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The Clinton New Era, 1915-05-20, Page 4
PA Grill FOUR. i Millinery Ready - to -Wear Garments Phone 78 UI ,CLIN'1'ON NBW Iffier Dry Goods and House Fur ILIshings Stor inc Verandah ar summer dome APPINESS in the home is bound up with the comfort and a . pearaViceof tli ielhohie'`` p,,, t ,1' ent :at4d -lt lis _n' the 'a'Gt<a'liciment of refitem , comfort and appearance that our present' display of Verandah or Summer Home Rugs will be Y interest. We are carrying in a very large of universal g range of Crex Grass Rugs, Naponne Rugs, color fast 5/fatting Rugs, Japanese Matting Rugs, Japanese Matts, and color fast Matting by the yard. Awning Duck for Verandahs We have a very large range of Awning Duck— green and white, red and white, tan and white, and plain white, 3o inches wide, 25c to 30c a yard. Reduced Prices on Ladies Spring Coats and Suits for May Any Suit up to $18 for 12.50 Any Coat up to $13 for $8.99 See these in Window WeAfeleetIVVVefeek/VelvelereaolYeAterVel As Outsiders See Us The following letter to the editor speaks for itself Toronto, May 15, 1915. DEAR SIR.— We have been looking over your paper and note the good use you made of Lusitanla matter. You have a good live weekly. Yours truly, British and Colonial Press, Limited vAAAAAMMNMMN/MAAAAAn bM Clintonand Hydro -Electric 'From, the seventh Annual re- port of the Hydro Electric Pow- er Commi,eion' of the Province of Ontario for the year ending Octo- ber '31set. 1914, just to hand, we take the Commission report; -The original plans for remodelling the distribution system were drawn up in accordance with the desire lof the municipality to ,operate its old system by driving a generator With a s'ynchron'ous motor operat- ing 'ern (Hydroa -electric power. It 'was later suggested that the cost •of operation would be lees if the ^distribution system were changed over to transmit the power as de - 'livered by the Commission. A re- port was prepared, Comparing the ',costs of the two proposed systems wh'ch showed that'the,latter w'ou:d be the more economical. This scheme was approved by the ,muni •cipality and. instructions. were'eis- sued to have the construction done accordingly. The work on the distribution system was completed and power was delivered on February 15th. A schedule of rates for use in billing; power and lighting 'non- sumers, wee submitted to C1in,'om, 'Raving been requested to pre- pare an estimate of the cost of give lighting service at 'Holmes- ville, a simeli village in . Goder'ce Township, near Clinton, a repre- -senttative visited that district and reported on the local requirements An estimate was prepared of the cosi, of giving the service by ex- tending' the Clinton system -ane a schedule) of rates•.preparee and s'ubmi'tted.' The; load taken by Clintlon has shown' a steady increase, that ta- ken a -ken. during; the ]emit current (month befngf,05 h. p.• liar Taxes. donBt P reduce Revenue 'The "War Budget," brought down by the lion. Mr. White went into effect so far as tariff matters generally were con- cerned ,qn February 12th last, The stamp f.eei, however, was not levied until April 15th, Thus the last fieteen r}a, s of April eedis the first real test of11i r, White'sPretencled "War Taxes as a Revenues4Produeer. Instead' of an Increased Revenue as was predicted by Mr. White it has fallen feeileWeeillegelegefefeelleleflieleeteelbelelei e l F rN Ia i" g[C l all rtteeMliCciettaOtlee,>;9ei(eeelitnsnwe, �atae;o Woodrow Wilton save that he is too proud to fight, But other Americans', such as Teddy Rooec • telt, shamelessly admit 'that they :hat e red; bleed' in 'their \'1i1151. off over two:. million dollars over the preceding month, Here are the figures: 1915 February ..,.;$10,523,344 1VIarglt ;_ , . , , . U.It . •i .11,641,970 April' 9.627,787 Was Sir Wilfrid ,Lauli er ata tit-wh tn •h e stated rnhie_ud(et Speech that these new taxes would, produce little or pro duce utile or- no' additional Revenue? olaier Bo fore Huron Boys Killed Wounded And Missing. A Toronto Chinaman is suing a policeman for 'tres'pass and clam - e f c ,. e s t i ]ri. property. 