HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-02-11, Page 4Thursday, February 11th, `1Q� LEE (.i.INTON NEW ERA'. 'PAGE, FIVD The "Hellyar" Watch The movement of a "Hellyar" Watch is as nearlYy perfect as possible — that is why it has brought to our store so many people who must al- ways have accurate time. There are several grades of "Hellyar" movements all trust• worthy. We have to be partic- ular about the finish and time -keeping qualities of the lowest priced watch that beaes our name, "Hellyar" watches must satisfy the purchaser. W. 8e IIELI,YAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE •aPORSI sap AND i PilIs i Made to Your Order Call and see our stock Repairs Done Promptly 1` k Byam & Sutter s t Sanitary Plumbers Phone7. Visanlwwes DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece r1 of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be ;cleaned and oiled occasignallr to keep Ment time. •r ..With tcchproper keep per ecare fectltham time for a lifetime. It will pay you 0,01 to let us clean your watdr ,•'every 12 orr8. months. W. R. counter Jeweler and Optician •••OOt.0N0•0SNS•000OS00 N0 I services in the different departments' of missionary work, , IMr. and Mrs. Thomas Stephens. of the Queen's Hotel, celebeated the 50th anniversary ofaheir marriage, at tht i+' home here on Sunday lriet, when `they were the recipients of a shower of core gratulation and goodwishes. Besides these they were presented with a efamily,several purse ofgold bythe ver uvenir poonand gold. mounted umbrellas and many other tokens of affection from relatives and friends,. Mr, and Mire. Stephens were married in London on January 30, 1805, - coming direct to Seaforth, then a village of some 300 population, and here' they heve spent the whole of their married lite. The funeral of the late Jacob T b Schmidt, who died at the home, of his son-in•law, Mr, J. G. Docherty, of Eg mondville took lace to the Maitland 0 P P Bank cemetery, Mr, Schmidt had: rencbed the age of 83 years. The proceeds of the bachelors' end benedicte' dance, amounting .to $355, has, been handed over to the Red Oroes Society. Thi. makes 8100 the net pro coeds of two dances, which have been devoted to that worthy'ohject, Te n and Country 00000N00l0Y000t•)•oo000sosa Brussels At a patriotic dance (held in 'th'e town hall 'on IWednesd<'ty'night342 was raised. There was a good turnout and everybody had a got d 'time. 1 The annual meeting o the Rural Telephone Company wilt he held inthe town hall on Tuesday af- ternoon. A gang of men 6av . been busy'duringthe past week taking dwn the Bell elephone, poles inside the corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, of 'town, cele- brated ele- b ted their golden weeding on Tuesday evening and were the re- cipients of a purse of gold from a company of their friends, Brussels was without a mail of any kind, owing to the blockade last week, from Monday afternoon until Thursday night when a rig from Palmerston drove up with the mail There was a large attendance' at the monthly horse fair held on Thursday. Blyth. Mr. James McAlurchie who has been town treasurer for the pall: two years, has resigned the posi- tion, and at the! last conecn meet- ingMr. James Strothers received the -appointment, Miss Ena Jewiitt, who was in Toronto last week trying her jurflor• singing examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, w'as successful. The Presbyterians have been taking a vote for the past two weeks for other new elders to take the place of two who have died and one 'whoa has. left here. 'The result of the voting was that Dun- can Laidlaw, 'Harry Young and R. B. McGowan received the highest number of votes. The young men of (the town held a very success fol dance c in the Commercial Hotel on Friday night. A number who \ z c ero••r' invited we,... unable to attend on account of the rainy night and the bad state of the roads,buta there was good attenance and all 'seemed enjoy oy th emsehes, The ,^lintnr, five -piece orchestra furnished the music which was highly appreciat- ed. c A sitting of the Divisional Court "Wee held before his Honor Judge Holt, in. Industry Hall; on (Friday. There was only one case, Heaver vs. Johnstone; which was settled in favor of the defendant. Seaforth An interesting part of the program at the last regular meeting of the Women's Missionary Auxilliary of the. Presbyterian church was the presentat to Mrs, Alex. Wilson of it certificate of life membership in the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Mrs. Wilson