HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-08, Page 4.PAGE FOUR. papigairc.,,m,....goomerm'am.row;imarroo.r• r ehINTOI; NEW DILE. ty April kb, 101.5. ' 61111.111Ilsomememer ISMBeellmenninfallIAMOMEsimigillgegitimumememosanaliciammessau Desirable Real Estate rnay be sold at any ,tirrae or season: A gopd.,many shrewd buyers wait -for the so-called . , • - Unia-Vorable seasons in which to make their investments. " • ' and they are Watching the "ads." Isasplusungeougammougumumunamagaimmagemnisainsamoomminummiximannualimimmossoinummininam ..._raiannuasimaumnasonsimionssammiums______ Millinery Ready. to -Wear HC Garments Phone 78 ICPP NFWS Luny KNITTER Dry Goods • 0 IllouSe Far nishings and • - " . , Here are the Best of .,.,,,... RAINCOATS We have a complete range of New Waterproof Coats from the -best makers inthe world. Come and get yours here. Raincoat Special $5----A very satisfactory coat of pararnatta cloth, guaranteed waterproof, and does not get hard, all sizes from 32 to 44. This coat would be good value at 7.5o. very special $1.00 • -.4---_ We also have other lines from $7 to $14 Select Your Suit from our Stylish, Com- plete Assortment of New Spring Suits The newest of Spring Models in Ladies and Misses Suits await you at this store. During the past week many fresh ship ments have been received -Flaring Skirts are, of course, much in evidence, and every correct coat length represented. Over Forty Differ( ut Coats for You to Choose From , More New Millinery More New Braids, Flowers, Ribbons and Shapes just received in our Millinery Department this week. We are constantly on the look -out for anything new in the millinery line, and no store is better prepared to serve you, 'Visit Our Millinery Depariment MalliMalmiteuma . .,, .. ................................................... Local News • • • • • • • . • • • ••••4•••••••••••••41•441.11444 *•••••••••••••••••••••••• 't WAR STAMPS HERE, A QUIET -WEDDING. The poetoffice has a.lrerd e et'- On Saturday April 3rd. ' Me. Sim ( Ine(d thele supply of war etamps 071 McKenzie of Perueefie d an to be reed ; 1 or sale neat we. Miss Maieret May eampbee of e'..'lli.''en were quietly name+ d in DITRTZT MEETING HERE. the d :1,veing ro ein of the Mans' lev The Gcd •rioh Dietrict 311a0i3g Rey. Sratile.C. Harper B. D. cf Wi'l of the Methcd s t church will l e Preebytevian ,Cherce Clinton. Ti e herd in Ontario St. Church M le hl d.= wore her trav°ifing-suit °I Leta m d 19th. ea, y blJ $?-eee. Aftee the cei•ee • . in On y, ItIr, al d Mrs. McEcfnzie le, en UN TAINS' SHOULD Cin the MOrilina• trial) for ll'oroe- e , BE 9IXED DP. ' to, r,r d on their return they Will 1 ee:d e at Brucefield„ The two &inking f ounte ins shou'd be re, ret ,ready em, (he come ing warrn d tys. In feat brie rn i et t OF POLICE DEAD. he able to mix their d 'inks these Wm d was received leiere thi deys. s t t wee); 0. t he cl lath of George Ted EASTER DANC.E Reed - • et his notne in Chicago, who over ee years ago' was Cale, of An enjoyable d ince was held in 1 police in this town. Deceaecd was 'the Town Hall ,on;Morid ey evening I born near Dundilk and came here urder the patronegeebi the Pas- /le srly 50 years ago. Be was an time Club. The Phalen's Orrcheee A 1 carpenter al d worked at his tra supple d god muni I and ih r, I .:'r a =, ec)." :"af's• He followed Mr. were many visitoes from butie'd .1 Wm. Paisley las ;Chief of, Police pointe. • i: c. I al d in turn W115 followed by Our present chief, 'Mr. Jos. ' Wheatley. Mr. Wesley iwnikor District Tho deceased was married to a Agent for the ,`',linton Life has Miss Stevenson, a sister or , -Mr: taken the fronte part of the ;bfeite' of Mr. Jacob Tay 'or. His telephone , John Ste ‘ eneea, Huron Stieet A ,:.- member is the mem,as Mi. •c3 ci. elem.,. 