HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-05-20, Page 2•soseecoteeeoomsee ***s••••• go I ''hone Want Ads to 0 The New Era e Many telephone eubscribes•s 0 r3 find itquite convenient and a 0 d, time-saver. Experienced ad- -, O visers are always on The New * Era end, Phone 30. 0 " eeeet000ea>Booeeoeseeeoo(uea�®re to Th !Clint w PAGE TWO, Thursday,. lelay 20th, 1015. Every Page Has Newsy Items. : • Try us for Job Work in all, o fits branches ft �;;r :: 0 A trial will -convince' you" e . • , that we know our I. 0, w o (business. u i • a eine®®®eesigeOeoe�os000etruooc�' The New Era. 49TH SHEAR, "IN TRE Pl)iBLIC SERVICE." W.11. KHF RR 4 SON., Props. J. Leslie Kerr BnsinceS Manager New Era, One Year In advance $1,00 New Era., when not paid in ad- vance..:. $1.50 New. Era, to the United` States in advance $1.50 Advertising Rates on Application Job work prices advance on July lst, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co, Press Asso- ciation Bates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 089009eeeOG0ee6eeeee000O0 Editorial Notes eeeoino otozootmom000®Oeeeee Great Britain's' fleet is' -still mis- tress. of the seas, and (both, . the Eastern and' Wes'cern hemispheres have good reason for thanksgiving that sue is the case. —o— We noticed recently that 18'S tti_cot- eh £iehermere were fined for go- ing to sea before Old Sol, Onade his appearance. This is ,given as a warning to the early risers 'of this locality. A good many we are ac- quainted with' will not likely ever have to contribute a cent for 'a similar reason no matter what geo graphical slant' they may live in. There are more "night hawks" the "early: birds" about here. Conversing with a 'friend tirom India we ascertained among many other things the following item concernin ,the value !Of their coin- alle.-Thegmita is worth 2 cents of oar "money and a roupee 32 cents. Some of the Canuckc who are now doing ditty in' Englano fine! the Oice:Lana style of recelloet- in money rather 'eenkwarcl as Com' pared with; our dollar and cent method, China has a population of 400,000, 000, hence 'the wily Jap .had better be earefui, as he would have a busy time if such e hornet's hive was 1st loose. The Chinese (tie 'waking up to more new ideas and ideals than the religious, which' is so often' referred to by other na- tions._ Worth taking note of, -"Our life is either a Bible or a libel." It is possible to be righteous andet be rigid, rugged and even rude., MVloral loveliness ie the panacea for pro- ducing the radiant life as a Saithfu disciple of One who is altogether lovely. While the two "Bobs" -'Hon .IV Ir. Borden and lion. Me. Rogers -may not .see eye to eye as td. the date the Dominion Election should be held, it leeks as If the 'tongue was s'ti11 attaehed to the front Bob. September is now mentioned in- stead of June:' Some folk who Have been lookin through the political telescope has discovered Edward Norman Lewis, M. P., of Goderich, seated on a Huron: County Judge's' throne More unlikely things have happen ed, especially when the firing' line in same ridingt'could be thereby cleared for a Bowman with a full quiver S • -o-- A writer in •L Poultry: Journal speaks of 'the "great delight of watching the flock?" Yes 1 but it depends whether .they are attend-. ing to their calesthenics ie your flower garden, on some early vege- table bed or in the brdinary, poul- try enclosure. Sometimes! a lively young rooster, accompanied by his partner and children, can provide an illustration Of how much of Old Nicld is inherent to Nunn nits with almost chain lightning epeecl Some day write the New Era your experience in 100 words. We would use your initial instead bf yourusu' al signature, if you, preferred. W!i News t trY1 .�r Affected Here Many people who have been reading the terrible war news from day to day. especially those who have relatives at the seat of war, have become so nervous that it is impossible for them to sleep. The nerves have become unstrung and the heart perhaps affected. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will build up the unstrung nervous system and strengthen the weak heart. Miss Hildia Dicaire, Martintown. Ont., writes: "In August, 1914, I was ant of school for my health. I was visit- ing friends In London, and heard of the war. It made me so nervous that I could not sleep, but after using Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills I improved fatly, and could take my school again. I have recommended them to many of my friends," Milburn's Heart and Nerve- Pills -are attic per box, 3 boxes for 81.25 at all I dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of !price by The T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. OOT SHOES for every Sport and ecreation Sot gall to y Shoe Dearers W..1411u''-I cvow v.memher of the lewd& oy Premier Asquith' is one of the then' of the hour. Re is no light weight either, we can assure you. His optimism is most encouraging and refreshing. The British Em- pire has gaud reason to be proud of the men who direct the