HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-29, Page 2606esecteo•e00006000600600 t Phone Want Ads'to 3 The New Era Many telephone (subscribers 0' • find it quite convenient and a ; time-saver. Experienced acl- Visere are always on The New 1r •Era end, Phone 30, 0 beseeasessetleeeseessossoet' anwramaorANALLAngume t9rIA I,:'t"ib's<. 1.1,(.t1'i,4�'I Cryo CIinwh Plow Era PAGE TWO. Thursday 29th, 1915, Every Page ; Has Newsy Item r Fietc,her's The Kind -ion nave Always .a origin, strict Which has been in use for over 2Oyenes, has'borne tine signature of and has beer. Miele miler his per. •°41„;,7 " sonar supervision. since its infancy. . y r ,r ,cil.eiv no one to deceive You in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and cc Just -as -good" are but ]Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and 'Chfltheen—:Experience against 'Experiment. AA TORL�:. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-, goric, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine1110 nor other Narcotic t 12rn"` substal e Its age l., its .lice, tel z e t �, .� I estroys '3VorinS and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhtz;a. It res :later- the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, g ivLog healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's )Friend. WM". GE Bears the Signature of l Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Howe A ways Bought THE CENTAUR OM NANY, NEW YORK CITY. •:.Y '1•-.J'�.5!i h1'tS �Y•J .,1. �..w '.4:�''1'714'�i�4 a 0sa0000sy sassrloeseaess00o e o ,Try us for Job Wade in a.ii 154 its branches as • A trial will convince, yon 4p 41 that we knew our :, W business. '5, m •ss•••®••casco••*••di•ole••••• a items of news telephoned to the, office. The garden will soon offer plenty of soope for healthful exercise.' Buy goods from men you know and you won't be clisapp'oi ltted' when you get them home. The home merchant is not dere for a few days only. Be has areputati'on to keep. Remember this 31 you inclined to buy fnom srtangerswh'o' claim to give yon impossible bar - POSTAL LAWS OF CANADA Under the Post Office Act, Sections 65 and O(l, the Postmaster General has the exclusive privilege of receiving, collecting, conveying and delivering lettere within Canada, Bills and accounts whether in open or sealed envelopes, as well as circulars or other printed matter enclosed in envelopes,' sealed or ready to be sealed, are "Let- ters" within the meaning of the Post Office Act, There is a penalty under Section 130 of the Post, Office Act which may amount to $20.00 for each, letter unlawfully carried, 1t has been brought to the attention of the Pose Office Department that some business firms desiring to avoid paying the War Ta xch'hi ' w became effective on the 15th April, propose making ar rangements for the delivery of ac counts, bills, circulars etc.. through means other than the Post Office, con trary to the Postal Act, and a warn ing is hereby given that the Post Offise Department intends • to insist that the law shall be rigidly lived up to, and will in no circumstances allow these parties to avoid paying the one cent tax which has been imposed for war purposes. All lettere conveyed, received. collected, sent or delivered in contravention of the Post Office Act will be seized and necessary steps immediately taken for the prosecution of the offenders in all cases where the law has been contravened 0000000001teO••00000000000Y • 0. • LAST CALL• vi O LObg AT YOUR LABEL •' • 0.s000s•ssse0sss0os.eo00000 CLUBBING RATES The Clinton New Era : `N4"" tiara and Daily Globe $1,50 New Era and Daily Mail and 49th Year tin the Public Service W. H. Kerr et, Son, Proprie ors. J, Les1Ie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, one year in advance $ 1 00 New Era, when not paid in advance 1 633 New Era, to the United States in advance . 1 50 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLIOATION;I Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 ...................................................... . . Local ews . . . . . . . . * O &4.00.00**somei.oeme%o...®48beoepe oeat.a.Y.0400®.0444•00:Wh'0 4 4 a MORE WAR TAS: One way out '. town 'r t � fathers can take another stab at the poor ratepayers is to follow the example of our Northern funds.