HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-02-04, Page 4PAGE 'FOUR, Thursday, December alst, 1914. Thursday, February 41h,, 1915.. Desirable Real Estate may' be sold it any time'• or 466'146s vaamniaapinimaimiluaimiiiinak good rrla .zy .shrewd b1.4yerswait for the socalled unfavorable seasons in which to make their iravestdlri'ent;" t, + and; they y are Watching the 1` ads." l,;i Se711dy� :, to -Wear Garhients Phone, 7ti:' Dry Goods ', and liousell!tir `. nisitinaa sir s Arval,o f' iesIvr8 r o ' oods •i • We have been busy all ' week opening upnew S •. ri gods. It is the first that opening A ?lg,� showing awakens thoughts of spring in our minds, Each and every season brings new things to this store. We are showing' New Scotch Ginghams, New Prints, New 'Toweling's, New Linens, New French Cambric, New Dress goods, New Nainsooks, New Sheeting and Flannelette, February Specials Special No. l-. Ladies Sc Hisses Cloth Skirts We have about 2 dozen Ladies and Misses cloth skirts all new this season. They are made of good quality serge and French Panama colors :Black, Navy and Tweed mixtures, sizes 23, 24, 25, 26 and ,+2yinches waist meas- y ure, Reg 5.5o for 1 a See these in Window Special No, 2- 6s Ladies Cloth Dresses Only 6, Ladies Cloth Dresses left small sizes 34 and 36, made of all wool serge, colors Black and Navy Regular $8,0o and 5,98 Special; No. S— Children's Cloth Dresses Only 7 Children's Cloth dresses left. Color Navy, made of good quality serge, sizes 6, 8 and 10 years. Reg. $4 for 1.119 `, Speciat'\o. 4— Odd Furs ° Wehaveabout 15 odd pieces of fur leftincluding Marmot„Oppossunl, Coney and Goat 982 =sold as high as $8. your choice” ,•••so•s•••••esai eeea••eeess•••••••••••••••.•••eeeee • • •••4106•6e••e•e•••••••a•••• Lost Friday evening on the invitat• ;On of Principtil Bouck, all the children of the Public School repaired to the Old Rink with the idea of having there "the time of their lives," Those who were able to do so came in fancy cos. tnwes, several . prizes having been of• fered by Mr. Boeck. They were won as follows; Best Red Cross Nurse - Oleta Dun - ford. ' BestIndian Maid -B • ttie Greig. .Best fancy costume -a Highland Public School Carnival Good °,,; nd.,.ecoids. 14i22. BIN CAN, lY, • • • • • • '• 0••eee•s••••e••poe•e/eeste hassle by Helen Roberton. Best girl skater under 10 years - Merle Sweet. Best girl skater over 10 - Pearl Shipley. Best Indian Chief -Nesbitt Cook Best Soldier or Sailor Ernest Liver- more. ivormore. Best comic -Hugh Maguire. Best boy skater ander 10 -Percy Fleming. Best boy skater over 10 -Ambrose elaga tie. A prize had been offered for the best fairy but no one competing it was given as second prize for fancy cos- tume, to Ivy Plewes who with basket and long red hooded cape made' a very charming little Red Riding 'Rood ',These were many 'besides the prize winners who had splendid costumes. Bobby, Sehrenk and Fred Wallis as% the "Gold Dist Twins" caused great amusement. Several of the boys ap- peared 8$e et:00s and a couple of thea girls as '.•Cullahed Ladies" , Three of; the girls. represented Miss Canada and: very pretty costumes -they had indeed After the judging the ohildre0� skated• until nine o'clock; stopping: only once when', My. Sweet called for; cheers for Mr, Boucle. REMEMBERED THE BOYS. Mr. Malcolm M Tagg'at't, not' content with his previous goner-; nus, donations ,to ,the iPa'treotle cause, presented cacti recruit.lfs•on1 Clinton, agoing With thee led" eon -n tingent, witha pipe and tobacco. Mr. eecTaggart'certainly realizes,i how fhe men will appreciate his gift in their lonely hours. OUTFITS FOR SOLDIERS The Women's 'Patriotic Sncirty is doing its share. Last: lir,day, they presented each recruit with a complete, outfit.