HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-05-13, Page 4,. , _. .. . _ __._ .. .. , _ .. r ... :.; _ I , -,-i. . Q'= CLINTON, NNW, M Thursday,,.N7ay 13tH, 1915 ; I' PAGE FOUR. -. ` "' ,ui ..k-..:-,,•- '_ :.. i,v ,._ 11 I1111•:.. ... '..."' . i,.. , , 1111. . O . . •t,.hv,U,� 1,' •,_ «_ i.B I I'll ,, , S 1Yl 0„;.x” ... ::.;. /�/1 �/I ,rl r`w �1�I' .�:0,�� ,d31��5 : BARILIIER t30LI0TTOR IiOTALiY hie. a;11Ii11iiiolrY " DryGok ids •. V � '�k•t• 1010- 1eLL �L�7� V PU rir,T ;. ETO ,, us 11;{ - Wercari do'i br S dal veTNTlix heady9mud ' til sok Y p calA[tLls' s. wA i" L • � L s )R \leaf~' nseFltr' w t ec 11 k mitered: t is, the ueat^of' his sts•ter, Mrs. ;'''(T. '" OU Wltkl, a C tklat, n lIo u e.,I.: eu_ per:}gaedmi g 1?�yl Y.,., 1?*T� .;•• gonna an e Qirilrnleflt9+. nislnngs pp : a, Y c t Notary Public, �G. nn: "1'he'Quarteily Official `Board meets E Hail, lasts 1021 , lyes 2 Stead elli ,,,7.gHC ;The Boys At The F r011t at.ahe rtrsona e,to night: Ma or Rance and Capt. D'owdrn , g g y; ? dOommtesigner, err " ��s�e The Vf. M. meets in the le°lure oft e'33rd Batt. came up to attend 1 heat a17C1 leaves Only a'small „. REAL ESTATt7 ANl� 1NSURA.NCH' t,:. e„ 1 �^- "S " '' ' room toniRhf;• tll'e'eullect fs "Peace.;. the Patriotic concert on 'Molyd'ay 1 1 Issuer of Marra a Licenses,'' ! M : •,: 1 r,t li it. atlloutlt of ash. This coo s as 1 Goderich, Ont., May 10..-, Word Nifea Ruby Wfee takes. the cub• ect •g + � r Huron St., Clinton, ) ( 4 :`•';. • ' ' a morning from Of- at the Junior League on 'Friday night R'ev, H. T.,C}loasley is eonduct-. was received this r g next a F r Wm, Palmerof that, The pastor expects to preach ing serwiees•serv,ess'the month.in Ir a 1 Y1C � taws by. M LENtI l \%AL ' H., -,', R" - N e E ,,; LM� t, town, that' hie son William had been I Sunday at both ,services. Peneltap'g.� , There will be a special Song Service M:f >" A nes . 'Chills whro hAis „ Nota" Public, .` ( -50"""', , • killed in action. N'o other :informatiop i g y, ANT�i RATE p;, Y c, Conveyancer, "l wilco rid where' but it in Wesley Methodist church ne6ct S a been eli'elifn sit the 'High 5cbjooi, Financial an „,1 111, was given as to _1111. ,,,,A I - t5e 11g d Real Estate. „ " 11 s In's me a�i day evening The+folaoiving num," at Brockville, retu'rn'ed' home last oa[:That Sdtisfi'et, .. �: - 2 rs thought that i., Wa... q..: _, _ .:._The,.Iv ..:,", , ;•-[NSURAId'CE A(#,U.,r'.`'•b.-gepiag,a ing'19 FireSn I 1�4 4 meat on Saturda \Vin Parker; wul be given, --Anthem, I have surely week: +� _ ' , ran e y eurauce•(lombiniee,: S ��� aAi g o wit baift thea a liousel @uartette , P n ne..,;. Give. , r J bo wan 2� ears of a e, enlisted Miss lo,gp a EggelstonA o L t?�.Tt wklls$'atie, tau and r. Lt ,; w Y g h p ,Q. Y ulvisiou aCol>trt lQllice. i. tm ant and w s4lrilth Be wipes the tear tiom.:evbry .eye, th'e fiiret con 11 0 ' e v: 2 t tf. Eos pi;Jd -. A'f1liliis� a tll'2 fPabrt fil t zt'al ffi1 tiatl n. ad�,n . - ,,•, ,. c+. sill .t �i. _ s Mea East, Nlise,'liulfer, Nles3rs' • t p� •.: -- err.;,•:n iK;' It t t Ir . + let Brigade. 1st. Battali0u., ,lie stria .. d s g � ;.1,. .._ F.. ._.sin.., �onccxk,la4,tedrI!9)n:dsy�.:cNeT,B»�• ,: 1111 ;... ,.: �::'.. .., _ .: '� ,. 1, a ut Ori sal6 r� idt ay i - - rodnd�t<own Nloffatt;Anthetn, riehindtht+sntii_ g, .. " ._ -• � your urian well known a . , . ,. -, ++ ,: East tlle,t gues'f, of 'Mr. and Mra:' iG'r, :" F,. ,.:'I`j�p'1101Ki1 ' ' 4'li'ht011, , lI. G. L"dill'er011, K. C. I. Misses 1 , u for Mos ora b Duett � Art h u., Weary, _.;Mie. fl s , F[..I. y. f sen. Ladles and „ , o tci g 11 .111, . t A.,,, . g , s?y:, Gledhill , T s•; McTag art while in tonin Mlss Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyano r Elite �, 'i i t s 'ab�, ,.dealers9 :,:. .:.a .. and ltlin ilklu,Antham, "Pile cinety :T] els on was m tGerma y at thea : •• err.: 4a,* .. ln: all the ova SDrin Sults; e r Kelleher.. woo enlist, and nine:! gg p' Offire ron'A16er't'Street, occupied k g h r^.,l?