HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-18, Page 8PAGE 1'IIGHT. r; 11H3 CLINTON NEW ERA Gigantic and Unrivaled - Suit, Coat & Skirt Sale Colnmeidug Friday Uortung, March 19th Biggest Bargain Festival Giinton has Ever finown • Prices cut with terriffie severity to make this theinost extraordinary mercantile event in Clinton. We have crowded the ready-to-wear section with the mightiest bar- gains, the best values, the biggest surprises, the most tempting inducements ever announced by any reliable store. Every garment vividly proves this assertion. In the making of trade history the status of this most significant of sales may be measured by the success or the past and the strength of the present event. We have a reputation to maintain, a distinct purpose to fulfil—the rights of the purchas– ing public paramount—and so this announcement is made after weeks of preparation with enthusiastic energy, with a resistless determination to totaily over -shadow every big sale any store has ever announced or can ever possibly announce in this town. Planned on the broadest basis, reared upon the soundest foundations and reaching out into all sorts of the world ifor reliable rllateriais and selling at prices so low that all competition is completely left behind, is the great secret o. f the tremendous success of these sales. We herald the event of the year 1915 with a sale that promises to electrify the shopping public, especially those watching the wonderfully rapid growth of the Brown stores. If ever there was a time when this store's price tickets called loucfer to shrewd buyers than newspaper talk ever did, this is the time, and why. , Here is the answer, Spring merchandise shipped between Dec. 15th and March lst, is dated 1st April io days, consequently is due and payable not later than April 14th to secure best discount. In marking the price tickets for this sale -profit, discount, running ex- penses and in many cases a goodly portion of the net cost has been eliminated, in fact you can secure any Suit, Coat or Skirt for less than we have to pay for them. Everything you buy at this sale will carry with it this store's guarantee of quality. Everything must he as valuable to you as the money you pay for ft or we will take it back 75 Separate Skirts to Choose Front -The new Haring and pleated styles that the fashion magazines are all showing, Navy and Black Serges, Grey Homespuns, 4 ones, Etc., all at less than cost, Big Purchase in "Seconds" in Liner -Get your share of tho slightly imperfect linens -Fine Damask Table Cloths and Table Napkins at 25 per cent less than regular -These are the production of one of the best linen manufacturers, therefore the qualities are exceptionally fine and the imperfections very slight -perhaps only a thickened thread or a loom stain that disappears with washing, Beautiful patterns, including the popular plain centres with double borders, also piece goods by the yard, Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 0 Nfs:Ile?t's Store Merchant Tailoring and .lien's Furnishings Picone 103 V V R■ JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON ARE YOU • Preparing for the Spring Housecleaning, See oue winodr this week, we are showing some lines Look them over and sce if you have forgotten anything, Our brooms are brooms of quality which We eau) 'recnmtmend, 'prices 25c to 50c We el -O carry th w %/1 1 I er a' p n,• �,., compound r Dusth,rne". a d m • ant. Brighten; up the rugs nn: keeps down the dist. Highest ]'rices for Butter and Eggs QUALITY '1IRST AND ALWAYS. Phone 1.12, 'ABE STORE OF QUALITY Succeasogto S, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made m,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Buren o Unyali kinds of Furniture 13-A.LI,r ' & TEINSO N- Furnitnre Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ban 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 wsi=nus• SAP SEASON IS ON AGAIN We have just received a large supply of the two popular kinds of Sap Buckets. 'they are made from Charcoal Tin, and will resist the rust much longer than the common kind, We have lots of spiles—the ordinary cast spile and Werner's Patent Spile. Cross FewCross Cut Saws and Axes at Reduced Prices Phone ht Your Order and we will save them for you Our IPheioio IS NV, 7 ' gLLIZIE 262 1as naM+anusmava ismiilacaauhxar*ati,rt; r,;uicr•17= r se-msr•15Eptea �►�,;. N ,iPT 11 ,t,,' STOVES, HARDWARE R AND 'NOVELTIE cT anersmnr,fl wunrcn w:.ti•:w,t, ,r.,ef3..r..m7v»rmTae;a DOING GOOD WORD Recently lihe Bishop of Huron held 'confirmation service at St. Jude's church, Bran'tfo.cd, where Rev. Mr. Deakins formerly of Clin- ton in Rector, and confirmed 44 co the church.. The old- friends or 'Ir. Deakins will be glad to hear that the work is progressing under his guidance. - TEMPERANrF. CONVENTION. The annual convention of the Huron County Temperance Assoc'i- a'tion- - is being held in Willis Church today. There was a meet,. ing held this morning and another one is in progress as we are at press. Tonight a mass meeting will be held in the same( church and addresses will be given by Rev, ". C. Harper and Rev, 'E. G. Powell. 