HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-01, Page 8k Yi PAGE ,EIGHT. Every Man and Boy in Town Should see the Special Display of Men's and Boys Spring Clothing and Furnishings AT THE MEN'S STORE You will appreciate this special display of Men's and Boy's Wear. It offers an early opportunity to see all that is new in Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Our showing of Spring Suitings will be sure to please you -neat hairlines and checks which are very attractive, being among the newest. -You will notice that Suits will be of trimmer lines than ever. Coats are gracefully conforming with natural shoulders and lapels a shade wider. 'Spring Overcoats are straighter and shorter,' giving the aunty effect so much to be desired in a Top-coat.cam.•®�a�•- BOYS' TWO-PIECE AND TIIaEE-PIECE SUITS 1f you know the manufacturer's of "Lion Brand" clothing at all you are acquainted with the feet that no other concern in all Canada turn out the fine range of Boys' and Children's Clothing made by this firma Our pre eminence as Juvenile Clothiers is too well knowhrh 0utHurheron Coorunty to need any emphasis here. Absolute satisfaction in, every garmentPu money promptly refunded. Boys' Knee Pants-lf Tin Pants were made for boys we'd have them, hut we have the next very g etebest thing in our specially strong Tweeds and Berges, made for husky boys., Men's hats -are not radically different, yet there is a diffence in the shape of the crown and set of the brirn, which stamps them new. New Shirts -The latest novelties in Men's Shirts fur Spring, 1915, are now in stock. They are from the best 0anadien molests are sure to please you. Swipes in two and three tone effects are very popular, and range from neat hairlines to inch wide stripes. Some very neat. cheek patterns are also shown. Among the different materials shown are -Percales, Medras, Oxford, Zephyrs Silks and mercerized material.. Many men prefer soft cuffs for summer wear, and we are showing some very smart Shirts in this style. In Neckties -No one or two designs can claim the right to special favor, tuany new designs and color ings beiug shwn, In Gloves -For Spring, tan Cape, grey Suede and Chemois are all represented. In Hosiery-Wearwell Brand. Woven for V ear -Fashioned to Fit -Loomed, to last. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 N'lien's Se Merchant Tailohorring iliLll Men's Furnishings Phone 103 OUR® JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON EGGS FOREASTER Leave your Order for Fresh Eggs at the Store of Quality Now for the house cleaning s0s.sou, and the earlier the hcnse is given a good cleaning, the better. • 'During the winter months. with stoves ' nook and cog t Llnl UlateS in eVCL and dirt act 3 furnaces going.. Cl flet ped R upand keep clean. ' dutyto clean ner.ir,nclibisoui A. full line of utensils for the And when you are 'tired, and clean-up ralnpaign, A partial list need something for the table, re- -Soaps, Brushes, Gillett's Lye, member we have same Mee corn D' 'n 5 lb ails or 2 lb tins also ' n'a hloli;3e syrup i It I , 05 Lime, unser, Ammo C y of Lime, 'Wne'r Boards, Flops, some nice honey in lac 15, and 25c Clothes Pins, "No Rub: and our Tumblers our 1 b •gins We ran recommend for' Also. some pure Maple Syrup, which c7 1S S eaSCt)1C just t . 1't THE CLINTON NEW ERA s000geeeseooseevessocressessesimmoseoseeq•®oAssse•® • TorontoS C1111,011 •• s dfi • Seneo®o'o0eeoeee8001000690Oce00000•o6.eoeeo®Oeeeoeeeo0 Wheat $1.45. Oats 'Bee. Butter 30c to 32c. Eggs 18e. 'Cattle 7.75. Sheep 8.00 Lambs 10;75. 'logs 8,10, Barley 88c to 00c. Peas 1.50 to 1:60. eseetet 4•AAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAneA.AAAsss6AAAAAAiAAAOAAsseAAAAA 49 Local News t110 'Hogs 7.15. Eggs 16 to 17. Butter rr28e to 27c. Wheat 11.30. Oats 50e to 550.. Buckwheat 75c. Bailey 750. Peas 1.50 to 1,60. ' Shorts 31.00. Bran 28.00. Baled Hay 12.00. Thursday, April 1st, 1015. ivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvLIwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvvui HOLIDAY HOURS. OFFICIAL VISIT.', Inspector Field is making his official visit to the Public, School The Pos'toefice will have the usual holiday 'hours 'tomorrow-Gto:d Friday. TIME TO COMMENCE. Local boards of health should at once commence preparations