HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-18, Page 1CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MARCH 18 1915 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publish
int Ads Can Serve Von in Filling the Needs of To=day in Business
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Local News
The Pastime Club will hold a
pa'trio'tic dance in the town hall
on Easter Monday, April 5ih. The
Phalenorchestra will supply ,the
The Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. H.R.Chane
on March 26.th at three p. m, Pa-.
per.—"Courtesy in the home" by
Miss -Telebutl;' Demonstration on
setting a table; also music. All
ladies are co] d'alIy invited. A five
cent tea will be served.
We wish to thank ithe many
friends for the many acts of air d -
tress and tokens 'of symjjathv rn
our recent bereavement anal du in
the illness of. our. son, Arthur, in
'Clinton Hospital. -Air. and Mrs. M,
F. Clatworthy, Ailsa Craig, Ont.
W. C. T. U.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a mo-
ther's meeting art the home of Mrs.
George Levis, on Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. It is expected that
Airs. Dufton, of Mitchell, will give
an address. There will be speciel
music and light refreshments well
served. A • silver collection will he.
taken. All the ladies are invited.
The Agricultural Banqueit In con_
nection with 'Huron no. Spring
Show will be bigger and brt''ei' than
last year. The speakers who are
expected c'o'mpose the best in the
County. Mr, Merner M. P„ of
South Huron; Wm. Proudfoot M.
P. P. for centre 'Hurbn; Mr. f', C.
James, Head of the Agricultural
Department of Ontario; Thos.. Mc -
Milian, candidate for South Huron
and the Reeves of the Townships
in the vicinity. Be sure and
secure your tickets at once as only
a limited number will be available,
The 'town health department has
received a copy of the new regu-
lations of the Provincial ]3'oarcl of
H e,lth es to the keeping of mrnu,.e.
These new regulations call for.
the keeping of manure for not
more than a Week at a trine, and
it in that interval must be kept(
in a proper place with biick or
concrete foundations and from'
and brick, concrete or matchi d
lumber sides, with a proper top so
that it will not be a hatching place
for flies. The new regulations go
into force in Clinton and will make
considerable changes necessary in
this town.
Smallpox ie reported from Stephen
®•••s•0 Township, tho family of lair, Albert
King having been qun.rantined. A
schoo house smith of Dashwood has
` a been closed in consequence of the dis
s epee. Dr, MacKinnon, medical health
• officer of Hay Township, is on the,
rom e
ng •�
cry •
alert, and possible the schools here'
may be closed also,
r the Lome ----Give Them a Tr
A letter From the Front.
00000 ••00.000000.00000061 so
We give part ofa
letter written
to Mr. Paull, acting Manager Of
the Molson's Bank by MieC.,lIoclg-
son. who was also a member of the
bank staff, and who is now in
iFraneo with the first contingent,
The letter was passed by the sor.
;France, Feb. 29th, 1915,
Dear Mr. Paull—Very', nary
thanksfor your letter date d Feb.
3rd...I am glad Major Rance is on
the job, he ought to make an ex-
,-•cellent officer: You will have seen
by the
a e rse been
that we has ee
in the trenches, everything went
fine. Our men are excellent, you
would 'lhardiy.recon za them as't]•e
same men that we • had 6 months
ago. They have go't a very good
idea of discipline now. I got a
little bit of a splinter in the eye
from a bulle'tt which came through
an iron loon' hale, but it has not
done any- dtmage...I am awfully
glad to hear that so many improve
Meats are going to be. made in
Clinton church. Please remember
the to the Potts' When you next
see them, and to anyone who may
inquire after me. 'I 'hope to be
back with you before the end of
the year. With kindest regai ds to
you and Mrs. Paull.
Yours Sincerely
Christopher W.'Hodgson.
J. 'Helliwell, Censor.
Births, Marriages di lfleaabs
RANGE — In Clinton, on Tuesday.
March 16, Mrs, S. H. Rance, aged 77
years and 9 months.
Over The Teacups.
Mrs. -Rev. Westgate returned totter
home at Shelbourne, after spending a
few weeks with her ihother, Mrs.
Ales. Feed Bill and family left this
Reek to join her husband who is uow
teaching atCordova.
