HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-03-11, Page 5M1Y{ Thursday, March 11th, 1915. ,i 9' :Tali max $l;r*' Broken Jewels Iour watch:^may run i .I mill �ci�.• ::.ai jewiits cracked:tor btu is , rrv: ..kit rr e tfd r ?1'fr � keep fair- s r 1e' err ,,� p JY food; time.... The •'` reuo]vin ' iii $uch ,a' jewel, howeygt, soion t cuts -and eiregtte'rittSs 'reales-:thu's itict`a'sng ` the damage -and ;Ct75t:Of're 'air'in I?, .g. If your, isatch .as varying, it wtl! 'l Y you _to have it exa ioe4;;by-us ;.q AiI repairssent by mail wilrhave our careful and 'prompt attention, W. ..IIELLVAR JEWELER • and OPTICI AiK� EYES 11'ESTEI►A FREE arm Editorials •tjT8•rmer's•%Ad} oca'te.) 'Olean ^b'l'eats of seed:,ard to. spare.' Get go,rt";aeed indtieve /treacly for the field. • In abo&f,h. life5h-th's time the far-, avers of!Canada,,•will (have: •'their innings rh'the Creches,, This aeaison 'as. to wireless the f t . ga a epi' campaign' ever' conducted upon the -Belief Canada; The orders seem,. to bre to sec d • just a little be'tl han ever be.., fore, and ¢.heseishnu;rdribe followed. If plenty et ' t „as rigors d do. not sel '' ' df• •ttli i r, 1•,ah�,. breeding , sl.ock. Tlje,,,,,,,may prove more' falu • able,in ,year- or two. • Plan ,to thane plenty, ;pf green. feed for the pike this season. That' "is'the only,'way fo Makeends meek, Have Flied,lates for Annual ordeal Departlge Frick Education Issues Timer,tables•Covering All • xaminations. _ t i• fs .. The titije:'•table for the annual examinatilons o€ the D�paytment 'of Education ]ave been annonncs- ed. The, examinations' for �iid;3le sob 001 entre nce:into' Normal echool will be hid tfroni June 24th to June 30th, inclucFrve ; 'for the upper school entrance, ;into .the faculties of edi- ucation, from June 9th to June 29th. pass matricfla ion from June 11th to June 291h:heist r and scholarship. matriculation from June 9•th°to Julie 30t4,4ewer school entrance into Normelleghools. and faculties of Education fe•leepin9 June,-Z9th to June 21st;' Motlel',sehool entrance from June l4tlei IA 'June '.21st Senior 'Egli Sehol'il;'. edtrance from June 44t'hto Tune 2i.s't;,Senior Pub lie School' graduation, , from June 11th' to • .June 21st; Junior Hig�je Sel-'bol from June 21st to June 23rde ar-d the Junior Public School graduation from June 16th to June .23rd. The supplemental examinations for pass junior matriculation will be held from Sept: 7th to Sept 17th $1 AND iCOST$. ' Last Friday nightMagistrateFndrew9 fibd'.a,God„r}ch, Towns ship farmer"$1 and costs for lav= ing, meat exposed on the 'S'Iarlee't Square fnr-ale His. Honor_ nee malted if ,a�sn ', •o:ther..peutison rias brought before blr.isis czn-the same charge he,ev:oplcl,likely, Boost' the fine to $lfiy,,Tihs is now ta- serious charge in ,(lie eye at,tlre`•rOm4tarfo Eoarcl of "jealth n omMiorint eZ tee, i ,r,,ir .-e:: v r, il ••o•O....•000•eOtr•eO•Oao•• e0e0e4!..”Ieeesee®eeeeeeme ews :. Men ai Events, Local Il 0000000.000100.021000000000 4P9EIxl), SECRET CRY <1tESlGlsb :In< Rew 'Dr. II A. tCbrlh " , cin has le- signed his position as field secret 1,,aly of the Dominion Alliance aftesr a service of five years in teinper'- ince work. -.MORE NEARER TAME 'FRONT; ' Saturday's papers re'i'n d rt of the second ; $ctrin ent'h?' ,. ti c 'i,, t;. . '• � yved ':in Engler d, "In i�lie' 44 qm.-; ,:panies.-that.went:-are•-sev'eralt� 'ro our 'town $ l Pys, Ktyj1,0 belongvdb, Winrt6%$8trat�ilivn:31@f,illl 1,5719' for a safe return home. T13E PROPER WAY , TO ,ij.•DDRESs' SOZD)I)Ri9:','y The prover way to aedaess-Can adian ':soldiers is; rank and name; brigade numbers, 'i2anrdian Ex peditionar y !'once, General Post office, England" The letters shou d be marked in the corner' "To be, forwarded." GET READY. The Huron County Spring Show will soon be here and the owners of horses- should be getting them into fair shape by now. 