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Thursday, Mareh 25,1915,
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that we know our
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The elinton Neer Era
4 9th Year in the Public Service
la. II, Kerr. & Son, Proprietors. J, Leslie herr, 1 usilicl3s Manager
New Era, one year in advance :,,g 1 00
New Era, when not paid in advance 1 50
New Era, to the United States in advance 1 50
Office Phone 30 Mouse Phone 95
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People Say --
That a new play, called "the Dust
of the Earth" was presentedaeross the
line the ocher day. Sounds like a
dramahizetion of ()Hilton's streets in
That a German ship' coming into an
American port for safety after sinking
,*u American ship, and carrying nn
deck the odicers and crew of her victim
to give evidence against her, is surely
0 comic operalsituatioo.
That if those 'cats' in Eaton's ad, on
the page of The Globe are suppoosed
to represent the coming season's styles
please excuse us. We'll stay single.
That British operations during the
past few days seem to indicate some
substantial preliminary practice for
the "big push" in the near future,
That the merchant who bas faith in
his goods advertises them freely.
That if the Keiser has learned to re-
spect "French's contemptible little
army," what will be his opinion , of
Britains big army, that will get busy
in a few weeks?
—0 --
That it Looks just now as if there
would be no Turkey in Europe next
Thanksgiving Day.
That in the spring a young mans
fancy lightly turns to thoughts of war
this year.
That not only Mrs Wiggs, but Mrs
Everybody should have a cabbage
patch this year.
ThatGeneral Stupidity, the offieer
in command of the Kaisers diplomatic
corps, ought to be decorated with a
leather medal.
That it will soon be moving day at
That it is"still the British Nave, that
bothers the Kaiser.
That the Oanadiens are now divid-
ing the honors with the Empires best
lighting ]nee.
That "Mede in Germany" has been,
obliterated so fee as Canada is con.
°creed. And made in 'Canada' should
continue to be emphasized.
That an aftermath of the war, there
will likely be a each al change in the
personnel of the ollicers of Canadian
regiments, Resignations will be in
That the month of March is like the
United States. It tries to he neutral,
It does not want to unduly favor
either Winter or Spring in the struggle
that is going on, but it knows what's
coming and wishes it would hurry up
and get here.
That made in Canada's not enough,,
- Trade in Canada, that's the stuff,
That theFariner's Advocate made a
bit with its Editorial sarcasm a week
ago: -The darkest of clouds have a
silver lining. Our Governments have
not yet been driven to the desperate
expedient of reducing their own
Children Cry
Prohibition law, which goes into
operettas on Tune isc next. This
makes sixteen. Seven have been
made d y clueing the last twelve
The late Coavention held im
Massey Hell surpasses all that
has preceded ft in maginatude and
enthusias]n;, this indicating the
progress being made in ,;;anad;i.
One• wlio took a prominent part
in its discussion was the Eve.
Aj•chdeaton G. Loyd3, Principal of
Emanuel College, Saskaltoonand
has been elected President of the
Dominion Alliance. •
Children Cry
Few Exemptions Allowed
Under the New Ontario
War Tax.
''Hon. Thomas McGarry announc-
ed in the Legislature that thepro-
vincial ever tax would be very cor-
siderably widened- by an amend-
ment to bis bill, • which removed
the protection 'provided property
formerly protected. Under the
amendment the only -property exe
emp'ted from the operation of the
tax will be Churches and schools
and properties held by the im-
mediate relatives of • soldiers 'who
have gone to the front.
The Government will now take
the assessment value of every
municipality and levy the one -mill
tax rate against the, asse;,sment;•
.The acct will theist peamait•-evetoy
municipality to imposd the one -
mill rate upon all taxable prop-
erty, -which is at present exemp-
ted by bonuses, special legislation
or by-law. whether totally exemp-
ted or paying upon a fixed assess-:
menet foe a term of years, and to
assess then] for war purposes uPon
the full value of the various prop-'
If in any case a municipality
does not choose to take cd : antage
Of this new provision and tax
their exemptions, the municipali-
ty'will then be expected to make
up the tax out of their own cof-
fers, and the Government will see
to it that they do pay.
Another slight change in the act
10 an amendment permitting each
muniaipabtti to state the c ase's
where the vele' Ives of fighting
soldiers shou'd he exempted
whereas the Government:Former y
intends d (to000110 this duty
ithem selves.
The Will eels given ! ; a ,second
reading and advanced to com-
mittee stage.