4 RThe tilos of lis' ofnvn co mtlY and JR .n should cont c .,m th n'o bodyhas any la right toa g home irnlcss they can dctend if. Killed Ralph Herald, 'Vancover, formerly of Goderich. Wounded S. Copeland , W:ngham ; Frew Gravis, Winghe n, Sick With Gas. Eames John McLeod, (lodes ieb. l t,.t'.lete ' Missing -11n' Wm, O'Rourke, Seaterth; David U: Wein, Oiediton. Killed In Action Goderich, May 17 - Word was re eeived to day that Ralph Heralrl;eldest son of Dr, Iderald,a former resident of this town, and now of Vancouver, has been killed in action. The young man Who was 19 land well known in town,, moved to Van.ouver with tri; parents some five or six years ego. When the first call cause he joined the 10.h Bat talion, Comedian Highlanders. crediton Boy Missing • Credit in, May 17- Pte. David C. Wein, 2nd Battalion, reporter: in to day's casuality liet as missing had been out West for four or tive years, hut is a Orediton boy. Hie mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Wein, resides here His father is dead. Two brother's, John and William, are farmers near Dash er• lives in i t wood,and another brother Detrit, There is a married sister in Lordon and out West. Pte, Wein is unmarried. Notification was received by his another on 11 riday that be was -•••ce--'•- • The Keiser gas represerie,I him- tell as a warrior a preacher, an artist ail art critic,a tnueieian,. L•ut 170 has y -t to experience 130 - Mg the guest:of honor, at a necl,ir.e E'Ot'lal. - among the casualties l Sick From Gas Fumes , Goderich, May 10- Private John McLeod, a Goderich boy, reported sink with gas fumes, enlisted at Cal'. gory, where he hath llived for several years He is single and about 28. years old' In Goderich, where his, parents and other relatives live, he is better known byhis nickname of "Goat." Two Wingham Boys Wounded C. R. Copeland, mail clerk, of the London, Huron and Bruce, on his arrival home here for his trip recetyed word that his brother S Oopelandlsad ;been wounded by ,elerapnell enciewas lying in a hospital in Lt ranee, Lance 001'p,: ^Copeland 'enlisted. 'hire when the call came for Mettler new.. Writ' ing of his wounds. he sills, that about 11 o'clock at night a shrapnel shell buret in front of his face,throwing him in the air end cutting him- in the hp the right shoulder All the wounds ere slight, but he was sick with the poisonous gas. In, !shout ten minutes after being wounded he was being armed for by ane= of the Red Cross nurses, and was hurried ` away in a. motor ambulance to Na 2 General Hospil.al, Havre, where he was well taken care of. Another one of the first contingent, Fred Groves, eves wounded in four placer -in the heed, chest, arm and food. The wounds ere eupposed to have been ceased by shrapnel. He is a son of John Groves { clerk of the court here. Kippen Boy Wounded. Wounded at the front. A 1 will re- gret to hear that Wm. Hocking who. formerly lived here fa• a few years be- fore vemovirgto the West where he , •s iice for active ser as soon as enlisted t the war broke out,is lying dangerously wounded in one of the hoapitais. All will sincerely pray for{ his rapid re- covery,+his father fought in the South African War but was invalided home to England where he died after an tut tack of enteric fevet•. The family are cousins of Silas Hooking, the author Patriotic Items Donatiorts to. our Sipciety for our, o1y7'1 'Yee,,einet!9(aat,publiehedre^on P1elet •�,:; aerie bet,o b t t^,I le.t Onlaid St, C�hui r "ur o - r a tr ra .y� t10:00' Baptist Ch. Oorcer t 17.35 C ath'olio Church. Tea ..-22,2,0 Mrs., N. 'Holland .50': Mr. Tyndall -, 1.00 Mr, Charles, Calton .25 At a meeting held east' t^riday the ladies' decided 'bo change their line of work for a While, In€:toad of making Hospital supplies` we are joining with the Patriotic Societies of the County of 'Heron, in m-'k'ne money, foe the purchase 'of a "Soup Kitchen" for the 33rd. The kit- chen will cost $1200, Our share,: be- ing $200: NOTICE.