HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE CL'II`I TON NEW ERA, a 35 War Wrecks Continent's Dress Goods Industry THE wave of war has swept over the great dress goods factories of continentalEurope, leaving them idle, or in :ruins. Thanks to the protection of`, the British Navy, hpwever,thegreat mills atBradford,Eng:where DREssGooDs . are made, have been able to do "business as usual", and also to fill large orders for the Allied Governments. We have a completed assortment of the beautiful new, Priestleys' fabrics for this Spring, including the latest and most fashionable weaves and colours. Palermo and Iona Crepe, two new cloths in the shades of the moment; Howard Poplin, Baroda Crepe, silk and wool; Silvan Crepe, mohair and 'wool; and the lustrous, long -wearing serges, taffetas, broadcloths, in solid colours, for which Priestleys' has been famous for a generation. WE ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY EARLY, AS C.1 PRESENT PRICES CANNOT BE ASSURED IN FUTURE. 0 WOMAN'S STORE ® Dry Goods and f..� House iF w'nishiugs t µ Phone 67. 35 BROWN'S 05 53 53 MEN'S STORE. Merchant Tailoring Men's '5'urnisbings. Phone 103. a ro i 05 5 05 OU ®rte_ JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed p us ace Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Start The Day Right Try a package of Kelloggs Toaster( Corn Flakes—made tram pure Canadian goods, and put up in Oanada for Canadian people. As a breakfast feud itis unequalled for the spring or summer, Breakfast can be prepared in a few minutes • We also carry in s'; ick—Puti'ed Wheat, Puffed Mice, Gusto,' and other lines that make a dainty breakfast Bow about your Garden SQ eds.t1110 yettr—Onr seeds are from the well known firms of D. ,tl. 1 eery,•easel Briggs, and other lines Our Dutch lets itre a g.lr:d duality, and would recommend 'you to buy early Iii hest Prices for Islatter and Eggs J Phone 111 Successor to 5, Barr. oN e 11111 SPORE OF QUALITY Phone orders promptly attended to D U R A P L E --Fire grates are three -sided; last _three times as long. Shaped in_ the to grind up clinkers ,ThirfieffE0Qi when "rocked". See. the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 32 BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS Thursday, April 29th, 1015, i AAAaAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAu.Asao kALAALAAAArseadAAAAAAAAAA ► r (Local News Pd.• iI.vrovrvvvvvIIVIIVVY rvrvvvwovIFYVVLwv®vevv`frfITVwvvvvrgtii COUNCIL MONDAY g6gaqdqpqC!JDc��1Gq Council meets on Monday evening of next week The committee meeting�— W- is on Friday l' We regret that last week we nog1 ' eet ed to publish the S S lesson We will f? ---------------€ see that henceforth it does not mies a week G Make Oar 1e ➢ q WAS OMITTED gl Clean Your Yard COUSIN DEAD Alderman Neil Cooper, who bad cm copied a civic chair in London almost continually since 1500, died last week, He was an auctioneer, and was born in England sixty years ago De Swat the Fly ceased was a cousin of Mrs Rumba'',GtraOoOOB'a0000d000xoo74a0o:1 of town BASE BALL, MOVING. ' WEST HURON TEACRER'S The Executive Committee of the West Huron Teacher's Association, met in the Exeter Public School on Saturday, the'21th inst, to arrange for'the next teachers' convention It 1 was decided to hold it in Exeter in October and to request the Department cf .Education to send us Dr Dearness, of London,ae their repre sentative An interesting program was provided for Those present were Miss M A Ellis and Messrs ilawson, Howard, Spark, and Johnston beside the Exeter teachers. FROM T'I3E BATTLEFIELD. Mrs. Thos. Jackson, jr., received - the pieh•:re of her 'three small chil- dren from the bat -ale field last wee,,(: It was cut out of an Mu- st! atiou paper showing Ruth, Billy and Tom in their soldier s• -and red cross uniforms and was sent back by Pte A B. Webb, with the Cana- dian soldiers in 1France. This is a a small e, orld after all. 1 Fancy furniture 1 Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and; design but ex-'• tremely well made in,ever•yde- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, The