HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-02-11, Page 3Thursday, December 31st, 1814.
Thursday, i'ebruary 11th 1911it "
Desirable Real Estate may be sold at any time or season.. A good many shrewd buyers wait for the so.called
unfavorable seasons in which to snake their investments
and they are watching °the"ads.
Deady -
to -Wear
Phone 78
C�uch &Co.
Dry Goods
First Arrival of
New Spring O
We have been busy all week opening up new
Spring'goods. It is the first showing that awakens
thoughts of springin our minds, Each and every
season brings new things to this store. We are
showing New Scotch Ginghams, New Prints, New
Towelings, New Linens, New French Cambric, New
Dress goods, New Nainsooks, New Sheeting and
February Specials
Spe;c'ial No. 1-
Ladies & Misses Cloth Skirts
We have about 2 dozcn Ladies
and Misses cloth skirts all new this
season. They are made of good
quality serge and French t'anama
colors Black, ' Navy and Tweed
mixtures, sizes 23, 24, 25, 26 and
27 inches waist meas-
ure. Reg 5.5o for 1,98
See these iu Window
Special No. •t—
Ladies Cloth Dresses
Only 5 Ladies Cloth Dresses left
small sizes J4 and 36, made of all
.wool serge, colors Black and Navy
.Regular $8,0o and 5
$9, for
• 98
Special No. 3—
Children's Cloth Dresses
Only 7 Children's Cloth dresses left..
Navy, made of good quality serge, sizes �
1 �9
6,8y and lo ears. .Reg. E$4 for
Special i%o. 4—
. Odd
Odd Furs
We have about' 15 odd pieces of fur leftincluding
Marmot, Oppossum, Coney and Goat
sold as high as $8. your choice 2 u 9 8
Double Track all the Way
Toronto' ChicagoTorOnto-fitontreal
Unexcelled 'Frain Service
Highest Class of Lquipment
Winter Tours to Caliturnia
Florida and Sunny south
Fast Trains—Choice of Routes
Low Fares now in effect
(For, (full particulars consult G. T.
R. Ticket Agents or write
John Ransford &Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. 0. Pattison, station agent
C. R. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station. Toronto, Ont
Male Help Wanted
$15 weekly for few hours w o n k i
your home locality showing g
samples to your friends and neigh
hors. Men wanted everywhere. annum off for cash: Guarantee—Any
Samples free. represented to be in calf, and
re r
The Co Operative Union,
Windsor, Ont, found not to be by April let, can be
returned and cash or note will be re.
tunded. Ample room for horses and
sale conducted under cover, if stormy,,.
G. Holiond, T. Gundry,
proprietor auctioneer`:
- funeral service was conducted' on
Tuesday at the family residence
and interment made at Bayfield l
( cemetery.
Last week Mr. E.'H.`Wise defier--
- Stanley
iSecretarv:Mia. D, Geddes, Treasurer
Mr. Alex. Sparks of the Second of
Stanley left on Monday to reside for
some time at Blake. Mr. Sparks and
wife purpose taking a trip to they' Wes•
tern Provinces during the Summer.
They have been on the Second for the
lase, six years and were quite and ohlig
ing neighbors. Mr. Sparks Bold his
farm last fall and his stock and imple'
ments last week. The sale last week
was largely attended.
Mies Ella Graham has been visiting
iu Blyth for the last two weeks.
Miss Kate McDiarmid of Seaforth
was visiting at the home of Mr. Thos,.
Baird during last week.
Mr, Thos. Baird and wife were visit
ing at the home of Mr. Hugh McDiae
mid of Seaforth this week.
Mrs. George B.tird, who has been ill
for the last two months, is slowly irn
proving at present.
Boar for Service
Rev. J, G. Reid spent a few days
last week in Toronto visiting his bio
they Rev. Jos, Reid of that city.
There are a fe ,v cases of measles in
the village.
The Londesboro branch of the Wo
men's Institute met at the commodious
residenne of Mrs. Harry Little, 13 h
con. Hullett, on Thursday afternoon
Mr. M. hill took a sleigh load of the
members from the village, and a most
enjoyable time was spent, Miss E,
Hill gave a paper on "Some Advau
tages of Life in the Country," Mise L.
Shobrook also gave a very interesting
paper. It was decided that the Society
would hold their annual pie social on
Good Eriday evening (April 2nd) in
the dining room of the Temperance
House; and the program will be given
in the Temperance bell. Mrs. Little
served lunch in her very amiable etyle
and was heartily thanked by the Semi
sty for her Kind hospitality. The
meeting was then brought to a close
by singing the National Anthem.
