HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-29, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 49,; No. 44
APRIL 29 1915
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
Needs of To=day it Business or the Home=='OQve Therm a Trial
See �'Iovr The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling. the
WVWVVWVWWVWvvvvvyvW froAAAAAAAAA ANNAAAAt n,,ANN G?t2lgQl pat ASdSazJD a7Sdf!®W oiA9BtD sLhe
For Your Own• Sake `Malt Wh0 COmes There?'
Preserve Your Complexion
Duchess Violet Taicum Duchess hose Talento >'
Duchess Yucca 'Talcum 1
Have just arrived—They are unsurpassed in quality and odor-
We have them in flesh and white. 0,K, Proxide Vanishing,
.Cream is unsurpossed, we have it in'25c jars at -
Best Quality Drug Store The liexall Store
We 9, R, P10
Tile Royal o al Bad*
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital paid up 11,560.000
Reserve and undivided profits , 13,500,000
Total Assets • • • 1S5,000,000
3S() B]Ea..kNCMEIS
with 'World-wide Con;,iec tion
Interest Allowed' on Savings Deposits
General Bantling Business Transacted.
R. E. NANNING, Mame? Clinton Branch
valuvvvaeasaneenowwvvvvvvy V W iKvNWVW evvvvvNWWW VoeV
12111"'111 III"'Ill'"Ilr '111L"KUIG:111011V111`41111W11i;I1l'=1111111;1111.011;11111 11111E
incorporated THE
'1 AND
- $8,800,0J0•
Savings Bank Department
C At all Breaches
Interest allowed at highest current tete •
C E. DOWDING. Manager
€ 'Clinton Branch.
EA 92 Branches
In Canada
Zia... 01.III lee l 1I'.Jl 1l .d t,..lI .. II", i... iq...11i., m, dl 11 ..111... 6111
411Q9•010004444. 04.044440444• 0004.0.004000•40444. 4004 ••
Tile Twecd
Ready -to -Wear
A Raincoat is "Jack -of -all Trades." If it looks
cloudy, you slip into your Raincoat. If it turns cool—
well and good, and if it cl�
ars up—all right.
Your Raincoat is as
dressy as any light-
weight top coat you
could wear,
A perfectly balanced
Cravenette(l to turn•
The Raincoat of to-
day is a much different
proposition., from the
coat of a few years ago
Our Raincoats are
made by a maker with
a reputation formaking
the best of coats, and
we guarantee them to
do their duty.
$5, $7.50, $8,50
$10 to $20
A cuts for the
Telegraph •h •
Morrish Clothing g Ce.
Square Dealfor r Every$
A, Shun o Man ;.:
R 0•••••••••M•••••• N•••••••••`•. • ••.N•••1Ne,
atiQlt'tseeee Tera(',!('4°Ja*a'seSgsofseoe
I wish 'to announce to my many
Wends and their Many friends, in
Clinton and vicinity, a musical
treat in store_ for them on Thurs-
day, May 19th, in the town hall.
This will be giver under the itis-
pices of the Women's Patriotic ,Asia
soeiatlon 'of Clinton and the pat
ronage of Lt. Co] Wilson aald
officers ,of the 33rd iBeretztiriun Cali
adian Expeditionary Force anal.
the proceeds will be for the bene:it
of our Canadian sick .and wounded
soldiers of (ween Mary's ''Hospital
at Shornerlifr, England, The foie
coring ladies of London are gi;--
ing•their services as a contribution
to the cause,—Mrs, J. B. McKillop,
Mrs. MaIlarcly Smith, Miss Eccles-
ton, Miss Mary Walker, of Alma
College, and others. The ;worthy
cause and the talent thus gratui-t
musty offered should be rewarded
by a bumper house. "tpall in" and
show your appreciation,
0r. Geo. J. Potts
Has Passed to Rest
Former Editor of +"The Leader"—'
Served with British and U. S.
