HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-02-04, Page 8.••
•rle: . 4'.•nsN
Thursday, February 41.11, 1915.
, • ,
Taney and.Prize Overepato,
In This Season's Splendid Style Men's Blue and BIM* Worsted Suits ,
All the popular shades are represented
andevery size included in this great clear.
inglot 11/fen's Overcoats, Styles are me-
dium length S.B. or D.B. or in the long
ulster Style, with shawl and convert° col-
lars'. Note the splendid reductions, and
come in and try on the different models --
Regular $12 60 Overcoats clearing ii $ 9 00
Regular 15 00 Overcoats clearing at 11 00
Regular 18 00 Overcoats clearing at 13 00
Reenlar 20 00 Overcoats clearing at 15 00
,IRegular 22 00 Overcoats clearmg at 16 110
Regnlar 24 00 Overcoats clearing at 18 00
4Regular 25 00 Overcoats c earing at 10 00
• :Regular 28 00 Overcoats clearing at 21. 00
•'Regular 30 00 Overcoats clearing at 22 00
Men's Suits at Quick Clearance Prices
.;.„ Tweed and Fancy Worsted Suits, in
agreat variety of shades and fabrics. This
Season's productions. Every suit a rare
bargain at ihese prices:
Regular $ 7 50 Suits now 5 00
'1 Regular 10 00 Suitsnow 6 50
n Regular 12 00 Suit
8 00
Regular 15 00 Suits now 10 00
An opportunity to save on one of these
splendid suits of specially •imported wors-
teds is ra:e, because at the regular prices
they are very special value. This season's
models, 2 and 3 bufiOn sacque coat, me-
dium fitting, graceful lapels, high -cut Test
and medium wichh.trousersvo,.
Reg $12 Suits for $8 Reg $15 Suits for $10
Get the.,1116Ys Nejt- Qtriircoat while
these, prices preyill4I1ieyll 'epjoy the
comfoit of them the balance of this winter
and be ready for,next year, Splendid wear-
irg freize and t9'eed4i-i•Sdi and D B uls-
ter styles, mcstl?' with shawl collars and
half belts. Several shades, of brown and
gtey, sizes. 8 to 14 years
Reg 55 50 Overcoats 4 00 Reg $0 50 Overcoats 475
Reg 0 00 Overcoats 4 50 Reg 7 50 Overcoats 6 50
Trousers leduced•
Gond seryiceahle tweeds and worsteds, suitable
for shop or better wear Reg 1 75 Trousers 1 25
Reg 2 00 Trousers for 1 00 Reg 2 75 Trousers 2 00
14: g 2 25 Trousers for 1 75 Reg 0 00 Trousers 2 28
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furn'shings
Phone 67
Hen's Furnishings
Men's Store
Phone 103
rhe Quality Store
Quality tells when Purchasing Groceries. GiO ns a trial
and we will look after your intereste. We carry the "Magontic
Brand" of canned goods in'Tomatees, ooro, Peae, Etc, All
MADE IN CANADA goods. A fall line of Breakfast Cereals,
Rolled Oats, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Krumples, Gusto,
Puffed Rice and Wheat, Try.our 3 elly Powder6. also Tello-a
most delicious desert. Syrups can be had in hulk or pails, we
can recommend to our patrons. A. fine assortment of Oakes
and Oranges for the social evening. We have a full line of gro
ceries at right prices. We invite a call to The Store of Quality
Mr, Barr will be with us for some tine where outstanding accounts
will be received,
; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00.•••••••••••41040.4.4).**
Luca ews
04 04.000 040044 .4,00•4000.440444 4,000440 0•0000•04,00040004
Hoge 7.50. Via Ileyerfr Vincent • Company,
liwhieh Played here last iTriday and!
Swtur ay, have an excellent com-
pany hist had poor hetises. They
I went from here to,Ifensall and
I then back. to Kineardine.
I There passed away at her home
On tie 10th con. Of Howie's, on
?richly, of last week, Agnes Weir,
IN .C,HARGE GUA.RE. bolo% ed wife of IV's. Mat.thevs Dane
after a lingering illness of some
tient. Chas. Kerr, son Of R9V.
ear . Deceased was 4414 901414 of
Mrs. J. TT,rtley, naw Vankle.ek
W. E, Kerr, of Welland, is
charge of a canal guard at Port Etill and Mr. Jack Wei •.,To me, ly 0
colhornesand on the lookout 'for
intruders. „ the Royal Bank.
