The Clinton New Era, 1915-06-03, Page 3ii
Thursday; jeete 3rd, 1915,
of Great l3ritain's
Lord Kitchener Remains
As Secretary of War
London,; May 26.—The govern
ment announced the members of
the new war cabinet last ' night
through' the Official Press Bureau
Thq Liberals as was supposed
( would beth case, remain in the
majority but many c'onces'sions
have been made; to the Unionists for'
the purpose 'of assuring harmony
among the party leaders, as well its
among/ the pe'ople while one post
is'assigned to a Labour 'member.
The ministry for the remainder of
'the war, period—for it is not likely
that its new membership will con-
tinue unaltered after a declaration
of peace—will thus 'be.constituted
twelve Liberals, eight 'Unionists,
one Labor; and one non-paitisan..
(Lord Kitchener).
Oft greater importance, however,
[ in the public mind is thetact that
Prenuee' Asquith remains .at the
headf ;of the/ government, that
Earl Kitchener is retained as sec--
. rotary of state for war, though 1 i r
responsibilities, 'will hereafter be
curtailed and that Winston
Spencer' Churchill, /First' Lordl of
the Admiralty in the cabinet just.
l,• dissolved. is practically 'shelved
by being placed as, Chancellor of
the Duchy of Lancaster.
The duties which Earl Kitchener
has heretofore ,borne without' di-
vis'?on are' to be lessened, a half of
"then going toDavid Lloyd George,
wh'cwilltfill ap'ortfolio espcc'.ally
created .for the 'occasion, and
calleilj .the Miaisiry of Munitions
Itisi the Governneenl's hope that
uncle this new arrangement the
rais'iiq of armies will be proseeiat
ed wh equal 'vigor and that the
'prodi„ti'on of munitions Will . go
forw '91 with more 's'uccess than
has hlre'toforei been the case."
Beghald McKenna (who was
Home3ecretary in the old cabinet
`tvill+taie the former place Of DaTid
Lloyd laorge as Chancellor cf
the Erhequer. Mr. McKenna bac''
been 'Trine Secretary since 1911;
and dung the three years preced-
ins, 'tat period served es First
Lordl'othe Admiralty,
° BalfourtAt The Admiralty
i Sin Etvard Grey, whose depart
men'/ ha been conducted, without
complait since the beginning Of
hortilitie will continue as'Foreigh
:Secretary while Mr. Churchill will.
be re'plaed as' /First Lord of the
Admiral't;by the Uni'onis!t ex -Pre-
mier, Artier J. Balfour, who !since ',
the r'etiraent of the Unionists
governmet has remained 'are of
the leadin members and directors
of his parr, r
With .theinnounce'ment Of the
new memhsa 09 the cabinet it ,has
become' apjrenit that therea't
-tirade of clielem directed from
certain sou,es against Earn Kit -
c diener was/ absoisitely no avail.
He had been,itterly denounced by
ri Lord 1 cithgfe',nince the very be-
ginnrng of tl cabinet ,tronble,and
his retentions 'the real 'directing
spirit',of Gre. Britain's armies as
'taken as' a g,er•al expression of
the eonfidencplaced. in him by
the party
The Prime lyrister will'continue
to fulfil the 'u'ties of the Firjst
} Lord Of :the Ths'ury in the Coal-
itioiy cabinet, Ftile Lord Lang.
downe, who wiSecretary of War
from( 1895 tot )0, and'- : Foreign
Secretary from900 until 1905, is
assigned Ito a Pm witho'u(port-
folio. 1t is a cures fact that one
eof '.L'oed Lansdene's ancestors
'served for ma.nycars as a''oldier
under a past Emror'of Germany.
A Bonar Law, 13 Unionist 'lead
'er, is made Secriry of State( for
f the' col'onies, anarthur pHender
son ism enpresint'of the Board.
.off Education, „ Stplaced In the
eabind/it it es ur. ns.
'with the
h'ope'that he m render ,assist-
ance to David Llb George, Min -
Liter/ of Munitioni)ecause of his
influential labor adle: 'o'ns.
