HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-22, Page 4PAGE FOURi.
Thursday, April 22nd, 1915.
eetieleeweelele leSi ..•.
Desirable Real Estate may be sold at any time or season. A good rna.ny shrewd buyers wait for the so-called
u'ntavorable seasons in 'which to itxlake their investments
and they are watching the °rads.
Beady -
to -Wear
Phgne 7S
Dry GoodS
Rouse Far
"What a Splendid
DispIay f douse
We often hear this remark in our store. If you
have not paid some similar compliment, it is because
you have not yet visited our Up to -date House Fur-
nishinos Department.
Fpring shipments are here and on our floors.
Nouse cleaning time is sure to find you in need
' of some article in house furnishings.. We have it -
whatever it is, and at prices that will convince you in
our favor. Everything in Rugs is here, from the
cheapest to the best, from a 35c Rug, up to a
635,00 one.
What About
the Windows ?
Have you decided what you are going to do
about the curtains for the windows. Now that house-
cleaning is at hand, it is time you have decided, We
are showing a beautiful range of Curtain Netts from
15c a yard to $1 a yard. Lace curtains by the pair
from 5oc to 68.5o.
Millinery News
Out trimmer, Miss Clumas, attended the Summer
Millinery Opening in Toronto on Monday and Tues-
day of this week, and has brought back many pretty
which will be on display this week.
• •x•1.1.111101001110/11M•11.1/11••••111.1••10.1/11•
- • Local News •
SUNDAY 10:45 P. M.
Home they towed the auto dead
No one smiled or uttered cry
All the spectators watching said
Only another Ford gone dry.
-Words without music by Ontario
Street Resident.
The snow is all gone; the filth ap-
pears. Clean up. Remember refuse
should be removed from the back
yards and lanes of towns and villages
as well as in farm yards, As the warm
weather comes heaps of filth will breed
disease germs, and the quicker they
are removed the better for the general
St. Marys Argus of last week had
the following local,which refers, to one
of our industries of town:- Manager
Proven, of the Pleasant FIour Theatre
has, placed an order with a Clinton
firm for an electric piano, having
mandolin attachment. This new
instrument will be installed next week
and is one of the "made in Canada"
articles we read so much about.
Everyeperson, member ornot is
requested to come to the Women's
Patriotic Society meeting, Friday,
April 23rd The ladies of Presbyterial.
church will serve the Patriotic Tea
Tuesday ` while Councillor Harry
Fitzsimons and Bert Fitzsimons were
whitewashing .their new slaughter
house, the Councillor had the mie
fortunes to get both eyes filled with
the, spray and is now wearing the
eyes to shield his from
thesune rays
Councillor John Yeo and his good
wife of Goderieh Tp , expect shortly
to move to Clinton, as that worthy
gentleman has purchased the house
ttnd lot tor Mrs, John Johnston,
Ratteubury Street The New Era ex
tends a hearty welcome to them
Mr Reuben Stirling, who has been
working in Jackson,Michlgan, arrived
home Monday, having had his left made and on a showing of hands it
hand badly cut while running a saw was found that the sentimentofthe
fn that piti,ce Ris inftily frieude hope meeting favored the deferring of any
no aerinus da,inage will befallhirir action until snob time as a handso,ne
structure, and one that will fill the
present and future needs of the.
prosperous East ward congregation
eat) be financed', Among other matters
to tineImportance nie�o r
u se
a d ii
the r. •� he rr Choi 7 ov. �lr Jenkins
, t ,kms
h L T
wee gram o�. 1 month s holitla,/s, after
whieh tL.: ,xue'i,1 , di_pereed,
Mo. John Govett is having a new
verandah erected at his home on
William Street.
The Clinton Motor Car Company
has sold a 3,; ton truck to the 0 H
Tune, Ltd, company of London, and
delivery will he made shortly Several
other contracts are nearly completed
for two of their gig trucks.
Have you started, to clean up your
back yard yet?
The Spring millinery openings are
in full bloom with a corresponding
shrinkage in father's roll
More signs of Spring -the little girls
are enjoying themselves with their
skipping ropes,
• If the weather continues you will he
able to plant your onions next week or
the week after.
Looks like Spring when you see the
clouds of dust 'blo,ung. up and down
the streets.
The robin is here so is the song
sparrow. The hardy tulip and the
venturesome crocus are showing their
beads in the sunny places. Still, we
would not advise anyone to begin to
think of leaving them off just yet.
