HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR'. Tan CLINTON maw EBA. 7"aureday, April 15th, 1915. iffitakistat,it Desirable Real Estate may be sold at any time or season. A good many shrewd buyers vomit for the so-called unfavorable seasons in which to tnake their investments, and they are watching the ads. t. ii Millinery Dry Goods to•Wear Couc h &Co aty➢�I:. Garments 'louse Far Phone 78 nislain�rs AIUMMISISOMMOISIMItHISSIMM Here are the Best of RAINCOATS • We have a complete range of New Waterproof Coats from the best makers in the world. Come and get yours here. Raincoat Special $5-A very satisfactory coat of paramatta cloth, guaranteed waterproof, and does'. not get hard, all sizes from 32 to 44: rrhi,5 cwt would b;; good value at 7.5o, very special ;6.61$6 We also have other lines from $7 to $14 Select Your Suit from our St3f1sh, Com- plete Assortment el New Svring Suits The newest of Spring Models in Ladies and Misses Suits await you at this store. During the past week many fresh ship ments have been received -Flaring Skirts are, of course, much in evidence, and every correct length represented. Over Forty Differ ut Coats for You to Choose From coat N'orthoi More New Millinery More New Braids, Flowers, Ribbons and Shapes ' just received in our Millinery Department this week. We are constantly on the look -out for anything new in the millinery line, and no store is better prepared to serve you, Visit Our Millinery Department I Clinton Horse Wins Medal at Seaforth Annual Spring Stock Show Held with Ideal Weather. The annual spring stock was favored with ideal weather, with the result that the largest crowd to the history of the fair was in evidence, The show was held on Main street, the pavement having been put in excellent condition for the occasion. In order to d:stri• bute the crowd as much as possible the judging took place on different, sections of the street, a plan which worked to the satisfaction of exhibit- ors, spectators and merchants, 1 HEAVY HORSES GOOD Entries of heavy horses were fully dip to former years, and while a slight falling off was noticeable in the en tries of light horses, the quality of the animals shown was fully up to the standard, The judges were: Heavy horses, J Mc Quillen, Lucknow; light horses, T Kelly, Listowel; cattle, J. Biggins, Clinton The prize winners were: CLYDESDALES Aged stallion -3 McGavin, Winth Top; W Nott.' Clinton; J 1) Brooks Mitchell Stallion foaled in 1912: James Speir, Bt ussels Stallion foaled in 1913-R D Bell, jr, Hensall Sweepstake -J McGavin 'j' Percheroastation Jas Smith Win throp. Hi]A�'S2 DRAUGHT CLASSES laeav dray ht § g team in harness -A 1 Sinclair/ Tuckersmith; Arbogast Bros,' l;t Sebringville Brood mare in foal -John Drover, Cromarty; W J Dale, Seaforth e Filly or gelding foaled in 1912-Arbo el .gust Bros; Win, Rhin, Hullett,. l+illy or gelding fglded in 1913-Arbo gast Bros; 0 Wright & Sons, Seaforth t. Filly gelding foaled in 1914-C. i Wright & Sons; ,R W Bell, jr, Ilensall STANDARD BRED Standard bred trotting Stallion - Geo Oharlesworth, Blyth; J Pinkney, Stratford Standard bred pacing stallion -W Cudmore, Seaforth; I Carter, Seaforth Roadster horse in, barness--A. E Close Seaforth; G Koehler, Zurich. Carriage horse in harness- -W .J Miller, Clinton; 11 Wurm, Zurich Roadster ;eau in harness -3 Decker, sr, Zurich; G Cornish, Clinton' Carriage team lo harness -IV Weld Hensall Troyer 'special- J Pinkney, Strat- ford AGRICULTURAL t . 1i 3 _J f 1n m ir_ is ns s as Forster, aor ster, Lur, know, I) Pothering, Brucefielrl, J'L it h oison, bigmondville Brood mare in foal -Arbogast Bros, Snell Bios, Hullett, F Bean Hensall Filly or Gelding foaled in 1913 -0 Wright & Son, Thomas Dickson, Sea forth Filly or Gelding foaled in 1912-0. Wright & Son General pnrpeee team -Jas VanEg mond: Clinton, J Decker, sr Zurich Dr Harburn special gold medal for best horse at show -Wm Brown, Clin ton Special, ten dollars cash, donated by George Trayer, Hillsgreenfor the best three animal's sired by a standard bred trotting scallion under two years old, age considered; won by Teddy Di recti colts owned by J Pinkney of Strut ford CATTLE Shorthorn