Redmond .Declinediace
The :official annokentent of the
members of the nelabinet, which
says( that the nalnibear the •ap
proval'of the Kirgkplains' that
John Redmond, thl 'Nationalist,
-leader, wan offered liaee, but cid
riot fecal that he' wale 1'o accept
Frederidy E. S
Knig t as
it because, of his party traditions
that no, ,Nationalist shall ,Serve
in the government while Ireland
continues withbu't 'Flome, Rule.
People SaY --
Thaill nobody can ever /say that
ktalyl /rushed into wan heedlessly
and without looking the :situation
That Dr. Dernburg has the nerve
to ask foe a British safeconduct in
ordesrthat he may. return to Ger-
many. His request, however, is a
very explicit confession of the (im-
potency of_Geinany 00 the seas.
Tha't..publicity ie the great puri-
fier. It is. imperatively needed in.
Thlfs our crops will pustain the
Dominion and help to sustain :the
Empire, and.our muni'ti'on factories
meet the' charges' of: ;our • debt
An economic basis is essential to
,s'tabili tee
That Britain 9s to have a War
Ministry in which part: politics
will be absolutely "taboo: That is
a ldt better than a war ,ellectiyn.
Thdt Hon. Bob Rogers !was the
chief ,Hon.
of ,the Roblin
government, which bus just gone
down in disgrace.' The same
gentleman aspires to be :the chief
manipulator of the Borden govern-
ment. The Domini'on Premier
"cede to take care lest history re -
pea/ itself
May be had tliruW 1 the rich
Red blood Dr. Williams'
Pork Pill Actually
A girl's complexion is somethin;
more than a matter to concern her
vanity. It isan indication of the
:Ante of her health. Pallor in a
growing girl metals athinning 'of
the blood. Parents should he
watchful of their daughter's com-
t]exion and should sec to it that
hese dangers sign are corrected,
Whet( a girl in her teens ,becomes
pale and wallow if she show.q an
;I clina'tiort, to tire easily is listless
andinattentiv: to her ;cork or
studies she needs D2 Williams' Pink
Phi" tonic which directly 'aind
specifically corrects the condition
from which she is suffering. A
chemical) analysis of the blood of
such a girl 'would slrow'tilt toebe de-
ficien't in just the elements that,
Dr. Williams' Birk Pilils can supply
and which restord brightness to the
cyeanct color to the cheeks. GSliss
Delisa, Arsenault, Urbainville P. E,.
I., is one'of the thousands of aneam
ie girls restored to health by the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She
says "I was attacked with anaemic;,
and was in sues a state that Thud
to consu)°, a doctor and was under
his care for several months but
without ge;itinf; better, was'
growing thinner every day, +had
dark circles around :the eyes,. I
could' hardly sleep at night but
tossed ttlestlessly and got up in
the morning with black antieipa_
pion 'o'f the day's miseries before
me. I was always bothered with
headaches and pains in the back
and limbs, My appetite was po'cr
and I frequently vomitted what
I did eat. My 'friends feared that
would not recover. Ilrad often
s'ee'n Dr. Williams' Pink Pilils adver
tiled, and finally to : ta'y
them. 1 used altogether nine box
es and they made' me, as well as ever
ever I was in my life. All the
pains and aches disappeared; my
appetite returned. I could sleep
Soundly at night, and the color
returned to my checks. I gain
ed seventeen pounds in weight. I
am now always well, and for this
happy condition I have to thank
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill's.
You can"get theise Pills' (rear any,
dealer, in medicine ori by mail at
Dec cents a'box horn The ,Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville !Ont
mith Made
Solicitor -Gen.
S1R F. E. SM'IT•I-
at which the seals and ,warrants of
office were handed to 1' the hew ,
members of the Cabinet. Subse-
quently, the first meeting of the
coalition Cabinet 'was' held; ,
The King has' conferred jIcnight-
hood upon Frederick B. Smith, Sol-
ici'tor-General` in the new Minis.
