HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-15, Page 1Established 1865; Vol, 49, No. 42 L1NT1N CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 15 1915 W. 1-l. Kerr & Son; Editors and Publishers See How The NIew Ery Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Ne ds of To=day in Business or the Home—Give Then -i a Trial WVa yVV.VVNVV004,, VVyVhrMIiMAnAhnnnOtnnnAAAAAANNa's For Your Own Sake Preserve Your Complexion DlieheSS Violet Talcum /Duchess Rose T:tdLnnn Duchess Ylteeft 'Raiment Have lust arrived --They are unsurpassed in quality and odor We bave them in flesh and white. O.K. Proxide Vanishing Create is unsurpassed, we have it in 25o jars at Best Quality Drug Store The ReNctll Store W. S. ,ITQ E Phm.B, VVVVVVVVyy8NVVYN0ANOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVVVVVVV 3 ..".VVVVVV~ANVVVVVYYNNYVVYV ekAAAAAAAAAAAAAIMAAAAAAAAAA TIN Royal Bapk OF CANADA Capital Authorized Capital paid np Reserve and undivided profits Total Assets .,.•'... $25,000,000 11,560.000 13,500,000 185,000,000 with Worldwide Corinect1o11 Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. RE MANNING, Mauler i .3 i`` C i } i CliMoll Branch. VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVINVWVVVVWV _1111"'ill"'lid"'11 :, E1 : -s _l _$ a� — r• ; -1 111 111 11=1II' Incorporated THE 1855 1801Q111:4;1 Ili2111ZiII' 811211Q1111lll' IL MOLSONS BANK '_ iii A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED i_� INCLUDING - � CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT _ BANK MONEY ORDERS 1_ = h= wap CAPITAL. AND RESERVE $8,800,000. gym;, = Bank De artment = SavingsP . _ At all Branches g m interest allowed at highest current rate 10 e : , E. DOW DING. Manager 11 E.'(Minton Branrl7, 13 _ 92 Branches In Canada —s, 5711 {.., I I L..I I L. -.i t lfaillaittalIGW Ia�-IIatilI MIT:10111T1IIMill.,.111TIIIMM.J11.,1 60884.880604atete, 000,00004•000 *04.0 • 4). 01+0 9,041,VO4,110041 Ordered Clothing Deady -to -Wear Ciothing io F BIG flat �argatns aSIBUSEDIDEDIMBEIRSIBEASIDIIIIII See Our, Window Display SATURDAY 150 i 1.50 4. n 4. 4 4. 4, m 4. O 0 0 4. . 4. 0 4t 0 0 0 .• • 4 P 4, •. e • 0 °•s • 4 0 . 0 e 0 •• ••• e ••••• •. •s • • • 1 Presbyterian Summer Schools Three to Be Held This Year,dnclud ing One At Goderich, July 5 to 12 The summer school committee of the Synod of Hamilton and London is making arrangements for three schools within the bounds of the Synod This year the committee purpoees holding three s000els at points within reach of all the young people and re ligious workers tn the Synod. The Sunset Renee, Goderich, has been again engaged for the week July 5 to 12. By the far spreading waters of Lake Huron for the third time the school will meet for study and recrea tion. The past success that has marked the school at Goderion will no doubt be continued this summer, The second school will be at Leans ington, on the shore of Lake Erie July 5 to 12 and the third at Grimsby Park, for the accommodation of those resid ing in the eastern part of the Synod, July12 to 19. At each of these points there will be found splendid faci ities for boating' bathing and field sports. No effort will be spared by the committee to make the outdoor sports and recrea tion attractive and healthful. The special features at each of the schools will be the series of classes on Bible interpretation, missions, social service auel religious education. The leaders will be specialists iu their own department and it is expected that a great twilit will be given to the spirit ual life of the Synod. The egeuing meetings will be especially interesting and prominent speakers will discuss and lecture on timely subjects. At tentiou will be given to the study of hymnology under the direction of Rev Alex¥cMillan, of the committee on church praise. The expense will be moderate and within the reach of all. Full 'tartlets lags may be obtained regarding the three schools from Rev. G. E. Ross, B. D., Goderich, to 'whom all applica tions forregistration androoms should be sent early. The Rev. J. R. Hall, M. A., Sarnia, is the convener of the summer school committee and Rev. Dr William Waffle, Niagara Falls, is the secretary treasurer. 