- Armies.
The death occurred last Thursday
•evening of George Jerald, Potts,
AI D„ M. R. C. S. formerly of Tro-
onto and Belleville, in his eight-
ieth year Dr. Potts was for some
time editor of The Toronto Daily
Leader, the organ of the Conserv-
alive party in Ontario in the days
of the Sandfield Macdonalld Min -
stay As a young man, he joinea
the Canadian Militia and later he
saw considerable active service
with the British` -Imperial forces
He was surgeon 'to the British
Consulate in Siam when the Inclisur
mutiny began, and was mdered to
India where he serveti, until the
close of the troubles there He
the went to China 'with the Ang-
io -French expedition and witnessed
stirring scenes in that campaign
hating resigned from the British
services he, joined the United
States'Pederal forces and served
through the Cia•i1 War with the
rank of Surgeon -Major, being. ap-
pointed. by President Lincoln
himself. At one time he was cor-
oner of Victoria, Northumberland,
and Durham counties cold later of
Peterboxio. tabun;} 'Hc had 'tray,/
chert in nearly every country in
world, and was a Coreemason of
high degree,
He is sur tit ed by three sons
and two daughtere. Macdonald T.
Potts, Secretary of 'Phe Journal
Portland, Oregon; Murray C Totts
of Victoria, 13, 0„ Mfrs. Chas.
Chaise, Victoria,B C.• Miss Jess
Potts and Rea. Jciinl
Potts of
St, Paul's Rectors Clinton,where
his death occurred.' The de caced
mos ed 'acre in tF
ebruary 3921 when
, s
his son 7. ,�ecauia rector 'ef. Si. Pau.-,
cirri: ch,
The funt•i.'al service was held at
St. Paul's Church, Clinton, on Sur-.
catd l
It 4 p.m conducted r ,
O dt CCO Rev
1\Ii d'otl.erin iic,m Goderich.
g of '
The pallbearers were Messrs R. J.
Cluff, R. E. Paull, H. BCombe, J.
E. 'Hovey, W Bryclone and Prof.
:Erietowe. Interment took place
at St. James' Cemetery, Toronto,
on Monday, -
To the Farmer
In order to give you the high.
est possible price for your eggs,
we have made arrangemeute
with Gunn Langlois & Company
whose men will gather the eggs
as usual and give you an order
on us for groceries. If you want
dry goodsor boots and shoes, we
will extend the order to other
stores, all at the trade price
The Store of Quality
' Phone 48
Special Sermon
at Willis' Church
'Clinton Lodg I, 0. 0.P. 'attend
ed Willis Church'llast Sunday even
ing tor'' /thein annual ehurehsery
ice as a ,lodge, and over 60 mem-.
Vers "were pl'eee101 in spite of the
warm tem eeature the 1 1 e .largest
attendance for. some years. The
auditorium of the church was well
Rev. Frock Harper, j3, ll,, the min
ester 'of the church conducted the
service end spoke .'outhe subject
"Brotherly kindness.'l the text
chosen being 11 'Peter -L7 "And
in your,godliness • develop brother
iy-kindness:" What the world
hungers for today is e• not breast
ar the -clip of card water, bet the
brother's 'hand that 'proffers thein,
The man who falls gets from the
'would and sometimes even from
'ood :people in church the stern
treatment as the gossip's 'dissecting
table but the chiistiarl ideal is es
P ,ill ,put it "Eton • if a than be
.overtaken in a. trespass, ye which
are spiritua'1 restore such an one
in the spirit of gentlelness." Only
hrotherly-' kindness can heal or re-
store, ,and thee Ithe sinning World
needs (most,
In Itiiis regard the Lodges are
doing Ithe church's work, some,
think, more than Leven the church.
Why .do men joit, 'tate lodge?