Brantford Expositor -At an enthusi
astir meeting of the memhers of the
vestry of St. Jude's Anglican church,
at which the rector,Rev, C. E. Deakins
presided, it was decided after some
discussion not to take any further
steps at the present time in connection
with the extending , of the church etc
comznodation.u F,inanciaii "cons der
atioue were responsible +for the decis
ion arrived at, it being felt that it
would be advisable to defer the matter
for the present rather than go ahead
and make some temporary enlarge
men is which, within a very short space
of time,would again prove inadequate
A report of the committee appoint
ed to enquire into the advisability of
erecting a new and modern sacred
edifice, or enlarging the present struc
tine, was givers last night and a num-
ber of schemes outlined. A spirited
discussion followed on the propos is
of Supply '
The ',Adios Oommittee
wish.as much work as possible to be
brought to n
Daling•ir Pride v,A
so as to give time for the
foreticking, .April ..
packing, •
•11w•- • ••1f11.111w11.1•
District New&.
Mrs Chapman, Atwogd,is:at present
visiting her brother 114r Duncan Mc
Kenzie, on the fourth.
Mr Arthur Chapman man is recovering
from his attack of pneumonia.,
Mr Duncan Mepowan,wife and three
children visited his brother Mr John
McCowan on the first of the week..
Mr 141 Crich visited at the home of
Mr John Pepper o nthe firstof the
Mr John Pepper attended the fune
ral of his cousin,Mr Buchanan,Ilensall
on Tuesday.
The home of Mr and Mrs Wes
Vodden was brightened last week by
the arrival of a fine baby boy
Mis Warner spent Wednesday with
Mis Hazelwood, sr
The farmers are busy getting their
spring work done
The new Carneige library on
the coiner of i1'Iain 'ai)d N'or'th
was opened last Saturday for the
first time. A large stock of books
has been installed.
A eery quiet wedding took place
on \Ved(iesday at Victoria , Col-
lege, Toronto, when J. G. Stan -
bury, B. A. of Exeter was married
to Jennie 'Hardy, of the Deaconess
Training School Of ,that city, alad
'daughter of Mr. anth 'Mrs. B, S,
'Hardy, of Ibis town, Miss Hardy
was a former stenographer of
Gladman R Sta.)bury, of this town
and was well known iby all. Re',
J.iF. McLaughlin of Toroito, .offic
Word was received in 'town 'on
,Friday of the death of Mrs. (Rev)
Cooper, of London. The remains
'arrived here on Saturday morn-
ing for burial.
1'he directors of the Blyth Agri-
cultural Society held a sptcial
meeting last week for the purlioe
of electing a new secretary -treas-
urer. to fill the position caused
through the dieeth of William
Jackson. James Cuming received
the appointment
The bowling club has appointed
Joseph Carter as the caretaker of
the green, and it has made a good
selection. He is 1" now busily en-
gaged. at lee eling, and seeding it,
and if he is favored with g'�od
weather, it will not be long (be-
fore he will have it ready to play
The• sawmill finished this seas
on's cut of logs on lFriday.
Quite a number around here have
been' up to fishing at Benmiller.
Mr Henry Colough has been very
sick with pneumonia.
Quite a number of the farmers are
tusy seeding.
Mr and Mrs Ben Riley and daughter
spent Sunday with friends in Tucker
itlr Joe Cooper, Cleveland, Ohio,
brought back his mother. Mrs kr
Cooper' who has been epending the
winter with friends. He remained a
few days with her.
Miss Grace Eno, is visiting for a few
days with her sister, Mrs A. lilt
Dougall. .
London Road
League meets next Tuesday night
at Mr George Hanley's.
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
Stephenson, sr„ who has been on the
sick Het. is improving
hir Robert Hunter hes purchased
40 acres of land on the 2nd, from NIc
"Sandy" Innis
Miss Emnia Jordon leaves th's week
for her Home at Porter's 11111. She will
be greatly oilseed among the young
people, among whom she was a great
Farmers are so busy with their seed
ing and the chores, they have scarcely
tune to eat
The land works well to for this
Two of the five cases of smallpox
quarnantined in Hay Township have
been pronounced out of danger and
the quarantine has been removed. The
three remaining cases are reported as,
having passed the critical point and a
release from their •confinement is ex
petted in course of a few days. Hay
inglbeen successful in checking the
Spread of smallpox; thedeputy health
officer will now have something to say
to,the`residents of the village in re
gard to sanitary condielon,
John Erb, of the Bronson line, was
badly bruised when his horse, fright
ened by a load of calves, ran away and
dragged him under the wheels. The
horse then freed' itself: and ran through
the village, but without doing' any
damage. •
1 ceiield
lir t
e "glad time" o
Housecleaning thf
the year is here again.
James •Burdge, Goderich,is the
guest of his brother, Fred Burdge.