'Field Secretary for Huron County, The public is Cordially in-' vited to attend. WELSH CI-TOIR IN TROUBLE. The Young Women who former- ly composed the .Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir appeared in a Dett•,oi court to strengthen the suit which they have brought against 'Mine. Hughes1.41homas, wife of the form er Lord Mayor of Cardiff, hales ,directress of the organization 'ln recover I tel• ealaries. Miss Wills-, ins clams '150J in .salary due her and the other girls claim abo 1,375 each Mme Hughes' -Thomas claims the girls waived their claims for back salary. The choir appear ed in Clinton some time ago and •r the auspices of Ontario Street Church Choir. PASSED 4W.tV A ryTER a1TCH SUFFERING. Last Monday Arthur Clatworthy, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. P.'Clatworthy of Ailsa Craig, and gra)idson • ,of Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Wittiegham town, passed away at the hospital, where the young lad has under gone several operation; in his head Arthur was only 13 years old, and it seems last summer the young lad was in swimming and while diving struck his head on some stones. Nothing was thought of it until a couple 'of mond)hs 'ago his head gave him it lot of trouble and be was brought here to the hospital. The body was taken to Ailsa 'Craig for interment-. A LESSON IN THIS. A case bas come up here recent- ly, says the Hanover.' Post, which illustrates the advantages of deal- ing with people you know instead of with people travelling about whom you don't know and will likely - never see again. A man covered Hanover recently, selling a combination carpet sweeper and vacum cleaner, He sold it at $15, and we understand that hel got rigid of quite a number of :them. Now as a matter of fact a similar article just as good could have been purchased from a local hard - Ware merchant, and also from .a 'Hanover resident salesman, -;at from $10 to $tl. Thera is a lesson in kilts traneaction.f It' is ,$haf people are wise to buy from their home dealers. STREET OILING AT BRANTFORD, The Expositor, Brantford, of Tues- day last gave the following note in the Council minutes; -Street Oiling By- law -There was little opposition, and thie in committee of the whole, to the by-law introduced by Ald. Dalbeck, chairman of the works board, provid-. ing for the oiling of the streets. Some questions were raised, but Ald, Dal- beck and Dowling succeeded in satis faetorily answering all these and when it came to 'L showdown wi o ) Lhe by-law w Y went through without a dissenting voice, AId. Minsball being nhocen to guide it through the committee of the whole, Not all streets are to be oiled. Some there are that will receive eight applications of water per clay, others fear applications and others two,, On the streets to be oiled there ;will be but two applications during the entire, year, that number baying been found in other cities tribe snffieent, The coat for oiling, two applications will be three cents per foot frontage, while the test for ;greet watering will be 14 rwr toot Frontage .whe 7 "(1 'appl c tions as clay Rigg ees rrr etx cent:, for Poor applicatinr „ and 21 tenth fere, e,. Pro;rerty otvn- er where it is not pro pain d tel ,,re n•' rimy 1, ive it substilut ocl by petitioning the City- Council, Thursday, March 18th, 1215. camooeese0000nto®oseo®egeetioonooeses000i0000me eseeibe Toronto1r d K I c1inton 0 Lb seseoesaiosefieffisteseeeeseeeteespeetstoesseeeseilooviesee4 ' Wheat $1..46. Hogs 7,15, Oats 6ec, h7ggs 1fi to 17, - Butter 30c to 32c. Butter 2f)e to7 27c. Wheat 1.30. Eggs ilc. Uats SOc to 5f e. Ca't'tle 7.75, Buckwheat 75c, Sheep 8.00 Barley 75c. Lambs 10.76.Peas 1.50 to 1.00. Hogs 5.10 Shorts 31.00, Barley 88e to 00e, Bran 28.00. Peas 1.50 'to 1;00. Baled Hay 12.00. LAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAhAAAAAAAA&AAAAALA. d LocalNews A NEW SIGN. • PASTIME DANCE: Mr. R. Jones has erected a 'big sign at his new blacksmith shop, opp'osi'te' Elliott's livery on Albert street. BELGIAN DAY FRIDAY. The Women's Patriotic Associa- tion are packing a second bale of goods on grid ty of this week for the Belgians at the town hall. Everybody . turn in and help. GETTING Rl'1'tDY. The Public Library