affairs of 'the Nation and also those( who command the millions rho are ready to uphold Great Britain e high ideals of righteousness at the front, • If we were given to pr ophesy- ing we would say !that if the European war is to continue 0 months longer the United States will play a moreactiveHart than is evidenced todgy and largely in her own defence, Uncle Sam. stands for the same principles the allies are fighting for add( should be in the line up. Owing to the great European war, and other causes, the Panama Pacific Exposition at San ;Francisco is rather up against et, but posse- bly the clangers of seafaring On the Atlantic may divert a proportion of the usual European tourist trav- el to the, notable display. The Canadian large exhibit is attract' ing a big snare of attention and will .do this Dominion good in many ways. Legal Queries Mrs. F. 0, Clinton. -Qu. -Is it necee Bary foe an employee to give an em plover two weeks' notice before quitting? Aus.-It is not necessary for an employee to give two weeks', notice or any other notice 'before quitting bis employment unless he agreed to give notice before quitting his employment. In the 7 province of Ontario the law does not make it necessary that an employer shall, give notice before discharging his employee nor that an employee shall give notice before 'quitting his employment, except In cases where tbb life, safety or health of the public is Concerned. Sec, 400 of the Criminal Code makes it a punishable offence for an employe to break bis contract, knowing that the probable consequence may he to delay or prevent the running of any train or,' delay the transmission of the mails, etc. Sometimes we wonder if es'ome one has blundrod" in not appoint- ing Col, Sam Hughes to overseas command. It is not likely he would have been denied had the military authorities forecasted the gas at- tacks of the Huns',. Col. Sam prov- ed beyond' the shadlow of a doubt that he was 'thoroughly equipped along this line and was usually able to "put i'•tOver" both friend and foe. Langemarek is a name that will never -be forgotten in thousands of Canadian homes, While there may be crape on the door of the long list sof heroes who fell, it adds new lustre to the Land of the 'Maple and proves that the representar tives of the premier colony of the Motherland o herland are as true and wor- thy as the soldiery of any battle- field of the past. The 00th cen- tm•y should not be called upon to wetness' such carnage. Canada's trade for the past fiscal year totalled over a billion dollars. While harclly up to the previous 12 months, no doubt owinghnto the tis turbing influence! of the war, it proves beyond(' a doubt how .solid are the foundations upon 'which the business of this land is built. If w could elect some party who Would husband our resources, kill the et erlasting Wang of patronage hangers -ion, and liquidate our in- debtedness' that is mounting sky- ward with so much rapidity( with- out necessity Or reason, this Do- minion might become almost a ver- itable Eden, So 'much is said and written a- bout race suicide !the following item will go leo show /that :every- body dines not believe In it. At Norwich, England, a market gar - donor, napaed, King, and his Igdod wile have no less than 26 children folhowing a matrimonial record of 27 years. The Dadwas notias at- entive to proviclin'g Tor his olive branches as he should . have been and bis better half had hem be- fore the Cout•t where he was or- dered' 'to ,contribute ten shillings a week for !his pie-nia crowd. Wonder if 13 is called an. unlucky number what twice 13 would be designated? Guess this King is net. "happy and glorious" like. our King George. 1 --0—* The deed of valor by the Cana- dian soldier boys in retaking the four cannonos't inthe 1tu'tt .ah ask when the deadly poison levees had, played the •devilish part r''evigned 'by the Germans, reads something litre the historic "Charge of the Light Brigade," It was equally dreadful in the terrible toll ,de- manded -6000 17ob10 'fellows '!were called upon to suffer -in the ear- nage'Itprat was 'wfrough't as' they were stormed at by shot and Shell. They won, and their heroism will never die, but what of the diaboli- cal mruderous meth'od's adopted b their foes? Will they be permitted to go unchallenged by the powers? If so, about the only redress of the allies will be tai give them doses of their own medicine and strong enough to impress upon them that the way of the transgressor is hard. When an Indian, long ago used a poisoned arrow it was look- ed upon, -as a heathen act, a + relic of barbarism, but here is a great Nation and its Kultutt enables' them to perform acts that. would cause 'the sed man to (,lush: "'Man's in- humanity to mals makes countless millions mourn." I "When can their glory facie? 0 ! the wild charge they (made, 'a. A11 'thee world wondered."' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTCRIA Don'ts for Autoists , • Men and Events. I Dilstrkkt News. es®motteeeseoeeeoe®eecooeeoI Don't run for a hill. Otimb it after you get to it Don'e use a cutout. Unship ib and avoid temptation Don't cut corners. Keep to the right side of both streets Don't hog the middle of the road, keep oyer to the right • Don't coyer your rear number with a spare tire. Be a real sport Donat forget your rights or presume on your advantage, either horsepower or official Don't charge full speed over a Ret spotin the street. Skidding is no respecter of horsepower Don't stop your automobile beyond the property line at street intersec- tions. Pedestrians have the right of way here Don't swing to the left toward the middle of the street without looking behind. There may be a big truck at your elbow Don't knock the police department if it enforces an ardinance that you assisted in making into a law Don't adjust your tappets too close When the motor is cold. When the motor gets bot the valve stems will expand and keep the valves from clos- ing entirely Don't fail to examine your spring clips occasionally to see if they are right. This will preyent to a great. extent breaking of the springs Don't run with your tire chains too loose. If you do they will stiike the fender and cause some damage. Chains should he just loose enough to move easily on the tire Don't fail to drain your carburetor float chamber about once every two weeks. This will remove all water and dirt that might accumulate Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAt.S'T'ORIA. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry The Canadian Militia Department has authorized the organization of a Second University Company for Oyer seas Service, to go as a reinforcement to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. The Company will be commanded by Captain Geo. 0, McDonald, of the McGill Contingent, O. 0. T. 0., with Captain Percival Molson, also of the McGill Contingent, U. 0. T. 0., as Second in Command Owing to the success which has attended the recruiting for the First University Company, which is at pres ent up to full strength, and attached as "D" Company to the Kith Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force, it was thought advisable to form another Company, and an application was made to the Department for the necessary authority, which has been granted Recruiting for the Company bas already beer. started, and many names have been received The Company will be composed of Graduates or Undergraduates of Uni versities or their friends Conditions of Service and Rate of Pay will be the same as in the other United of the Canadian Expedition ary Force The First University Company and the Toronto University and McGill University Contingents, C. 0. T, are going to a Training Camp at Niagara- on -the Lake on May 3rd to the 15th, and it is expected that dur ing that period a large number of Recruits for the new Company will be obtained Immediately after the Camp active recruiting will be commenced at Mon treat Headquarters of the The Company will be at 382 Sherbrooke Street West, and any enquiries or applications should be addressed there to Lieuten ant Geo. S. Currie,, Recruiting Officer MUST CANOED STAMPS The ' postmaster -general has brought to the attention of ' mer chants engaged in the retailing of proprietory or , patent medicines perfumery, wines for champagne the neecssaty of carefully cancele- , ing all stamps used in the payment of tsar dutie9, and to ' warn them j that unclerl:sub-election 4;: secti(op 15, and( section 16, Of 'the `special war revenue' act, any failure ito do this renders them liable to prose, elation as the act ips'ovides that every person required to cancel a stamp affixed to a bottle or pack- I age under the provisions ofthe act, and fails 01' neglects to do so by writing on or across the stamp initials or Other ,marks of identifi- cation with the' date of such 'writ ing 'or otherwise effectively cancel,( ling the stamps shall incur a penalty Of not less than $50 and not exceeding $250. SIR RODMOND ROBLIN . Conserv ative Premier of Manitoba for the' past fifteen,: years, wird re- signed office be Wednesclpy. k'a Cotton Root Compound. ''� e 4 safe. reliable renitlatine medicine. Sold in throe d.. togs of strength—No. 1, 51; No. 2, 33; No. 3, 35 per box. Sold by all druggists, or. cont prepaid on rosoteb of pries. Fre. pnmphlot. Address; THE COOK 'MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, 1151.. (Formerly wenn.) rawailivapimhatli Local News riTIiV'1HA6tiAms` IirlrarliV' TEA 10 ADVANCE An increase of five cents a pound on black teas of ail grades may be expected within the next few days. One large concern, whcse trade is entirely in package teas, has already notified the trade of an increase in this amount, and other concerns agree that, in view of One steadily advance quotations in the London unction rooms, an advance of this amount is inevitable in the immediate future DRY CANTEENS The format militia order authoriz ing establishment under regimental supervision of dry canteens for each military unity of the Oanadian mili tia forces in training was issued to- day. The order provides that these