•What Zithers : Rap of
Baby's Owen Tablets
Once a mother has used Baby's
Own Tablets for her little ones
she will use no other medicine. She
quickly realizes the Tablets are
an absolutely safe remedy and one
that will give sure aesults, Icon-
cerning them Mrs. It.L. Wright,
Pennabit, Sask. writes; T have
used Baby's Own Tablets for my
three babies and think so much of
them that I always keep them in
the house. The Tablets are sold
by all medicine dialers pr by
]nail at 25 cents a box from the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ontario.
Attorney -How old are you, madam?
Witness -Sir!.
Attorney -Beg your • pardon. How
much younger are you than the lady
next door? -Philadelphia Ledger.
Beauty at a Discount.
Though beauty is .extolled' in books,
Its influence Is lost.
The uglier a bull pup looks
The more It seems to cost.
-Philadelphia Record..
Another is addsd to the Roll of
Prohibiti'on States. On iFeb. 26th
the Governor of Arkansas attach
edhis signature , lto a state -Wide
If You Wish to Be Well You
Must Keep the Bowels Regular.
If the bowels do not move regularly
• they will, sooner or later, become con-
stipated, and constipation is productive•.
of more ill health than almost any other
'The sole cause of .constipation is an
inactive liver, and unless the liver is
kept active you may rest assured that
headaches, jaendice,' heartburn, piles,
floating specks before the eyes, a feeling
as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of
the stomach' will follow the wrong action
of this, one of the most important organs
01 the body.
Keep the liver active , and working
,properly by the use of Milburn's Laxa
Liver Pills.
Mrs. k:,lijali. A. Ayer, 'Fawcett 'Frill,
,N.B., writes: "I was troubled with
eonstipetion'for many years, and about
three years ago my itis band wanted me
ito try ,vll bu]n's Laxa-Liver Pills, as they
had cured him. I got a vial and took
them, and by the time I had taken three
vials I was cured. 'I always keep them on
hand, and when I need a mild laxative
i lake one."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a
vial, b vials for $100, at all dealers, or
ensiled direct on receipt of, price by The
,M ,Milhirra Qom, �+ l9St�d. ',l'gr$Fs-tR. Oalt
Good Way.
'do yon 'find buslneasr he
''By going out and heading,' was the
laconic reply. Detrolt Free Press,
Point of the Joke, ) u
Be told a funny story,
Which he thought was full of wit,
But thestory wasn't funny-
That's the funny part of it-
-.Philadelphia Ledger.
His Debts.
"What is he worrying about -his
"No; because beds unable to contract
new ones." -Boston Transcript.
Children Cry
Government Makes
Tariff Concessions
Ottawa, March 18, -The tari!f
changes announced by 'Hon. W.
T. White in the Commons yoster-
day are, in •brief, aa follows(
New item -'Wild, edible berries,
Additions io the list rof exesnp-
Ilona from new tariff increases;,
' Silk, in 'the gush of spun silk im-
ported to be :used in the mann-
facture of woven labels.
may bring sickness, doctors bills and
loss of work; you know that serious
sickness usually starts with a cold, and ;
a cold only exists where weakness'
exists. Remember that.
Overcome the weakness and nature
cures the cold -that is the law of
reason. Carefully avoid drugged pills,
syrups dr stimulants; they are only
props and braces and whips.
It is the pure medicinal nourishment
in Scott's Emulsion that quickly en-
riches the blood, strengthens the lungs
and helps heal the air passages.
And mark this well -Scott's Emul-
sion generates body -heat as protection
against winter sickness. Get Scott's
at your drug store to -day. It always
strengthens and builds up.
14-11 Scott & Bowae,.Toronto, Ontario,
Acid phnsphate of lime, sulphate
of ammonia, nitrate of soda, muri-
ate and sulphate of potash, import
ed to be used for fertilizing pur-
,Cottonseed cake and c'ot'tonseed
cake meal.
Milk for infant's foods,
,.i:ured fertilizer.
The tan on patent medicines is
decreased from one cent on each
ten cents of retiail value to one
cent on each 25 cents of retail
The new customs tariff will ap-
ply against imported wines and
OPii!its on their value, minus the
excise assessed against them in
the country where manufactured.
On non-oparkling wines the
tax was first put at 5 cents per
quart or less, It now provided
that the tax on a pint shall be
three cents. Similarly on cham-
pagne provision is made for a
tax of 13 cents on half pint in-
stead of 25 cents on pints.
