HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-11, Page 7Thursday, March 11th, 1915. THE CLINTON NE4V There is a Cold day Coming Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter better in the lof high alley Coal, ld PL. J. Holloway, Clinton nrnrnrnnmir�rrmnn�nnnrnr CEN�T/fRAAj/LL i��l1iY/ STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Practical Train- ing School. We have:thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments, Commercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy Ourl graduates succeeds , and you should get our large, Free catalogue. Write for,it at once D. A. McLachlan, ,Principal ament choice Seed Grain New Century and Bumper Icing Seed Oats, Manchuria and Barley, all at moderate prices Will have other varieties on hand in a few days y SEEDS Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike Clover and Alfalfa All Government Standard FERTILIZER if you want a bumper crop order your supply of Gunn's Shur Gain Fer- tilizer direct from us POULTRY WANTED Live Hens over 5 pounds 12c per !b Live liens over 4 pounds 10e per lb • The Glnf I anliois Co., Limitea The up-to-date Firm. Clintou Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W: JENKINS N is the Time to Ordt r Your Fertilizer We handle the Davies fertilizers and can give you several kinds AT Ti -IE RIGHT PRICES Now is the tiinc to place your order for Timothy and Cover Seed AT T1315 NORTH END FEED STORE Agent for Ileintznlan Pianos Old ones taken in exchange, and balance on easy terms FRANK Wo DANS TERMS CASiI. PHONE 192 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 4 Pianos 4 1 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos, and 41 Organs, • �peeiat values in Art go I Cases iPianos and organsrent ► • • ed. Choice new Edison :phonographs, Music & variety goods. Hume Emporium 1 C. Hoare 1 LC trinnocicvinmvirryvvvvvvvvvvr RAND .TRUNK :SYs El Double Track all the Way Torato-E1tiCagoToP0!lto-Moflt'P2al i aaexeelled Train Service Medical, MISS of Equipment Winter Toots to Califharnia. l®PIOa ad Smog soiltil FaStTrainS—Oh oice o.fjl6,ontOS v'::;Iw ➢ ewerr, 130W in effect tlisOS hull particulars consult G. T. R. Tielte't Agents Or 'Write John, Raneford .Se Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison, station agent l0, E. HORNING, D. P. A., :Unio) Staftion, Toronto, Ont.: &o oiAat a tr0 e , pit rpt t4� try/ rt gr ler r$ 'c y CHARLES EDMOriDS WANK Author of "Thr, Silver Blade," 1."1'ne P 4er touter Ruby," etc, :o-, ,oi ;cm,. by A. C. . ttyl:larg & 0-' /Qc ,5ha:F;qa. look of interest, and the rEis eyes smiled. "One thing at a time, gentlemen," Said he, "one thing at a time. You can't excite me. Let us first get (through with the point we were dis- bussing." "It is entertaining enough for me," agreed Van Vechten. "I trust it will prove profitable. You see, while I am acquainted in a general way with Josephine Devereaux' history -as one. is in a way familiar with the unevent- eulhistory of a friend—for that very reason I am rather hazy as to details. Ire other words, there never has been any reason why one should want to plumb her past. She is almost a mem- ber of our family, and has been for so: long a timethat whatever affects her also touches us." "Precisely," said Mr. Flint, so brisk- ly that his augmented interest caught (Van Vechten's attention. "Well?" the latter encouraged. "It is in the close 'relationship. mong the different families con- erned that I hope to find the key to he puzzle. And there again I `look orour help. y `Consider, Mr. Van Vechten: lire a far cry from the murder of an ole cure,.unimportant young man here in New York to Temple Bonner in England, whose name in any language means unlimited wealthand power. He and his family own no inconsider- able portion of the world's second city. He is inaccessible to all ordi- nary methods of approach, and by virtue of hits position and affiliations a force to be reckoned with even by the ruler he has elected to owe alle- giance to. But it has become unmis- takable that a binding cord leads through the maze of intervening !events, uniting Temple Bonner and Jim O'Neill as surely as if they walked ,hand in band. "Now' you are privileged to associ- ate with such people; you are one of them. I am not. That's how you can help me." The young man surveyed him curi- ously, perhaps a . little admiringly. There was a noticeable tone of re- epect in the question which he Pres- ,ently asked, "Flint, how did you come to be bur- rowing into the past, and raking up 'old dead, forgotten romances?" "You supplied the hint," was the quiet answer. "When you said that the house had not been rented through the regular channels—that is to say, by application at the estate's offices— a moment's reflection told me that possession of the house could have been obtained only in one other way, namely, by direct authority of Mr. Bonner himself. Rather extraordinary, eh? It was while trying to verify this conclusion that 1 stumbled upon the rest." "If your information is exact, the old place over yonder—Lord, what would Josephine think is she knew bow it had been exciting the club's curiosity for lo, these many moons!