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The Clinton New Era, 1915-05-13, Page 5
Thursday', May 1Sth 19i5 E3efore You Buy WATCH eo'lme and Tall It is: NOV,' ,that hchoosing au hifve watcli andv'the name of a !loupe back of this advice as a guarantee; of its honeety, Weha've been.selling watches for years. We know values and .we are here'permanentlyto'back tip any sale we make, come in and Talk with Us,, W. 11. IELLYAR JEWELER and OP,TICIAN EYES TESTED FREE A New Record. To the Clinton Womeni's Patriotic ,Association belongs the honor of hay - dug the biggest concert ever held in Clinton. On Monday night of this week, an audience completely taxing .the capacity of the town hall and also Owen's Memorial Hall, assembled to hear the concert put on under the auspices of the Women's Patriotic Association was certaiuly a record that will be ]yard to heat. The ad- mission was only 25e and no reserve seats, and people began to assemble before 7 o'clock. and they had a pro- grarn that lasted' until 11. Of course there were some little delays on ac• count of the performers having to go from one hall to•the other, but that did not seem to worry anybody. Un- fortunately the editor could only be .at one place at one time, so took in ,the concert at Otven's Memorial Hall. Captain Dowding opened the concert with a short address, giving an out- line of the Shorncliff Hospital, to 'which institution the proceeds go, Mrs. McKillop sang easily and effectually and her songs were carmingly and intimately render - •'ed. She also acted as a.ccbmpanist for a Couple of. solves for Captain Dowding, Mies Eg•gelston, the •charming violinist, is a graceful and; refined artist, and gave her numberu from the masters in a brilliant manner. Mr. McCutcheon with his fine baritone voice cap- tured the audience and had repeat- ed encores,. Miss Walker had an easy, task with the Clinton audi- ence and they certainly applauded her readings, ✓For a person who -was supposed to be no public spea- ker, but whom we have sincolheard is the Chaplain of the 33rd • Batt, Capt. Peacock, kept the audience in roars Of laughter while he told his funny stories; and also baused a hush( to fall On the audience as he 'told, of the noble work 113e1- glum had done which had tP r eti - a1t3 saved the world. Heappealed for ,more volunteers% Capt. Dow- ding was well received and. no fur- ther comments need be made of our ,townsmen. Mrs, Mc'Hardy Smith played the accompaniments in a distinguished ,and capable .ananner, Prof. Bristowe also assis- eel to keep the program moving along when MYlrs. Smith. was let the town; hili, Much credit is due Capt. Dow - din g for making arrangements for 'the talent air; ,eeing all plaits were carried "o 44. Personal . Not es .1..' it those having relatives or friends 4. .h, visiting in town or snob away I h notify na of the fast esnob week, we, would auuo2nOalt in ,the New Hap, a B `moi uta'J�i!'�i.Jj"`�i'u�'"I�i'Jr"u�i,J�'i�i''�'u�it'1�4,�"�uu�'u�"'�`�" f s Rev. Mr. ,Fairfull is. ,attending •g `MeMastera College, Toronto, fpr a : a special course of studies' f dr the et next two weeks k Capt. Peacock,Cha lain of the W,h 33rd Batt. a t which s`di"pp i ✓alas at Loh- r n on 't d vas, the, u n g , e k f M a Mrs. W.Brydone, while, in town on P Monday. , t .c :; i 11!•..; 41>INTt3N ANEW SRAi a • iviathy Local' 'N Ws �l''Y Ir1��YYl�'��It'Yu`kr)I�i THE ASSIZES, • The 'non -jury assizes 'o:p'ened.•orj. Tuesday at the Court House, God rich, before Hon. Sir, Wln,^ 'Mulcelr; Chan°eller 'cot the Exch'ecener, EN TER,11I�$O..'CHOIR'',' The gRtist church chbi7r was en- tertained at the home of Mr. and. M is J arrJ a mrth a i R S Pi rstreet; fit < R on ,Fri nrght,` 'Their t,ttaughter� being the organist of the church. A pleasant evening was•spenL C C L, C A,DE I'S INSPECTED f Wednesday morning,,'tlie Colleg- 'iate Cadets paraded for annual inspection' bet©re'Capt. Carling of London, After their enanoeuvres; the cadets marched down street' head'ed by the bugle band .b `3 ,J ne DIVISIONAL, COMMANDERaWILL PAY A VISIT. o'n Next Saturday and Sunday May, 15th and ,10th, Brigadier 'Bettridge,' the, Divisional (omulanderfor London' Division, will:pay Clinton'.: a, visit,i Sunday services will be held at 11' a; m., 3 and 7 p. m. NORTH HURON LIBERALS The annual) meeting of _ North Huron Liberals will be held? .iii Winglrarxq Town Hall (Thursday Ma 7 '25th at 1 p. m, sharp. Elec- tion 'of officers' rcceivin('�zs, reports and dealing with other' live matters with constitute the hose, t nese. INFANT DEAD. Las'ft ,Friday Albert Norval the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Wert, aged 10 months and 12 clay a passed away after ,a couple of weeks illness. The funeral was held on Sunday pfteenoon cnn interment toalt place at Clinton Cemetery.. Re:. S. J. Allis, pastor' of Ontario Street Church conduct cd the services, A PLEASANT EVENING. Torose Liberals, who wen. to the Liberal Club rooms ora i Thursday evening last, spent an enjoyable evening. During the evening the musical part was supplied by a gramophone. About 10,30 a very tasty lunch was served, to which all did juotiee th the good' ,hangs provided, All Liberals are invited 'to the meetings, HAVE RENTED THE "WAVERL•k Mr. Wesley Walker, the' owner of the old "Waverly" hotel property has rented tithe building to the Clinton/ School of Commerce and will'take pos'sessi'on the first of August. Mr, Walker will inset] an up -lo -data heating system water an d electric lights ,of a new type. This building 'ought to make an excellent place for the College MINOR LOCALS. Merchants,' Yott can get your counter cheek b'oolts through The New Era. We are agents, for one ofethe biggest hookde:dere llen' Ontario, f :1 Why be a poor writer when with the aid of tbe School of Commerce you may become a good penman The pretty white and red trilli- ums are blooming in profnsion in the wo'ods now. Loo13 in the inside pages its there is a lot Of good reading mat ter. Niagara fruit men without excep tion, speak of the present season as a marvellous,' one. It has been a good manyyears since alnything like the present harbinger has remembered in the fruit district. Are you considering that Special enmanship course given by the School of Commerce .,t , Mr-Alex.i h e e Le c cFi di It e street has) sold his h'ouse'to Mr. Oscar Tebbuttt, of the Gunn iLa.nglois R Co. staff. Mr. an dMrs. Leitch will return to their farm in 'Hullett, MARRIED- IN WINNIPEG A quiet wedding took place M 330 Hargrave street, Winnipeg, Man., recently wheu Miss Cora Vivian, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edgard Rathwell of Princess street, became thebrie M d of r Oliver Mowat Ballantyne, son of Mr and Mrs Thos. Ballantyne of Brandon,Manitota The ceremony was performed by Rev W J Hindley of the Presbyterian Church, and was witnessed oniy by the immediate friends of the contracting parties The bride was charmingly at tired in a suit of blue- serge. opening over a bodice of shadow lace with pearl trimmings, her costume bsing completed by a leghorn picture at with trimmings of gold apd.pink, nd black streamers Mr and Mrs: allantyne will he at home tq their , riends after May 10th at 1130 pollege� treat, Brandon, Man . The bride is a raduate of Brandon General $ sp?ital nd has been 'hursing' in that city nce.her graduation She is very well nown in iJlintbn:and in Stanley Tp ere the family .,formerly resided, and her old friends' here will aft w hearty good; wishes for the eftiture rospperity and happiness of herself and husband " •••••••••s •e••s. ,,••.s ,e •os•••oe••••000••a••o•••a• • 0. t ire Y:flu a>~:loGaad° Pe>nma�n ? .;f •• , i • ., 01. • ! O h.. of ,dolt] tai` S 'f.ci i' • N 1 n '� : ...alt. ��i r- / ,5.; O,i C�/r�u6Gnede etas, ti64 a; p • o. • o • Now Being Formed • • • • We Give you a Complete Course for $5.Oo •e • • •e• • O • • • 0 • • Call at the Evening dames 'between 7.30 and 9.30 • Tuesdays or Thursdays. • a In Tinter of Peace • In Tines of War, Your Eyesight` is�s , E rostral Issmseemeissoweemeemeneem Failing Vision -an enemy to comfort and pleasure -ea e be mused, into norleirlO ndl 1• 'dtalk o kiy• glade -me e s ithe -a�1u i .t ately focused, gi(So ?i''and juetedr-meet the ' necessary requirements. ,I To be at war with your eyes' is takinga` dangerous chance a condition tnat need not M exist. c i Avoid, all 'such' folly by wearing'g;asses that will n 