}iaate.,H n y I'; time; ruse broke 7onE and;o.n4Y.,e" t Mr. Hooper. in Y �i '( loths• •"` a in a Toronto battalion but whose. i da edSrby 'orcin `'.an:" Amertcap, T(Iwn Of, .Mill on P Clintont ton on every ,,, :- newest styles aril C ,,,,[i, is wn HAiPTISi'f CHURCH. , P, - ;1 ng . Thursday, and .gn anv.day;for which � 6. ,I •mother.,rs n'ow a resident of this to art of idtuus4s ane? Teat as a bla.k and t tlefronr:. Me E Warner, Goderich will occupy! • p ; y ung Court vf. `IieviSlOd1. a ,na+five of America, r ppointments' lie uaade;'..0 oe hou'ie Ei ,, COlOCS navy', , •• , I 'lies been killed at The bA t ;'. , � � O An official notification to this effect the pulpit in the absence of the pastor, 'Mr.. J rtes ^1 n • ea pod on, 'olt1; - from 9 a,rii: to ¢ pts, A nod vault ill are . C12eS, $Q, J6, ori, ¢ m d' B . tY n' ` 1 - that '.a ,,connection with .thL'ckffice. Ofllce opeh a y was received to day by his rnotner:' on Sunday next Regular', 1$. O Prayer meeting to night of usual fr?en -Ir n iy h on,Sun,day.:;, hOTJO,'F ;ie hereby• given every week day,'MK'Hooper will maXe and 42. Reg 5 t Pte• Kelleher• was an uudergraduate, R Mr,,, a'nd NIz''. J. W.,,Ci'tw;gin�lttfr meetrng of the Court of Revision of 'any o ointments forMr.' •�' U " 04 Toronto ,Uiilvei''si:ty when war time PP Cameron, : t Ou[ :ChO1Ce Saturday 12 e�3 1 Rev. K Fell ]a.f. on .Monday to, 'Hens,all,'Ont., antrounoe the en,gag»' ,th4N117owu. of (Ai'ntow will be held fn. r y , ,pt,,.•,^ broke out, at •M c. ,agent of their youingest dnugL•ker, the Council Chamber ,qn Friday. May An uuothcial report was .current at end thq Summer school ' Loella 'to Mr, Murk DrYs'clal , T 'n) 28th at S o'clock m. for; the purpose: I o % I Lnn • son !haste s ,Universit he -expects ects to he, ., to > a �. , , p , , ,,., „ 1UXeClh,�1!' , f. C.Orile early {Or best choice o / bete to 'dray that Elwin A g. r y . P n?arriaae ip talcs place in Junes •,;':ofhea'rInganddetermmincomplaints t y ' ! • of •John• ,Long, Benmiller„ 'has been ,abseil abou a fUrtmght 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Ccfck,;of 'Goole' -r a kinW the Assedement Roll'of the OR'I *;. WA - TE OMPSON i wounded" Long is •a graduate of the i ufeh; spent Sunday with relativS said town; fol• the' year 1916. Persons, Physician. f3arsaoa, Etc "�� , . '0 Collegiate. Institute bere and bad in +tb*i, 'I,: , • i having business ,.at the Court please areola) attention given to diaen9es of the 1. �o been teaching school. before enlisting +++"+++++++♦+++i++++++++1 , ,• g. nye, Ear. Throat, and Nose. attend at the said time and place Eybe cal efuny strained, and suitable'glassea i % �,,,•-, les a d with the lit Battalion D. L, MAUPHE n Clerk La EA tiVingltu;m, May 11= Mrs H Bayles Town Clerk areaoribod. 1 received word yesterday that her eon Over he Tease S That the 'Baby, Killers" and tlx'e, Clinton. May 14, 1915' P Office and Residence. W, Havles, was wounded and in a The 1 61LAp throwers 'bf poisonigvs bombs are Two doors west ortt,o Commercial nein /pm f �Se�� hospital in Frames Corp Bayles left graduates from thq same r`Univere` Duron lit. 11 , 6 e here as a private with the first • +0*+++++0+04o++A+Nw•�r++� iity 'of Kultur. �`d,lOt n� l�i.. hil:[Jer IIaO IN , _ . contingent, vacating a good position DIIS. GhNN :Ind faSI1ILR in the Western Foundvv lie was at I Mr. Wilson Wylie, of Goderich, was in 9lullett Court of Ite4sioi1 g'g'� Coats the burial of his uncle, H French, who town Ear a few hours on Saturday. Painting and Paper H tnging neatly n sun C"nn, z. x,Jr.i once igh S., eat F � died of illness in France ,only a short Miss Eva Brown spent a few clays Er..^.nun's office at resideaes HighStreet and promptly done,. Orders left at ._` time ago ,. bean visiting her aunts, Mrs. Walter Habklrlc Notice is hereby given that the first, Hiinniford s Grocery Stare or at my 11 Office—Ontario Street, Clinton f, NULL, t, Y:� a®� He wrote a letter lief e g and Miss Margaret Sturgeon, and other sitting of the Court for the Revlsion; residence, Victoria Street, , . . 