• ericlay's Daily ExpoSitof,
Brantford, gives the following
short account di Mr. llouc's-'s ed. --
dress last Monday night. -On Moti
day evening, T/Ir. Bolick, the prin-
cipal of the Clinton Model' school,
gave a lecture on the Union Jack
to St. Jude's A. Y. P. A. The lee -
GOOD CROWD IN TOWN. tine, was most instructiye„ as he
gave a separate !history of they
'Sack" and the 'flags of S. George
St. Andrew .and St. (Patrick, 'tell,
ing the significance of esc'a • and
ol the Union jack, Mr. Raymond
alsO spoke on The subject. A reci-
tation was given by Harry Hunt
and a solo sung by Miss E. Senn,
53 PAY DAYS IN 1915.
The year 1916 will have 53 pay
days, Saturdays coming that many
times during the year.
Rev. A. W. Barker of Seaforth,
has received and accepted. a call
from Memorial Methodist C.hurch,
LOIldOrl, and Or go there in June
in succession to Rev. S. Anderson.
Successor to S, B:111% Phone orders promptly attended to
Last week Mr. T. A. Greig pur-
chased the fine residence of Mr.
W. J. Stevenson who is leaving
town and will move to his new
home shortly, Mr. Greig has been
on the lookout for sometime for a
home nearer the station andnoW
he has combined a 'fine residerc?
and one 'that is not a great dis-
tance Trona the railroad.
Send in your local items, we are
always pleased to publish them.
of elintoti and eountry
econie ttio I
Friday, Feb. 5th and l2th
Take Floiinte Work for Soldiers
We want 200 shirts and much knitting by February 26th for
our Canadian Soldiers
Will You Not (live One Week
tO Your Country?
(Zum,,m,moreer„.raeonessiorizegilna ttier40=14Sanin5112MOIMMI41=1 174010*,,l1Trrl
Eggs ,fie -to 20c.
Butter 24e to 25e.
Wheat 1.30 , to 1.10.
Oats 5.5e to s56c.
Buckwheat 65e to 70c.
Baled flay 11,00 ;to 12,00
Peas 1.40 to1.50,
Shorts 830.09,,,,,
Bran $27,90;9,'.
Last 'Thursday (afternoon the
Underwriter",s, Inspector was here
and had itlfa nrb brigade out at
abont-threcr otclock. We have not
heard what his report is yet.
Clinton certainly looked busy on'
Saturday when South 'Heron Con-
eervatives had their organisation
me(erting here anal the Soling
Stork show ,ai.so held their annual
meeting the same afternoon.
The plan Tor "The ,Private See-
retarY"opens at Fair's Book.
Store on :Friday morning df this
week. The 'play Will be given in
the town hall on Friday evening,
.Feb. 12th, and part Of the proceeds
will go to the ,Patriotic Assce'ss
tion Of town. Everybody should
get a couple of tickets asthey are
at poptilarsPrices, 25 and 53. cents.
On Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday March 3rd, ith and 5th,
'the prohibitionists Of Ontario and
the Dominion are planning Tor a
monster convention to be held in
Massey Hall, Toronto, under the
Whit auspices o'f khe Dominion
Council of the Dominion rAlliance,
and the Ontario Dominion Alliance
Calls have been made by both
bodies ;and preliminary arrange-
Thements are well under hand.
Ladies 'hockey team from St.
Paul's' C.'.hurch del eated the. 'STACKING THE CONVENTIONS
Willis girls by score of 2-0 on
?Tuesday evening of this week. The Hensall Observer had a
There was a big crowd of spectat- weird item in regards to the p 0 -
ors and a second game will, belitical conventions held at Clinton
played next week or the week ikon. 'Here it is. -It seems rather
after as the Willis girls were short strange that the political C0142010
one (airF101)1(1'5:
oTnweitedifiethI-2miradbee sat vpeirayy sm. pHaarit'irri3.; lield aftoic. iSnottottnh
relered: or Brucefield. Is it clone for the
Purpose of giving the northern
delegates 'full control. It is a
great inconvenience to the .clele-
gates from Stephen, Usborne, Hay.