226 veers 'ago Mr. TedecMdand office, No. Mt-, The office,- Inuil family movtil to Chicago where the f been newly d ;rated and lcoks I family has reed :,.d The ine. w'd t. a.ed three,,sonee'leawieende, beoe m d 'fried: and one daughetr Hat be survive, Also. a .brother .', Jobe Tethord in the west. When' / de-, ceased raided iler,,.,the eseai .4 a DI uutinutrt : lnehlber. of Willis': Pres byterian Church r7. far el was also Stieerinterd of . the. Selhelay. 4:e0five dr sixe,Neeeeeago. NEW OFFICE e, GRA ND-DATJGHTER MARRIED Miss Mabel Setiarts, dtughter or, Mr. ard Mrs. E.0. '. SWiirtiref,, the' Queen's Rotel liqeighatn,ear,c1,grand d iughter of Mr. Geo. Swarts, was married last Wedneaday to Mee .j.' Bush, who ho'd 3 it Mood positeoneiee the Western ee °ill, dry in thatto; After a short honeymoon teip' they will res g, reside in Wing ham Nies. Rumb 11 of tow , is ales) an eurit or the 'pining br'cle. A. PRETTY 170:LA WEDDIN.G. .., Whighain A prett 4' hoine:' w, 4,i o R..... [ , .-;, ,. ,.Tho,ece=if.0.o.. etZrlin Pat a stop iO In .130 O.) ,dh Eleter Mor cl. ty. the sap boiling at present, but a good A Intl ,ith, at high reeen re- ; . rim is expected as soon es warm Lome of Mes. Tios. Miteleli weather sate in u ter, Mr,e.''l ecarne Many people left the town taking "eee ler cl • ,.: eIr. ,T,1a113.1 <ft:WM:, of advantage of the cheap rates to visit ty 0oeen Tce, poem, wne friends eee,':ily 'd. •COrtteri With Paster Miss Nellie Swartz, daughter of gr. lilies 0(3 carnations, end the and Mrs, .E, J, Swerti, of the Queen's ecremee v teok plare le el •r 1a ,•;!31. Hotel, was married yesterday to J, cpy ee thee, flower,. Tee alieiet Bush, who holds a, good position in the. leg clergyman was Rev. r'rank Westerr Foundry here. .ifter.. a short C. 'Her pee B. D. minister of Willie visit with friends in the eastern Prov Church.erany entereelene , d inces ey will reside in Wie h t a u8bie press13,1,,41 showed the ,p,o., W. vothe Hough, who for Solna time ularity of the happy couple in thie eendnetect it gr°°eT7 t-meinese he"' town era distriet. Mr, and Tv. has sold out to J. Brooks Mr end ' et will rod: in wie,t,..e,„,:. Mrs. Elenigh intend to go to Tnronto -4e , i,1o• d fxiende over the 3,01 David Walks, Bruce County, is (I • ' • visitingleiende and relatives here this, wetar. Bir,,Wiiti§alrd and fatellyyor.,Toroik. are4nending thea tette* holidayelIt the:haute of his father, George Baird. Id Wilson and wife of Godorieh, spent Easter with his friends Mr Phos Baird, Cobetable Felber, who, acting on the inetepetione of Health Officer Dr Mac. KinO0P, Planed smallpox plaearde on fpueIhouses in Hay' Township and ie enfoecing, the quarantine, states that the epidemie,'. started at a dance in Stephen- Township, where there are also fl number of eases under treat merle, All the cases now in Hay Town ship da n he traced back to the same farmhouse iu Stephen, according to the Constable, invitations had been iesuedfor a dance, and later the head of the family took sick, but the event was staged as originally intended, The sickness proved soon afterwards to he a well•developecl case of smallpox and the house was quarantined The constable is indignant at the desire of a number of residents to have the epidemic "hushed up." This, he says, would be a sure way to assist in spread ing the plague. 131 38 well in hand now and if proper precautions are taken both townships will soon be free from the disease. Exeter Frank Torn, of Toledo, Ohio, called on his sisters, the Misses Tom, last week, rdgiwerea m in London on Saturday A. Balkwill and Mrs F, Del bi owing to the illness of their father, suffered a paralytic stroke. Dr Rollins, Mimico, attended the funeral of the late Mr William Rol "8 Thos Hawkins, Windsor, is here owing to the death of his brother. Mrs W. S. Dole and her son will spend Master with her pavents, in Leman, Exeter Patriotic Society sent two wboexeeks..of knitted goods to France this Mr and Mrs Michael Eacrett, of Brantford, moved to Exeter Wednes day and have bought a house on William street. Mrs John Welch and grandson have left for Winnipeg, where they will spend some time vis ting relatives. The people of Exeter were surprised to hear of the death of John Hawkins of Rodgerville. Mr Hawkins had not been wen for same time but had been able to do his work on the farm, Sat ut'day he had been doing some hard lifting and was taken very sick, and died Monday.' 