HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Aril 8th, 1915.
Every Man 'and Boy in Town Should see the
Special Display of Men's and Boys Spring
Clothing and Furnishings
You will appreciate this special display of Men's and Boy's Wear. It offers
an early opportunity to see all that is new in Men's and ya oy's Clothing, Furnishings,
Hats and 'Caps. Our showing of Spring Suitings will be sure' .to please you -neat
hairlines and checks which • are very attractive, being among the newest. You will
notice that Suits will be of trimmer lines than ever. Goats are gracefully conforming
with natural shoulders and lapels a shade wider. Spring Overcoats are straighter and
shorter, giving the jaunty effect so much to be desired in a Top -coat.
if you know the manufacturer's of "Lion Brand" clothing at all you are acquainted with the fact
that no other concerti in all Canada turn out the fine range of Boys' and Children's Clothing made
by this firm. Our pre eminence as Juvenile Clothiers is too well known throughout Huron (Jaunty
to need any emphasis here, Absolute satisfaction in every garment purchased here or your
money promptly refunded, •
Boys' Knee Pants -lf Tin Pants were made for boys we'd have them, but we have the next very
best thing in our specially strong Tweeds and Serges, made for hueliy boys. •
]den's hats -are not radically different, yet there is a cliffence in the shape of the crown and set of the
brim, which stamps them new, p ;
New Shirts -The latest novelties in Men's Shirts for Spring, 1915, arenow in stock. They are from
the best Canadian makers are sure to please you. Stripes in twpand three tone effects are very
popular, and range from neat hair lines to inch wide stripes. Some very neat check patterns are
also shown. Among the different materials shown are -Percales, Medras, Oxford, Zephyrs. Silks
and mercerized materials, Many men prefer soft cuffs for summer wear, and we are showing
some very smart Shirts in this style.
In Neckties -Noone or two designs can claim the right to special favor, inany new designs and color
ings being shwn,
In Gloves -For Spring, tan Cape, grey Suede and Ohemois are all represented.
In llosiery-WearweIl Brand. Woven for W ear -Fashioned to Fit -Loomed to last.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67
Men's Store
Merchant Tailoring
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103
----- OUR -
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock of paper just placed.
Let Us Do Your Printing
When Yon Are
Tired and Hungry
Daring the house cleaning season, and need something for a hasty
neat, our lines of canned goods will please you, Our prices are
right Salmon 15c or $ for 25e, Salmon 153, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes,
or Vegetable Soups •
We have some very nice honey, prices front lee to 23c
Now is the season for Pure, -Male-Syrup-ours is guaranteed
Also Corn Syrup in pails ne tins
• Highest Prices .for Ratter and Eggs
Phone 111
Successor to 5, Barr.
Phone orders promptly attended to
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection. Light in con
struction and design but ex-
tremely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
The Cheapest Spot in Huron
to buyall kinds oi'Fnrnitnire
B.A.M.lD ray ...'XICI iS"QN
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PHONES- J. D. Atkinson 186
Mr. Thos, Sharp moved down to
Hensel! on Tuesday to open up a new
blacksmith shop Mr. Sharp ran the
Seeley shop a few years ago He is a
good emithie and a good horseshoer
we hope he may succeed in his new
enterprise. Mr. Sharp is a nephew of
Mrs. Arthur Cantelon of town.
If your hair is thin.. faded or dis
colored, or if your bald if your
would make your appearance at-
teactive and youthful and benefit
your health and comfort be sure
you see the Dorenwend,Oompanv's
n onderfnl display of quality hair
goods at the Rattenbury +' House
Clinton, on Thursday April 51th
We have just received a large supply of the
two popular kinds of Sap,Buckets, They are
made from Charcoal Tin, and will resist the
rust much longer than the common kind,
We have lots of spites- i -the ordinary cast spile
and Werner's Patent Spile.