The 'Mitchell' Advocate of last Hensel' and Exeter as the • tram
week gave the following item that service is unsuitable and it is too
will be of interest to the apple Tar to drive. •
growors and 'packers and is u
matter that the Government should MINOR LOCALS. •
look into, and 'make a radical
Has it been cold enough for
change. -Dr. Steele, M. " was
in 'town on Saturday lest consult- You?
ing with Mr. Thos. ,Skinver and The Kiltie Ilsnd plays a t 1.he
Lawyer Thomnson. regarding 'the arena three nights a week now.
working a the apple packing aet Council met on Monday night.
The purpose was not to amend the There was a good crowd in town
act, but to amend the inspre.ors on Saturday.
There is no sense in having a car
The coal man is having his inn -
load Of apples inspected and pass-
ed by on,: inspector at Blyth and bli=s now 'alright
inspected and, condemned by There's 'an abundance of snu''
another at TOronto. Dr, Steele no14.
has undertaken 'to have the mat-
ter looked into.
Time Tor subscription tenewal,
istrt it?
."Yehruary-seooncl month in 11115,
GOING :TO NEW ON'TAP.110, The Lenten season opens in two
This week 'Mr. W, J. Stevenson w e els. F3.
The Trimmers welrome the snow
cespects mbve to Thos.nloe,
small vial-Igo:AS miles north oi falls of the pas',. week as a clesie-
New Liskeord, •when. he 1,9 pe,- Lilac:. blanket for the fall wheat.
chased a Salk' Milt 11111 44/100 1100t1 Prj,113r--April 211,1,
ber. It is 14 years since Mr. Ste -
No saeriCee by us al: home can
venson came to this 10\1.11 1441 1) equal that of the men in the 1 PCP,-
oommenced tojebuild is he ithon,
c,,cs .11 ..rate ` and 111411431. 9114'
poorly equipped eLs..,teis, Red r21081 is to nrcsa 111 contilmous
plant and 9 years ago 110 Purehas- assistance,
ed and along with Mr. Nediger
ran the plant until the town pur- I A ClOOD TEXAIPLE,.
chased it to use hydro. Mr. Ste-
enson has been a neelful citizen Under the above heaCi4ig•
high ef,nbmentary remarks and a let,,er
in •the town and held
from our well known lowsman Mr.
'1 hos. ,lacoslin followin,
from Clinton's energetic ancl (011
round goori To10 11
r., ,deserves publication as an- ex-
ample that many others might fol-
low; t •
Clinton, Ont., Jan. 25, 1011.
My Dear Sherriff ;
Enclosed you will find Monev
order for $5.25, 305 e small donation
to the goad work yocusideermowsAlltola,
doing in Huron Co's bi
Society, $2.aO is from mySelf and
I regret it is (not, more, f.mt. I
would like to contribute more to
this good work later on; and $3.25
is the result of a Pictnre Sbow
tainment given here last week,
as per the enclosed bill, and after
paying expenses this small amount
was all that was left. 5 hope this
small amount will be of some Use
'to5 yhoauvre g3o1 ootd iw3coernk in a de
'aware of
your good Work except thsougn
the little booklet you sent me Ise,
week. I think' you should follow
up -this gond work by making it
better known tothe differen9
lodges throUghout the country
and would suggest that you have
some live man in each town to
looll "What homeit."without a baby"
YoU don't know, butI know what
home is' with a baby, and we think
a baby 'without a home is worst of
teem of a. ,great cirthp
elo ef e -e
Pie in this plaee. [le W.1) /11110 011
1110 various boards of the Prislsv-
terian church. The town is indeed
sorry to lose both Mr. awl MN.