—Lucknow council has passed a bylaw that all dogs shall be tagged. Lf not the constable will seize same and either sell or destroy Chiidreg\Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASte' T'Q I iA AST A13SOLUTI L'ir OL,EA i ?,QLI, The Acton Free Press 5'eports the following which, we would judgeae pretty nearly a record for anx rrittnioi i panty,—The Tax Collector of the town will return his roll for 1914 at the meeting of the Council nest Monday, with every available cent collected. Only one nonresident property, a lot assessed at $50, is returned withl unpaid taxes, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA O GROW POTATOES The Department of Agriculture is organizing in Ontario 22 rural 8011001 fairs, which williuclude participation by over 45,000 children. The sugges tion to the nbildeen regarding the ad visability of their growing this year e potato war crop and that the pro ceeds from the sale of the crop will b'e applied to some patriotic cause has met with gratifying response. From present indications it is a safe esti mate that between 45,000 and 50,000 bushels of potatoes will be grown by the school ,children for this. purpose. The old Fashioned Purging and Griping Action of Piils Is Now Done Away With. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills gently unlock the secretions, clear away all waste and effete matter from the system, land give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal tract. They do this by acting directly on the liver, and making the bile, pass through the bowels instead of allowing it to get Into the blood, and thus causing consti- pation, jaundice, catarrh of the stomach and similar troubles. Mrs. L. M. Ratchford, Peterboro, Ont., ]writes:' "Having been troubled for Iyeers with constipation, and trying many different remedies which did' me no good whatever, 1 was asked to try Milburn's iaxa-Liver Pills. I have found them most beneficial, for they are ' indeed splendid pills, and I can gladly recom Intend them to all people who suffer from constipation," Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25e a vta1,'5 vials for $1.00, at all druggists Or dealers or mailed direct on receipt of i'ppaa••IIce by Mahe 'I'. Milburn Co,, 'Limited, oToronto, oat,_,__ GRANT WILL BE SAME, The various Agricultural g rtcalturai Societ y been has to n advisocl bysuperintend the ent of the Ontario • Department of IAgeiculture that the fall fait grant will be paid in full Ibis year on the I same basis as usual. Last fall, in the flight of the general financial conditions which prevailed immediate 1 t following the outbreak of war, it appeared to the Government that it would he impossible to pay more than 50 per met of the grant this year, but since that time the outlook is for further improveh.ent in general eon ditions before July', ali which time the grants are payabl@ 1.1.,.lire II 0r. ` FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A NEW TYPE OE BAYONET The sew bayonets which are now being issued to the men of the 18th Battalion at London are of a new type and one of the most deadly•instru meets, of the kind ever issued to Can adian soldiers. In addition to being three inches longer than the old One., they have a pectillan, twist at the end, anti, Tined lid . use willinflict the greatest possible damage on the human body. As the new rifles aro three inches longer than the old ones this will give the point of the bayonet an additional six inches in reaoh over Ithe old style. I MAY EIY'!ERZ THEATRES Children under 15 years of age will in future be granted admission to moving ptature theatres if acootn ponied by an adult, the law now be ing 'shifted back to the position it held for several years. By a new amendment this year the regulation providing for the sponsorship of a guardian or member from the child's household when admission was. sought hasbeencanceled because of its nusao.•rable nature. The trial of eterner rastrictions throughout last year caused much complaint because of the onus of proving relationship being laid on theatre proprietors. Children will now be ,admitted if in company with a responsible man or. woman. A WAR DITTY , Mothers sitting, knitting little mittens for the navy, Bertha's buoy bathing baby 'Belgian refugees,. Sarah's shaming shirkers 'making guerneeas for the Gliurkas, Oh, what busy bees, allsewing, oh so busy Maggie, Moll and Mattel are making mufflers for the marines, While Winnie:winds the wool when they begin, Sister Cissie'e 'knitting seeks and Susie's sewing shirts for eotdiers, Still poor papa propshispants up vel th a pin MINOR LOCALS The man who wants to borrow, your ;garden spade is due to ar- rive any day now. There are at present 101,460 men in Canada under arms. The New 'Era will appreciate' any Empire 4.50 13reer Eia and Weekly Mail and Empire .. 