HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-02-04, Page 1Established 1865, vol. 49, No. 32 See How The New Era Warit Ads Can .Serve You in Pilling the Needs of To=day ir'D I3usiriess or the Home==Give Them a Trial nownnenanalron a Flood's M Q� r nr a p f Tro Rain and I loo s at Satisbur Made Life and DY ��� Rico ftrtab!e for tl Y o p� CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT• y 4,1 'tlfiik�s�"f'�r•,1 yet w Jr�ti;�,� CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4 giti W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers AAA AApMMAAAAANusetAMnM WVWVVWNVWWWWVVWVW ] POified a O Persona; QUCSUIONS Do you take cold easily ? Does a cough hang on? Are your nerves bad ? Is your el omach not right ? Are you restless at night? YOU NEED Itoxall Wine of Cod/Liver Oil It ispleasant to take and it is a mighty fine system, tonic SOLD AT-•--• Best Quality Drug store The Itexall Store W. S. ,. PEO L?0/lE6ij Phm.B, vVVvvvvvvvVVWVWWVVM/Wv Y vvvvvvVVWVW #wWVVN VVVOIVVVVVVYNNYVVYVVvVvVVVANANVAAAAANNAA/IAAAAAAAMAA Z C Capital Authorized V5,000,000 Capital paid up .... 11,560.000 C Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000. Total Assets° • ••••• • 185,000,000 3S 13 TR A 40 I -311E with. World-wide Connections Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. 1 e Royal BaJ* OF CANADA R• E MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch 0.4~0WWV1/yVVWVWVVWVVVWV1iNVVWWVVVWV`IAIWVVWV _IIII"'Ill"'Ill"'Ill 111"'lir"IItJi"'Ill'lIt"' II- II"' 11"•01"'III"•111"'til" til" al Ill lIL i_ i n8 I �"' A• + , t M= M_ = ant, Incorporated THE 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE. S8, 800,000.S ........ - 92 Branches in Canada A6 Inn,III,..m.,,m, alma-nt-nu MOLSONS BANK = A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 5 TRANSACTED INCLUDING = CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDITM"• = BANK MONEY ORDERS _ _�� avings Bank Department p At. all Branches = Interest allowed at highest current rate = C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Brencb. ,.=x.11►...:_ irmi n.Iliami dlt..Illn.Ilimi 1... R..,m„im Mi6Sekenseet 44Gee 0449444440+944 ee2,64044404404teeeeiee4arcait9eoV0 4 • .4° 4 • Orderell Clothing IiC.e.a.dy-to, Wear til Cie ing 3 ATTENT1INJ!! We Will Coilitk l Cut Prices on Overcoats During i the MonthMonthof Feb ru,<r 3' • 4+ r e • • A Y • • • •'. •. ••• •• • • A.C2r. Uc e, Fladea Road -ray' beim E lleaoitTya Loxry xiear ��BH� R�9! 064t'f&9E/lii4R■lirT/� Local News 34 ffmemmtwpmfAmmg CAN YOU GIVE THE ANSWER? When is a hydrant not a hydrant? When; it is frozen at the time the Ilnderwriter's Inspector makes a call. INTERRUPTED SERVICE. -Monday's wind storm Cidmuclt to put the hydro ligtine, system no the "blink." :Nowa was ua 5 or 6 'times during the day. ADDRESS POSTPONED. The address to be given; by Lt. - ,Col, 'Hugh Clark 03 Kincardine was called off on account. of the trains tteing cancelled. BIG TRANSFORMER. BURNED OUT, burn IIr One of the bigtransformers ' ed out on Monday night abnit 7.30 and the town was in darkness Light was restored 2ursday morn ing. MANY' SLIPPERY PLACES. The rain 00 Sunday. nd li ti the 'freeze-up ;node the strrtsvec•y icy and many a one took a tumble Street Charman Rees o ITorcl had a team out with a set of harrows and they lessened up the icecon- sic era y. • • • INVITED FOR THIRD YEAR, • At the Board meeting of Wesley Church, on Tuesday, Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge was extended( a unanimous invitation for the third! year. He was also granted two months leave Co. absence, and Rev,, Et G. iPoweli will supply during the two months FEBRUARY -mu NOT BE ARRESTED. For ,the. first ,time in 60 years F.'eLruar•y mum) will not stand a chance of being • arrested in a local Option ,disiriet fur being full January's full moon tiwas on the 30th and the next will come im the first of March. GIVEN A SUPPER. The members of the Onfa ia' St. Choir met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven last Friday tight ancl had an oyster supper ie honor of hlr, Will Walker, who has with the 3rd con gone to London with tingent. The members wished the youtg gentleman a sale trip to and from the war. REGULATING MOVIES. ' The Ontario Board et Censors has issued to all the filar, exchanges this s will oiclei : "All fictitious war stone he condemned entirely, no elimination being made, and only topical scenes snob as are shown in the weeklies will be passed." The chairman, Mr, G. E, Armstrong, stated that the order will be strictly enforced, and would 1 bl stand till the end of the war. Radical THERE WILLBE ABTG ..ROVE, changes are expected in the existing re mations in regard the attend- ance of children under fifteen at pic- ture theatres. GOOD I?LACE TO START A HOME Yon will find our town a good place in which to live, Its people are charitable, law chiding, genial, clever and aeconiodating. You will find it a cheap place in which to live, Sharp competition in all branches of trade has so fixed prices that everything in the mercantile line can be had at the lowest figures going and in view of this Clinton has become the trading mart for a wide radius of the surrounding country. 4' DIED IN VIE STATES. Last Friday word was received- by the Misses Bay that then' bro- There will be 'a big crowd go to Seaforth-from here to see the hock ey match between Wiarton and the home-brews on Monday 'night no d It is the ;final game in the first round Of the semi-finals. Seaforth plays. in Wiarton on Friday night of this week. • Complete a Course in the ELLIOTT TORONTO and the Results will Drove to von the Wisdom of Graduating Brom this rVamous_Sc'hoo1. Catal'ogue.Free. Enter any time W. J.Elliott, Principal 734 Yonge St. Toronto e1DoiYeol•Ooeoot♦11o�+osolDo'oo11®®ooeee®O..0s06S..0e•io••• • :-: spring Show April Ist :-:gb • at easolmostioneonesonos o®cop oneeenoceeoeoeseitoesesaeoe The annual meeting of the Huron The Secretary was donated $10 fot' his Oaken: service; All the old directors were. reappoint- ed, 1t was decided to leave the prize list in the hands of the executive for read and approved. future consideration ol: any changes. The Treasurer's report showing a There was a large representative of balance on hand of 5330. This being directors and Melons taking a good approved, after sonic' discussion it was Ileal. of interest, hi the Fair. The Agri decided to hold a falx, the 1st of April, cultural Banquet in connection with. it being the Jaid Thursday. the Pair was dismissed and a comm it - The following olhcerswere elected;- tee of the following -Ur. Shaw, A. T. President-Joit Shanahan Cooper', John 511analuui, UeorgeHeave Vice. Pres -George 1Ioarrr A. J.McMurray being 'appointed to Trca nisi -A, J. Tyndall consider the advisability of holding c Soto arrange for Secretary -A. T. McMurray Lhr, banquet. and if , 5 Executive -David Canlelon, 1\ m Game to be held in the town hall ou 'r � r`At�l. 1. t, The meet- ing evening < i April Riau; Thomas (Mclean and Oliver t 6 1 Johnston. ing then adjourned, County Stock Show was held in the Council chamber on Saturday after- noon last. The minutes of last meeting was Marmalade Oranges and Fresh Fish "This week we have our first consignment of Seville or Bitter, Oranges 'They are • the " very best quality and will produce the Best Marmalade,, "Made -in -Canada." •• 'I 4 • 4 4' • •, • • The Store of Quality NE W. To. We are also ready to open the Fish season with - Chicken Halibut B. C. Salmon White Fish Steak Cod Liseoee Filietts and Oysters fro . The y Clotho -1g