HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-05-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Thursday, May 13th, 1915,
yet �2ea1 Wearing value
If you feel that your clothes—to satisfy you completely, must be made to
• order. We have a Made-to-order Department in connection with our Men's Store.
You can choose your cloth from many beautiful patterns and fabrics, anck your clothes
will be made to your measure with every detail as you may fancy. They will be finish
' ed for delivery when you want them, and are guaranteed to satisfy you in every par-
ticular.. The costof made-to•order clothing is but slightly higher than for a good
'`Don't be satisfied with mere stylish looks alone. for if the quality, of materials
and workmanship is not there—good looks will not last very long.
!Own' Made-torder (lothgng
is known all over this part of the country for its holiest qualities in the hidden
+ details of clothes making—the details on the honesty of which the very life of your .:
clotliing depends, Reliable materials, all wool, careful workmanship, canvas strength
i. ening, silk thread. in fact the dozen and one items which male BROWN'S CLOTHING
wear so much longer than any other kind.
Don't be fooled by a cheap price—good materials cost more than cheap ones—
'n•'a,nd must be sold at a reasonable price. Brown's Clothing is not the cheapest on
the market. On the other hand, it is not high in price considering the extra wear it
gives: whoever buys it.
Conte in and see us when you are Buying Clothes this Spring
5 Store
and„d {
Ir ➢1iShingS a�gfl
Dry Goods a
House F➢
Men's Store
N, s Merchantand. Tailoring
Diens Fnruishings
Phone 103
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
Big Bar ras; is in C :tsup
Just receivers a line of Catsup which we can recommend for quality
and equal to any 25c size bottle, which we are selling at the low price
of 15e, or two bottles for 25c
Snaps at 3 Pounds for 25c
Another barrel of Mol-'sses Snaps which we are selling at 10c per
pound or 3 pounds for 25c
Garden.. Seeds and Potatoes
'Don't forget we carry the famous Steel Briggs, D, M. Ferry, and
other lines of Garden Seeds
Also some early Seed Potatoes
d'hone 111 IDE STORE OF iltr .1L1'l'Y
Successor, to le, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection. Light in eon
struction and design but ex-
tremely well made rn,every de-
tail. Here are the $nestcreations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
The Cheapest Spot in Huron
to buyall kinds of Furniture
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186
DUSTti ESS-. By opening c'lust 4� '? er
,and _ direct draft damper when shaking
On a ninle we find two legs) be-
And two, we find, before;
We 'tickle behind before we find.
What the two behind be for.
Word was received in Toronto
last Friday that all the officers
of the 12th, Battery, at the front,
and to which Lieut. Broder McTag
gar+' belongs., escaped any disast-
er at the last battle an d are safe
and well.
Some 'of :the ease ball fans are
'talking of motoring to Guelph to
see the opening game' of the iJan-
adieu League on the 1.9th. 'Mr.
James Reynolds, formerly of Clin•
ton, is the principal 'owster of the
teani in Guelph.
all dust is carried up'
U nate , ,smoke pipe. See
the Nicetar,.dealer or write for booklet) 3
Local 5
yswwwMwVV,V*Vw vwTVTUvsv®YsvVVInnVVVVVVvrrui
'Huron Presbytery met here bn
Tuesday of this week. A full' ac-
count of the meeting may be read
on another page.
The department of agriculture is
organizing in t Ontario 245 rural
sch'o'ol fairs, which will include
participation by 'over 45,000 child-
Mr. Chas. Bell has been appoint--
JOINS THE CRICKETERS. ed Treasurer of the Baptist chuieh,
At a. work out of the Brantford Clinton, to take the place of Mr.
Cricketers on Saturday last "Rev, i reds- Gillies., who res'i'gned 00 ac-
C. E. Jeakins, formerly rector of count of leafing town.
St, Paul's 'church, turned ou't Inc 7.R. 'HODGRNS SECRETARY.
practice and has joined club. GODERICFIBOARD OF TRADE.