Miss Jean Ross who is in Seaford],
spent Sunday ether home here,
Mr R. T, ('tuff, represented -the
Local A. 0. U. W, Lodge at the
Grand Lodge at Toronto and also
visited his grandson, Master Phoonix
at Hamilton. •
.11esi.rs Stewart. Scott, Earl O'Neil,
and \\'ikon 1 kik fu the Exeter dance
this week.
Exeter Advneate--Air Freie Tucker,
who has been engaged in Clio Clinton
branch of the Jackson factory, for
some time, spent Sunday here. •
Exeter Times:—Mr, Case Howard,of
the Molsons Bank is having his holi-
days and Mi, Chas, Dyer, who has
been stational at Clinton,is relieving.
Word was received this weer;; from
Lieut. Broder MacTaggar't'says that
he i6 in France, but up to the time of
writing had not been in action.
Rev. 3. 0. Potts, M. A., Rector of
St, Paul's Church, was in Mitchell on
Thau:sday (Welling last and delivered
a se
sial Lenten -address sa
t the
n -ls3i church in that town. -
Mr Bonier Cautelou who is with the
3rd Contingent at Lonclon, spenb the
week end in town.
Rey-, E. G. Powell was at the Nile,
on Tuesday, addressing a Temperance
Dr and Mrs Teo Sloan and slaughter
left this week for California, where
they will spend a month oe - so before
going up to Alaska. Their' many
friends in town will hope .for a safe
journey southward and then again to
the "frozen North.' While in town
the visitors were the guests of Coun-
cillor and Mrs Wes. Walker,
Rev. Mr Deihl and Master Louis, of
Paisley, were visiting at Mrs McGar•va
on Wednescltay. Master Louis will
spend a few days will] his grand
Mrs George Snyder, Sebringville,
cutis the guest for a few days ivith her
sister, Mrs Venner, of the Gravel
Read. .
Mis Ifincade, Stratford, was the
guest cif her aunt, Mrs Veneer, (travel'
Mr. J. G. Mecld Was in Godericli last
Saturday attending the funeral of the
late Thos, J. Armstrong,
Mrs. J. Wiseman is visiting her
mother at St. Mary's.
:k1r. W. J. Murray, Exeter, was in
town on Monday.
Mr. Jas. Doig is improving in health
and expects to be attending to busie
Hess as soon as the warm Weather
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Dickson, Sea.
forth, Ontario, have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Norma
Robert•a,'to Mr. WM. M. Corbett, of
Tort Saskatchewan, Albertan, The
marriage will take place early in
Mrs. J. G. Emigh; Blyth, was the
guest of Mrs. James Twitchell, last
Mr and Mrs Will Harland, Guelph,
were calling on relatives and friends
in town this week.
Goderich Signal:- Miss Jessie Ford
has returned home .from Toronto,
where she was studying for several
months at the Ontario School of Art.
Airs. Geo,'Fargnhar,was visiting her
sisterich, '
, Mrs. J, T. Goldthorpe, at Gode-
Mrs Wiseman is the guest of her
mother, Mrs Grant, in St'.. Mary's.
Mrs Hodgson who with her small
son has been visiting her parents 61r,
and Airs. Jas. Mahalfy. expects to
leave next Monday for her home in
Dr, and Airs. Axon ave igending a
week in Detroit.
Miss Welsh, Blyth, eves •the guest
of iIiss Winnie Thnnnpsou, on Saline
Mr :Mane Torrance, Exeter, spent
the week end at his home here.
Capt. 1)1wdlnj;,London, spent a feiv
clays in town this week.
Mr. T. Tael.srni he, was in Toronto
and Ot t.tee•a last week.
Me. and Mrs. W. Arndsen and child-
ren left last week for Buffalo where
they will reside for some time,
Miss Jean MiwTaggatt is visiting in
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• ,
O Saturday, March 20th will be Patriotic Day-
• The Women's Patriotic Society will have complete
: charge of our store, and ten per cent of the cash
O sales go to swell the fund of the society. Everything
• • will go excepting sugar in 100-1b sacks. E,very-
body come early, in the morning if possible, to
O avoid our regular Saturday rush. To aid in this
a sale, we quote a few specials—
S '100 tins—Tomatoes, Beans, Peas, Corn, 3 for 25c
: Sterling Tea, black and mixed, good value
: at 4oc Aer pound, for 3oc 1b
: Brooms 15C and 2CC
se Lettuce and Celery
UW. T. O'Neil
d 0
Huron County Spring Fair
at Clinton on
Thursday, April 1si
$550 --in Prizes—$550
Special Township Competition
28 Special Prizes
3 Prizes for -Lady Driver
Reduced Railway Rates
Write Secretary for prize list
r7 bo Pwoontl. l angdet ! U be
hem the+avenin g',
Secure Your TieP is Early
J' Shanahan, A. i
Last Sunday evening, Rev. F. 0.