'His wife died two and a Mat years 'ago. Mr Hawkins leaves one boy. fifteen years of age and four brothers and an aged father ' Hensall George Joynt, one of the leading citizens, passed away on Thursday morning after an illness of over a week's duration from pleuro pneu monia, He had been a resident here for over 2U years and did an extensive business in ' shipping ashes from various points in Western Ontario. He also ran , an evaporator, and en gaged in farthing and dealt exteneiye ly in cattle. He was twice elected to Heneall council, and was a member of the Mason ic,Cdd fellows' and Porestere egagemene Announced eL Mr and Md Eph Brown 'announce the mar- riage of their eldest (laughter Itlabel, to Mr Win Hoggart, son of David Hoggart. Tho wedding to take place early53 an datit, atthe home of the brides parenai, Broadview Farm, Hallett. Mr Vanegmond and son Tony` were in Toronto, and while there purchased a fine driving mare, which they brought borne on Wednesday: Mr Farquhar spent Easter in loran - to with friends auburn Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, Sunday hehool and Bible ()lass. Pas- tor worship at 3. Tbe Pastor will preach, leis subject will be-" are you an Oddfellow?" 'Myth A pretty home wedding took place at the home Mr. and Mas. R. Hoy on Wednesday afternoon at 5 when the sister Miss Alice Cusick, was united in marriage to Harry Skinn, Rev. Farr officiating The happy couple will reside on the (arm of Henry Young in Hullett where the groom rs engaged Mr. Jos. Stotbers has been appoint ed by the Ontario Government a not ary public The 0. P. R is trying to ciwbail ex P00858 0» their line from Guelph to Goderich and have notified their agents that it will not be necessary to meet the night train after April 7ch This will he a ' great inconvenience to the travelling public as it will be im possible for either to buy tickets or have their baggage checked Some barely think it will be a success or diet it will coutinue long f the bad road in town On account oGood Friday was spent very quiet les? there was little traffic .As usual q"ite a number'took advantage of cheap railway fares to visit friends in other places also quite a few visitors were in town H. Robinson who with his family re cently returned from London nits taken charge of the harness business here having purchased the same from Leine, who left on Friday mfno)ra, Wiiriatrit.mon where he has purchased a Mr. and Mrs, R. 11.1eleGowan, who recently sold their farm in East Waw anosh, held a very succeseful side of farm stock and implements on Thurs day. On Wednesday evening a num ber of their neighbors gave them quite a surprise, After spending a very Pleasant evening R. D. Stalker read In address and presented the host and hostess with a beautiful chair each F. S. Henry has secured the lead ership of the St Andrew's choir, and it is his intention to form c asses in in strumental and vocal music That a Montreal man has been ar- rested for trading with the enemy and is in custody in Liverpool. The man who trades with the enemy is a patriot compared to the chap who aids the enemy by swindling his country in army contracts, A Patriotic Musicale .111.11.11.