Board are fast completing their plans for the erection Of the Carnegie addition to the Stavely public library, Ten The regular semirweekly dance of the Pastime Club Was held tin Friday evening last. ,All had a good time. WENT TO STRATFFORD, Quite a number of our hockey sports went to Stratford on 'Mon day night when Seaforth lost to Elmira by a score Of 4i -Ain the semi final game in the Northern League S1PECIAL SERVICES., Two weeks .Evangelistic meetings will be held commencing Monday, March 22nd, conducted by the pastor, assisted by Rev. W. B. Wrighton, of cels will soon he called for the Goderich. These meetings will be erection of the add tion, bright; brief and brotherly. S Ing eervice commencing at 7,45, AUTOMOBILE SEASON OPENED. Hymn Books provided. As far as the automobile season WILL S'FI0W PICTURES TATER. of ' lin'ton is concerned, it was opened lastiFr'day afternoon when The "'IPord" pictures tvhic'h were Mr, {Hied Gillies, o£ the aPxman A 'toe 'have been shown in the Prin- g tour cess Theatre, on Tuesday dies not appear as there was a change of management at the pidture house. but Mr. Langford, the local 'Cord agent, promises that they will be here at a later date and will be announced in gocd time. A TIPPERARY TEA. On Wednesd)y afternoon the Girls' Club of Willis Church gave a Tipperary (tea at the home 'of Mrs. J. Johnston- Rat'tenbury St. Little Miss Isabel Johnston opened the door to the guests who were received in the drawing room by Mrs. Johnston and Mrs, G. Elliott. In 'the dining room the 'dacora- The society intends forwarding a tions were in green and white shipment of old rubbers, Every- with green festoons down to each one having dlscardsd rubber b'oo'ts corner 'of the table, in the centre shoes or other rubber articles will of which was a beautiful shamrock help the ladies if they will send plant. Mrs. W. Coates poured the 'these articles to the Town Hall on lea while Misses Hazel O'Neil, Isa- March 26. Do.-r;ttions in money as bel Gunn and Luella Walkinshaw well as two bales of clothing and in white frocks with quaint Killar- ney caps and sashes, were most at- tentive assistnuts. A large num- ber of ladies were present a) d a nice little suns was realized, OIL ON THE STREETS. Last weed; the Renfrew Mer- cury published the write up the New Era 1ra,l recently re the orlon And the offer has been acceplel, cthe various city streets; that aro near Clinton aril on another page makes a note of it with a strong appeal for oil, and as the c di for has been fn municipal lift,' for many years knows what lie is talking' about. Here is his view - On page seven of this issue The Mercury reproduces some facts re- garding the use of oil or) the streets, for the diminution 01 the dust nuisance, in severed l'i't stern Ontario small cities. It seems an anachroniern to pour water-wbieb is an enemy of macadam and a maker of mud, whlct) in teen be- comes what might be called aggi1a vated d.)st-on 'our roadways, While the recently built macadam in Renfrew, having a Tarviatecl sur face should be m'odera'tely dust- less.; 'there are yet other streets which still need sprinkling; and The 'Mercury believes that 'that Renfrew street chnirman who first has oil poured from the sprinkler Are instead of. water will be remember you reading your own or ed as a public benefactor, your neighbor's paper? All kinds of job work neatly ex eented at The New Rio, "The March to the Battlefields Thawing days and frosty nights p produce many to let backsliders. or Canada's Men on the Way" Don't forget to let The New Era know 'the names Of friends 'visit- ing you.We are glad to get the news. The Ne v .Era will be glad if read -( ers who 1eceive interesting lett'e s from soldiers at the front, will send them to no for publication, 1f you like The' New Era tell your friends about it, 'or, loan them your your copy for a sample We will ap Meciate it ou our subscribers' part If the presence of robins was all that was necessary we could °eined,.and will be in great demand, announce Spring ;is Here" The It is owned by The Family Herald March Lion however may he mere and Weekly. Star, of Montreal, and a ly basking in the sunshine, copy is being presented to all subsci ib ere to that great national weekly news paper. The ll'amilyHerald, Montreal, whose eubecription of one dollar "a year ie received from this date for a vo-.united Gillies firm brought 'out his ing ear for a short run around the town. ASKED OUR 'MIEN TQ GIVE THEM 1N•FORMATION. Chief Wheatley received aletter fr om the Brussels council asking for -particulars about 'Macadam road building and wanted to know if ht- the would r ratepayers saboiithe o Over to Brussels t It is expected that a d)legation will visit this place in the near future and take a look at our streets. WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC SOCIETY other useful articles were forward ed to the Helgian Relief Furd on Monday last. The Ladies of Wes- ley Church will serve tea at the re gulag meeting of •'the Society on Crriday March 20. Mr. W, T. O'Neil has offered the Society a dona- tion of ten per cent of his cash sale.; cif Saturday of the lweel ORILLIA WON INT.ERMEDI.1T13 0. 