseFiir nisldngs New While wiIi Goo ,Strong Variety Here The showing this season in the Wath Goods Section by far excells any previous season. A very extensive sale. of wash, fabrics has been predicted in the forecast for summer business, from all quarters. We ask you to come and see one of the finest and most extensive assortments•ever shown here Prices Range from 15c to 85c a yard The New White Waists are Beautiful 'rhe new assortment of Waists is larger and more varied than any previous year, insuringa very satisfactory selection, at any price you wish to pay, including Voiles, .Lawn:, Embroideries, Silks, and Crepes, in all sizes, Prices from 1.25 to 5 OJ each Millinery $2.98 We put on sale Saturday two dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, all new styles, values up to $5, your choice Saturday $2,98 A Clearance of Ladies Spring Coats and Suits Your choice of any Suit up to $18 for 1230 Your choice of any Coat up to $15 for 8 00 Ontario Board of License Commissioners Has Now. Settled ]down to Business i 444414••4440444404440404044 Over The Teacups 4444440.410040440444444+44 Oapt. Dowding, of the 33rd Battl , London, was in town to day. Mayor Jackson attended the Faill Bowling meeting at Stratford on Wednesday. .iIitnager' Yost,of the Doherty Piano Go., has been confined to his room through illness. Mr. William Jackson was in Strat ford on Wednesday attending the Fail! Lawn Bowling meeting, He was elected President. Rev. Fr. Dunn, who was in charge of the Clinton Parish before Fr. Hogan was calling on old friends on Monday. He was in Blyth ort Sunday attending special service there. Messrs G. Jones and C. Bell and Mrs. H. Pennebaker and Mrs Fairfull are delegates from the Clinton Baptist Church to the Walkerton Association in session at Mt. Forest. Misses Edna Pennabaker and Lillian Fairfull spent the week end in Goderich while there took in the anniversary services 'at the Baptist Church, the preacher of the day was Rev. John Mc- Neil of Toronto one of the most popular pastors of the Baptist denomination. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Watts and children motored to'Sheppardton on Sunday and spent the day with the latter's grandmother. Mrs. W. G. Moffatt, Orange street, on the will be At Home to her friends second Friday of each month. Messrs Charles and Harry Twitchell, Morley Counter and Lieut. Chas. Kerr motored to Brussels last Friday and and spent a few hours there. Rev. Dr. Rutledge . is attending the Mr. and Mrs. James Smith were called to Bright owing to the death of Mr.. Smith's sister. They will also spend a few days with Woodstock friends. Reeve 3. E. Ford is attending Co. Council this week at Goderich. Rev. S. J. Allis is at St. Marys at- tending the Methodist conference. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan, Blyth,were visitors last week with their daughter Mrs. Wes. Walker, High street. Lieut. Charlie Kerr lett for Welland last Saturday morning, after spending a couple of weeks here. His lady friends —and they are numerous—are singing "Will he no come back again." Bei ium Refugees Arrive Belgium Nero, A party of six Belgian refugees ar rived here this week to make their home here for the time being. 'They have many thrilling stories to tell of their experiences since their borne, near Ypres, became part of the war zone. The party was composed of an elderly woman, two young ladies and three small children. Six months ago the older woman was living peacefully in her home when the Germans came and it was ruined. Her husband and four sons answered the call to arms Two of the boys were killed in the first skirmish and her husband shortly afterward. Another son was captured and in a letter to his mother states that his lot is a hard one. She has not heard from the other boy for months. One of her daughters was thrown from a window when the Huns sacked Ypres, and was killed. They saved next to nothing from the ruin of their home. ensens 1 w e) D.FLAVELLE C'hazrerxarK W 5'DINGMAN, Yep eha/rrtra,z it occurs again tthe p'ol'.ea will be notified. Sometime ago the boys' were, at this dirty trick, so ;the; l.ndl better take warning. SEVERE PENALTIES - IIotelkeepers of the province have been notified 'that they will be severe ly dealt with by the Ontario license board nt cases of preaches of the liquor license laws, The commission era even intend going 80 