Cheapest Spotin Huron to bayallkinds of Furniture BA.T.J1.1 reSZ A.T2C 3SO1ST", Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Bali 110 RESIDENCE PHONES--- J. D. Atkinson 180 The seniors are preparing for Mr. James Doherty, who has been the corning season and are making a resident on Ontario street, i$ arrangements to bring -a team here 1 movie to the house owned by on May '24th'. The Caub 'has de- ' Mrs. oTwnsd t. cided not to make a canvass but I lir. Jramesurphy Johnnstoon, OntarioensreetSL, General (Manager, Thos Hawkins . wilt 'move next Week to a house on won't refuse to accept 'donations. Albert Street North, as he is now SEE HIM BLUSHING • the teamster for 'Arthur L orbes, coal .merchant. The.Brussels Post of last week gave the complimentary notice to our. 9a0600•••••gee ra••••• citizen, Mr 'Oliver Johnson:— License • • Inspector Johnston, Clinton, was here • WITH PEJO CHURCHES. • last week looking after some hafting • ors of the.law He makes a good officer 1 e a e • • • O m re a s • • • a • • • • • and we 'believe deserves hearty sup port front all law abiding citizens I B.A.PTIS2 CHURCH. On Thursday evening last after a very impressive service the 'pastor baptized 3 candidates. The members of the church are entertaining those taking part in the Cantata and the Stratford hale Quartette to tea. Prayer meeting was held on Mon- day evening of this week, this being the last prayer meeting in the pastors OBITUARY, Jean Isabelle, •1 yeah old daugh- ter of Mi. and Mrs. Lorne Miu'ch passed away at the parental home on Tuesday, • The Tittle girl had been seriously ill with pneumonia for ,tile past month or so and small hope was held (out the last couple •a°svissrp'nraori llollsccleIflng Speciill$ Small List of the Popular and up to -date .hind Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes Floorlac anal Japalac Campbell s Varnish- Stains Buggy and Wagon Paint Muresco, Alabastine, and Jellstone Enamels and all, kinds of Polishes Dustless Mops, and Wizard Mops 0 Cedar Polish and Liquid Veneer Berry Brothers Floor' Varnishes Brushes of all kinds We :have Just Received— A big supply of Perfection 0€1 Stoves Washing Machines and Wringers Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose ' Step Ladders, Etc. Now is the time to use Dr, Hess Stock Food. and. Panacea, HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES of week: The funeral will be held- on ,Friday afternoon. BUYINNG IFORD CAPS. Are&- Bert Langford) is starting right into' business, and this week disposed of two cern, 000 going to air. VIIII Jenkins, of Ilohnes"ille and one to Frani. Perdue, of Chu - ton. Recently lie sold one • to Thos. Adams of Kinburn. MVlr. Langford has several mw'S prospects in view and will, no doubt close in a few daya, SOME NEW THINGS Flies Straw bats Onion beds Little chicks Town clock Spring millinery Skipping ropes Juniorbaseball rust, year were a huge number pies Number of • subscribers to the New 1 rut, we all hope Pastor Fairfull will Era be with us on many such occasions. The pastor will preach 9111 Sunday both. morning 131130 evening, The Lords Supper Will be (Merrell. at the close of the evening service. THE OLD QUEEN'S 1\O MORE The old Queen's Hotel, that was a• well known hotel in the days gone by will be known no more bast week Mr Wm Elliott, bas had a gang of meu, with DIC Dayinellt in charge dividing the building, in two and will turn Ibsen around and make them into two dwelling houses, with modem con veniences Oenient with will he placed under them and, the sidewalk., which now curves at' this property will be straightened out and will give the two new houses more lawn in front Mr Elliott will have fine lot of houses in that section ED. SWAIRTZ, PASSES AWAY Edward Swartz, the well known pro prietor of the British Exchange Hotel and son of Mr. George Swartz of• town, died at 3,20 p. m., Saturday afternoon. Mr. Swartz had been ill for some time from kidney trouble. He was 50 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons, Olare and Jack, both of Goderich, The funeral took place on Tuesday THE SAILORS