HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-25, Page 1Established 11365, Vol. 49, No. 3
See How The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of To=day
w w wwv��wwvawwwvna��n nnn�nnnr+nnnnnnnn� .+++*++++++ + ++ Last Celall, to the
For Your Own Sake
Preserve Your Complexion
Duchess Violet Talcum Duchess hose T tl`eiiim
DrieliesS Yucca Talcum
Have just arrived --They are unsurpassed in quality and odor -
We have them in flesh and white. O.K. Proxrde Vanishing
Cream is unsurpossed, we have it in 25c jars at ZS
Best Quality Drag Store The Beall Store
W. S. 3ER,,:3O L /1MS Phm.B,
Few localities have as many good
poultry fanciers as Clinton.
If you want to 'hear good preach
ing attend'•Clinton churches.
General Botha has done g'ocd
work for the British Empire in
South Africa.
S V••4V YWV A"' VWVWWWV VWV World's population number
day 1)0000;000,000; an increase ,of
VWVwWV ` 140,000,000 in 4 years, The great
war will reduce the number by mil-
lions: --SO--
Belgium has a stronger army to
clay than she lied when the war
broke out and they fight like! he-
roes. 10'or downright pluck the
Belgians lead the van.
lie Royal Barak
Capital Authorized•.. •• _ • • $25,000,000
Capital paid up 11,560.000
Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
Total Assets . • • • • ...... • • " • 185,000,000
3S0 331=1..A.TOTCH1S
With World-wide Conneotions4
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
R• E MANNING, Manager Clinton Brach
ill'III"'ell'ill"911"'11.11911'l1Y"Ili"'111'itl"9t191v, I"911'til"'111'lll'ith
A i _
t - INCLUD _
_ _
E Savings Bank Department
At all Branches e
Interest allowed at highest current roto
E. DOWDING. Manager
Clinton Tim -inch,
M.,.Itiaam.l(ln,.,al,.dti„da,,.n1,,11„ul,,Iltaal,,,IR,,,m,,,36,1i1 n :
o .neo r 1�''V .
92 Branches
In Canada
• o
First-class seed makes a gord
second to •thorough cultivation if
the bushel measure is often fill-
illed at next Fall's thrashing, Qual-
ity and quantity make • a fine
team on the market!. The Stand-
ing Field (Crop competition cuts
a vastly wider "swath” than many
a farmer thinks.
Manitoba flour must have a. greet
name the world rourd. Last week
Greece is said to 'have given au
order to a Winnipeg mill for
40,000 barrels. No. 1 hard wheat
in the West makes a good white
flour and compared with that
ground 'from grain many other
lands grades'high. Smith Africa is
also a Canadian flour pa'tr'on.
The wonderful Queen Elizabeth,
the top notcher of the British
fleet is a dandy. Disantce wont
lend enchantment when her guns
are heavy
draft shell
from 12 to 15 miles, "Good Queen
Bess" was a hard hitter when she
took a notion but she was short
ranged ard, minus telephone 03'
telegraph hence considerable handi
What about the Elee'rie• Belt 1'ne
railway in Huron County? I1 it's
deed it should be accorded a de-
cent burial or if languishing some-
body should apply the elixir. Will
the Hydro a.ommission have their
aaae„ ,„ seas, 1long promised report rer dy for
`the Jane session of the County
oCouncil do you think? There
be no unseernly rush in their
doing that.
Engineer ti. R.
y to
TailorYOBr Suit
Our cutter, `Mr. Davis, has just returned from
Chicago, after taking a course in the largest (Jutting
School in the city.
We are now in a position to show you the very
latest style in Men's Tailored Garments.
If you enjoy Clothing of Quality at moderate
prices,that are correctly cut and handsomely tailored,p
Try us
for Your Spring Suit
Our, Spring Suitings, Overcoatings,
and Trouserings are choice patterns
from' the best Foreign and Domestic
Mon's Suits ......w $22.00 to $30 000':;.
5.00 to 8.5.
