HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. TTIE CLINTON NEW 'ERA. Thursday; April 22nd, 1915, G G it 99 99 War WrecPs Continent's Dress Goods Industry THE wave of war has swept over the great dress goods factories of continentalEurope, leaving them idle, or in ruins. Thanks to the protection of the British Navy, however,thegreat mills atBradford,Eng.where DRESS Coops are made, have been able to do "business as usual", and also to fill large. orders for the Allied Governments. We have a completed assortment of the beautiful new Priestleys' fabrics for this Spring, including the latest and most fashionable weaves and colours. Palermo and Iona Crepe, two new cloths in the shades of the moment; Howard Poplin, Baroda Crepe, silk and wool; Silvan Crepe, mohair and wool ; and the lustrous, long -wearing serges, taffetas, broadcloths, in solid colours, for which Priestleys' has been famous for a generation. WE ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO BUY EARLY, AS PRESENT PRICES CANNOT BE ASSURED IN FUTURE. • WOMAN'S STO.REMEN'S STORE. Dry Goods and ' Merchant Tailoring. House 'Furnishings BRowN Me11 s ;Furnishings. Phone 67. , ' Phone 103. 99 9 99 99 59 9 9 m YA i JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON CO Start The Day Right Try a package of Kelloggs Toasted Born Flakes—made from pure Canadian goods, and put np im Canada for Canadian people. As a breakfast food it is unequalled for the spring or summer. Breakfast can be prepared in a few minutes We also carry in stock—Puffed Wheat. Putted Mee, Gusto, and other lines that make a dainty he-akfast Bow about your Garden Seeds this year—Our seeds are from the well known firms of D. 141. Ferry, Steel Briggs, and other lines Our Dutch Seta are a good quality, and would recommend you to buy early lligitcsl Prices for Butter and Eggs J , °14 w'(!)-'`@, Phone 111 THE STORE OF Q VA>LIITY Successor to S, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to 1 Fancy furniture 1 Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buyall kinds of Furniture BAX I.1 Set mAMMIl\TSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 HollsecIeOJllH Specials NNW IMIOM SmallList of the Popular and up to -date Kind Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes Floorlac anal Japalac Campbell s Varnish Stains Buggy and Wagon Paint Muresco, Alabastine, and Jellstone Enamels and all kinds of Polishes Dustless Mops and Wizard Mope 0 Cedar Polish ehd Liquid Veneer Berry Brothers Floor Varnishes ' Brushes of all kinds 'We Ilave Jut Received: A big supply of Perfection Oil Stoves Washing Machines and Wringers Lawn Mowers. Garden Hose. Step Ladders, Etc, Now is the time to use Dr, Hess Stock Food and Panacea, HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, *HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES i GETTING GREEN IN SHAPE Mr. John 'Hunter has been get- ting the bowling green in shape for the coning season. If the fine weather c ontinues it won't be long before the bowlers will be playing at their /.atvorite pastime. Membership card is al- ready in circulation and it looks as if the club will have a prosper OUs year. A NEW SPRINGTIME TOAST. The bright sunshine and April showers will soon be waking all of the flowers and animals from their winter sleep. Automobiles are already taking the place of sleighbells all over the land: Did you bear of the bright little' girl. at a dinner party who heard big- ger people making toasts? She held up her glass of water, saying, "Here's to the auto, may we hear it tool: in time to scoot!' A very sensible toast. -" RATTIER IRRITATING. A business loan has a lot to put up with in the neglect of his pat- rons to pay small accounts. We find, in the newpaper field, the same difficulty. Carrying a small account and telbdering it from time to time is, irritating, more especially when no notice of it is taken, It may be forgetfulness on the part of those who owe. How- ever, it is unfair to those who have trusted you and sold goods close. Way ask them to use their profits in clunners for an honest debt? ECONOMICAL ----Heats the house well`, without burning all the coal you can buy.' K[R�CH RODS ao Gives steady, even 1rn heat on least fuel. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet., BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS 4 4 4 4 4 sAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAleAA®AAAAAAAAAAAAAAJWAAAAAA Local News YYVV7VVVVVYTVVVVVYVYTVVVYVVVVOYVVVVYVVVnT9®VVYVTVVI ORCHESTRA AT BLYTH The Phalen Orchestra were at Blyth las •Friday, evening attend- ing a dance. Many from town were among the invited guest. THE COMING MEN AND WOMEN -- Following are the new pupile to the Public School who commenced last week:—Mazzie Graelie, aged 5 years, Alice Briton, 6, Zinda Salter, 6, Hazel Carter, 7, Mary Watkin, 5, Clara Gould, 6, Isabel Pickett, 6, Mary Greeks, 6, Marion '1'hompson,6,Donna Stevens, 6, Clara Steep, 7, Edith Johnston; 5, Etoile Sharp, (3, lean Phamstee1,5, Harold Langford, aged 6 years, Clarence Livermore.6,1Vilfred Benzo, 6, Cyril Hale, 6, Willie Mc Ulinchey, 6, Jack Gibbings, (3, Charlie Baines, 6, Bernie Bateman, 6, Lorne Cools 5, Charlie Keller, 6, Wilford Glazier, 6, Willie Lee, 6, Willie Mutch 5, Gordon Marshall, 6, Jack Twyford, 6, Fred Fowler, 6, Charlie Latter, 5, John Hellyar, 6, Robert De La Pontatiere, (1. THE NEW MAPLE SYRUP BILL, The new maple syrup bill,- reads that no person shall keep for sale, offer or expose for sale, etc., any article of food resembling or being an imitation of maplesugar • (or maple syrup or which, is composed partly of maple syrup and which is not "pure" maple ,sugar or syrup, unless the article itself or the package containing 15 is labell- with the words "Imitation) Maple Sugar or Syrup," or "Compound AIA le Sugar or P, Syrup," as the P Y case may be, inI a conspicuous place, and in large conconspicu'ous letters of a different color from the label or other letters appear- ing on the label; such letters to be of at least one-quarter bf an inch, high, printed in the same line ar 1 entirely separate from any el her inscription oin the label. MINOR LC" "ALS 'How do yoti like the War Tax? 8 more days in April. Let the New Era do that( print- rnAre yon going to "The Sailors Tangle" tonight? (God Beats are left yet: Got your "cluckers" working , yet? There is still a lot of sickness around town .yet? What anout the Band Concerts this year? Everybody is waiting for' the good old summer t`me evenings and the music. Send u sthe news, and'all the news that is of interest to our readers., t There are only 2,61. days left in 1915. • What about the org anicafion of the Foot Bal*. 'teant 'tor 1915. The anglers, are now busy along the rivers and creeks. Most of the Nall wheat has • wintered well. Tor corroborative evidence . of the presence of spring .listen. to the carpet beater see the house cleaners at work.. WATERING CART OUT The town watering cart was put to work on Tuesday and not be- fore the stores Was filled with dust, • ADVERTISING -ISMS. • It pays to read advertisements. Thousands are now reading "acts' as eagerly ars they read the news and editorial parts. They find "ad" reading interesting and pro- fitable. USE WAR TAX STAMPS It is announced at Ottawa that a change has been made in the war stamp regulations applying to letters Postage stamps bearing the words "war tax" may now be used for prepayment of postage, but in no . case will Inland Revenue stamps be accepted for postage. MINOR LC'" ALS Spring, •. War stamps now. Keep off the boulevards with rigs We, don't mind being ,talked about. If you like The New Era tell your friends about it. In an- swering advertisements you are also at liberty to. men'tibn The New :Era, Every little mention helps,' This will certainly be a remark- able spring if several chilly set - Lacks are not yet in shore.. That "favorite" flower-- 'the Dandelion will soon he here. The wide awake merchant to- day is an arlsrtiscr. 