= Will be given by Mrs, 9. C. Eris- ets. He was an enthusiastic curler. towe, 3» St. 1 aubs Sunday School In his death, Fiensall loses a citizen of room ,ren Thursday April 8th. Ad - great enterprise, He leaves a widow mission 10c. and three little cons to mourn. The funeral, which will take plane on Mon day, will take place on Monday, will be conducted by the Masons. The funeral of the late George Joynt was held Monday and scores of his friends paid last respects, a number Craning from Toronto and other Oitnto el lee. Service was conducted at the house by Rev. ft 11 flicks and and at rhe.eavave by the Masonic order to which the late Mr Joynt belonged, Although only , 41 years of age, Mr oynt, WAR one of the Veteran business men of the place and his demise was sincerely regretted. Di addition to his store he managed a farm, to which he shipped large quantities of live stock, there to dispose of them he, auction Hisalate home iu Heneall is one of the finest. John Joynt,Lucknow and Mr Joynt, Seaforth, are brothers, , .... 1.10MileebOro =Sees Eleanor ard Jean Meinee e• d Miss Bertha Brogden of Lo0)-. den spent the leolidtey at thele il ome. . I Miss Edna Lyon of Whigharn is home Seer her tell d eve Mr. ?Frank grow u ar cl Fred •al ini- ney of Lordon, spent the holidey I, .Mr. Arthm..XerSlake of Exeter, , veaited friendthere last week., I e -"Mr, 51 13 Mi4; Page and Mr. Ti t . , .m511 of,r li,Wiregliam spent - Surd ty at R. tlLyian's. ' ' Mr. Milton Hooper of WoOdharre .spente therholid lys here: Miss KezialeOrown of Lesdburee ard (eVII3s. DIVR ;Brawn 01 Torcitito, spent the ,hol'edirys at their home. here. e ' ' t. ,frie r.de. e j " J. De TAIsley visiting Wocdham Earl Powell ' 4 /Clinton Spent' a IfeW d eve withPeltark Lyon. Ile v. Mr. Keinetit l • d a' Easter mornin• eernion 500 the Sun ; , 5313' 301001, W.t3 / ,--•11 was' Well attend- N ' -. • . ' 1 ( Powell elivered an .. excel- 4 lont 0: dceposs o 'Temperegiee , tee etre ailing sthevice tie it ' ' large, eon,gyetation. ," Me. iresr teeee. dered an excellent solo, Mr. Jas. CamPaell spent a -few cl t,es wi,,,, 41, ,),Seeer fvlen I . a NOTICE TO CBEDITORS In the Estate of John Whidd011 Deceased •••••••••••so NarlTICE is hereby given that all pP0050115 having claims against the estate of john W d in it villeg,e of 131711. d e...e C:Ountv of (Huron meecht en who d:ed on or about Mlle 20th day Jaeuary lute are 10(30) d deliver to the undelesign adnanis- e•iitria or her eel:clear on or be - before the flth d 13' 05 April 1913 a full staterneat of their claims ee ge,ther with particulars thereoa ard the native or the 'securities, it any held by them all duly veriiied- AND TAKE NOT7CE that after se d administratrix Witt' proceed to d.si.ribute the estate, of the said deceesed amongst the persons en - tilted thereto having regard 'only to such claims as he have re- cei d duo e Lice. tie d in reac erde ee..nerewith. DATED .at eelinton April 0311119:5 RUBY M. AR MSRTONG. • . deninistretrix • ' : • W, 15E1 -DONE 4 Solierter for A denitestratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Elk. thte, Estate of 'Mary Anti • . lthiddon, DeCeaSed., NO retele her:eby given that all • persons 'having chime Eeeainst the - estate of, Mary Ann Wh!dffan lot of the Village of 13aatie d, in V mon, marrh El woman ha idled „Oa, Oa 0 bout 200tr," 11 w 0 orpnp. nre require • to 1 rat:I.:L*. e ,""BTP,NJ0 ,03e. nOderslgEe P41,414i. 01 her olicitor befove the eeth d ty ofee51p101 5917 a 51111,statement of their, claims to gcther with particulars thereof ard the native of the sec urit; . Mise Zella Whitely of Gorrie, 0 ,21-02Apt tte Q,•3 WW1 MrS. Earn - 5511. d I ‘,1 eeeie Pre wir'qof Stratfo d Nor - 01 13 110015 /Or her hard ‘ys. ce. Minos Trine and Elsie Lyon cpert ln;- d iy ti Mise A. Brigham of Highgate 1° vieite d at his home here. Tavel:leen of Toronto is I al epez ding bOildo. vs at home. d Elva alheadecle me" al epee d ng helialey with their ne hee/el by them all 'duly v02411011 AND TAR