HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. Every Man and Boy in Town Should see the Special Display of Men's and Boys Spring Clothing and Furnishings AT 'THE MEN'S STORE You will appreciate this special display of ,Men's and Boy's Wear. It offers an early opportunity to see all that isnew in Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Our showing of Spring Suitings will be' sure to please you -neat hairlines and checks which are very attractive, being 'among the newest. You will notice that Suits will be of trimmer lines than ever. Coats are gracefully conforming with natural shoulders and lapels a. shade wider. Spring Overcoats are straighter and shorter, giving the jaunty ;effect so much to be desired in a Top -coat. BOYS' TWO-PIECE AND ° THREE-PIECE 'SUITS 19 you know the miteul'acture's of "Lion Brand" clothing at all you are acquainted with the fact that no other concern in all Oanada turn out the fine range of Boys' and Children's Clothing made by this firm. Our pre eminence as Juvenile Clothiers is too well known throughout Huron County,. to need any emphasis here. Absolute satisfaction in every garment, purchased here or your money promptly refunded: Boys' Knee Pants -19 Tin Pants were made for boys we'd have them, but we have the next very best thing in ourspecially strong Tweeds and Berges, made for husky boys. r 11[cn'S'Hats -are not radically different, yet there is a diffence in the shape of the crown and set of the brim, which stamps them new, ; New Shirts -The latest novelties in Men's Shirts for Spring, 1915, are now in stock. They are from the best Oanadian muskets are sure to please you. Stripes in two and three tone effects are very popular, and range from neat hair lines to inch wide stripes. Some very neat check patterns are also shown: Among the different materials shown are -Percales, Medras, Oxford, Zephyrs, Silks and mercerized materials. Many men prefer soft cuffs for summer wear, and we are showing some very smart Shirts in this style. In Neckties -No one or two designs can claim the right to'speeial favor, zuany new designs and, color Ings being shwn, In Gloves -For Spring, tan ()ape, grey Suede and Ohemois are all represented.: In Ilosiery-Wearwell Brand. Woven for 'W ear -Fashioned to Fit -Loomed to last, Wonten'S Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 1N Nlien's Share Merchantstir Tailoring a Men's Furnishings Phone 103 JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON. litismIlemownotrem When You Are Tired ,g:nd Hungry During the house cleaning season, and need something for a hasty meal, onr linea of canned goods will please you. Our prices are right Salmon 15c or 2 for 25c, Salmon 151c, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, or Vegetable Soups We have some very nice honey, prices from 10c to 23o Now is the season. for Pure Male Syrup -ours is guaranteed ' Also Corn Syrup in pails or tins Highest Prices for Rutter and Eggs Phone 111 Tian. STORE 01 QUALITY Successor to 5, Barr, Phone aiders promptly attended to Fancy furniture e Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con. struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers ,craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buyall kinds of Furniture (67; .A.TK=N'SON Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 ---RESIDENCE: PHONES- J. D. Atkinson 186 llousecleouioq SpeciilIs Small List of the. Popular and up to -date Kind Sherwin Williams Paints and Varniehes Floorlac ansl Japalac Campbell s Varnish Stains Buggy and Wagon Paint MMureeco,.Alabastine, and Jellstone Enamels and all kinds of Polishes Duetless Mops and Wizard Mops 0 Cedar Polish and Liquid Veneer Berry Brothers Floor Varnishes Brushes of all kinds We Have Just Received - A big supply of Perfection Oil Stoves Washing Machines and Wringers Lawn Mowers. Garden Bose Step Ladders, Eta Now is the time to use Dr., Hess Stock Food and Panacea, HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES a ese••••••a.••••••aeoseececa 0 II LAST CALL 0 • t 0 • LOON AT YOURLABEL 0 0 i ( 0 00000..0100000.00000000000 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. 