., Ales Ross, Cargill!, is visiting.at the,,
home of Jas Allen .• ,
Miss Foster's four '•rounic pnpire,
Misses Wirnie tlunt, Jessie McMillen,
Blume Higgins and Elizabeth Scott,
have passed their recent examinations
in music of the London, England
Un Sunday morning last the spirit
of Mrs Henry Panfound, Stanley, pass
ed pet-mefnlly away elm death was
very sudden and tinlooked for,she was
dressed and going around, she told
her son Charles Penfound that she
felt unwell, he placed her on a, couch
and called his father but liefot•e he
came death had called her home Sne
was 72 years of age, much love and
respect by a a large number of
friends She was a, member of the
Methodist church of cur village much
nter: -..,,1 17 the Mission work of the
eller?. ring of her tirne and means
in pi<e. L 7 In t ranee of missions.
E 1
;,he h . four of a family, tinge sorra
'051 14 .5,,, .,,bter, Mrs llates,(xoderich
Charles at home The funeral took
place on Wednesday toBaird's ceme
tery where rt large mtmiler of friends
andacquaintances met to showy last
tribute to the departed one
Birth,s lilarria;es Tna fils
FINCH- n :Straifoid, April IGth to
Mr. and Mrs, Jaynes Finch, (former-
ly of Oli ,tou),,s son,
i. U `-rr Oliutnn on Friday,
FITZ9T 1 Nb 1
April Bibb, to Mr. and Mrs Bert
Fitzsimons, a daughter,
VODDJIN=In Hulirrr,April 15th, to
Mr. and Mose; Wee. Vudden , a son
PENFOUND-Iii Stanley, April 18th
31. Knight, beloved wife of 6Ir.
Henry Penl'ound, aged 72 years
Back Yard cleaning is going on
We are getting real spring west))
or. r L
Eggs tor IIatching
Eggs from our Bred to lay Barred
Rock§:' $L00 and $2 00 per 15, S. C.
Rhode Island He 1 eggs $1.00 per 15.
Leave orders at Deering Implement
chop. A. C. LEVEY, Clinton
Earm Work Wanted
I am prepared to take apposition on
a farm, and am an experienced ter-
mer, Apply to W 11FADON,
Care of J Hawkins, Clinton
For Sale
Studebaker Auto, 25 Horse Power, 5
passenger, Fully equipped and in the
hest of repair. !'rice reasonable. Can
be seen and demo estrated by calling
on owner
Clinton, Ont
Under the Auspices of
St. Paul's t11.1.P.A. Clinton
The Comic Opera
'Me Sailors Tangle
will be given in the Town Hall
Clinton, on
Thursdag, April 22
at 8 o'clock p. n1.
by the Choir of St. George's Church,:
32 voices and Orchestra
Tickets 250, Reserved Seate 9i c
Seats on Sale at Fair's
Plan opens on Saturday Morning
Orestern 1niversity, London
Greatly Enlarged Enlarged Faculties in Arts
and Medicine. Vastly Improved
Equipment, -library, laboratories, etc,
Seven New Scholarships. Record
Enrollment. Inquiries Solicited,
Notice to Creditors
In the Matter of William Perdue
NOTIOE is hereby giyen that all
persons having claims against the
estate of William Perdue, late of the
Township of Goderich, in the County
of Huron, yeoman, deceased. who died
on or about the 14th day of November,
1014, are required to deliver to the un
dersigned administrator or his solicitor
on or before the 15th day of May, 1915,
a full statement of their claims, toge
ther with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securities, if any, held
by them, all duly verified by affidavit
AND TAKE 1lOTICE that after the
said lastentioned date th
m , esaid ad
ministrator will proceed to dist).
the estate of , the said deceased
amongst the persons,.entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
he,sh145have'received due notice and
in acdbrdance' -therewith.'
DATED at Clinton, Appril I3tff,1015.
,Clinton, Ont„ Administrator.
W, BRYIJONE, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the Administrator,
Timothy Seed
1 offer for sale Timothy Seed, super-
ior for purity to No, 1 (Government
Standard). Apply to Rebt. Walker on
riry farm.
For S le.
A 'Banner' wood cooking stove -in
r •it class condition, will take a stick
24 inches long, Also an elle
i.. 1, s ',pill
lIC' sold 1,
s..ou •l ic, rii ec 11 cheap. Apply
THOS. TRICK, Rattenbury Street
In the estate of John Whiddon
r 3TOT CE is hereby given that ellleis ) a\rog claims against the
estate n , Jahn W d len lase) �1
'5.1U 1'll:tt of lla't'ft,• d in the
,.aurin v .'al l3-Iur'o'n- mei•ch,,nt
who d ed on o t • about
like 2011^ day
,l January 1U
r it are r i'
e< d �
deliver to the undersign ladmen s-
:rrthlti or het sol,citor on or be-,
hefm e the 21th d r'y of April 1515
1 full statemeat of their claims •
'etas) with par ticulars thereof al d
the native of the securities it
any held by them all duly vcrfiicd'
d .,ir.