A Few Cross Cut Saws and Axes at Reduced Prices'
Phone in Your Order and we will
save them for you
Our Phone is No. 7
Now that gentle spring with all its
poetic associations has made an appear
ance again, what about the back -yard
problem? There is no poetry, no in-
spiration, no sublime thoughts, in
contemplating the terrific mess mecum
ulated in the average back yard dur
iug the winter. The average house
holder of 'cleanly habits goes forth,
sizes up the situatious and says:
"Heavens! Must I bop into that
dehriel" Yes, gentle householder,
you must, and you must do it at once
or even sooner. Otherwise the town
council will have you before the bar
of justice and smite you with addition
al taxes. A happy thought strikes ne
that His Worship the Mayor might
proclaim a civic half holiday to be
known as "Olean -up Day" when house
holder's could get busy 'anal improve
the appearance of their premises.
The d:,y would be sanctified by the
incense arising from the funeral pyres
of unmentionable debris
TO111110 markets C11111011
0006 oeo1040resee000410600o6060$0460o0eeeeo0r0000e60o060
Wheat $1.45.
Oats Ste..
Butter 30a to 32e.
Eggs 18e.
Cattle 7.75.
Sheep ,8.00
Lambs 10.75.
Boge 8,10,
Barley 880 to 900.
Peas'.1.50 to 1.10.
Hogs 9,85.
Eggs 16 to 17.
Butter 20c to 27e.
Wheat 1..30.
Oats 50e to 550.
I3uckwbbat 75e.
Barley 75c.
.Peas 1.50 to 1.60.
Shorts 31.00,
Bran 28.00.
Baled Hay 12.00,
I Local News
Clinton Board of Trade held their
annual meeting on Tuesday evening,
and there was a fair representation of
members, Mr. John Rainsford, Presi-
dent was in the chair and reviewed
the past year's work, giving credit
and praise to the Secretary, Me, A, T.
Uooper. who, after others had tried
and quit, landed $4500 from Andrew
Carnegie, for the Library annex. The
Treasurers' report showed albalance of
$80.80, The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year.- '
President -John Hansford.
Vice President -n, Wiltse,
Sec.-Treas.-A. T. Uooper.
Council -W. Jackson, 0, 5, Libby,
D. Cantelon, W. Brydore, G. D. Mc.
Taggart, F. Jackson, S. J. Andrews,
H. 13. Combe, J, Ford, R. 16. Manning,
Il, B. Chant and H, E,Paull
Delegates to F. Boards of Trade
President, Vice President and Secret
Telephone connections were talked
about, as also was that important
question, Hydro radials
Begin to look up your rakes,
shovels, hoes, lawn mowers and
other implements of pleasure that
You purpose enjoying yourself with
this summer,
Several councils have fixed a day
as "public clean-up day" for their
respective towns: The insttue-
tions' issued are to 'the effect that
alt alleys and backyards +in !the mu..
nicipa,rty are to be cleaned up,
and all rubbish removed from the
streets. A similar move by our
own council would .redouind to
their credit. About the 11st 'd:re
n( April u ou'd be a good time for
The Thomasville 'Herald asks its
col respondents to always send the
news items of presentation but not
to worry about the long 4vordsd
dIresses, as they have little value
o the readers generally of any
newspeper, Yes, ,the /time has
passed with real live newspapers
when they have room for the long
>u lieles of flattery.
The Department of Agricilltn„o
prolapses to further protect the
enters of sheep against loss from
d <go. In the,Committee00 Aari-
culture tion, 81<. Duff leh rraci••ii -
• d SS an outrage the feet li'''lt
0•0 en t farmer's sheep ,is killed lee
can only recover two-t'hih c1•s or his
lose fl om the muuroip-lite. Tie
th'tir.ist r has announecd his inten-
tion of h<1nn'in ' in legislation that
11111 unable Veer farmer ho recover
from the fur made op of 0,,9;
taxes full value of any sheep de-
• .thief 'Wheatley has had •agaug of Extra equipment on all passenger;
men on 'the streets cleaning ' up. trains was need by 'the Grand Trunk
the ,refuse.' .to handle the Easter holiday traffic'
- which showed no decrease over erevi
LIBERAL 'CLUB nus years, according to traffic offr ials
• The regular meeting of the ;Lib- MOVINGS
eral ,,1141b will be he;,d in'the Liberal Mr. Albert Hearn has rented the
rooms "L,'onight. house owned by alt. James Livermore
in "Little England" and will move
A 12ORRECTION, • this week.