'The Prize lists are now ready ardt the posters have been out during t"he past week, The date is TI ur dry; April i.st. The annual banquet will will be: held in the evening a'ttbe be held in the evening at the town hall, THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. The;,averago audience start's such a scramble et the conclusion , of a' • concert that the Guelph Mercury says people seem to think - the first verse of. the National Anthem runs like this; ''Now get your overshoe, And gran your overcoat, And de it quick. Then get upfrom your seat, ` And • beat a quick retreat, Don't let folks 'thinkou're 'sleep, p, Get a wiggle 'on." ., POLICE COURT rFINES WILL GO TO PROVINCE. • ' Weed has been received that the On'tarlo Government intends tak- ing all the police court fines in the future. :Hereafter all :fines for offense other than breaches of the town : bylaws and such '*minor ' of- fenses. • as drunlcness ard drunk and disorderly are to be forwarded to the -Government. .This ie not a result of any recent legislation, but rather putting into force of legis- lation that ,has been on the books for some considerable time. Now that the Government is .hard up they are going to eoltect''every thing • that is possible to collect.:. 33RD. TO PORT STANLEY WHEN WEATHER GOOD. London Advertiser, -That the 381'd_ Battalion, now quartered' in the main 'building at the fair grounds, will be taken ..:to Pont Stanley and quartered there under' canvas as soon as the weather Per - milts, is reported amongst thea;' officers of the: battalion. Instead of the 33rd remaining, L' 'this city until ba'ttalio$'- is Calle overseas ' It is said that within a month's time the men of the 33rd will be mobilized et or near Port Stanley, . ,Conditions there, It is pointed out, will he better for the health• and discipline of the men, allowing; then; More freedom than in the city, They will have the advantage of lake bathing, prob- ably as often as they wish, and as much room as 'desired for route marches and partdes. THE SEED LAW. With the opening of the 1915 seed trade, seedamen, farmers and gardeners mar wish to review the conditions under which sales „may be made. The Seed Control Act provides 'that 'timothy, i.lsike, red clover and alfalfa seed must not he put on sale for the purpose of seeding without being plainly mark ed witth:the grcde, namely, Extra No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. Feigners may sell seed 'teelox No. 3 in quality to (dealers goo be cleaned and brought up to grade. Ali other grass, Glover and forge nlan't eetdi and those of cereals and flax, must be marked in a plain ar.d indelible manner with the common name or names of any noxious weed seed's present,( Seed of cereals, flax, grasses; Clovers, forage plants, field' roots and garden vegetables must haye a germination of two-6:hirde of the percentage standard of vital.' sky for good seed of the 'kind or, with the; percentage that are cap- able•'of germi:'iaiting, "Papered seeds" must be marked with the. 'PARTMENT I$ iiiiiv nearly to do your work. New -type and zkeWocd of Pattere r f ust piked ets_; `.o; Your Printing Tib:E NSW- ORA CLINTON gal one i lure '•4, F. •:n :`1,'1x~!1 :(f dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con- struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. Elere are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The ,Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds of Furniture Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 --RESIDENCE 'PHONES- ,L ED. Atkuisoii 180 MR. A. J. MCMURRAY, Secre't'e y•ot Clinton Spring r air, who is now busy making final ar•- rangements for the big show, to be held on Tinned sy Aririt let. , in year' y