HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-05-20, Page 9PAGE EIC413i.
1 The Cheapest Spot in Huron
Get R Wearing Value
In Your elothes This Spring
If you feel that your clothes—to satisfy you Completely, tnust be made to
order. We have a Made-to-order Department in connection with our Men's. Store.
You can choose your cloth from many beautiful patterns and fabrics, and your clothes
will be made to your measure with every detail as, you may fancy. Theywill be finish• •
ed for delivery when you want them, and are guaranteed to satisfy you in every par-
ticular. The cost of made-to.order clothing is but slightly higher than for a good
Don't be satisfied with mere stylish looks alone, for if the quality of materials
• and workmanship is not there—good looks will not last very long.
Brown's Madeztomorder (Nothing
Is known all over this part of the country for its honest qualities in the,hidderi
details of clothes makincr•—the details on the honesty of which.the very life.of your
clothing depends. Reliablebmaterials, all wool, careful workmanship', canvas strength-
ening, silk thread. in fact the dozen and one items which make BROWN'S CLOTRING
wear so much longer than any other kind.
Don't be fooled by a cheap price—good materials cost more than cheap ones—
and must be sold at a reasonable price. Brown's Clothing is not the cheapest on
the market. On the other hand, it is not high in price considering the extra wear it
gives, whoever bilys it.
Come in and see us when you are Buying Clothes this Spring
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67
0 Ur
Nand. , # Heill'elhean:tst SZiliroering
Illen's Furnishings
Phone 103
THE e.Lxx.pr.cqc NED* ERA.
CONVENIENT Burns coal, coke, or '
wood.. Large feed doors make firing easy:•
ThurSIday,. May 20th,,,1915.
Kirsch Rods- Can't-Sag—Never Tarnish:.
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
WC Raft; RUCs On Rif.
Try our Wellington Salmon at the price, 15c or 2 for 25c
We also have the famous Maple Leaf Salmon and other canned goods
such as
Iiippered Herring Sardines Haddie
Lobsters Frapiffentos Corn Beef
Next week will be Pineapple Week. Leave your orders with
Johnson & Co. for your supply this year
Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs
Phone 111
Successor to 5, Barr • Phone orders promptly attended to
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception ROOM is here for
your inspection. Light in eon
struction and design but ex- •'
tremely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
Wise and discriminating buyer.
and at prices that will temp the r
of the furniture makers craft,
to bityall kinds ofFounittare
Furniture Deniers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
N. Bali 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186
mg sale of Granfteware
The largest iliid BCSI Vet
On Saturday next we start a Graniteware Sale that
will startle those wanting to put in a stock of Granite–
. ware. The prices will be limited to 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c.
Nothing higher in price than 25c—some articles to the
vatue of $1,00 will be 25c.
See Our Big Window—ft will Surprise you
also sc, ao, tsc 6: 25c Tables in our Stove Store
IS USUAL—A great big stock of Barbed Wire,
Black Wire, Brace Wire, Poultry Netting, and
all seasonable goods. ^.
Mrs. T. McKenzie, of Clinton, tried
to upset the will of her father. Mr.
Jas, Nesbitt, who died at Blyth a few
months ago. and who left his farm to
his son, Robert, and the house in town
to his son, Maurice. The case came up
before Judge Holt, at Goderich, who,
' after hearing some of the evidence
threw the case out, claiming that the
will was a just one. Those in attend
once from Blyth were Messrs, Robt,
Nesbitt, Wm. Pollock, Richard Somers
and Thos. Code
For the first time in years there
were no cases entered for trial at the
Assizes, which were on the calender
for Tuesday last and the judge was
accordiugly notified and did not put in
an appearance. It would seem that
the war is affecting litigation as well
as everything else
Latest advices from Ottawa are to
the effect that all cheques cashed in
Canada must bear a war stamp, For
a time cheques drawn on American
banks and presented at Windsor were
accepted without stamps. Now the
ruling i.s the other way. The Editor
bad an American cheque sent him
this week and had to place a war
stamp on it before getting it cashed
The "Blues,' defeated the
' Whites)" on 'Tuesday night by a
scoreOf 1S-6. Norman FitzSimons
was the official referee. ,
Roy Ball, of Toronto, formerly
of Clinton, was successful in pass-
ing his final year in medicine.
