HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THD CLINTON NEW *RL moomiimor Desirable Real Estate maybe sold at any time or season. A''good;txl'ariy sl re* 1 buyers wait for the so.called 1 I S> avorable; seasons in which to malke their investments. and they are watchingthe "acne." i 1 Thursday, 1Vtarch 25, 1915. Grorsossoso Millinery Ready to -Wear Garments Phone 7 S o ' Couch&C DryGoods • awmemosmoa D. a Don tF g toS � � u� n e O Beautiful Die p 1a..,., of Milhincry No store outside the city will show a larger display of Millinery than is to be, seen at this store. You don't have s to go to London or Toronto to • buy your hat -we can give you the same styies for about half the price. We will ltavre it to your own judgment if this display has a ver been equaled'T in Clinton. Order Your Easter Mat Early. EASTER SUITS Do your Raster Shopping now. Don't wait until the usual Easter rush, Our Spring Suits bear the latest imprint of fashion. Handsome materials, modish styles, and careful workmanship. No matter what may be the style you prefer -you will be sure to find somewhere in this great collection just the Suit you want. Prices Range from 13.50 to 28.00 Ladies and Misses Spring Coats The best possible values for the money. These Coats are made of all the latest materials, in the latest styles. See our Large Assortment before Buying s®w MINER i NVVW/VVVYVVVVVVVVV0401VVVNV TfIwnl' and Country rM/1MMMNMM/eMMiM/VO VCM Auburn The Walkerton Telescope makes a note of the Pastorate of a former Minister of the Presbyterian Church here: -On Sunday next, Rev. Thos. Wilson will commence his thirteenth year as pastor of Knox Church, Rev. Wilson came to Walkerton on March IGth, 1903 and was inducted on March .19th. His twelve years pastorate has been a most successful one every de - pa' meet of the church having shown a xna.rked advancement and , his con gregatteon and other friends hope to see his evork blessed to even a greater extent, is that is possible in the future. Gnqderieh Township Miss Ool.blough is very ill at present, her ftiencAs feel somewhat alarmed, but hope -she will soon be better. Mr. T. H. Cole, Goderich Tp., spent afew days in Goderich this week, on business and pleasure. Stanley Mr. Wm. McEwen and Mr. John McCowan went to Toronto, at the end of last week with fat cattle. The remains of Mrs. James Burdge, Goderich, were interred in Baird's graveyard, on Monday, 22nd. The farmere here are now engaged in making "Maple Syurp." Mrs, Thos. Baird was with her father in Seaforth, but has returned home. Mx Hugh McDiarmid is recovering slowly. Mr W'Tideswater, Londesboro, has again been engaged with Mr, ft. Scott, for the cominear •!•19••••••••••••••••••••ee • it:- • TO CORRESPONDENTS. 0 O fir, : •. • • r' all • Write on' one side .of.,'the • • paper only. 'Ws will be o pleased to supply you with • all; you want. • Avoid all items reflecting a•a • . on personal' character and da • • net send any items which es itis have a double meaning. Send o .ALL the nelvs that IS news. o IMPORTANT. e8 ®• • We want a correspondent 0 e fn this district itrd We Would (y • be pleased to communiente si with anyone wishing to re.- resent their loci i • p I ty. All e su,i1ie9 fui ish d. e e� rl (5 4.404M900g14$,i 1eifu)1;4i eeee,0o,+ 1111 0 5410 The Ladies of the Woman's Inetitiite will hold their annual 'Pie SOchal' in' Cartwrights Hall on Friday,April suit (Good Friday.) The proceeds to qe• used in aid of the Patriotic wiirk, Which is being done by the ladies of Londesboro and vicinity. Lunch will be served from six to eight, when a good program will be given which will consist of dialogues, recitation's, vocal and instrumental music Every body come and have a good time; don't forget the date, Friday, April the 2nd. admission 250• and 150. An Old Resident Gone -On Monday] an old resident of the Township pass ed away in the person of Wm Riley' who for many years was one of t1ie+' best framers in the part of the country He came to this township from near Brockville and lived here for many years moving a few years ago Co Londesboro. He is survived by his widow and a grown up family of tour sons and four daughters. He was `al stauuch Conservative and in Ledge circles belonged to the Masons,' Foresters, and L. 0. L, The funeral' takes place from his late residence in Londesboro, on Saturday afternoon isr 1.30 and interment will take place?att Blyth cemetery. 