1 wounded to the B Y P U of the relatives and frlepds atHensalL of the Assessment Roll of the Town THOS, GRAELIS Nt¢ht�r call, hogoitalenoa, Rattenbnry et,, ;• r M' ,, Baptist Church, stating be was in the Miss Ila Bawden was in Exeter last ship of Hullett, will he held in the i `�'e gut on sale Saturday , trenches His father, tl Hayles, bf- P brother George and his brother in. law week attending. the funeral of her cousin, Township Ha11, on Thursday, the 27th Eggs t(Ir Hatching i3R. l,1. 11!/. SHAW. l twel,,e Spring Coats. They W Bunn, are 60W training on London Miss Annie Bissett of May, at n a,m , for the purpose of _�� PaYSICIAN, SURGEON, I are all new this season, mO5t for clic next contingent Mr, Larry T. Higgins, eldest son of hearing and settling complaints ccouctleur etc.,office and residence on I ±' — thelate'f. M. Higgins, Barrister of Tor- against the said Assessment Roll From choice Barred Rocks, White toaburystrce1, „ ,. R ; °. 11 colols'except black, size Also the Conrb of Revision for hear• W andottes, and White Le horns, at onto, was last week the guest of his y iri ,: 61 JOIN 33RD IN WEEK aunt, Mrs. Wm, Graham. Mr. Higgins irg appanls against the ussessment 91 per 16 eggs, express paid, or i5c at DR. F. R:'liXO1Q d r Y4(e�,Si' 34, $'�, $s, ValUeS up mule in the "McCall Extension" home c CO ptrJ and X16, cJSttlrr'a fs a graduate of flit School of Science and DENTIST y Sixty one recruits have joined the leaves in a few days for Chili, Soutlt Drainage Bylaw No. 1 of 1915, cf the JOHN CARR esbo Township of Hullett will be held tits Londesboro 1'' Crown and nrdake }work a Bpectalty: 33rd Battalion last. week This makes America. same day nt 2 p.nr • Graduate of O.O,D.S:.a Chicago, ane R.O,D.B t #©C ,V., a new record It is expected that this, JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk oo Toronto. P , ."/,urich 13erald-Miss Carrie Gellman .l I d)I4..1S '49i➢r ef1a11CC to f)QI Nt citiillf )rill° Oat number will he surpa,sed next week I of Clinton is spending a few weeks at her Hallett, May 3rd, 1015: Eters 1' or Sale ensReld on n[midnvs, clay est to D 3 y a 1 n Capt Peacock is now in charge of the `home here. 1, ,'I recruiting as Major Rance is working I Mr. Rex Cluff, son•of Rev. W. T. and $arred Rocks bred mG uelph UIt. H. FOWLER, with the regiment on its practical Mrs. Cliff, Stratford, and nephew of Mr. work at Darling's Heights. Up today i w molars. In Barred Rock eggs, 1 DENTIST. 1 457 reel joined the 33rd. R. J. Cluff, of town, left for Northern Codlrt of Revision. ha ve the best value in •Canada. ' To be Visit Dill' Recruiting will go on steadily,ae there I Ontario where he will act as a fire ranger convinced come and see for yourselt. Offices over O'NEIL't? shore, Goderich Township 1! ?, ._ • are the vacancies to fill which were during the coming summer. ^` Visitors welcome. Speas Dere taken to make dental feed Ouse �urini�hing Departments created by the recent draft, a hase 1 Pte. Ray Cantelon, of the 2nd Contin Pen I -Headed by Crusader. Son meat tie painless as poeaible. company to fill and the tratisporte to .gent which is drilling at Montreal, was a Notice is hPrehv given that the 2nd OfdGuelph and 1st Detroit cockerel be etigan,zed. .visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Court for the Revision of the Assess, Eggs $3.00 per 16. 1 Never before in the history Of this Store have we David Cantelon. ment Roll of the township of Goderich Pen tI-Headed by prize cockerel ThiOIWIAS GUNDRY r will be held in Holmes' Hall, on valued at $25.00. Eggs $2.00 per 15, Live stork and general Auctionaev ;been so busy in this Department, N ever before have mONKTON MAN WOUNDED 1, Mr, Jacob Taylor, of Toronto, is spend- Wednesday. the 26th day of May; at Pen III- Pullet mating, customer ' ''hive had such a beautiful display of high class Rugs, rug a few days in town. y GODERICH ONT �— Mrs. W. J. Kilbride and Mrs. Edward se a.m. for the porosis of nearing and reports pullets laying at Eggs months 1.1 {... settling complaints against the said of age, from this pen. Eggs $1.50 per New Rsa office Clinton, prom0iayrattenai 1.