a Which the packet was filled Representative samples of deeds for purity and germination tests 'pray be sent to the Seed Branch, Ot- tawa. Ten) ounces Of grass seed, white or mike clover; f Unrounces of red Clover, alfalfa or sec d of like size and one pout d of cereals are desired.' Samples ander 8 ozs. may be sent without postage and are 'tested free of charge up to 91 in number for each person or firm. A SKATING PARTY. The boys in the Senior room of the Model School heed a skating party at the Old Rink, Wediesclay from 4 to 6. Of course it is ender-, stood the girls were invited. A good time was reported. TOOK TNIItD PLACE. In th e honor roll for the month of (February Mn Wesley Walker, of town; who is the agent here for the Northern Life, took third place for new: business secured during the past month. This is a 'good businesa.as the gentleman has only recently taken .up 'tike insurance L-nsinessi We hope to see sin head the list. 1 HAD GOOD CROWDS. , The young ladies Patriotic So- ciety of Clinton had two peed crowds et the Moving Fieture Shows on Monelav and Tuesday. Some very laughable scenes were shown as: well as pictures of the ,French war vessels. Solos were' sung by Mr, James Doherty while Helen and Kenneth Roberton pave a Scotch duet, Mrs. Doherty, Mrs. B,obb, Misses O'Neil and Torrance: Played the piano during the evert- ing. 5. NOT A WAR TAX. "It must always be bornein mind," says the WinniFeg Free Press, "that the proceeds of the special war taxes now to be impos ed do not go to meet the expenses of the war, Every dollar of the war outlay is being borrowed and the 'entire cost will be funded forposterity to pay. The new taxa'- 'tion is not to meet the cost of the war, but to meet a'deficit in the ordinary operation of the Dominion, due entirely to the fact that the national expenditure of the Dominion has increased sixty per cent during the past four years," HYMENEAL On Wednesday, February S4th,Fred Treadwell and aliss Margaret Scott, both of London, were united in mar riege at the Presbyterian Manse, by Rev. W d Knox. Bride wore navy Niue silk. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Treadwell were driven to their home where luncheon was served. Among the guests were:- Mrs Harris, Petrone,. sister of the bride; Mr and 'Mrs McNeil, the latter a sister to the groom; Mrs A. T. Oarpe and John Wheeler, formerly of Brussels locality The presents were costly among them bring aeabinet of silverware by the D, S. Perim Ori, Before leaving for• their respective homes an oyster sup per was. partakenof after which many good wishes were expressed for' Mr and 'Mrs Treadwell. The -hride is a sister of Mr Adam Scott o,'9 the Base Tune:::. r, "TORI) NIG Irl ".'NE,XT 7'L r SD �1. Nett Tuesday night at -the Piiri- cess Theatre, oue of th'e' big ati- tr rctralis wili.be the pictures' ' of the S ord newer obile Plant in oResatigty Ther;'large (staff of t'-nlpAoyees witli,.the. modern.-npr- pliance.s'and #iet,systematie operai- t'on tions will" ill be plainly shown on the canvas. The rapid movements t;f, the diff.eresnt,'•palrtlet, ofthe s, carr throttghe the, plant are very. -inter- eating eand all; help the observer toeunderstand, 'how one -thousand care. are being turned out per d':Iy. The:pictures are being' shown un•- •eler the 'auspices of Bert Langford, local distributor; for the Poi d Motor. Co. Be sure and' attend,' Z11ABi 7.,0P.teO' GUN., , Hi1slaies" by.:# 13 '`eraser itl,:Manch Rod ,q,1CUn is •he lapdo'g` yltd7'y tient an ac, count of a.' desperate' encounter which two adventurers .in the fat north had with a bed Of ferocious, huskies :from which they narrowly escaped with their lives. "That 1 u13, of Patrick's" is a somewhat amusing tale -•though Pat himself found the experience very prc,•- eoking-of a captured