0000c.600.0000.0100000000000.000600004110000000*•B•0••••00 • BUTTER WRAPPERS Tf you make good butter let it be known by your works. Wrap it in paper showing that you are the maker. The New. Era has a lot on hand.. Send in your order now. NINETY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY. Independent Oddfellows will cele brats the 96th anniversary of the founding of the 'order in North America on April 26. The lucal lodge is making preparations for their annualserMens for that Sun- day.. un-day.. Toronto , 'IFItetS Clinton • 10 • • 4 alte@e 80630001100694 614060®m•00®06090e0+.00®000®O060060 Wheat $1.45. Oats 6€c, Butter 30c to 32c. Eggs lege, Cattle 7.75. Sheep 8.00 Lambs 00.75. Hogs 8.10, Barley 88e to 90c. Peas 1.50 to 1.60. Hogs 7.15. Eggs 16 to 17. Butter 26e to 270. Wheat 1,30, Oats 50a to 500. Buckwheat 75c. Barley 75c. Peas 1.50 to 1.60. Shorts 31.00, Bean 28.00, Baled. Hay 12.00. worasopenwomosnemsek a esAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA�+.AAusaAA 4 a► 4 4 a 4 "4 4 4 yyVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVfYV1yVVIdVVVVVVVVVVVPIVVVVVVVV\tt: ociesseeseOnsssee•s000..'16t'Dge MET IN WING)IAM. • Local News • WAIt TAX ON THURSDAY: 0 ® 'a. o Our reada,•s are reminded 0 g that 1:1.0 war tax comes into 0 ap effect today (Thursday, 0 • April 15th). and all notes awe e O cheques will hare to bear a1 0 g cent stamp under penaltyof- aa. 0 850 for infractions of thelaw, . • Keep this date lar mind, eeseai ceee4461coocee0eedeecab•.'. MINOR LCCALS Clean u17 ! Half of April is now gone. The first rain for April arrived here on Friday last. W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs, A. Seeley on Friday e vening,at 8 o'clock. The lumber- men missionary work will be dis- cussed. ( i TWO SPOKEN co'. • Rev. IF. H'. Larkin, B. A., of Sea - forth, and Rev. John Moore of Sarnia Presbytery are mentioned as suecesso05 to Rev. Dr. MacCrae of London as moderator of Ham- ilton and London synod, , which meets in London April 20. DONATED BOOKS. At a book shower in Toronto for the new library at Weston sani- tarium brought almost 300 books among them being donations from the library of the late Bev. Dr. McDonagh and his daughter, iters, W. S. Dingman of Stratford. TEA0HERS BACK TO THEIR WORK The various teachers who have their hones in Clinton started for their various schools on Saturday. We hope they have success in the •coming exams, with the 1pupils GETS A GOVERNMENT 108 It has been reported that SOr. James Mitchell, part owner of the Goderich Star, has been offered a Government job with the Bureau of Archives, and is accepting it. This will mean that he wilt retire from the Newspaper. 31r, Mitchell has been a good news paper erean and fearless in his report ing. His many friends in Huron County will wish him success in his new work, which after all resembles the work he has been in for the years -that of getting uews, WINGHAi•I RESERVIST KILLED Word arrived in Wingham to Mr. John Putla nd, at the Brunswick Hotel, from the wife 'of' Private Richard Edwards, reservist, that her husband was killed in France. He had been in the employ of Mr. Putland, at the Brunswick Hotel, for over a year,. going to Toronto in August. 'lis wife, Bertha Ed- wards,- received a letter of sym- pathy from the King and Queen. THOSE BRITISH GUNS. Three colored men stood on a 13a1 timore street corner. "Them Ger- man cannons lain hit yo' fi' mile oat" said George. "That ain't nuffin'," scorned Joe. 'Them thah French -guns pick a man outer a tree, ten mile' off 1" Jim's scorn made him almost speechless. "You all ain't said puffin' 'bout_ sho'oti- in'-huh up 1 You all ain't men -4 tioned GUNS I W'y, all dem Eng- lish shootin' nglishshootin' icons needs is to know yo' address!" PAID $400 AND COSTS. In the last three weeks the ryonimerclal Hotel Hensall, has paid $100 and costs for selling liquor without a license. The first fine was $100 and costs and a warning from the magistrate and inspector, but apparently not impressive 'enough tol stop the illegal sale. %Last Thursday's Sine was $300 and posts and a`, 'jail sentence promised if the offense is repeat - Inspector Torrance laid the case before Magistrate Andrews of Clinton, and Bender, the pro- prietor, made the journey, Of 12 miles and settled the case rather than bring prominent citizens into the matter, WY!, GRAY DEAD. William Gray, a well-kno'n church worker of Ithe Bathurst Street