-Brirtg all your old iasis cloths, cotton sheets, pillow Gas'e's, woo41e:1 blankets to - the Council Chamber •alt any meeting ,of the Society. The 'Hospitals are calling for these supplies. Besure, they are perfectly clean. Don't; miss the Patriotic Tea in onneil Chamber On'Frida . The C y Ledieu of "Vinegar Bill" will servo you. • ;Goessieseemssommoo®mmmoosesseoomomo®o®mmoo© meeeee moo o s H•. F. Gadsby's Ottawa Letter s s sm GosHosseesatsce LIVE NOTES FROM OTTAWA.leseciannar Ottawa, May 20 -Politicians at the' of course, a mere excuse because Bob capital are much interested in Premier Rogers and Doctor Reid are calling Borden's new way of facing trouble by wildly enough to `'spit anybody with an going fishing. Close observers state ear for that redsi`c. Getting next to that the Premier has passed through nature is another.pretext that won't three stages in his treatment of public wash because there is plenty of nature affairs and that going fishing is the best right at home. Ottgwa is now clothed one of the three, in the beauty of 7pring, The grass and Very early in the gane,while the Pre- trees are as greem as a newly elected mier was still unaccustomed to power,he M. P., the skies as blue as Finance developed Job's ailment when things Minister White's outlook, the mountains went wrong. That is to say when he as purple as a ' peroration by R. B', got into hot water .in the house. of Bennett. The river sparkles likea silver Commons he came to a boil. In persors shield and Dinny Murphy's barges dance of strong character like Job and Premier upon the tide. The, Rideau Canal has Borden this is not an affliction so been turned on again. Now that the much as a personal expression of in- warns weather has yornc the sunsets, al- dignation at another sore touch from ways highly successful, can be viewed fate, something half way between temper with comfort. The moonlight is at its and temperament.old work and the Ottawa poets are tun But this phase of statement was soon ing up. The Chateau Laurier has spread outgrown and the Premier entered upon its awnings and dial nicest people in town the next stage of his evolution which was are taking tea on '.the terrace, In fact a certain acrimony of retort when pester- Ottawa is at her &est. ed by the Opposition. This stage did All of whiches to show ' that it not last long because the Premier is a wasn't nature that • Premier Borden kindly man, gentle in his nature, and wanted to get: •!next ty but a certain regardful of the amenities. Besides anger element of human nature that he is a wasting emotion and hard on the wanted to dodge teelien he went fishing.' constitution, also the British. North The Premier leeriiefrmn the fish now to America Act. run , the Doiiiinii9n of Canada. He The third andP erfect stage ; has just takes lessons Mil- il- placid'tlispbsition been achieved by the Premiere-.: he has their unblinking] outlobk on earthly became a philosopher and his going fish- affairs and their (occasional eagerness ing to escape Bob Rogers' importunities when the bait is big enough, as for ex - shows it. No one knows just where he ample when one hundred and fifty caught it was probably from studying million dollars is to be distributed Marcus Aurelius who has a lot to say among Conservative patriots with things about letting things take their course to sell, r { and (rank Cochrane who hasn't a word Fishing is partfof Premier Borden's to say to one or another no matter what philosophy -it is the outward and visible, happens. Each, in hisown fashion, is a sign of a lot of hard thinking. It will typical stoic and when Premier Borden be the Premier'silate, as it is every grafts on their example the mellow pre• angler's, to have the biggest fish get cepts of Izaak Walton's Compleat away, but what is his story beside Bob Angler he has a combination that is hard Rogers' who had ell general election get to beat. Moreover there is something away from Min after he actually had it Napoleonic in this way of handling a on the hook? r.