Mise Jessie O'Neil graduated in
the General Course in Arts at Tor -
enter University. and Mr. • (Arthur
Bean passed his final year in medi-
cine. The hearty congratulations
of 'our citizen5 is extended to them
During the past week the Bow-
lorS havebeen making good use
of the green. Although the past
few! flays have, been a trifle cool,
yet it doesn't stop the "old boys'.
Irons touching up the kitty.
Mr. Bert Langford, the {local
agent for the 'Ford autos, has dis-
posed bf three more cars to the
following persons, Adam Stewart
and Edward GlenneStanley town-
ship, and William E. 'Poster, of
Mr. Thomas Hawkins. poral agent
for the Preston 'Metal Company,
secured the contract for a new
steel barn to replace the frame
one 'destroyed of sMr. Dougall
IFotheringharn Tuckersmith, some
time ago. It ' will be 48e_s 80 feet,
and le to be erected by July 1st.
Mr. W. Elliott has the Contract
1 or the erection of a frame barn
for Mr. E. Resell, on the Torrance
farm, East Of Clinton. It will be
30 x 50 feet and Iwill have a Preston
Metal roof,
The Department DB . Education
has sent out to school boarda and
teachers throughout the province
the dates for the midsummer 'ex-
aminations. The examinations for
the junior High school 'entrance
and the junior Public school grad-
uation will be held during the
week from June 15,th to 23rd. The
junior Public school 'exarninationin
manual training and household , sol -
erne cones on Junes 10th, elemen-
tary , science and art ,on the t7th
and, English grammar and Cana-
dian history on the 19th. On June
21sif the entrance examinations in
composition and spelling ancl the
graduation examinations, in algeb
ra and composition will be held
next clay arithmetic and litera-
ture examinations 'will be .held Dor
both, 'while on the 23rd. will be
hol d the entrance eXaminationsin
English grammar, writing and ge-
ography and the Public School
graduation examinatione in book-
-week from 4 to 5 o'clock. keeping', spelling and geography
. The examinations in oral reading
will bel taken on any day !of the
Water pan is. filled
anzace without - removing.
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet.
Local News
The W. C. T. -U. will meet cit the
home' of Mrs. A. J. Tyndall, On
Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The
Flower :Department and the Medi-
cal Temperance Department will
be taken up. Alt the ladieS
In connection wi-h the 'usual
festivitieef, in the public school on
Empire Day, the celebration this
year will, in accordancs with the
expressed wishes of King George,
be conducted ID a very quiet way.
Contrary to, the usual custom' no
programs have been receivedlo-
cally from 'the department of edu-
cation and the teachers of the
various Classes will decide Isar
themselves their Empire Day pro -
grans A part of the day, according
to statute, must be set aside for
instruction on the Empire and its
history, and this will, of course, be
done. The festivities will be held
on,Frida,y, May 21, and will be for
the pupils only.
The Recital given in the Town
Hall on Tuesday evening, by the
pupil.4 of Mx. 'Prank Weaver, was
not, be well patronized as it might
have been, considering the excel-,
tenet( of the. entertainment, land
the fact that One half the, poecele
was to be given to the patriotic
fund. Mr, Weaver 10 a brief intro
ductory address stated that the re-
cital hacl been arranged for the
purpose bf stimulating interest in
the study of oc1 MUSIC. He also
said that some of the len ilists
were now appearing in public for
the first 'time lend asked she midi-
cnce 'to make allowance for ner-
vousness. However such a re que,t
wee Unnecessary, all those taking
part 'doing ray well indeed. The
program caneisted of twenty three
-numbers, voeril and instrumental
all of which. :were well rende,.ocf.