0e006081,008e8288e880008008 • LASr CALL • • 0 Q LOOK AT YOUR :LABEL tQ N 8 ilii'ail , Marriages ct Deaths FIRTHS. HAWVKINS— In Clinton, on Friday, April tato Mr, and Mrs. J. Hawkins, a son. DEATHS AIKENHEAD— In Brucelield, April tab, ltifatilda Longley, beloved wife of Wm Aikenhead, aged 49 years, 7 months and 2 clays. ?fOORE — In Clinton, April Sth, Re l',ecaa Jane Dennison, widnw of the late Edward Moore, aged SO years. JACKSON— In Clinton, April 8th, Thomas Jackson, sr., in his 8t•th ) year, Ii, IND"— In Huthett. April 7th, Ed word Rands, aged 71 years,3 months and 27 days, MLDDLETON—In Gorterich Tp.,April 1211, John Wise Middleton, aged 72 years. oneos000ecooeoctIonossounigo o ' c8 o LAST CALL o o ' O o LOK AT YOUR LABEL ea 4 o oo••0000so•oss00000moosoos Announcement MOM p•Ye Toh Fanner Tothe In order to give you the high. est possible price for your eggs, we have made arrangements with Gunn Langlois & Company whose men will gather the eggs as usual and give you an order on us for groceries. If you want dry goodsor boots and shoes, we will extend the order to other stores. all at the trade price THE HUB �so�an The Store of Quality I _fT®NEi I � 'V ,. T. 1�.I THE GR'OCEk AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WAAAAM 1 To Th 4 orrespol><a3,ents e New Era News matter mailed to The New Era in unsealed envelopes does not come 'under the postal classification of 'letters' and will not require the special war tax, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVWOVV sae 41- Personal Notes . 4(.. 1f those having relatives Dor Wanda 4. + visiting in town or Gsoing away, notify us of the fact 'omen week, we 1, • would announce it in the N11w LORA. Mrs; F. Cooper returned to Toronto, after spending a couple of. weeks with friends in Olinton. Master Watson Goeleigli has gone to Bolton, to spend a few weeks with his grandpareuts. Engineer Castor, of the hydro Comtnission Department Was le town last week'.:. Mr. Andrew Porter, Goderich, was calling on old friends in towel on Friday last.. /Hiss N. Cluff attended tt dause in in Listowel recently. Mrs. J. McIntyre was au Easter visitor at Listowel at the home of Mr George -Wright. ael eie sea • ; el 1t Kincardine Review — Mr. J. T. Emuierton, Bervie, spent the Easter holidays in Clinton. Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr returned for a short visit at Brussels. Mr. Thos. Stevens, sraSeaforth,was hi town on Saturday, attending the funeral of his old friend, the late Tin s Jackson, sr. Mr. Thos. McMillan, Liberal Candi. date for South Huron, spent a few days this week calling on 'the electors of Clinton. Miss Loise Holmes was the guest of Miss Mayne Hall, of Constance, last week. Mr. Jas Denhohn, Blyth, was in Lown on Monday, Miss E. 0. Tiplady returned to her duties as Ootnntercial Specialist at Vanleek Hill Collegiate on Saturday, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mac. it. Tiplady. Miss Lily Lindsay, who has been spending the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. 3as Lindsey returned to Coronto, on Saturday. Dr. Potts, father of Ret'. J. 0. Potts is not in the best of health, but his many friends hope thin the warm eathee will recuperate hire. Mt.. John Sutter was appointed representative for the local O. O. P. triage at Grand Lodge to be held in Wootlstocl next July. All.. incl Air:s. lames Smith Were visitors at Bright, last week, They were visiting _lir. Smith's sister who is very ill, De 'end Mrs Gunn a'companied by Alis. Don Chinn, Toronto, expect to leave in a few days for the. Pan- Amcrienu Exposition at Saul+rancisco It will he to ideal trip and their many friends will wish them a safe and plc •tenni trip. Mr. Thos: Hawkins made a business trip to Preston on 11'0(1^ y last. Mr, Ernie Mulford, Toronto, is visit ing nt the parental home. Ripley Express— "Mt'. John Weir of the Royal Bank, Toronto, spent Good Friclay at the home of Mrs. Ourran," jack's old friends in Olinton have been wondering why he has not called 00 old friends in this town. We are pleased to hear the Post- master _Scott ost;master_Scott- is improving after his recent illness, 1a1rs. Holloway, sr., who is making , her home at Exeter during the past winter inoOths, spent a few clays in town last week. Rev. Dr. Rutledge °epocts to take his work at Wesley Church abort the second Sunday in May. Goderich, was Sharman, Go a Miss Sh , N visitor in town last week IMrs, Sutherland and Miss Suthel land, Rensall, were visitors in town last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Erank Saunders, Gocle rich, were visitors in town On Sunday. Rev. E. G. Powell left on Tuesday. for Edmonton and will return to Wainwright which Will be his head - quarter's (luring the bigTemperance Campaign, in Alberta. Mr. Powell has been an active worker during the Scott Act campaign in Huron' County and received a warm invitation to go West for the big fight. Blyth Start dard.=blrs. -Frank Hollyrnan spent from Thursday until Saturday with her husband in Clinton. They expect to move to that town shortly. The promotion of Captain E. Sale of Goderich to .be Major is report - dti(m Lrmdon. Out, what e Major Sale ie with the 18th Battalion waiting for word) to go ,to •G ltlae front. • The news of the promotion is received with pleasure in Clinton eLINTON • s •• s The Morrish Clothing C A Square Deal tor Every Man • • It N1.9Nv`s..