SPECIAL MEETING Ci5' COUNCIL Ata meeting of +tire 'Goderich
Board (of Trade (hast week, Mrs
U. R. 'Hodgene, a former Clinton
boy, was selected as Secretary Of
the Board of Trade. He should fill
the bill all right.
A number of 'officers. who have
GODERICB' HAS 100 taken recent courses :at the pr•'o-
visional, school of instructrion for
VACANT HOUSES. infantry, which is being conducted
Goderich Star; We are informed at Wolseley Barracks, Isondon,
ed that a count sof the 'unoccn- have qualified for Held relfficers
and captain's certificates. Lieut.
pies houses in 'town mode re -
Gently, showed nearly 100—This is Col. H. D. Smith, general staff bffi-
cer of the first division, is com-
one 'time' Goderich can beat, Man/ mendantt; of the school, and Capt.
ton, as we fortunately have very
few vacant houses in town.
Shady advertising w31 keep any
bus'inesq from ,.the light +of lastipg'
Dr. ''F. A. Axon spent the, past
few days attending Dental Con-
vention! at. Toronto.
There is no war tjax on printer's
copy forwarded to paper by its
correspondents. Thus the ordinary
one isms stamp will be sufficie'.nt
to forward. country correspondence
from The New Era Correspondents
in this district, there being aro
necessity to place a war tax stamp
on ,the envelope:
Brussels Post,—Law is a every
"tiekliehs and a very expensive
vine'( you lose.Ige It'srlike eb1uyingq"vr
package; •there may be nothing in
it but 'popcorn. Some of; the de-
cie4ons given by Judges and Courts
are peculiarly peculiar. Brussels
has dropped considerable gocd
coin into the legal hopper'snce its
incorporation and received in re -
tun”( chaff. We are very Mow to
take the hint. •
Brighten up and Clean up
We have the Stuff to do it
Sherwin Williams Paint
Campbells Varnish Stain
Enamel—all shades
Alluminum' and Gold Paint
Dustbane—from cans to barrels
Brass Curtain Poles
All kinds of Brushes
Berry Bros Floor Granite
0 Cedar Mops
Wizzard Mops
Step Ladders
We have also a full stock of the following seasonable lines.
Screen Doors and Windows
Perfection Oil Stoves '
Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers
Grass Trimmers for edge or sidewalk
Flower Bed Borders two sizes
Coil Spring Wire '1
Barbed Wire
Brace Wire
Block Wire
Lawn Rakes
Now is the time to use Dr. Hess' Stock Food
and Panacea.
The Town Council held a special
meeting on ,Friday night and
voted $50.00 to' the Women's Petri, -
otic Association for the Schorn-
cliffe Hospital where the Canadian
boys who are wounded are to be
eared for.
Mr., M. D, McTaggart was ape
pointed convener of group 1 in the
Western Ontario Lawn Tennis Lea-
gue. This' district is not organ-
ized this year yet, but St is expec-
ted that Clinton. ,Seeforth acrd
Goderich` will join again 'thiti year
The local club had a successful
year. last year.
Mr. read Grilles, who has been
a resident here for the past Couple
of years, lift 00 Morday for Was••
crlao where he has social e 1 a good
Position. Mr. Dillies will be mise-
cd in town as, he was treasurer Of
the' Baptist church, incl also con..
nectedl with the Clinton Kiltie
Band, Mrs. Gillies will move as
soon as a house is secured.
Mr: Thos. 'Hawkins, the ,genial
Secretary of the Clinton Liberal
Clubs is down for an. address at
the annual business meeting of the
Liberal Club 'Federation of On'-
tari'o which is to be held in Toron-
to on Friday, May 21st, Mr. Haw -
kind is down for an adcl fess on
"Individual Club Problems.'' The
annual dinner will be held the
same evening ancl,'Sir Wilfred Laur-
ier Sand 'Mr. N. W. Rowell hre to
be' the guests of honor.
