HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-04-01, Page 5Thursday, April 1st, 19151 Before You Buy A WATCH Come and Talk To Us It is highly important that you have expert advice when choosing a watch, and the name of a house back of this advice as a guarantee of its honesty, We have been selling watches for years. We know values and we are here permanently to back up any sale we make, Come in and Talk with Us. W. 11. lL [,YAC JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE SIWIWIllelleWlenewee •6o®a®••••••••41••p••®o•• The Voice of the People. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• To the Editor of the New Era. As much comment has arisen over that portion of my report dealing with law enforeemc/ht. 1 wish to make it plain that the re- noI•t is for all sof Huron County. We' had no intention Of reflecting on 'the nyolrnto,ut did w shtoca,atteon to the system of Law Enf'or•cer:lei' t. If n • u friends ds •n Ire th r the 1 ' South e u riding g desire to ' single out 'their riding. we have no hesitation in saying that we think the official Book will show 'that all of 'the Convictions registered in the south, were se- cured through Mr. Torrance the local Inspector. Mr. Torrance has 'had considerable experience, and has proved to be an excellent ofe !leer. 'tun tylod like to lthe f thanking our ftemper ante people for the •lease of absence granted me for a trip ,to Alberta. 1 will leave for th West April 12th. and :will return the middle of Silay. The work of our department will be in 'the hands of the County Executive., Any cor- respondence intended- the /Field Seer'etary should be address- ed to A. T. C.ceoper or J. A. Irwin our ,pains -taking and eelf%-bacr'i- licing President and Secretary. Ian' yours. E. G. Powell. •••o•osseesoseos•alowee .•• Local News UNCLE DAVIE WAS CANED, A few of the Orange brethren met at their Lodge room on Wednesday evening and after a mock trial, a charge was made against David Beacons of attending fbe District Orange meetings and hadn't missed a meeting iu the k rintary Lodge for years, also that he bean's attended at the rneeungs to the Reformcomntittee rooms. It beiug on the eve of his Slth birthday, the Orange committee de tided that he should be '•Caned;" so the brethren preeented him with a gold headed Oeue,with his monogram and L. U. L , No, 710 inscribed, With the Churches Anthem -Awake up my Glory." Hymn --"Christ the Lord is Risen Today. »-E1vey. Quartette-"Taritum Ergo" --lymn Look ye Saints' Organ Postlude-"Wortley is the Lamb." -Handel. Offertory •'Berccuse in A." ST. 'PAUL'S CHURCH.' The St.Paul's Cnghurch s willkhold as 15e tea. it 7 pilo no5 tco7 inYa.d of the organ fund, The following are the services to be held at St. Paul's Church for Easter Day, - Hymn 171, "Welcome a Happy Kyrie, Simper -in G. Gloria. and Grates, Simper. ny,mn before sermon, 157 "Jesus ' Christ is Risen Today." Offertory. ( Hymn 166, "The Strife is O'er.' Sursum Corda, Simper. Sanctus, Simper. Sanctus, Simper. Benedictus qui venit. Simper, ( Rive -fold Amen, Maunder. Agene Dei, Simper. During the 'Communion,, r'I-Know That ;Mv Redeemer liveth" nandei. Gloria in Excelsie, Simper. Hymn 261, vs. 1, 5, 6. :Hymn 162, "Lig'ht's (Glittering Morn." -Part III. Evening Prayer. P3tocessionaf Hymn 168, "Conte Ye Faithful Raise the Strain," 'Festal Responses. "Proper Psalms, 113, 114, 118 to Chants 174, 85, and 178. IVIagnif cat, 83.' them --"I know that My> Re- Nuns Difuittri, 73. Hymn 520, "Jesus Lives, Thy Ter rors Now. I1ymn 170, '''heist is Risen." ,Anthem, "rlhey-Hite e fTaken Away My .Cold" 'St titier. 'it'vele old Amen, M,,aur.der, Recessional Hymn 173• "Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem." Local News 'Virg maN f Nosfsrrn Dv' itsiMikMAPRMIRMik, MOVING. Mr. Vlritmorc General Manager of the Clinton ?5ltotoa' Oar Works has rented the house reven'tly,, va- cated by )Ver. S. Taylor and is mov-• ing [iris 'welt, AMBITIOTJS PULLETT. Mr. Bert. Hovey Inas a Barred aIn d Roek that was hatched lbtli Oct. and she start'td to lay in'February Can anyone ,produce a pullett that can do better? A PATRIOTIC MUSICALE. Will be given' by Mars, ,F. tC, Bris- towe, in St. Paul's Sunday Sc'hool- 'room on Thursday April lth. The public are cordially invited to at- tend, Admission 10c, BOARD