A Square Deal tor Every• Ian ,. �,, ••• ••••!0•••N•1•tr•t iu•••D0471TDf9N•••••••4 44� s 0 THE H.UB C . .Ek 4 di t ,t Cher, Mr. George Baye had passed suddenly away at Hartford, Conn. The cans,: of death was appoplexy. Deceased was born in Clinton and itoolr up lite organ business, and went in the pipe org;tn works, at Which he worked up to the time Of his death. The remains hvere brought here end they funeral was held on Monday. The services be- , ing conducted by Rev. Mr, (Potts, The pallbearers were old friends, W.Manning, B J, Gibbings, H. B. Combe, H. B. Kerr, 4F.'Jackson and H, B. ,Oh'ant. He is survived ' by threesisters. Libels Attentlon 61642®el,%610000906M6OVH60046111 'were the guests of Mr and Mrs. A. MacMurray, the end of the week. NOP The Teacups �lli ill@lri''tll� lclt- t S J..:�fisiS BIRTHS. '®tat66060 3e®1D1961®®DeCi67®8De®oo40ID Chidley-In Indian ➢[cad, Saslr., on January 2.i th' to Mr. Mrs. George r e Mrs. A. Oantelon hasbeen veryiD. Chlley, t n (Neil • lately and ander the doctor's circ.' Taylor -In IArrdisty, Alberta, on We are glad to report she is improv- Januitiry''oslt, to 11Ir. •noel l+irs, il:[nr. J. fog slowly, Taylor, a son. Mr. 3 C. Floody, of Toronto, was in town over. Sunday. Misses Jule Bartliff and Jean Day- ment were the guests of Miss Lizzie Shanahan hi Hulletb' last week for a day or so. Mr. W. J. Murray, of Exeter was in town on business last week. Rev. E. 0, Powell preached in Gode- rich on .Sn clay in the interests of Temperance. • Mr. Thomas McMillan Liberal ean- dilate for the South Biding of Huron• Seaforth Citizens and Collegiate Editor CrefL of the Seaforth News Institute Board Make gave The New Eta a call on Saturday Presentation, while here attending the Conservative convention. Mr, A. J. Iolloway was confined to Seaforth, Jan, 21 -The citizens of, Seaforth to night presented Lieut. Col Wilson of the 33rd Regiment. with a complimentary address and a purse of gold in recognition of his long tesid ence and faithful services of a lifetime to the town, on the eve of his depart ure for London to assume command of the 33rd Battalion, third contingent for overseas service, Thep resents tion was made and h t e address read by Mayor Ament on behalf of the Citi DEATHS. Div.' L ' Sr. IV 75% and over. H Greig 418. H. Lawrence 406. E. Livermore 387. . Dnuford 386. L. Livermore 384 L 'B:earne 372. M Holland 365. J Jackson 362._ 'H, Rance,359 75% and 60% M. Rutledge 353, O. Murphy 352. A. Eagleson 352 B. ;Forrester 351. b. Weisman 349. M. Andrews 341. I. Bouck, 332 E. McCaughey 324 N.Glazier. 322 G., Middleton'307 E Hill 033. M. Shaw 303. • • D. Bouck Div. II. °'Tlelen Ross 216. Leighton Walker 207. Willis Cooper. 205. Annie Lawrence 204 Milclred Livermore 202. Agnes Walker 201 Archie MacKenzie 186 Winnie Nelson 177 Stewart McBrein 172. Dora Schoenhals 172 'Merritt Nediger 153. Hattie Livvernore 161 Alma Maenorvie 159 Charlie Cole 157 V\7illie Bell 153 Juniors. Charlie Bell 195 Bert-•Sioman 162 Ambrose .Maguire 154 Lawrence West 140 Alice Fiuker 140 M. E. Chidley ,Div. III. Senior ,lass. Harry Ball 97% Gordon Hall 94 Kenneth 'Carter 93 Amy Hellyar 89 Josephine Yesbec 88 Anna Grealis 88 Jabez Rands 87 Bessie Murphy 85 Earl Johnston 82 • Jean :Bell 81 Dorothy Rorke 75 Bessie Morrish 13 Earl Crich 73 Fergus Reynolds 68 George ,Carter 67 Ettti Hardy 1,7 Agnes Reynolds 62 Willie Match 60 Junior Class. Stewart Taylor 91%, Marjorie Beaton 86 Asa Bolton 86 Blanche Nelson 79 Jack :Bawden 78 Katie Ladd 77 Prod Elliott 75 Eva; Bouck ;•1 Lottie Judd 73 Cora Miller 66 James ‘t'alher 61 a r.. Wilson,T�cler - C a. Bay—In Hartford, Conn„ on Jan. 27th, George Bay, formerly of Clinton. In loving memory of Robt, Marshall who died Feb. 6611, 19.13, it-Col.Wilson Honored was in town on Saturday. the