ex- pects ro' leave Seaforth permanently in the near future and the members wished in this way to give expression to their appreciation of her long con- nection with the society and willing Patriotism and Production Agricultural Conference Under the Dominion department of Agriculture, in co-operation with [the Ontario Department of Agriculture, will be held in the Town Hall, c • - SEAFORTI-I on friday, feb.1211i 3 p m. -"The Duty and the Op- nortunity Of the Canadian Farmer" (a), In Relation to 'Farm Crops." (ay, In Relation to 'Farm Crops. WILLIAM SQUIRREL, B. S. A., Associate Professor of Meld Hus- bandry, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. 01. In PAUL Relation to Live Stock. E. ANGLE, B. S. A., Simcoe. 7,30 'p. m. -In addition to the above speakers, A. H. MUSGROVE M. P. P., and others will address the meeting, Issuer of Marriage Licenses l GOD SAVE THE KING! -- U R JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. Newtype and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing g THE 'NEW ERA, CLINTON Of dainty character, for'Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design tut ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here ars the finest creations of the furniture makers. craft, and at prices that will temp the wise ana discrimtuatiug buyer. , The Che,apest Spot, he /harem to buy all kinds of Furniture Furniture lOteaters Wild Funeral Directors -Phone 1O4 N. Wall,110 —. ESli'ri ti 1113tC1G P1oI48i0I:5-- s1 .Y. . Atkinson 185 sir .,.,xcvsar urs^ ri•cmcererwrzeeravaatcn Londcshoro J. 'McAllister of 'Monsall spent Saturday with his friend, Kirk Lyons. Rob'tTownsend of (Ilfritton spent. Sunday 'here, Birth';, Marriages t Doatlls •.•-o-- BIRTHS. Johnston -In Clinton on ,Feb. 1st, to Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Johnston. a son. Cook -To Clinton on 'Feb 1st to Mr. and Mrs, W. Cook a song Speranza -fn, 'Clinton on Wed• nesday (Feb. 10th, to Mr. and Airs. N. Speranza a son. DEATHS. ' Midd!teton-In Gcder'ic'h to\vmship on Sunday 'Feb. 7th, Bertha Id, Hayter, wife of Mr. John R. Mid- dleton; aged 28 years, 4 months and 3 days. - Rcid-In Clinton on Wedn : da Y I Feb.]0th Lucer.cle A.Clark, a me loved wife of Mr. Chas. H Reid, or Brucefrld . ageded 31 years 0 Months s hod 12 days. Lockwood -In Tacoma, Wash, U. S., John Lockwood, aged 73 years formerly of Clinton e ddYk ll6561WW1111W Local News Lec\ll!lra0M1 SPEAKS AT THE CLUB. Mr. Wm. IProudfoot, K. C., M. P. P., for rewire 'Huron, will address the 'Clinton Chub on Friday even- ing of this week, MET 'HERE ON TUESDAY. The 'House of Refuge Committee Council met hero of the Countye on Tuesday and went into the various lcontracts and `accounts, They found the 'Home in excellent order. ar WOODMEN OF THE WORLD ELECT OFFICERS. Lodge No. 76, of the Woodmen of the World, Clinton, held their election of officers in the lodge room on Monday evening Of thin week, and 't'here was a very fair attendance.. They expected that an organizer will be here probab ly next week to look up new mem hers and get the local ledge in a flourishing. condition. The officers elected for the ensuingterm were C. C.-Sov. Ladd. V. C.-Sov. Arthur Cantelon. Banker.-Sov. P'ook. Escort,-Sov. R. Bell. Cleric-Sov. Witte. Board ot''Mana.gers.-Sova. W. G. Smyth, 3. L. Kerr and 0. Crich. Watchman-Sov. Jas. Livermore The Lodge meets the second and fourth 'Monday's of each month in the lodge room in the Stavely Building. All members are cordis ly invited to attend 'these meetings. A LIBERAL CLUB ORGANIZED. On Monday 'evening of titis week a Liberal Club was organized for Clinton and surrounding townships and meetings are to be held the first Thursday and Thirds Thurs- days of each month, but the rooms will be open every evening for all Liberals. Mr. Thos. McMillan, the Liberal Candidate for South Hnr•- on was present and gave, an inter seting talk on Liberalism and urged that a Liberal Club he form cd.:The officers elected for the year were:-- Heel': (Pres. -W. Brydone, Hon, Vice -Dr. Shaw. :('res, -Wm, McEwan. • VL,thL'4Pres-J. L. Kerr. Sena -Those Hawkins. Tre ° s Wm, lPlumeteel. Ertb'cutive.-Geo. McLennan. Alex Cudm'bre, T. Watts, L. 