Die TRADE ANNUAL MEETING. ' The Clinton Board 'of Trade will 'Fold 'their annual meeting on Tuesday evening next in the Coun- cil Chamber at 8 o'clock. All mem- bers are, requested to be present. • LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. If your hair is ithine faded or die colored, or if your bald if your would make your appearance at- tractive and youthful and benefit your health and comfort be sure you see the Dorenwcn11 C'oinpanv's v onderful display of quality hair roods at the Rattenbury douse Clinton, on Thursday 'April blth REV. 181'R, RIGSBY TO RETIRE. Rev. Walter•. Rigsby who has been in charge of St, Clair Meth- odist Mission, Sarnia Indian re- serve. for the past 10 years will be superannuated at the ensuing 'an- nual conference, and intends male- ing his permanent home at Lam- beth. Mr. Rigsby was former Meth odist minister at Blyth quite a few years ago. AN ACTIVE WORKER, A lady in Rensall seems to 'have carried Of the palm for knitting for the soldiers, She has 'already lei i•tted over 30 paira and is still at the good work. The funny part of it IS that she is a Mrs. Kaiser If the German's big Kaiser knew what good Britiahers some with name are it might make him blush. We give her all the praise for the work she has done. MIGHT. HAVE BEEN WOPSE. Last Sunday Amos Osba'deston d ae years o e 12 a s ' .d was clown w around the Hydro 0 J p13nt 1 and pfet;ed up some caps used for expl'cd:ng dyna mite and put one on a stone and used another one to see what it would d,.;' He saw 'alright, and fortunate for him (the stone he hammered with was big enough to save ,tris face. As it was he had nearly 50 arts on his face. 'Fortunately his eye sight was not damaged and will be O. K. in a few days. ADDRESSING OF MAIL TO SOLDIERS AT WAR• ling of mail n order at the tfrtontlrand( t insure prompt delivery it is re- quested that all mail be rddressed as follows. - (a) (b) Name... (01 Regimental Number (d) Company, Squedrton, Battery - of ,other unit . e( Battalion :f' Brigade fee i irst for Seooncll'Canadian Con- tingent ill) British Expeditionary 'Force-..... Army Post Office, LONDON, ENGLAND, GRANDSON GOING TO WAR, The following' taken fi+om a Lon- don paper on M'undey which re- fers to a presentation to a grand- son of Mr. James L. Shepherd, a Pioneer of Clinton. -'Phe executive of 'the Lorne Avenue M'other's'' Club met on Thursday night in the 'home of Mee. R. Greensides, 831 Queen's avenue, for •tile purpose of expressing to her and her son, Louis, who has enlisted in the 7t11 es. M, R., 1he admiration of the club at the sacrifice the son of their worthy president was making, in behalf of liberty and justice. A Program of readings argil music prepared, appropriate to the occa- sion. A solo by Mrs. McMillan, entitled, "Boys of the King et England, was 'heartily applauded. One feature of the evening was the reading of an edlres's to the young soldier by 'Mrs. Burch, sec- retary of the club, and presentee tion of a wrist watch by Mrs. Wil- son on behalf 'of the club. It was some minutes before Mr. Green- sides found voice in which to express his thanks. Mrs; Green - sides also expressed ,her apprecia- tion to her co-workers for their kindly thought. This was followed by the guests singing 'Woe He's: a Jolly Good (Fellow,' after which refreshments Were served. DO TIMI PAY? The . 'craze for calendars has grown during the past few years so much so that it Would be well forthe merchant' if he would sit down and figure out Whether from a business getting view -point the expense is warranted Or whether it is just an expensive vanity to con neat his name with a pretty pic ture. All advertising may be good advertising, but; as the aim of the ordinary, merchant is to get the most business tor the least out- lay in money, 'We have have doubts, that the use of the calendar is giving ;him returns at all com- mensurate with the cost. In many cases calendars Eire soug'h't by those anxious iiosecuee a pretty picture, Once obtained 0110 i d vertisement is cut Off and the, Picture tacked up or given the children as a plaything. The main purpose for which it was intended is 'thus frustrated; though the mer- chant knows nothing of it and'', soothes himself imagining his ad- vertisement on the wall of every customer's home. Some