Those taking: part were.—M's. F.
• Saunders, Mrs. Chas. Doty, Mies
Helen Little and Miss Nelle Coi-
1 erne, f Goder!ch ; Misees Eva
Pattereou, Mary Currie, Miriam
Smith, and Jean Van NOrnlan, of
Wing,harn ,• Miss Mary Atchesou of
Exeter • Miesee E. Phonstcel, Elva
Wiltee, 'Lulu lion's, Elsie 0 erquhar,
Beatrice Green and Petsi jacksoe,
5ar4 'Mr. Chas. Thompson, of Clime
ton. Mr. Weaver was, accompanist
Word has been received from
Sarnia that the embargo that hes
been in effect for some months
on all horseand cattle from the
United Stateb, owing to the foot
and mouth' disease, will be renew
ed and likely continued until next
A by-law with heavy penalties
forbids the firing of fire -crackers
'on 'the street& bf Clinton.
Many from here will take in the
holiday at Mitchell on Illo,nclay.
The Banks and Post office will
take a holiday bn Monday.
Only 11 more clays in May.
Make preparations to spent the
lst.,al July in Clinton. The R. C.
picnic will he held that flay and
a good time Will be given to every
Th Seheol hese ball league are
having good games at the park
twice a • 'Week. -There Will be a
game tombrrow and one On the
25th t
Itilless, than a,month the exams
will be on the prograzn, We won-
der if some fond parents will find
fault with the teachera if Mary
or Johnny does not pees svhen
they are not .attending k,egular,
Donq blame the teachers.
Wedding invitations Of the latest
styles, and at a moderate cost tan
be had at the. New Era office.. -
The 'date for the Dominion Wee -
tion is' not - yet fixed,
This isthe season when the.p.ve-
rage :woman is reveling in a satur-
nalia of •house cleaning. Yet jokes
'the Subject seem as worn out
as 'the carpet 'or wall -paper she is
scheming to replace.
The' annual business meeting of
the Clinton Breech. of the Womens
Ineotrite will be held next Thurs-,
day afternoon May 27th, at the
home of Mrs. Lal. Paisley, Princess
street, The election of officers will
take place, and all the 'members
are urgently asked to attqnd.
Mitchejt celebeatest he 24th this
The Guys have engaged tl e hall
for Nlov, 22nd,
The month is passing. Have you
done your share toward making
Clinton "The Town BeautifulS,
Wouldn't a more appropriate
name foil" dandelins foe dsmr d o
lions? •
• " •
Rev. Dr. Fothergill of Fullarton,
will preach at both services next
Mr R. Irwin. Victoria University,
gave a line address to the League
members on Monday evening.
The Song Service given last Sunday
evening was greatly appreciated by
the large congregation present and
reflects much credit 00 the Leader
and choir. Those who are priviledged
to attend the Patriotic Service next
Sunday evening may expect several
n m
ubers froth -the choir and a very
loyal address from the pastor Dr.
Bev, 1)'. Rutledge took as his 31101.11-
ing subject last Sunday, 'one Suffer-
ing Saviour," at night he spoke on
"The Christ in Heaven."
The animal election of officers of the
League took place on Monday night
and Mr. John Suttee was elected
President for the third. term,
The W. 0. T. U. meets at the home
of Mrs. A. J. Tyndall on Friday even.
ing of this week,
The Pastor expects to peach next
Sunday at both services..
At a Board nwaine last week the
Stewaids were re appointed, II. B.
Chant as delegate to the District meet
ing with Jame. Southcombe alternate
The finauees are in a satisfactory state
with a big increase in missionary
The animal electing of S. S.: officers
took place last Wednesday evening.