— if you are correct, then it is her old home—her birthplace—the house from which she was married. Well, well, well!" The marriage had not been a happy one, and the speaker paused. There was a quality in the detective's silence and intent attitude that seemed subtly to encourage the young man's remi- niscent vein, for after giving the un- fortunate union a brief mental turn- ing over, Van Vechten dismissed it and went on. "Josephine had a twin sister—Hen- Sietta—been dead for years and years. he too made an unlucky match, I be- lieve—people, you know, don't talk about such things. I know next to Nothing about it. Must have been some gay times in that old house." Mr. Flint of a sudden leaned for- ward and fixed Van Vechten ,with a cook that arrested and held his atten- tion. "Now then, Mr. Van Vechten," he 'ad grown all at once compelling, "If he veiled lady you saw Sunday after- Inoon—the one who came in the taxi if she did not resemble Miss Carew, en wasn't it Mrs. Devereaux that ou were reminded of?" "Walt, Flint, wait," the other coked him, "She was a young lady, ind:" "Stili," insisted the detective, "you thought at first glance -before you aw that she was a young July --that he was Mrs. Devereaux --isn't that For a long time Van Vechten at scowling at the table. By and by he Iooked up regard his re d encountered the detective's. I believe you are right, Mt," he admitted at last. "It was the difference in years that fooled me. Until I reale lied' my mistake I believed the veiled lady to be Josephine Devereaux tate- CHAPTER Vild. The Ghost of Romance. Van Vechten's admission was ac- cepted by Mr. Flint quite as a matter of course; as if he would have ;been exceedingly surprised if the young man had identified the lady of the taxi- cab with some other entirely different person, Said 11e: "I shall sketch briefly as much oY the Schuyler -Bonner' history as I have learned; then, Mr. Von Veohteii, you Will see what I want to know. gra.,.."a.,,na„�ro.r".a.,l nomomm,..r . a, r.,re Wok's Cotton I1 oott l omp: b an, • A safe, reliable a•epelatinn medic/no. Sol;! in [,lino do, groes of strength—,No, �1, :11; No. 2, 92; No. 3, u5 per box. Sold by all; druggists, or sent 7w propaidon receipt of price. ?7'r`r i I t Address: rroe pimple. man 00091 MEDlCIt8L" CO., 314' 90801110,0tir. (Forrnoily,tvlodaoi,) ONLY SIXTEEN,` GIRL VERY SICK Tells How She Was Made Well by LydiaE. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La --"I take pleasure Wil_ 1 in writing these lines to express my grati- tude to you. I am only years old and work in a tobacco factory. I have been a very sick girl butIhave improved wonderfully sin ce taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and am now looking fine and feeling a thousand times better." —Miss AMELIA JAQUILLARD, 5961 Te• houpitoulas St, New Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa.—"My mother was alarmed because I was troubled with suppression and had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pimples on my face, my complexion was sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them -"—Miss ESTELLA MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St, St. Clair, Pa, There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore,such let- ters 1 ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. It you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (coati. deutial) Lynn, ;class. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. I "In the seventies and early eighties, Compton Schuyler was a prominent 'figure, a man of affairs, in the New York commercial world, and as for- tunes went in those days, a wealthy Aman. Besides, be was of the old Dutch stock; his home was a center of the 'fashionable life of the city. Two beau- tiful, oharming daughters greatly en- hanced this attraction, so that the name was really better known socially than in a business way. At that period b e,t home was looked upon as a man- sion, and that young man who stood in the family's good graces counted himself fortunate indeed. • inevitable conse- quence an "It was only Iqueuce that the two Schuyler sisters carried a long string of suitors in their train, they were social favorites find enjoyed the supremacy which for several