clay they will wake. up to a reahization of their cherished delusion. Many a business man pays for calenclers the price' of a Pati amount of space an a newspap r foe six menthe with the Privilege of change. No 1 ind of advertising brings tis good results as nee epaper advertising: Why not ;do mere of it by 'cutting out the calen(iir•s ar:d other Wan,c ful meth ode. " In TIWOS of Peace In Times of War Your Eyesight 4 is Essential IMMEMNimmengaimmiumwmgm AN Failing Vision -an enemy eer to cont OP t and Pleasure -can be nursed into normal eoudi tion by glasses that-aecur ate o ly f Bused, ground and ed , Dusted -meet the uecesst ry' ' requirements, r To be at war with your eyes •xis taking a dangerous chance 4-a condition that need, not `4 exist.. es - Avoid all such folly by Iwearing glasses that will n sure happiness and content menta sammmensameeeemennws A. J. 'Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses onlyolc too speedily from th family lvicelt. +nwy,las viewpoint. Funeral will take place I Mr's Robt, 0fclsen're,. Detroit, (nee Friday afternoon at the home at '1.,30 Miss Addie Giese) is renewing old o'clock service bolus held at the home friendships in and around Clintons at 2 p m, Interment will be made in Miss Ada M,(3si",e was n ' the family plot, Brussels cemetery.1 vtsiior ire Leslie Kerr of the New Era, is a and Stratford Salnday aftcrnnan. son of deceased Mrs R. Rowland was a visitor for a few days with Mr and Mrs W. IL A FORMER RESIDENT DEAD Davis, at Mitchell. At her late home in Toronto on Jedge visiting Doyle is hinge on ucl otter Tuesday of this week, Mary Bennett and iss nh Washington tt eta ,s Mrs Widowpoints in c.f the tateUnited St Arthur A.ales, ;; Mrs Bennett: ID passed away. Deceased was a residentSogle accompaniedois hint. here many years ago :when her bus Forbes. rbf Cl Expositor' Mrs Arthur band was in the furniture business (was iistown this week at the home of her son,; Mr A. MRS JOSEPH GRIGG DEAD E• Forbes, whose little daughter has At her home in :North. Grimsby on been eni laid up with an attack, of pneu- Suuday, March 28th, Emily Ann Hooper, widow of the late Joseph: Co. Constable Fellow, Goderieli,was Grigg, in her 73, year auswered the in town on Monday. ter'' Roll t,aIL Deceased was a sister of Co, Constable Whitesides, Hensall, Me A Hooper of town, and was a was in Clinton, on Monday. resident here 25 years ago Hefamily`Mr J. B. Hoover,ofGuelph,is taking then moved to Grimsby. The funeral was held on Tuesday, Mr Hooper at in the Spring Secfo hero, Guelph,is tending. License Inspector ver for Oliver ri Johnson •c, has me de several special.trips to Brussels and some, of the citizens in ossessessoteese '•gl•osems [be t "beak"afore been being appearing in a o e ., license village. Over The Teacups Itfr iCarl Wi.ilcin,teller in itiro LVfolsons e ea p{`/ aftertioontand�wasrtafterwardstxs�Cnt out to the bank in Vancouver. Mr ®®e®®D®60.000b00•®®•00®ri0® Wilkin will be missed by the Wesley a church choir in which orgenivation Mr. W. Br'ydone aucl Police Magis- trate Andrews attended the sale of the 'faun in McKillop Township on Friday last of Wn,. McMichael. kir Richard SValtou,who is with the 33rd Batt., at Loudon, was home for over eunday. Mrs Fred Cooper and daughter Lucy Toronto, are visiting relatives and friends in town. at'. writenat lit yasreei asust loyallyIrnd athe wiNhAielatives Roioll, 'is holidaying closing hours of her illness she reseal ( and locality, circ frtelrcls at Erussels, ed ane of many much loved hymns "Jesus IeVer oI my soul, let me to Thy returnedMrs to tlDie bosom fly.' Her request was granted e BECOMES A .BASEBALL., MAGNATE. The Toronto Glboe, 'Monday, re - as follows on a former 'Clntonifan. -• Guelph. March 28. -(Special) -It is vow certain that Guelph will be the sixth city in the Canadian Leag ue in 1915. • The deal whereby the Erie franchise is 'transferred to this city at once was consummated Sat urday, when Geo. H. O'Neil.. the owner of the franchise accepted the offer of James B. Reynolds proprietor of the King Edward Hotel of this city, who becomes the role owner of the team. Negota- 'tions have been in progress for some time, and the 'only thing fire was the price. O'Neil want e which has caused the deal to hang d $i,000 for the ,franchise which