Miss Alice Younghlut will open n
dress making:shop to March 15th in
connection with Mr. D, Geddes' store
Miss Youngblut is a firsttelass artist in
this line and solicits the patronage of
the ladies of the community.
A concert in aid of the Patrotic
Fund will be given in the township
hall on Tuesday evening Feb. 23ed. A
good program consisting of dialogues
readings, solos and quartettes is being
prepared, Mr. H. McGee of Auburn
will also assist. Admission 95o,
Mr. L. Woodman was visiting his
parents, Mr. and Pills. Woodman, last
Mr. Cott of Goderich spent the week
end at Mr. A. Radlord's,
Mrs. Rev:Koine entertained the
members of the Woman's Missionary
Society of the Methodist Church on
Wednesday afternoon. A very enjoy
able time was spent and a large num
ber were present.
The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian
Church met at the manse on Tuesday
afternoon. This was their annual
meeting and the offices elected for the
year were,—President, Mrs. Rev. Reid
Miss c aldwell
Mr. T, Miller is in G'orrie this week
attending a meeting of a fire insurance.
; ered two fine young Shorthorn
hulls one to 'Mr. John Shanahan of
VV Mr, Thns. ffifller Londeshor'o's jovial
coal merchant took a sleigh load of
young people to the beautiful 'home of
Mit ,find Mrs. Geo. Moen on Tuesday
evening. It is needless ti, say :this u
crowd enjoyed tnenaselves to the very
Having purchased from Mr. George
Elliott, a. thorobred Berkshire hog, I
will kelp the same for service at lot
131, let Con, Stanley. Terms $100 at
time, of service with privilege of re
turning if necessary. J. T. Ashton.
Tenders Wanted •
Tenders will he received by the
Council of Hullett up to 2 p,m. on
Thursday the 4th of March for the
building of a new bridge at Harlock on
S R 5 and 6, Con. 12, with Cement
abutments and re enforced steel super
structure—length between abutments
to be 33ft and 11ft roadway. The law
est or any tender not necessarily
accepted, James Campbell, Clerk.
Auction Sale 01 Cattle
Mr, George Holland of Holmesyille
has instructed the undersigned to sell
by pablic auction, at Holmesville, on
Wednesday, Feb. 17th, at 1.30, the fob
lowing choice stock, 8 new milch cows,
12 cows coming in Mareb or April, 3
farrow cows, 8 bead of young cattle, 8
young calves, I roan Durham bull 1
year old. Terms -810 and under cash,
over that amount 9: months credit on
approved joint notes of 0 per cent per
Bev. IH, Woods was ableetc) take
up his work on Sunday af. er two
monit'hs illness. •
Harry Smith, a young English-
ngliihman, 'w'ho has lately 'been working
for George (Walke t •o; Tucker -
has enlisted for the, war.: 'He Serv-
ed as a volunteer in England.
Lyle 'Hili, of Tuckersmith, yuang
est son of George 'Hill, formerly
of our village has enlisted •and
gone Ito Toronto. 'He has ' beep
taking a course in Guelph Agri-
cultural College. His many friends
wish him God speed. -
13. R. Higgins took charge of th
services in Varnaand Blake on
Sunday, owing to the • illness of
Rev. Mr. Johnston.
David Bell and wife attend d
the funeral of Mr. Bell's
•Mrs. 'Jo'hn Turner of 'Seaforth on
Sunday. She was buried at Oabrd'-s
cemetery.. ` I.
Mrs. Jacob Diehl passed away
very suddenly on Monday eight
at the horse of her son, John Sni-
der. She has been ill for some
time but no one throughtt her end
time but • no one thought her end
so near.' She formerly lived in
in Stanley but has lived for some
years; in our village. Her husband
died some years ago.
Mortgage for Sale
$1500 at 6 per cent. Good Security.
Terms on application. W. 13rydone.
Choir Leader Wanted
Choir Leader wanted for St. And
rew's Presbyterian church, Blyth.
Apply to Jos, Stothers, Sec. Treas.
Carpenter Work
I. am ready to do all kinds of
carpenter work. Will take any con
tract wnr1C or by the day.
John 1)ayment, Orange sl'.
Seeds Free to Farmers
Do you grow corn? If sn, you will
want to find out how to increase your
yield. At present an important net
tonal subject'. We grow our seed on
the blank silt loan And blue clay of
:Kent County. Endorsed by the
Ontario. Corn Growers'.Asseciation.
Ssrnples ready. Send for free bade,
"How to (Trow Seed Corn;" sent to
you cheerfully on request, 'Pioneer
Corn Growere, Chat , Ont K' nt
County, P. 0, Box 107.