far as to can oel licenses where convictions for free turere of the license ant are discovered. Instead of hotelkeepers simply paying line. for selling liquor on Sundays or after hours, they will receive short notice requiring them to wind up their business within three months THE LATEST FROM TEIE FRONT Since the opening, of. the Great! Euro ran War last August, the sable ser ran of The Globe, Tdroiirto, teas attvac el attention from one end -of; Oanada', to the othet owing to its completeness and reliability. Every day the cable news is Bonder west and interpreted on the front page under the title of "The War Summary." This feature makes plain and intelligible what would other wise be confusion to the reader. The Globe maintains its position as "C'na da's National Newspaper," as is prov en by the fact tnat its circulation of 87,000 is much larger than that of any other morning paper in the Dominion, Elsewhere in this issue appears an advertisement of. The Globe, offering the paper sent to any address in Can adafor $3.00 per year. A special clubbing offer of the Globe, Daily, and The New Era one year for 03.80 is now made, thus ensuring the best metro politan daily and the best local paper at a cut rate &JOHN A feYEARST. 4 e•..••...•••..••e•••N.••• 8•e•ee!••••••em.H.e..•1••• • • N. r. Gadsby's Ottawa tetter • • ••am•s•e•.••oLIVE NOTES FROM OTTAWA. anis:—•eine••mar• Ottawa, June 4— The wise boys are 1 Rodmond, remained to decline and fall guessing that there must have been with it. Bob was a very lucky man to warm language between Sir Rodmond be a member of a real estate government Roblin and the Hon. Robert Rogers when real estate was booming. He shared in the era of expansion, helped when they met on neutral ground in Toronto a few days ago. to keep it expanded, in fact, by his Sir Rodmond has been the Honorable Personal and official influence went on Bob's benefactor from the beginning of his political life and naturally the Honorable Bob doesn't see why he couldn't have gone on being a benefactor by hanging on a little longer in Manitoba. Once a .benefactor, always a benefactor—that is ' Bob's motto, and he believes that benefactors should live up to it even at some slight,disadvantage to themselves. At ail events it was a particularly bad time for Sir Rodmond to spill the beans. Sir Rodmond had been under good advice front the Honorable Bob and others for months past but none of his advisers expected him to do what he did Their advice to Sir Rodmond was that he should resign and let his colleagues form a new cabinet with a new premier and thus avoid handing the Government over to the Liberals. Sir Rodmond's colleagues thought very well of that plan, and the Honorable Bob, hot foot from Ottawa, pressed it on him from time to time, but Sir Rofimond figured that it would make him the goat and raised objecticns. Finally he became real peeved and said "Just for that you'll get off." He resigned, as it were, in a body, taking his colleagues with him. It was the neatest thing in the way of a double cross since Samson sacrificed himself to destroy the Philistines. Ever since this signal act of revenge Sir Rodmond has been able to take a philosophical view of Manitoba politics. 1 -lis interviews with Liberal newspaper reporters are full of human kindness toward Premier Norris whom he wishes long life and prosperous states- manship. In fact it .almost appears as if he would rather have Premier Norris on the job than his own friends who might malign him if they remained m office and he didn't. Absence, as the poet aptly puts it, makes the hammers stronger. Everything Sir Rodmond has said since he resigned sounds like a benediction to public life but it would Oct surprise anybody if he swung into the bigger game at Ottawa, instead of enjoying the comfortable sunset to which he is entitled. His being a Manitoba discard would be no real argument against him because the Ottawa and present administration at Oita v doubtless Sir Richard would have landed if it hadn't been for his adventures with Attorney General Bowser, and the two submarines: Sir Richard's work with the two submarines was careless, if it One of the men has been employed,wasn't coarse, and spoiled his chances. l 1 b he Id Finesse is what the situation demands- Mr. M. D. McTa Bart is takingin the, was in distress when war broke out, the Public Accounts