TANGLE Last Thursday evening a fair sized house greeted the presentation of "The Sailors Tangle" under the aus picas of the AYP A of St Pauls Church, and put on by the choir of St Georges church, Goderieh, 'The "Sail ors Tangle of Barnstapool and the sailors of the ship Bounding Billow, are the the leading characters. Joe Stout, mate of the Bounding Billow, is in love with Nance, but, being very very bashful, gets Bill Salt, the bo'un of the boat, to propose for him. Bfll I makes a mistake and proposes to ,1 u1ia, the belle of Barnstapool, who is in love wish Barnabas Lee, a wandering artist. The sailors think Barnabas is an interloper, and kidnap him and take him on a years cruise. The sec and act opens with the return of the sailors from their voyage with tales of all the hearts they have broken. Bill Salt is placed in the predicament of having to telt Julia that he made a mistake, and that Joe Stout is really in love with Nance. To soothe her distracted feelings he offers to. marry her himself, an offer which :Julia at first indignantly resents, but after wards decides she had better accept, Bill is not very enthusiastic over his, love 'affair, and is greatly relieved when Barnabas Lee comes on the scene, again seeking Julia The girls of Barnstapool decide that the sailors are too fickle' for them and agree they will have nothing to do with them. However, when Jim Jack and Ned commence to show them some atten tion this resolution vanishes and they are soon once more the best of friends The closing scene shows all parties on loverlike terms, having decided to be married on the same day, but they are in a quandary as to who, shall act as best man, and who shall give the. girls away. Bill Salt is finally awsrd Ied this pleasure, and also the privilege of paying the fees which he seems to prefer to being married himself. The various parts were well taken and the'. contralto solos by Miss 'Alma Sturdy were well received. The sketch that was presented by G. L. Parsons and Harry Sturdy between the acts was one of the bright spots on the•even ing's programs. The Clinton audience were glad to see Misses Maida and Aileen Armour former Clinton` girls taking part in the company MINOR LC,;.' 3L$ Friday is the last chiy of April Gouncii meets on 1191ondav evening "The Court Queen of Truth,"— to night Saturday will bo May day This is clean-up time The awnings are being put up again Everybody is getting their veran flab's ready for the warm days and evenings The I 0 0'F of North America cele brated the 00th anniversary of the founding of the Order on Monday, April 20th "BLUl1S' WERE VICTORIOUS. On Tuesday night the Base ball League of •the Clinton Model School was opened. 'Mr. Boucl.i pitched the first ball and; Tir. Norman Fitz Simons catching. This game was between (the "Blues" andi'WhitesV The "Blues" came out( victorious by tie score, of 11-9. The game was 1 .drdling..I:idI through On Fri-. day afternoon at 4,30 the `Whites' take on the "Reds" a good 'game is looked' forward to, SECURE 'POSITIONS. The following( .names are the graduates, of the Clinton/ School of Commerce) and who have been placed in good' positions. Miss Lola Rathwell, B. Moore Co, Ltd., Paint Manufacturers, Toron- to, Ont. Solomon. Densome, Empire Pire C Detroit, oit Mich. Oscar Ball, Remington Motor Co. Detroit lillich. Miss Evelyn McCartney, Electri- cal 'Health Co , Detroit, Mich. a KIR5CH "O Kirsch Rods Can't ,,Sag—Never Tarnish •: Kirsch is the man who took the "sag" out of Curtain:. Rods by inventing ailat extension rod with round edges and' curved ends, which allows your curtains to hang flush against your casing, making a very pleasing effect. They may be attached in such a wqy as to show the woodwork or if desired, to hide the casings, should they not be as- nicely finished as you would like. They can be had either single or double. Are easy to put up, and are durable. The W. D Fair eo. Often the Cheapest--AUWays the Best WSSIN WILLIS CHURCH The inial lodge of 1. 