'Mensal' Hensall has outdone' some of the larger Places in her contributions to g the various patriotic funds, as the fol. lowing list will; show. Ladies Belgian,ltelief ..$ 130.00 Citizen's Belgian Relief ...., • 679.85 Citizen's Patriotic Fund 669.55 Clothing for Belgian Relief690.00 Cash raised by Ladies 27L00 52,341,66 Material was purchased and 2(15 shirts and 150 pairs `of socks made. Local ladies have been indefatigable and their patriotism and enthusiasm knows no limit. Wes. Score, a Hensanl .. boy, who went west about four years, ago 1s now in England with the secobd'conringent He isith theWinnipeg w regiment. The local dramatic club will give a Play ,in.Exeter shortly, also in the hall here, Hensall Oddfellows will ,give an `Ate Home in the townehall on Che 24th. (,t_ The premeds of the recent patriotic concert put on by the ladies, were 3109 James Boulton has sold his fine rest dente and lots to John Glenn, of Celarue, From s'x to lea fine brickresidence, will be erected here during the cooling slimmer. Tzansfer of property and residences are talking place almost daily and prices are on the rise, Thu "Onion .Ling" shipped three cars of Dutch sets lest week, one to Vancouver, 13 0., and two to W7inei peg Ile has still over a hundred tons t:; ship. • nL thio eeciion aro an u c U n K t f.n' rr y t ip in the p910 •_ it r . , ,,, j,;;, and :aitie. • I,STRICT 1\T` Hayfield Mr Mustard was' able to secure his fishing license by interviewing the minister of marine and fisherieseeeTo, rontb. Mx M'urner'and the Fergukou IBenei;' haygrsebured; a flaking deg feet' •Port Strieley.and will run a' big business from here during the next season, " Me M'urner, being unable to secure ice on, this river, owing to the early breakup, was obliged to send teams le Trick's pond for a supply. A, St. Patrick's concert was put through in the basement of; St. Andrews, when the Rev. Mr. Father• inghaua floclerich, •delivered a very able lecture which was greatly apprec iated'bu't'only in part as the Rev. Mr. Fatheringbatn was badly misinformed about, Bayael'l, when he reproached our town for not representing herself atthe war zorie. He was not informed that two of our men who 'volunteered were ejected and that there are several others ready to enlist but 'not ountil we are allowed toselect a leader worthy of our leading. NVe are will ing to fight according to our ideao bete not according to thcise of the Rev. gentleman has contracted 'the light ing fever we recomnteuda certain cure on the firinglit.e. $onatance Miss Myrtle Keys, Varna, spent a week the guest of her cousin, Miss Mayme Hall, Mr Geo. Riley lost his driver this week. Mise Knectrel spent a few days the guest of friends. Brncefield Our community was saddened on Thursday last to learn of the death of Mrs James Burdge, of Goderich, form arty of cur village. The decased was a dauehter,of the late James Allen, of Tuekersmith. The remains were taken on Monday to Clinton, and from there to Baird's cemetery where she was'aid in the family plot. A large number of relatives and friends from our rom umtunity attended, the funeral. Her •brother; John Allen, Calgary, and Jas. of Tuekersmlth, and sisters, Mrs Bell. and Mrs Ross were ail present at the 'funeral. Rev. Mr Ross cf Goderich, conducted :the services in Goderich, and Rev, al Woods met the funeral at Clinton, and conducted rhe services at /he cemetery. Much si m ppathy ie felt for the relatives, and the bereaved husband. Mrs. H. Deare, Blyth, was last week the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dan