$ y. Unoleums, Mattin S, Oacloths, Verandah Alatts, Etc Assessment Roll. Persons having 15. to. Terms reasonable. Farmers, Bale note 1 �, Gunner Alban Liubry, West. Munroe attended a Women's Institute We would be pleased to have you call and intspect Monkton. Onta.ric, serving in the 3rd mecting at Blyth on Wednesday or this business at the Court will please at Pen IV -Eggs $1.00 worth $2.00. dteoonntea! h Artillery Bi igode,is r •ported wounded week. tend at the said time and place, with Here is a chanco to get some good ' ' 6kur stock., _. Mrs. Brown and daughters, Lucy and out furtbpr notice, • stock at a reasonable price, 3 eggs i ;; I —' Mary, of Petrolia spent the week end N, W. TRE WARTHA, Clerk from Pau I, 4 each from Pens 2.3. 4• G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTal I 11ace"Curtain News Wlogham Soldier with the former's family, Holmesville, May 6th, 101.5 a $1,50. } p °I I� � Mr, Robert Irwin, who is attending Enfertile eggs will be replaced free NIc1`aggalrt 17r�g0' Victoria College Toronto, is spending his of charge. 6 �,,;y Just to hand this week, a special line of Lace Dies Op Blrthddy holidays at his home here. g � � �q �� �T H. A. HO'VEY, Clinton, Ont. sA11iICERS ' S„`urtains, "zg pairs in the lot, regular 2 a pair, . Mr. and Mrs Lawson and dao hter of a� l� Timothy Seed ALBERT ST, CLINTON for $1.49 a pair �,•, Windsor, where the guests of the letter's -� GODerel Banking Business y ,� i. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judd. tCanaaCt¢d • ' Ii, 'Pte. P.,_,Snyder Succumbs t0 Mrs. Clatswordii , of Ailsa Craig, spent 1 offer for sale Timothy Seed, super. _ 'if1 a few days wit)1 her parents, Mr. and ��` SSSiii 11111 dG iii.III • for for purity to No. 1 (Government `r ' Wounds Somewhere In France y Standard), a poly to Robt. Walker on LiOTES,Dl60QIINTED , . L I .i4 __ ! Mrs. Arthur fVittfngham' OPEN ALL NIGHT D;aits {eened." Intelsat showed e ���a.. my furiSti: . i,- «ria helm', May 3- Richard Stone I We are sorry to hear that Mrs. T. D. A. FORRESTER depiaita t : �: To Jesus there is nothing more g Judd, has been seriously ill at her home. The season is now on for gasolene n f To' Jesntatl;,• corrupt than pride has receiv'ed'word that his chain, Pte. ger many friends will hope for a speedy sboves, Why not buy filtered gasolene r• 1 e Public AcYCDD11tS • Percy. Buyder, died of wounds in one recover For S.IIe. The McKillop Mutual ' and arrogance. Always did lie of the recent engagements in Europe }' out, of our Bowser Pump -it prises 1 strive to 'teaclt ,the valu^ o* a Mr, E. H. Ayer of Detroit was in town l through 5 screens and AL' fitter -Prices Fire Insurance e0l, on his birthday 2 kindly heart. That bereditary in-- Snyder wr(s m the 23rd year of his last Thursday and gave the New Era a always the lowest, Parlor Set; Extension Table, Singly l stainer glass very long. It was W. Auences decidq en;the',y the e',ar•• age, and came from England to this call. Mr. Ayer,' who is the'excursion Auto Srlpplies and Bicycle Bed, springa and matrees, a number of Farm and Isolated TOIKD VrOPa F. ;Otii• and*•that,inade the snatch at atter ;of thq' individual Is, 4th':+ town'ahout, two ye+irs itgo During agent of the White Star Steamship line at Repairing window shades. Can be seen any after 0rty Only. Insured. i bis;halo Him tit be read out of'Ibe Moderator urged, an exaggerated his time 'here he made a good rnany Detrolt,.is one of the best known steam- noon or evening. Apply to par'te-V :iby Sir Itobert Borden! Not inference it destroys all person • friends, iie was also a member of K' ship men in Canada. , g ' T. A. GREIG mn' ll!i',°s Id 'see what Ua0eton al ,responsibility, but 'tine pure hove OT No Mrs. Crawford of Londesbora, was the Auto Livery Head Olfice-Seaforth, Ont ' Count said about gat. Carleton bf, . God' can make pure Ithe, evils When he left here he stated that if guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Johnson t o -- �yy CoiiiSt be'L'J'A! - ,yritin is not. what 'that have beset him. Dr. lHer 11 wet) wel; ho wuuldstayin Englano on Friday last. Baht' Lhieli8 and F°i., ;OFFICERS. you mi11 ght call