-. socks, elrirt,;, Balaclava cap, i istlets, etc, Major Ran ce and ("elite in .Dowding made suitable replies. Children. Ory FOR FLETCliER'S CASTCHRIA Reynold. The: patriotic concert will he, ;given inthe :Town Hall on Feb.; 12th, when, an estielleni prokraur wild >'lie preeent ell ,1:: ; ,• Oier. citizens ]were greatly surprised with the menden death of an old regi light in the person of Wm. Woods of this-placee The late Wm. Woods was, considered °,healthy man, ail hie Life and scarcely knew of sickness but en • Mondayeveiiing last'be feltslighely ill raedra doctor was called hht•consfdered;, %thing serious but late the. same' night Mr. Woods took a relapse and died before the doctor ca.uId he recall- ed, heart failure being the house• fMr Woods was a member oL Trinity church and politically he was, indepen dent.' His father was a pioneer doctor of this •place and the family held the respect of the entire communiey, Constance Mr. and Mrs. A Lamount of Brussels spent afew days the guest of sir, Jas. Mannereand Mr, John J, Riley' sr, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley jr. are vie• Iting Mr, Joe Mann. Mrs. John Britton epent Sunday the guest of her sister, Mrs. Staples sr. Mr. Joe Riley has sold' his driver to George Leitch; Quarterly meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon. Porter's Hill Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Wingham and Mr, and Mrs. Marshall from the West visited at Mr, John Blair's Last , week. Mrs. Gibson of London has been visiting at Peter tllcDougall's. Miss Ruby Currie is visiting in the neighborhood. ' Mr. George and Welsley Vander- hurg attended en orange meeting in Exeter on Tuesday, Mrs. John Blair is visiting in Wing. ham. Mr. Russel and sister are visiting in the neighborhood, Mr, John' Cox who has heeo confined to his bed for the last ten days is a little better, but is not improving a quickly as his many friends world b pleased to hear. Mr. Jaynes 11 irrison is laid up wit nera, Mr.ualgiJohn Emmerson and Mr, Ab Harrison also attended the Orang meeting -in Exeter on Tuesday, On November the twenty fourth las the eve of the marriage of Miss Oressi Elliott and Mr. Robb Thompson, a committee appointed by the members of Bethel church called at her home and presented her with two beautiful chairs and the following addrese at the same time intimating that the donors would call upon her later when she became settled in her own home, Bethel Church, Nov. 21, 1074. 1 Mies Cressie Elliott, Dear Sister -We, a committee, a pointed by Bethel Methodist Church, have met here this evening to offer you our congratulations and sincere good wishes on this the. eve 'cf your wedding day. We are keenly sensotive today of the loss we sustain as a church and neighborhood on your leaving us particularly in our Sunday school and Epworth League. You have been our Bible Class teacher for a number of years and have 'proven exceptionally successful. As the Pres ident of our Young People's organize tion we have felt that the very life of the institution depended on you and we know we shall have difficulty in finding a successor. However we must not bemoan our loss for the communi ty and ehureh you enter will richly pride themselves in a new and ealu able ryeml er, and we sincerely tru t your work will be es highly appreeia ted as at home. You leave behind you a splendid heritage, a glowing testimony,' that of true 'fidelity and loyalty to all that is worthy and good. You have heeo painstaking and zeal nus in your work and we shall Miss yuur buoyancy and merriment of spirit. Our very heartiest good wishes go with you as you enter the marriage estate, and we hope that through life with all its niysteriesand `mingled toys and sorrows, you may enjoy the high est prosperity. Kindly accept these chairs as a token of our love and ten dernees to you and we ,pray you and yours may be spared for many happy and prosperous years. Signed on, be half of the congregation. Rev. R. J. McCormick, 0. W. Potter, Jno. McClure, Herb C. Cox, iTo show that the good wishes and affiction for her, expressed in above address, were sincere : and bad not 'dried up, with the ink about thirty of the members drove to her home on the 16th concession in 'sieighloads on .'uesday evening of last week. Then again they deemed tee have