'sure happiness and,content.' ■ meat,' ' A.J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage +A� L i cen se s 1 ° N . i �l`urU'Y'1�IlnrUV1{�✓ LOTS OF RAIN. • Thiri section does not need ' ,to grumble for want ,of rain as there has been good showers during toe past' week, and the weather co'ol enough to give everything a good growth, DIED IN CALIFORNIA Alfred'F Nelles died suddenly in San Francisco, on Thursday He was a native of Clinton,being the youngest sou of the late John A Nelles, who conducted a bookstore here some years ago, and was also Town Clerk for several years. A COMPLAINT Some of the police in other towns are complaining that a great many autos do not show their numbers clearly at night, the numbers being dust covered and the white lights were not placed in such a position that the numbers could be read with ease, as the law requires. We wonder if this is the rase with any of the Clinton autos? CITIZENS COULD DO A LOT TO BEAUTIFY THE TOWN. We read in several paper's wl.ere various 'towns took a half holiday on Arbor Day and plalnted trees and also had flower beds ,placed around, Clinton, thanks to the Horticultural Society, has the flow- er beds, but for a park live ane away behind other places'. Its true we have a park, but not a tree in i't. There are several corners that could be made into pretty groves and in tbe years to come would be an . ideal spot for picnics 'and ;band concerts. The business man alter his days work would like to get out for a little pleasure and ban no where to go to spend an hour or so. The Park Committee might make the first move: MIGHT HAVE BEEN BILLED Last Thursday evening about 7 o'clock as Mr Wm Cook was driving home with a team, he had his disc harrows behind his wagon and while going down, Maple Street, little Ken neth Boyer, grandson of Mr W H Cook,ran out and tried to jump on the tongue of the harrows, he fell and was rolled along in front of the wheels for a piece and their they went oyer him. He andel ed from many cuts on hie head and body but is progressing as well as could be expected It is certainly wonder o � y a oder the boy was not killed Mr Cook did not see the little lad leave the sidewalk at all BLUES' A.RE LEADERS The 'Blues' defeated the 'Whites` by the score of 24-4, in a seven innings game on. Monday,itwas the postponed game that should have been played on Friday, the diamond was muddy On Tuesday the 'Reds',, defeated the 'Whites' by the score of 20-9, The downfall of the'Whites'was that their best ]player was absent On Fri day the +Blues' play the 'Reds' a good gameis looked forwarded to as the 'Blues' have not lost a game this season "so far Following is the stand ing of the League Team Won Lost. Blues 3. 11 !Whites 0 • liil'1�0;'a lriarrla;es et °alas BIRTHS, n o, Air and Mrs Will Kennedyy, a NIOn . the Base Line,Goderich KENNEDY In Clin t MaSth, to da{i i;gtiter . 'township, on May 3rd to Mk and ;Mrs Russel Neil, a eon `�fiu,RD4ki; ran ()lintel), May 1st, to' .h r si'aii' Mrs' Clarence "Sturdy of', Goderich towr:tship, twin;boys DEATHS. VIiFIST-In Clinton, May 7th, Albert orval,,,,son of. 'Mr and grad. G. West, aged 10 months and 12 days" Inquest 'Fails' to d;... k: ea :H r r: nls. Mn tder ii + ac THE viRDIdT r' We findthat.Robert^Bean came` to bis death on the night of Anvil 25' from a shotgun wound through the body, inflicted' by persons uuknown" r--- Goderich, May, 12 -Following the hearing of several witnesses in the township ball, Darlow, to night, the jury impaneled to inquire into the • I murder of Robert Bean, returned an open verdict. As far as is known the police are no nearer to finding the perpetrator of the crime than they were weeks ago. No evidence of im portance-was given at the concluding session of the inquest, though 'Grown Attorney Seager made a thorough examination of each witness. The jury was ant about 40 minutes Behoof] Commerce I6p4 Q®D tp anon reconeosociotooa ,;,t!oeas tafd1fs9QW'D3000.1060450 DT 60 seem, B. F. WARD, ILA., ail. Accts., Principal It is to be hopeld the new pro- prieltor. of the Winglram Advance ivi'1l never get out-'of>,-Joynt, ••0•�e••��••Edi'eeoeeoo®deo��ooe.e�o�eN����•••���.000 �� �" See Out' NSW �'oront�•- . � ��nSink, i Cin . SP N�t►ieco�� II ,,. Ft,a;a' r s 1000N a••4• fNHsoommoe•e•s• mimeessimemm01401011si: Wheat `11.45 -'Oats file. .i . Butter .30c;(to • Eggs 12fcl'.: t r.: „ Cattle 7 Be.. • Saeep, 8.00 a., r) `..r ;.