Our Correspondent of last week Mr. Ernie Rumball has the 'house
omntittcd to sta a that it was r' occupied by Mr. Albert Hearn on nen
10 pairs ,socks 'that Mrs. Kai:er, p' cess street from Mr, David Oantelon
Herr - 1h L: d knit for the s,iLli, rG and will move this week,
Anyone who has l nit for the sod T131.E •LA E MRS PATTERSON•
lees may know what atask itWas.
Mrs. James Ps'ttelrson passe. d
away at her residence, 571 Canter-
oury St., WO, d ,tock Saturday even
ing at the age of 73 'years. She
a r d her hushend carne to this coup
try from London, Eng., when quite
young. to Clinton. Ont., moyin" to
\Vocditock 25 year's ago. She was
a member of O'cl S't. Paul's church
d a t er•y active member of the
different or•ganfzaticais of illhe
church. The surviving memhere of
her family are her husba: d Iwo
sons. Rieha d at home and James
or Brantford, five daughters: Mrs.
•F. G. Bottoms, Wird ;or ; Mrs. H.
Hopkins, Superior, Wis,; Mrs. H.
lilackbut'n, Hamilton; Mrs.' A. '5''.
,Fluff, Seaforth; ar.d Miss Nellie
Winnipeg. Interment will take
place 1`uo d ty afternoon at 3.30 in
the Anglican cemetery, Service at
the house at 3 o'clock.
The many frier ch of Rev. Dr.
Rutk d ee will be glad to hear that
he expected to leave the ,Tohns
Hopkins 1-toepital on Wecinesdl•••
for Montreal where he will spec d
this month visiting his son, Joe
The parents are ask; d to. get l.he
boys ar d girls off to school 1. oll
Mor Ci ry next. This is' now the
home stretch towards the 1 xum'
ations and good wort: and 'regular
d taus: will help a toe
Switches, Braids,, Transformations
Pompadour's, Wavelets, etc. of
unsurpassed quality 'hair and work
manship, Also Dorenwend art
hair toupees for bald men, in
eluding the famous sanitary pat-
ent structures. You are offered a
free demonstration Of any style
Remember the date, -Thursday An
ril 15th.
In the bye-elaction for the reeve
ship of Lucknory John Jo^int 'd"!
fcatcd J. G. Anderson ex -M, P. P.
,by a nloinrity of 10 the position
was mad' vacant liy the death of
J, 11. Mil d het Mr. T ]int wee
reeve when he 11oug',t Fite P see
Bruce Co. Council • tee Cie dr ick 1 c'.
Councillors mn+cht.d c(ht.n st":,e'
in"i;nd•on he: d d by th, rip' r' 1
nal d nearly- six years ago.
On ?r'diy April 9thtl,.o l:di+s o
the Baptist (hni'rh will verve toe
at the Wontr•')» c•,",inti, 1.0 1ct•
meeting, lvc ,"hr d: '>r, 1,
o•ror was m • d ' in the 1;,•r'..::..
et•atelnnnt in last weeks issue of
mei iens ve Patriotic ly'und i.'on
ti'ibation of the 'S'meng I.rd''s
* intir_ Saw:et't- d'unt'd b.tv -. reed
t50 1n it: d of 915. This Ernlote
has altogether ogether coatril:utr d am
then 0113' o1h.er o"fe ni'0< ..10 0.1- c1
e alltite credit duo >hem,
This is the 24711t cl try of the war
Ts Clinton gain.' to celebrateth"
24th of May hol'cl ty7 If no it le
time to ,-tart preparations.
Schools Open next Mond iv.
The( ash hap looks 1 ante, It do.et
a lot )f money though.
A few weddings not far off.
There were many Easter ]Foote
'Have you got the ;n rip?
Keep the, dollar at home.
Don't forget ito let The New Era
know the names of frierda 'visiiing
you. We are glad to get 1he
Advertising. is good spring medi-
cine for your business if aarywey
'horsemen are again i'emleded
that the new Era 7tasevery racilf-
ty foe printing route and pedigree
cards promptly and at reasonable
1'icie S,• 0
Don't the back yard 'look dis-
glinting after the snow is gone.
Yes aed for that !platter the front
lawn' too,
Try The New Era twhen in need
of ;0b (printing.,'Neatly and
pi omp'tly executed.
vSr0 used to read a heap about
•the great fight the "thin red line"
nut up. The scrap that the, thin
black line 'that's left in the coal
bin is putting up now to last the
season out, is. just as gallant,, al-
though not • quite so spectacular.