1,85 Now Era and Daily World 3.36 New Era and Daily News.,--2.85 New Era and Daily Star2,85 New Era and Family Harald and Weekly Star 1.85 tiew Era and Weekly Witness 1,85 Yew Ern. and Northam Mes- senger 1.80 Yew Era and Canadian Perm 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Sun__, 1.85 N eii Era and Wally Fres Press, morning 3.35 Now Era and. Daily Free Press, evening __.,., 2,85 Sew Era and Weekly Free Pres.:, 1.85 New Era and Morning Lon- don Advertiser -., . 3.85 ahs r Era and i D u Advertiser 1Y user 2 B .5 1 TOW e.t.a and R eeltly Adver- tis: r 1.60 we- Era and Fat m and Dairy 1,85 'few Era and Farmer's Advo - ueseeesseoeseofireeeeeeae802e • LAST CALL 0 e i s LOOK AT YOUR LABEL e e S oessoseeeeseeeseseeosoosato .C' Newest Notes in Science New Zealand cattle raisers have found that the meat of dressed calves retains its flavor better when exported long distances if the skins be left on until ready for market, • A new power unit, known as the mariawatt, has been favored in place of the boiler -horsepower unit by oom mittees of American societies of elec' trical and mechanical engineers By mixing carborundum with eon crete a Paris architect euoeeeded in bulldin a staiaway in a .public build ing that seems to defy wear despite its use by thousands of persons daily. Dor handing garbage in cities there has been invented a self loading wa gon, garhage dumped into a hopper low in the rear being lifted into the body of the wagon by a belt conveyor Spacial railroad trains, devoted Co their exclusive service, enable the cut flower growers'ot southern France to ship their productions, in perfect con clition, as tar as St. Petersburg A New Jersey inventors cigar cut ter consists of two disks of meta! about the size of a dime 't sharp edge on one clipping the end froma cigar as it is thrust through a hole in the other A new formof farm tractor, built to travel over the softest soils, oonsists of a pair of broad spiked wheels on a frame to be fastened under an auto mobile's driving wheels and take pow er from its ni •tor By a'French invention naphthalms hez been made available for autism° bile fuel, piper conveying hot exhaust gases from a specially designed car huretor which bas been primed with gasoline melting the naphthaline taavdoomazt OOe000000000s4110000000000600 t45 0d4me eseaemessesseseoese i r ■ Tbes a Garden O 0 000000000009C0006®OO4OaD®d0 00000000000600 000000000000 All seeds of flowers and vegetables Peas. Success depends on thorough should be ordered at once. Some are preparation of the seed bed and this is needed immediately fm, planting best insured by digging a trench, indoors, throwing the soil to one side, acd on Soiv in flats placed in a warm,sunny the bottom, spreading a liberal layer window seeds of cabbagecauliflower. • .pf well rotted manure upon which the celery, eggplant, and tomatoes and of the sis then returned; r ageratum, snapdragon , cockscomb, the same timml e, plant the early ver salvia, stocks and verbena, reties of garden peas, setting the seed Seeds of some late blooming her- Sow spinach an inch deep and select such varieties as Long Season, Long baceous-perrennials if planted in flats Standing or 'Victoria. indoors at once will produce flower There must be no delay at this ing plants this fall, thine in carrying forward the penning Outdoors, plant sweet pegarden operations. Grape vines may still be peas and spinach assoon ae tas,he ground eat back, if the sap may be rising the can be worked. 1 young fruit trees and all fall blooming Finish pruning fruit and shade trees shrubs should all be goue over car e berries , vines , and fall -blooming • fully, and the weak and undesirable shrubs. 1 woodamong the shrubs to prune now Spraying against scale should be • are althea, berberie, hydrangea, peiv finished this week. It cannot . go for i et and the roses. From the climbing. ward when the foliage appears. 