Ross. Rev. B, R. Kitchen, H:timilton, was last week the gust of his father Mr. Kitchen, of Stanley. John•Murdock, Stanley, has rented the ferm,uf John Forest, of Stanley. Messrs' 'A;'T, Scott and James Bowie, attendthe military aff ,ir in London, last week. . George 'Beatty, Varna, has rented the farm of John Kitchen's in Stanley, for kyear. Miss Mary Gibson visited last week at the home of her sister Mrs. Todd, near Hthlbaij'I: Abad foam of ingrippe is going •aroilnd'dui neigh boyhood. Jas McGee held his sale on Tuesday, the day was good, and there was a good. attendance. Graham Bros., sold out 200 bushels of beans, for $8 00 a bushel. John Armstrong and wife have moved: to Clinton, their son Edgar has charge of the farm. Mr Bowie attended the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Bowie, Chicago. The remains were taken to London, for interment kir. Barker, Sesforth, will preach in the Methodist Church, on Sunday afteruoop next at 2 30. 0oNot7RT-Under the auspices of the Yuupg. People's Society of the Presby terian Oliiueh, Bayfield. The Amatuer Dramatic Sooiefy of Thames Road. will put on "The Old Homestead' for the 'benefit of the Red Cross Fund in Walker's Hep, Brucefield, on Tues day, March 30. Admission 15c. and 25c. Goderich All the engineers of the, Canadian Steamship Company are here now fitting out the vessels. Six of them have been chartered for the coast trade between Sydney and the West Indies. They are the Kamin stiqua, Turret Crown, Turret Cape, Empress of Fort William, and Winona. The Kaininistiglla has to go into drydock to haite her propeller fixed before leaving for Montreal. The Reid tug is awaited any day to tow the steamer olandito Sarnia, to• be overhauled. bile these boats have been charter ed,in-Mentreal to ply to the West 1p fes;<it. is'rumored in some quarters tib tthesetb'oats will be rechartered at, entreat and used to cerry,military plies:to En land trpP. •$'Tha• menobers of the. Menesetung aQde:dlub hist Friday night'inform 1-pvesented Mr: Reginald Plitt soh o rtile�S: Platt, and a' foi'nler lxiem bio eb h i u with a' did Wrist witch ,P,Ih . 1 . ,gYt' t a c iycs coking set .on •the' eve`e''f bis d '-lecture to.join the university corps o .fhatlauadian Eield Artillery of the i Buttal' n.:'Doc "as he was ,¢mil y °known, is a popular young man tbw;4;( and will.be followed by the wadies of everyone.. • 1 lallctt • 13 .r v.. re bVtn ask returned holm e,from I Qin e,„,tliie, week. rs"r • ,allane 0€ Bayfield,. has retuin . ed iter home after spending a few a"ft• tor. h is ne to her home I , ,,'}, d . afters cud P' in �a few weeks with her daughter, Mn rho, Garrett., hi McVittie,spent last week hisafriench John Allen, LOtidou Mriabd Mrs 1N, . J, McBrien were' presented with two chairs on Monday eveping,Mr and Mrs .Tas Southcombe wee given 0 surprise on lbursd;ay (wenn* when their friends presented then' Oyi Ib it 11011 rack. A PLloaS:\NT SUI POIISE -Last Thw•e iln,y;eveulug the old iriends'and ueigb choline met at the home of Mr. Jaynes Soulhcoliihe, and presented himself and good wife with a "hall took" se they were leaving the ueighborhood and moving to Clinton, .Both the host find hostess luade happy replies. The following address was read to thein: M' To 1 . i, and Mrs, s, SouL'liroin bta : In view of the fact that , ue ac be your kood wife' are about to lemeve from our oridol; to enjoy some 1 elaxa,t ion Trona the tells of your lab, r and dustry. We your. friends sed -weigh hoes 'here aseeitnbled bate though 11 iter • fitting ttme'tie offer soiite shab.tatolr t •of our. osteenl - ) y Stieeeltves v nand ar[ thesame tithe; leave with you surae material relrlinder that will convey to you the thoughc that, while you. are absentfromfue the memories of past associations are ever green. In •the evolution of time , our old settlers gradually disappear from ou,r midst and while new associations are form ed the old ones' are the 01109 we prize the inose. Wherever your tot may he cast in the future, we