Harper preached to a large congrega-
tion that filled the church on the
"Preface to the Decalogue", the first
of is series of Sunday evening sermons
nn the Tett commandments. There
were a number of visitors from out-of-
town churches worshipping with the
Over twenty members were enrolled
at the organization meeting of "The
J unior Girls' Olnb," It makes a good
The oo.igregetion celebrates its
anniversary in May. The special ser-
vices that day will be conducted bythe
Very Rev. Dr, W, T. Berridge, of St.'
Andrew's Church, Ottawa, the Mode-
rator of the General Assembly. Many
who. heard Dr Berridge in Willis
Church last September will gladly
welcome him on his return to Clinton.
The Women's Missionary ,Society
will meet Friday night March 19th,
at eight o'clock in the Lecture room.
Next Sunday the minister Rev.
Frank 0. Harper, B. D. will preach
at both services. The subjects will be
"Buried Treasure in the Master's
Biography" in the morning and "The
First Commandment" in the evening.
A cordial welcome is sincerely extend-
ed to strangers.
The pastor exchanged pulpits with
the Rev. S. J. Allis, Sunday morning,
In the • evening he occupied his own
pulpit, the subject being ' Confessing
Rev, E. G. Powell took, as his cub.
jest last Sunday .morning "The Mi.
gration of She Birds." At night his
sahject was 'The Rich Fool,"
Miss Rudd gave a talk on her trip to
Europe to the members of the League
on Monday night. An instrumental
duet was also given by Misses Meryle
Moore and Etta Mclirien,
Rev, Mr Pewell will preach next
Sunday morning and evening.
The pastor, Rev. S. J. Allis, will
Preach on Sunday next, evening aab.
;pact, "Will many be saved?' .Will
many be lost?' 'Will there he a second
chance?' Tie Junior. Male Qusrtett
will sing tThe Wayside Cross."
At the League meeting on Monday
evening, which had a large attendance
113r. Bouok'rread 'Jean Mitonett"s first
settools Mr C. W. Rabb of the U T„
gave a racy elk eh of the origin ;in unci.;
9 per ant, of the Hudson Bay()nm-
E paste 7 Mies Lulu Bowe, Miss'Wis
Com -
and l Ts Innis sen; and inn icntnut
lrev verse also furmehed ny,the yr
Alu u'. CZn )Lett Tt w's,; m ev)i^'
-era flue progritunnei," , ,
Local News
The dust 'vas flying on the front
street W ednecd ty. 'Instead of the
old thud Puddles, the fenacadam
roads are soon d_y after the snow
gets away. •
• Mr, Bert Langford has rented the
lot owned by :Dr. Evans, next Joa.
Cooks reiddence and Will erect
a garage there. The,Gord ear will
be the car for this home.
Mrs. Isaac Be'zzo' got a card' on
Tuesday from her son, who is
now at the battle front. The card
was passed by the censor on Feb
27'th at the Field Postoffice and
was very brief—I am quite well;
I have received your letter d sted
21st. W, 0. Bezzo, But the par-
ents will treasure it just the sane
even if it is nearly all. printed.
We hope 'the boy will cone safely
thrtugh the warfare.
Miss Mary Ann 1\dcDoriagh, only
surviving sister of Rev. Dr. Wil-
liam McDonagh,fortnerly pastor of
Wesley Church died Sunday at the
'Hospital for Incurables, Toronto.
She was over 80 years of age
and 'had lived in Toronto for more
than .50 years. The late Miss Mc-
Donagh was born in In'niskillen.
County 'Fermanagh, Ireland, and
was aMethodist. The funeral( ser -1
vice took place at the undertaking,
parlors at 729 Dovercourt road on
Tuesday i,'t 2.30 conducted by Rev.