hulls 3 year-olds and over A & J Broadfoot Tuckeeremith Jae Melntoeh Tuckersmith Bull two years old -Geo, Dickson Seaforth Bull, one year old -J W Beattie Seaforth Sweepstakes -A & J Broadfoot'Teck ersmith The efiecess 'of the show is largely due to the untiring efforts of the settee tary M' Broderick, and the president 3 McDowell 4 ui Constance` 11' Mr Ohas Hall, of St, Thomas, spent Easter Sunday the guest of his parents Misses Govenloek, Seaforth, visited their uncle Mr P. Ball, on Eastek Sunday,. . - Mr Joe Riley sold his driver he're cently bought. The W. Al. S. held an open meet g on the 8th of April. Mrs Jas South combe, Clinton, spoke on tithing, find Mitis Nellie.. Medd,, Winchelea,'spdke on the recent Convention, she attend ed in Toronto. Mrs Rep, Keine spoke on 'China. The talent money wes given in Collecting how they made it of er which innch was served. Abgitt $25 was taken in altogether, Miss L, H.oltnes,Clinton, spent a few days the'gbest qf'ii•Iiss May'me• 13a11 Mrs Thos Andrei ,Uorrie, is visitifig bee alar, gh;ter, Mrs 13. 8 Stepheoedb, and calling on old friends. +, Mr and Mrs Jas,Soutbcombo Clinton spent Thursday the guest of Mrs John Britton, Mts Albert Seeley, Clinton, visited her sister, Mre Robt Lawson,, on Thursday. Quite e number around here are laid up with the.lagrlppe, Mr Chapman, -Vancouver, is visiting his sister, Mrs Ben Snell, Another cid resident has answered the call on Wednesday morning in the person of Mr Edward Rands. ].ie had been sick for some time, he leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs Miller, of the Weserdes Ernest Rumball,Olinlon four sons, Jabez, Clinton, Joe' and Jack in the West and Thu at home, We extend our •sincere sympathy to S2 beL `ho' t t ett� of a parent. eat, R Mrs Ben Snell returned from a visit With her parente at Vancouver, DISTRICT NEWS Colborne Mr. 0,; Mphring is visiting with friends on the line this week. Id's o 'Moser,, aser a J hn„Waterloo, loo was ,. . +I around renewing ol,lacquaintances laft.week. Mr. and Mrs, M;,A1lin,Auhurn,spent Sunday at the ;home of 61r, Joshua Alli n. Abse Ida Tvnmmer, lIenseil, is visit ing with her stater, Mrs John Dulst, this week. Air. A. Bond, Goderich Tp , paid a short visit to friends on the Maitland 'Con, lust week. Mr. Levi Snyder has bought another farm frojo Mrs Jas. White. Messrs U. Gledhill and 0. ]1. Forster are going into the poultry business on a quite extensive scale this stammer Both are.. wide awake and energetic gentlemen and will no doubt melee. t eirventure a success. Mr.+D. F. Sohwenz is unloading a car of'Fertilizer at McGe w's this week. •e•••ots••:s••••••••••••a•• • a O LAST CALL ki • o of LOOK AT YOUR LABEL a Klippen The many visitors who hive been home for the Easter vacation are away again. Among them the follow ing have been noticed. Miss Margaret Mellis, teaching at Vienna; Miss Nellie McGregor, teaching in aVellesley; Mr. W 1 Saddle, �•' u , m1 1i e Principal al l of Burford p Public school and his brother Leonard Principal of Ripley school, also Miss May NeG" egor of the Stratford ' Normal: el Gordon Gould, Toronto, wh r is ,, to leave for the front. Mist. Bate Met/humid has returned from few weeks visit in Toronto, 6i Robert Brownlee has entered ur n his duties as merchant in the ate re he purchosed recently from Mr. Duncan Hem His numerous friends here are looking for a successful run for 61r. Brownlee as he is an honest obliging man., Last week 61r. and Mrs. Edmund Morrison and Miss Fanny Borrison were in Hamilton, attending the wed- ding of their cousin, Mr, W, .T. Mor- rison, B. A , Principal of Dutton High School. ii•O••o•••••O•••••••0•••••• A 1 • • LAST CALL • • , • LOOK AT YOUR LABEL • •• ••N••••••0••••o••0••••••• Porter's Hill Mr W, Elliott from Washington has returned' home atter srending a few days with his father, Mr, Wm. Elliott. bliss Luella Techborne spent her holidays in and arnund C inton. Mica Isabelle Sinclair visited her sister Mrs, Les.Cox hist we -k, Miss Lilian Potter spent the holidays at her uncles on the Huron Roacl. Mrs. Wm. Mair, Lotdon, returned home on Saturday. after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs John Cox, Wesley Vauderburgh was in Kippen .for a couple of days last week on business. Miss Sadie Woods. Bayfield, is visiting at Mrs. John Blair. 