trust that you will always rerneriiber your old friends and neighbors still love you and think of you. From time to time we trust that you will come to visit amongst, us. You will find the latch string on the'ontside of the door at all times. Wishing yon a life of continued hap piness and prosperity and the full enjoyment of the full enjoyment of good health. Signed on behalf of the neighbors. Wm. Fear, Thos, Mason, 1V m. Snell. After an illness extending over two years, Win B. Hamilton, aged 36 years and son of h1ia. Gavin,Hamilton passed away at his mothers home from anaemia. For the past five weeks he was bedfast. He was bean in Huilett, and got his first schooling a, No. 4 and then went to Clinton 0, I, and afterwards to Toronto University, where he secured his B. A. He taught in No, 4, and at Reelect: and alter wards took up Collegiate work at Leamington and for two ) else at Windsor, which school he gave up on account of ill health. Deceased was a L beret in polities and a Presbyterian in religion. Besides his aged mother he is survived by three brothers Thomas, Robert and James of this township and four sisters, Jane and Agnes at home, Mrs. J. Leiper, Hallett, and Sri's John Beattie, McKillop, The funeral is be ing held to day and the funeral ser vices will he conducted by Rev Mr. Reid. The heartfelt sympathy is ex tended to the bereaved. Jaynes Reynolds Dead- Sunday the spirit of James Reynolds was called home to hie Maker. Deceased was 77 years of age and had spent all his life in Hullett Township. He was a Libe ral in pot,tics, and a strong member of the R. 0. Uhereh, He is survived by his widow, who lies at the point of death. and afe.mtly ut two daughters, Mrs. Jas. Flynn, Clinton; and Miss Minnie at horxle and two sons, Joe and John at home„ The funeral was held on Wednesday`' to St. Joseph's church where High mass was sung by Rev, Father Hogan, who also spoke words of comfort to the bereaved and also of the good character and faithfulness of the deceased. There was 0 Large con. grogaoion of church members and friends et the deceased. The interment took place at the R. C. cemetery. Eggs lior Sale Barred Rocks bred from Guelph winners. In B tired Rock: eges, I have the hest value in (lanada. To he convinced come and see for yoursell. Visitors welcome. Pen I -Beaded by Crusader & Son of 2nd Guelph and lst Detroit cockerel Eggs $3.00 per 15. Pen 11 -Headed by prize cockerel valued at $25.00. Eggs $2.00 per 15. Pen HI- Pullet mating, customer reports pullets laying at live months 1of 5 age, from this pen, Eggs 31.50 per Pen IV -Eggs 51,00 worth $2.00. Here lett chance to get some good stock at tt reasonable price, 3 eggs from Ped I, 4 each from Pens 2. 3. 4. 51.50. Enfertiles eggs will be replaced free of charge. H. A. HO VEY, Clinton, Ont. For Sale A Durham Bull 2 years old, color red and white; also spin of heavy draught young mares, rising 3 and 4 years, Apply to id. Braithwaite Londesboro, P, 0. NII -Angus Bull for Sale A Poll Angus Bull, 1 year and 8 mouths old; of pedigree stock John Harvey, R R. No. 1. Clinton Base Line. Baby Chicks and Eggs Get your order in early for baby chicks We are starting our incuba tors now and will continue till June, Barred Rocks, S. C. Brown Lyhorns, R. C. Rhode Island. Reds,' and White Nyondottes. All first class cowl and bred to, lay. Chicks 150 and 20c each. Eggs $1.50 per 15, Reduction On beige", tluantitios. p'RANK W.°ANDREWS,.• Clinton' Riverside Poultry ii arnt lBrltssels, Ont.. , ' We are offering for sale' this Spriii hletehing eggs from four hundred pens selected from a flock 09 600 birds, •cola, listing of -R. U. R. h Reds (Bushman, Pierce and Lesker Tompkins streioa, Amer'ca's two greatest laying, strains .ofReds) : Whips Wvandottes ,(Regal •strelnmated 'wihh .such cockerels as Mclieod Bros'. ef1Stoney'Creek, from t ,their ''Famous:•,prrzar winning laying • penal); Barredttocks (0., A, O,i strai hred.frorntheir heat 144 trs,p•+.