Prohibit Drunkenness
in 33rd Regiment
Col, Wilson Very Emphatic on this.
Point ---Officers Support Him ,
As far as lies within the power
of the officers of the Thirty-third .;
Battalion, (drunkeness and rowdi-
ness in the regiment will be prolii
kited at the camp lat London. ol.
IWilson is very emphatic 'o0 .thee
point, 'end is Strongly euppoited
by his' superior officers. They
are determined that the battalion
shall be known Tor the gentleman-
ly eondtiet of the (men composing
it, ns well as for Ate fighting effi-
ciency. Discipline on `this point
bill lie very s'tr'ict, 'unci urciesir-
ables will be weeded ;o ut. The
first step in the "we )(ling pat
process 'Was taken last week, When
three or, four who had been clime-
ing hquell y incl acting in. a rowdy
manner were Ciismiesed and sent
1 ome..The; •;ilryi canteen is beitit
Hullett and The other to Mr, Ed.
Eckmier of Dublin, These are
extra' good ones and will no doubt
be very creditable to their owners
Intended For Last Week.
Mr. Robt, Johnston, of Woad -
stock, was the guest of friends
around Clinton ever Sunday.
Mr, Rolly Jerkins entertained a
Lumber. of hie friends at his home
on. Monday night.
The good people from Porter's
Hill gave Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Thompeon, of the 16th, a surprise
party last week. Everybody en-
joyed themselves.!
Miss Rea Keys, of Stanley, is
,at the home of her cousin
'0/Jiss Flossie Cole, for a couple of
Mr. Robt. Chaff has thcs contract
for 'the wood for school rection No.
10, and is busy working at it.
Mrs. John Thompson has install-
ed the telephone in her house.
Mr. Frank 'Perdue sold 'three,
horses a few days ago at a good
figure. They Will 'be taken West.
1t1r. Ike Rathwell sold n bunch of
fat cattle' last week to Will Taylor
of Varna.
Godrrich Toa nship
W. 7'. Elliott, a well known far-
mer, died very bed !only lastThers
day morning of some apparently
strange form of suffocation or
strangulation shortly after ' Dr.
Shaw hod- been called in. The doc-
tor, who arrived early in the morn
ing, found Mr. Elliott breathing
with difficulty, and summoned an-
other physician for consultation,
surgical (treatment apparently be-
ing required, but the sufferer 5000
expired. He had not been ill until
Wednesday, when he complained
di some (trouble with his breath-
ing. He was about 50 years of age
and:many relatives live in this dis-
trict. 'He leave;., besides his wife,
a. daughter. Tlie funeral was held
on Saturday and was largely at-
Wife Dead.—On Sunday last
Bertha M. 'Hayter, beloved wife of
John R. Middleton, aged 28 years
4 months and 3 days, passed away.
She is survivedn by her husband
and a family of small children, a
sbn being boric Jan. 25th. The
Joseph Freeman.
David Ferguson died on Mor day
at the home of his 'daughter.
Mrs. Ball s., and grant d tughter
Miss Olive Wright is spending a
week with Goderieh friends.
Wm Stewart of Clinton spent
a feW ,dayhs with his son Charles
U neon S. S. No. 2, 'Hullett.
4th Claes.—Grace Gli.lddn, Doro-
thy Marquis and Clifford Tyndall
even, Bernard Reynolds.
Sr. 3rd.—Eliza, Johnston.' Gertrude
Bayley, Violet Gliddon, . Myrtle
Jr. 3rd. —Maggie Johnston, Mar-
jorie Glew, Harold Clew, Milton
Johnston, Chester Glidden.
Sr. 2.—Willis VanEgmond, Eddie
Dale, Bella East.
C. 'H. Holland, Teacher.
Mrs. 1111. Forster has returned to
her home in St. Catharines after a
few weeks visit at 'the home •of
W. B. ,Forster.S
Mr. Gmrie nyder is home again
after a 1e'Iv weeks stay with friends
in Waterloo and vicinity.
Mr. • Jacob Rebel is around re-
newing old acquaintances after
an •absence of about 25 years.
Mr. Alex Mclvlurchie, a former
resident in this vicinity is visiting
former friends Isere and in Gode-
rich. t
Mr. John Durst was down Toren
to way -last week looking up some
'thorobred stock.
Mrs. M. 'Holtzhauer returned last
week from it short visit with
Ifriends in Berlin and Waterloo. •
Rev. rF. J, 5:iatherford is con-
ducting revival services at Zion
North appointment this week.
Everybody weleome.