61st.. Jas. Harrison and Ale Peter 1tleDougall spent a couple of days in Seaforth last week. Brucefield Ales Nichol is ill at the home of her daughter, Airs, Beatty, Stanley. John Snider le having his house re paired, he expects to move into it soon Lyle Bill, Guelph, spent easter at his hone he expects scion to leave for Euglaed with the 3rd Contingent. We trust he will have a fair share of I,lory and a safe return home. blr. Joeeph Addison has returned to his wcrk on the railway section, after a long ahsencr, due to a bad attack of rheumatism. Fall wheat is looking well after the long winter, although the late frosts have been harmful. Mr. Simon McKenzie and bride have returned front their heneymuon, and Have settled down on their farm in Tuckersmith; long life and prosperity t4 the vete'of t their many friends On Friday last there passed quietly awayto Jesus, Mrs. Wm. Aikenbesd. at hen3bme ni ar our village aged 49 years add'7 months. She was ill for a long tti>t`ie"so that death was not un expected she leaves a snrrowing bus band 5 d' 8 children, 4`;' girls and 4 baystee, alIizie London: and Jetsie who feiyches' school in Stanley, and the gqltlter9;tLave net home.' She will he nlli hal6 ssed in the neighborhood, but 1tl{04{011/'•y,iruemother; ,:,ber home will min4ilter More, The• funer"al,too'k plane on Monday afterir000-whet] a large numbergetheret1 to Show their love and sympathy t:o the bereaved ones, the, floral offerings were very heauti ful, Rev, Mr. Woods 'conducted the services. The nephews of the deceased were the pill bearers. Among them from a dietance'- Alex Aikenhead and wife of.Lnndon;Albert Aikenhead and Acre, John Aikenhead and Miss Longely, all of London. 000•0009••f•••O0•••••••®•• o \ 0 • LAST CALL ' • O ' 0 O LOOK AT YOUR LABEL • O I t o ftIyth. Wm. Jackson answers rile suni- mons-Lost Thursday moaning 1Fn,, Jackson al Blyth, was called away Osis illness yVas brief and lite demise little dreamed of by those 'outside of his inni•iecliete personal friends so' that the, netts of his demise was a sad surprise indeed He wrs born in Waterloo Co. in the year 1+54 and caste With his fsthcr'c f .milt' to Morris township eth line when 2 }ears of age. In this local On he snout .his lire in the favor EVERY WOMAN Give On°e afternoon fior, Hospital Supply Work Sheets and Pillow Cases Needed. Mrs: Mason will give material We Ship on April 29th JOIN THE CROWD Woolen's Patriotic Society of both food and man, 1850 the deceased was united in marriage with Miss Alice, daughter of the late George Hood, of the same township and they made f} rio home on 611'. Jackson's farm until 'they moved to Blyth in 1903. Here he busied himself in every good word and work anis was virtually everybody's friend pos,i111y he did too much. Re was a faithful men' ber of 'the Methodist church and in 'the choir, Sabbath School on the Official Board etc., he rendered A leservice, His integrity grit 'was un- doubted and his geni•ilty wet mot easy to surpass both at home and abroad. The writer feels he has lost a splendid: 'personal fi'ielnd whose decease i' greatly deplored 6uneral took, 1, see Monday after noon and was brie of the largest r,ter seen in Blyth. Rev. George Jewitt was in charge. To 'b'Irs. Jackson and other relatives will be aceorded deep sympathy, •.00000.000000eOOO YOY000000e • • LAST CALL • O 5 0 o LOOK AT YOUR LABEL A • f •o0s imOiscoOOOrsooes0O0.O00 Under the Auspices of • St. Paul's A.Y P.A. crinton The Comic Opera The Sailors Tangle will be given in the To wn Hall •Clinton, on Thursdag, April 22 at 8 o'clock p. w. by the Choir of 51: George's Church,; • Goderich 32 oices and Orchestra Tickets 25c, Reserved Seats Sac Seats on Sale at Fair's Plan opens on Saturday Morning 19'estern University. London -0-- FORWARD MOVEMENT Greatly Enlarged Faculties in Arts and Medicine, Vastly Improved Equipment, -library, laboratories, etc. Seven New Scholarship. Record Enrollment, Inquiries Solicited. E, E. BRAITHWAITE, M A., Ph.D. President. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of Willi:on Perdue NOTICE is hereby toyer that all persons having claims against the estate of William Perdue, late of the Township of Goderich. in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of November, 1914, are required to deliver to the un dersigned administrator or his solicitor on or before th 115th day of May, 1915, a full statement of their claims, toge then with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date, the said ad ministrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have,received due notice and in accordance,: therewith. DATED at Clinton, 'April 13th, 1915, JOHN TURNER BEACOM Clinton, Ont., Administrator. W. ERYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator.. Timothy Seed 1 offer for sale TimothySeed, super. sup r ior for purity to' No, 1 (Government Standard), apply to Robt, Walker on Inv farm. D. A• FORRESTER Ready i sur Work I am prepared to d.. any hind of work in gardening, cleaning lawns, draining, rir any kind of work, ONSLOW CRI06, Albert St. y lie'. A 'Banner' wood cooking store in fust clads condition, also an exten siorl table' will he sold op Apply THOS.TWOS., eeburY etreet NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Wltiddon Deceased' YO :ML 18 hereby rby gr en that all 'person hating claims againsttne e `iatY of ,tohn AV d :tn,, la at Conn vet} 'o(Huron 6 nf ie (liege tee Meech -eft who deed on or about 'the elfin day '.1 „limitiry 1914 are requ''r d co d,li,er•to the undersign, a chemise .111111e or her i ei:an on or hee- befnre the 14th d':y 61 April 1015 s full statement of their claims t -i getner with particulathereto: a' cl: the native of the 'securities, it any 'held by them all duly veri"i" d: .^ND TAKE NOT:C1 that alter ee d adniirii r,trix wilt -proceed! to d t,.ribrfte the esJll=tte of the said el •r-eesed hmongs't the persons en- tdttd thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have re- eeiv d duo ,'ice ',Ind in ;u c ad • ee herewith. DAT•i,D at ,Clinton April Oth 1315 Iii,, 1 61 AYMSRTONG. _ d ninist attic W la 'OD 0 NE Solicitor •for ed:einistratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ':state of Mary Ann liVhiddon, Deceased. N01';CE ]s hereby given that all persons having claims 1 -varlet the e: ate of Mary Ann Wh cl loo la.'o ro 'dime' oe lumber d i.1 1. • 'scum 1 of 'Huron, marri:d women who d eel on or about 20cn 3 a f' )uaA 11 tt are ur:cl 1: 1 deliver - to the undersign id ti i s ratri;: or her solailtor on or }r before the 1111 d iv of April 1s1 y •t full statement uf their claims 1e ger thea with particulars there0l a: d the native of 'the securities, i1 any. :acid by th :an all duly vcri:i.ed uy iui d telt. AND TAKT, NOTICE that after ''t -- el lest mentioned date the d administeatrix will proceed lo d &tribute the e0hate of the said d'ce-s:d amongst the persons en - 1111: d thereto having regard on1y to su' h clnims as he shall have 10- cciv,d due notice land in accord come eerewith. DATED at Clinton April 6th 1915 T1I;"Y M ARan TRONG 1 d ninistlltrix \V RYI)ONE Solicitor for 1 d 1iinistratrix For Sale Seed Barley, \landchueri No21 good sample and clean, at S.5c per bushel. Siberian Millett, gond sample at $1. 25 her bushel, Windmill, "Toronto" in No 1 shape, tank and all complete, all fresh habbited this spring, price $50, Anyone wanting any of these articles call at lot 23, con. E. Tuekersmith, Huron• Road or phone 8 on 138 Clinton A gnod Smart•Rarris drill wanted for season or year JNO E. IiUGILL Tenders Carnegie Annex - -' cf. -d 'e• 1 will he received ani -no up to April 2Ot'n f'.' coon oefee 3-.