$aileyi65,, grabs; 1,01, - a; pi, , • ,liRees 1.225. IIo !:s , a,t, . � , . .7 •i.: ' da r a 30.0 a c•, Yeep art 'ic : 1 ��^ •tate, i'tA , t+ y b� e . P ,,.. 1 f ''St. 'a '�� i�d n .i 3 t s 1 n2 0. I 35 ,; I S r . G. i i a: f+ .•r ! oa.• ai�ii� r b n 12 'dB! OU , �' y. t and,,14 .09 Pt Eggs, to 19. ,`Butter 93 to 29. Wheat,3.30..,, Uatrs hoe, to &ictus Buckwhe.?t 65* to 70. I; London Road Mr and Mrs Fred Nott attended the funeral of the letters' grandmother, Mrs, Hazelwood, Hullett, on Tuesday Mr and Mre George' Hanley spent Sunday at Goderich Mr Wittiogham is improving his place by ereoting a new fence Mr George Layton Spans an automobile. He will always have room to take a few of hie lees fortunate neighbors when he goon out for a ride. Mr and Mrs thacswortiry, Ailsa Craig, spent the week end -with -the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Witting. ham, Have von heard the town clock strike? It's a dandy striker. Thistles have made a good start and promisee to be a good crop A good crop of tent caterpillars, an indication of a gond crop of fruit if you only destroy the caterpillars Baylield The Rev. Mr. Johnston, Varna, will Sreach in St, Andrew's church on unday next, Mr Murner's tug is busy with its bawast and good fishing, is being realized by all the smacks, Our town now sports five autos the two new ones being purchased by Banker Bailey and Mr. Copland. The grand ovation which was brought for the departure of Dr. Smith for the war zone occurred on Thursday last when the masses gather ed at the town hall for the purpose of expressing their kindest wishes for the safety of our hero onhisdangerous undertaking in offering his services on the field of battle. The speakers of the evening expressed every encouragement for . the departing hero and also express their sorrow for the absence of •so important a citizen who has been the leader in all functions for several, years. During the evening a splendid programme was rendered, after a firm roll of bank notes was presented to the Doctor as a parting gift;after refreshments were served the dancing parties enjoyed their share of the evening. Porter's ]hili Mr. John Cox is visiting his daughters Mrs Dawson and Mrs Moir, at Springbank. M, Johnson who is home from the West, spent a few''days at Wm. Johnson's last week. Annie McPhail has returned to Mr. Grant's, London Road, after spending a month, at home. Mrs, C. Johnson of Toronto,came tip on Wednesday to wait, on her sister, Mrs, R. Y. Cox, her mny friends will he glad to hear she is improving a little every day. Ruby Potter is spending a few holt days at home. Mrs McPhail is hatching a large number of chicks this spring her in tentions are to sell baby chicks if the hatch is good nm., Hallett There were many from this town;'. ship -in to attend the anniversary services of Willis church last Sunday. The sermons were fine, was the re mark heard on all sides. Hullett was well represented at the Patriotic concert at Clinton on Monday, the proceeds gbing to the Canadian Hospital at Shorncliff. Eng land, Ttie New Era would like to have a couple more of good wide awake Correspondents in this Township at various pointe. How would you like 1 to act, Reader? Let us know and we will supply you with paper and envelopes. Court of It yision of the Assessment Roll of Hallett, will be held in the. POPnship Hall at 10a. m. on Thursday May 27tn; alga the hearing of appeals against the McCall Extension Drain Iage By Law will be held at the same place on that date at 2 p. m. i Miss Hilda Williams, Harlock, is spending a few weeks with Mrs, iNorman Ball. Jae McCool bas engaged with Mr Wesley Vodden for tee summer months. Stanley On Sunday, May 2, another old resident of Mornington passed to her rest when Eliza Elliott, relect of the late Moses Lang died at the home of her son, Morton, at the advanced age of 74 years. She had been ailing for. some time with heart trouble but was seriously ill for about only .a week be fore her death. Mre. Lang was born in Stanley township, Huron County, and was married at Bayfield about forty four years ago, after Which she went to Mornington where she resided ever since. She was a woman of kind and motherly instinct and wateheld in very high esteem by acquaintances. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons and one daughter, namely Morton and John at home and Mrsl,George Gilson of Milbank. The tutjeitjl,.took place from her late residence on Tuesday afternoon and wits conducted by Rev. Mr Powell assisted by Rev. F: K. Hughes. Interment, took place at Grace church cemetery, Millbank. Brucefield Saturday evening was an occasion of great things in our town boll, 'when a goodly numberassembl to 'Watch' our young soldiers Mr Fraser ,filled the chair in his own genian manner, addresses were given by Alex;,Mostatd and 13 R Higgins who . gave;great praise to the young�men, there was. a suitable reply by MrNesbit, Stewart Knox and Harry Smith also Lyle` Hill who was unable to be present, all Who are now going to the front, to ,fight our battles ltev H Woods,` read an address, and the watches with a sum of money and two pairs of home-made oaks were given to each of the young °Idlers, They left on £iouday for ondon, where they will shortly go or the front, Our village turned out n big numbers on Monday morning o say farewell, and wish "God speed n their fight t for 'n g.lir and 'U' conn r ' John Grainger has moved into John wan's house. Hugh Cameron has taken' the geucy for the Oockshut farm imple 6 Exeter, L The funeral of the late Annie Bisset f was held on Friday afternoon at 2 ' tto o'clock. A private service washe!d at her b i late residence after which a i miblic service was held in the Trivett S Memorial Church, Interment took place at Exeter Cemetery. Mr. Charlie Dyer has received word a men s, we wish him ail success, that ale has been moved to the head branch of the Molson's Bank at Mon. treat. Mr. Dyer has been y cashier of the Molsons Bank here for several years.illi Mr Wm. Love has sold his borne on , B Wam street and ' - hill to reside. Robert Smillie's sale was a success ful one on Friday, a large' crowd a$ ernbled and prices were good. Mrs McDonald and daughter of lake, was this week the guest of his ster, Mrs, Houck. LondeSboro Mr Harry ••Lyon and F Sampson at tended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs•J Lyon, Guelph The Misses Watkin, (MIAMI, spent Sunday with their friend'Kate Brown The many friends of Miss Maude Lyon will be pleased to hear that,she. has successfully passed her exams, and returned home "Monday She expects to continence her work as deaconess the 1st of September. Miss Susie Hunking spent the week end at her borne here • t 'Elsie Lyon returned home afters spending a week with Toronto and Audra friends. ' Frank Tamblyn who'' has been a tending Faculty in Toronto has return ed home having completed' his course there Dennis Roberton who has been on tbesick•list is able to be out again Quite a few for this section were at Clinton' on Sunday to hbare,Rey. Dr: Herridge, moderator of :,i the Presby- terian church preach'' at Willie. church, and on Monday to the Patriotic' Concert, The Epworth League elected officers as follows at the meeting •on Wednes, day of last week: President, Mies A. Bell; let :Vice, H. Henking!;i2nd.\iee, {M} Lyon;.3r6 Vice, Josie Risley; Secre. Lany, IA Slee Treasuree,E „O,artwright;i ch Ogqganist, E. Miller; Ass'is'tant s L. •d] yStundson; Epworth Era Agent, M. In Vodden.��+r" "p of The following officers ;were elected by the W. AL S, of the Methodist ei church at its . recent annual' meeting: President, Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn; Vice, birs. E. Bell; Rec.