17'e knows that the parcel post and Tura1 mail delivery 'play directly into the hands of the big department- al stores, accordingly he advertises to show them that better bar- gains can be obtained at home. April showers bring May flowers ,1U' IOR BASEBALL. A meeting was held after 1 o'clock 'on Monday afternoon 10 organize a number of Base ball teams in the school. The League consists of the tenons. The follow ing are the officers elected ;— Pa'trons;—i<Ir. Thos. Cottle, Mr. Thos. Jackson Jr. Pr. Shale; Dr, Thompson. I•Ton President;—C, D. L'oucic, President ;—'Harry Rance; 'Sec. Creas;—R Schrienk. lelanaging Committee—I0recl,Wall is. ?Earl Cooper, Alex (Eagleson, Robert Schrenk and Harry Rance. Captains—Earl Cooper, Ernie Little, Robert Schrienk. The following are tltr' teamv— Ernest Little's team will be known as the "Whites" L 0. L. A special meeting of Murphy L. 0. L. it as helot on Noonday even- ing for the purpose 'of confer.ing degrees. IN PRE INSURANCE BUSINESS Mr, Glenn Kook hie; become the local agent foie hte Prudential Co. Mr, Cook fe well d mown and Should wort: up a good businessin town. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES On Sunday May, 9th, Rev. Dr, Her] idge, 'Moderator of the Presby. terian Church of Canada, will iireachicanniversary sermons in Willis Presi. yterian Church here, both morning a'ndl'evening. No doubt there willbe two large con grega•tions to hear .this great preacher. CLINTON TRUCI5S Friday morning Manager Whit more, of the Clinton Motor Works had a new 2 ton truck ,out tlo have its picutre 'taken and' .loaded the truck up with prominent citi- zens, who were 'oat for their morn ing walk. Artist iFink took the picture in front of 'the post -of- Lice. E. Latter, 'then gave a few of the citizens a ride around the main streets in the thew car It is sold to a Mr. Hancock Bloor Street, Toronto, who will use it in his !;miler business, Clinton cars aril trucks can do the well: with any of them. Ernest little Captain—Archie Mc Kenzie, George Evans, Harry Law- rence, Alex Eagleson. Leiglitoti Walker, Charlie ;Pulford, Fred El- liott,'Fred Peekitt, Herbert Holtz - 1101100 and Nesbitt Cook. Earl Cooper's team willbe known known as the "Reds" Earl Cooper Captain—Nred Wall- is, Leslie Huller, Cecil Peckitt, E. Crich, George Carter George 14Iid dleton James Walker, Wilfred See ley, Stewart McDonald, and'Hugh Maguire. Robert Schrienk's team will be known as the "Blues" Robert Schrienk Captain—Ernest Hall, Earl Steep, Orville 'Murp1hy, L. West, Ambrose Maguire, Jack Bow den, Stanley, Kennedy, Willis Coop er, George Walker, and Charlie Cole. A series of nine, games Will be played. Any Person wanting to see some fine Base Ball played by amatures. Just Come around to the Recreation Paris every Tues- day and Fridayof each week be ginning. on April 27 at 4.30 p. m. Everybody Welcome. AFTER TN'FORMATION The Board of Trade wrote the Post office Inspector ector at London, in regards to mail matter going to Toronto on the 5.15 p m.traln and the letter below answers the ques- tion. It is to be hoped that when the new rails+ -ay schedule comes in to effect in Mae the 5,1,5 will run straight t hrough 6.0 Toronto;— ,Postoffice Inspector's Office London, April, .151015 'lir. A. T. Cooper, Clinton Ont. Sir ;-1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 1.4th ins:. and to inform you that Mail des- poteh from Clinton at 5.15 p. m, v. mild reach Toronto per train No. 14 at f,.31 next a. in. four Obedient Servant Chas. E. H. r.! isher P.O. Inspector, HYMENEAL The Brussel. Post of last week gives the following which refers a niece of MrSanies Dunford of town—Wednesday of this week at 5 p in. the )matrimonial ]snot was tied by Rei • A. J. Mann. 13. A„ at Melville manse, between Samuel Bell, of Teeswater• locality, :and Miss Elva, daughter of Allan anti Mrs. Lamont, Queen street, Brus- sels, 'Bride was unattended rend