With the return of the warm
weather the auto -bug is again at
work in the system (of our citizens..
On Tuesday Dr. Shaw, Messrs, W.
Brydone and J, Wiseman accom-
paniedt Mr. Tom Jackson downf'to
Exeter for a short ride. Gab. E11-
Gott} gook them down in h55 auto,.
Ike Rattenbury to'ok Ray Rumball,
Norm Fitzsimons, Cap Morrish and
Mr. Morrish, who is va'siti.ing here
out to
ouo Bayfield for an afternoon's
fishing trip. They succeeded in
catching a few of the finny tribe.
' This is Ascension Day.
Has the Town clock kept you
awake at night( ,yet?
The 21th will soon be here4
A good penman is always in de
1 wand, See School of Commerce add
page 5
We would like several more cor-
respondents in ''the surrounding
Townshps. If you will help, let tie
know and we will supply you with
envelopes and; paper.
to the park ot your etheto r Tues
Go p
ady or 'Friday afternoons and see
the school boys play baseball after
school', :
Two big poleS with the basket,.
ball nests attached have been 'crest
ed at the public schoo
the pupils to play.
Make arrangements for your
friends to come here on July 1st'
to spend: 'the day at the picnic to
be given by St. Joseph's church.
Have you looked, la's your label
on the New Erq yet.
. The burdock continues to grow,
as usuafl,
Send in the news. Don't forget
that we have a drop box on the
door for"eonvenience, sake, and
you; can drop in the items there
at night. Besure an d sign• your
,name. C.
The Jackson 'Factory has been
closed during th'e past week stook.
The Clinton fKnittfn;,( 'Factory •,
now works from 7 to 6 and Satur
day afternoon off.
E. 14i, McLean, formerly of Clinton,
adjutant. The Huron boys who
were successful are,—Capt. SR. R.
Sloan, of Blyth, and brother•. of
?Irk: Wesley Walker, of / Clinton
and: Capt. Chas: 'McPhail.
The Stratford Beacon has receiv-
ed a postal from Dr. J. A. Robert-
son mailed at Yokohama, Japan,
on April 4, "Wonderful country;
people industrious, progressive,
observant and subtle. All well. It
has also received two Tokio:news-
papers+ printed in Bnglish.—The
Drla olifriends in Clinton Will be
glad to learn that they are enjoy-
ing 'their trip.
The Clinton Kiltie Band are com-
ing along fine after their 'winter's
work under the direction of Band-
master. Dixon. They had a march
on Monday morning to the station
for the farewell to our soldier boys
and then they played in the Seven-
ingfor the Patriotic concert out-
sider the hall.The band is nearly
up to full strength. We hope the
summer midweek concerts ;will
soon start.
The following were those from
Inured Presbyterial who attended
thd big Convention at iHamilton
lash weer Mrs. Graham, Mrs, J.
C. Greig, Saeaforth, Mrs. George E.
Ross, Mrs. W. J. McNevin, Gode-
rich; Mrs. George Copeland, Miss
Clara Richards Bayfield ; Mrs. Har-
per, Clinton; 'Mies Irons Saults,
Miss Adelaide Nairn, 'Goderich;
Mrs, James 'Hamilton,'Goderich ;
Mrs. R. D. Murdock, Miss Jessie
Gemmell, Mrs. E. R. Higgins, Mrs.
William McMillan, Miss A. Beattrie,
Brumfield; Mies Ilia Allan Miss
Alix Saunders, Goderich, '111iss
Franels,, Winter, Mrs. J. D. Hi'nch'
ley, Mrs, Mackay, Seaforth.
!KirschvRods"Gattt Sag -Never Tarnish Y�
Kirsch is the man who took the "sag" out of Curtain
a flat extension rod with round edges
Rods by inventing
atid curved ends, which allows your curtains to hang flush
against your casing, making a very pleasing effect. They
may be attached in such a way as to show the woodwork
or if desired, to hide the casings, should they not be as
nicely finished as you would like.