'H A. CHAMPIONSHIP. The Orillia Interinedln'ie hockey team w'on the O. 'II. A. ^hempion_ ship from Wioeton last We-lnerd'v by a score of 6-4 on the ;round. The Toronto Star gives a short sketch of the various players on the winning gide ar)d the clip out one as 'the centre man is a brother of Mrs. Murray McEwan and Mss Elsie. Ross of town, and has holi- dayed here several times, -George "Riess (centstee A:• mount r?gree Loy; is a clever centre man, tied his work in front of the nets is a treat. He played right wing for the 1910-;13 Peter')oro seven Weight 150. MINOR LOCALS. The snow is going. d Sunday was an ideal Spring day The above is the title given a pie• ture that will for many years to come Ise a highly prized treasure. It is a photographic reproduction showing the 32.000 men of Canada's first con- tingent breaking camp and on the march to join Oontiuental forces. It shows pallets and miles of the white tcrts and the marching men. It is a most inspiring sight, The size is 20 x 46 inches, all ready for framing, This picture is sure to be a popular souven• rr of the war as far as Canada is con Government speakers are pointe ing out the vast amount of wealth the keeping of hens be every fain, or the use Of back gardens for TRY -- CONNE :Cl SMALL :-READ The he 'i' head iiif QuCgAl1 Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Ni de in Clinton, Ontario phone 2102 5c Loaf, enernatreseenesezziensrang lir Val watiza6ti aminis rt rte. .fro' illy" SSunday Thei NIan and his Nlssa.ge ABOOK of 432 pages, with 32 extra pages of illustrations, telling the story ' of Sunday's life and the heart of his message, Billy" is said to be the greatest force for personal righteousness in the world to -day. He, is credited with having 250,000 persons profess Christianity, and having changed the senti- ment of whole communities, Supplies new weapons and expressions to Christian work- ers; gives new ideas; new inspirations and energy, unequalled by anything else in current literature, The W. D. Fair tin. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best ANOMIE ewe Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting 'with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is thefrnost efficient cough remedy we Have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ieve a cough. Try it— Dispensing Chemist PRE PTNSLAR DRUG STORE stAm.- Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoleurnb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you onlyw ant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line'of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date id,eyery respect and we guarantee the,beet of'satisactiod, . . UNFORD D Undertaker and Funeral Director. 1ltoate 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store t Tilt earner Scor "Live and Let Live L ! llflc d Jtr We have just rewired an irrnl • order of Dinner Sete, Toilet Sets, Plates, Tea, 1'4uit and V -' Dishes, also Scollop and platte and see them, Special in Fish while they 1 Water Herring in brine, 20e a Fresh Water Trent in brine Clod Fish, Finnan Haddie, Elite Why Not Oiscoes' Canned Salmon i0e. to 25. Have you a Modern Bathroom In Your Home ? If Not Let us give you an estimate on the Kippered Herring, Sardines, cost of installing one, or drop me a ring in Tomato Sauce. card and I will call and give you prices. 1 Thos. Hawkins 1 . E. llunnifo Shop -over Rowland's Hardware) PHONE 45. Phone 53 Butter and Eggs 'VOante Highest Market Price Plumbing and heating lefele.3'.l +..7'.gh'I'++++.1•'II'4-letid"iel.Oel! 544li'g4'144 4!0r+r+ + Q,3.+++iE4A ey Women'sg. 2.50S hoes' 'k 4. 4 41 You cannot combine style and wear in low priced shoes, Thiswasthe old time idea, but that theory1 has been exploded long ago. We ask women to examine our Two -Fifty Shoes The Style is there—The WPear is there In fa act there is more wear and style demanded` for the price in our Two -Fifty Shoes- than at any other price. Nearly every- shoe store in the country siilis $2.5o ,shoos, Take a look of our $P. 30 3hoes,'rn,adaarl,. ratorma sSiati1rY"".. ,�. e,BttVlru576'4m.x,miat:tiliiir: zeSrattii 7 'Th�;° h{NI HOMi3 OF 5:40 'S. y .' Aaa7+4.5•&+lille14:4 3 irll tt>oao ee k3•ttitT4S*Ci'