Men's TrOuserS
Springrmg li •i is Ready for Picking
man who wants a Hat in a
The young o
Smart, Snappy Style can find his
Ideal Hat here,
Clinton Spriog Fair
Clinton Spring Fair, Tltureday,A,pril
All entries most be in the bands of
the Secretary by 1'3 o'clock noon,April
Judging commences at 1 o'clock
Deed at Seaforth
Entries to all classes free.
No. protests and no appeals allowed.
Special Township Competition Prize
of 1115 00.
(Donated by Vice•President, Geo.
Hoare, and others )
Open to any township for the best
three Heavy Draught Horses (Stall-
ious barred) any age, in halter, and
need not to be the property of one
ratan, but must be owned tit the town-
ship. No competition unless two or
more townships are represented.
Was injured Near Seaforth in Feb-
ruary When his Engine
Lett Track.
Best Filly or Gelding, 1 year and un
der 2, agricullural,S3 in cash presented
by Joe Ratlenbnry
—0 --
Best Filly or Gelding 1 year and un-
der '2, agricultural, $3 ]n cash present-
ed by Joe Rattenhury.
Best Filly or Gelding, 2 years and
under valued 3 at heavy$5gi ve n nbyt, G e o rgei Lavin
Massey -111(111s agent.
Best Filly or Gelding, 2 yeasts and. 00
cert 3, a rtlnitnttl, a sidle grinder
valued at 131, given by U. 111(1 J, Lor-
cit, 111cCrranick agents,
-o .-
13e-1 heavy Draught 'ream in 101111-
e s,31.0 in gold presented by W. Proud,
toot, 111. 1...l. Centre lliiuon.
Best <1 g1•ic'l111111al Team in harness
$10 in gold presented by tho blolsous
and Royal Banks, Clinton,
Severely scalded and otherwise in
jured when the Buffalo•Goderich ex
press was derailed near Seaforth dur
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
in Business or the .Home =Give Theni a Trial
Duron Coti!
prance People Met Here
Rev. E. G. Powell, Field Secretary, who has been re -appointed for
another year.
Death of Rev. W.
Mclnnagh, D. 0.
Passed Away at His Home in To-
ronto on Friday Night. Former
Pastor of Wesley Congregation.
etr▪ e•••••oo•esees•••••
'Wesley Church will hold Anni-
versary Services on Easter Sun-
day April 4th, when Mr. Robert
Holmes, of Toronto, a former well
known resident of Clinton, will
preach morning and evenig. Spec
ial Easter music of high order, is
Rev, Wrn. McDonald, D. D., for long being prepared for the occasion,
years a prominent minister of the'Rev E. G. Powell will preach
Methodist church. died about mid next Sunday.
night knit Friday night at his home in The Lpwo-th L,a= ue on Mr nday
Toronto at the residence of Mr. G. S, night was addressed by Rev. F. G.
Fox, 1281 Gaenadier Road. He reach- Rutherford, one 'of the district E.
ed 88 years of age on Monday last. A L. Executive. His subject was a
native of Enniskillen, Ireland, he came
to Canada with his parents about 1814,
the family having the misfortune to
lose then
bydeath but a few
'• father
weeks after arrival at Montreal. He
Was the last to pass itway of his
father's family, his sister Mary having
died the previous Sunday in Toronto.
The young man at once attached
himself to the old St. James' church,
Montreal, where hes good religion%.
upbringing and diligent Bible study
wade hint warm friends. His bent
was toward the Christian ministry. G Harper will continue. the ser -
on which lie entered under a cornet,
chairman at .lumber in 11353. 1'n 1853
les on the Commandments by
preaching on the Second 0.0m-.