•Mh►N•JO•N9 '•0•i•••••M!lHN•N1NYo• VVV • GARAGE Auto Tires and Accessories. is We still have a taw Bicycles— New - ycle � New and Second -halal All hinds of Rubber Repairing Baby Carriage Tires Replaced H. The Long ori the Short of if, - The long and short of No. 3 Private Mitchell, of Clinton stands feet, while Private A. J. Jones. of height. Private Jones has been nine of which were in the artillery Service. For several years he was Club. Private 'Mitchell, better. Stationary Hospital ' London 6 feet 3a inches in his stocking Londlon is 5 feet .1,i inches in 17 years in the Canadian militia and eight in the Army Medical trainer of the London 'I:`ootbatl known ae Bin. Mitchell, is well known to all our citizens. i. A tetter From The Trenches Mr. and i•Irs. Wm. Betz° reeds ed word from their son ,o:'Mond.,yi and we are pleased to be aline to re pi oduce his letter ;— March, 28th, 1151 Dear Mather and /Father— Just -a few lines to let you ku0W how I am getting along I am well hoping you are the same I receiv- ed both of your letters,' and' IS glad to hear from you. You w iii eatye to exeU'e ane for Mit. wilL- as often as I used to, writing material is hard to get„ahold of. I can't reIl you P.n thi.ng about the trenches or v:11at place we hast ibeen in 00 where ,we are. When you w•rile to me' put my number on the {address, 7119, l have been in lthe trenches five times. You w111 think the letter is Short but it is ail T can write at one time, so Food bye. I like the trenches fine. 'Youes, Chester Bezzo Postage Stams For •s seen notice J.._mc n rn io e The following Deg issued from Ottawa,— The Post Of rice Department, hav ing given notice a week or two ago, in contnecti'on with the Wer Revenue Act, that all letters and postcards mailed for delivery in Canada, the 'United Stator or. Mex- ico, and letters mailed in Canada for delivery in the United King- dom and British possession gener- ally, or where e'er the 'two -ren` rate applied, should in addition ‘to ordinary postage carry a rene•- cent stamp as a War Tax, and also having notified _ the public liana stamps are not readily available. paid tax, while it should be rvar preferable by the postage, stampmarked "War Tax,” could, if such were not avalaible, be paid by an ar Tax ordrY'PY one -emit postage stump, is now issuing further notice to the effect...Jett postage stamps nary be used for the prepayment of war duties on bank. promiss- ory notes, express money orders, proprietary or patent Medicines, perfumery, wines or champagne, as -well as upoo letters and post- cards, postal notes and post office money orders, the int:mitten being to provide tae i1ities in thee por- tions of the country where excise This in view of the, fact that pos- tege stamps may be obtained at all points over the whole .country, in many places where there is no .Collector of Inland Revenue and -could ro Inland Revenue stamps be obtained is a distinct covena ienee to the bipublic, and no doubt w111 be largely {alien adventage of. Wm. Forrester for South Perth ' Miteheli,Apvil 9. —Mr. William !Forrester, proprietor of ''the Mit- chelllFlax Mills, was nominated as the Liberal candidate for South Perth for the House of Commons, ata large convention 'of Libe cls in Mitchell this afternoon, Eight names were put forward for -nomination, but all withdrew except three, Messrs. Forrester, Valentine Stoe_k, of Tavistock and Peter Smith of • Do wni e.On the e first ballot Mr. Forrester headed the list and on a motion the others withdrew. The five other, names put for- ward were—D. Mc Vannell of St. Marys, John Murray of Avonton, 19', A. Sanderson' of St. Marys, F. AJ. , Campbell and Wm. Elliot • ref Mitchell. Mr. Forrester is a brother 'of Mr. D. A. Forrester of town, and lags visited here many times. His Lib- oral friends will hope that victory will be his, in the coming election. Back from the Battlefield. -With his right wrist badly sprain ed from being thrown fr'om:a horse and his nerves badly shattered and hearing defective from having a shell burst near him. Private Thos. Thula- from T arrived h ala Handsley o m from 'the seat of war, Tom, as he is better known a- round here joined the first cootie-. gent, with the 33rd Regt. on. the 22nd of September, and af ter train- ing at Valcariter went to the 01(1 Lancs, and was quartered, on Salis4 Levy Plains with the Contingent 'T -Ie transferred to the 18111 Hussars and afe1 to tae r Garry a ui • •aids t•1rV Horse. On the 22nd of January they got It into the trenches