•nested. stock); U. Anemias (the town or city bird that lives on less, stands confine meat and most. pei:'sisteutlayers of any class); Mammoth Pekin Ducks, hued from Ameiu.aai stock that it raverg a eel 95 eggs each in G tnortiw, and snake the finest quality of green ducks, weighing from 5 to S lbs. in ten weeks, 1.'i:iCe of eggs up to April 20111, 31.00 per 35 50 eggs or. over 60 a piece; after April 20th, 5c a elem. Duck eggs, 10e per egg. Correepnndence invftod in rolet' euoe to day old and brooded chicks, There is 900009 in poultr even 11.x. the d high cost of feed, 155 matured pullets produced hie , 195,00 in eggs in two ! B gl months, parts of Den. Isand d Feb. 10333, TH0\ISON ci Smaller 'Coal . Bills Let us reduce your coal bilis We can do it by sup- plying - P plying you with a coal that lasts long, ,gives a steady' heat and leaves only a small' ,amount of ash.- ' This con is i:•, a• LEHIGH VALLEY sk _I ANTHRACITE( The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money.' Give it a trial. Holloway, Clinton Seed Grain for Sale O. A. C. No. 21 Barley, gauranteed free ofrweeds: A 000d sample, 05c per bushel: 0, A. C. No. '72 Oats at $1.00, These Oats won Brst prize last year in the standingd field crop competition. Write or phone HUGH HILL, R. R. No 4 Goderich Egg tor Hatching Guild strain -Barred Rocks g lavers Leave your order at once, Holly r'a Jewelery Store, Clinton. Bracelet, Lost NOTICE TO CREDITORS 14 the ` testate of Joseph Henry S uta lin `' Decl, asc'it N0±I0E is hel!e'by .giVet that 'van persona',.Aiiabilig.,,clatma?'irgainet 'the estate ot`Joseph I ,enry,`Sperling,• late bflthe;lettiatitif Clt1too .in the County 'a`fbo,l�tiifli Ga h_ e'llatthpate r �ho died onor ;day of„Tanuary 1915, are r egaired to deliver to the under sigoed,exeeutore, or •tbeir.solicitoron or before,the•lst day of April, 1915, a full statement of their claims together with particwarsthereof and the nature of the securities, if any,•held by them all dilly verified by affidavit. • • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will 'proceed to distribute the estate of thesaiddeceasedamongst the; pers0ns'eneitled thereto having re pard only to such claims as he shall ave received due notice and in ac cordance herewith. Dated at Clinton, this llth day of March, 1915. John Cuniughame, Clinton, Ont. David S. Cook, Clinton, Ont, • W. BRYDONE Solicitor for the Executors. Housekeeper Wanted A respectable woman with daughter ood about ten can have splendid home and ee stipend. More or lees pertnanent andinteresting according to her abili ty and justness in management of farm home. N. BAER, Fairdale Farm, Holinesville Gold Expansion Bracelet, Amethyst set, lost between Llink and Mr. C. J, Wallis Residence return to this office. Wanted Wanted a wife, Am about 50 years old, a farmer in Colborne township. Correspondence Solicited. W. 0. ALLIN, R. R. No 2 Clinton Tenders Carnegie Annex Sealed tenders will he received by the up to Mauch 29th. inst., for. excavations and Cement Stonework of Oarnegie Library Annex. Plans may be seen and conies of specifications ob. tained,at my office. W. BRI DONE, Chairman Public Library Board Blacksmith Business Moved We have moved our blacksmith business from the stand nn Ontario street to the livery barmen King street entrance near the Wesley Church shed where we will be ready to receive our old customers and solicit a fair share of the trade. 11, JONES NOTICE TO .CREDITORS. In -the Estate of .lames Twitchell, late of the'rownof Clinton, in the County of Huron, - Merchant, Deceased NOTICE is hereby giver that all persons hating claims against the estate of James Twitchell, late of the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, merchant, deceased: who died on or about the 20th day of February, 1915, are re- quired to ' deliver to the undersigned executrix and executors, or their solicitor, on or before the tl•irs't day of April, 1915, a full statement of their claims together with particul- ars thereufl and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date, the said executrix ard executors will proceed 'to distribute 'the estate of the said dbceased amongst the persons esti, tled there to having regard only to such cla!ine as they shall have received due notice in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton, this 4tli d.ty of March, 1915. Elizabeth Twitchell, Charles Twitchell, J. 