inanclment "Images are foreledden
in th
; 1•[ liar es *the Classes 1 i r e J
The annual convention Of Huron
Temperance Alliance, was held
Willis Presbyterian Church Clin-
ton on Thursday last. The Pres
A T. Cooper, 'occupied, the chair
and J„A. Irwin acted as Secretary,
Delegates were present from Alin'
ton, Wingham, Goderich, Brussels,
Blyth, Belgrave, Bayfield, Exeter
Seaforth, a.tall and the town-
ships of Goderich, '1Vloiris, Grey,
Stanley, Tucl erstnith,• Usborne,'Hci
wick, 'Hullctt. and Went Wawan-,
csh. Rev. E. G. Powell, field seers
tary read his report a summary of
which will be found in another Col
urn. Rev. J. Greene, ,County Tress
later submitted a statement show
ing receipts from all sources and
also showing a large balance due
to' Mr. Powell on salary and ex-
penses account. Before the c'on
ven'tion adjourned arrangements
1, ere made for meeting that indeb't
edness and Rev. Powell was ap-
pointed to continue as agent of
the Alliance for another year
Art the same time the conventioin
agreed 'to grant Mr. Powell anion
'tit's leave of absence to take part
in the campaign in Alberta idure'
ing April.
Arrangements were madefor hold
ing a•Jounty Field Day in the in-
terests of the work.
It was also suggestive that the'
County Coancii would appoint epee-
ial Constables and Magistrates to
facilitate the work lof enforcing
the Scotil Act. Officers for the en
suing year were 'appointed as
follows ;-
Pres. -A. T. Cooper.
Sec. -J. A. Irwin.
Tress; W. Finlayson.
Vice -Presidents.
F. Buchanan, Wingham ;
J, 0, Colborne, Goderich
missionary one, John H. Scott. Exeter
the evening service last Sun Municipal Vile -Presidents.
day Mie. T.E. East sang in excell-
• shft .d.
"Forever the Ford N.
P Reid, _� e
�v L
• 'ce 'Foie ei
ounod. Carr Blyth.
byG A. B. y
Rev. A. J. Mann, Brussels„
Next Sunday willbe Palm Sun- • J• Wallis, Clinton.
clay in Willis Cbtirch. The morn- T. Caldwell, Gcderiel Twp.
ing service will include music ap N, McGaw, Goderich,
propriate for the clay, ard the sub J _glillshn, Haneall.
ject of sermon willbe "The King's
,^'amines•.” In Ithe evening Rev. W. 'Harding. Gorrie,
s . M. Boyle, Belgrave.
R. Scarlet, McKillop.
R. MacMillan, Seaforth.
e Worship of Gucl," Jas, Mcelymont, Stanley.
the afternoon at 2,30 ,o'clock R Watson, Tuckersmith,
Concha, hobomrg. His other (merges . 'o • 13'1)1 Stud , meet in
as ayoung nian were at Lyn in 1878 the Auditorium of the church, ard
Ind Maitland in 1832). In 1800 he was in the lectureroom,
ordained and the sante year he roar
'led Miss Margaret Miller, daughter ONTARIO ST. CHURCH.
of Calvin Miller, of w' i
first charge as a fullyiy ord�,erville.
ordained minis Members of the. League e e
ter was at Duclswell, followed by Slier "At Home" to the young people
. •'s Church on Mo
�. n .. u
r' r t
r.rn io f roc e
eland l o
ke tie
1 al.enha n p
lino Q,
he was formally received on probe
lion and located at Markham, in 1854
at Newmarket, and 1555 at liradiel:d.
The years 1500.7 lie spent at Vietcria
heavy draught, 3
Mitre, hr 1
Best Brood
}eats a.11(1 over,$1 presented) by Mayor
Isere J aek00u.
Hest Ro•+ilste�' Horse to harness
equipment eon011101 d, choler: of any
hat in state, liven by Brown, Dry
Best (grey Team, heavy draught,
agricultural or general purpose, :11)1 in
gold presented by Gunn, Langlois Co.
Best General Purpose ream in
harness, root scnfller valued at $0
given by L. Cree,Gactcshnte agent.
Best Matched Team, heavy draught,
agricultural or general purposes,greys
barred., $10 Waterproof Coat given by
ing the severe snow storm early in , tete Idorrish. Clothing Co.
February, G, T. R. Engineer J. R.
Ross, Front street Stratford. passed
away Monday morning ac Seaforth,
where he has been since the accident.