canteens are to be carried on under the supervision of the officer command ing the unit. or of a, committee ap- pointed for the purpose. The canteens are to he maintained solely for the benefit of the united, and must not be sub let to outsiders. Any profits ere to be turned into tbe regimental funds MINOR LOCALS. Signs of spring -This Hoose to Let and Keep 011 the Grass A change in the pedal laws should he made so as to prevent departmen tal stores shipping their catalogues by freight to within a 20 toile zone to avoid extra postage. The zone eys tem was not designated for this par pose The date of the opening of the high school entrance examinations will be 2lst. The examinations will last for three days All hands into the garden once morel LETTERS UNCENSORED. In order 'to relieve( the hard' - worked censor soldiers 'writing home letters from the *front are now being put an their honor as to the contents of their letters: A special envelope has' been issued to the troops in the fighting line' for this purpose. . It is green in color and headed "On' active service.'" 'Ow the flap' isq 'the declaration which must be signed by the writ- er; "I certify 'one nay honor that the contents 'of this' letter refer to nothing but private ' and family matters." ACTION URGED BY HOUSE OF BISHOPS. In the various Anglican churches the following letter from the Bis'h'- op bf'Huron, containing the resol- ution recently passed by the House of Bishops, dealing with the liquor Qc�uestion -At , o, meeting Of the House Of Bishops of 'the Church of. England in Canada, held at Fort William on April lathe the follow- ing res'oluti'on was lath, bishop. of the Church of England in Canada strongly recommended all members of the church throughout the Dominion to abstain entirely from the use 'of alcoholic liquors as a beverage, during the apresent war,and also iso to refrain bsolutely fom treating others And further they urge provincial government( to take immediate steps to shorten considerably, the hours during which rthe sale 'of liquor is at present permissible' Each bishop is requested to supply all his clergy with a copy of the. above resolution together with an instruction 'to announce it publicly toyytheir congregations without de- lay • . S. P. Rupert's Land. Primate; April 14'th, 1015. , COLICKY CHILDREN Colicky children can be prompt ly cured by Baby's Own !tablets because these Tablets act directly on the stomach and The 'bowels and cleanse them of all impurities Concerning them Mrst Jas. C. Slater Summerville, N. S. 'writes., I have used Baby's Own Tablets and ant glad to stay 1have 'Touted, ahem an excellent medicine for colic and Doss of sleep. The Tab- lets are sold by all medicine deal ers or by mail at 25 aerate box fiom The Dr. Williams'' Medicine. Co., Brockville Ont. e®eeeeoeoeeooeeo0eeoe9ee*e Seaforth The local Horticultural Society is in receipt of a communication- from the firm of 0. Eeur & Sons, of Holland, offering to send to them a large num- ber of bulbs consisting of gladioli, tuberous begonias, and montbretias, to be sold at wholesale prices and the proceeds given to the Belgian relief fund. Theoffer was accepted and about 5,000 of the bulbs will come to Seaforth. They have arrived in New York and are expected here within a few days. Mr. Wm Somerville has been ap. pointed secretary -treasurer of the Col- legiate Institute board to succeed Col. Wilson, who resigned. Mr Thee, Elder has purchased from Mr, F, Gutteridge a lot on John street and intends erecting ahandsome Erick" residence. Exeter The work on the Exeter school was begun last week. The masons have already torn down the'west side of. the building, prior to building an addition to it. Word was received 'here. of the death of Prof. Ovens, of Newbury. He was a specialist and was afregnent visitor' at Exeter on bis tours. Dr. Roulston has purcbased the fine red brick house on Main street Mr. Pedlar and will move shortly. Mrs James Walters is slowly im proving in health after a severe stroke Mr C Snell has bought the house on Andrew street owned by E. A. Puke and is having it moved to his property on John street. Gib Dore shipped a carload of horses Monday night by express to Montreal' Pte. Harness spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. J. Harness. Dr. McKay, Seafoith, was in town Sunday. He and Dr. H. K. Hyndmau were holding a consultation. Mrs. Gregory, who has been visiting her son in Berlin, returned to her home Monday. The many friends of tars. James Walters, of town, will be sorry to bear that she suffered from a stroke on Tuesday morning. Latest reports are that she is improving. lVingltanl Last Thursday night at 11 o'clock an alarm was sent. to. Officer Pbippen to go to ,the residence of Mrs. J. Henderson, who was married: Wednes day to Alex Davidson, a nearby farmer. A large mob bad gathered with battering rams, guns and other instruments of torture to cbarivari the couple. The telephone wires had been cut so that word could not be gotten thropgh' for help. The roads had been strewn with wails