There :must be l something really
t'oi thy ie lodge, for hinny really
worthy men enter 'Chem, and that
worthy thing is that the 'lodges
lays stress on the friendly feelings
and help. each other. The relation
of David and Jonathan, is m'oderiz
ed; Jonathan, gave( his friend hit
armor, but the Modern friendegives
financial help. as the thews and
sinews of war. "The • Continent"
Chicago said recently{ in an editor
ial "A man in stress of trouble will
turn to his lodge rather than to
church-rossociates /foe assistance in
199 cases out of 1000" In the early
Christian church'the disciples had
their goods in common. What a
splendid :thing it would be to have
the lodges provoke the churches of
today Ynet 'on 'thcf job the alas
ter set for them and in even more
complex conditions of today, prove
able .to satisfy the-avorlcl's heart,.
hunger by the cheer ,of brotherly-.
_tnd•ltltr• Church o1 Christ can
git e gid alsot,t lodges. (.Che lodge it
not sufficient unto itself, and that
man is foolish. who tries to make
his (lodge his church, at hing the
founders never anticipated. Ritual
and constitution predicate moral
Irineiplea, trot religious (;vstem.
Godliness is the church work es-
sentially to stimulate to practise
(god's p osenc», and bring them-
scl't es into proper ;relation to'iiim.
That is the great back
.one eiflife
and the church of Christ presents
is as the, powerful dynamic to
tinize into a -ties V th.e moral sys-
tams of men. That dynamic the
Church can brings to the help of
the lodges Tte secret of attaining
godliness and brotherly -Ii i ndness
alike lav in Christ and in gelling
diose to him, If Christ be / the
cer'tre of the circle and all men
C the f•Ith reit vire rf •rr
z e ,un ei . t
t c
every step they take in the dict es -
of the ?.1aster's, character, wilt
thing /them in closer touch with
one another.
During the •service the large
choir sang two (anthems in good
o nice and a duet by Mrs. Jno. A.
Innes and Miss tRuby Wise was
much !enjoyed.
On their return to their•Lorige-
room, the Oddfellows expressed
their .appreciations
f r
the we
come to Willis Church by a hearty
cote of thanks to the (minister con
gregation and choir,
Birth,s Marriages & Deaths
FINOH—In Clinton on April 27th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Finch, a
TURNER—In Regina, March Sth,1915
to Mr. and Nlrs. Fred Turner, a
ALLIN— In Halifax, March 15, 1915,
to Me. and Mrs. Cleveland Aliin, a
If it is true that the departmental
, houses can send their price lists, circa
lare, etc.,; through the mails without a
war tax,while the sender of post cards
has an additional cent to pay, there's
a screw loose somewhere.. The thous
ands of pounds of mail bags from m the
1 :r&eer,with the large amount of work
De the part of mailclerks, postoffice
employees and mail couriers, should
net the, Department a tidy sutra per
annum and these institutions of large
capital and big profits should be made
pay well for the service exacted.
Auto Tires and Accessories.
c ssories.
We still have a Lew Bicycles
New' and Second-hand
Ali Kinds of Rubber Repairing
Baby Carriage Tires Replaced
J. H .'
Robert Bean of Colborne
To The New Era
Correspondents :
News matter mailed' to The
New Era in unsealed envelopes
does not come under the postal
classification of 'letters' and will
not require the special war tax
WVWVvvvvyvvw wvvvvvW
Pte. Oezza Writes
From the Trenches
Letter Was Written Before the Big
Fight. No Word Since
Dear ,Father ancl& Mother ;—
Just :a few tines to let you
know how I'm ige'ating aroetg, 1
am' lwell hoping( yen are the same
I have not written to y'ou very
much since I was ' in ii'`ralnca:
When we are bihe'tted itis in
country and We do n'ot'haye much
chance fto 1.t writinsi paper, Ask
W. df he can send ,arae 'two pack-
�aig'es of Tucke'tts cigarette 'tobac-
co. We cannot buy any kind' of to
bacco itha t I can smoke and we
Orly get a little Money at a
time. I have been in themtrenches
a fete Mimes and I alike it not to
bad,•they are verynvet and muddy-.
but it is spring time now and
farmers are ailA bum 1sowin their
Mops, I `•can't write onyttoI,r 0, -
bout the war, on the trenches
very much, but I hope it will be
over very soon. I wilt 'write active
service ,cards to you as often as
I can get 'theini I guess I will..
have to close for this time
Good' \Bye.