would inehrde some eight players but in this list of players were several such as Jack !Fryer and Leo Wiltse who were suspended, and others wlio were not consider ed good enough for 'the team Later another offer was made of $1,500 with t noplayers a tat 1 and this is the deal which was completed Sat urday, the only exception that'one player "Lefty" Dorbeck comes to Guelph. O'Neil wanted to turn over "Pete" Behan also, but he considered to'ohigh salaried for this year. Mr. Reynolds has signed "Knotty Lee as manager of the team and he has been at work Yoe the past week signing up some players. lie has now about eigl,t signed con tracts, and is eonfident Pleat he has some very promising material in the lot. He has been promised ali•the surplus players from the Toronto' Interjnational t [League team, and when the season opens it can be depended upon that Knotty will have a strong team on 'hand to uphold the honor of the Royal City in the baIi field, In taking over \the'teanr Mr. Reynolds recognizes that this year may be a 'hard one on account of mar but 7m looks for the loyal support of the fans of 'the city in his undertaking and no doubt he he will receive the same. He is a sportsman in every dense of the word and must he given credit for once more plaeing Guelph on the baseball map of Ontario. It is Mr. Reynold's intention to at once form a company 'of gentlemen who will be associated with him in his venture. MRS. (REV.) J. L. KERR CALLED TO HER REWARD. Peaceful as a t'r el child would fall t o sleep in the arms of its mother came the usefullifetoout M Mrs, (Rev,) long,. L lKerrand t her home, Brussels, Monday night about 1080 o'clock. While she had been failing noticeably for the past year sire was able to be,about as usual until Saturday and when medical attendance was sought there did appear to be any ailment to treat, ,just a nervous collapse. She put up a )rave fight but the flesh proved too frail and her spirit went to God who gave it. Sirs. Kerr's maiden name RSA Margaret J,ttutledgeand she was torn on January 7th, 18 'mare ago, in Sligo town, Ireland being a dangle' er of Wm, Rutledge, a merchant. Here she was united in marriage to the late pre -deceased her by 17 years, his trans lation taking place on Pa1n1 Sunday, The event was always a mitrksd occasion to the widow who spoke of it a number of times last week. In 1853 Mr. and Mrs, Kerr cattle to Cana da and for 30 or 35 years they labored most assiduously and successfully on many circuits in connection with the Methodist ministry and it is only her just meed of pi;l,iee to say no pastor was ever more 'loyally supported in bis work than was Mr. Kerr by his, helpmeet. She made and kept hun dreds'of friends, many of whom an severed the Roll Call of the skies long years ago. Oa eaperannuating Rev. Mr. and,Mre.•Iierr located in Brussels 30 years ago last July and loth con tinned their tabors here until called to their 'reward. Mrs. Kerr was specially interested in the Women's Missionary Society in which she was President for many years. Faithfullysheattend. ed to many duties in Brussels as was. her custom in previous days and her Talents in testimony andprayers were freely usad to the glory of God, She leaves to, mourn her demise 2 sous (W 11 Herr, of The Post, Brussels,' and tier. W 17 Kerr, of Wellanc) and 4 daughters (Ctrs, J J Gilpin, Brussels; Mrs, (Dr) Cavanagh, Owen Sound; Mrr W A Matthews, of Colpoys Bay, whose hushand is in charge of that circuit in connection with the Metho dist church; and Mrs May Turnbull, who lived at bonne for a number of years and faithfully filled her tabor of love in attending to every comfort for her niothee,) One daughter and a son died in infancy, Rev .Or I3•ut. ledge, of Olintou, who is at present 01 the Jobe Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, where Ise recently imcler'.went.rn ape,' at(on is lin only brother end Mrs Il Metcalf, o- 30001111, and Mrs f1 Bar ley, of'Swan Ln.kt are eurtiving sedans. No /menet et • 1 r , le r f. r 1yn e tee the eu le,e of t v,a1 Semi p' (et e 1 e .:;:rd Miss M. Sanders( n has been serious] v ill, from the effects of a fall sustaiued at the Rick recently. • Lance Corporal TomntyBritton, of Hit 33rd Battalion, has been seriously ill -With per rtruonia at his home here. Mr S, Byan is spending