'roses remove the old canes, two or March i a busy and important three years old, winter tips from the month for the gardener. Itis a month younger canes, and the ends of the anylaterals hack to two or three eyes, of preparation. On this account belated work either indoors or out The hybrid roses should be cut back severely if quality of bloom is wants doors must be hastened and finished leaving only two eyes of the previous seasons growth will prove sufficient With the tea roses, however, pruning is less severe. Weak shoots should he cut out entirely and the vigorous cess in starling seeds depends to a shoots pruned back to good strong great n extent bi soil, and the depends tso0 wood, Vines may be pruned as the matis for the purpose is made up of loam shapes require �wistertia t and alcesminusbiaclelshould end leaf mold in equal proportions. To this sharp clean sand should be Amongever hsthetlne shrubs, r in the thosenotadded. Flats should be about three to prune in the .spring are: Spirea (expect Anthony Waterer), clutetzia, azalea, cercie, forsythia, calycanthus, cytissus,belesia, cornus, lilae,mngnolia louieera, Pnilade:phus, prunus, vibur num, pyrus and weigela. Pruning V ese now means the loss of the f!o 7er it g wood. Spraying to guard agahist or to kilt San Jose scale should be finished at once. 31 roust cease of course when the young foliage appear3, 115 the spray kills the growth. The fact that the settle is not present in the orehend, shrubbery or on the branches and limbs of the shade trees is a poor. excuse fur omitting this important operation, It is much easier to pre vent it than to eradicate it and spraying ns a precautionary measure Should be employed renetall even where only a few shrubs and trees are grown. Any of the soluble oils offered by dealers in this material ate good ant e£lantio p g outdoors.Seeds ds n and can be used elfeutively by follow as rapidly as possible. Some opera- tions cannot be deferred another week. If early flow ers and vegetables are wanted for instance, the seed should be sown immediately. Sue inches deep with holes in the bottom to afford drainage. To keep these from becoming clogged cover them with broken bits of pots and then cover the bottom to afford drainage. To keep these from becoming clogged cover them with broken bits of pots and then cover the bottom to the depth of an inch, with coarse soil, On top of this sift the seeding soil. Finish by finning. and, When the seeds are sown, firm again. Thereshould -he no delay in sowing the seeds of the flowers and vegetablesP wanted for early bloom and crops, Select varieties of cabbage,cauliflowe celery, eggplant and tomatoes and such other vegetables as may be de sired that are earliest to come into bearing. As the seedlings increase in growth thin out and later. transplant to other flats, giving them still more room if the weather dons not yet per of herbaceous perennials, 80011 as holly 1 ing directions, hocks, are treated in the same manner Ontdoors, as soon as the frost' is • .. 0111 of the ground and the soil is in condition tti be spaded, plant sweet Grass, Biddy Babies [.1. - VS. Olias l., White, Waterford, v LAW BREAKERS UNDER LICENSE. Year. Licensed, 'ltnlicensed, Total, 1910 404 1396 1800 1911 303 1002 1425 1912 242 973 1215 1918 377 9833 1320 1846 4414 5760 )flotn the above it will be seen that in the last four years: the 1i - holders of the Tiovince of Ontario alone were guilty bf' two-thirds more law violatlon than everybody in the whole of the Province un- der Local Option, It will be seen also that there Were nearly two and one-half 'Limes as many oon-• victions for keeping ',°blind piggs'• upd'er license as ]there were under Local Option. While, taking the aggregate offences of all kinds in the parts of the Proviime under The :Farmer BLIND PIGS, Under Under . L. O. Lic. I73 455 157 J 500 353 348 813 1984 Local Option and comparing it , with the parte kinder lieenee the '• convictions u,ndei• Local Opfion' were only 813 as comps.) ed 'with 5780 under license, or seven tunes more la3e Violatfbn, 'fee •'times. more convictions for violatlon oT the Lienor License Act in the part;' of Province i1n'ddi• `hioense than in the part hinder Local Optloln. Ligoor means law violation. Local Option enable's law .enfoi•ce- m'ent, • --rep end the Rei Criss Society The New Era 'publishes 'to -day On appeal on behalf of the' Red Cross society, by Dr. James Btobertson. Dr. Robert,' eMI is still best known to the, far mens of Canada de Professor Rob- ertson. 