In the stamp taxes the changes
Purer" mutual fire insurance
companies are exempted from the
tax of one per cent on ;met pre-
mf 0105,
Press despatches are exempted
from the tax orf one per cent on
The tax on steamship tickets in
the Atlantic seaboard is extended
to include tickets to all the West,
IndiaIsland 3, no't only the Brit.sh
West Indies, and to British Hon-
-?,s first stated, the 33 tax on
ocean tickets was on a value of $30
That value is raised to $10. The
present tax of $5 is on tickets cost
ing 360. That Value is changed to
Promieory notes cliseountcd or
collected through a bank mus•tpay
the two scent tax, as on cheques.
This does not apply to promissory
nutes between two individuals if
the notes do not pass through a
bank, tlfr. White explained that
this tax was necessary in order
to prevent et•n',ion of the tax 031
bills of exchange.
"Yes," said Mrs. Scraggs across the
fence, "we're changed all our bed-
room furniture. We gave away the
black walnut stuff and put in mahog-
any dressers and brass beds."
"Single beds?" inquired Mrs. Daggs.
"Yes. They're ever so much more
convenient. When my husband bides
under one of them I can reach him with
n broom." -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
What is the difference between a
cow and a broken chair? The one gives
milk, the other gives way.
What did Job's wardrobe consist of?
Tbree wretched comforters.
If a man met a crying pig what ani.
mal0 1
w u d he call him'
1 Pork. yon
Why does opening a letter resemble
a strange way of entering "froom? Be-
cause it Is breaking through the seal-
Why is the Letter S like a furnace In
a battery? Because It makes hot shot.
What word is that wbieh deprived of
a letter makes yon sick? 'Music.
When is the worst weather for rats
and mice? When it rains cats and
Make the Liver
D6 its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is right the
stomach and bowels are right.
poi a lazy liver to
do its duty
Cures Con-
Headache, tend Distress after Eating.
Small Pill, Sma11 Dose, Small Price.
Ctenuine must hear Signature
t'''4 1.1"M "i0NSMISSIAN
or ming o1ks
Prince William, Son of
the German Crown Prince...
The little boy here pictured is the
oldest son of Frederick William, crown
prince of Germany and the grandson
of the kaiser. Because of the war in
Europe the little boy does not see his
father very often. Prince Frederick
William is leading one of the German
armies now fighting in France. Prince
William Frederick was bornJuly, 1906,
so he will be nine years old on his
next birthday. He has three younger
brothers, Louis Ferdinand, Hubert and
It seems rather queer to folks on this
side of the world that two brothers
should have the same Christian name
but that i$ n custom of royalty that
has little favor in the greatest repub.
tic of the world. Some day, perhaps,
William Frederick may come to be the
ruler of the German people.
An Amusing Game.
In the game of "How Do You Like
It?" one of the company leaves the
room and the others fix up some word
to be guessed by him when he returns.
He then goes around asking each of
the company "How do you like it?" It
is better to select a word having a va-
riety of meanings, as it is more did!.
cult to guess. Suppose the word
"stick" to be selected. One might an-
swer that he liked it when he was cut
walking; another, when be was seal-
ing a letter; another, when he met e
savage'dog, etc. If the,questloner is
unable to guess the word the (first time
Ile goes around again, asking, "When
do you like it?" and, if not successful
this time he asks, ''Where do you like
it?" Failing in tree trials he must re-
tire and let another word, be selected.
Succeeding, lie must point out the per-
son who gave the clew, who must pay
a forfeit and go out to be puzzled in
A Geographic Game.
A game which is entertaining as well
as instructive is played as follows:
There may be Any number of players,
and it will be enjoyed by people of all
ages. Let the beginner give some geo-
graphical word -the name of a coun-
try, city, river or mountain. The next
player continues with a name whose
first letter is the last letter of the word
given by the preceding me l
Thus supposeU
PI the first word given is
Albany, the second must begin with Y
Yucatan, for Instance. Number three
must give a place whose initial letter
Ls N and so on. When a player fails to
have a name ready he is dropped from
the game, and the one who can play
the longest is, of course, the winner.
Without stirring from the room,
Where there are a number of chaise,
Rat yourself where it would be im-
possible for your mother to sit?
Answer; Seat yourself on your moth-
er's lap.
The ice Jewels.
The fairies were out in the storm last
For yesterday's barren trees
Now 1111 the valley with glittering light
As they toss in the morning breeze.