bear cub that proved too much for his cap, tor, "A Visit to the NakimuC."aves of Glacier Park, B. C.;" "Windot•. in's Cabin " "The Passing of the Buffalo" and other stories and ar- ticles, along with the regular de, partmenls go to make tip a fine March number, This sportsman's publication is issued at Wocd•-' stork, Ont., by W. J, Taylor, Lim- ited, �h'�t fllilil li ww�lilL'rf a'b. Iii Tlaues 00' Peace it►;Tinlesof4tiar Your Eyesight a$ Essential L Failing Vision -an enemy to comfort, and pleasure -can be nursed into normal condi. Lion "'by' Glasses that -accur- ately fpepsed,;g`,rloaind, and ad .Iu4L'ed-knees et1re necessea y. r ilii 't ' TO lie- di' War With yo'ur,syes -is taking a dangerous chance -a condition that. need not , Avo d, all such folly by wearing glassesthat will 'n aure happiness• and content meat.',. , A. J'. `Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage 'Licenses] RRs 1PARPlr4{q iU;lMIr11 Londeshoro The young ladies' class of the Methodist Suadiy School will en, - (Wain the young .men's class on /Friday evening. Quite a number attended the ball in 'the temperance ane hall s P when e the Grange Lddg•a enjoyed' a good' time . on i'rida r evening. Mr. and Mrs,,Charles Dexter and Mr. and Airs. Thos. Adams Sunday ed with Mrs. Joseph Youngblut. eonstance Mrs. Frank Hall is visiting friends in Clinton for a few days. There will he ,s wish concert held in 17ththe b,asement of the church on 1M'Iarch Miss May Glazier of. (Minton speat Sunday the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Thos -'Pollard. Quite a number, of farmers are get- ting ready to tap fcr maple syrup. Zurich Mr. Wm, Bender of -this village, left 'here to take charge of . the Commercial Hotel, at Hensel!. Mr, Arthur We.Beal, of the del- par'tment of edycation Toronto, was herr during' the past week. He gave a aeries of, lectures to the pupils tied citieene in which he touched upon' hygienic ard sani- ary requirements of school build' -1 legs. ,Fifty-nine pathmasters and "fight. roundkeepers were appointed by Hay Tort lis'hip 'Council last week. Real Estate transfers last week were as follows 'Henry Koehler to 'his son August ,1,00 acres With stock, $8,590; John,;Mieuscliwanger to Henry Youtrghlgt, 50 acres $3,200 Simon Diedrich, t;6 John Meusche eangeri, 100 acees ,$7,410' John Foster to tiSimpo Hicdrih, 75 acres $5,000; Canada' Company to J. J. Merrier, 700 ac: es . $2,200. The following new buildings will be erected this spring, Henry Deters, brick house Samuel Deitz lxiek house; Louis: Craft, brick Louse, Daniel Oswald, brick house J, Westlake, brick . houae; Fredet-- iclt Hess, pressed brick he use. • Blyth. David Moody of the Twin tCicy Specialty rCnoatpany passed awry suddenly at o'clock Friday morn ing At his home,74 Laneasceretreet Berlin, suffering from heart fail- ure. He had mads a trip to Guelph and Bram ton Thu Ed H , in his firtp-second year, ard was born in -the county of • Durham: He resided in Blyth and Lueknow before coming to Berlin, 20 years ago. 'lie was a n'elleiknown travel ler in WestcOn Onitarin,, He is survived by his Wife, two sons. 3 daughters and two brothers, Wil - Bane J., and James of Berlin. Ant- other brother, Robert H., died urn• expectedly t'ivo weeks ago in Wat- ford,. Onit,. Decehse'd was well known to the older citizens of town. Elaborate Plano for the Secrecy f';S ..ecru, 'o older , uo ing ---0-- Ottaway Maric'hs 6 -Votes fox `sol- diers. in The'isubject of a d oft bill which,.bas, just, been p}'+5posed by the law clerks iq f the, t�ommong,,= and submitted:'tfi'the Electoral:Act! Committee foiAnbiisid'eratron .The 1 draft actprovides rovi •sthat e er may serving inthe teaval '(it' Military forces of iCanad'a in the present war, ,"Whose•. nettle' is -on the a of-. ems' list•• of