'Tie began his official pub-„ lic service at the Ontario Agricul- , tural College nearly 30 years ago. Twenty-five years ago he went to Ottawa as, dairy commissioner for the Dominion. The dairing ser- vice of the department of agricul- ture soon became known ` and trusted throughout Canada. iFrpm Prince Edward Island to Alberta farmers profited by the 'Unseen - tions dairy stations' and the travel ling instructors, The 0011)01 of cheese and butter in Canada add- er to the reputation Of its rural workers. Othee public services of continuing and growing value were inaugurated while Professor Robertson was commissioner of agriculture., Among them, were the live stock branch, the cold stor ege service, the seed grain compo talons trail shipments of fruit to the United Kingdom, and extfnn- sione of markets. Besides there were the manual training move- ment, the school gardens, house, hold science and the ooneolidated rural schools. In. more recent years Dr. Robertson was chairman 'of the royal commission on incline trail training and technical ;edu cation. !Farmers in all provinces are familiar with the survey, of farms 1,y the "ommission bf con- servation and the illustraatiojn farms of its committee on lands, of which be is chairman, In these and many other ways Dr, Robertson has given the far- mers of Canada the hest that was in hire, He says he is their deb- tor, for many opportunities, for much kindness and for warms ap- preciations. But they are his deb- tors. And he now reminds them of that for the -first' time in order to establish his right and privilege to appeal to them for this worthy causes f.l-L I N 5 , writes 'I have used Bab s Own Tablets for both my babies and find them excellent. 141y baby. girl was cross and sickly but after giving her the Tablets she became strong, healthy and happy, Baby's Own Tablets never .fail to make sickly chil dren well and the mother can give them to her children with absolute safety. They ate guaranteed by a government analyst to be free from injlrious'drugs. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson V.—Second Quarter, For May 2, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, I Sam. xix, 1-12. Memory Verses, 4, 5—Golden Text, Prov. xxix, 25 -Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. a The work of the devil Is not a pleas- ont meditation, but it is necessary tbat iweshould know our great adversary so as to successfully resist him. The topic of; the lesson today is Saul trying to kill David, and ever since Cain killed Abel the devil, has been very busy killing people. He is spoken of in Heb. it, 14, as having the power of death; but, although he has been per- mitted to follow, his occupation so, long, the time will come when be shall be sent to the lake of fire forever and there shall be no, more death on this earth (Rev. xs,' 10; sot, 4; T Oor, 'xv, 26). Meantime it is the believer's priv- k's' Cotton Root Compouln(d. • 49) 4 safe, reliable regulating onetiioz,re, ,Sold in three de. gene of strength—No. 1., $3; No. 2, 33; 'No, 3, 58 per hof.: Sold'by all druggiata, or sent prepaid on receipt of ppr;cc.:. Free pamphlet. Address]' Tag COOK MEDICINE CO., 1960180, OHT. (FormecIWlndtor.) R~' PLANL�''b-_.. po.rNTED OK THE lql lum4A8�v. du,glp THEWHITEST, I:,IGtl'fg$ �1;�4)•,.�.' - � h: It nFdiEf • nee to be—delivered g rrom rear death e and fiomll a bondage in connec- tion therewith (Matt. x, 28; Reb. 15). All envy and jealousy and strife are also of the devil and should not be tolerated in a believer (Jas.. ill, 14-16; Eph. iv, 30, 31). Although chapter xis or a part of it Is our lesson chapter, we must look at xviif for the connection, The first four verses of chapter xvifi are thrillingly beautiful in their assurance and mani- festation of the love of Jonathan and David, but we shall come to that topic In our next lesson. After David's vic- tory over Goliath Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people, and the women sang his praises, magnifying him much more than Sant (xvlii, 5-7). This made Saul angry and jealous, and twice he tried to kill David with a Javelin, but each time David escaped (xvifi, 8-11). While God may allow Iris saints to be sorely tried, persecuted and even slain, no real evil can befall them, for in the resurrection they shall be as manifestly without injury as were Daniel's friends when they came out of the furnace or Daniel himself when he came out of the lion's den. Because the Lord was manifestly with David and he behaved himself wisely (or prospered, aviii, 5, 14, mar- gin) Saul became afraid of him, re- moved him from being bead of the army and made him captain over a thousand. But all