So hurry and let us explore
Where the paths of; the woodland run -
With the jeweled branches a•sparkling•
At the touch of the morning sunt.
And who are the fairies, youbid me tell,
That have done this wonderful thing?'
Why the woodland fairies we know,so
In summer and fait and spring.
Aad how can mys
Endure to a withentrysumstorm?erfa
Oh, the fairies are wise in all their ways
And, of course, know how to keep
Icor weoks ago, when the cold winds drove
The dowers to their winter naps,,
Prom the milkweed silk the fairies wove
The warmest of winter wraps.
On' a moonlit autumn night,
In a circle under a tree,
They made:.them garmonts•more soft and
Than over we mortals. see.
' a'vy
Atyo>r?r grace 's
Don't wash the Pace with soap
and water befuee going, out in
the cold.
.�Don't fail to dry the !muds
I• thoroughly and rub in some
7• softening lotion every time the
4 Bands ere Cathed:
4 3 Don't weir tight shoes. IS they
impede the catenation mai nialce
•• Y+ the feet cold,
Don't were' a yeti [mire fuel]
+t• two or'turee times without trnoh
'11 ing it.
l+ Don't cut tine, i palls: file 1 bele.
,1, Don't go not r"1' at 1,11,1 1mu
.i+ flours offer n 11 1 La'!:
▪ ILon't 7115 your 1.: v„ry n u•
+F+ the brut wu"o 1.050 os very severe -so great that if a little
., ... - - grain is to be kept for one's own use
it must be thrashed in secret, Gideon
while thus occupied fe visited by the
Lord (verse 14) and called to be the
deliverer, strengthened by the assur-
ance that the one who sent him would
be surely with him (verses 14-16).
• LESSON IV. -Gideon and the Three
Hundred, Judg. ril, 1-8, 16-23. Golden
Toronto Star Weekly. Text, Zech. ir, 6, "Not, by might nor
by power, but by Iffy Spirit; saitb Je-
hovah of busts." The sifting •df an
army of 32,000 down to 300 because all
the rest were afraid or loved their own
comfort was 0 very unusual proceed-
ing and suggests the question, How
many professed followers of Christ
today are ready wholly to renounce
self and follow Him fully?
LESSON V, -The Birth of Samson,
Judg, mill, 5.10, 24, 23 Golden Text,
Judg. xiii, 4, "Beware, 1 pray thee, and
drink no wine nor strong drink" This
was the longest and in some respects
the worst of all the oppressions, forty
years under the Philistines, but again
the Lord delivered. Again the Lord
came personally to talk with the hu-
man agents, this time to visit her who
was to he the mother of the deliverer
and tell lien the manner of the man,
LE3eox VI,-lluth Chooses the True
God, Ruth 1, C-13. Golden Text, Ruth
i, 16, "Thy people shall be my people
and thy God my God," All the deliv-
erers were is a measure typical of the
great Deliverer, but this is the story
of one who came into the direct line
Thera is a loud expltisfon in the of our Lord's human ancestry. By
v,Oor-ivnld 'J'11e ton o,f coal in a the overruling of human failure this
neat steel capsule goes • sailing devoted Geutile plays a wonderful part
up and land ] in the back yard of I in the groat drama of history, the heart
510 515- +'Icor, / of which i$ Ills story.
len't that Meanie, LEssov Via -Samuel Called to Be a
Lesson XIII. -First Quarter, For
March 28, 1915.
Text of the Lesson, Neh. ix, 26.31.
Quarterly 'Review - Golden Text,
Prov. xiv, 34 -Commentary Prepared:
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
Lassoes L -God's Patience With Is-
rael, Judg. 11, 7-19, Golden Text, Hosea
xis, 4, "1 will beat their backsliding;
I will love them freely." God did
everything for Israel that infinite love
could do and asks so pathetically in
Isa. v, 4, "What could have been done
more to my vineyard that I have not
done in it?" He asked only that they
make no league with the inhabitants
of the land, who were all idolaters, but
keep themselves wholly for Him.
LEssos IL -Deborah and Barak De-
liver Israel, Judge iv, 4-13 Golden
Text, Ps. xxxiv, 17, "The righteous
cried, and Jehovah heard and delivered
them out of all their troubles." It is
the same story over and over again -
they sinned, the enemy oppressed, they
cried to the Lord, and He delivered
them. This time He uses a woman,
but a man went along who would not
have gone without Deborah,
LESSON Ill.-Tbe Call of Gideon,
Judg. vi, 11-16, 3340. Golden Text,
Ps. lxv, 4, "Blessed Is the man whom
Thou chcosest" Now the oppressors
are the Itlld}anites, and the oppression
Why Not Put These Big
Gums to Use in Piping
Times of Peace?