• problem. It was -a maximum with that Being a philosopher. Premier Borden great commander that almost any letter ('naturally leaves • a philosopher behind' would answer itself in a month which is hint to sit on. the. lid. Sir George to say that time is the wisest counsellor Foster is the acting.premler, Sir George and turns more hard corners than any has passed the dangerous age. No more Premier in the business. nests of traitors for ,him, no more feverish testiinonials from Sir McKenzie Bowel! Sir George is now a -philosopher pure and simple. He looks !hack at politics over London Road League meets next Tuesday night at the borne of Sir Henry Livermore. g Fr•oet did considerable damn a to 1 clover and small fruit during the pact week Mr and Mrs George Stansbury have i housekeeping there after many years 1 of active work on the farming Mr 'Will Falconer, sou in law,will manage the farm :sir and Mrs Stanby's many friends will wish them long life and happiness in their new home 11 Hensall I I The Hensall Gun Club will hold their fifth annual tournament. here on May, 24, when a fine programme of events ' will be shot elf and liberal prizes giv ' en the successful ones, A cordial invitation is extended to everybody. Prof, Frttnk R'uee who for about 20 years resided in' Exeter and• ltensall, died at the home of hie boyhood, -neer Botymanville,, on Friday,' May 9th. He had been ill for over three • years with anaemia. While here he led the ' choir of Carmel Church and taught music all around this section, While : in Exeter he led a union choir of sing, ers from that place and Hensall, 1 which took first prize at the Sarnia convention held 20 years ago, He had many waren friends here who sincere ly regret his departure moved to Clinton and have taken up Nobody in Ottawa believes it was mere pleasure that took the Premier a -fishing. It was tactics. The Premier probably got his hint from the conduct of a his shoulder. He is ,as safe to leave be- I famous general in the American Civil ' hind as Sir George''Perley, who is warn Commissioner's office in London. One ing a chair for somebody in the I•Iigh GARAGE philosopher can 'trust another. Sir Robert Borden has the greatest confidence in Sir George Foster. Meanwhile practical measures are not negleoted. Before Premier Borden went SUNSPOTS NOW VISIBLE Nobody knows just ,what sunspots hut they 'ase hark li sin on the g face of sol after an absence of 11 years and 37 days, end one can see them any clear day now with a piece of smoked. glass or even a pair of binoculars , Meeting- of the Huron County 'Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber. in the Town of Goderich. on Tuesday. the first day of June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. All ' acconnts requiring settlement, must he 'placed with the clerk before this 'date. \N, LA1VI9, uierx Dated at Cecdericb, May 17tb, 1915; I • War who took a day off to go fishing when the campaign was at its fiercest. It is not related that the general caught any fish, but he did his fishing where the whole army could see, thus re-establishing the morale of his troops and incidentally thinking out a plan to surround' the enemy, The soldiers naturally argued ; fishing a great howl had come from if the old man could fish. things couldn't be so bad and. took heart. Something like this Premier Borden's fishing trip may be expected to do with the panicky fellows on his staff who sec no hope except in an im- mediate election. Premier Borden's ab- sence gives the Cabinet space to reflect, to feel out public opinion and, if neces- sary,,to back up and they can blame it. Toronto against a general election. It was felt, in Ottawa that Toronto couldn't be well because never before had she said a word against a Conservative liovern