Weil. Chester Bezzo.
No. '7119.
No. 3, Company: ,
Army 'Post Office:
• London, R'ttg land;
TMMi and Country
fogOdIet oe slitdase gossaaelaiPimOduadl t
THE 0, O. P.
The 0 OF Lodge have an organizer
here at present and many are being
over " Le b these nights
put bumps" t t p
Ottawa, April 23,—The tr'o'ops
r.ow at London are to be moved
to the new camp at Guelph, where
a much larger urea, for !training
purposes has beer' secured thou
was available at London .
Last Thursday evening Mr. Alex
Mustard addressed the Liberal Club in
their rooms, and there was a good at
tendance. Next Thursday there will
be a social evening, and all Liberal,
are asked to attend. Refreshments
will de served and an excellent pro
gram will be given
Tuesday morning while Bernie Hall
Constance, was attending to business
in Harland's Store, his horse, which
was tied outside,took fright and broke
away and dashed up street. The horse
decided to stop and get some of those
long oats at ,Elliott's livery and turn
ing tell and slid into to side of the.
door. The wagon was loaded with
empty egg boxes anti there was a
spin, Some of the harness and shafts
were damaged and the horse was only
cut up a little, but on the return trip
tothe Confall•stance was getting stiff from
Mr. Thos, Trick received word Wed
nesday evening of the death of his
brother, William Trick of Thedford,
who was in his 82nd year. - The de
ceased has been in poor health for the
pacttwo years, The funeral is on
Friday of this week and Mr, Trick
went down to attend it, Oar worthy
citizen is the last of a family of 9
Have your poultry been keeping up
the egg production since the price
Somebody su es a that the best
e y gg t
way to set rid of the grafters is to
hang them. It would be a pity to
have to waste a hempen necktie upon
them but it would be a good invest
ment for the taxpayers,
Boston Herald says The defeat of
Jack Johnston, the black pug, it an
unmixed blessing to, the Negro race of
America," We suppose it saves the
colored brudders from having to
get hoops for their heads. What about
the white hope, Williard, and his fol-
lowers? Perhaps they are not so
bumptious as the sons of Ham but the
white race should set a"better example
to the world at to what constitutes 1
true manliness. 1
Goderich, April 26. —The
police tonight made a capture
of a young rnam'namecl Arthur
Marriot, near the scene of the
Bean nilurjder•.
Marriot is wanted in Detroit
for stealing $100. 'He is now 'in
jail here.
He formerly worked for a
fanner near' Carioov, and just
returned this morning.
'He had 'two revolvers 'on him
when arrested.
Crime a Mystery.
Goclerieh Aamil 990. --Complete
mystery still surrounds' 'the shoot-
ing on • 4fiufnclay night of Robert
Bean, 'the Carlow• farmer, who was
found dead about a mile from bis
home with a gunsh'ot wound inhis
back. A ;coroner's jury was em -
'Panelled 'today by Coroner; A. C.
Hunter, but after viewing the body
at the schoolhouse at Carlow, the
inquest was adjourned until Mon-
day, May 3,
Provincial Inspector 'Harry Rea -
burn, of 'Toronto, is working: 10 1
the ease, and Chief E.lons'tnb9•e
Whiteside of 'Hen•sall, has peen
called in to assist frim, while all
the local constabulary alto are in.-
vestigating the circumstances, 'of
the 1killing.