Dr. Langford. Interment followed
at the Necropolis,
The death of Mrs. S. H. Rance
on Tuesday afternoon on Tuerday
afternoon removes' One of Clinton's
oldest and most respected citizens.
The late Mrs. Rance was born here
and was a daughter of the founder
of this place, which was ]mown
as•_Rattenbury's (lorners: For
marry years Mrs. Rance had Byrd
with her son -int -lair* Mr. W. Jack-,
son, of 'the Jackson M'tnufacturing
Company Limited, where her death
took place. She leaves behind 3
daughters, Mrs. (Dr.) Shaw, hIr•s.
W. Jackson and Miss Alice Rance
all residents here, ar.d two sons
Mr. Thomas Rance of Winnipeg
and Major Ff. Rance. seem d
command of •the 3rd contingan'c.
33rd Battalion, now quartered in
London; also one brother, Mr. Jos.
RNttenbtu;y, of /he 'Rattttnbuxy
'House, and one sister, Mrs. S Reid
of London, who is not in the hes':;
of 'health. The funeral takes place
on Thursday afternoon from St.
Paul's church and will be largely
nttendcd. owing to her great pope
levity and being so e'id,ly known
as one of the first born in t'iic
In 'the Council minutes of the
Brussels 'Council; The Post makes
the following report re macadam
An informal chat took place on
the question 'of street improve
meat in 1915 and following
years. The gist of it appeared ao
be the securing of practical in-
formation from oilier P'oin,s Where
road making had been do to
specially Clinton as fry
sin was corn pneed. R
tires from thert town Tv
to visit Brussels or a d
the Council sent to 'C
glean facts and figures;
teniton appears to br
work putting down IV
the Southerly part
street as the first
erly portion of th
1916 and the tent
town a year later
a cement flew
thing definite 11
upon although th
ed with the imp(
an early start. A
of stone has beer
rangements will
them. Several, of
'to 'hand for the w
The following let
for itself, from Rev
Dnnsmore, Pastor
terian Church, And
Dr. Dunsmore is a
boy, and a nephew
Clinton, who never
and home of his yoi
written Oregan buil'
e0e, on February
I am here atten
will be here throng
of ths.fair, which e
I am a Commission
ette Valley Expos
which Association
eight counties of
Valley, in Oregon.
commissionedas, t
Polk f]ounty, one o
the Association.
very unique. and h
of its own, which v
remember it T.6 is
of the ancient Part
rounded by 'a colou
logs of Oregon spr
feet in diameter,
height, We also ha
in the Agricultural a
Palates. I have rhos
might be many of m�•.
ncgnamtan'es iv „ 10
the Expositiion, ,nc
delighted to, hie
this to inform
found in the 1'
time. 1
Boost New Ontario.
Maple syrup on bnekev
cakes= language fails us
Nest to the in'teres
about the European war:
Spring Millinery (penin
by dates:
- Did we hear you say
of ithe M. P,'s is inten
^rote $100 of his indem
Red Cross iFund?
What date have you
the Panama Exhibition
you going to .be satiq
St. Joseph instead?
--00-- :
Thursday, April 1st,
April OFool for the ;hu
people who attend
Spring Fair in Clinton.
What do do you think of
ccs of the Jewish' people
stored to 'their much: bel,
estine in the near future
Constantinople will b
point of Pall for t
allies. There wi
doings before''
no doubt.
Russia and 'Fra ce.
wagon is an object
world, John Bull had
Ms family on the sam
if he expects to keep t
Hurrah for St. Patrick
Irishmen have already j
army to battle for 'the
ErnPire, "Erin go Bfagh!
are some fighters too, tho
aid island chaps.
Sometimes we think Que
0ince is soinetbing 1i1=e th;
tail -in the rear, but lister
At the session of Parliair
closed $00,000 was voted t
einn'tifie agriculture in 01
A back minter? Not mus
Poor old Turkey will r
leave the wishbe ie left "v
' n O al" 15 OCri'. One of.
postage stamp sized hard)
will be plenty large enol
wipe away the techs fitr
eyes of the world.
We should ba 5pee11111)7
ed in the I'd i of beet"
locality of the .hist
of Eden, where n'