Committee. Any- was not hearing from his loved ones and body, as short on finesse as Sir Richard wonderful sights at the big Fair at knowing that the Germans were Mchnde, could never get along at SIR GILBE'RT PARKER, M' P.. of San Francisco, around his old home. Part of the pttawa. pngtand and a Cnnadfan born; London Conference- w or t is being in this vidinity for over ` a year and at St. Marys• • finesse that will defy the best efforts of soaring even after the town lots had fallen behind. Bob soared sky high and cane out of the clouds with a silver lining which is going to be a great comfort to his old age. Sir Rodmond remembers all that and naturally puts it down to himself, for- getting the element of luck and Bob's cwn merits as a foresighted, forehanded man, who knew what was going to happen next and was generally on the spot when a shower of blessing was scheduled to burst in Winnipeg or any of the other town lot centres of activity. Sir Redmond, knowing how the game was played naturally feels that one real estate operator makes as good a minister of Public Works as another. What he faits to take into account is the honor able Bob's personal charm. He has made a great hit with toe back benchers, not as an orator, for he talks like a scrambled egg, but as a hale fellow and a splendid promiser. He never sends a member of Parliement, even a Grit one, empty away. If kind words never die, !Bob is going to have a long life. Sir Rodmond couldhever fill that part of the job. He is too irritable. Meanwhile the Honorable Bob looks wistfully at the Canadian High Con- missionership in London. As a wicked partner his ability is impugned, as Minister of Elections he is a distinct failure, as upholder of tottering govern- ments he shows signs of strain—if it wasn't for leaving Major General Sam. Hughes a free field he might be tempted to move on. H. F. G. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Combe company are now at Mr,. LaBeau'e Sir Rodmond Roblin, on the contrary, , sr., has been very ill during the past week, Mrs. Wheaton and daughter returned to their home in Toronto, on Wednesday after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chant. Rev. Fr. Hogan was in St. Thomas on Saturday attending the funeral of the tat ,rs. Butler who as the ntotiter;of' i' eMw Nlr'"Butler who took the leading part in iilie • "Kerry Gow' a year or so ago whale the others are living at present has shown great deftness in getting out is' raised to the Baronetcy. in one of Mr. W. Llliotts houses. of his troubles. He has not only got out himself but he has left his friends hold- ing the bag and has displayed qualities fr l4.rs. T. W. Ralph and children return- ed to Toronto last' ',Friday afternoon after spending a week with Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr. Mr. Fred Forrester, G. T. R. Agent at _Dublin,. is spending a few days at the the parental hone, ide will also visit at Montreal before returningto his work, Mri, (Dr.) Hamilton., of Acton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, C. W. Robb. Misses Barry and Agnes Combe have been visiting relatives in Stratford. Rev. Fr. Hanlon; London, and former- ly rector of St. Joseph's church, was call- Sir John Mei-1(10e has '.ccs ynad • ing on old friends is town on Monday.F He is a welcome visitor, I{nfgh't COntmancler'Of the Ord Rev. 3. Greene is attending the Methodist conference at St, Marys. 01 S1 1N[iehaer ant! 51 r"! :ergs. Cs'-11.Thee�J1i.c7 "y J.1G'.11ch'le LiEu-r. GOVERNOR c. ;r which prcve that he has nothing to n learn even from the Honorabic , Robert Many Canadians'. Are Rogers. Indeed` there are thoen wh. Hsay i ., that the enorable'.BOb learnedelusin trade.' s" fro '! Sir •Rodreeed, and that they B in `6 ore I ,� lid a tr a : �N , e�iu k 1t th b t rnas'er can atilt ;eac ., l ,�„t,. t ,�l,�g ;that; as it nay"the:Ll ; 'ble'iBelZi�Ilfhsn't ; saple rep`3fdij as a,Fra`R;kehstein„'1' ° ill Sig` �Rodrngitd' 0,:i r he has 'with' other people ivh'o don`t' l know hint so well. If he is:a Franhen- 1 stein then Sir Rodmond created him and Seven Are Entitled t0 tJSe familiarity breeds contempt. it is tieing recalled that when the Honorable Boblin I "Sir", While Sir Gilbert' in the reciprocity election of I911, was Parker Becomes 1. made responsible and delivered the ' Baronetgoccls from Winnipeg to the Rockies, Sir Rodmond was jealous and had to be , gorge g made a'l:night as an onset to Bob's get- London,, Jame 2— The list of honors ting the big job at Ottawa. conferred oathe, occasion of the Kings The feeling which actuates bah Sir birthday, made pttblle this afternoon, Rodmond and the Honorable Bob is iniew of the war, is an 'unusually that ingratitude iv s sharper than a !trig Cue, serpent's tooth and consequently each is Canadians among those hollered are very much ashamed of the other. Sir ANS'$Ol30IiEI�• Redmond naturally remembers that he Sir WI CAN t\SrTNS 'H: made Bob the right hand man of his K. C. lel; Cr: real estate government and that Bob rose with the real estate while he, Sir Sir. ;John 8 Rontlrie. Smaller Coal pills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- p1y ng yott with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small arnount of ash. This coal is LE.HIGHVVMI 4 -4$T iRACIT 0 it The ;Coral That Satisfies OIt 4wil1 save you money. Give it' i trial. w....�' o� WaYi' liiinton Goderich James Buchanan, Sen., one of the oldest and most respected Goderich citizens, died at his home late Monday night. Mr. Buchanan was born in Scotland 83 years ago and came to this country while young. He entered the planing mill business some 50 years ago and took active part as president of the Goderich Planing Milts until three years ago when he retired, his son, James, tarring on the business. His wife died some nine years ago. He is survived by three sons, James, of Goderich; Walter, of Toronto, and George, of Cuba; and . three daughters, Mrs. Sharp, of Toron to; Mrs. Armstrong,- of Toronto; and Emily at home. Mr. Buchanan was an elder of Knox Church. The Tuner al will take place on Thursday S1R II B. AMES, 8l P., ; K. B. mombey of the Commons and Ho;''orary Sem stars/ of Canada Patriotic 'Fund. Sir Wm. Petersen. KNIGHTS BACHELOR. Sir' 'Harty L. Drayton. Sir John C. Eaton. Sht'Rorbert B. Ames'. Sir CharlesiPrase•r. C. M. G. Commander SI'ephene. Rev.. Dr. D. M. Gordon. C. I. S. 0. R. Be Deane. Gisborne. D. C. MEDAL. Serer. S. '(r..Pc ttoruon, ,of Winni- peg; Corp. J. Wolstenholme, of ;Fairbanks, Ont; Private J, M, Rob- ertson, sof 'Hamilton, all of the Pa tricias, and Private Drake. Of Moan-. tieali fliestern university. London ANOTHER GREAT ApvA.NCE Income Doubled—Now B15,000 Another Equipment in Arts and Medicine ion to Faculty Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for narticulare to: _--p-- E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A., Ph.D, President. Births, !Marriages a ll➢aahs. BIRTHS BARTLIFF — In Clinton, on Sunday, May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff, a son. KITCHEN—In Hamilton, May17, to Rev. B. H. Kitchen and wife (former- ly of Stanley), a daughter. Bazaar and Patriotic Tea On Dr. Gunn's Lawn Saturday June 12th at 2 p. m. under the auspices of Girl's Olub of Willis Oburch, The Sale consist aadde f OHandy,me made and Cooking, Home Aprons. A Ten Cent Tea will be served all afternoon in aid of . Ladies Patriotic Society. If Abend blood cried out from the grounds when he wase murder- ed by his. brothel Cain what a shriek or wail must ha re ascend- ed heavenward when the Lusitania passengers were ushered into eternity. Cain had a mark put on him . and Justice will barely be done to perpetca'torsi of the black and malicious outrage to an unsus- pecting company of travellers' until they pay' the penalty of au r ave in Providence. o avenging P once. A long time/ ago a notorious Herod warn- ed the people Of a brutal decree to slay the babyhood' but the Kaiser's commands come unan aou'ncedl to the innocent children aboard the oc :an liner. If this'ie the outc'osne of the development Kultur Creel pity the petopte who live” under souch'tyr'a,nny and atroc lousiness. The'devil !must gloat over sheep able colleagues and could safely' take a, holiday while the war continues. riwitisfiktuamiiish Local News Aiiia TUNE SESSION ;' Tje annual June session of• the Flu@on Comity Council is being held this weep, at Goderich, 'The chief business at this sitting is the passing of the equalized assessment for the various munieipaiities in the county BEER SEIZED IN GODEE;IT(H County Constable Pellow made a raid on the Hotel Bedford, Goderich, and found 23 bottles of beer. This is the Brat case. of the kind since the Cenada;temperance act came in force, Mitch interest will be taken in the first test of the