e 135331 10 '1 53 111531 I: oned date ter d achninisteetrix will proceed n TO -.0TICE that after I ieuribute the esitete X 1:1 e saicl amoegst the persons en- d thereto having reeraed ouly such chains as be shall have re- iVcd clue notice eind 0, 1110 1) beeetvtli. DATED at ODOton Ari1 eth 511.5 DBY M. ARMSTRONG 1 513 mielistre'eR' 1. , NV d. t,eeee Voti(len are Ile. I °I'he"°- e;nistrntrix in West Huron is requested to KNIT at least one pair of SOi)KS for our Boys at the Front • Yarn Furnished Free Women's Patriotic Society For Sale Seed Barley, illandcbueri No 21 good sample and clean, at 85c per bushel. Siberian Millett, good sample at $1.25 per bushel. Windmill, "Toronto" in No 1 shape, tank and all complete, all fresh painted this spring, price 650, Anyone wanting any of these articles call at lot 23, con, 1. Tuckersmith, Iluror. Road or phone 6 on 133 Clinton A good SinartHarris• drill wanted for' season or year JNO la, BEGILL 1 Auction Sale ot Farm Stock and Iniplenients On lot 16, con. 4, Goderich Toevriship there will be offerel for sale on Mon day April 12, commencing at 1,30 p.m, the following farrn Stock and Imple ments 13 y timed sows, two of the 25th of April They are all smootl rnaining ones will litter en or about them with pigs by`their sides and 11 rel end healthy 1 improved Yorgshire Hog 2 years old pure bred (Jame from 11 S MeDiarmid herd Fingal Ontario 1 filly rising three years broke We will bring out two and sell the choice 1 general purpose wagon rebuilt and strong 1 Eureka combination stock eke 1 Light wagon, single horse 1 Top buggy in good condition with al- most new top 1 Portland cutter only a few years in use 30 bushels potatoe smooth and sound 100 bushels of seed oats grown on Russ farm will make fairly good sample, name "White Wave" A. quantity of clover seed sec and cut on Ross Farm We feel satis fled that this is fairly good seed noth ing harmful was seen when harvestin same, Pet rus-A.11 Entine of $10 and under, cash. over that amount 7 month' e credit will he given on furn fishing approved joint notes, A die count of 4 per cent straight allowed for cash on credit amounts S 11 IlleMATH THOS GUNDRY Proprietor Auctioneer Tenders Carnegie Annex -1.1 will be received 1110 up to April 20th. 500 eon - anis. •,) -e7etnent 33101111 a, a 1tonc °et:. a el iYnti•aCt 3-flriee v raeet, ot. 001 d ‘r not neces- .eiely ey •ep' (1 W, BRYDONE,. /Chairmen [elevate,' ilonrci Calves for Sale -r"...e cl Tele,7"--'nete 'Till have for eal; the Norma; d'e c'ebles 00 511 -cl ty afternoon, April 10th, a lo d 011 In• 311.0 Durnem ',elves 311)10 '-,flK. i''•• It t.k., 1+ d A choice lot, and will d 1.-rma suit purchaser NV aeelee. ate Blacksmith Business Moved We have moved our blacksmith business from the stand on Ontario Street to the livery barn on King street entrance near the Wesley Olaurch shed where we will be ready to receive our old customers and solicit it fair share of the trade. R, JONES P611 -Angus Bull tor Sale ••=•••••11.11. A Poil Angus Bull, 1 year andfa months old; of pedigree stock. John Havvey,,R R. No. 1, Clinton Base Line, Baby Chicks and Eggs Oet your order in early for baby chicks We are starting our incuba tors now etrid will continue •till aJun B d ,"' rown Lyhorn 131 ffil br E 4P Smaller Coal Bills Let us reduce your coa bills. We can do it by sup ,heat and leaves only srnal plying you with a coal tha lasts ,long, gives a steady 1 t :amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGHVALLEY ANTHRACITE(' The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money'? Give it a trial. a. J. Holloway, Clint Eggs lair Sale •memolam••••• Barred Rock& bred n Guelph winners.. In Barred Rook eggs, 1 ha ve the best value lu Canada. To be convinced come and see for yourselt. Visitors welcome. 