years discouraged all idea of ?matrimony. Then conditions began to cbange. One misfortune followed another so that in a remarkably short time the family sank into comparative obscur- ity, and, in the cruel way society has of giving her erstwhile favorites the cold shoulder, speedily forgotten. "First, through a series of bad in- vestments, Schuyler lost the bulk of his fortune. A few months previously Josephine had married against her father's consent, and her husband, Percy Devereaux, showed the sort of specimen he was by promptly desert- ing her when the loss became known. Next, Mrs. Schuyler died suddenly, "Hope of rehabilitating the family and of recouping its dwindling for- tunes was now all centered in the re- maining sister—Henrietta. Among her suitors was one young man who was not only her social equal, but heir to one of the largest fortunes in the world. ,:very mother in New York with a marriageable daughter, to say nothing of many abroad—especially in England—bad marked this young man for her legitimate prey; but he loved Henrietta Schuyler and was so de- voted and open in his preference that the matrimonial schemers were one and all discouraged. "But with all his wealth and superior position, the course of true love did not run smooth for Temple Bonner. ,The facts would make a plot for a novel. There was yet another young man among those who came a -courting at the old brownetone mansion, but one vastly different in many respects from Bonner. This man's name was Willard—Max Willard." "I've heard the name," muttered Van Vechten. "it was an irony of Fate," pursued evir. Flint, "that Bonner and Willard should not only - be friends, but the closest sort of intimacy existed be- tween them,, a genuine Damon and 'ythias attachment. i "Willard lacked about every ad- vantage possessed by his rival; he was poor, unattractive in appearance, and had many peculiar traits which made enemies where Templer Bonner won friends. He was regarded as a visionary, a crank, a man who would ,never make his mark. However, he must have possessed some unusual !quality, because Temple Bonner had, implicit faith in hie -believed that he (was a genius of some sort; hut it was characteristic of Willard that he would laceept no assistance from his more fortunate rival "Bonner, it would seem, felt his own position keenly. He realized that his friend was almost overwhelmingly !handicapped, and as well as I can piece (out from what actually happened, he. withdrew temporarily from the field' and gave Max Willard every oppor- tunity to advance his suit. I suppose the idea was, that if Willard was sac- cessful, Bonner would abide be the consequence; it not, then Willard was to stand aside and give Bonner his chance: Much of 'LI le le guess- work; it ie hard to arrive tat ilio truth: 'at this late day; but. ee t in circum- stanees exist wbach indicate tees who ,1'am toiling you is what actually hap - paned. 'It would appear from the sequel thut Max Willard had been the favored one all '"along. Temple Bonner went. abroad; within tem r.onthe Willard. and Miss Henrietta Med eloped . and )taL were married; within ten minutes ler t- ler he received news of the rrunaway wedding Compton Schuyler had blown lout hie brains. . "There are the naked tads, I "Temple Bonner never returned to America, rand Max Willard, 'instead of !justifying his friend's confidence in Ibis talents—whatever their bent might, have been—had dropped entirely from ;sight. His wife, you tell me, has been -dead a long time; but were there no !children? Is Max Willard still alive, 'where is he, has he any family, what its his occupation? Those are the things I want you to find out. I fancy 'the runaway match, with all its at itendant circumstances, created some- thing of a stir at the time; some of ;your older friends should be, able and. iivilling to supply you with the facts," "011,', I have no doubt that I can ;learn all you want to know, agreed Van Vechten. "Most of what you have just told Inc is not exactly news; but' I had forgotten it—it all happened'be- :fore my time, you know. Josephine ;is generally regarded by her friends as la woman who has suffered much, one deserving pity and sympathy; but—, heavens and earth—she is no martyr to tribulation; she's the jolliest sort imaginable. , But how will this help you to solve your murder prob- lem, or -what more nearly concerns me—find some trace of my .cousin?" For some moments Air. Flint sat silent, gazing meditatively through the window. Number 1313's dingy front loomed dingier than ever iu the late afternoon sunshine; but Mr. Flint had no eyes for the old house just at pres- ent. After a bit he turned to 'Van Vechten. "Before answeringyour question, . Mr. Van Vechten, I am going to lay another matter before you," said he gravely; "it may seem impertinently personal, but there are ocoasione when tho ordinary civilities and amenities must be laid aside and disregarded. I know that you and Miss Carew are en- gaged to be married; I do not mention the sentiment that usually accompa- nies such a conventionality, for per- haps I shall pain you; but isn't there a possibility that She has become in- terested in another more recent love affair?