James Snell, is attending the
Sheep Association in. Toronto. •-
(Fred iPrest who has been engag
ed with George Scales for the past
year left ut join then volunteers at
last week.
Mrs. Jas. Scut'heombe is spend-
ing this week with her sister in
'Mrs. (Herb, Oakes spent last week
with her aster Mrs. (!red Shah-
' rock.
The house of 'Henry Freeman
was burned to the ground on
Tuesday of last week when the
chimney took fire, Mr. Freeniaa
was carried 'to the home of his son
TOT I1 1( J. :
The E . ire's Cali. tcd,
z -)"mers
"Approximately twenty million men have been mobilized in Europe. A large pro-
portion of these have been withdrawn from the farms of the countries at war. Even in
neutral countries large numbers of food producers have been called from the land to be
ready for emergencies. It is difficult for us to realize what will be the effect on food pro-
duction through the withdrawal of several million men from all the great agriculture'
countries of Europe. These millions cease to be producers, they Have become consumers,
—worse still, they have become destroyers of food."
HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculture.
Britain roust have food—food this year,
and food next year. Britain is looking to
Canada to supply most of that food. We
are sending our surplus now, but we must
prepare for a larger surplus
this year and next year.
Patriotism and Production
must go hand in hand.
Because of this need of
the Empire for more food, and
the call to Canada in that
need, the Canadian Depart-
ment. , of Agriculture has
arranged for a series of Conferences
throughout the Dominion with the object
of giving suggestions as to the best ways of
increasing production of the particular
products needed at this time. At these con-
ferences agricultural specialists, who have
studied agricultural conditions and produc-
tion throughout the world, and the best
means of increasing agricul-
tural production in Canada,
will give valuable information
and suggestions to the farm-
ers, live -stock men, dairymen,
poultrymen, vegetable
growers, and other producers
of this country. The Canad-
ian Department of Agriculture
urges you to attend as many of these Con-
ferences as possible, also to watch for other
information on the subject that will be given
in other announcements in this newspaper.
Put Energy into Production of Staple Foods
The Government does not ask
farmers to work harder, so
much as it urges them to make
their work more productive, and
to produce those staple foods
that the Empire most needs and
that can be most easily stored
and transported.
Europe, and', particularly-
articularlyBritain, will need the following
staple foods from Canada more
than ever before:
Wheat, eats, corn, beans, peas.
Beef, mutton, bacon and ham.
Cheese and butter.
Department of
Ottawa, Ca
Poultry and eggs.
Vegetables, such as potatoes,
onions, and turnips.
The larger the yield of these
staple food products, the greater
the service to the Empire.
Germany in the last ten years
has doubled the.ia'ierage yield
of the majoritl of her'field
crops largely ttrough better'
seed, thorough cultivation and
use of fertilizer. And while
the Empire's armies are busy
putting down Gerrnan Militar-
fsm, let us at home appropriate
the best of Germany's agricul-
tural methods for the Empire's
The Government urges
farmers, stockmen, dairymen
and other producers to make a
wider use of the Free. Bulletins
issued by the Canadian Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Clip. out,
811 in and mail the coupon below
and get a list of these bulletins.
Then select the bulletins that
will be of value to you. Mail
your coupon right now. Do not
put a stamp on the envelope.
Your coimen °;.i:l be. "On Ills
Majesty's Service."
:l81Im ego IoM M S•ii ti DAui l OJ: 5 i ; mu MEI amp etieF
Publications Branch, Cenadian I/epartalent of •Agricultti e,
Please and list o; Publications Available for Distribution
Iu� '
P.C.Adores '
r. ". irtq Ploy
..,, t.a..Sl.a S3 toVisI1
5 11B lOWs
ei.o N ICON
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to lean'
Office resat Street, nest door to New
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
Cn1NT0 4
M. G. Cameron, k C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied ty
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made, Cfce hours
from 0 a.m. to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any appointments for Mr. Cameron.
1oose once, Notary Pubi
s, '
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer 'of Marriage Licenses. '
Huron St , Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate.
INSURANOE"AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In
suranee Companies.
Division Court lOfHce.
A reliable man to represent us at
Clinton and in the County of Huron,
and sell our Hardy Canadian Grown
Stock. A good position for the right
man. Write for particulars.