ment. Past experience was that Toronto would swallow anything so that these signs of a weak stomach were viewed with alarm, Two days after Premier 'Borden disappeared .withrod and reel Bob. Rogers •:vas asking Toronto to ]told all on the brook trout, out her tongue, and Tom White was feel Of course. the case •of the American 1 ing her pulse. The, consultants fore- general and Premier 'Borden•are not. ex -.l gathered at the King Edward Hotel and actly on 'alt fours., • because the General the verdict was that Ottawa' would have fished where .everybody could see him to go slow. and the Premier does' his fishing in ab - Bob Rogers was particularly alarmed: solute privacy, no closertoa telegraph It seems that Winnipeg and . other large' wire 'say' than five, miles.and:only oc- cities are the saltie symptoms casionally:taking a,peek tate•Way-+Speaker -Violent-retching and nausea. In fact Landry, did, when he.• was,on,strike,from- somebody or something threatens to the Sdnate. But•,the•purpoes„is the same !take'the. Win out of Vinriipeg.,for Bob and similar. results are; anticipated Thef 'Rogers and he is in fa'�'or of, operating on, „.est guesses at Ottawa are 'of the epi m6ri .the patient at once. H. F. G., that the ,Premier ^ buries l'. himself m the wilds bf the .Gatineau, which' are just wild enough • to be within reach of the 'Tse American nate to Berlin of newspapers if you want to drive in for '',February 10th, is also a "celap of them Outside of that, however, the Premier's ••retreat is as dark a secret as pap.er.'? Germar:y will never under Moses' grave or. Ham Burnham's. real stand' scraps of paper until beaten thoughts.. to a pulp. It is quite certain that Premier Borden did not go to Kingsmerd althoughthere is, . The enemy poicoiied 'the' 'water'' a met4 (:here and ,6Ose�ssthly fish, Kmgs i sot 'Che` sitVe` `D' Buts tO Pr '". -.1 ani yreie is janly eleven miles fri eepttaw,a, ;3,aeae'll using' the s rcanlo`, r Th'i as the crow -flies an ” i$ in the''•' St. ,hva a DI-ui� f'a 't goo o n to do. thing tnounL'ans. AlUiougil"it is a gond place,.;, from which to keep tab on Parliament I-Iill it is an equally good place for Paella- Meet Bill to keep tab on Kingsmeie. A. � fttern 1Jn1'Y431'S10'. London. conspicuous figure in public 1if s like Premier .Borden could not -tan on theo ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE ridge of the Laurentian blountaits at and Kin sntert escape notice from the b�P - Ialco6tl IDoelltleel 8 e817.4000 lov r Rogers !Vest Block. If Bob �o e , ad a hot g –p—_ thought to communicate he would m c even less of that eleven miles than the c crow does and their Premier Borden's peace of mind would be shattered. The weight of evidence is that Premier Borden's hiding place is somewhere in the lowlands where he can let well enough alone without observation from those who vioirld make it worse by a emelt election, The call of the wild is, Another l sage addition to ,F aculty atd- Eiuipm.ent in Arts and Medicine Greatly Incrsssed Enrollment fn view Write for pa rticnl are t0: EIE BRA1TIIWAITE, M A„ Ph.D. President. OPEN ALL NIGHT m The season is now on for gasolene stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene out of our Bowser Pump -it passes through 5 screens and a filter -Prices always a s the lowest, Auto Supplies and Bicycle Repairing' Auto Livery J. J H. taxman ONUME11NTc . .e Finest stock' in 'Huron County of "Made: m Canada.'" Monuments.:, est British and (&reign granite, finished in. up to date style and design. Come and see them. Note -A. granite base 'goes with each monument. D 0 iG'S. Opposite the Postoffiee National 'P .TLA: CEMEN V carload of • caved a v 'ts-le shoe ,t c 1 J the same olcl brand of Portland Ce meet which bas always given you su ch complete satif ct ion, It alwayss. You cannot a • requirements. Hlls out Y male a mistake using the National, S. J. e , et+, G �..d.,rll�i°T°t3N , Thursday, May 2oth,,1915. Smaller 