Sill 'Frederick,who has 'seen 'ac-
tive semviee and. has 91s'obeen cen-
sor cicniing the great Aver, is a'ne
of the.. best known ,Unionist lead'_
ors, 13e is a barrister. hn;ght-
p., hone'{ crimes• to lin an a metier .cf
course, as the S'o,icilor-Generalaias'
to be ;i '.night. Jets cbilb y INNV
0503,, r'so generally ,''rinccded;
that 'he has, already enjoyed the.
universal honor of being mad,.‘.
Londan, :May 27.—Icing "+r,. Pricy Counciillor by;politicai 0P -
ht. -Id, aPrivy Council tinsmd;8. pouelil'
You are sure to need some
handy remedy for Sunburn,
Insect Stings, Thorn Scratches,
Sore Pisces. Zam-But has been
proved to be the best. Take a
box with you.
50c box, all Drevgists wad Stora.
Theabove group does not include Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon, Home Secretary; Rt. Hon. 1VlcKinnon Wood, Secretary for Scotland; Rt. Hon.
Augustine Birrell, Chief Secreary for Ireland, Lord Selborne, President of the Board of Agriculture, or Sir S. Buckmaster, Lord High
e Britishr i ol
'Herber/ H. Asquith (L.) Premier • ., _ ...
Lord Curzon (IJ.) Lord privy seal' „
Sir Edward Grey (L;) , Foreign Secretary
Sir S, Buckmaster .(L,} . High Chancellor
Lorcl Crewe (L.) 'President of Council
Reginald McKenna(L.) Chaneelloa :of Echequer
Sit{ John Simon $L.) -Home Secretary+ r
Bonar Law (U,) - Colonial Secretary
Earl Kitchner 1 Secretary for War,
Herbert H. Asquith (L.)...
Lord Crewe (L.) r '
Sir Edward Grey (L.)
Viscount Haldane (L.)
-Earl Beauchamp (L.)
David. Lloyd -George' (L.)
Reginald McKenna(L.)
Lewis'Harcout (L.)
Earl )fitchner
Lord Crewe (L )
.McKinnon Wood (L.)
Winston Churchill (L.)
Waltesl Runcinan (L.)
Herbert Samuel (L.)
J. A Pease, (L )
F. Masterman (L.)
Augustine Birrell (L.)
Lord' Lucas (L.)
Lord Emmottt (L.)
Sir John Simon I(L.)
A_ns in, Chamberlain (U.)......... Secretary for India
McKinnon Wood (L.) . ......... ....... Secretary for •Sc'otland,
Arthur J. Balfour (U.)First lorded admiralty
Walter' •Runciman (L.) President Board 'of Trade
Walter! Long (U' Preeiden't• local Board
A. Henderson (Lab) /'resident of Educatti'on Boars
'Winston Churchill (L,) ..Chancellor of Dile y of L„ie. SibAugustine Birrell (L.i Secretary for Ireland
Lord Se1bornr_ ')U,( Pres; Board of Agriculture
Lewis Harcout (L,) Commmissi'oner 01 works
Sir Edward Carson (U.1 Attornew,Gen,ral
David Lloyd -George (L.) ...Minister of munitions, ---
Lord-Lansdowne (U.) Without, portfolio ; ---
That just when Przeiriyslhad
happily been dismissed from lour
stumbling tongues those pesky Ger
inane re--ntroauce 11. -
To be healthy at seventy, prepare at
forty, is sound advice, because in the
strength of middle life we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat-
ment of slight aches and pains, simply
undermine strength and bring chronic
weakness for later years.
To be stronger when older, keep your
blood pure and rich and active with the
strength -building atid blood -nourishing
properties of Scott's Thnulsion which isa
food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and
avoid sickness. At any drug store. e
Scott & 8owne, Toronto, Ont.
esaaas''ervsrrvgI mnu'eraxIEMI rre'urraaTnrranmaiveva¢neve:m®o:•rVmr—rarearhs anitMAIV,rtar,cVITIa...azsivaacrt m m rn.r4igigaitigicezatial
A scene in elle Lritislf<Conunons, Premier Asquith speaking,
London, Ontario.