The late Mr, Ross was one of the best
known railwaymen in this district,
and the news of his death will be re
calved with general regret. During
his thirty four years with the G. '1', R
he established a record for his care
fol and painstaking ways, in addition
to making innumerable friends. Be
sides his wife, who was Miss Elizabeth 'Best Horse Colt, heavy draught, un -
Wilson, daughter of Mr. Hugh Wilson, deer 1 year, $5 in cash divided, $3 toast
Church street, a family of three, Mar incl $2 to 2ud, presented by Thos.
gareb, Beth and Thomas, all of Strat McMichael & Son, Hullett.
ford survive. Mr. Donald Ross, G. T.
R. engineer, Stratford; Thomas, with
the T. & N. 0. at North Bay, and
Peter, in Logan, are brothers, while
Mts. G. Jeffrey and Mrs. Henry Kalb
fieisch' of Stratford and Mrr H. zein
buch of Schenectady, N. Y. are sisters.
Best;Lacly Driver, $4.50 set of tinnb-
lers, Jeweler; and, $?; d by
$1 W. i inIellyar,
caslt by
Best Filly or Gelding,heevy draught
1 year and ander 2, $5 in gold present•
ed by Wes, Nott, Tnckersmith.
.orrish Clothing . (, x
A -Square Deal tor Every Man
••••.0lioo,Gt/o •••••N•••NNll.N�?•l4
At Home
To all our friends
and acquaintances.
Next Thursday, April 1st, we
invite you all to come ami spend
Our store will
the d
beat your disposal., Leave your
wraps and parcels, and we prom
ise you no April fool day in
Clinton on show day.
The' Store of (Vitality
Phone 48
Cartwright, Newcastle Alymer. Ont., evening. A large company teas
Paris, Kincardine, Clinton. Sarnia, present and spent a pleasant even
Strathroy, London Nest, Exeter, end ing. Those who sang were Misses
Kingsville. Owing largely to Ars. 'Howe, Walker, Wiltsie, Glbliinge
MtDonagh's ill health pie accepted and Frankie McConnell,l
Miss Ivy
snrerannuatiou in 1807, go'ng to re moves gears an instrumental and
side in Stratford, where he continued Misses Stevens and Potter furnish
to vesicle far some years. Mts. 111c, ed rc dings. An excellent fun eh
Donagh died in 1800. was served to all present at the
The late Rev. Dr. McDonagh was
one of the ablest and best read min
isters of the Methodist church. He
is probably one of the best remember
ed of the older Methodist ministers,
and his memory is held in lively es
teem in all his former charges. As a
debater he was a power, and this facul
ty was exercised often in temperance
campaigns of various kinds, in which
he was invariable tothe fore.lie wasan
ardent Orangeman, and;there was n0
question of his views on subjects dealt
wtthon(great Orange anniversaries,
Be flourished in a period when
country was in the making, and he
was largely It type of the minister of
his day, which type has since been
modified considerably with the ad.
vancement of settled stableconditions.
The degree of Doctor of Divinity was
conferred upon him in later year's by
his alma mater. He hal held numer
ons positions of influence, having been
for many years district chairman, dale
gate to General Conferences, and hav
ing been president of the London Con
ferenee, etc,,plants, bulbs or fruit trees on join
Dr, McDonagh leases three of, aing and a further premium of 50
family, Mr, John Ahe; Pall. Membership
Regina, Sask.; Mrs, W S. Dingman, face, will be' received by Ibe mem-.
of Stratford, and Mr, W. O, W. Mc _ hers of the .canvassing Committee--
Donagh, of New York. A Yew years Messes, T. Cottle JOS. Wheatley, J,
ago he married a second time, Mies r^unn nglram'e. The fee is $1;
Annie,Ross, of Toronto, who survives
The 2nd Prlze for Heavy Draught
Team, a $9 root seuffler presented by
A. U. Levy, Deering Agent.
Filly or Gelding, agricultural, 3
years and over,silver fruit dish valued
at 115 presented ' by W. ' R. •Counter„
Carriage Horse in harness, equip
'wont considered, 55 gold headed um•
brella presented by A. J. Grigg, Jew•
, - -0_-
Tilly or.,Geidmg , heavy draught,,',3
years and. over. $5 in gold presented
by'S.'S. Cooper.
The Event of the Yaer.