"FonthillNurseries," Toronto
I offer for sale—possession April 30th
—Lot 35, letConcession, Huron Roae,
Tuckersmith. containing 100 acres, less
Grandl'tunk track, which divides it
about equally, The River Bayffeld
runs through the easterly coiner of
south half, and the westerly corner of
the north half, making two admirable
fields for past�OHEANSFOE
Clinton P 0
Wood tor aaie •
A quantity of good hard wood
for sale in large or small quanti-
ties. Any length from, one to four
feet long. This wood will be Bold
William Wheatley
Phone 74. Huron street
For Sale
Physician. Surgeon, ate
medal attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Bar. Throat. sod Noes,
Eyes et elully samieed, and suitable eglaesee
Office and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Hole
Huron at.
Two good Shorthorn Buhs for
sale. Color, red. Apply to
R. R. No. 1, Clinton
For Sale
DRS..GiONN a(ncl6hJIJ1I➢lt
Dr. W. Gunn. L. D. C, I•.. L.D. C. 5.. 6d1
-Dr. Conn's office at residence High Street
Dr. J. C. Candler. B.A. 111.16,
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night colli at residence, Rnttenbar, St.
or at hospital .
ecoucheur, etc., office and residence on
tenbury Street.,
DR. 18. R. AXON
rI Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty,
Graduate of, Chicago, and
nayneid on Mondays. May 1st to D
The following—very reason abi
!and cheap; -1 upright piano, in
fair condition, $120.00; 1 upright
(Piano, used less than a year, 5180,
'was $375; 1 Edison lPhonogrnph,
slightly used, With 12 records, 535;
1 coal Range with high' shelf and
reservoir, and water front complete
good as new. $20:1 Black Bear Ski
Robe, good as new; 1 kitchen
Cupboard. W. Walker. High St.
A Carload of Canada
Poniand Cement
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John Iiutton
Drs. Geo, t M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's. Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Disorders a
Eye, Ear, Nose,. and Throat.
Office—Rattenb.ury Hotel
Tuesday and ,Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental treat
ment au painleee ail possible.
Live stock and general Auctioneer
Val Dr etee& sales a spectra/. Orders .t I a
11aw Enn. omce, Clinton, promptly attend.
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale note
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
General Banking Business
Drafts inaned. Interest allowed .0"
The McKillop' Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth,
J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godea"leh,
T. E. Hays, Sec, ,Treas., Seaforth,.
Jas. Connelly, 'Hclmesville, John
Watt, 'Oarlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D,
F. McGregor, Seafortb; J. Evans,
Beechwood, J 0, GrleVe, Winthrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. l e•
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standaru.),
We also have on hand, ''Alfalfa,'
Alsike,' and Red Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, barley and Feed Corn
ID ghest Market Prices paid for Hay
andl all ,, Grains.
Rabt Smith, 'Oarlock ; Ed. Hinah-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg
mondville; .1. W. Yeo, :Hoimesvillei,
Payments may b0, made at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R.H. Cott. Goderieh.
Grand TrnnkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and, Bruce.
North Passenger .
London, depart 8.80 a m 4.40 p m '
Centralia 9.33 5.48
Exeter 9.44 5,54i.
Hensall 9,55 6.05
Kippen 10.01 0,11
Brucefield 10.139 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 0.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 '7.13
Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35
South Passenge'
Wingham, depart6.35 a m 3,30 p
Belgrave 6,50 3.44
Blyth 7.04 3.56
Londesboro 7.13 4.04'
Clinton... 8.10 4.23
Brucetield 8.27 4.39'
Kipper' 8.35 4.474
Hensall; 8.41 4.52'
Exeter 8.54 ' 5,05„
Oentral£a 9.04 5,15'
London, arrive .10,00 6.10
Buffalo and Goderieh
Was` Passenger
am pm pm pm
Stratford 10.00 12.30 5,25 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5,55 10.49,.
Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.78 11.11
Clinton ..11.07 1.35 6,40 11.2
11.16 1,43 0.46 11,3
11.35 2.00 7.05 11.
am pn pen
Godh i 7.05 2,35i 4.50
Flolmefieesvlle 7.22 2.52 5,06
Clintutr 732 3.03 5,1.5
Seatorth 7,51 3.21 5,82
Mitchell 8.18 344 5 55
Stratford...._ .... S 40 4 15 , 8 20
The Great; Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the..wiioto
nervous system, makes new Blood
n old Veins, Cures Nervous
DebihityLMllentat and Brain Ifb ru .acs ost-
dene7l, LOBS of Ellerpy .Palliilal,on• of the
Bears,. Paaiwt9 Manion/. Prise 51 nor bol, six
for llSo One w111 please gig will cure aSold'by alt
druggistsof mailed la plain pleai on rceeipt of
i1wee, IiretonneaphletMailed free. a1)1I. ve"'Ail.
,is EORCCtltrO CO.. TORONTO. ONT., (Paw!.IF....