" dD TATE NOT='Clr that af"er• I
d adminis'tatr lx ,,i1i protect( to
d sir ibi to the estate of the said
d cr s d amongst the persons en-
iltc51 thereto having regard only
to mail c'lnim as he shall l have re-
e-c •i d eine ice !Ind in 810Jritl-
i^re herewith:
DATE:D at Clinton April 6th 1915.
d r nistratrix
Solicitor for a.d.ninistra.trix,
In the Estate of Mary Ann
Whiddon, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims e"ainstthe
estate of 141ary Ann Wh'dTon la;e
-dile-, of Btyfic d
County of 'Huron, marri; d woman
who d'ed on 'or about 20th 511;.'
of June 1911 are required til
sliver to the undersign ae ininis- I
rix nr her sr"citor on or he -
before the 2401 d,y of April 1915 Ready for Work
a full statement of their claims to
;tiger with particulars thereof al d --
the native of '5778 securities. if I am prepared to do any kind of
any. held by them all duly verified work in gardening, cleaning lawns,
uy- at. I. d twit. draining, or any kind of work.
AND TAKE NOT70E that after ONSLOW CRICH Albert St.
c1 1015' mentioned date the
d administ atrix will proceed to
d < tribute the e tate of the said
51'er'sed amongst the persons On -
Alt d thereto having regard only
to seeh elliinls as he shall have re -
/41v. d clue notice Lind in accerrl-
mice herewith.
DATED at Clinton April 6th 1915
e d ninistr'att•ix
lv. 13R?DONE
Solicitor for 2d ninistratrix
Smaller Coal Bills
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying you with a coal that
lasts' long; gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give
it a trial';
LJ. Holloway, Clinton
Eggs tor Sale
Barred hocks bred r (Guelph
winners. In Barred Rock eggs, I
ha ve the best value in Canada. To he
convinced come and see for yourself,.
Visitors welcome.
Pen '1 -Beaded by Crusader. Son
2nd of Guelph and 1st Detroit cockerel
Eggs $3.00 per 15.
Pen II -Headed by prize cockerel
valued at $25:00. Eggs $2.00 per 15.
Pen III- Pullet mating, customer
reports pullets laying at five months
of age, from this pen. Eggs $1.50 per
Pen IV -Eggs 111.00 worth $2.00.
Here isa chance to get some good
stock at it reasonable price, 3 eggs
from Pea I, 1 each from Pens 2, 3. 4.
Enfertile eggs wilt be replaced free
of charge.
H. A. HOVEY, Clinton, Ont.
For Sale
Seed Barley. Mandcbueri No21 good
sample and clean; at 8,5e per bushel.
Siberian Millett, good sample at $l 25
oar bushel, Windmill, "Toronto" in
No 1 shape, tank and all complete, ail
fresh habbited this spring, price $50,
Anyone wanting, any of these articles
nail at lot 23, con. 1. Tuckersmith,
Huron Road or phone 6 on 188 Clinton
A good Srnart•Harris driil wanted for
season or year
Carnegie Annex
el 'r^c" will be received
me up to April 26tri far eon
, c s -Cement i it R)oc] ar d stone
rl r,in!.rart. 3 -.Brick ,earl:
i,7 \ l; anl0: (1 I• not neces-
er I1y- rte 'op( d
Chairman Lil•r:u'y Board
Calves for Sale
'1 r'u. (1 rs';um51 till have for
e 7:ea• N'oreata d.e stables on
Ss;.r+ •d i.• aft00noon, April lOth,
to d .if (71,l) es. Those the gam!
1:r71`a718 "Ives from one to tan
ocrks r.d , choice lot, and will
. d 1'i ,'J 01115 pur•clr^eev
Blacksmith Business Moved
We have moved our blacksmith
business from the stand on Ontario
street to the livery barn on King street
entrance near the Wesley Church shed
where we will be ready to receive our
old customers and solicit a fair share
of the trade.
Baby Chicks and Eggs
Get your order in early for baby
chicks We are starting our incuba
tors now and will continue till June,
Barred Rocks, 8. O. Brown Lyhorns,
R. 0. Rhode Island Reds, and White
VVyondottes. All first class fowl and
bred •tolay. Chicas 15c and 20c each.
Eggs $1.50 per 15, Reduction on larger
Riverside Poultry Farm'
Brussels, Ont. •
offering singIncsale are tf rr g for sa a this Spring
hatching egg=