The annual banquet in connec-
tion with the Spirng Show is now
recognized' as "The Event of the
ClintonYear." It is a time when „
citizens aril prominent agricul-
turatists inset socially and di cuss
common it't. t'esl 1. A toast, list of
unusual interest will be prese'nte!d
with Dr f. W Sltaw as, Chairman
and bright pt.c'aieal addresses will
be given by local speakers d
oil r:rs named in last weeks' p,p. r
oleo an ar]'dreSs 01 "Patriotism incl
Production;' by 301rn A. 'Cooper, B.
11 of Tor�cjnto, 'Manager of the
"Canadian Perm" and Editor of the
"Can.,.,,.7n C uuHer,"
close of the program.
On Sunday evening next Canth
pastor will preach on "Man;
he be Angel or Devil."
A meeting of the Directors teas
held at the home of Mr. Thomas
Cottle. on 'Friday evening the 10th
Inst, discuss plans for the coin-
ing summer. It was decided to
'hold' a Flower Show in the Fall
the date to be set later. Miss Irate
McTaggart offered a donation of
$5.00 to be give» as a prize `for the
best collection 'of named Asters,
not more then five blooms of each
r } Cottle be
exhibited of erna't the Show
to the value of $2,00 for the best
collection 1)f Gladioli. These com
petitions are open to all the mem
begs of the society. The mem-
bers this year will receive a cer-
tificate for $1.00 worth of seeds
Interment took place in Stratford
Tuesday afternoon at 2,30, from Trin
ity held beginning
church, where a service Huron Count
was held beginning at 2. In Toronto
a service was held' Monday afternoon
at 2 in North Parkdale church, where
Rev. Dr. Speer is pastor.
Everybody bring your 'o'.d rub-
bers to the Council Chamber Fri-
day afternoon March 26. The Wo
men's Patriotic Society will dis-
pose of them and use the funds
for Patriotic purposes. The same
afternoon the ladies of Wesley
Church will serve a Patriotic Tea.
= t•
d welcome.
Everybody v y
In placing lois advertisement the
business man calls the local circu-
lation hi the homes 'of the people
who are within reach of his store
and Who, reading his announce.,''
parent' in the leisure and quiet of
the home circle, become a' ecce
prospective customers, A , h_eti o
merchant prince once said that a
3)010 sit , ;:r • rc id in tete 'homes by
memo ,.;:,: ' ' family was worth.
a hundred sold on 'the highway, If
this 25
pgo, howwAs muchth mo quotinge
years truth
there; ii in,,the, statement today4
Dr. Irwin, Wingham,
Geo. Down, Stephen. '
M. Ross, Bayfield.
Chas, Ding, E.'Vawanosh,
E\•eting Meeting,
A large iepresentative meet
11 •s held in the evening when
timely and forceful rdlresscs were
(;well by Rev, llr. 'Harper and
Rev. Mr. Powell The President
A. T. Cooper also spoke and made
an exc•ellt'nt Che lrpian during the -
01•e1iur as well as during allthe
sessions 01 the day.
Rev. Mr. Sharpe, of Exeter in
speaking at the auxiliary ,meet-
ing in the afternoon stated that
some.hundreds of Copies of the
printed report of 'Huron Social Sur
vey had been sold and requests
for copies were so numerous that
it was found impossible to meet
the demand. The book was pub-
lisped by the Presbyterian and
Methodist Boards 1)f Moral Reform;
t;silt `s'd
From the report (of the field
secretary which was a lengthy one
we 'print the following ;-
"To give a summary of the work
actually accomplished would be a
difficult task, some of it cannot be
told, During the nine months
meetings, have been held Where;
possible. Maur secretary has de-
livered' forty addresses and ser -
Spring Fair
at Clinton on
Ilarstaj Aprti is!
$550—in Prizes -550
Special Township Competition
28 Special Prizes
3 Prizes for LadyDriver.
Reduced Railway Rates
Write Secretary for prize list
The annual Banquet will be
Field ill the Evening
Secure Tour Tickets ' i arty
J. Shanahan, A. 3, McMurray
President Secretary