They can be had either single or double.
Are easy to put.up,-and•are durable.
High Praise for a
former Cliotooiao
Often the + heapest--- wayS. the Best
Mr, F, H. Coats' Work on H. C. of
L. Commission Wins Approval
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily re.ieve a cough. Try it—
Disponslug Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUfx' STORE
In the closing hours of the Perlia
mentary session at Ottawa Hon. T.
\U Urothers, Minister of Labor, re
plying LO 0 question by Hon. Win.
Pugsley as to the work of the cammis
sion on the high cost of living, stated
that tee commission had taken evi
dence at various places in the country,
but one of the members of the cern
mission a few weeks ago was compels
ed to quit work on account of his
health In his enthusiatu he had over
worked himself, and his physician had
compelled him to take a rest
In reply to is further question as to
who this member of the commission
was, the Minister replied:
"Mr. Coats, one of the best men in
the service of the Government, an en
tbusiast, and highly skilled in the
gathering of statistics in fact, I do
not think he was an equal in Canada.
Re has been working at the report,
with the assistance of another gentle
man in the Labor Department, for
seven or eight months, lie was com
pelled about a month ago to take a
rest, but, in order to try and get the
report out while this House was in
session, he again took up the work
much sooner than he should have
done.,, I have gone over various por
tions of the report, and 1 promise the
House that it will be the best piece of
work of its kind eyer published; it
will be a classic, which will be read
by economists through the civilized
world, and which the people of Can
ada will be proud of, I think the
report will be published about the
middle of next month; that is the very
best Mr. Coats can do. However, ib
will be worth waiting tor, and 1 can
assure the members of this House that
when it is published we shall have the
best report on the question that has
ever been given to the public in this
or in. any other country':
Mr. Coats is a younger brother of
Mr. TG illiam Coats, the county regis.
trar, and a former Clinton boy
The Bread of Quality
Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary
Made in Clinton, 'Ontario
Phone 202
5c Loaf
Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoleumm
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going
to furnish your home, or if you only v; ant some odd pieces.
You will find it to your advauta to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
..r`Ip Nf
For Eavetroughing and
Sheet Metal Work of
all kinds try us.
Agents for
Preston llletal Shingles
Es E. Hunniford
Shop—over l'owland's Hardware
Phone 53 PHONE 45.
1 The Corner Store
"Live and ;Let Lite"
We have a full assortment of Steele
Briggs and Ferry's garden and flower
sees in packages. By befit we have
the following,—Sweet Corn, Peas,
Wax Beans, Sweet Peas, (tall and
dwarf), Nasturtiuns,
Dutch Sets and Potatoe Unions
Fruits and Greens
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Pine
apples, Grape Fruit, and Apples.
Special for Saturday
Celery, Lettuce, Green Onions
Radishes, Ripe Tomatoes
and Strawberries
Plumbing and Seating
'144,4et+leiel4+II++II++t++++4.5i+tti+t,,feS,Fleteielei4,•F4•4e4• +t!3rt34,;11 F'5E4
Children's Shoes
Every parent knows that childi en's shoes wear
out fast and the cost counts up.
Good Shoes for Children—our kind—are al.
ways the cheapest sort of shoes to buy. There is
nothing saved in buying "cheap shoes" or "bargain
shoes" for children, they are always the most ex-
pensive in the end. We have high and low cut
shoes for boys and girls, in all sizes and widths,
and in every good style.
Box Calf. Patent Calf, laid, Gun Metal, Vici Rid, Etc..'
Lace and button styles, made on nature shaped lasts,
flexible, durable soles, spring heels and low heels.
We have a correct shape for every foot, in right ` •
size and width, 50c, 05c. 35c, 51,00, 1,25 to 2.25,
according to size
Give our Children's Shoes a trial and if they do
not prove our words true, your money goes back
to you without a murmur,