to impar the progress of anyone coming to the rescue. Before the officer could arrive someone had given the alarm and the, crowd had dispersed. This is the third outrage that has occurred in tbat district during the year, The couple who were married are amongthe most highly respected in that .s wanton. Since the deaths has been announced of several soldiers who left here with the first contingent the flags on, the town hall, public school and postoffioe are now flying at halfmast. Rev E G Dymond. of St Paul's Ohureh, preached a very impressive sermon, touching on the lives of some of bis members who were recently killed in Battle Several members of the 33rd Ra ion spent Sunday with their families here. Many London visitors were seen wearing flowers for Mother's Day Next Suuday will be observed as Mother's Daybere,and some churches will hold special services The spring seeding is now well under way and farmers are preparing the ground for corn and root crops The sugar beet will be the heaviest root crop grown this year Itis feared that the heavy frost of last night has dam aged the blossoms on plum and cherry trees, which were full of bloom Beds of tulips which Chief Allen and his stall Iiavo planted make a fine showing on each aide of the path from the street to the doors Goderich 1 Death removed one of the well 1 known citizens Sunday evening in the parson of George Black, whq was bailiff until 2 years ago, aihd on ,account of failing health was forced, to give up the active work. Mr. Black was born here 75 years ago and leaves three sons, hie wife having been dead several years. The funeral Look place from the residence of hie son George, on 'Tuesday, Esther Argun, relict of Thomas One, died at her son in law's residence, Dr. A. T. Emmerson, on Sunday. The lady has been in feeble health for some time. The funeral will take place to tbe 0. P. R. station to Peter horn Much sympathy is felt in Lown for Mrs Emmerson i9rnssels John Lunn, a painter, died suddenly on Friday night He retired in his rascal health and died about 12 o'cloek Heart trouble is given as the cause of death lee was 40 years of age and besides his wife he leavee a family of three small children. The funeral took place to Brussels Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, Samuel Dunn, aa, well known resi dent of Grey Townehip,died on Friday at the age of 63 years. He had been a great sufferer for sometime Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery The total amount of the legal expense in connection with the John street sewer lawsuit of Kirkby ys the Village of Brussels was $651 The plaintiff was also given judgment for $200 for extra work doue on the sewer Brussels corporation has had several law cases in the past few years, but has never been on the winning side yet A new pipe organ is being installed in Mellville Presbyterian church J G Jones, who has conducted a jewelry store here for the past 30 years, has closed his shop ,rhe pre raises vacated by hint are being fitted up for a butcher shop A Somers has disposed of his house and lot on John Street to Mr Nichol- son, of McKillop, who will move to town Mrs Robert Robertson, of the 12th oncession of Grey township, passed away this week,after a lengthy illness at the age of 86 years The funeral took place yesterday Interment be ing made in Oranbrook Cemetery to a close one of the most successful conventions ever held in the district, Swat the .Fly The fly" bas no day of rest. IIe's busy all the time, and his mission 10 Life is in spread disease germs, One comes in the window' and stops for'at) moment, on the sugar bowl, cream: pitcher or the baby's nursing bottle. Do you snow where leis sticky feet last rested? Think It over and 3'uu will soon ,make up your mine(. to bea. come an active workel' in the alntl-fie crusade. The weather is getti;lg warmer; flies are breeding faster: trouble is ahead to you don't , ,9 �i@�w•� tf� A t they RVTIl1R ijli - trot MERCILESS TORTURE. Mensall The Council has disposed of $5,000 worth of town hall debentures for $4,700, covering 20 years and drawing per cent'anterest which is consider et eel good, considering the conditions of the money market The'foeal assessment this year will total about $335,000 • The council at a recent meeting re ceived the report of the architect and inspector, Henry Reynolds, on the town hall, which he pronounced corn plated, except for a few minor details Dr Bean has purchased from Mrs Jas 'Troyer the residence and lot owned by her on South Richmond street He intends making big im provements on the residence 1 R Ondmore has purchased a lot near ' LondonRowland intends exec tin the and R a g a residence there this summer Dr Malloy is erecting a handsome fence in connection with his residence R Higgins, fire range inspector in New Ontario, expects to spend the summer at home. A H King and wife, Toronto, spent Friday night and Saturday visiting relativesbere Some Citizens have been fined for running their bicyles on the sidewalks Blyth. The Woman's Missionary Society of Goderich