bdtween 'La P. during thuat Neave as 1lle and AAA llllll ♦♦♦ during time was 21 days in • wousanom,sw anmre ricrmaiiimixuuiiu EDITORIAL ?1'^+"44,444'44'4444* Safety cFir is a gocd motto and has preserved many a life since the institution of the movement, Russia is making a proud name for herself aed will .play, a big. hart in the world's records for the time to come. • Judging by the so-called comic cartoons appearing• in the Oonser- , votive newspapers the date of a Dominion Election 'draweth on, We doubt if the "pickers" make a vote. A man may be won; by an argu- ment but very few care to have. honorable and highly • esteemed party leaders made the butt of silly itwaddle or misrepresentation. If the press did not receive the ear 'toons gratie we avow It would be a long time before they would feel free to invest a dollar in them --80-- 067,000 per day is the Canadian fire loss recon d F'orattempting to reduce this large amount it is suggested that a rigid investiga- tion be made over the cause of evory fire and where guilt or care- lessness is found the brunt must be borne by the party on whose premises the fire was. Many think the Mutual Fire Insurance 'Companies are to easy with the probing that should the ' clone. Grea't'er care of pipes and china neys, and a saner method of hand- ling ashes would' reduce the fire' risks very materially and thereby improve' the ratings. --0•-- The past month has been a record breaker for the number of deaths of old people in Ontario. Chief ailments, coupled with old age, ap- pcaredto be la grippe, pneumonia, and lung troubles. Measles and chickenpox have hod aiong inn- ings. More rigid working 'of ' the Board of 'Health so that' children's infeetuous diseases would not be cloaked by the Home -would likely reduce the number of patients and curtail a share of the risk. Law makes a`parson liable who- does riot forthwith revolt 'such eases to the Medical Health officer. Are , yeti an pffer.dr? If so you are f ,liable to it fine of from 50 to 550. --so-- 'How many loyal subjects of King 0;a ,,: go are ready to follow Iiia ex- ample by disolving partnership w•i'th the liquor traffic? Some of the people in the Old 'Land' say they prefer "booze" to Prof ;i. i' ion Let the consensus of 'opinion the world round is against them. The gi set i+luropea a War has dccom' p1ished one go 'at good if it does 'd man- ., the clearly e bottling use in e r.o i e rrtrated national movements in /-rause, Russia and Great Britain along the line of sobriety aard prominent men, in all lands, have much to answer for if the people do not walls in straight paths. Moral backbone is an essential qual Sty the trenches at various times. Af- ter l is'nervous shock he was for a time in the Boullongee hospital and afterwards moved in two hos- pitals in Englapel. 11 ti ori the 9th n Halifax leaded i He here begot hl,s die, April, v of 4pi charge for active service. ' At pres- ent he is resting to quiet his nerves. and his hearing is getting better every day. The last he had heard of Pte Bezzo, he was in the tient.- rhes west of Ch ip3011e. .S.000000SS0SIts•••s•e••Irs • • • LAST CALL • • r • ¢s LOOK AT ' YOUR LABEL 4. , a ' •. soesss4•sss•sssssesss•sis• Deep up the good work of Arbor Day. There is much 'that might be done on these becasions about tlae public schools and church prem uses that would enhance the beau- ty of the locations. Some of the barest and ill kept properties are these, whereas a half day spent once a year would cause 'diem to blossom like a rose. The trustees should prove their interest by proffering assistance or pioneering the work. Many a looane property could be largely increased in value and appearance by a nice lawn, a few flower beds, the cutting out of wild growth bf tree and bush and' the putting down of cement walk. C'oa't is trifling but results loom big. ' Today, Thursday—is Thursday—is 'the date of the initiation of the War Tax in Canada, This has been a compara- tively cheap country to live in, but unless ;the Governments, ,Councils, School Boards and other organize- rations practice 'rigid economy taxes are going to prove a veri- table mill stone to down the tax- payers. The Dominion 'Of Canada could not avert the war and; have a right to bear a good share of the expense but there are numer-• ous places ec'here wisdom (would have pointed the way to retrench manbut the people in office were deaf to the protests or warnings and as a result have to pay dearly, for the whistle. Economy is I a v'ork most people know very little about but they are up, against it row. ' A peace party tGermany :i i is said to be using its best endeavor tk biing about a settlement of the Continued on Page 5