This little trick of 'the battleship
Queen Elisabeth in tossing a torn
of explosive steel over arange of
mountains and onto an unseen fort
12 miles away suggests at once to
any imaginative mind the uses to
which such guns as hers could be
put after the war, when thee- will'
no longer be needed in a Utopian
and peaceful universe.
Il'or instance, alocal coal dealer
cgouunls and d purchase
1100on05 fe of't inthesehis 1.5w-io' ncdl'
's a 'ton of coal to be deliver -
The telephone rings and a lid:
ed to 5602 St, Clair nvenue. The
clerk says thank you, ma'am, aocl
yells to the German spy kept
a cage in the corner of the office;
"Ludwig, what's the range up to
5602 St Stir avenue??
And Led a•ig looks up, his little
spy hook and says:
'Elevation 17, to the left 10 point
6, Herr Pt•nfc'^,•tor."
The clerk takes down the i0 Phone and calls the wo': d -aid.
"Bill" says he, "shoot a ton of
nut ep to elevation 17, to the left.
16 point 9,"
Worse and Worse.
'.He was a sick gent, but he bet his last
On a three Legged goat named The Get -
But the nag wasn't fast, and ofcourse it
ran last.
Ile's still sick; there's no change for the
-Cincinnati uneaten,.
When Glass Has Been Swallowed.
A doctor prescribes the con -
4• sumption of as much bread as
1, Possible after swallowing a piece
of glass. The bread forms a jel-
ly-like shell around the fragment
and often allows it to pass
harmlessly through the diges-
tive tract, whereas an emetic is
generally useless and apt to
cause cots. If the glass frag-
ment is large, send for the near-
est doctor and continue the
bread eating until his arrival
When the kidneys get ill'' the back
gives out.
But the back is not to blame.
The ache comes from the kidneys,
which lie under the small of the back.
Therefore, dull pain in the back, or
sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of
sick kidneys -warnings of kidney trouble.
Plasters and liniments will not cure
a bad back, for they cannot reach the
kidneys which cause it.
Doan's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys
themselves. They are a special' kidney
anti bladder medicine. They heal the
.easea endear of kidneys and bladder,
ed 'help hem 55 sea Frcclg and naturally
Mrs. Chester 1.o,natn, i^'ort Coulonge
ere writes; "I had been troubled with
ore back for over four years, and could
el; nothing to do Inc any good until
heerd o: your Doa:a's Kidney Pills
got three burs and toolc them and
now I am corurletel ' i:; e1," years nf'. Saulti ei%u had esplt'ed; he
Doau's Kiduey lila are roe a box,
boxes Lor 91' 05, aL' all dealers or lnailed already began to 'fail in obedience and
irnet on recelpi: of price by'Che T •; Ras told that bis
kingdom could not
And so last night -in the Bold and the s
rain-, .g
ToA5m' ilk-Ye
tanned wwordmanads pyrot]typasaien 5
They bung the ice 011 the trees..
b',er the fairies never shirk, '
Butwbethor with Ito and snow
fir }lowers and ]eaves, they're. always 'air• 3
work, d
Andaren't yop glad that it's so?, :bum Co., limited, Toronto, Ont... �.auntlBile,
-St, enamels.
IlE16 17. r+lrzlra1t ve libel :ele-x s.. .
Prophet, I Sam. iii, 1-13, 19, 20. Gold-
en Text, I Sam. iii, 9, "Speak, Jehovah,
for Thy servant beareth." The quar-
ter's Iessons seem to be wholly on the
line of the Lord "delivering or pre-
paring, or calling the deliverer." Now
it is a broken hearted, persecuted wo-
man who is called to be the mother
of the deliverer, and her song or pray-
er is very similar to that of Mary in
Luke 5.
T e Depth of Eli and
His Sons, I Sam, iv, 1-13, 18. Golden
Text, Jos. 1, 22, "Be ye doers of the
word and not hearers only, deluding
your own selves." 'Poor old 1711 was in
a pleasure out of fellowship, and God
had to speak to him through Samuel.
The elders also were out of fellowship
and relied upon the ark rather than
upon the Lord, so that the Lord humil-
iated them by allowing the ark to bo
taken, Israel defeated, Eli's sons slain.