Thatt the case is one of cold-
blooded murder appears to admit
of no doubt, and' the i nvestigat,
ing officials are,no!t attempting to
work on any other theory. They
admit, however, that up to the
present they have no clue which
would help them to fincl the mur-
derer or murderers,
A Challenge in the Night
So far the evidence is bare,Ern-
est Patterson, of Auburn, who
found the body, is unable' to throw
any light on the 'affair. Bert Var-
coe, a sou 'of Col, Varooe, in the
front of whose house the shooting
occurred, heard Mr.,Bean drive by
and heard a shoti 'followed by the
farmer's question of "What'be you
doing there?" The sound Of a sec-
ond shot reached him and after
that 'there; was :silence.
The theory is advanced that the
murder was the wort: of someone
who knew of Mr. Bean's weekly
practice of driving out 'on Sunday
evening 'to visit a neighbor bee
tw'ecn' Carlow and ,Goderich, and
who lay in wait wait for him as he
was returning from this visit, De-
tective Reaburn refuses to discuss
this or any other theory until be
has more •10 g'o 'on than lie has at
The first shot!' fired 'apparently
failed to strike iffr. Beaus, but the
second must have beep instantly
fatal, as the whole charge of shot
went into his body below the
' . 'practically
hou d a'-bl, e -and 'r 'tc Ica
s e 1 1
I r< v
1 ,
'tore out his bungs and chest.
Gurar-Wads in Slosh.
There was no scattering of the
shot, and the read of the load was
irtbeddec1 in the unfortunate soau s
fle,h, indicating clearly that the
NV charge as fired at close quarters,
probably with the Muzzle of 'fhe
gun almost touching bis body.
The' two spent ichells were found
about 150 feet ,.part, one be either
side of the body. When,'Mr. ]scan
was hit he must' have fallen from
his buggy, as the horse returned
tto his home, drawing: the empty
vehicle. some time later.
The dead elands survived by his
widow, four sons and 'three delight
ors. The sons: are MI living at.
home with their'mother. r
daughters are —Mrs. klugh
Benmiller•; Mrs, Wm. Corey, Nile,
and Mrs. Wm. Doak, Goderich:
The family is terribly grief=,stricic'-
Ly the 'tragedy, for which they are
unable +to 'offer anseexplanati'on.
So far as 'they knew, Mr. Bean had
no enemies, and can give rio infor-
mation which would Pifer a clue as
to the motive For the crime.
Goderich ,April 27.—That robbery
was' the Motive for the .murder of
Robert Bean on Sunday night;
that 'the murderer .was disturbed
before he could carry but the theft,
and that theiunlonoWn slayer had
been iwaiting for his victim are
ome of 'the' theories which seem
to have entered into the ealcula
tions of those engaged pn solving
the 'myir.stery which shrouds the sad
-Collar Button As Clue.
Col. Varcoe Who
A discoveryC i.
was one of the irst en the scene
after the shooting, which (took
place outside hid: gate, tan give
the detectives a sligght -glue n
which Ito work in addition to that
offered by the two exploded shells
which were discovered on the road
neat where the ,tradgedy tools,
place. It consists 'of a dollar but-:
ton with an imitation •pearl back
and a hinged front. The Bean
boys and ;Mrs. Bean positively de-
clare that
e-c'lare'that Mr. Bean was not wear-
ing such a button at the time of
his 'tragic death.
Cob Varcoe, while he is not pre-
to expressdefinite
any ver
thoor•y.as to the motive for the
crime, is inclined to the belief 'that
rt was. robbery, and ,that the
thieves were disturbed by his ap-
pearance on the verandah after the
firing of the shots, and beforethey
-could rifle the'podcets of the
,dead onan.