-Secretary, Mrs, W, H. Lyon; Cor..Secretary, Mrs. 0. C. Keine; Treasurer;; Mrs, J. W. Collin- son; Organist, Mrs. E. Adams; Assis- tent , Miss Josie, Easley ;, Supt, Systematic Giving, Mrs, 3, Phillips. The first sitting of the ,Court of Re vision of the Assessment. Roil for the Township of Hullett will be held in the township hall on Thursday the 271h May at 10 a. m. for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Rohl Also the Court of Revision for hearing ap peals against the assessments made in the "McCall Extension" Drainage By Law, No, 1 of 1915, of the Township of Hallett will be the same day end place at 2p. m, �1. Rollnesviille At the annual meeting of the Ep worth League, the following officers were elected for the coming year as follows: -President, Mids M. ,Courtice; 1st Vice . President, Miss Minnie Proctor; 2nd Vice President, Mrs J. ichwanz; 3rd Vice President, Miss Blanche febbutt; 4th Vice President, Mr. Lew Tebbutt; Secretary Treasurer Percy, 'Gliddon; Treasurer Forward Movement,, Miss Flossie Holland; Organist , Mies ,Myrtle Trewartha; Assistant, Mies Minnie Proctor. irutentled for last week. of Mrher e, dGodawughtein is tingRes-. atMcthe,Corhgnnc7mce. r",Mrs,`' Mrs. W. Pickard 15 againconyales cent after another attack of appen dieitYs. Miss Holmes had the miafor '' tune to fall on Saturday,; last,, •fracturing two of her ribs We are sorry to report the mines illness 'of MO. R. Y. Cox. This week; however her condition ' is somewhat: imislookprovededfoanr,d her complete teeovery'' The annual `'meeting of the Trustee Board of the circuit held on Monday evening of this week showed the past year to have been one of splendid sec cess, both spiritually and financially„ An important congregational meet,- ing ,Will .be held in 'th`e Mettiodigf' arch this Thursday evening to scuss the:l•advfsahllity, of holding the nday School in the morning inetead 'the afternoon as formerly, The annual election of officers of the olmesville Epworth League took place on Monday evening of last week and the followingotfieers were elected: Hon. Pres„ Rev. R. J. McCormick; President, Miss. E, Courtice; 1st Vioe,, Miss M. Proctor; 2nd Vice, Mrs, 1. Schwantz; 3rd' Vice, Miss 13, Tebbutt; 4th Vice, Mrs. L Tehbutt; Sec, Treas., Mr. P. Gliddon; Forward Movement Tress., Miss F. Holland; Organist,Miss M. Trewartha, Wok's ' '1Ma Root Compound. dv A safe, reliable re utnaina i) l s', 'mode oft etre 1 ht2N orae' coli, 1i' t f'''4' To. 2, $3; No 3, 32 per koa. r ni' Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on e000 pt of mnise; l prepaid pamphlet. Adclross ;.. rag '5555 COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (Formant Wisd(m) ry Oooil,ls'•`•' clothing rum u¢ Shoes ttd�t�ii} ax,r.t;t. All new and tate best value money can btfy '} e .kr,, New Suits New Pants New Hats New Shirts •; New Neckwear Few Raincoats hand for sale at thgfhlol4�1xgm New Dr's ;Goods New Silks New Wasli'Gocds.. New Prints New Gloves. New Hosiery: d : 'lice:-; And a full and'up-to-date Stock of all he newest Lines of Boots and Shoes. ;,,- See our Men's $1.do Fine Shirts. They are wonderful Try us for your next pair of Shoes—we can save you money, Plumsteel Brion. Small Profits More Rtisiness h "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 •'i'� Your neighbor drives a For;l-why don't you,? We are selling more Fovea in •Ocimtda this year than ever before -because Uanadi, ns demand the best in motor car seri ic, at the low( st nos:,' silile cost The "Made in Canada" Ford 15 a necessity -not a luxury. Touring 0•,r S595; Town Car price on applica, tion, All Ford Oars are fully equipped, in eluding electric head'iehts. Na cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford Oen wi'l share in our profits if we sell 30000 cars between August. 1st, 1014. and August 1st, 1915, Bert. Langford AGENT d ilutuu fWVVV n VVVVVV VVVWY Stick Clinton Clinton stores are theequal s o an stores in Can- . c; ,ads for a town of this size... We mention that to f' emphasize the wisdom of spending your money; at home instead of sending away'' for goods. Stick to;, Clinton during the year 1915. 5 y MAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAXAAs 4Ak ERSONTIBLE' poeTjAlE�1 r. The -new models we are showing in Spring -+ : and Summer Footwear meet the most exacting; demands of Dame Fashion' --not only in style . halt' : Fit Go . ' 'Comfort., t • •a d Durability' • [Tau will Lind just the 'Shoes, Oxfords or ?'aalnps you+,walt Here and the variety we have to show will astonish you, and you will get the most generous mea- sure of value you ever bought for your money. SEE OUR WINDOWS 11`I b� r:PMPiN it d ,rel