„ "Flint," was the prompt response, "you are not trespassing upon my feel- ings in the least, and I am going to be frank with you. The engagement you speak of has always been more or less of a tacit understanding in our family. Paige is only a distant cousin, you' know; but we are a clannish set, we Van Vechtens, and she and I have al- ways been awfully fond of each other. "But as for love. That's another matter. In strictest confidence, Flint, 1 have an idea that we shall never marry—simply. I am convinced, be- cause 1 could not insist without forc- ing myself upon her. No, no; I 11111 much too fond of her for that. And as for another love affair, what earthly reason is there for her making a secret of it? She is not a ,girl given to ro- mantic fancies or school -girl senti- mentality; she is of age, her own mis- tress; and were she to learn, as I have, that it is possible for either of us to care for somebody else in a way different from our present feeling, to- ward each other, why, sli0 couldn't lot me know it fast enough. Threes Paige —i1 anybody must be hurt, have it over and dc• e with as soon a5 paw Bible." "I am beginning to form a pretty fair idea of your cousin," observed Mr. Flint. "Her intelligence, courage and independent character make it all the more necessary that I learn everything possible about Max Willard, I suppose that she and Mrs, Devereaux are very much attached to each other?" "Paige and Josephine? I can't say they are like mother and daughter— Josephine's heart is much too young for that—chums would be more nearly accurate. Yet Mrs. Devereaux has been a mother to Paige, and the very strongest ties of affection and confi- dence bind them together." Mr. Flint slowly nodded his head, as if these disclosures were right in har- mony with whatever theory he was evolving. "One thing more," said he. "It is strange that it has never occurred to you, with your intimate understanding of your cousin, that nothing at all has happened to her; that her prolonged absence without communicating ,with relatives or friends Is an act of her own free will." "But it did occur to me," Van Vech- ten contradicted. "And it is; my knowl- edge of Paige that renders such a hypothesis wholly absurd." Again Mr: Flint nodded understand- ingly. "Now," said he,'"I'll answer your question as to why I 9.ttach so much importance to finding Max Willard; al- though what I have already told you should supply the explanation. I want to discover the motive that', influenced Temple Bonner to disregard his own iron -bound system of doing business and establish a; precedent by interpos- ing personally in the ease of the house "'Until i Pcalizr,1 My 'Mistake 1 Bei I even' tee Veiled Lady to De Joee,. phine Devereatig.' :.cross the st1., t, i emnareaele that lin eherld do once 11 tiu.ig for any- bedy. 'If Max Willard le alive, the old o ribndship would supply that motive„, Continued noxr Week, ' ANY DYSPEPTIC ET W[IiGAN By Taking "Fruit-a-tidesli Says Capt. Swan Life is very miserable to those who suffer with Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach and Biliousness. This letter from Captain Swan (one of the best known skippers on the Great Lakes) tells how to get quick relief from Stomach 'trouble. Pon'r Buawl gr., Oti!1., May Silo, 0903, "A man has a poor chance of living and enjoying life when he cannot eat. That was what was wrong with me. Loss of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. e have. bad trouble with these diseases 'for' years. I,lost a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. For the last couple of years, I have taken "Fruit- a-tives;' and have been so pleased with the results that I have recommended them on ninny occasions to friends and acquaintances. I ant sure that "Fruit-,. a-tives" have helped ate greatly. By following the diet rules and taking ''fruit-a-tives"accordingto directions, any person. with Dyspepsia will get Uenefit". H. SWAN `Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at 50c. a box 6 for 92.50, or trial size 250. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. rroionging Polly's Lrte. To strengthen a doll's Wont firset re- move the head from tiie Rutty, then fill it withlaster or 11)10, mixed u n 1 d I ,i smoothaste with center. c u nc stand it lv one side with shoulders nil until per- fectly dry and then fe ten it on to the body. A doll that guee to sleep rum not be treated In this wnye cud ono that has an open 1000th a115 tevili will require a strip of palter I'cadd tm cue inside before pouring ill the piste. • YOU MAD ,D BE AFRAID OF A COUGH OR COLD. Coughs and colds do not call for a minute recital of symptoms as they are well known to everyone, but their dangers are not so well known. Alt the most serious affections of the throat, the lungs and the bronchial tubes are, in the be- ginning, but coughs and colds. Many people when they contract a slight cold do not pay any attention to it, thinking perhaps that it will pass away in a day or two. The upshot is that before they know it it has settled on their lungs. Too much stress cannot be laid on the fact that on the first sign of a cough or cold it must be gotten rid of immediately, as failure to do this may cause years of suffering from serious lung trouble. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will cure the cough or cold and prove a preventative from all throat and lung troubles, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption. Mrs. B. E. Druce, Brightou, Ont,, writes: "I am sending you my testi- mony of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, telling you what it did for my little girl The doctor had given her up as she was, as we thought, going into a decline with the cough she had. I was told by a lady friend to try "Dr. Wood's" 'and when she had taken two bottles she was on her feet again, and four bottles cured her." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the best cure for coughs and colds. It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and 50c; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Children's Shoes. When next you buy a pair of shoes for the children take a hatpin or the point of a pair of scissors and score the soles and heels diagonally in lines about half an inch apart. Then start at the toe again and cross these lines, and you will Lind the child will not slip so often. If for any reason your chil- dren do fall and bump their foreheads rub the place at once with salted but- ter and there will be very little dis- coloration. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R 1 A Reasonable Punishments. Whatever reproach or privation we imposeupon a child must be clearly connected with the offense. The child should always know just exactly why it is being punished- Moreover, the punishment should not be so long de- ferred that the child can lose the con- nection between its offense and the punishment. Nothing that affects a child's health, such as interference withmeals or with Sleep, should be used as a punish- ment. Nor should useful work or study be discredited by being used as a means of punishment. We must renaembel' that punishment is like medicine. There is one punish- ment that fits all cases or all cliildren. Each case must be studied by itself, and the punishment must be made to fit the offense and also the offender. Plenty of Sleep. Nine otclock should be bed Sour for MI school children, with Friday and Saturday nights as the only possible exceptions. The hours from the con- elusion of supper to retiring time should bo sufcient for preparing lessons. Then, too, if the child •comes in from play at 5 or half past tiereeholildbe an hour before supper in which to study. It is an excellent rule to eorbicl the reading of any story books outslcle the school course, except on Saturdays and Sundays. The child who is fond of reading is apt to become so engrossed in a Snell that be will neglect exercise and study for the completion ofthe hook. But if a strict rule is made and enforced that no rending shall be clone through the 'week- except that tvliicli. is necessary for lessons the childwill find time for fresb air and sleep. u 1° •a1 PAGE SEVEN Luasasminnuneweausawanoinasami 0 anss W ort+ Mrs. Schell Managed Hed' Blind Husband's Cempaiq4, Mme. THOMAS D. SWAM. One of the most interesting figures now in the public eye is the wife of the Eton, Thomas D. Schell, recently elected to congress' from elinnesota Like Senator Gore of OI:lahgma, he is quite blind and depends entirely on the assistance of his wife to carry on hisublicr lady work.he ie not only eyes to him 1n bis legal wort. in Min neapolas, where he is a successful law Ser, but she acted as private secretary and campaign manager when he ap pealed to the voters for election. The'Schalls have been married for twelve years. Mrs. Schell frankly ad mats being thirty-five years old, two years her husband's