enthusiastic about rid e`s closing message was that with his parents for a while before Mr. C. F. Bielman jr., of the White �� '�- p• coming back to Canada H J.B. McLean, Seaforth, President Garlands expulsion. It looks too all he tender tom nsr'7on ]las mdt g Star kine, Detroit, gave the New Era a J • l 1 P�A lxet your order is early fdr;,. 'Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. much like,,:banning with bell, book yet left the earth, that it, is not The last letter Mx Stone got from I call last week, i chicks We arle,starting our fltleu to and"candlb't'a'sitit good Orangemen il:fluence from wltivout but power him was about a month ago In it he Rev, Mr. IIerridge, Moderator of the i tors now and will continue till 1 t�• e:;; 'hos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Tt eau and the chances are that Garland will from within can deliver us fr'oni, said'tbat he expected to be fighting Barred Rooke, S. 0. Brown Lybdr s, Directors -D. F. McGregor, Sea - get the"nontination again, evil, and that Che 'Heavenly r_ tither ,soon. Presbyterian church, was file guest e. g, O, Rhode Island Rede, and/ 4 ate forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. . Carleton County is not one t f those 'goes (farther than' the earthly I the Nlanse during his stay his stay here. + ]�]{I O U NI ENT S Vry0ndottes, All first class fowl nds sRinn, Seaforth; John Bennewefs, fair weather friends that stick by a I friends do, in (that He goes' out Mr. J. A. Irwin tool: the services at 1 l • i bred to lay. Chicks 15° and 2Uc a efi Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A. mall when he i ,right, It answers a ,after the sin o ricken 'one and Exeter last Sunday, in the interests of I Eggs $1.50 per 15, Reduction no la ser McEwen, Brucafield; J, B. McLean ■ ■ Finest stock in Huron County of Bg P,. Seaforth; ;T,,Connoli Goderich: sternal, test= {{t�';sticks by a friend l brings him back. the Temperance movement. Made in Canada" Monuments. Best quantities. Y, tvhell he is wro, gg and to hell with! The choir gave a splendidi' an ' Patriotic Items Rev. Mr McAllister, Exeter. and ani FRANK W, ANDREWS, Robert Ferris, Iiarlock, �; the -expense. S�haa a little matter I thein "Sing O 13eaven" the tenor ex -President of the London Conference, I British a,nd foreign granite, finished in like ai0,000 overcharges to l break tt a r 1 ,,"fo being taken by 'Mr. Albert up to date style a,nddesign. Uome and. Clinton Agents. Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth; �� assisted, the services in Wesley church see them. Notry-A granite base goes W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. life-long companionship. In short so Mitchell. A male quartette com- `The Ladies are Having a special on Sunday and went from here on to with each monument. Beaus and _Calves for Sale Yeo, 'Holmesville; Alex. Leitch, far,,has public opinion in Carleton posed ,of Messrs. Roberton, Alan- �eeiln on Friday to finish u all the Toronto to attend a General Cenference . 'Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth, Brodha en County reacted that Mr. Garland may ander, McKenzie and Mitchell sang 'business of tickets and subscriptions meeting. '� �' i' r� ---- g • get not only his nomination but also "Remember me O Mighty One. to the Sborncliffe Hospital. Full Mr Hastings, Toronto, who^ has charge A quantity of good seed beans for lits' money back, When Carleton The Minister land congregation particubirs as to its financial success of the Postofiice clocks in Ontario, made Opposite the. Postoffice, sale, grown in a good bean section, A A Carload Of Canada County sets out to vindicate a friend's of Willis, church lire to be congrat ,,vtl! be given in detail next week Ali an officio! call this week in. town and ' good time to buy before the raise in p� �L r humor, it makes a thorough job of it. ulalted upon their church annr'i ere••• members try to beat meeti:,g, Friday - P®P61�n� Ct�tili Meanwhile Mr. Garland's contumacy ary. The congregation dates back complimented Mr Counter,. on the way