any••electoral' idistridt. district in felanada, and who' • ' is, entitled to aevote 'at a ,Dominion - election in any -such .district, ard in any Province where .no list of raters is requtrcfd, or proted;,d any man whoof present- would be entitled to vote in • :any, electoral district in such Prot:ince" shall be. .entitled to •;tote • natwiths'tladding his "absence fironi!;the'Doniiniotn ere from the electoral distxiotiin which, he,bea a vote., ,, eL'he•,elraft act provides that upon the issue of a writ for an election the soldiers may mark a ballot paper as a vote for the Govern-, ment or the Opposition or for a person whom he believes to be a candidate in the election He is ' to mark this ballot, in' the presence of a commanding officer serving in the force to which he belongs, is such a manner as not 'lo die, close how he is votingt o fold the ballot and to place it in an ,l,n- velope, upon the bach' of• . which shall be end'or'sed- by the officer a certificate certifying the crank and 'corps of the voter axed the. date of the ballot, , The envelope shall then be sent sealed to the electoral districts to which the, voter belongs; and carried free in the mails, The returning officers shall upon receipt --;of ,the envelope, ' endorse upon it the date and hour o1 receipt, and keep it until polling t day, notifying all candidates that he has received it. Upon polling, day the returning officer g ce shalt determine whether the voter has the right to vote, and shall then or- CrI..tIl envelope E enT 10. 'the 1 .pe in 7rE° '5 +z of the ca 1 e es e ndid - s r e or 'their agents t. g 5 and deposit the ballot an'the ;bo, A record of the name corps, at d regiment of the voter shall be kept In the ease of a ballot being to ceived too late it shall bed stroy- ed by the clerk of the 'Crown in Chancery. Penalties are pr ov,idcd against . wilful delay in transmie- ep,n. the opening of: enreldpes, untrue statements, and certifteates, node oeit roan pulatrgnar.•, evihich m'ay.bt'rattempted. / f It is to be noted that the bill is simply a draft' bill, ard its adop- tion will deperd upon the -com- mittee and ,t -$se House.' In fact, during the discussion in the come miittee certain very serious liffi- culties were suggested, In .the first place, i t was stated by the - Minister of Jusitce that the en rollment list of the 33,000 men mo- bilized at Valear'tier do not con:(,( tarn the place of residence of tithe soldiers, . hut, simply the place " of birth and next of kin. This being,the case, it was pointed out, it would be quite impossible to make the proposed Act apply to ;'these It is believed that the. same, ;np- plies to the •1,000 men who , have just landed in Great. Britain It is plain that it would, be intpo4s9b]a to establish an election committee' in 'the trenches, It was suggested that all those in the service should be voter" regardless of qualifica- tions, but the Minister of Justice expressed: his opinion that this wouldbe impracticable. It would appear then that any Act which may be framedean only apply to men still in the Dominion provided that record is kept - ;of their place of residence, Editorial Notes the next, great good would be wrought. Wide, fluctuation bad ffct and thelossesofte has n Prove very leanbarassing. The menagerie" part of the market and the gamblingt by many ap- pears to be responsible for much of the trouble. --be-- Are you a live wire in your neighborhood? --OR-- El en -•0 ---Even if"it isa long ,way • to Tipperary'' the allies' batterine; rams have made up their mired that through the Dardanelles they will go and never stop until 'thew land at Constantinople. Wewou'd advise the Sultan' to hold a bar- gain sale of any effects he has, in Turkey in Europe so that he would not be 'handicapped in case he de- cides to take a vacation