'Coal Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by' sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, Fives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is 11HIG dALLEI ANTHRACITE( The Coal That Satisfies It will' save you money. Give it' a trial.'t fl[1'.1 ., „a l,l, , ill ; Painting d, Paper Hanging Painting and Paper H ungi ng neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Hunnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS Eggs tor, atching From choice Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes, and White'Leghorne, at 51 per 16 eggs, express paid, or 750 at "home JOHN GARRETT, Londeshoro Eggs For Sale Barred Rocks bred m Guelph winners. In n Barred Rock e 1 i ha ve the best valueCanada. To be in convinced come and see for yoursell. Visitors welcome. Pen I -Headed by Crusader. Son 2nd oflGuelph and 1st Detroit cockerel Eggs $3.00 per 15. Pen II -Headed by prize cockerel valued at $25.00. Eggs $2.00 per 15. Pen III- Pullet mating, customer reports pullets laying at five months of age, from this pen. Eggs $1.50 per 15. Pen IV -Eggs 81.00 worth $2.00. Here is a chance to get some good stock at a reasonable price, 3 eggs from Pea I, 4 each from Pens 2. 3. 4. 81.50. Enfertile eggs will be replaced free of charge. H, A. HOVEY, Clinton, Ont. Baby Chicks and Eggs Get your order in early for baby chicks We are starting our incuba tors now and will continue till June. Barred Rocks, S. C. Brown Lyhorns, R. C. Rhode Island.Reds, and White Wyondottes. All first class fowl and bred to hay. Chicks 15c and 20c each. Eggs 81.50 per 15, Reduction on larger quantities, FRANK W. ANDREWS, Clinton Beans and Calves tor Sale A quantityof good seed beans for sale, grown in a good bean section. A good time to buy before the raise in price. , The undersigned has made arrange ments to supply pulimited number of yoang calves at"reasonable prices. The calves are all carefully handled and are in the best of condition. W. J. MARQUIS o Phone 1l ' n 166 R. R. No. 1 Clinton Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form thepublic that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive Prompt attention. W., BRY»ONE. BARRISTER liDLIOITO}i, . NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO cr,INTON IAARI.BS ]B. t'sums Oonneyance, Notaryl''Public, ICommiesioner, etc.. REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St.. Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, tNSURANOa:AGENT-Representing 14 Fire Iu . suranee Companies.: Division 'Court [Office. M. G. Cameron, K.C. ,arrister, Solidreoi, li riveyaneer, Etre+ 'Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper.. In.;, O,l oton,- on every Thursday, and on anv day for which, appointments are made. Office hours from 9a.m. to6p.m, Agood vault in connection' with the .oftice, ,Office open every week day, Mr. Boom willmake any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. ' For Sale An IDEAL Gasoline Engine 2i horse power. This engine is as good as new equiped with magneto, a bargain. GEO. McirENNAN For Sale is Seed Barley. Mandchueri No21 good sample and clean, at 85c per bushel Siberian Millett,good sample at $125 per bushel. Windmill, "Toronto" in No 1 shape, tank and all complete, all fresh babbited this spring, price 850, Anyone wanting any of these articles call at lot 23, eon. 1. Tuckersmith, Huror, Road or,phone 0 on 138 Clinton A good Smart•Harris drill wanted for season or year JNO E. HUGILL Mullett Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Town ship of -Hullett, will be held in the Township Hall, on Thursday, the 27th of -May, at 10 a,nr., for the purpose of hearing, and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll Also the Uonrt,of Revision for hear•' tag appeals against the assessment made ;in ; the "Me0a11 Extension" Drainage Bylaw No. 1 of 1915,.of the Township of , ,Hullett will be held the same day at2 pm. JAMES .CAMPBELL, Clerk Hullett, May 3rd, 1015. Danure Gartley (9221) WEDNESDAY- Will Leave his