price. from 3 to 4 this clock was installed and finished. AT $ rhe undersigned has made arrange echoes from sea to sea and to that ex to 1&19 in its, 'his't'ory, 'and has . `l'he ladies of W P S are very sorry N l®IIsi meats to supply a limited number of tent discounts Premier Borden's undoubtedly been a power for that Mrs C Hellyar's name was Felice Magistrate IIolmstead•. Seaforth young calves at reasonable prices. The statuesque attitude., With G'arland's good in Clinton and the surround omitted from those of 01.11• cutting was„in town on Friday of Ihst week. calves are all carefully handled and Phone •us for ]prices sac cess in mind, it will not be like a `ing district, 'Po be a faithful zeal committee in last weeks Patriotic Major McMurtery, General! Manager /� N are in the best of condition. yotUl$� rrkui ofspirit, such as Arthur ous member ;of any Christian number Each and all of these ladies of the:Northern Life InsuranceCo., was �� ' Al W. J. MARQUIS It will pay you Y, De 11 41 °''' b'stier is, to take his Church, i£ a man practiced all ):hart ' deserve all the credit they can get here last week paying a short visit with Phone 11 on 166 R. R. No, 1 Clinton the church teaches, is .to make him g their agent here, Mr. Wes. Walker. misfortunes lying down. vorabl h the weather was very un (O'Hutton To,,ggl llpd{IJs,: waxing and prestige a better citizen; and as this anal' favorable, a great number found their Mr Robert Frame, Stratford, was in C E M E N Piano Tuning John - S, waning theHcuoralile Bob Rogers,as other congregations- grow in the way to the Council chamber last rI z, Minister of,, Elections, acids his own true ideals, as well as to numbers. Friday, where the Ladies of Oathohc town on Tuesday. "' I ,� 8tairftoba totterin morality and all that` conduces to church served a very daintily prepared Dr Holmes, Goderich,Gounty treasurer l peek f Ert3ttbles' g ' We have just received a Carlo��},of: pjl'p`, Jaalea Doherty wishes to. in- • �oNl)ES14URb S B^ tish Oolumltia m the ragged edge g°'od citizenship will grow and tea .Mrs Shannaban and Mrs Me was,a caller fn town on Tuesday. - n�"us, form l ,tM� ublic that he, is pre bel to: malcd Clnnt;on ros eroue oared the Gea The. pro , the same bid brand of Portia pp Qu bet slippin allay; . -Ontario p P P gaughey, .p 9 P Pte. B. Pearson and his ltrfde,returned nt which has alwa s iven you pared'',to:do fine piano tuning, I)ps. Ciieo, &'31. ]�. �Yl)itl et fablin the' war taxes coming rat 'only in material things, butim seeds aniounted to $22 20 to Clinton and spent the week end at the me Y gey g ' § he 0. P. R. not as those things which bel'on 'to •the parents, Mr and tORo,'re aft at g, and repairing. a ha , e to roost, :„t true the higher life, and which - home of the bride's p such complete satisEaetion, it atwa s,"' 'lees' eft at W. I)oheirty'e phone Ile, lQlnallil • Irl " dlyas It might be to a O. N. R. g ” Y . practical are 'lhe. real standard by which the MfaBaines. (ills your, requirements. You cailnoE; 61, Will receive .prompit attention, Osteopathic Go ernmcnt, slid other P eo le'of any communi,t ou ht bo' IIl•••��•••••QA•daR�••O•••, Godbnch Star -Mrs., Carl E, Schuch eopathiC Phyr matters like that. Meanwhile the pp P Y ; ' g i • nee Miss Priscilla Cook,, of Clinton;). and 'make a mistako using the N'&ttonal1. 6 r a keeps ace , be judged. The &oard: bf Maria (, 0 For Sale ' cost, of living in Canal P P ; stied f a,lfberal'offernn to •. WITH TELM CHU•RCHFS,,• • vr' " p�� nand g ? son dl Fort Arth r,' were vtsitors.at the; : P III Womenh and k; wt t pecast ofi dyingg in FI ':tach Poli�: $( b0l mat k, and b he ! O' hohie of Mr. ands Mrs„ Robert J3. John,, •. s eai•al'iste . , ., t^ . th a'ss ii an to offset it except an, , y, • •,• • •.• • • m •.• • !• 0 . . 1., limo •app the,:moYiey is pall tn,'the S�O.O• stAii, WSterloo street re¢entiy, i . p`��,€ An,h)HAL Gas°line Eogine2hhorse Children's Diseases 1111 His r c t" on foo"a; prices' . � J Ire wAF J. un t.. i 1 h '3o hat amount bn of Lyndon, was ^a ! pgwer.,, .'ibis engine !a tie go., tie new Aciite Chr� Chi tre"di, w 1 ° '` whJlch v r.' C tliers' says is •the has ,'ir WII:LI$ CH'tYRCH Mr, Matt., LeKy, Nervo a,• ets aaand:., .