2nd of Guelph and ist Detroit cookere Pen I-lieacled by Crusader. Sol Eggs fW.00 per 15. Prm 11 -Headed by maze cockerel valued at 325.00. Eggs $2.00 per 15, Pen III- Pullet maeing, customer reports pullets laying et five months of age, from this pen. Eggs. $1.50 per 15. Pen IV -Eggs $1.00 worth $2.40. Here is a chance to get some good stock at a reasonable price, 3 eggs from Pea 1, 4 each from Pens 2. 3. 4. 61Iinaiertile eggs will he replaced free of charge. H. A, HOVEY, Clinton, Ont. For Sale ••••••••=•• A I./oilmen Bull 2 years old, color red and white; also span of heavy draught young mares, rising 3 and 4 years. Apply to RI. Braithwaite Londesboro, la 0. Wanted Ve anted a wife, Axe about 50 years old, a farmer in Colborne toweship, correspondence Solicited. W. CT. ALLIN, R. R. No 2 Clinton Eggs for Hatching __- Guild strain -Barred Rocks good layers, Leave your order at once, at Hellyar's Jewelery Store, Clinton, Housekeeper Wanted A respectable woman with daughter about ten can have splendid home and stipend. More or less permanent and interesting according to her abili ty and auseness in managemeta of fa n 1 N, BAER, Fairdale Farm, atolmesvil Choice Seed Beans for Sale W. BRYDOND A BONER SOLICITOR ROTARY ° e PUBLIC, ETC mamma autumns B. ILB Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. ..-ESTATE AND INS URA.NCE of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Olhaton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public,'Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, neetntaleme:AGSNT-Reeremaine 33 Fire Is nominee Companies. ECoffrit Attlee., Division DE') es. T. THORIPSON Physietan, Surgeon, iilte • [medal attention given to diseases of the ilye, Ear. Throat, and No3a EYOR eat, areined, and suitable eglasees prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial not* " Boren St, DES. GProi, cie,et Dr. W. Gunn, 11,. it. C. l'.. If. C, S.. ISM Dr. Coon's office at residence High 'Street SSn'.J, C. Candler. RA. DLit, Oftico-Onterio Street, Clinton. Night calls a4 residence, Ratteninire St. or alibo9pital DR. d. SHAW. rtrysiciati, SURGEobt. ceouchenr, etc,, office and residenee tenburyEtreelt, DR. F. IL AXON DENTIST. 54 CrOlY11 1108 prillge W1/111 21 Speeialtr, Graduate of 0,0,0,5.., Chicago. and 12.0,H.S Toronto. linytield on Slondave, Star 1,5 to D DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special oars taken to make dents( nest merit as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ve GODERICH ONT VIE m stomr sales a speoume, ordear et, Nair Btu office, Clinton. nrtanosir Aden°. to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' safe note discounted! G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar NieTagg,,rt Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON • , General Banking Bonin's' trammeled '40TES DISCOUNTED le Drafts leaned. Intone* allowed 13 deposits ..••••••••••• A. quantity of good seed beans fo sale, grown in a good bean section, good time to buy before the raise price. The undersigned bus made arrang ments to supply a limited number o young calves at reasonable prices. Th calves are all carefully handled an are in the best of condieion. W. J. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 156 R. R. No. 1 Clint() The McKillop Mutual ; Fire Insurance eo. ta Farm and Isolated Town Props e arty Only Insured. f Piano Timing Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pro- d do fine piano tuning tone regulating, . and repairing Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Officio on Albert Street, occupied ry Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made. Cifice hours from 0 a.n3, to p m. A. good vault in connection with the efface. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mn'. Cameron. A Carload ofCanada Mead Oflice-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. n J. B. )lIcLean,Seaforth, President J. Connolly, odarieh, Vice -Pres, Thos, E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas Directors -D. U. McGregor, Sea - forth ; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; W Rinn ^ Portland CCM! Phone us tor prices . It will pay you , John Benneweis, Dublin; Evans, Beechevood; A. alawen, Brucefield; J, B. McLean Seaforth Connolly, Goderich Robert Ferris, Harlock, Agents -Ed. Hiechley, Seaforth • W. .Chesney, Eganondaille; Yee, Holmesville; Alex, Leitch, Clinton ; S. Jarmuth, Brodhagen Grand Trunkitailway SyStimi Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart ..... 8,30 a in 4,40 p m Centralia • 9.33 5,43 , Exeter ......... . 9,41 5.541 1 Hensel! 9.55 6.05 10.01 ail Brueefield 19.09 8.19 Clinton .. 11,00 6.35' Loridesboro 11.18 6.52' Blyth. ........ . 11 27 7 00' ' Beggrave,..... ..... 11:40 7.13 e. , , Wingham, arrive... 11.51 7,35 , , Passenge : '' t John ..Htitton 'S°`1h ' Beigrave...... ..... 6.50 3.44 d • . , Winglaam, depart.. 6.35 i in 3.30 13 , .---,............_,,,_, triflitiCt10151;0r0 ...... ... ,1.10 • , 4:04 Ileilemanii, Ci. Rhode island Rade, and Whit yondottes, flrst chess fowl an ed to NV. .Chicks 15c and 20e each ggs $1.50 per 15; Reduction on large entities, . . , FRANR W. ANDREWS, Clint° ItiverSide Poultryfarm ' Dr ii4s41s, Ont. ' ' , . We are offering for sale this'Spritig hatching eggs from four hundted pens ,selected from a flock of 600 ,birds, con sistieg of : -R. C. R. I, Reds (Buehmen Pierce and Lesker Tompkins strains, Anaer,ca's two grektest laying ,strains of Reds) : White 1.Vyanclottes 4Regal• strain mated 'fli ' poc ere's; as McLeod Bees.' of Stoney Creek; from .their 'Anneals' prize winning laying Sone); Barred Rock (0, A, • 0, strain bred from their heaviest trap nested stock); S U. Anconas (the town or city bird that lives on less, stands coufine In . persistent layers of any class); Mammoth Pekin Ducks, bred from Anieriean stock that averaged Oo eggs each in 0 months, and make the finest quality o5. green decks, weigliing from 5 to S lbs, iu ten weeks Price , of eggs up to April 20th, 31.00 per 18; 1 months, parts of Dec., Jan, ants • ele q 50 eggs or over.Go a piece; atter April 20th, 5c a piece. Duck eggs, 10c per egg. Correepoedence invited in refer mice to day old and brooded chicks. There is money hi poultry, even at the high cost of teed, 155 matured pallets produced me 3105,00 in 8fjp '-', two itOBL TIZIC MSON , LONDESBORO Blyth,. ....... ... . . 7.04 3.58 ' ), Drs. Geo, ti E 'Whitley . .. , V41. • OStStiliathic Phy. Elleter ' 8.54 5M5 ' , • Centraliag5114 5.15: Specialists in Women's' and London, arrive 10,00 6.10 thildres'e DiffeaseEi 4. cute, Ch,promisoircd, An.911. Nervous Nose, a,ad-,, Threat. • CONSULTATfON F3: Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. s3ffice-irtatten'hury Hotel. FORD ct MeLEOD • 1 i We're DOW selling 'Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have 011 hand -•Gooee Wheat, Peas, Baxley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices .paid for Hay and all Grams. FORD & E OD Buffalo and Goderich Wes" Passengei am pm pm pin Stratferd 10.00 12.30 5,25 10.25 • 1a55 5.55 10.49 SeafOrthi,,.....110.45 1.20 6.13 11,11 Clinton 11,07 1.35 6.401112 trolines‘rille....:1L16 1.43 648 11.3 lioderich ...... -11-35 ,2.00 7.05 11, East Passenger a m Goderich 7.05 2.35 465 Flolinesville..- 7.22 2,52 5,(2 Clinton 7.32 3,03 5.10 Seatorth 7.51 3.21 5.80 Mitchel/ 3.16 344 555 Stratford 8 40 415 6 26 „Vrood's Phosphoctiato; The Great Enpliehlk.nonedy, Tonne and invigorates the whole •‘'itt,ei°n eltn1'i.sVegg:tct!,,1noltriOe,'es v,:n1i I il ,,1ivtdBrain TVor7), Deepen - ?z c/,111,efR1et4, Prltpiitioltol,te •fita4,41,fm61,0.puetl,orbxltor MO Ono mil please, BIN. wilt earatbSold by all pd;agVt/g 1:n44"7iVIT,,i'lM,trg'1,...°1Pilro.'6,gog twaDocciu).0.1..069.,.0.i. '(rormarin Windsor.) 7