in Asia. Asia going tondo it, Mr, Sultan? With true native born politeness a (French cruiser invited the. Dacia to lean 'her head upon her Breast. Too much cotton is not always e recommend and it looks:a "iriflelas if Dacia was doing some clinger -- one flirting with Uncle Sant ,befOre she 'trimmed for her trip across the ocean. The pre -conceived can,. tore by John Bull's sea dogs did not eventuate however and tee unexpected fortunately happened for the sake of diplomacy, --Re-- South Waterloo constituency has chosen John Brown as the Liberal nominee for the forthcoming Fed- eral election, No doubt the 'Con- servative party will do their best to make the old war song "John Brown's body lies a mou'derin' the grave" fit the occasion (out it may be the other fellow who ' will be the political corpse after the battle is over, Mr, Brown who is a well known farmer and cattle man whose home is near Galt, Premier Asquith speaks with every confidence of ,the final con- summation of this record break -s ing war. It's a case of the party who looked for trouble found it, and when he was wilting to cry "IPeccevi" 'the allies said, "Yes, we know you've sinned but be are going to see that you wont e sin any more, at least for many ' 'a day." 'Militarism ard all chat it stands, for must bite the :!lust; no matter what the cost. Judging by (the size, enthusiasm' and forward movement planning at the great Temperance'Coneven- x,• . i• Da ubu fe • t o neeifbe a cti.eY-• U., „ , y ' , y �:: q �„ �D IT ? Or -^to make tlione�* ,. ' rltiddlemar .'1,.; u a�re•lookin out''fof'°'?N'timber•1 if ou a'nt t ST ,h 13 � YEN e, at LOWEST O WES .RTPR : E-ou IC w1: .. w.•.... t lithey � .bray • 0 O C.0 � Eli -a , oS o6y b1 ecauseP.AGE-FEN'' , N en you and BEST. But.becauee it is sold DIRECT from Factory with,onlyasingle small•proSt between you and us FIvy Stock Taking Specials •Dutiu�hlsenext few eek§,:v1;e willsso,su[syctot}k+ li ing ons its W go oyes- our stock :a;�great.;many linea...,witi find the r 1 w'tin to r ,•_ Y our bargain lists at pricesiiwaybuYq}ypyet. For the First Week we:O,itet'; hey plior 'a Men's Leather Mitts=Wool,;lining and kt tr4,„I>;f-- 5e Men's Ties -big assortment -Reg, 25c and, 35j 1for'],5e 25 pairs OnlyMen's Braces ood ;he v, , ' .g...,., •,,, a y �P�i?.�:fig and `feather ends,police style, reg.. 2 . c for 1 .Y g S 16G 2 only ,Mens Wad*, . µea er v tcoats W, ;tit e fire .- o'fldr ' . , i add ',� � d , t9�t�e',:j . d 'inti' w�rth - 4 Y�g X56 5r $9 5 About loo men's linen collars,., odd styles and sizes i i ,t0 Clear. at.5 each or far',.., y �_ f` 20C A' very special line of Men's Odd Parits to c1eAr'at $1.05 All our' Furs and Ladies:and'Chiadretis MantLes at about ihal?f price. I See our Children's Coats at $1.98, $2.98 and -$3.50 A very special line of Ladies Coats to clearat $3.75 a Dal miss this Chance, to save Noise :-: Pluny steel fro ,S O Small Prolits MoreRuSYuess tion last week we would advise some politicians that .they had better• square .themselves, cWe hope Aro. Johnston M. P. P. of Hastings Co., attended some of the meetings .so that his moral vision might be improved. By his re-. cent ovation in the Legislature he Was evidentlygroping in the dark. -e0-- The 'Rvdro-tillectric system of Ontario has cost a pile of money, nearly $10,009,990 some folk , say. It subserve the best interests of the country I and at as low a test as possible, and shelled not be the pocket -piece of any party or come, ntunity. Is it being managed' to serve the largest constituency? 