- • .. reitbal Baome over the 'I duiped h mag Gfl41 bargEN D c, and ue I rep rt *�iittt blYct wdtid'• once at p' vtsitar at the pa " e with L :. el is that ,,The ;Anniversary. offering .; was .eLINT reorder® rented. Zhe gest of the repo I generouj, . `the :Amor ; being twee , I ... .1 , . NAN Eyo, 'EM Nose, clad 'Throat. 11 I - " ,.+ Dull . obahl ge Chidley, of Medicine Hat.. ,�� ' pparols is no worse o than an Mr. Geor' 0 ff week end. _ y a,,,.,, „". i:. vhich,sh p}' .. Y::reach..; ..; CONSULTATION FREE..... have to i q ., as spending a week or so with, tris m°then. I CONSULT r, of l, cofifRtr N#h'ieh might ha $,600 when' all the:, enve, ops are re, p g , - he Y , , ,. _ Gffi'e&21:Aatt b '.` , tHotel. , r a . ° increase in rices at n �•••••0••••!i0•••O•tD•••• turned. ConsideY,tn the limes- th,ie. ttrho has been on that sxk list. �' • r I � �U11'tilCe,,lxiirtew''11 X9221}• ; - , 1 � orN�„•. I Fol' Sale ., •' - Ida urs staSYd for 7i P •• g r " when people can least afford ft, I', ie one of the;,best anniversaay collect ; f bis week Ma'ssrs: Kcn Ch'owe.n anti , WF,DNE DAY: Will -ieave Yate own ;;: Tiuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 P. ^- i, ti w p i . h "' " :. t ton thetr.,ainirt• sl, ble at noon and go by way,; of Lou,,$eed Berle . Mandehueri No 21 god ' I of which lie1ps to exPlam w v., ions in Willis churoh. Albert Mitchell star out. 1, k n i3 n and ISnron Road to,Gilbert Maim's,, ' r !. a ' Gk+• �' - order vi bh Bob Ro era:: Local: News Noxi'Siinda the minister Rea, ine'r'tri in the interest of the .Jac so sal lois and c cart, at„ &rel jte , bGsh" , `. 'TO O:', it s n hurrv.unn z en is i er' .B. 'i�, 'will; teaclt P '' £ur night Siberian Millett, ''good sklkn )e at'$1,25 Il�" 11IeLE0ll an also ivti „ohs 'Government •„ E�rounk C. Harp. ,p , Mfg. Co of,towin>yi , , ,. . • t Y .B, , 3 1',l " sville and Windmill ont", n ttiman Orrin ,a d. evPnin , the :sub et. • • > .KLf317,T P _R Ili,;, ., pet• tushel. `Toro to' in -` me red to agb(re with ;him , d3.dDg®®•dflr•o•® Qeeoe•#*"e••• iii g .:.,.P . g tie. E,,AVlailn ng<,avas . a . vrgtGor eC , t'y . �ee : r •. ur ' d In "' boo sh t pot;steal•', and:some•t, t'�ti3 : iitiland t1b 'to WsntDuNst.4c Son for 1`>o.'I silapa, taal ;�p3" l]gonlAietea .'ll "d k9W61te �` &iw sWi Titnotth "Seed �, wit .keeps his ear to the groin , b >{.. ai;. E. CeC Ior,a,(dw Boum Sunday evening y ,u�on, tiuen by wav,pfi._i3ethel Corner' Ere•i babbiteof "tGrs spring, , H. F. C-• NAIL IN FOOT. ;.,is: ¢d,Pru^fpr4hli o`fathefb wi_l,l. be coiiElder ;.,r.'` n'3 fs "cull a. few,: a e's Huron P' ge price $501 Government Stan ard,), c I . ,,, ,1,, a 11A i,.; Misk3$'$Ii, TJnndb s -t >♦,'d l3eniufher to,Wgi; : _ , , A.," ne wanting any of these articles we neo have on hand, Alfalfa,. �,.•s :c+ silt kfcttJittwmr. •l�ui i7tard Tasker i r.; c, s :;, as 'sten.. „ ha .: e ,Sa...,, t r d, lav•.:, ,,, L 11111 ystn tow" .""...3, c;,� e „ t t'- i Turkersmitli, Als ke aad,Red Clover:. ji Tl,a ,the nnslfortune',tp have a nail ,.;OISTd^RIO 3F':117H'I7FIC"Ht „i I ! i gt,a k u, R ad. for night cal ,, at• lot 23 eon. 1. L ■ d rr j): d`n s nt a fFew days,Cai ' FRIDAY-By4wav,of:tbe6th cols to .gur°n Road or phone,li on 133 G'lititan We alwa`s have o ha d - ' s f,aot;, end«,cons¢ uen.tl3 Mrs. ow i g, pe Y n n Gooee ru „,Ila hi , ,° q" On, undayrlast which woos honored.. her `son .Ca .t, C. N7. Porters Eltli for noon; then by way of ! A good Smarf>Harris drill wanted for ^ 1411 hada decided limp foil -some a� "Mothers Day' the pastor preaehec7, week; the ,ucst of .p con to Reuben Gel season or year Wheat, Peas, Bayle and reed Cara, „nniVersary .