'Paisley, P, Reynolds and J. "Blondy" Cook. This organization wi,llbe kno'."n as the Young Liberal Club of Clin ton. Speakers willbe brought in from time to time, of which due announcement will be made/ The membership is placed at a low fig ure and allLiiberals are asked to to see any one of the officers and become members. At present the rooms ,are over Mayor Jackson's store. :Literature, )tables, chairs ec have been ordered and everything Will be running smoothly on 'the next sheeting night, 'the last Thurs. day of this month, (the 25th, inst, MONAMMANO III'rilnes of Peace ln`Tilnes of War z 'Eyesight Your 'E e si� is Essential Failing Vision -an enemy, to comfort and pleasure -can be nursed into normal condi Lion by glasses tha t-accur• atelp focused, ground and ad jueted-meet the necessary requirements. 'war with your eyes To he at y is taking a dangerous chane. -a condition that need nor exist. Avoid all such folly by wearing geneses that will n sure happiness and content went. A. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician ' Issuer of Marriage `■ ■■Liceennsse■sE �1r6■,�y y��� tvvlv`. r'11'1f'1TY�+MSV`i�i'�7�: The ,Covenant Bible Class has reached a membership of 65 on its way to the One hundred aimed at this near. Watch the Covenant.", grow ! A S't. Velentir-e's Social is en the program for 1Feb. 15 next in the lecture -room ur-der the auspices of The tiIovenant Adult • Bible Class. Program, St. Valentine featurse and refreshments. Thee young 1•eople of the church are Making this a. rallying right. Next Sabbath's sereices will 1l , taken by the minister Rev. Frank .Ha Harper B.r F en.z 21s wall be r ' Communion Sunday n 1 in r o the evening Rev. Alex. McMillan Secretary of Church Praise in the General Assembly, will address the congregation. WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached last Sunday and held Communion in the morning. The W. M, S. are holding a Rehher Social at the home of Mrs, Chas. Wallis ennight-Thursday. Rev. E. G. Powell will preach morn ing and evening next Sunday. BAPTIST CHURCH. The pastor occupied his own pulpit on Sunday both morning and evening. The sermons were both earnest and helpful. especial- ly the evening, being the second of a series of sermon's' on' the Bible. The pastor and Miss Lillian 7FaIr- fn1 sang a duet. The Ladies Mifssion 'Circle met on Monday evening With a goon number of members 'ireuent. The pastor gave a shor taddrees. .The Circle in the past ghee always clivided ?their cfferinzgnd bel:wee't' Home and /Foreign aGra• d Ligne Missions. The -Circle have decided to undertake -to educatea retive student in nldia. Next Wednesday evening Feb. 17th, a'Mi,isionary birthday even- ing will be held at the home of pastor at 7,30. There will be a short program also a, :ellectiaon taken in aid of the Ladies Mitelon ICirlce. Everyone is asked to bring a cent for every year of their age those who cannot afford to bring a cent bring what you can in a sealed. All 'the members are cur- uially inv;tcd. 0000000000000000000060000• Local News 00000..00000000000000.0000 DIED SUDDENLY. On Wednesday afternoon Lu!••. cencle A. C. Clark, beloved wife o' Chas. 'H. Reid of Brucefield pass, d away at the hospital here at the age of 31 years, 9 months and 12 days. A family of small children .survive besides the sorrowing hus- band. The funeral will , be held to the Bayfield cemetery, SKATING .PARTY AND SUPPED. The School or 'Commerce 1"al;l their annual skating patty and upper on Wednesday evening of this week. A good time was spent by all. JOHN LOCKWOOD DEAD. ooteesep0000o0000000 o - WITH TRF CHURCHES. a s 0 0000060 001000000000. a* ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Servieea on Sunday next will be cons—Meted the pastor; Rev. S, A lain. a. Special Social evening for young People on Monday'ever in next. Junior League on:r Friday even- ing -at Seven o'clock, WILLIS culmen Large congregations are the rule loth morning and evening sere_ ices. The growth of the congrega` tion recent y has necessitated the increase in nutnbers. of the :Kirke - eessiOn, "and three more eide•e v-i11be elected and ordaincd .ac {.� e The older citizens were indeed sur- prised to learn on Monday. that word bad been received by Chief Wheat ey of the death of Mr. John Lockwood at Tacoma, Wasbingron, He left Clinton in 1885 and has never been hack. He is survived by. one sister, Mrs, Trouse, of town, who is the last member of the family. It will be remembered that Mr. Lockwood's' name was mentioned in "Reminiscences of Clinton," WILL HOLD SUPPER, The Ladies. of Ontario St, Church intend holding a supper in the church on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, Full particul ars will be given next week, News from the Women's Patriotic .Association The ladies of the Women's ,patri- otic Society wish. to 'thank the la- diee from the