for their' annual clean -Up day: 'COUNCIL NEXT MONDAY. The regular meeting of Clinton town Council will be held 'on Mon- day evening next at 8 o'clock, PAID A VISIT TO CLINTON. • The Holmesville Women's, Insti- tute paid a friendly visit to the Clinton branch last Thursday af- noon and a pleasant time was 'en toyed by all. TO MAKE SHELLS IN SEAFORTH. The Bell engine works in Sea - forth 'has received a contract ft ons the Government for + kihe manufacture of shells for the Bri- tish army and workmen are now busily engaged in making arrange- ments for the work, which- will require new machinery. This will be installed as speedily as jnoss- ible and when (t he work com- mences a night and day gang• will be engaged, SOLDIER'S LE ITERS Letters from our Soldier Boys who are valiantly fighting in the trenches in France are now being t.eccfved by relatives and friends tied The New Era is very anxious to have an opportunity of Publish- ing duet their titan �' these so ( m Y friends and admirers in the Dis- trict may have the pleasure of trading them 118 well as r'he im- mediate friends Ind relatives of the boys. Our boys are uphold- ing the honer of their eoulniU'y and of the Regiment we are all proud of and we want to shale with others the news. Send }n qua r 3.• the letters find we 1%111 carefully nreservc and return them I'llone 111 Successor 105, Barr, toe Tills, STOKE OF QILS.LITY Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here' for. your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every cle- tail.'liere are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buyail kinds of Fprniture BALIJ far, T'KI N SON Furniture Dealers and Funeral -Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PHONES- J. D. Atkinson 186 here. A. SHOOT' ON FRIDAY. The Gun Club will hold a slraot at the Gun Club on Good Friday. The local members will have a good days sport if weather is fine. ADDRESS ON THE' WAR. TRAIN WAS LATE. The L.H. and B. 'train on Friday evening was away late owing. to a tie up near Roekwo'od. Our even ing train had to wait at Lucan Crossing for connections. PATRIOTIC ASSEMBLY, MONDAY NIGHT. The Pastime Club held their an .,tial Easter dance on Easter Mon- clay in the town hall. The Phalen Orc'hes'tra will supply the music. 33RD. BATTALION CONCERT. The London Advertiser last Sat mday reported a concert of tithe 33rd Battalion at London. C p- t:ain Dowding' gave.a solo *Ind Major ] thanks ksRance to those moved took „o part. A CHEAP FARM. The farm of 100 acres of William N. 'McMichael lot 34, 6theon of Mc- Killop. was sold on Friday last to Mr. Alexander McMichael for $'3,800. The farm is a fairly good one and the purchaser got abar- gain at the price paid, 1 ARTNERS'ElIP DISSOLVED, The partnership between 'Mr. J. H. 'Paxman and Mr. 'Fred Gillies has been dissolved and Mr. Pax - man has 'taken over the business Mr. Paxmnn makes his announce- ment in another column of the New Era. We ilave not heard what Mr. Gillies intends to de. WEATHER :eI•IN WAS RIGHT. The weathermen guessed _ right l 1s • 1 eight. warned ec l ,il wee lest cold that Thursday night would be er and more winter find the snow Game eluting' the early hours of 'Friday morning, But spring is getting too'hard a hold for Winter to hang 00, { A NIGHT OF SURPRISES. Last :Friday evening at 1140 Olin ton Club three eurpris0 parties were milled off on the innocent members. Dar, D. A. Forrester, who celebrated his 60th birthday on that day, was. subjected to a very severe review of his 13 lives and afterwards was given an en - lea ged photo of himself and lady Wend. Mr. Wm. Jackson, who celebrated his birthday recently was also remembered by the club members, The third event of evening was the preseptation ♦ o Mr. John Ransford, of an enlarged 'hoto of himself and the club de cided that they would hang it in the Club 10010s and commence to get photos of all the past presi- dents. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. M SAP SEASO& IS ON AC`'AIN A We have just received a large supply of the two popular kinds of Sap Buckets. They are made from Charcoal Tin, and will resist the rust much longer than the common kind, We have lots of spiles-the ordinary cast spile and Werner's Patent Spile. Few Cross Cut Saws and Axes at Reduced Prices Phone in 'Your Order and we will save thein fear you Our Phone is No, 7 11 ARLAN I) ROT ,, k RS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTiES MINOR LOCALS. April. All Fool's Day. Have you ordered ` your Cross Buns for tomorrow? Council meets on 'Monday even- ing. Easter holidays have commenced for the school children. A fair crowd was present at the moving picture show at the town hall last Friday night. Attend the Spring Show Banquet at the Town Hall tonight. Pastime Club will 'hold Patriotic dance on Monday nig'h't, Good reading matter On every page in this issue. Holiday hours at the P'ostoffice Friday. The Banks have holidays on Fri- ' day and Easter Monday. Special music in the various churches next Sunday. Many will spend Easter out' of town. r i, Owing to the mobilization of the overseas contingents this year the usual militia camps have been can- celled. The suckers are beginning to run. It is contrary to law not to net these fish. Maple syrup making is the order of the day. Hai e You 'had the Grippe? If not avoid it, if possible, as it as of en extremely violent character while it lasts, ". The New Era will be glad if read'. ere wino receive intere'iiine. letters from soldiers at the from, will seed them to us for publication. The student of the "ods" be - corner WISE about buying' leets, Don't forget to lot The New Era. know the names 'of friends visiting you. We are glad to get the news. "Highlanders! Fix Bavonots," is a Lew patriotic battle song that 14 becoming very pol!ular. The song has an admirable swing and should. Hot Rev. tF. C. -Harper spoke to the schola.s in the 6th room. of tbe Public School on the war, on Wed- nesday afternoon: NEW S.A. OFFICER. The recent officers of the local. Salvation Army Corps got their moving orders and •Captain Viol et 'Henderson late ,of Forest is in charge here, The .young lady will have as her Lieutenant, an officer from the S. A. school and will be here shortly. LION LIKE EXIT. 'Following its lamb -like entrance the month of 'March has every fn- dica•tion of bearing out the old saying of "coming in like a lamb and going out like a lion," and vice versa. After a spell of real spring weather, a regular blizzard and the snowfall is almost pe heavy as any this year in the same time. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Switches, Braids. 'Transformations ,Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of unsurpassed quality hair and work manship. Also, Dorenwend art hair toupees for bald men, in eluding the famous sanitary 'pat- ent structures. Yon are offered a free demonstration of any style Remember' the date, --Thursday An ril 16th. A iFORME:R CLINTON BOY ENLISTS, Another Clinton boy has joined the third contingent for active eery ace 10 London, in the ,person of Arnold Rathwell, son of Mr. a.nd 5,lrs. Sam Rathwell of Lucknow The young soldier is a nephew* of Mrs. Beacom'oppositen osite Ontario Str. Church, and Iles. Perry Plumsteel U} tee L > London Road, WESLES. CHURCH ANNIVERSA.R SERVICES. Anniversary services will be held in Wesley Church on Faster Sun • day. Mr. Robert 'Holmes, of Tor- onto former Editor of the New Era, will preach special sermons. The choir promises choice mush. both at the morning and evening services, A hearty welcome to 011: WENT TO PARKHILL, Last Thursday Mr. Paxmnn took a load in his auto to Parkhill and hacl a goad trip. They went by the Bayfield Road and then down the Lakeshore road. It was good travellinwithfew hills betweenehe eeancinBaoy- field, That isapretty good rec- ord for this time of year in so northerly a section, ®® ei-l:teil on Well, ENTRANCE EX, AMS JUNE 21. The Ontario high school entrance examinations will be held on June 21, 22 and 23. The program is... I''irst day, composition and spefl- ing; second day, arithmetic (and literature; third 'day, English. grammar, writing. geography. The departmental exams, will be held commencing June 9 and con- tinuing to June 30. TIAVE A NAME AND TRADE MARK. FOR YOUR FARM. Naming the farm is fun. Farm- ing the name is business. Put it on the barn and on the mail box, and on the letters t hat go into the mail box; put it on the crates and barrels you- "haul to market. Aim for quality in all the naive stands for. Make it your trade mark iinti it will increase