Lessor( IX. -Samuel, the Victorious
Leader, I Sam, vii, 3.17. Golden Text,
,I Sam. vfi, 12, "Hitherto bath Jehovah
helped us." After Samuel returned to
Rmssnab, bis birthplace, which he seems
to have done after Eli's death and the
loss of the ark,, be led. Israel; back to
the Lord in penitence and devotion and
'so defeated the Philistines that they
came no more into the coast of Israel
all the days of Samuel..
LEssov X. -Saul Anointed King,
I Sam. ix, 17; x, 1. Golden Text,
I Pet. ii, 17, "Fear God; honor the
Sing." That which God had fore-
seen now comes to pass, and the peo-
ple demand of Samuel a king (Deet.
xvil, 14). Samuel felt greatly hurt, but
committed all to the Lord and was told
to grant them a king. but under pro-
test. Then the Lord sent him the man
and afterward controlled the lot so
that the people elected him,
LEssov 1l. -Saul Gains I1Js King-
dom, I.San1. xi. (]olden Text, Prov,
xvi, 32, 'lie tat is 51030 to anger is
,better then the mighty, find he that
rnleth his spirit 11an he that laketlr
a city." The Lord gave Saul a victory
over the Ammonite, and thus the es-
teem of the people, Ile also „ave Saul
victory over his own spirit so that ho
could forgive his enemies (x. 27; X1, 131.
LIISsoy 'CM -Jonathan and Ills Ar-
mor Beare] 1 Som xiv, 13, Golden
Text, Rom rill. 12, 'Letus put on the
rumor of light" Although only two
Ready Ifelj
in time of physical trouble caused f
indigestion, biliousness resulting fro
torpid liver, inactive bowels, is a
ways given, quickly, certainly, safe
bythe most famous of familyremedi,
L sraoet Sale of Any Medicine in the Wed
Sold everywhere. to bones, 25 emits
For the Chlldrei
Czarevitch of Russia
In Military Uniform],
O 1014, by Amerlean Press Assoel
Here is the latest picture of
Duke Alexis of Russia; the ezm
he is called. The title czarevitel
the same as Crown prince in
and means that the boy is h
throne of Russia. AIexis is jus
years oP age and, of cou
young to go to the war,
latest pbotograpl] shows him c
military uniform, The grand
English blood in his veins, hi
being a daughter of Princess
England. Alexis bas four sl
of them older than himself,
the baby of the family. As t
shows, he is a handsome lift)
but his health has never been
Boy Scouts Patrol Sea Co
There are ' 10,000 boy scout:
land. Before war was declare
were mobilized. They have
their duties ever since.
Prom the first day of denser
t1.Oops of sea se01118 began eon
which will he permanent until
lal•Ittion of peace.
Today 1J101) sea Scouts 1l2e
from ,John o' r1 rout's 10 Dom
watch and wand along the e:
They arc only boys, hut the
the North sea through day:
Their Joh is to dei their dot:,
their ❑tombs stint aria thole eye
They have won oridol levee:nit
111Lniralte paring for thefr sob
while they serve as volunteers.
Each patrol of six sea scouts
tug with two coast guards la
handy shelter. Tents, boathouse
shacks furnish emergency stations
duty patrols are building thelnsc
winter huts, the handy "men" fas
ing sleeping boards, lockers and
tables. The sea scouts cook for tl
A Trick With a Watch.
Borrow h
w tc from any perso
the company p y and request the comp
to stand around you. Hold tbe w.
up to the ear of tbe first in the '
and command it to go. Then dem
his testimony to the fact. Remov
to the ear of tbe next and enjoin I
stop. Make the same request of
party, and so on through the eni
Explanation. -You must take care
borrowing the watch that it be a
one and goes well. Rave concealed
your hand a piece of loadstosse,
as soon as you apply it to the wa
,will occasion suspension of iiv m
Meths, which a subsequent steak
and .withdrayving of the magnet
Pebbles For Qems;
'Among the many curious trades
rely upon cleverness in deception
that of the seaside lapidary sr
cutter, who trades in expensive
for worthless pebbles. His bus
is successful at some of the E
seaside resorts. The costo'
shown gems which the cutter
to have picked up on. the she
polished. Then they start out in
'of gems and carry to' the Batt
bles which he convinces th
gems. They leave the pebbles
cut, and he sends back, in, retu
the valueless pebbles, topazes,
marines and other inexpensive
charging a price for cutting
gives him a fine profit on the tea