surrounding country for joining with thrm and snaking . a L or Society such a success. , L cl es. from Sumrrierl.Hi, Aulhurn Unit` .Club on the 16th, 'Maitland concese sion and many others have work• ed very diligently 'and have shown a keen interest in Patriotic work. Many of the girls of the Jackson factory, although so busy from morning hill night, find time tr do a great deal of sawing ar d krifit tg for the Worse r s Pat •1' ! Society after 'work hours. This shows a ,true .Patriotic spirit, and is deserving ofggreet. praise, A cheque. for $325 front 1.h.. L a,lirs SALE OF Home—mace COO I('ING 7the Women's Association of Willis Church P ur' pose hold- ing a sale of Home-made Cooking IN_ THE Council Chamber ON Saturday Afternoon tel' 27111. Aid of Wesley Church and 31•) from the Covenant Bible Class of Willis Church was gratefully re- ceived by the Women's Patriotic Society of Clinton, Ontario. Every lady come to the 'Council 'Chamber Friday afternoon, Feb. 26 The ladies, of the Womens' Petrie - the Society will hold an exhibition of work at which tea will be serv- ed by 'tire members of the Society .A box for contributions will ue placed near the door. Early Spring Unless Old Scotch Lay fails s The bear didn't see his shadow n the , n ho Tuesday and e ro r d las a a Y g g didn't come •out. It should indi- cate an early spiing. Official wea- ther prognosticators have not muc9h'faite in the old Schotch lay, and they disclaim even the . slight- est superstition, 'and the official record of the Dominion meteoro- logical office at Toronto for 17 Bard back rather backs them u . It P t shows. - 1993 -Mild ...spring followed Feb, 2, which was cloudy. r 1893 --Day was clear, and . gold Weather followed. 1900 -King Sol, was hidden but Weather following was cold. 1901 -Cloudy: spring las cold. 1902 and 1003-1Vfild spring came Cloudy her ..1 d ou :Ater Candlemas Da s. •Y 1901 -Sufi did Lot shine, but the spring was cold. 1905 -Cold (weather followed bright, clear clay. 1906 -Sun shone brightly but spring was mild. 1907 and 1900 -Moderately cold weather prevailed."o-lowing elou^ Candlemas Days. 1908 -Cold weather after abright day. 1910' -Sunny day; spiing came early. 1911 -The sun shone nbt on Feb.• 2, yet cold weather came after. 1912 -Severe weather, although the sun was hidden by clouds. 1913 -Coldest spell Of winter af- ter groundhog saw his shadow. 1914-iC1oudle;es, Might day; February and early part of March saw continuous cold weather. Over The Teacups n00000nene®000500000000000 IYIr. Will Harland of Guelph was in town on Tuesday. 'Mrs. John MacMillan of Blyth was the guest of 'Miss Ida'Ma.cLen- nan last week. Mise Jennie Taylor of London is the guest of 'Miss. Mabel Kerr. Ivo. Clerk Lane, of Godericir, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Kathleen Gonne, of London is visiting with old friends 7 in town. Miss Lizzie Shanahan is 'visiting friends at London. Mr. Thou. McMillan, Liberal Can- didate for South Huron, was in town on 'Monday night and ed - dressed a Liberal meeting in the committee rooms. Mise ,Mary Chant leaves 'on Fri- day 'of this week for Auburn, N. Y., to resume 'her position after a brief holiday at the parental home here 1 Mrs. P. Watson, of Brussels, is visiting 'relatives and friends in Clinton and locality. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan, of Blyth, who have been in Toronto for the past couple ' of months, arrived here the other 'day and wil not return to blyt'h for ;some tir.7e as Mrs. Sloan's health has not im- proved mur'h, Mies A. Pickett, of Winnipeg who has been visiting, in town for the last few weeks, 'left ,to- day for Park Hill, where she will visit at lite home of her sister, Mrs, Baird Mr. !and Mrs. John Linder of Tor onto are the guests of their dangh terfirs. Jamas Doig Mr. Jas. Doig, who has been ur- der the weather for sometime is still confined to his room: Miss Jean MacTaggart returned Moncl•,v evening front n fol tnic•h1',. visit in 'Hamilton. Miesss Stcala rorip hos issue`' i L., dutiat S. S. Nn. 10, 7inlletl, where she has taught suer agfiill 9 '1 I years.At ,hti 1 riai for three time, the trustees in accordance with the School law advertised for a Normal trained tco.'her'. n•n" applied and hi'd to be accepted, even though the tr is'tees mere per feetdv'setisfie d with Miss •'OpThi work, 'However the school heer,mr vacant again on the first of Feh- rnaip end Wee Com) eves rr-enga7 ed. She is an excellent teneher and has been very popular so net everyone in No. 10 is dela 1 