Methodist Church Toronto died Thursday morning, aged 52 years, at dais home 65 Bathurst,. street Heart trouble was the caused., Mr. Gray was ' born in Scotland and came to Caprada when a young man, settling in Sea. forth, Thera he was elected Mayor for several terms. Sixteen' years ago he removed to Toronto. Since going to the city he •has been one of the foremost members of the Bathurst Street 'Methodist Church and held the office of re- cording..steward, !Surviving are his widow nad three daughters, Mrs. 13. W. Price and Misses Annie and Gertrude. Intermen t took Place +at Seafortlh on 'Saturday morning. ; bir Gray was well- known to the b1dl91r +Clintonians, BOWLERS REORGANIZED. Last Friday evening the 'Clinton E awling ChM was Ieorgenizeclfor 1515 with the following 'officers. - Hon. President -D. A. Forrester. President -W. Jackson. Vice President --Dr. J. W. Shaw. Secretory -'Fred T. Jackson. Treasurer -j. E. Hovey. Manager -John Watts. The Chili re-elected their old Hon- orary President and added last years members who .have removed f1om town. The Bowlers look for- ward to another successful season and hopeto have the privilege of entertaining many ouitside Clubs. SPLENDID EASTER 'MUSIC. The Huron. Co. Road and Bridge C'ommfttee met at Wingham last Thursday, 55th BI'RTIHDAY The Mitchell .Ad's ovate celebrated its 55th birthday last tFriclay. Its veteran owner, Mr. W. R. Davis, commenced the paper and has been at its 'head ever since. The Ayl1ner Express of last week m-ivea the follower account of the Easter music that was given by the choir which is conducted by Mr. Olen ('amphell, formerly of tills town, -Easter Sunday services at Trinity church were attended by large tad apoleciatrie 0011 01'050 ; tions, the rector, n, Re 911, i4I11 a. Preaching two very imprreai e ai:cl convicting sermons, emphasizing the lessons which the resurrection teaches. The surplice choir, which was in excellent form did very efficient work at both services in the rendition of the different num- bers involving upon them. They were assieted ey 91r. A. R. Lemon and 'Mr. G. A. Beebe. The special numbers at the morning Service were the anthem, 00 Death, where is thy Sting`+" by the choir, the solo parts being taken in excel- lent voice and With much expres- sion by Miss Hilda Brown; and the solo, "I Know ,That my Re- deemer 1iheth," was exceptionally well rendered by Mr. Lemon, in his very fine baritone voice. At the .evening service, the anthem rendered by the choir, "Victory over, Death" was sung with the usual attack and good express- ion which are marked character istics of this choir, Miss Daven- port, who was in excellent voice never sang better, nor more plea- singly than she did in the "Palms" Mr. Beebe sang very effectively, "Low in the Grave," which showed advantage the full rich bass voice which he possesses Mr, W. Glenn Campbell, the organist and choir director and Mrs. +Oampbell the effIceent accompanist; amst, are deserv- ing of 'the many compliments ex- tended to them in the excellent training of the choir and conduct ing of the musical serices through out, A GOOD JOB. Reeve !Ford, who is also Chair- man of the Street Committee, hacl a gang on the streets this week and they certainly made a good job on the Macadam; roads, WENT TO SEAFORTH. Quito a few of our citizene went to Seafovth last Thursday to at- tend the Spring Show. The day was fine, but the roaclis were no•/ thing to talk about. The prizelst may be read on page 4. 33 NEW PUPIES Last Monday morning there were 32 new pupils started at the Pub- lie School which now brings the total enrollment up to 362. It will mean quite a change rounds in some of the rooms to accomodate the large attendnnee. WILL ADDRESS LIBERAAL CLUB Neag Thursday evening April 22 Mt. Alex. Mustard, of Brucefield, will address Ithe Clinton Liberal Club in their rooms.. Mr. Mustard is a good speaker and keeps post ed on the questions ,of the day, so that his talk will be of interest at this time All Liberals are cord tally invited to attend the meet ing and become members of this Club. PATRIOTIC NEWS Tire Ladd:; of Women's -Patriot is Society held their twentieth meeting Friday afternoon April 0 four new members were added to the roll the membership now reach ing 201. 