junior. They first met wben both were students at the University of Minnesota, where Mr Scball won honors as an intercollegiate debater. Be is said to be one of the finest speakers before the Minnesota bar, His blandness is due to an acci- dent which occurred seven years ago. Many persons surmised that this ac cldent would end bis public career, bnl so ably did his devoted and brilliant wife come to his assistance that he has been able to carry on his law practice with success' and score a signal tri• nmph In a hot political campaign. Mrs. Schell Is described as a charm 'Mg as well as clever and cultivated woman, who will be a distinct acquisi tiono Washington's official socio t gt society. Her husband's term, unless a special session of the Sixty-fourth congress should be called after the expiration oa the present congress next March, wit' not begin until December, 1915, BLACIC AND WHITE JEWELRY)} Self Reliance Important. Occasionally one finds a parent who when a child asks for help in solving a problem will say, "Do It yourself," Often a child keeps working away at a problem which he cannot possibly . solve because he has not been tattled properly. To say to such a child "Do it yourself" is olten`to discourage hint and to cause him to waste time. There is a middle course between doing nothing for the learner and do- ing everything for him. This middle course is to cause him by appropriate questions to take the necessary steps to help himself. This is really what teaching means, whether -it be in the twine or in the school. Telling is not Leeching, and refusing to give any assistance is not teaching. But to guide and stimulate the learner so that he can work his own way through problems is tea^,hang. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Baby's Bath set. A 4iretty and very practicable little bath set of Turkish toweling consists of wash cloth, towel and bath blanket,, finished with machine edges of pink or' blue. Each article is embroidered lis cross stitch with letters of blue andl tiny bunches of flowers In two shades of pink . CLUBBING ILtTES Ne,3 Era and Daily Globe $a.50 New Era and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 New Era and Weekly Mail and Empire L65 New Era and Daily World 3,35 New Era and Daily News.-:_., 2.85 New Era and Daily Star.__-_- ;2.85 New Era and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85 New Era and Northeifn Mes- senger ............... 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm .1,85 New Era and Farmer's rmer a Sll n... 1.86 New Era and [Daily Free, Press, morning Now Era 'and Daily Free Press, evening New Era and :Weekly Free Press New Era and Morning Lon- don Advertiser • 3.65 New Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85 Tow Era and Weekly Adver- tiser 1,60 low Era and Farm and Dairy 1.85 dew Era and Farmer's Advo- cate - ... 2.35 3.35 2,85 1.85 MODISH NEW =MEETS. Jewelry in black enamel and set with small gems is seen in the shops. Itis in accordance with fashion's lean- ing toward somber things this season. The set illustrated here is mounted in a pretty satin lined velvet box and is carried out to black enamel with small brilliants. For good luck is the little diamond Horse shoe shown in its sep- arate box. Ironing Day Hints. Don't rest your bot irons on the iron- ing sheet. The best lion stand is an asbestos wire mat, and the best smoother is an old telephone book or megazine. Tear off the sheets as they get sailed or • scorched. Make it a rule to finish up your ironing hl one day. It wastes gas and fuel to have to reheat your irons the next dny when you Could ensile, have finished while the irons aud stove were hot. Moisture TiiJardinieres. Only plaints teat demand a great 110)01tnt ut moisture seonel ha kept in jir rd l Mores. eeeeeeei ve 9)010111 re 0111958 1'0018 10 (11)53. lir 11 nmu,,e .51,541418 5000 die unless ;;leen i11,:nty of lar, rt .:.k.I 'y a'la() L v'+'�pj ami'n role Infants and Children, I,I1 U141 For i4'i1:8' 30 'Years Always hears the Signature'off Po DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece TX of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be 'cleaned and oiled occasionally to keels. "srfect time. Pr With proper care a Waltham ',Watch will keep perfect rime or a lifetime. It will pay yea e Nell to let us clean your watelt every 12 or 18 months. Edison M'ecords and Supplies W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician: Issuer of'Marriage Licenses ww.„,„vvvvvvvvvvvvv,„„„..,. SapPans - AND • Pals Made to Your Order Callour and see stock s t±s C 3 Repairs Done Pr'orul!t1) Bye no . •Sutterof waaaitarry l"Outinbee-s 3 1 I'Iao&rq.. 4/a49+�PVRiR.'9dgriVlW'M ?i$OlRay, tytiM ff h .ccis 0d