Good Friday in Stratford. Mrs Byan has been there for some weeks owing to the serious illness of her mother. There is small hope held out for the mothers recovery. Mrs W. 3, Kilbr'cle is spending the Easter holidays at the parental house in St. Mmes. DIr. MacLean, Carleton Place, is the guest of iris brothel' in law, elr Scott. re tnole an active pert. We wish our young townsman prosperity in the far West. Captain Dowding was he, e over the week et.cT, from the, London Camp. Births, Marriages it BIRTHS. BEATTY- To Dr. and Mrs 3. A, Beatty (nee Miss O'ara Sutter), Stratford, on March 20, a daughter, • DEATHS. CsRIGG-In worth Grimsby on Sun day, March 28th, Emily Ann ,'loop er, widow cf the late Joseph Grigg, in her 73 year BENNET'1'-On Tuesday, March 30th, Mary Bennett, widow of the late Arthur A Bennett, HEARD-TASKER-Oa Wednesday, March 31st, by Rev. 5, J. Attlee at the home of the bride,Tp, of Hullett; Miss Isabella F., daughter of Mrs R. Tasker. to John Leonard Heard, of kir• John A. Cooper and two small KERR-In B tyfield, sons, of Toronto, are h E 20,Marg Brussels,3'.ut wiggedMondit Mar. guests of the i Margaret J. Rutledfie.reiict of foruler's mother, Mrs W, Cooper. I i4 Rev. Jo hn L esli e Ker ,a ged 78 years 9Mr. T. Jackson, Jiis in 3months and 22 das. thie weetc. MissMacDougall is spending the vacation at her 11011W in lean nington. ge„I y Dr Fie'd, Goderich, made his official Ml tame ��n visit to the Public School on Monday, C and Tuesday of this week. Effective Aril 15t Thompson will spend the vacation in Toronto. bliss Winnie Miss Mary Ch;dley is spending the holidays in Tnr'outo. Heavy Penalties for Neglect To Miss Hazel O'Neil was the guest of Obey Law Miss Gladys Manning, in London,this week Mrs Andr•ow Gunn, Toronto, was the guest of Ales Murray, Rattonbury Street, on Monday, on which day Mrs Murray celebrated her 03rd birthday. Miss Etta MacTaggar•t, Woodstock, was the guest of Miss MacTaggart. Dr. Gunn speut the week enol in Toronto, Miss C. Matheson, Goderich, was in town a few days this week. • Mr. Ewart Greig, Toronto, was the guest of his uncle, Mr. L Greig, and his grandmother, Mrs Gteig,this week O:'piain Henderson, of the local staff of the S. A„ was a visitor in Goderich, this week. Barrister Vanstone,'lVingham, was in town on Tuesday, Inspector 0. Johnson made anoth'r visit to Brussels this week, Mr W. Thompson, Tozonto, spent a day or so in town this week. Mr and Mrs J. Taylor left for Toron- to this week, where they will make their home in the future. Mr C. Libby,manager of the Clinton. (Knitting Co„ is in I3amiIton, this week, Mr Fred Runrball, •of the Royal Bank,London,is spending his holidays in town, The news from the John Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, concerning IR,ev. Dr Rutleclge's progress is re -assuring and indications point. to a speedy convalescence. Ottawa, Starch 24,- The st• arnp and special taxes were before Parliament today and a good deal of information was given as to the manner in which they will be applied. The Finance Minister and the Oppo sition generally participated in the discussion. The stamp, patient medicine, tele graph and traveling taxes will become effective on ;April 15. Banks will he required to cancel stamps on checks. Notes between individuals need not be stamped unless they are put through a hank. A bank will he liable to $100 fine for accepting a receipt to avoid the stamp tax nn checks. Postmasters and inland revenue collectors through the.country will sell the war stamps and where such stamps ore not avail able, ordinary postage stamps may be used. Penalties Are Heavy Failure to fix a stamp to a check may he punished by a'$50 fine, and a bank may be fined $100 for failing to cancel a check stamp. The war stamp must he fixed to closed drop letters, but not to open letters,cirrulare, news paper's or parcel post packages. There will be no three cent stamp, but a let ter with three one cent stamp only or with three cents in ordinary stamps :end no war scamp will go. For fail ere to affix or cancel a war stamp,an express cowpony is liable to 6f00fine The Justice department has:decided that the champagne stamp tax does not violate the French treaty, there fere, it remains in force. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 No advance in the price of the 'Made in Canada' Ford will he made becauseof the additional7,4 War Tariff. We as loyal Canadians will gladly absorb whatever increased duty we are forced to pay on such raw materials as cannot be ob rained at house. The Ford is manufactured' iu Canada -not assembled in Canada The Ford Runabout is $510; the Town Oar $810 the Coup'et $850: the Sedan $ILStl=all fully equipped, l o.b, Ford, Ont, Fond beyees Wil share in our profits i1 we es!! 30309caa's between August 1st, 1914, and August 1st, 1955. err. L?n f IE2rd Phone No, 183 AGENT Clinton asps, k1531011, ( Ilj 1r;' , PA el i3 PTvy See Ger New Spring Stock Dry Roods, elothing Shoes All new and tie best value money can buy and for sale at the lowest possibleP rices New Suits New Pants New Hats New Shirts New Neckwear Few 'Raincoats And a full and up-to-date Stock of all he newest Lines of Boots and Shoes. See our Men's $I.00 Fine Shirts. They are wonderful Try us for your next pair of Shoes -we can save you money. New Dress Goods New Silks New Wash Gocds New Prints New Gloves New Hosiery. Plurnsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business JOE ferWINP Ik'ticelll eld Miss Margaret Rose who has been 91 of pneumonia, is improving. Special Easter services will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath The play 'Homestead Farre" that was given on Tuesday evening by an amateur club from Thames Road was a success The hall was filled and alt were p'easecl with the entertainment, The proceeds go towards the Red Cross funds. Two car loads of Massey Harris im elements come to one station this week fol Fred Tomlison, agent. Ronald Retchen is ill of pneumonia. Miss Jessie Granger, nurse, has gone to Simcoe, to noes. a case, Congratulations are due to Mr S. McKenzie, one of our Tuckersnrith farmers who will he married on Satur day to Miss May Campbell, of Clinton. Mr and Mrs James McGee announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Gertrude to 181, Roes. of Toronto. Our community munity was b shocked sinhear of the death of Miss Templeton of our village, She was it about a week of pneumonia, ( London )toad t Visitors from Lindsay are visiting at the home of. Mr Wm. Hardy. This r is the first time tole visitors have been in this part and ars greatly taken with this community. Mrs. W. Stanbury gave a party last Friday night to a few of her friends in honor of her brother, Me, Kellingtoe Brussels, League meets next Tuesday night at Mr Levi Wiltae's. Mr and Mrs Arthur Wittingham are away visiting friends. Bolutesyille Card Of Thanks -I wish to express my thanks, through the columns of the New Era to the friends and neigh• hors who so kindly assisted with the timber for my barn. -H. R. Forster. Goderich Township A meeting stir will t e g held " mbe , April 7 int he Church, on Wednesday, Apri12 at 2 o'clock, and all the Patriotic work being done in the Section, will be, brought to the church- finished or partly finished, Coming to Clinton The Dorenwend Co. of To- ronto Limited, Canada's fore- most hair -goods establishment will display and demonstrate a sample stock of the latest hairgoods fashions for ladies and toupees and wigs for bald men, at the Itattenbury' House on Thursday, A rit P 5 FOR LADI C< S:-Dorenwend s Transformation by over. con- • ing every defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at your best, always. Switches. Braids, Pompadours, Wave- lets, etc. of the finest quality hair and unsurpassed workman- ship, You are invited to inspect these goods. Gentlemen! Are Yon Bald'? A Dorenwend Art Hair -toupee will make you appear years younger and will prove a ben- efit to your health and comfort ,,i �ky,,r !• f�idt Indetoetal►le, Featherweight, [[y;enie. Bove a demonstration of what it 'will do for you. Don't Forge! the Date -Thursday, Apr.15 SPRING S11013 STYLES You can get alI the new toes and shapes in Spring Foot- wear here. We have all the new lasts from some of the best makers. We sell shoes that are abso- lutely the best in stylish appearance, quality material and workmanship -the best you can possibly buy for your 'money. A Wide Range of NewShapes and Toes to choose from in both Women's s and Men's Shoes 1 Fir -Guaranteed to be all that you could desire rev aas- ®v,m.sa Asan ' murmz.,,!a r ins;'