1 he ladies 01 the Bap-, tistChurch served a Very nicely pre bared tea, which the proceeds :i- mountad to $07.50. The next meet- ing Millie hold Friday April 23rd, at which the ladies of Presbyterian hurch will serve tea. The ladies of supply commute,' wish to have as much money a5 possible b 'ought izt on that date so as to get ready get ready for packing April 30. Donations received since last printed report are ' 115 follows l - Mrs. Bristeu ern musicale b2+',00 Wesley ClsnrchJr. League... $11.55 Young Ladies Patriotic Society .... $28.15 Sale of old Rubbers $5.95 Baptist Cliureh Tea...... $17.S0 Banquet Money $1,00 A PLEASANT EVENING-. Last Thursday evening the Patri- otic Musicale under the direction of Mrs. 13ristowe in Owen's Mei_ morial Hall. was a decided success. The program was well arranged and all who attended were wellre- paid. +Following was the program given, - Double quartette - "Joy to the Victors." Sullivan, "Angel of Peace." - t1' lein. Song "Your Country Needs You." Mrs. Elliott. Piano solo Norwegian Bridal March Mrs, Latornell 'Violin Solo ''Souvenir" Miss Seager. Song "Tris Majesty" Mr. East. Song "The Swallows" Miss McIvor, Double quartette.- "1?areWell to the Foiest" Piano Soho "Caeouaha Caprice" Mrs, Latornell Song "Peoria of Gold" Mrs. East, Violin Soto "Selected." Song 'Stars of hte Summer Night' if4'. C. D. Bristowe Song "Mary" ' Miss Green, Double luavieette "Song of Peace," God Save the Kin,, quartette( was com- T The double posed of Mesdames Gunn, East and Paul and Miss Green Messrs, Ford Paul, Bristowe and Rev. Potts. proceeds were given to the Wo- men's Patriotic Fund. CONNER'S `GUTTER=CRUST' SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 - - 5c Loaf • Thursday, April 15th, 1915. A Robin Has Been Seen and Heard The Ground Hog is on Schedule Time A One=arra Paper Hanger Has the Hives minsmigneur And all signs point to spring, which re- minds us of Wall Paper, We are well advanced,in the sampling of the new goods' and we are impressed with the complete- ness and superiority of our stock. We feel that we have the variety and range of selec- tion. which elec-tion.which wi11 satisfy any reasonable taste. mea LIZICFtaizza The Fair eo. Often the cheapest--Z1,1ways the Best f2121mssi Fenster White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the'most efficient cough remedy we have ever. sold. Nothing else will so• readily re.ieve a cough. Try it - Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & 1. inoleumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd-pieoes. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, We, alsd carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the bast of satisfaction Undertaker and Faanoral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered aft Residence over store The Corner Store "Live and Let Liv e" Things that will make Ousecle easier 101 Get armed for the annual campaign. -Buy those things that will make it i.'j• ? ^' c ,t� • .� most decisive, that will make it easier, r , - 0.94.4 and that will be most effective, There is no need of our dwelling on the sub Have you a if Not jest, you know well enough that the y time has arrived when you will be on Modern Bathroom Why Not the warpath, In Your Home ? Byway of suggestion we mention:- Brooms Waehing Powder Let us give you an estimate on the Stove Brushes 'Ammonia cost of Installing one, or drop mea Scrub Brushes (ligand andpowderl card and I will call and give you Whitewash Brustie�hlrrWhiting Lime prices, Wash Boards Lye Laundry Soap Brass Polish Boras Silver Polish Th�e $ A• r��v Old Dutch 0leanser Furniture Polish os. Hawking Sweeping Powder Bath Brick Phllllhing and heating i _ ,,,f.^ 's .al. 1e 1. llunniford Shop over 3 , wined , Hardware e Phone 53 PHONE, 46. we + Spring ,:, S + ii. • Announcement + 3 t++++;R!kit+++.1 +!D++:IIr.+1F F'd7 '9. i1. •3 Fra'++441:4 ei++4++ti.+4.* '+kt++ With the pleasure afforded by the knowledge that we have put forth the best efforts within us, we announce our readiness for the spring trade. We've lines of Footwear for men, women and children that are the best productions of Canada's best shoe- makers for The Suring Season of 1915 We ask your consideration when ready to make your selections of spring and summer footwear, FRED. THE HOME JAIeKSON OP BETTER SH OES es 1,0