was neatly attired in her travel- ling suit of navy blue serge with flute silk blouse with trimmings of lace and pearls, 'Mr. and 14Irs. :Belt left on the evening train for their new home carrying with them the hearty good wishes of many friends, 'Mrs, Bell was a member of The 'Post staff for nearly 5. years, If she snakes as good a wife as 'she did in the per- formance of her various duties in 'the office she will be hard to beat. We hope many bright, prosperous happy years are before the bride and groom in their new relation. Tuesday evening a ' miscellaneous "shower" was 'tendered the corn- ing bride at the hone of Miss Em- ma Colvin, when numerous hand- some, valuable • and useful gifts were presented with the customery poetic accompaniments and a jolly day is an advertiser, He knows pany dispersed eater s l fgin 0 She's a lolly. good fellow" and "Auld Lang Syne," 'wondering who would be next on the matri- monial list. •y 1 CONNER'S `BUTTER=CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and; Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 5C Loaf 111 Kirsch Rods Can't Sag -Never Tarnish Kirsch is the man who took the "sag" out of Curtain Rods by inventing a flat extension rod with round edges andcurved ends, which allows your curtains to hang flush against your casing, making a very pleasing effect. They may be attached in such a way as to show the woodwork or if desired, to hide the casings, should they not be as nicely finished as you would like. They can behad either single or double. Are easy to put up, and are durable. The WD. Fair eo. Often the eheapest--i4iways the Best War White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting -- with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the"most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily redeye a cough. Try it- 1-1077= t— IO 1/ _E Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE V] Furniture, Rugs & 1lnaleumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Ton will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see ' the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos,atnd organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction *Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Plight and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store t • 1111111 RIR 1 la r'e, i 5 t Rsxracec°o. JR4!?&Y6S9a', AWAY.30074 For Eavetroughiug and Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds try us. Agents for Preston Metal Shingles Thos. Hawkins The eorner ' Store "Live and Let Live" GARDEN SEEDS We have a full assortment of Steele Briggs and Ferry's garden and flower,. seeds in packages. By bulk we have the following.—Sweet Corn, Peas, Wax Beans, Sweet Peas, (tall and, dwarf), Nasturtiums, Dutch Sets and Potatoe Onions Fruits and Greens Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Bine apples, Grape Fruit, and Apples. Special for Saturday Celery, Lettuce, Green Onions Radishes and Ripe Tomatoes Plumbing, and Heating E. L(ie aHunniford Shop—over Rowland's Hardware 4 j 1 d Phone 53 PHONE 45. X44.4.•4.444!1.44!d!i14.:+F - t SHOE POINTS Here are a few points to consider when ready for yourSpring Shoe purchases— It is very easy for almost any Shoe House to say, ''Our Shoes are the Best and Cheapest" and then quote a few prices to convince you of the fact. PRICEES TELL YOU NOTHING, Read any shoe advertisement and you will find the quoted prices, are about the same the country over. Shoes for men and women have been sold at $2.50, $3, 3.50. $4, etc., for years and they will continue to be sold at about the same price for years to come—nobody can control a shoe price. We ask you to come here to see the best Shoe Values offered anywhere at any stated price— the best productions of Canada's' best makers of shoes for men, women and children. CONSIDER TI:••IESE POINTS FRD J,SN THE BEST SHOES FOR YOUR MONEY. 4.4.4 !4 4aa ass +a»4+.F4+ 4334 it ra t1. 4e : 1! 9 k:P.11,..a .4 a*4e:5°1