Stevenson, and hope es* roas
'prosper in their Immo ill illat
growing country to the north of
us, They will carry -rci iliem the
good will. of the co:ea-amity at
The Huron Old Boy's 'Associi-
tion, of .1201400130 is desirous of
compiling, Tor publication and fut
are reference, tin Historical and
13iographidal Sketch Of Huron Co,
In order to get the necessary in-
lOrMaAisgt,' and make the work as
compllete as possible, the Associa
tion willthave to depend upon vol
untary assistance from persons
residents in various parts Of the
county, and takes this means, of
asking co-operation. If anyone
can, supply , any information relat
Ing to 14110 early settlement of
their own locality, either his'tori'cal
or biographical, pioneer experien'ce
or otherwise or can give the name
of persons Who will do so. the
%Association will appreciate it very
much. Photos 05 old settlers or
.ed for identification (fully inscrib
ed Tor identification), will Ile ac-
ceptable, All correspondence re-
lating hereto should be addressed ,all, so here is hoping that the
to Robert Holmes, 112 iPalmerston 'Huron County Ai'd Society will be
BouleVairTi,,Toronto. , encouraged in this good work.
• • '
-- TRY ---
The Bread of Quality
Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary
Made in Clinton, Ontario
Phone 202 -- sc Loaf
ailed the British
"A nation of shop -keepers" simply because. they
conducted "business as usual" while the army was
away fighting„ so that when the troops returned it was
to prosperous surroundings. Let the present trouble
When ended find us in like condition. it Can be so if
all will do their share in keeping our home factories,
• stores and •offices running. Whole -hearted loyalty
implies at least loyalty to home financial investments,
and more so now than ever in our day. Will you help
win the war by being loyal to home.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the eheapest-Aiways the Best
416101il M.A31
Penslar White Pine and Sprtice Balsam
4747 What's the use experimenting
.5PApcf(h\tS 13, with medicines? We know what
1, White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
ll'as the formula is orinte3n oeach
ui label.
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
24,4! ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily re,ieve a cough. Try it--
Furniture, Rugs & I inoleunk
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if vou are going
to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces.
You will find it tonyour advanta, to inspect eur stock and see
the bargains we are Offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Organs.
' Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
'Undertaker and Eimer:II Director. Phone 28.
1'4iglst and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
Leave orders now for your I Th t eorne'r 5tore.
"Live and Let Live"
p Pa
When you entertain, you aim to
please. Dainty refreshments are placed
before your guests. We make a. spe
, cialty of getting together the daintiest
j of goods for just such oecaaions, and at
the present time you will find a splen
! assortment on bur counters and
I shelves, A number of those are new
-1 I lines which are hound to be appreciat
ed, Assorted Fancy Biscuits 100 to 75c
I Delicious Cocoa 10c to Sic a trti, Olives
Call and Sce Samples plain or stuffed 10c to 25e bottle, Fancy
Clherries in bottles.
!For dessert -Jelly Powders in variaus
Here is 14(1014111014 list of snggestions -
Agent lor Heca Furnaces Potted Meats Peanut 13utter,
Salad Dressing, Loaf Sugar
and a score or more of others.
For the Reception, Soci:1
or Evening Party
Sap 13
Rutter and Eggs *anted
Highest Market Price
Plumbing, and Heating E flunnifOrd
Shop -over Eowland's Hardware
Phone 53 PRONE 45.
4°14+44 + i..*
4. •P
I There's a Tendency, these *
+ 4,
Days towards Better Shoes
4. People wear much Better shoes than they
+ did a few years ago,
$ We ask Everybody at all interested in Better
$ Shoes to call to see our splendid showing of all
il. kinds of footwear. ge Ilr
. ..4,
$• Our Better Shoes are not high priced be-
t cause they are high grade -Not by any means. 44
May we have the pleasure of showing you
the best of shoes at any stated price -be it Men's 1
Shoes at $2.5o, $3.5o to $6.5o or Women's shoes ,T:
at $1.5o to $2.5o to $4.50? ' ...v
The same facts hold in regard to our shoes
for Boys, for Girls and fox the very Little People. $
The. Store of Better Shoes and Better Shoe 1-
Service• 4.
41 •
FRED. JPielCSON 1...
'Agewanzoxilwitsgmaammratc,..eamotaz.vamimumr.,===fforn +tv‘F.F.0.4..-44,14.4i444444+44.420
.**.:+itailettlet.444nti,r,44 '