td that her absence from them w:., pro e1 ort, DIr: (,Fred Alcock of ,'Hamilton, February Stock Takin.Specials During the next few weeks we will be busy stocktaking and over v oar stock ar g e.lt many lines will find their wayinto our bargain lists at prices away below cost. [01' the First Week we Utter file FollowIng Men's Leather Mit s -»Wool lining and knit cuff --25c - Men's Ties—big assortment—Reg 25c and 35c for 15e J' 25 pairs onlyMen's Braces, good heavy webbing and leather ends; ., police style, reg. 25C for 15c ' 2 only Men's Black Beaver Overcoats with large fur collar and quilted lining worth th $I .50 tor $9.75 About loo men's linen collars—odd styles and sizes to clear at 5 each or 6 for..:., 25c A very special line of Men's Odd Pants to clear at $1.25 All our Furs and Ladies and Childrens Mantles at about half price. See our Children's. Coats at $1.98, $2.98 and $3.50 A very special line of Ladies Coats to clear at $3.75 UMW :: Don't Mils this Chance 10 save Money :-: Plurnsteel � os. Small Profits csammansammarn More Business spent tate week end in town the guest of his aunt, Mrs. 'Chiclley. Miss Fanny Blackstone of Gode- rich was calling on friends in' town on Saturday. Major Rance and CapteinsE. M. MacLean and C. W. Dowding, came up from London camp last heore- dayto help celebrate Mr. W jack -- eon's birthday. 'Mrs. Adam McKfcnzie returned' home last :Friday from Brussel s. 'Iei visit there was lengthened by several days owing to the truing nblocked. lerg Mr. 'Herbert G.' Fawcett of Bridge burg, and formerly of Clinton, who passed the Civil Service Exams at 'Hamilton last May, has received a position as clerk in the Agricul- tural Dept. at Ottawa. His many friends here wish him as good suc- cess at his work as he had at the (:tams. Mr. and Mrs. H. toennebaker spent the week end in Goderieh. The Mises Wilkin entetrtainecl their girl friends on Tuesday night of this week. Mrs. Greig, mother %of Mrs. J. Jackson jr., and Mr. Thos. Greig, of town had the misfortune tc• fall and break her arm last Sun- da y. Rev. and Mrs. Rutledge left for' Baltimore on Thursday, where the :Dr. undergoes treatment, His many friends in Clinton and Lon- dori7Conference 'hope for speedy recovery. Mrs. Ratledge's ad- dress will be 610 North Broadway,. Baltimore, 'Maryland. Mrs. Rev. Allis and Miss Sybil , ewere ..ourtic a Seaforth t on Tries day attending a 'Missionary meet- ing. g Mrs. Um. Cooper received a cablegram on Wednesdny • , from r her daughter,Mrs.Struthers, • �roll r ors, ar.- nouncing the safe arrival of their party at Shang-hai. Dr. and Mrs. Struthers will !remain there for few days before going on to Wei- hwei. Miss Ciaodier and Mrs. Thomp- son of Newburg are the guests of their brother, Dr. Gandie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevenson left on Monday for Thornlo•e, New On- tario, where 'Mr. Stevenson will go into business, Both Mr. anis Mrs. Stevenson have many warm friends in town rind they will abs be greatly missed both in church and social circles. Miss Marloria Elliott of Mitchell is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. D. A. •Forrester. COMING to: eLINTON- THE DORENWEND 00, of TORONTO LIMITED, Canada's foremost hair goods establishment, will display and demonstrate a sample stock of the latest hair goods fa.hions for ladies, and toupees and wigs for bald men, at the Rattenbury House on Wednesday, February the 24th FOR LADIES-Dorenwend's Transformation by overcoming every defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at your best always, Switches, Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets, Etc., of the finest quality hair and Lfnurpassed workmanship. You are invited to inspect these goods, Gentlemen ! Are You Bald ? A Dorenweud Art Hair Toupee will make you appear years younger and will prove a benefit to your health and comfort. Indetectable, Featherweight Ily5enic Remember the Date Wednesday, February 24th 1 February Specials - minsOMMIMMENIERMinmprpReuriumiw We have still a few special lines we will clean up at a price that will clear them out as we do not wish to carry them over to another season. 3o pairs Boys heavy' laced boots all sizes Regular $2.00 -Cleanup price ...... ........... 30 o pairs Youth's heavy avy laced boots all sizes, Regular 1,5o and 1.75—Clean up.... 26 pairs Child's kid laced boots, sizes 5, 6' 7, 71, regularular $1 to $1.25—Clean Clei n uPPrice ed t Phone 70 emeamenemanneereiescanaammegaseamo 1 1.48 I 1.28 Clilltoia manna aiermeemarmsevereataseeeseane