'With the scores of, uses to which the elecrtie power can be put the field of operation is almost bourd- less and the motto should ibe "Let the whole line advance." --Oe--- Big edoings have been caused by that scrap of paper' and other doings were occasioned bypu'ttine, paper in theshanks of the soldiers' boots. Lcols as if a higher code of morals is badly required and s serol meth`s P ods -•should be uillized to show people tie t' the G{gIden Rule is still in ,esis nee eve' if not overwo'k tged `' x ecl;tinnc�rtain pats'of the globe. Noss 1,aele so. blin as thoseo Viet wi r do nrrtvvint'to se nor so deaf as t hos'are dter who ter - mined not to hearJ You have heart' of folk being as crooked as a'dog's hind 145 lint that is a oor illustration in some cases, What's wanted ilio 'a'�nada is more democracy. Doisfg (things polka' ly because our r al •' e t grandfat�i •s I g ler .ata it that wayiip�l�ould be !{iele- gated to the' paq'N;wherever better methods would serve our day land generation, The 'Dominion twill soon be 60 years pfaage and sh uld fill a man's Plage. every par cu - lar, if it is ever'. ing to d' it. The country's eel 13ein Y art e• - g i noncar advat<cemet should, ave the first Ball and ttbq fellows ho have barred the way show! be pushed as_de. and men of optsrise tie: outlook, high ideals anal abt♦und ing faith in Canada's. future should have a say in affairs; All Canada needs is a chance Beeped visioned mne are wanted, 1 SPRIN��` SIIOE STYLILS- You can get all the new toes and shapes :in S riir A'F t wear here. We have all the newp g lastst!'c�m some of , the best makers, We sell shoes that•are abso- lutely the best in stylish appearance,,,quality material and workmanship -the best - you can pcssibly buy for your money: A'Wide Range of NewShapes NewSha ,e • p s and: Toes to Choose from :in both; Werner --'s and Men'sShoes • FIT -Guaranteed to bea I •`;r;r A that you cow�ri'desire loctseissa He SO `ellAPMAN Phone Tp . t,Clia'ton et ti .e; arm : 01' , eon:mare the ,PAGE -Dirnnt';M'ney `Saying ti Tay with rely,:,. -....1 +m...._ •.:.-_.._>_ , 4 Middlemen" . cilia When you buy 4 - .....i.i...., MADE 1N, CANADA '+ DIREOT from When il buy PAGE, you PRICE�LIST fence ' any SPECi 2 FENCE othe',vents, ou aveyourshare 1 HEAVY FENCE sia { ,.' pay a :',.:ran°:'hanofsa esme,na• leo ai •thort474.0te•.ci.t '4.F.=;. peg•rnoyt yVIto.•telliphdbcttdia: b iaourito.is, thefenetreaIen's $3000sogr�.ff�a • d b.6 bails Oai.tro 1 petabU •inohe• R•.et,g ?�7., �.,.:6''j youburenary. •Xo u`s be.:.6•4ezs6 ,7,4s. !:.,....' :,:zs" ' Io.6.'you buirecty your abate of 7 i0 22 5, t , 1I, Tye a ,.„::.6.,, z6ztbar. 6-- Inohr.. „.„ ,. .61hlobletrirai's:82,-74azzs,6?e,7�y5 9, it-- z6:3tit.Gatei „ ,.. 1:30FrnrzrGE -8. 42 S 16 6, '6, 6, 4;''6, 6 6.....„,,,,,,X,; .35: 13-55. Gate 4,60 of " x t ra ro tt sa colours You 8 42 liyS. 6, 6, 6 4, 6,. 6,. 6 .81 13-55. Gate 's 4.60 of "extra cost" save yOnrehare 8 47 22 4, 5, 5f� , 7,, 8 , 1,, 9 .30 14-lt. Gate „,,, 4,85 in Extra Qu al of agent or deo 1614 4, 5, 553, 7,. 8 ,.9; 9 .32 _bot tool• „„..,,,.• 8,00 9 48 22:' 6; 6, 6, 6, 6, :6, 6, 6 34 ? «». 7b sty vi Lifetime lei's 20 tD 35% : 9 48 16yS 6, 6, 6; 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .36 25 ►ba. Brace wire .„ .„, Service aY,• u0 enmmisssou, 9 52 if -4,. 4, 5, 515, 7, 8 , 9, 9 ,.,, .34... 25. ibe. stairle• :80 extra. coat.:. You eitve' your A !, 4, 5, 5y5 7, 8, 9- 9..,. ,36 :. 10. 4s- 16 3,; 3 3, 4;. S',¢, 27, �yy, 8 ',38 Ma i y0um or share of the 10 52 16 3 ' PR6IGIIT PA►D ON ORDERS j O dealer's , 3, 3; 4. 5 , 7,, 8 4, 9 .48 der r DA"y- cost of cal s c t e 11 56' 16 3 3 3 0 3 O . 0O 45 7 s: 8 1 0 OR OVER 3 . 9 41 t Vit .Free'' �. ,. before 'spring 'Free blond New Ontario Prices on Request, BALL HULL No. 9' GAUGE - rush sets in. sion to Florida "• S.17LL yourself DEPT. it% 64 Page Vire fence Cwldt113r Kin Street West,IOROVTOaPnad e FnFcVe L - S7 Ohur.,ch Street,ti•���„iSLIiI]RV1LL)J 4+'enceV,aluyfcr your money ■S &Si 1 13ns311'.. irAce .^v4�iiA: r,-..; y egCilli✓ralltJ egati1'IIwReettzenr4, +c m_,.�.•fna8See.' 5 ,,