Officers of Customs
Oepartment Organize
Mr, John Wiseman Elected
At a meeting of representatives of
the customs departments of Stratford
district an Good Friday the Wesiiern,
Ontario Oustoms Mutual Benefit Aeso
elation was reorganized with the foil
owing officers Honorary president, A,
Farrow, Goderich, honorary vice presi
dent J. W. Gull Mitchell, president
collector of Stratford; vice president
D. Weepier, of Hanover secretary
treasurer F. G, Neelin Seaforth execu
five Messrs, F 'O'Flaherty Strrttford
A• C, Wood St, Marys: A. J. Blowes
Mitchell D. R. McPherson, Stratford
A. W, Glenn, Listowel AuditorS John
Wisemen, Clinton, Sanies Stewart
The assoceabion meets oemi•rrnnually
on Good Friday, and Thanksgiving
Day It was decided r0 emiliate with
the Civil Service Federation of Oan
A resolution of condolence to the
family of the late George Hess was
The next meeting will be held at
Those present besides the local otri
cors were A J Blowes Mitchell, D
Weepier, Hanover, A W Glenn Lis
towel; F G Neelin Seaforth
Rupture Expert Here
Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia
Called To Goderich
F, H, Seeley of Chicago and Philo,
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
be at the Bedford Hotel and will re
main in Goderich, Wednesday only,
April 14th. Ms. Seeley says: "The
Spermatic Shield as now used and
approved by the United States Govern
ment will not only retain any case of
rupture perfectly,afi'ording immediate
and complete relief, but closes the
opening in 10 days on the average case
This instrument received the only
award in England and in Spain, pro
clueing results without surgery, harm
ful injections, medical treatments or
prescriptions. Mr Seeley has (locn
ments from the United States Govern
ment, Washington, D. C„ for inspect
ion All charity cases without charge
or if any interested call he will be glad
to show same without charge or itt
them if desired. Any one ruptured
should remember the date and take
advantage of this opportunity.
The Bread of Quality
Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary
Made in Clinton,' Ontario
Phone 202
5c Loaf
A Robin
Has Been Seen and Heard
The Ground fiogt
Is on Schedule Time
A One=arra Paper Hanger
Has the [lives
And all signs point to spring. which re-
minds us of Wall. Paper, We are well
advanced in the Sampling of the new goods
and we are impressed with the complete-
ness and superiority of our stock. We feel
that we have the variety and range of selec-
tion which will satisfy any reasonable taste,
Often the eheapest- liways the Best
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam,
What's the 'use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the -most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readilyyrre.ieve a coug-h..TTrry7it- LDispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DItUG STORE
Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoieumb
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going
to furnish your home, or if,you only want some odd. pieces.
You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Orgains.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
The Corner .Store
"Live and Let Live"
Things that will make
g Easier
Get armed for the annual campaign
-Buy those things that will make it
t.. ,_. most decisive, that will make it easier,
- votes and that will be most effective, There
is no need of our dwelling on the sub
If Not ject, you know well enough that the
time has arrived when you will be 013.
Why Not the warpath,
By of suggestion we mention: -
Brooms Washing Powder
Stove Brushes Ammonia
Scrub Brushes (liquid and powder)
Whitewash Brushes Whiting
Tubs Chloride:of Lime
Wash Boards Lye
Laundry Soap „ Brass Polish
Thos.Hawkins Borax Silver Polish
Old Dutch Cleanser Furniture Polish
os Sweeping Powder Bath Brick
Shop -over Rowland's hardware E. E. Plumbing and heating - Hunniford
Phone 53 PRONE 45.
Have you a
Modern ilathroom
In Your Monte ?
Let us give you an estimate on the
cost of installing one, or drop me a
card and I will call and give you
t j
With the pleasure afforded by the knowledge
that we have put forth the best efforts
within us, we announce our readiness for
the spring trade. We've lines of Footwear
for men, women and children that are the
best productions of Canada's. best shoe-
makers for .
The Spring Season of
We ask your consideration when ready to
make your selections of spring and summer
footwear. • .
t.÷44.1444+++++A.,i' ++A.4+1444 44 . Ili-1..intlI:.EK441.344,! l"