your. anetionsinweesesznamisessinew A Robin Has Been Seen and Heard The Ground Hog Is on Schedule Time A One=arra Paper Hanger Has the Hives ( And all signs point to spring. which re- minds us of. Wall Paper, We are well advanced in the sampling of the new goods and we are impressed with the complete- ness and superiority of our stock. We feel that we have the variety and range of selec- tion which will satisfy any reasonable taste. The We De Fair eo. Often the eheapest-Pl1Ways the Best eixammiwie Fenster White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it- J".T'J_ IIO-V E Y Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE IS LEADER OF CHOIR. 1131 Y'CH. The Boatel of Management ae,nt of St. Anthem's Church Blyth have se- cured the services of Ste. D. Henry of Toronto son of Mr. Henry of town as choir leader, duties to continence nli.nit (the middle of April. It is Mr. 'Henry's intention to ro m:lenee a vocal class here and at points adjacelnt. PUR'C'HASED HOME iN GODERIC IL Goderich Star. -Rev. Jas. E. Fold has bought the cozy clottage on Wellington and Lighthouse street know as the Naftel property, with a view to becoming a permanent resident of Gllderich when here - tire -s from active work. He wil be a welcome addition° to the citi- zens of Goderich and we all hope that he may enjoy many years o a well earned rest, HORTI+CULTiJRAL SOCIETY. A meeting of the Directors was held at the home of Mr. Thomas Cottle on 'Friday evening the 89th inst. discuss plans for the com- ing summer, It was decided to hold a'Flower Show in the Fal the date to be set later. Miss Kate McTaggart offered a donation of $5.00 to be given as a prize for the best collection of named Asters not more then five blooms of each variety to be exhibited at the Show Mr. Cottle is offering a prize to tbe value of $2.00 for the best collection of Gladioli. These cow petitions are 'open to all the mem bers of the society. The linem- hers.. this year will • receive a cer- tificate of seeds tificate for $1.00 wog $ plants, bulbs or fruit trees on :loin ing and a further premium of 60 cents in the (Fall. Membership trade in the, market. The New Era fees will be received by the mem- makes a speciality of printing' bers of the canvassing Committee - letterheads, envolopes, etc, f!or the ' Messrs, T. Cottle. Jos. Wheatley, J. farmer. Cunning'hame• The fee is $1. ---- TRY -- CON .LIT..1,'a *CRUST SMALL BREAD The Bread of QUatity Wrapped to be dean and Sanitary Made in• Clinton, Ontario Phone.;. Sc Loaf au :a :, a,r, Furniture, Rugs & l.. inoleumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction sUNFcr 'Undertaker Ltl Funeral 1 IllCCtOr Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered :at Residence over store 11111r..a,.moe�,tnz•ov-s•:no*mII^ ' . nine Have you a Modern Bathroom In Your Home Let us give you an estimate on the cost of installing one, or drop me a card and I will call and give you prices: ll"he Cerner Store "Live and Let Live" Things that will make oust°=dean= ing Easier Get armed for the annual campaign 1 -Buy those things that will make i.t most decisive, that will make it easier, and that will be most effective, There I is no need of our dwelling on the sub If Not ' ject, lcuow enough th tame you has arrived wwelhenl you will at lie oithel Why Not; warpath, 1 By way of suggestion we mention:- `Broome Washing Powder Stove Brushes Ammonia Scrub Brushes (liquid and powder) Whitewash Brushes Whiting Tubs Chloride:of Lime ';V ash Boards Lye Laundry Soap Brass Polish Borax Silver Polish Old Dutch Cleanser Furniture Polish Sweeping Powder' Bath Brick Thos.lawkins Plumbing and beating s E. i�unniford Shop -over ltowland's Hardware i i i Phone' 63 PHONE 45. I +4 ++4 €•II•ii•4.+++i+4+114++10 4.11 op 'l• 4. Spring 4• 4. 4 4. Announcement 4. With the pleasure afforded by the knowledge that we have put forth the best efforts within us, we announce our readiness for the spring trade. We've lines of Footwear for men, women and children that are the best productions of Canada's best shoe- makers for The Suring Season of 1915 We ask'your consideration when ready to make your selections of spring and summer footwear.' 'cr FREI). eKSO THE' HOME OF BIETTISR SLOBS. e++++4;444•4444+++ ++.44:444: lecke itAkt4. C A:'esl flint =1!ettelex"@* 4. 4.1 411