Mr. H. E. Rorke was again appointed
Superintendent with Mr, Edgar East
as assistant. The two secretaries are
Gordon Ounninghame and Frank
Watson. The teachers aveve reap-
The Clinton Salvation Army Corps
was visited by the Dtvisional Com.
mender, Brigadier Bettridge of Lon-
don, Ont„ who conducted the week
end. services,
On Saturday evening the crowd
that gathered to the open air meet-
ing apparently drank in every word,
the incidents related by. the Brigadier
concerning the 10000 Salvationists who
are at present in active service on the
Battlefields of Europe, seemed to
touch the hearts of all, judging by
the rapt attention paid by those who
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Sunday our attendances
were not quite so high as we believe
they otherwise woulkt have been. Dur
ing the day the Brigadiers talks were
interspersed by the singing of an old
familiar tune—"Come back to Erin,"
wish some new Salvation words. Tins
took on splendidly. At the close of
the Sunday night prayer meeting, we
were delighted to have one convert
surrender to the will of God.
We all say to the Brigadier "Come
again, a welcome awaits you." We
also say to the friends of the army in
town. A welcome awaits yon at the
Army Citadel.
--- TRY --
The Bread of Quality
Wrapped to be Clean' and Sanitall
Made i Clinton, Ont.rio
Phone 202 • sc Loaf
Kirsch is the man who took the "sag" out of Curtain
Rods by inventing a flat extension rod with round edges
and curved ends, which allows your curtains to hang flush
against your casing, making a very pleasing effect. They
may be attached in such a way as to show the woodwork
or if desired, to hide the casings, should they not be as
nicely finished as you would like.
They can be had either single or double.
Are easy to put up, and aredura.ble.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often thheapet—AIways the ,Best
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the -most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily re.ieve a cough. Try it—
Dispensing. Chemist TILE PENSLAR DRU(. STORE
113811177111111171171111116111.711713137•3•117111311., SI I I MS s I I
Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoleunu
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going
to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces.
You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, , Pianos and Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
Undertaker and Funeral !Director.
Phone 28.
Night and Sunday Callsanswered at Residence over store
For Eavetroughing and
Sheet Metal Work ot
all Kinds try use
Agents for
Preston Metal Shingles
The corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
Breakfast Voods for
Warm Weather
Corn Flakes Shredded Wheat Bis'ti.
Gusto Wheat Biscuits
1 Force Flaked Wheat
; Triscnits Grape Nuts
; Puff Rice Pail! Wheat
Krumbles Malta -Vito
For a Quiet Lunch.
Red Cross Pork and Beans 10c per tin,
3 for 25c
Clark's Pork and Beans, large tins, 130
2 for 25c
Heinz Baked Beans with Chilla Sauce
per tin 15c
Small tin Simone Beans to
Corn, Peas, Tomatoes 10o, 3 for 25c
Salmon, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25e, per tin.
Buy your Pineapples now
, for preserving
Special for Saturday
Lettuce, Green Onions,Radishes, and
PluMbing and
Shop—over llowlatuPs Hardware a
Heating E. llunniford
Phone 63 PHONE 45,,414.4.4.0,4.;
Children's Shoes
Every parent knows that childten's shoes wear 4.4*,
out fast and the cost counts up. .1,1
Good Shoes for Children—our kind --are al- ( i',"-' 11.,.–
ways the cheapest sort of shoes to buy. There is 4-/-._ •
nothing saved in buying "cheap shoes" or "bargain ;
shoes for children, they are always the most ex- :
pensive in the end. We have high a.nd low cut : '
shoes for boys and girls, in all sizes and widths,
and in every good style.
Box Calf. Patent Calf, Kid, Gun Metal, Viet Kid, Etc.
Lace and button styles, made on nature shaped lasts,
flexible, durable soles, spring heels and low heels.
We have a correct shape for every foot, in a right
size and width, 50c, 65c. 35a, $1,00, 1.25 to 2.25,
according to size
Give our Children's Shoes a trial and if they do ,
not prove our words true, your money goes back ,
to you without'a murmur,
Difek++Eilia:+7,44.4,44014.43Eree kilintetaleftif 4.443FARDECE461Witt