(o1u 1t Block a; d1lanc , 'd r +, t Brice w, 1. r a 1'c: d ir not 000e6 ..c,p W. 1SS6 DONE, ( ',v i, en Lil•i•a.ry Bored Calves for Sale Thou d era:red will have for eel ti.' Nerma d o stables on Sen cloy afternoon, April 10111, Ir, d „i rapes, T'hzce Ara g,'c: Tiurrnm `11Ces ft OM tine -ter ft;. \reefers rid .A choice lac, and will . d • t .1 1t. , 1 suit purchaser 1Z 'SLE' MAIuQI' Blacksmith Business Moved We have moved our blacksmith hnsiness from the stand nn •Ontario street to the livery barn on King street entrance near the Wesley Church shed where we will be ready to receive our old customers and solicit a fair share. of the trade, R, JONES Baby Chicks and Eggs Get •your order rn early for,baby chicks 'We are starting our incuba tors now and will continue till June. Barred Rooks, S. O. Brown Lyhorns, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, and White Wyondottes. All first class fowl and bred to lay, Chicks 15e and 20c each., Eggs $1.50 per 15, Reduction cin larger quantities. FRANK W. ANDREWS, Clinton' Riverside Poultry 'F_ arm Isrnssels; Ont. ` We are offering; forr sale this Spring hatching eggs from four hundred pens selected from a Hock of 600 birds; con sistirg af: -R. V, Iii. I. Bede (Bushmali Pierce and Lesker Tompkins sttaine, America's two greatest, laying:. strains of Reds) ; White' Wyandottes (Regal, strian meted with such cockerels ,as McLeod Bros,' of Stoney Creek, from their famous prize winning laying Pens); Barred Rocks (0. A, 0. strain bred from their heaviest trap nested stock); 5 'V. Anconas (the town or city. bird that lives on less, stands confine merit andmost persistent l dyers of any Mess); Siammoth Pekin Ducks, fired from Americnar stock that averaged 95 eggs each in 6 months, and make the hbest quality of. green ducks, weighing from n to 'S lbs. in ten weeks. Price of eggs np to Aprt1 20t1i31,00' per 15; 50 eggs or over 60 a piece; atter April 20t11Sc a piece. Duck eggs, 10e per egg. Correspon deuce -invited In refer once to day old and brooded chicks. There is money i1t po ltr'y, even; at the High cost of feed 155 teletured pullets priiduc 1me 19.100 in (lege ' r, ec m ,,in two 9w ii ontlts, parts of Dec., Jan end Feb, 10131'. THI.OMSON Smaller Coal Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lastsgives a s eady long,' , t heat and leaves only a'srnall amount of ash. .This coal is LEHIGHWALLEY 'ANTHRACITE( The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. ' Give it a trial. 1J1. J. Holloway, Clinton Eggs poi' Sale I3 erred Rocks bred t Guelph winners. .In Barred Rock. eggs, I ha ve the hest value in Canada. To be convinced come and see for yourself. Visitors welcome. Pen I -Headed by Crusader. Son 2nd of Guelph end /et Detroit cockerel llgg9 $3.00 per 15. Pen II -Headed by prize cockerel valued at 325.00, Eggs 32.00 per 15. Pen III- Pullet watiog, customer,; reports pullets laying at five months 1 of age, from this pen. Eggs 31.50 per 15. Pen IV -Eggs $1.00 worth $2.00. Here is a chlance to get some good stock at it reasonable price, 3 eggs from Pea I, 4 each from Pens 2. 3. 4. Enfertile eggs will be replaced free , of charge, H. A. H0'VEY, Clinton, Ont. 1 For Sale A Durham Bull 2 years old. color red and white; also span of heavy draught young mares, rising 3 and 4 years. Apply to Ai. Braithwaite Londesboro, P, 0. {'Wanted Wanted a wife, Am about 50 years old, a farmer in Colborne township. Correspondence. Solicited. W. G. ALLIN, R. R. No 2 Clinton E - as for Hatching Guild strain -Barred Rocks good layers. Leave your order at once, at Hellyar's Jewelery Store, Clinton. Poll-Auhns Bull for Sale A Pod Angus Bull, 1 year and 8 months old; of pedigree stock. John Harvey, R R. No. 1. Clinton Base Line, Choke. Seed Beans for Salt; A quantity of good seed beans for sale, grown in a good bean section. A good Ulna to boy before the rause in price. The undersigned has made arrange ments to supply a limited number of young calves at reasonable prices. The calves are all carefully handled and are in the best of condition. W. J. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 160 R. R, No, 1. Clinton Piano 'f unui ' Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W, Doherty's phone 61, will receive Prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, Barrister, Soiicieor, Conveyancer, Etc Ofse on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, Cfflce hours from 9 a,m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. A Carload of Canada Porta ant COMM Phone us for prices It will pay you Hutton John' tto�n LONDFSBORO Drs. Geo, '& M. E. Whitley iteiieniantt Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's, Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous, Disorders" '. Eye, Ear, Nose, 