Israel and Judah loved David (xvifi, 12-16). Tho rest of chapter swill tells how Saul sought to get rid of him by subtlety; hut, fail- ing in that scbeme, he became David's continual enemy. Chapter xis opens with a command to Jonathan and to all ibe servants that they shpuld kill Da- vid, but Jonathan advised him to hide a little while until he could talk with liras father, `ja1 g result of this inter - 710W was that Saul swore to Jonathan ` that David should not be slain, so Jon- athan brought him back, and he was in Saul's presence as in times past (1-7).good, but a man (xis, So far so liable to give way to an vil spirit at any moment cannot be trusted. Row sadly suggestive the opening words of verse S, "And there was war again!" SO it has been, and so it shall be until rho (,evil is removea nam the earn and the air, and the whole age in 1 which we are now living is described I by our Lord as a time of wars and ru- mors of wars, enmities, pestllences and earthquakes (Matt, xxiv, (3, 7), but the time will come when the nations shalt learn .war no more, for Re who alone is able to do it will make wars to cease unto the end of the earth. in the war with the Philistines Da Yid was victorious again and sleyy them with a great slaughter, and the Lord wrought another great salvation for 011 Israel (verses 5, 8). But there was war again in SatI's heart and home, for the evil spirit was yielded, to, envy : and anger ,had control, and the javelin almost did its deadly work with David (verses 9, 10). Again the Lord was, his shield and deliverer, and the weapon did not prosper (Isa. Irv, 17). As someone has said, the devil is very persistent, and so David had not much peace. Now he seeks to kill; David in his own house, and hie i a Mitproveshuman orf a al to be his r r deliverer, helping him to make his es- cape through a window and patting an image In bis bed, for when she said to the messengers that he was sick Saul then sent to bring' him on his .bed. Saul was so angry when he found how Isis daughter had deceived him that he spake of killing her (verses 11-17). t' What fearful control of Saul the dev- il did obtain! And, it Is so still that if the Spirit of God is resisted the ad- versary comes in'with great power. 'If people will not receive the truth God allows them to receive a lie (II nesse 5, 10-12). David, seeing himself so, persistently persecuted, fled to Ma friend Samuel at his home in Ramah,. and they both went and dwelt in Nal- oth. Three times Saul sent to take him there, but each time the Spirit of God hindered and 'even took hold of Saul himself as be went after him•' (verses 18-24). We have a right to, sing from the heart: "If God be for us who can be against us?" "The Lord is my, light and my salvation. Whom shall 13` fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall S be afraid?" (Rom. viii, 31; Ps, mil, L) There is great comfort also in Isa.' liv, 17, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against' thee in lodgment thou shalt condemn." See also Isa. 1, 7, 10, and 11, 12, 13, with Reb. 11, 14, 15; I John $i, 8. eeteaseeeegeseeee seeee eeeeet 0 TO CORRESPONDENTS. den. • '— dYl e• 0 • Write on one side of the cl es paper only. We will be e e pleased to supply you with 0 a all yea Want; O O) Avoid all items reflecting on personal character and d r not send any items which have n 1100110 nlianiilg, Send ALL the news that IS ne'v., IMPORTANT. e: 0 a ' tm e- 1Veiv to .Ln ear - r .Iron CL, in this district and lire anulrl 5, be pleased to communicate Se with anyone wishing to re- 0 present their locality. All 0 supplies furnished, 0 ....tel t gi 11 ON 111 It M; ,,stip lies Power. The telephone, like the crane, multiplies power. The telephone increases personal p a s efficiency and enlarges the volume of business by extending the field of the merchant's activity. If the modem business man" had to; travel every time it was necessary to have a personal talk with a customer or business associate, he would be in the position of al,, builder without a crane.' Are you'' using the h telephone -as your should -systematically applying it to the needs of your business? The telephone, especially the' long disc tante service, 'makesossible real econom i P Y and with it a greater, not a lower,efficiency. , A careful study of the subject Will, repay you. "Every Bell Telephone tem Long Dlefansa StaafcisT' The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. 1j,