own stable at noon and go by way of Lon don and Huron. Road -to Gilbert Mair's. fbr night THURSDAY -By Holmesville and Maitland Con to Wm Durst & Son for noon, then by way of Bethel Corner end Benmiller to Wm Hooke s, Huron Road, tottnight . : • .. RID/EY-BY wav'd'ethe flee to PeirtersHill for noon, then by way of 7th con Reuben Griggs for night SATURDAY -By w' of Stec a ' s �P' Corner tied Bayfield Road to James Jackson's, 2nd con Stanley, for niton, then to his own stable where he will remain until the;;following Wednes day morning ' 'i , c Gflint% GOI(i (13 2it 0) MONDAY - Will leave his own stable 40, end Tuckersmith, •smiL'h and lot bVest .1 d l .ret go soutto Mill ltuad to R Pimple re: Son for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to Vern Dale's for night TUESDAY -To the Graham House, Clinton. for noon and until following morning EDNESDAY-To his own stable for noon, where he will remain until the following Monday morning, • Medd ,al. int 5. W. TH(D11117!SON Physician, Surgeon, Fjtp eeeoial attention given to diseases of the Bre, Ear, Throat, and .Nose, Eyee efulty • stained, and suitable reissues prescribed, Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Celumerelal Rotor " Rnron St. DRS. GUNN and GA OIIIER Dr, W. Gunn, L. R. C. T.,L, It. C. S.. FAD Dr unn'e ottluoat residence es denco Hig h Street Dr, J. C. dandier. 1 A. MX.. Mae -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night caste at eeeidence, Rattenbnry^Bt. or at hospital - DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, -SURGEON. econchenre ohm, office andresidence on tsnbury Street.. DR. 11'. A: AXE9N DENTIST - o Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. Graduate of O.O,D.S..r. Ghieggo,. and R.O,D.s ' Toronto. Bayneld on Mender', Mr 1st to D DR. Ile FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Bpeoial care taken to make dental ireti. meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction 'O' GODERICH •ONT' kw stos.r sales s specials/. Cranes - et • NEW Ess o0ee, Canton, prom-ty alt endo . . to, Terms reasonable, . Farmers* sale not* disoonated' G. D. McTaggart M. L. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST ; • • CLINTON General'` Banning, Easiness transacted .. iSOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a deposits The' M" cI'fi'l •' `ti�ut tta� D Fire Insurance eo. - Parm and Isolated Town Props arty Only insured. Head Office-Seaforth; Ont "OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President J a^onnolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec, -Tress Directors -D. S. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G, Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J, Evans, Beechwood; A. McEwen, Brucefield; J, B. McLean Seaforth : I. ,Connolly, Goderich Robert Ferris,. Harlock. Agents• -Ed, Hinohley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmesville; - Alex. Leitch, Clinton; R. 8. Jarmuth, Brodhagen A Carload of Canada Penland cement Phone us for prices It will pay yon John Hutton �}} Oil O DL L N ESBORO� Drs. Geo, d 11i E title. Ileiletnaulr Osteopathic ,•Pity. Specialists in•Womenis and • ' Childrern'e`Diseases Acute, Chronic a d'1V.l Chronic, n firvnus Disof dersr •:; Eye, ,Ear, • Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION'' 'FREE. ; Office-Rattlelnbury Eote1. Tuesday and Friday, 7 tct 11 p.m. FORD it MCLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Albtke; ta'nd Red Cl.ober. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. 'ORD D MeLEOD `t f e€ItI t 1u5slvaa�,iEOO i'The Great . F es em . and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Ceras lyrcrvoaza Do5tlrtll,,itfental, and.. Brain Worry, Despon- dency, Loss of Energy, Fo.lpitatioaz of the Heart, .Failing Memory. Price 01 per box, cis for 550 One wall please, six will ourcer Sold by all druggists or traded in slain plr5. on receipt Of pries, Tion panpliictraaelet•!r•ee. THE WOOD bare, IICITVc 90.,, TORONTO, ONT. (Formedc WIndior.3