it known that the presentation had not' been arbitory but the act pf, the committee lewho had been duly. appointed to ten er the above document,and.ohairs'on the eve of her wee/dirge. They wish it to be known that the above %yes .the genuine expression, of all who pres anted themselves at her :home, that !evening. This Was the first opportuni sty that was ,given. them to prove to her that. her loss was keenly felt and, that it five been very difficult to,find: cine who can take her, place in the hurcb, They felt too, that their hum le way' of showing; their, affection for her was fully appreciated by her, as hash and everyone was ;ep enrd,isrllq ehvelcomed by both thehost and hostess hf the evening, The evening was $ tent n games of all kinds which were inter tpeesed by musicalsoleetious ori piano, mouthorgan• >,.nd grarnapfione, Duets' solos and chbruses avetb'freely indulg ed in by those who were so "talented. Everyone did ample justice to the dainty lunch which was served' at a seasohahle hour. So thoroughly did everyone enjoy himself that all were reluctant to stoat far home. The only regret they hat? tcr,a that the dr ve there is eu Irng ' h :l it makes it ire possible to make similar tripe very ofteu. The Pceseyteria,u Ladies Aid will Loki a, suciaa at the borne of Mr, 5, McDougell013 the 7th con,, Goderich Twee on Tuesday, Feb, Orb, A gond program will be given ROC.; a supper served. metit- , V flubs T,vlor 1v Tillfe •N' h." .wad,• • Maxim)' i . t, III -Caroline L14E9n;,Fern,, l ylor "and Fred Hess' �,g l t St. It -Marjorie Goode and Willie Parker. Jr. II-11ul?ert Hess, Silvester Nigh .and Clifford Clarke Second Part -Alma R.athwell 'Har old Taylor and:'Exinr Nigh ' First Part-diordon Elliott , R, McBeth, Teeclrer. Drepiecfeld, , No traine came to out station .,on 'Tuesday until night?, Mr. Walker, Who has the ruled route, missed' his trip for the fleet lithe share the begin. ning of the rural mail, He is not afraid of had roads or storme, Miss Cochrane of 13ensall who .visit, ed at the home of Mr, Little last week has returned home. A number of our villagers attended the auction sole at Mr, Spark's of Stanley on Wednesday. Another Parcel of clothing will be sent to the Belgians from Glee neigh- borhood. Londesboro Mr. W, H. flues who is moving elf his farm. was in the village last week looking fora house. We hope that Mr, and Mrs, Hileswill decide to stay in our nridet as they:would he touch missed in the church. Mrs. J. D. Arnslies and Mrs. Dr. Medd of Essex are visiting friends here, Misses May and Olive Lyon spent a few days with their cousin Nelson Lear. Miss Olive Little is visiting her aunt Mrs. W. Murphy. Fred Ganney and Prank Blown (Buster) left Monday to join the 3rd contingent. Mr. Gibson, a layman of London, preached two very acceptable Berinnns an Sunday on "Missions" but owing to the weather there was not a very good attendance, s Miss K. Brown of Leadbury spent e the week end at her hone here. M. Neison Lear spent Sunday in h Clinto.i. Mr. John Bowcock starts this week b. as caretaker of the Methodist church e Mrs, Wm, Lyon jr. has resigned as organist of the Methodist church, hav- t ng filled that position for the past e years. Mlss. JOtsie iatilta.r has been appointed to take her p ace. The S. S. of the Methodist church presented Mr. F. Ganney, le, Brown and 0. Outright with pocket Bibles before leaving for London. Mr, .1. Philips has secured the can* tract of supplying S. No, 8 with wood, Mr, Chas. Manning has secured the contract of supplying the Methodist church with wood. London Road 11 below on 'Thursday morning so some Limners report, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stanbury have a new arrival at their home as a young gentleman came to stay last Friday. No school and no mail on Tuesday on account of the storm. A large crowd was at the stale of Mr, Sparks on Wednesday. The people were sorry to learn of the lose of the house of Mr. H. Freeman in Hullett on Tuesday at noon. Mr. Freeman sr, was sick in bed and had to be carried ottf. The furniture down stairs was saved but the building was a total loss, Mullett Richard Vodden spent Satnrdy with Goderich friends. Mrs Fred Johnston was the guest of her neice 5Mrs. Harry McCool one day last week. took place at the home of 'trill Caldwell, when his sister, 'Mabel, , became the bride of John.aochrnne of Niagara. Falls on Thursday Jan.. 2eth. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. 3. G. Reid of Lond,es- bore. Andrew Shepherd has purchased a piano from ti beet Gibbs, 2ulppaei lamb ;uy 61lo,rd S.tCA y Blyth Misses Winnie Sundercock and iKea'tha Waymouth spent a 'few days last week with the forner's cousin Mrs. 'Hooper. Iiensall The balance .df the am.tunrraised, 'for the patriptic and .Belgian re- lief funds, $316, has, been •,equally divided and 1 iry arcled to the trews }trer .at;headq,uartersy, It i•, reported that Bch', Dralte and Percy Mark nave :Purchased the Commercial'Hetet .building :and ' tttfit including 4e,p961YOom from. W. .Perlin, iland intend,ta'king charge; as seen as arrangements are completed. ? At the recent congregation meet ing of teeartnel-Churelei the finances were 'found ° 4.1 he, in a very sal latectory state. The Femmes' Institute meeting:, tell in the council otviaih n the ;l stormy weather, wasintpt•largely at, crr1,id meeting took ,tt;crf ,radical turzi and makes 1'riluaelo rn'fornratian was obtained by these present • *******:i reiieral• Yoll'Kitt • Had a Orand Time For a little While ***************** t** RE return of wounded offi- cers and soldiers from the front has revealed a host of episodes which throw a vivid light upon tho Gorman sweep towards Paris. The unwilling ebb of the Teuton tide makes some of the stories good reading. day at Coulommiets, in contenipi'a- tive preparation•for,the promised en- try into Paris, on the Monday: An ho .r ort.two before bis arrival on the Saturday evening staff officers select ed a' house+ for.;him, and their first' care„ ?.yes.' to conimaandeer ; a horse and cart and make ileo round of thea, place to collect eveiy.bottle'of chain -? 3uctc, lens "./.1 ; o Si1,1'• GEN. VON ELM. pagne they could discover. The gen- eral's entry was preceded by a squad of motor cyclists, who cried: "Clear the streets for the general staff; let no one show bimself outdoors!" Be- hind them clattered innumerable Uhlans and them came the general in his automobile. Ile looked about him curiously, and seemed amused at some of the quaint old shops and their signs. Only the gardener's wife was left in the house he used. On learning that she had five sons with the colors, von Kluk remarked, "I'll make a point of looking atter them when they become Germans. You'll all be Germans, you know, inside a week," The general felt so pleased. with himself, and was so taken with the idea of being in Paris the next day, that he ordered out a regiment al band, which Flayed dance music under his windows while the younger officers danced to it. "We must get, in good form for Parts," they said,. "for the day after to -morrow at the latest we shall be dancing with the midinettes on the boulevards." By order of the general the mayor was sent for, and told to find change for ten £50 notes. Hp was given bail an hour to get the money, and when he returned with £500 he was told that German notes were at a premium,. and the general wanted at least £520. A Little while later orders were issued for oats and bran, and when the reply came that there were none In the place, von Kluk's good humor vanished, and be declared, that the town should be ransacked high and low; and it was. • The sol- diers went about the work with the agility of experts. They divided into shifts, and so that ene party might not waste any time over a house or building that had already been strip- ped bare they would chalk up out- side, "Nothing more worth taking here." The general's last oiler was for twenty more bottles of cham- pagne, and with that he and his staff made themselves comfortable for the night. Then came the famous march