'and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbu ' Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD it McLEOD , We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, A]sike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Coa'n Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains, ORD MeLEOD W. DRY/DONE 'BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO otarcron CHARGES B. HALE 0onneyance, Notary Public, commissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE AN])INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St.,,Clinton, H. T. RANCE .l" Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, INSURANCL'':AGENt,P-Representing 14 Fire In suraic Ceropanies, Division [Court [Office. Medi.,a1. , DR7 '5. W. TH0AIPSe"318 Physician, Burgeon. Btu imolai attention given to diseases of the Eye, 'lar, Throat, and Nose, Eyes ca, efully xamined, and suitable 'glasses prescribed. Gibes and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Hata Huron 6t. 1)11S. e;ii)1.N/0' (111(1 CA .1111111 Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C. P., la n, C. S.. Rd!' Dr, unn'sofice at residence High Street 11x•.8. O, Candler. B„1. ilf,➢G, Office-Ontario ntirs Clinton. elleateden Ratnbur7 St. or at hospital Dlt. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. sconebenr, oto„ office and residence on tenbury Street., OR. P. A. AXON DENTIST al Croy OWIL and Bridge 'Work a $pCc/a7ly4 Graduate of C.C.D,S..; Chicago, and 8,0,0.6 Toronto. Daylleld on Ilioralars, Dar 1st to D DR. 11. 'FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E shote, Special care taken to make dental ttett went as painless as poeeible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction iee GODERiCH ONT tat staid sales a apemaln/, Olden .tt, NEW ERA °dice, ri,mrtly attend. to. Terms reasonahle. Clinton,'Farmers' sale note discounted! G. D. McTaggart M, Ji. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON -• General Banking Business transacted :ROTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.' Parol and Isolated Town Props erty Only insured. Head Office -Seaford:, Out OFFICERS. J. B. 1llcLean, Seaforth, President J. 'Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. flays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas Directors -D.. F. McGregor, Sea - forth; ,7, G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rina, Seaforth; John Bennetteis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A. McEwen, Brucefield; J, B. McLean Seaforth; J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, 'Iiariock, Agents -Ed. 'Hinehley, Seaforth • W. Chesney, Egmondyille; J. ' iol, ,eh^lntonR P3JarmuthBrodag n Grand TrunkRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North London, depart 8.80 a m 4.40 p m Centralia Exeter 9,33 5.43 Bewail 9.55 801 9.56 8.05 Kippen 10.01 6.11 Brucefield 10.69 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 6.52; 13e1 •rave 11.27 7,00 Wingham, arrive.., 11.54 11.40 7,3 South Paesenge ; Wingham, depart,. 6,35 a m 3.30 p,' Belgrave 8.50 8.44' Blyth ' 7.04 3.56 Londesboro......,7.13 4.04 Clinton 8.10 4.23 Bruceflold 8.27 4:39 Kipper' 8:35 4.47 HensaIl3 8.41: ' 4,52 Exeter: ...... 8.54 5.05 Centralia 9.04 5;15;' London, arrive..,,. 10:00 6.10 Buffalo and Goderich Wee' Passenger r am pne pm pay, Stratford. ...... .10.00 ,12,30 5,25 10 Mitchell 10.22 12;55 5;55 10.49 Seaforth 10,45 1.20 - 6.19 11.11 Clinton 11.07 1.35- 6,40: 11,2 Rolmeseille,11.16 1,4,3 6.46 11.3 Goderieh 11.35 2.00 7.05 11, East Passenger Passenger Blyth Godeeich Holmesville Clinton Seatorth Mitchell Stratford a m 7,05 7.22 7:32 7,51 8.16 8 40 p2.35 p.m 2.52 5,12 3,03 5,10 3.21 5,30 8,44 5 55 415 1326 The 0rea5 English.'. Pennedy9j. Tones and: invigorates the whole nervous sl stems, waives new Blood in old `cans, Climes Nevoiia De1ilitlh Meoetal and Drain ilreertpi, . 515018-: denctl, .Lass of Floe,Fl76 PaZpitatton of the IJeaa l Ja.ilriig )lentbrp/ Price 91 par box, six for.ro pi Coo willplenr-., ,� Wail ourc,esold by all drltr y or ma,kd..; ,tun pkg. on receipt of. «ea, 1). +a. l& /ree,-TFIL WOOD. 0., S OSDlil' 0, Olid. (fernioik Wicker.)