District, met in convention in the Methodist Church Blyth on Tuesday afternoon last with au attend ante of upwards of an hundred dele gates present from various points in. elle district. The afternoon session commenced at 1 30 with devotional exercises by bits Andrew, of Auburn, followed by prayer by Sirs. King of Blyth, and Mrs, Buchanan, of West field. Routine business was then taken up, followed by hymn No 450, reports of Auxiliaries and a beautiful solo by Mrs, Conway, of Auburn.. The reports frons the Circles and Bands was most encouraging as was also the organizer's report, Miss M. Aitken, of Goderich, sang a solo in pleasing voice, after which questions were discussed and the nomination of Mrs. S. E. Hick, of Goderich, as scare tary treasurer, secured the election of both these officers for the ensuing twelve months. Tea was then served, during which en address of welcome was given by Mrs. (Rev.) Jewett, of Blyth Auxiliary, and responded to by Mrs. S. F. Treleaven, of Dungannon. The evening session commenced at 7 o'clock, and the chair was taken by Rev, George Jewitt. Hymn No. 1S8 was sung after Rev. 0, C. Keine, of Londeeborc, led in prayer, which was followed with an anthem by the choir. The chairman's address was except tonally good, bringing out many bright thoughts. This was followed with a solo by Miss Aitken, of Gode rich, an address by Miss Oourtice, of Japan and a solo by Mrs. Conway, of Auburn. A paper on the Study Class by Mrs, Baker, of Seaforth, was well received, and the benediction brought A choice between starvation or. mc•rniies0 torture is the dismal Prospect befoae all victims of di gesttion for although . they are in need( of food to ,nourish the bordty they are. afraid ot`.eat because of the long periods of pain and dis- comfor'f (that follow even - the lightest of msals. The urgent] [heed of all who suffer from indigestion is to gain etxengti so that the stomach can extract nourishment from the food taken. Pain after eating es' the way the e'tomacli signifies its pre- test that itis tae week'! to do nat- ures, 'work To take purgatives is only to -aggravate 'the trouble Dr. Williams Pink Pills give new strength 'to weak stomachs be-+ cause they enrich and purifiy; the blood supply thus enabling the stomach to digest food naturally Ghnost from the first 'the appe-' tite revives; then do'od.cati ibe taken without pain and the burd- en of indigestion disappears. The following case proves the truth of these, statements Mr. W.E. Silver, a welll.nown' farmer living in'the iicimity of Harford N. Se says; I was tortured! by indigestion for seven. years; sometimes I was se bad 'thatI would 2 9ro( (taste a bit of hearty food b tit would have to content myself with stale breast At times I suffered excruciatin) pains in my stomach and 'would nerdly ;slsep at night. 1I' tried various prescriptions but got no benefit from they and naturally I was in a very 'reduced state of- Ler lth. I ha rI come to believe that 1 I was doomed for 'the, balance of my life to this' most constant tor- ture, when I read of a case similar to my 'Own cured through .the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This gave me new courage and I decid- ed to try them. To make a long story, short, the use oft the Pills for a 'couple of months completely cured me, This' is some two years ago, and I have had no return' of tbiie trouble, and am able to eat as hearty a meal as anyone. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through your medicine dealer for by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., B1Tc:iniite Ontario. A Texas League umpire made the league bun him an . electric fan, We have a fault idea why only this brand of a fan svuld 'appeal to an umpirta -.--o-- War, we read, is' enriching the various languages. Yes, we should imagine it would. —b -- Japan apparently iaas' a deep seated foeltng that China should be hand -painted' by Nippon. --00'-- Thet Indian Police department claim, to have the finger prints of the German Crown -Prince. The idea being that they will be able to prove that willio, Jr. had a finger in 'the war pie, doubtless. --ee-- Our standard of civilization is somewhat peculiar. Japan was not recognized as' a civilized na- tiom until she went to war; Gera man was' always considered civil ized!yuntil she vent to war. Start Advertising NOW cTAGNATION in one's business is greatly to befeared and greatly to be avoided. Action—an effort to get ahead—and keeps a business healthy, wealthy and wise. Visible action is advertising in The New Era—a fresh advertisement each week. The preparation and publication of a new advertisement is a sure indi- cation of business energy. "Start Something" is the slogan o to -day, Start advertising now. Keep up the advertising all through the year and your business will feel the tonic effect of your action. To the Merchants of Clinton Make business brisk for you and Clinton by a big and rightly - directed effort—bya series of adequate advertisements in The tllinton New Er Get and Keep Ahead by. .Planning Ahead.