to the southeast, and von Kluk had to make himself happy without his Paris. Private Sale Private sale di furniture and 'nappy .Thought Range, at the home of Mr. W. J. Stevenson. Tenders Wanted • The' Londesboro Syndicate :Thr- es'her eco., ask 'for sealed tenders for engineer, separator man,' and water -tank man andt eam. The lowest :or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. :Applications re- •eived up to YOth of iFebrnary.; Teneeere opened at one o'clock the same day. JOHN 0...ADA'MS, „�42oretary,'Londesboro. ' Woo ii Waffled, Fifteen cordo of green body, ma•- ple''wood, 22 inches long, to be delivhreo 'a't'Ciintad ' efodel'Schc,ol before, first of April. -Tenders re- ceived ,up to 7 o'cicck, Fele, eth, S. KBM{P, 'Chairman Property 'Committee,'' . Clinton. flMI th=I fUINK sysTEM Double Track:ail tileVl•' ,Taionto-tliff.ago or0nto-Montreal Unexeelled Train Service Jfigltest Class of Equipment Winter TourS to: Ca;liNirnia <riorlda and Slang 3fl'ietBl raa.5f'I'n:ainli-Choice of Routes Low Pares now in effect Por Mull particulars consult G, T, R. Ticket Agents fatty 'write , John I an foo d & Son, city paesen- .staA,In,le3' gee• and P1r:1;'it; Agents, photo 57 The followin • '' I c tst.re ort of S. A.O. at' t•o • l.n 6 E p i t r to ion agent N. Stanley-. Nama s are in o On. Sunday, Septembertem er 6,General C. dk. )10,a1JING, D, P. A„ eRj, Akins anent a del1J,btfully restllll USt 'Union mltion, Toronto, Clint • Prophetic' and''ether subjects studied on Snndees atv3 sig d ut 7 p:m at J: bLill%K; '"The' bice' r °Mus' ta tali' fire Ki iteil:` ";11ta `'erifa"t3' lrj �P.�crut7.' •. Vii` rag .,iris, A0013';TAYLOR e'l.izoToiv Fire, Life' -arid Accident Insurance Real estate'houyia,t and, sold Money to loan' Office Isaac Street, next door to Ne Ere' Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- terim the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. Al. G Cameron, TLC. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper. : In. Clinton on every Thursday, and an anv day for which appointments are made. Cfftce hours from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week dayeleir. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. Wanted A reliable man to represent us at Clinton and in the County of Huron. and sell Dur Hardy Canadian Grown Stock. A good position for the right man. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, "Fonthill Nurseries," Toronto Pasture. I offer for sale- possession April 30,th -Lot 31, 1st Concession, Huron Road, Tuckersinith. containing 100 acres, less Grand Trunk track, which divides it about equally, The River Bayfield ,rune tnrough the easterly corner of south half, and the westerly corner of the north half, making two admirable fields for pasture. Easy terms, JOHN RANSFORD, • Clinton P. 0 For Sale Lot No: 24, Huron Street, one•quar. ter acre. Also second hand coal heater Apply to A. J, TYNDALL • Wood for Sale A quantity of good chard wood for sale] in large or small quanti- ties. Any length from ono to four feet long. This 'woad will be sold cheap. William' Wheatley 'Phone 74. Huron ,street For Sale Two good Shorthorn Bulls for sale. Color, red. Apply to 'JAMES SNELL, R. R. No. 1, Clinton For Sale The following -very reasonabl ' ,and cheap 1-1 upright piano, in fair condition, 8120.00; 1 upright Piano, used less than a year, $190, was $375; 1 Edison Phonograph, slightly used, with 12 records, $:35 ; 1 coal Range with high shelf and reservoir, and water front complete good as new. 820:1 Black Bear Ski Robe, good as new; 1 kitchen Cupboard. W. Walker, High St, A Carload of Canada • PorrtanN cement (Phone us for prices will pay you John: �lenHutton LONDESBO RO Drs. Geo. M. E. Whitley iteilemalut Osteopathic 'Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute,, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye', ,Jar, ,Nose, and Thite:}}.t,. .CCSNNSULTxTION FRFJE • Office-Ratto bury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to, 11 p.m. FOD fit1BArl�EiAl1._. We're now selling. Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike,-and Red Clover, : We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn .Highest Market.Prices paid for Hay s.ncii all Grains. i'J.0 �uLiiO� W. $RY11ON•D BARRISTER; SOLICITOR NOTARY OLINTOr; DRARLES $. RALE •:nouns aures 'Notary, Public'' r-�,. fit+ I�1Wlaernll�Irr :atC, , EA` LES r 1NSU AT � i AND RA]11 40131 Ieener' ofMarriage Iyrcenees,'t` 11 Riga' St., CIlhton H Notary Publjc, Conveyancer,, . Financial and Real Estate,. INSHEANCWAGpNT-Eepresenting 14 Eire-Ae surance Coiupanies. Division` Court !Office. Medi�.a!• TAOMPSOi1N? ta sneo12l '10 nition'elven to diroE''+-ee. of the , Eye; Ear,: Throaty, and Nos t, Eyes ea °fully gmined: ,and suitable tglasses Ofuce Prand escribeResd; idenne, . Two doors west or the Commercial Hetet Huron St, 111¢9. Gll;lily and t;AltI)lrlt Dr. W. Guru, L. If, C, P., L. H. 10,8.. Rdl Dr..^,uaa's office at reeldonce High Street Dr. J. C. Candler. 10.A. M,B,. OMoe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night esus as resldenoe, Eattenbnr>r 8i. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. •, PHYSICIAN, 917RGEON. ecoucbenr, ore„ otlice and residence on tenbury Street,. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST... it Crown and Itridate Work a Speolaltyi Graduate of .0,0,0,9„t Chicago, and 11,0,D,5 Bayt ell iso Mondays, May Ist to D DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental treat ment es painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction aev GODERICH ONT Bat in stirs sales a apeman,. Olden if, to. TerEW ms rreeasonable. Farmers' 055 attends discounted! G. D. MoTaggart M. 1). MoTaggar McTaggart ; Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST., CLINTON r General' Banking Business transected e' OTES D180O'ONTED Drafts issued. "interest allowed n • deposits The McKillop- Mutual Fire Insurance tel. Parisi and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only insured. ., OFFICERS. J. Connolllly,e President, G de*Sch, 'J: E. Eaya, See.-Treas., Seafolith, DIRECTORS. JWatt, 'HCarrioek' G Daale, Clinton; D 3'. McGregor, Seafortb; J. Rvaoa, Beechwood, J G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. JlOe• Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of !oases in hie own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, 'Harlock; Ed. flinch. - ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, HQ- mondvilie; J, W. Yeo, 'Roluae8ville. Payments may ha,,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R' H. Cutt. Goderich. Grand TrnnkRailway System Railway, Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North Passenger London, depart,.... /30)a rd 4,40 p Centralia , 9.33 5.43 Exeter 9.44, 5,54$ Henson 9.55 ' 6,05 Kipper .10,01. 6.11 Brumfield 10.09 8.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 8.52: Blyth 11.27 7,00 Be/grave ,,, 11.10 '1.13 Wingbanl, arrive,.. I1.54 7.85 SouthPassenge : Wiiigh'ana depart:. ' 6.3d' a m 3.30 p Belgrav8.568.a Blyth..... `7.04: 3.0066 Londesboro , . '7.1 4.04' Clinton 8:1�• 4.23 Brumfield 8,27 4.39' Kippem 8.35 4.47,9 Rensali; 8.41 4.52” Exeter 8.54 5,05; - Centralia, •. 9.04 5,15• Londoo ,. n, arrive 10,E 610° Buffalo and Goderich Wee` Passenger Stratford........10.00 la 3m p 11° 25 0,6.25 10;49„ Mitchell.,. •.10,22;12. „„,'I5.55;1049a Seatorth 10.45 ` 1.20 8.18 11,11, CRinton,, .. 11.OZ„,1.35 .6r40 11:2 (+'' Holwosoilie' 11.16 1.43 0.46 11.3 Goderich' 11.35; 2.00 7,05 11 East Passenger m Godeeich a m 7.05 2,35 4:50. Holmoeville 7.22 2.52 5,06 Clinton-' 7.32 3.03 5,15 Seatorth 7.51 3.21 5,32 Mitchell S,16 3144 5 55 Stratforct R 40 415 620 , T e gent T Tows and h ,oi1r17 to$the NVI;oIo is parynd moon, makes lVoles, Cures 1'vi Debilitil lIIsnta( and, Drain )I'orr•u...DeFfron- dcacii, }tossoJ'_Belo 0, l'ekatatima o the ,mars, 2"ef0ov .,itra,toa 5i, Pree 01 per brie, six or 1 set Ono will please so will ouree Sold by ail druggou9 or Malted in plain plrg an r neipt of orieo. New vamp1,lrt a„ai•ledfree.'5010 walla 0/0/85100 CD.. TORONTO. ONT. tPeenrIs Nit ”