-Services-days. Dowdm o, the 33rd Buttal. at London. eth ggs for night y y� ) r, % appropriate set from, the B , AY -By way of Steep's:.' JNO E, HUGILL _o^ p w+•r�' ' words Her Clhildreu shall arise uP Mr. IFrgd .Gillies left this. weelr Corner 11D •,_ : METEOROLOGICAL REF07I d cold her blessed+"waterloo,where he has scour- SATURDAY-By and'Bayfieid .Road to James Higheat Market Prices paid for Hay, . cailtod sensation, 'because 4they al' fpr 'Where Jacksones; 2nd a°u Stanley, for noon, iyes'terli t niversl't London and ell i#rarns. re ))ached u b ' truths' (and FOR APRIti 1915, ,The annual district meeting will be ed' a good positron, . then to to his Own stable where he will y� tt e :evil ones cried batt "Let, us The Highest maximum tempera- 1 t 1d in Untaz is Street church °n.Tues M'rsA Mc'Hardg Smith was the remain until the following Wednes -- o - 'the ' and %Veduasday next. NIr, fl. a nd Mrs, H, B; Corube �. clay utornin _o - ,,lope." Ile pleaded for Christian Itureefor thG 'Month was 8x° on d y uesit pf 4It, a g l a•it that • :uta each or e. 'o[ as . the 25th„ the lowest, minimum tein Wiltse is the la) delegate from bills tdhrl,e in town on M.ouday, y c t } Y f u • ,titer fellow" lerature -'wail21°on tile: 1st, incl church Mina Walket> of Pit, Tl omas, tits n 1�ORWAILD MOVEMENT FORD & MAEOD m llrhe place of. the o 1•„ e•t* r1n e teas 37° of the Board .ore Ci111nY a �iiml(I (f31P20}' estimates•the'"irorce of hes tempts Soli. The hl ne At the uteetfng2 Olocl.tiontsrt: ut,•the I?atuaCic con i o a '.v n iChe 20th gad itltek lowest 7 Tnesda evenin ��0 was voted to the l y g own stable _-g. lion, and then loads ups o 11 n. o ° and Y g ceit• Mondor ni h:t 'was �tlnd,`jguest 'MONDAY- Will leave lits ; , . g ,that r as' f o • th n'th. P'atrt°bic Society of Miss Isabel Ounn. while in itlowu, lot, 40, West end Tuckersmith, all go Faculties in Arts ,g ^ �th,ing and endure et ea3 thin tl n 7th. The (rue i 1 e oto south to Mill Road to R Popple c& Son Greatly Enlarged q�p c ' I 'Fe �: unid 5fi.8° miniunum �T ; W£,1S'LLEY Cff�i3RCH, . Crown Attorney McKillop, or Uh ooa is 11ho$' hollin4 lie tltay be rescued and saved. were nia�nn Y l$ •' a nt, rested' s ter;'t� For noon, thou tierces to Huron Road and Medicine. Vastly. ImprovedIM119 !sI various evils 'tha't are 36.8° and ran 20° . The. 'total , London, 'was , n i ev 1 le's for ni ght, . E ui ment,-'library, laboratories,. etc,The [treat lattltishl'Remedr,spoke oP the . r g4 7 hePastor;Rev. Dq Rutleilfio had t the latrlotic concert here au l west tn. Wm Da _ b q p Tones and inlgorate9 the whM abotvt us in ,ourselves, in the n6^e, rainfall . tvay' o.88 rnche,s, T7ie Ye nt the last Sunday and atoll a 1 TUESDAY -.To the Graham House; :Seven New Scholu,ships. Record < , , d 'and d Fall was a , on 'M'onday night. t Iu uutes Sohcrted in old Voice, makosnew illoed boreal .if ons o£ our. country, our montltl \i as tnni l.y, $ Clinton: For noon anduntil followin Rnrollmen q ;n. Ota voine, Deer vs IYTraoua 'tr onm star W1a�8 assisted by Rev. W Cx, H, Mc :Mr and 'Mrs,, McKi'110p and: Mi•. g � - Debililli kfental an(l Brain TPorr• i, DTs �on- - lrusine: s 1fPrt and ,the sodn't lice. wheat is lo'eking ll, ell, S e l Allister, M. A., of Exeter,who preaoh a morning r ! -2 illi. ,,N'IcCuteheon 61,1 '2f London, \vete -b- deny, Loss of Everav, Palpitation e. the Bwt the la h't of purity ants, good rows and Meadory( Larks on ed at both services Hats morning "EDNESDAY-To his own stable gg „ '17ealta at 'the hiome ,of Cant. C. E. Heart, Failingg Memomi. Pica $1 per box, six s and the Nvorkili s ,of huoral Blue ))u'ds on 5tH. Seeding gen'- ee a "The Great Divjdr:r and g 1 for noon 'wberehe will remain until Ph.D. fors5:zo onowllipleaeo, sixivill curo,C!V Sold by all ief s, , • nd , ld subl ,tvv<s. 1)'osvdln ' over Monday nr pvt. � E. E, BI�AITHWAITE, Nl,A„ P , efoim altva t! bran s forth the seal frons 20th. Peaches a, Wt at night Cuvmcnble Tmterru,hntu & g thefollowm Monday morning; druggists ormddedin pt:un.picg.'T ,name's' r Y g on 28th. The for g 1 il.r..i'q rc r 1i[ufchings, o£ Clneago, g Presldeut, rice. Ne¢u annpnznt ntailTd reT. TFa .Cf14 Tt dtest from the sin stricken tvctl silt leafing- Olt ion .2tth, otnmg set,rec d plums m blolortr f g' after the m LE -NE us al'0ne,'i' : �YIE®ICBgdEC®...EOti0td9'e.OtdT: (Ftrmarlxim. . :� I . ... I i . t ,d t s P, I&NINW.1