0, 0, F. wor shipped with the congregation last Sunday evening. In the morning Rev. Frank U. harper B. D., preached on the sixth Commandment. and the large congregation present was good evidence of the increasing interest taken in the series of sermons on The Mosaic Law. The mini ,tel will preach at. both Services next Sunday. The subjects will b1.:—"The. Proof 00011 Your tsar - den' in the morning; "The Seventh Ctonamand€ncut" or 'The Law Charity' in tire, evening. Visitors are always cordially welcomed to these services of worship, and also ab the Bible:, Classes and Sabbath School at 2,30 p. M. WESL1OOR CHURCH Rev. J. W. Ribbert, Winghatn, took the services .last Sunday, His morn ing subject was "Lost and Found" and at night "A Nation's prize." IYIr. Manning addressed the League on Monday night and tllr. 0. Andrews sang "Victory be to you," Rev. R. J. Irwin of Victoria TIM versity will preach next Srunday. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge ex pects to take his work c1 Sunday, May 9, and `viii hold Quarterly Quin - mullion in the morning. • ONTARIO ST. cHURCH.. The Pastor, Rev. S. 3, ABM will speak next Sunday evening on:."The the things that eye hath not seen" arid at the same time answer several questions, The last colniuunion service for the Conference year will be held on Sunday morning next, Election of officers anti teachers for the Sunday School tech .place on Tues clay evening. The officers elected are: —Superintendent, Gee, A. Bradshaw; Associate, H. Wiltse;' First Assistant, W. Walker; Second Assistant, P. Thompson; Secretary, Jabez Rands; Assistant Secretaries, Amos Castle, Harold Pickett, Douglas Shiley; Hon Secretary, Ralph 15plady, Choristers Geo. Webber, Ci m Thopson Pianists Miss Plumsteel, Miss Elva Wiltse. 7?a, COMPOUN wrnTE PI' SSltuttBeAsS , „tOgE Slnj Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the:most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold, Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. � .1:...1 .L. Try itt-'� HV V Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRU( STORE TRY -- CONNER'S UTTER = CR -UST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped tube Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario 5c Loaf Phone' 202 Furniture, Rugs & Lino1eumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to the bargains we are ober ngour �dWe also carrvanta to inspect gstock ad see good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department ie up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction llindertalter and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store 30051, For Ilavetrouhillg and Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds try us. Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Thos.11awkins 1 'T 110 corner Store "Live and Let Liver" •1'e RDEN SEEDS We have a full assortment of Steefe Briggs and Ferry's Marden and Hetet seeds in packages. By bulk we have the following.—Sweet Corn, Pala, 'Wax Beans, Sweet Peas, (tali ant dwarf), Nastnrtiuns, Dutch Sets and Potatoe Oniem Fruits and Greens Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, apples, Grape Fruit, and Apples. Special for Saturday Celery, Lettuce, Green Oniotu Radishes and Ripe Tomatoes Plumbing and Heating ° Shop—over Bowland'SHardware E. Hul�nlfold Phone 53 PHONE 45. 3„r40'i•4-r-H-,t,4a94-r4 1 1444-1' � i ��ar ria k� r � F a aF a •P 91. S 1013 POINTS TS 5- 91. Here are a few points to consider when ready for your Spring Shoe purchases— It isveryeas for almost any Shoe House to say, '`Our Shoes are the Best and Cheapest" and then quote a few prices to convince you of the fact. PRICES TELL YOU NOTIFIING Read any shoe advertisement and you will find the quoted prices are about the same : the country over. Shoes for men and women have been sold at $2.50, $3, 3.5o. $4, etc., for years and they will continue to be sold at about the same price for years to come—nobody can control a shoe price. We ask you to come -here to see the. best Shoe Values offered anywhere at any stated price— the best productions of Canada's best makers of shoes for men, women and children. eeNSIDER THESE POINTS FRED. JC SON THE BEST SHOTS FOR YOUR MONEY' .5'