'Harry Twitchell, Clinton, Ont. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitors for t'he Executors In the Supreme ` Court of Ontario In'the 'Matter of William N.M e. t ,:; ;. Michael, a Lunatic. , Pursuant to an order 'for. sale -made •10 ',this matter and bearing date the 2.3rd:day of February A. D. 1915 there will be sold with approval at Bcr,laidl Lo1is Doyle, Esquire, 'L'ocal Master of.. thiS,0ourt,•at troderich, by. Thomas Brawn `auctioneer, at:' this preinjies iit, thelhour of.2.o'plock p: m.' on 1+riday' the;20th day of March 1915 the follow• ing'sands and premised in one��parcel viz, ILot Number 34'in 'the 0th Uonoes sign of the Township of *Killen, con tainfi8g 100 acres, less' one acre at the north west corner thereof. On,aidrlands 0 cres o hardwoothed. shush, 9 acreare of1,,oreabard,r vgf sprii'fa dreek1 Mid ea well, furnishing' abundant :water supp11,1a'••19 storey atone liouee with 8'rooms in good 'zee ,dition ,and a "Barn 56 x 36,' There 'are 30 titres of fall ploughing dons oxi'the premises„ The property will be offered for sale subject 1 to . •i, reserved .'hal which has been fixed by the said Master. Terms of Sale Il) per cent of I he pair- ch'se money to n10 paid in cash at the L ime 0i' sale and the' balance in 80 days tbnreafter. In all other respects the terms and conditions of the gale will be the stand int:' conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario, Further particflat's can be bad from William Bryctoile, Clinton, Ont., solicitarfor the vendor. Dated at Gcrleriuhis 1 J a t i Otte clay of March 1915, • 1?. L. 17OYLE, Local M119rer. Choice Seed Beans for Sala; A quantity of good seed beans for sale, grown in a good bean section. A good time to buy before the raise in price. The undersigned has made arrange ments to supply it limited number of young calves at reasonable prices. The calves are all carefully handled and are in the best of condition. W. J. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 163 R. R. No, 1 Clinton Money I have Private funds to loan on mortgage. W. BRYDONE Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. 11. G Cameron, H.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day For which appointments are made. Cflice hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. Boar for Service Having purchased from Mr. George Elliott, a thorobred Berkehire hog, I will keep the same for service at lot 34, let Con, Stanley. Terms $1.00 at time of service with privilege of re turning if necessary. J. T. Ashton. Por Sale Two good Shorthorn Bulls for sale. Color, red. Apply to W. BRYDONE BARRISTER SOLICITOR IS OTARY PUBLIC, ETO OLI N7 ON ,a ,eHaRLes ^8. NAL Uonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. • EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St,; Ol uton. t' H. T. ,,RAN•0E Notary Public, Conveyancer,. Financial and Real Estate. INSURANCE:AGENT-Repreeentins 14 Fire In surance Companies. Division telourt !Office. Nledit,al.; DRI (9'. W. T0lOMPSell Physician. Surgeon, nigveniseeas of the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Noss, Eyes ea, elully a unlined. and suitable 'glasses Prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Hole Huron St, DRS. GIIE?' rite, 0itOLILI1. Dr. W. conn, L. 11. C. le,. L. D. C. S.. Edt. Di, C non's office at residence High Street 3411•• d, C. candler. B.A. Wk. Night callstatto retsiStreet, note, Rattenbnry or at hospital DR. d. W. SHAW. • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, cooncbeur, etc., office and residence on to cbury. Street,. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST 115 Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty: Graduate of U.C,D,B,.; Chicago, and R.0,0.5 Toronto. Diyfield on Mondays, May (st to D DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Speoial dere taken to make dental trete meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction te• GODERIOH ONT fiat 01 stood aisles a specrali,.,•.Orders st, to - Tlw erms reasonable. Clinton, 1 e leE noit• e discounted! G. D. McTaggart M. 1), MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTO General Banking Busint transacted STOTES D180OUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutua Fire Insurance eo. Farm end Isolated Town Prop erty Only insured. Head 011ice-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres, Thos, E. 13ays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas SNELL,Directors-D, ;F. *Gregor, Sea- JAMESfot•th; T. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. R. R. No. 1, Clinton Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis , Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A. McEwen, Brucafield; J, B. McLean Seaforth: ,�on11oll For Sale The folio wing -very reelsonabi land cheap; -1 upright piano, in fair condition, $120.00; 1 upright Piano, used less than a year, 3190, was $375; 1 Edison Phonoggraple, slightly used, with 12 records, $35; 1 coal Range with high shelf and reservoir, and water front complete good as new. $20:1 Black Bear Ski Robe, good as new; 1 kitchen Cupboard. W. Walker, High St. A Carload of Canada Pollan(' Cemenl Phone us for prices It will pay you John , J Hutton . LONDESBORO Drs. G,eo.' & ,M.E. 'W hitley` y Heilemaon , Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in �W p z ,Women's and Children's. Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disordere, E e Ear, Nose,' 11T and Thr ' CONSULTATION L '; .,,...; .. LTATiION<••sFREE, e Officee-Haii'eanbuiy 'Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7'to 11 p.m.' FORD IlicLEO DIl a, We e 1 now sellingTimothy Seed (Government Standrd.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover.. We ,always have on.hand -Goose Wheat, Peas,, .Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market .Prices paid for a. and ,all Grais.CI y ?) , i , I �. «, ; f 1 Robert Terris, 'Harlock' Goderich, Agents• -Ed, Hinchley, Seaforth; W. • hesney, Eggmondville; J. W. Yeo. ''Holtnesville; Alex. Leitch, .Clinton; R. S. Jarinuth, BI•odhagen Grand TrunkRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Brace. North London, depart Centralia Exeter Hensel( Kippen Brumfield Clinton Londesboro • Blyth Be grave Win gham e. , arrive... ..Passenger 8,30 a m 4.40 p m 0.33 5.43 9.44 5.50 9.55 6.05 10.01 8.11 10.09 6.19 11.00 6,35 11.18 0.52 11.27 7.00 11,40 1.13 7:35 South Passenge• Wingham, depart.. 0,35a m 3.30 elgrave 6,550 3.44 p 'B Blyth 7.04 • 3.56 Londesboro 7:13 4.04 Uliiit'on 810. 4.23 Brefield 35 447 Kip p8. enF27 7 Hensa111. 8.41 4.52 Exeter., . 8.54:' 5.05 Centralia .., '9.04 5,15; London, arrive,10,00 ' 6.10 Buffalo,and Goderich Wee` Pessengei .. am pm pm_ pm Stratford 10.00 12,30' 5,25 10.25. Mitchell.... , 10.22 '12.55 5.55 10.49 Seaforth ..•,10.45 1.20 6.18, 11,11 Clinton; . 11.07 1.3:5 64. o.,, tHoimeslville 11.18. ' O I1.3oo (4oderieb2.00 7, 5 I1.3 cc .. 11-35 2.00 '705. 11, East Passenger p m p, a Goderich np.m 7.05 1135 455 Hohnesville.. 7,22 2,52 5,92 Clinton. :7,82 Seal orth 3 21 5.80 Mitchell 7.16 3.21 5.80 5.10 3,44 5 55 'Stratford S 40 4. 15 6 26 ..�iiboa's -._._ ra ��ti2S;i3�,Qf�$2Lf9 The .Great Etxplis)t''reinedpp9 Tome and invigorates the tvhole nt"vo0l1d5l0s, pCalrcs nVe0Rtel Debi lxE ' Si?ettt , �! . and B, .P 1p,lat D drttoth boss of ,Z+htex, 7l. ss ou- Pn Dil 17'L Cation reit the he flenx , t Z arZxx e illemt p e, y drive 00 Sr hos for S650 One rv,ll ileus' P ,six' t team pkg. . 0n Sold ece bypt of druggists or mnllwd in plum plrp. on receipt o(. .l-,, A, n ,uletxlxailert/,'c5. T5Sg WOOD' i 1�C0(33!We•, CdO.. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerl:' WWdsora