uew act IIAClti_-TU 8-1?E'LPER ACGAIN. The. Nett Ert Aar !been informect that, Como soh0.rl boys etre (egttin doing the "Jack the Peeper act and oed lady s'aw the boys face And it TWITCHER, BROTHERS AGENTS FOR y •llritish Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Good stock of all grades on hand Tenders Carnegie Annex Sealed Tenders will he received by me up to June 22nd, inst. for Cantract No, 5, Carpenter work of Carnegie Library Annex, Plans may be seen and copies of specifications obtained at my ofOce. W. BRYDONE CHAIRMAN Public Library Board Also Agents for— Trust and Guarantee Co. Limited of Toronto, Ont. Assets over 913,000,000.00 Money invested in First Mortgages with interest paid half yearly Principal iSs Interest Guaranteed AL1 C� T. N GARAGE. OPEN ALL NIGHT Cows and Calves tor Sale Fresh Cows and springers,' will sell privately. Time will be given by furnishing bankable paper. I have on hand a few choice calves from 2 to 4 weeks old, Personally sense ted, can get a limited number for a week or two. They are well bred and 1 in good condition Poultry Wanted Highest market price will paid fo fat hens and broilers W 14IARQIIIS, Phone 14 on 160 Base Li The season is now on for gasolene Stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene out 01 our Bowser Pump—it passes through 5 screens and a filter—Prices always the lowest, Auto Supplies and Bicycle Repairing ' Auto Livery J. H. Paxman M ONUMENTS Finest stock in Huron County of "Made in Canada" Monuments. Best British and &reign granite, finished in up to date etyle'anddesign, Come and see them. Note—A granite base goes with each monument, DOIGS Opposite the Postoflice Cement, Flour and Feed Car of Cement coming at once Londesboro. See us for prices• aIJOHN Flourhave Feed CARTWRIGHT,Londesb National ,PORTLANO. NTt 0 e CO House for Sale Property of the late Mrs. Thos, .act —Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar ith cement floor, wood shed and ch ken. pen. all in good repair, 11 fruit t es— apples, plume cherries and pears, Apply to H. WILTS , Pb se 40 We hies just received a carload of the same old brand of Portland (le meat which has always given you such complete satisfaction, It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National. J. S dr ICS eLUNTON Painting a Paper Ha iur°,, Painting and Paper H unging eatly and promptly done, Orders eft at Hunuitord's Grocery Store net my residence, Victoria Street, GJtELIS Eggs for Hatcllin; From choice Barred Rock White Wyaadottes, and White Lpioros, at $1 per 15 eggs, express paigor 750 at home . JOHN GAiRETT, pndesboro Baby Chicks an `B„ s OIEMMm Get your order in ear' for baby chicks We are etarting,iur incuba tors now and will contis* till June, Barred Rocks, S. 0. Bran Lyhorns, R. C. Rhode Island Red'' and White Wyondottes. All first 'ss fowl and bred to lay. Chicks 15(,nd 20e each. Eggs 81.50 per 15, Redpion on larger quantities. FRANK W1.NDREWS, Clin ton Piano T ing Mr. James Dohell Wishes to in- form the public fit he is pre- pared to do fi Piano tuning, tone regulating, nd repairing, Orders left at W. herty's phone 61,will receive motattention. For le Seed Barley. M chuerl No 21 good sample and clean Silo per bushel. Siberian Millett on sample at $1.25 j P •loft! "Toronto" per shape,haptan ad all complete, fll No 1 plete, all fresh babbited i spring, price 950, Anyone wantin' Y of these articles call at lot 23, n. 1. Tuekersnrith, Huron Road or'ne 6 on 138 Clinton A good Sniart tis drill wanted for season or year JNO L. IIUGILL Dunur artlef (9221), WEDNESD Will leave hie own stable at no d go by way of Lon don and Hu tHoad to Gilbert Mali's for night TIIURS e and Maitland 0' noon, the to Wm kL0ake's, Huron and 13enm Road.'for tt FIUD Byway of the 6th,coh to Portersli or„aooq,•thep byway of 7th cmt tubers Grigge for night SATU tY—By way of Steep's Corner Bayfield Road to James Jttcitso 'nd con Stanley, for unto, them to own stable where he stili retnalt) tl the following Wednee day m .lg —ByHolmeevill o Wm Hurst & Son for way o Bethel Corner ea Gold (13420) 810 t'- Will leave his own stable lot 4 et end Tuckorsmitb, and go soot!; Dili Road to It Popple cit Son r='then' across to Huron Road and to rVm Dale's for night re AY —To the Graham House, Cli, for noon and until following °1n NES DAY—To his own stable fo.'n, where be will remain until owing Monday morning, •