Voices ui Bushes,
In support of this tm declared
that ten minutes or Less rafter
the shooting, when's)"Dung Patter
son, who discovered the; body,
camp in to tell him •of hie grue-
some discovery, .hd put Ion his
boots and Went 'outside, and while.
there thought he heard of subdued
Continued on Page' 4
Twenty-two Officers Killed and Sixty
seven. Wounded—Many Prominent
Names in the List
After more than two months of
trench fighting with losses compara-
tively small the first Canadian Divis
ion were given their chance last week
in the great battle to the north of
Ypres, and as official. accounts have
indicated they fought with splendid
courage and effectiveness. But the
victory gained cost Canada many of
her brave sons. The official list of
casualties thus far reported to the
militia department at Ottawa shows
that during the fighting on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, and which utill
Is progressing the Canadians lest 22.
commissioned ,officers killed and 67
The officers reported Milled are:
Major Albert Edward Kimmins of
Winona; Capt. George Crowther Ryer-
son, Toronto; Lieut. A. D. Kirkpat-
rick, Toronto; Lieut.' M. Daniel Mac-
donald, Toronto.
Capt. Donald Glover, Orlllia; Lieut.
Cameron D. Brant, Hamilton; Lisut.-
Col. A. H. Birchall, Canadian Per-
manent Staff, Gloucester, Eng.
Lieut. Charles King Mason, Saska-
Major Edward C. Norsworthy, Mon-
treal, formerly of Ingersoll; Capt.
Wm. Clark Iiennedy, Montreal; Jant.
Gerald. 0. Lees, Highlanders, Mon-
treal, formerly Ottawa; Lieut. Guy
Melford Drummond, Montreal.
Capt. Richard Steacie, Westmount;
Lieut. George M. Williamson, Mon,
Capt, Cecil M. Merritt, Vancouver;
Capt. John Geddes, Vancouver; Capt.
Hamilton Maxwell, Fleming; Lieut.
Arthur Lodge Lindsay, Vancouver
(native of Strathroy, Ont.).
Lieut. -Col. W. Hart McHarg, Van-
Died of Wounds
Lieut. -Col. Russell L. Boyle, Cross-
field, Alta, (native of Port Colborne),.
Lieut. 11. B. McGuire. Orangeville;
Pte. D. McHarg, Drombourne, Scot-
land; Pte. Eric Preston, Vancouver;
Pte. C. B. Hawley, Cowanville, Rue.;;
Pte. A, M. Elliott, London, Eng.
The list of wounded given out at
Ottawa follows:
Lieut. E. W. Clifford, Stony Creek;
Ont.; Lieut. J. L. Youngs, Stratford;
Lieut, P. W. Peck, Mount Forest;
Lieut. J. K. Cronyn, Toronto; Capt.
G. R. Rogers, ao address given; Capt,
J. Huggins, Ottawa; Capt. E G. Bogy,
St. Catharines; Lieut G, 0. Brown,
Norwich, Ont:- Lieut. J, R. Riley,
Milton; Lieut, J. at McKinley, Can,
ring, N.S.; Lieut, P. W. Miller, 7an-
ning, N,S.; Lieut. G. W. B tllarrl,
Hamilton; Lieut. E, 1, I city ia'.di•
mend County (wounded and mbssing);
Major D. R. Sandeman, Red Dzer;
Capt. R. A. S. Allen, Salmon Arm,
B.C.; Lieut. W. Fitzpatrick, 1 im:stone,
Mau.; Meat, J. Rircaldy, Bhamla 1;
Lieut., E. A, Whitehead, Montle c .l;
Lieut, H. Quintal, Montreal; C< ,t.
C' V.
-r r t Cr.C
ROM ti .,, i s a
G. F. I
.[ o
g, ,
Jameson, 'Winnipeg; Capt J It. "ex -
Gregor, Vi t„i,ti; Lieut. S. FI C , ,
Vancouver; Lieut. G. S. r cVic-
toria; Lieut. J. G, Nenn•ort y, a::
co ver; Lleat. V. A. iVeT e Il Van-
couver; Li/ut. S. D. Armsur, Yam
conver; Lieut. T. A. Kydd, louridtt's
Rapids, Oet; Capt. C. E. H. Morton,
Royal Gren,dieru, Toronto; Lieut.