September YOde to ISth
The Western'Foir of London On-
tario, will maintain ' l'e reputation
this year as being one'of the beet
Lite. Stock Exhibitions' gf'th i Do-
minion of Canada. Live Stock Ex
hibi'torrt ere always loud in their
praiser of'the, treatment they re-
ceive at Land'a.r and the amount of
business they do there. Buyers are
always ;plentiful surrounded as
London is'bythe best, Agricultural
dih:ict of Canada. Although krn,e
cash additions have been made Fo'.
the prize list for'theslast 'three
years, this year will surpass them
all when 13,000 will be added'to'the
Live Stock andPoultry Depart_
menu, This has been made poss-
ible through the generous assis-
tance given by the Dominion Gov-
ernment. The amount has been die
tributed throughout the different:
classes!'” and some new classes and
sections added, which will be of
special interest to the farmers land
live stock brooders ,The prize
lists will noon be ready for distribu
tion. Send to 'the Secretary A.
M, 'Ffunt„ Lo:)d'on, Ont., for prize
list or any information i egardi.rg
ing the Exhibition.
Thousands :of mothers say Paly"s
Own Tablets are the only lmecieirte
they would give their little ;Tics.
Among thena is Mrs. Howard Hodg
kins; St. Catharines, Ont 'who says
I aryl a user of Baby's Own Talk to
rrndthink them the best +medi
cine in the' wnid Dor little %ones.
Once a mother has used the lat.,
lits she will 'Me no'other medicine
L'ceemei she feels the Tablets are
absolutely safe and .knows they
Leven{ fall to banish all the simple
ailrnent4 of little ones. They are
sold by mcdl i 1e dealers 'or by mail
It 233 cents abox from The ;Dr. Wii-
liame Medicine Co., L'r'o_k •i11e Get
The Appetizing. Artificial Snail as It le
Made In Paris.
In the Farm and ;fireside Herbert
quick, editor of that publication,
*rites an article about the useof va-
rious meats as food. He shows how
our ideas of food do not always con-
form to the ideas of other peoples. He
says that, for example, in Japan the
meat of a red dog Is a great delicacy
and that in Prance since the Prance.
Prussian war horse meat has been
quite frequently used. In the follow-
ollowing extract from his article he tells
how artificial snails are made in Paris:
"Within a year or so a workman in
Paris sued his employer for personal
Injuries incrured in his work as:a mak-
aker of artificial snails. This let the cat
meat out of the bag. The demand is
So great that there are not enough nat-
ural snails to supply it, and this girRe-
9nt business man had perfected ma-
chinery and a formula whereby hetook
the lights of animals-quiteas good
food, I suspect, as their livers—and the
flesh of cats and therewith filled see.
and hand snail shells for the epicures,
none or whom could detect the Impos-
• 5 •
N,,.a Era and, Daily Globe...... $4.50
New Era and Daily Mail and
Empire 4.50
New Era .and Weekly Mail
and Empire 1:65
New Bra and Daily World_ 3,05
New Era and Daily News2.85
New Era and Daily Star 2.85
_.e -c' Dry and family Herald
and Weekly Star 1.85
NOW Bra and Weekly Witness' 1,85
Now Era and 'Northern Mes-
senger .._... ...,_ 1,60
New .Era and Canadian Farm 1.85
New Era and Farmer's Sun... 1.85.
New Era and ,Daily Free
Press, morning 3.35
Now F"a and Daily Free
Press, evening 2,85
Now Bra and Weekly Free
Press 1,85
New Era and Morning Lon-
don Advertiser . ... 1.60
N w .Gra and Daly Advertiser 2,85
few lyra and Weekly Adver-
tiser 1.65
s lira and Faisn and Dairy 1..85
r w :Gra and Farmer's. Advo -