house' for a few days during the past week with the prevailing cold. Mrs, C. Pickering and Master Eddie, of Fernie, B. C., who are spending the Winter in Ontario after an absence of fourteen years in the coast province, arrived in. Clinton last week, and are visiting at the home of the former's' brother,. Mr. W. S. Downs. `Mr. Alex, MacMurchie, of Centre- ville, S. Dakota, 18 the guest 011th tens. A large number of townspeople aunt, Mrs. Duncanson. turned despite the very cold and Miss Helen Middleton isryasitmgin stormysdeather'to show their appre Toronto. ," eiation and esteem. The board of the Mrs. F: Axon spent the weekend in Collegiate Institute, of which Mr, Wil Mitchell, , son has been Secretary for a great Mrs,` F. 0, Bristow(' entertained a:many y, also presented him number lady friends Fdrto wr,et wearsatch, bol, Watson expectswith and Saturday evenings of last week. to leave Seaforth for Loudon the be 14Ir. andof Mherrs. Carle Shurh anond sorin ofay ginning of the week, Port Arthur, are expected in town this week for a short visit with Mrs. " 'l Shuch's relatives her,•e. Miss Mr�yme C1ufY, of Goderich F• Township is the guest of her cousins meeting of Liberals will be held in the ronin above M Misses Mabel and Eva ClulT Fred Jackson's sinus on VTon- i ' Yrs. T. E.'East spent a week in evening, at 8 o'clock, to cirito (luring which time she tried her Tor- gg • day be addressed by the Liberal candidate, 'Mr. T. McMillan. Every Liberal is requested to be present, as matters of im IP ' ortance will Meme up dor' discussion. Intermediate examination ' lation in sin at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Her many friends will be glad to, know she was successful. .Mrs. East ;was commented very highly on her range of voice and quality.' On five other occasions she has been success - fill in piano and theory through tlee Toronto Conservatory. Mrs,'Tlast,is a pupil of Prof' Bristowe. ti Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of Calgary Div, IV, . Senior Clrse, Gordon Powell 96% Eleanor McTaggart 56 Ivy 11 n es 04 Gertrude invler 02 Nellie Rutledge 92 Harold Lawson 91 Wilbur Bezzo 90 Daisy Nediger 80 Marguerite Von Rohl 89 Jean hillier 80 Audrey o113,'er 87 `Helen Greig 8.1 John • iIre • fl John •3t 1 Helen Roberton 81 Nisbet Cools 81 Barry Combe 79 !Frank Scruton 73 Gladys Wiltsie 71 Ruth Evans 70 Emerson Libby 65 Junior Class. Frank Match 70% Percy Livermore 67 Winuie 'McMa'th 66 .nica Hill 65 Mary, Argent 65 Leona Taylor 64 George Dixon 01 Gordon. Lawson 60 Gladys McGuire 60 - , L. Stevens, Teacher, —0 --- Div. V ' • Senior Ciass, Ruth Hale 9633 • Kenneth Rorke 95 Y'arlorie, Bateman 93 Mattie Blacker 90 Leo Reynolds 89 ;Pearl Carrick 88 Robert Middleton 88 Roy Livermore 88 John 'Yesbec 88 Switzer Grealis 84 Mervin Deeves 54 Isable Johnston 82 Bessie Lockwood 81 Percy Proctor 73 Willie Milier 117 Ethel Bouck 75 '1 ,Cecil Cook 66 '' Walter Osbaldeston 62 Lawrence Wheatley 60 Junior Class.' Marian Morris 95% Jack Wigginton 90 Agnes Combe 87 °T TRAINS ON TUM1ry McTcIntagggayrrte 85 81 Audrey M The T. R. were nnag'aiESDAY.nst 11 .hol'antl Waiter 79 on Tuesday, alright, and Clinton.: Katie Beaton 77 had to do without nad or papers :all day unless you were'.•willing '50 wait till after 10• when the L. BAB got le. '' The midnight • Buffalo train ran off the track 'the other . side 0f; Seaforth and on account of the sleet and the freeze-up the railway officials cancelled all trains .The snow plow on the London line ;got up here about 10 p. as1, apdit was followed la'ler by the' passen- ztrin. Lily Judd 7.7 George Mennel 74 r Jean Ford 71 I,uella MoClinchey 67 Douglas Ball ,¢5 H. Courtice, Teacher. �I R Div. VI. Junior Class. Tdtal marks 350. , Russell Peekitt itt 338 Continued on Page'`5