J. H. Bennett, Toronto; L°:cut. A. G.
Spender, Vancouver; Lieut. A. E.
Bail (or Bali); Lieut. E. N. Gillet,
no address; Capt. John H, Parks, St.
John, N,B.; Lieut, Alfred C. Bastedo,
Toronto; Major D. Sutherland, Nor -
wick; Capt. J, C. L. Smith, Chatham;
Lieut, IIT. C. Butler, London; Lieut.
T. D, Lockhart, Galt; Lieut. Andrew
'Gordon McLennan, Ottawa; Lt. -Col.
William °c cier Buell, Brockville;
Major Berkeley Henry Belson,'s Pcrt
Dalhousie, Ont.; Lieut. R. M. Young,
Barrie, Ont.; Lieut. Thomas Head
Reddeli, Halifax, NLS.; Lieut. Robert
Bruce Stalker Burton, Toronto; Lieut.
G, H. Weld, Delaware, Ont.; Major
James Lightfoot, Winnipeg, 'Mana.
Capt. Daniel Lee -Redman, Calgary;.
Capt. Charles Wilson Robinson, IVlun-
sou, Alta.; aieut. William Arthur
Lowrey, Calgary; Lieut. George Ger.
don Duncan, Port Credit, Ont.;
Major A. T. Hunter, Toronto; Capt.
C. H. Watson, Port Hope, Ont.;
Capt, George Eric Mn0uaig, Mon-
treal; Capt. I3 Barre, Montreal; Lieut.
Walter Kirkwood Knubley,. Montreal;
Capt. Paul R. Hanson, St. Lambert,
Que.; Capt, I3,' R. Boyd, Ridgeway,
Ont.; Capt -FIs H. Snaith, Montreal;
Major Gilbert Godson -Godson,. Van-
waver; Lieut. Reginald Hibbert, Tup-
Der, Vaneoo': er ; Lieut. Graham Mont-
gomery Ainslie, Scotland; Lieut. G. H.
Davis, Claxton, B.C.; Lieut. W. Young,.
no address.
A second casualty list given out at
Ottawa contained the following names:
Capt. P. 1?. Bowman, Edmonton;
Major Ballantyne, Georgetown; Lieut,:
W. L. Ford, Kamloops; Lieut. H. R.
S1harshmidt, Vancouver; Lieut. F. 8.
Moleon, Montreal; Lieut,, I. A. Das
sereaa, 'Toronto;, Capt. George Hag-
gerty it oLaren, Toronto, Lieut.
H. F. Hertzberg, Toronto; Pte. Wm.
Thomas Shaw, Scotland;' Capt. Peter
Edwin l3owea, ,Edmonton; Pte. Rich-
ard Shorney, England; Pte. Lee S.
Tlmllck, New Westminster, B.C.; Pte.
Hugh John Carlyle Geldert, Halifax,
N.S„ Pte Fred' Whitfield; Ireland;
Pte. Harry Holmes, Yorkshire, Eng.;
Pte.'Wlilian Coleman, BIlston, Eng,;
Pte. Frank Henry Sanikester, Lon-
don, Eng,; Pte. Mack 'Hermanson, '
Winnipeg Lieut. Halbert Ransoms
Ball, Winn eg; Pte. Edward Inman,
Gunton, Mom; Pte. Frederick W.
Wickens, .Hastings, Eng,; Pte. An-
drew Love, Ayrslifre, Scotltincl; Lance -
Corp, James Murray, Anstrutlrer,
Scotland; lrorp. John Urwin Mann, .
Durham, Eng,; Pte, John Clarence
,Scott, No address; Pte: Arthur Rob-
)ns, Lont.an,' Eng•; Gunner C. IL,
11, Ottawa,