HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-30, Page 7Exceptional Record PURELY PERSONAL. ALL MOTHERS NEED
Interesting Gossip About .Prominent
By Royal Bank People.
One of the few notable Englishmen,
who can talk Russian is Sir Arthur
Nicolson, the Permanent Foreign
Under-secretary. He learnt the lan-
guage in the five yeare he was at St.
The pain for repartee among Bri-
tish M.P.'s surely tbelongs to Mr. Tim
Healy. This was,well liluetrated when
he murmured to the elector who said
he would rather vote for the devil
than for him: "Ah, yes, but perhaps
your friend won't turn up!"
Mr, Asquith, the British Premier,
is ageing rapidly under the stress of
the enormous responsibilities the war
has thrown on his' shoulders. There '
was a time when he did not seem his
In Addition to Showing Position ,of
Unprecedented Strength, Bank has
Made Increase in Net Profits over
Previous Year—Large Increases in
Deposits and Total Loans.
The Annual Statement of the Royal
Bank of Canada will likely prove one
of the pleasant surprises at the end
of a peculiar banking year. In pram-
tieally every respect it is the best
report ever issued by the Royal. A
position of even exceptional strength
was ,to be expected, but it is doubtful
whe'efer anyone had anticipated :that
uneer the unprecedented conditions of
the past year it would be possible to
even make ea gain in net profits.
Such a showing, in times like these,
•th little short of remarkable and must
be: accepted as an indication of the
strong organization and valuable con-
nections which the Royal Banls has
steadily built up throughout the
world. Of particular interest in this
regard is the satiefactory development
of the important " connections which
the Bank possesses in Cuba- and the
West Indies.
Increases In AU Departments. '
In the aggregate the Bank shows
gains in every important department,
and while it has shown an increase in
profits over the previous year, it has,
at the same time, established new re-
cords in the percentages of both liquid
assets and cash as well as . in total
deposits and total eueeent loans.
In face of such remarkable gains
;one naturally looks for some special
'reason for the growth of the Royal's
business, and this results in one
most immediately hazarding the opin-
ion that the Bank is now beginning
to enjoy the full benefits of the amal-
gamations .it has effected during the
past few years. Large savings must
gradually have been made and the
whole organization steadily rounded
out in a way that permitted of the
employment of a very large percent-
age of the Bank's funds even under
less active trade conditions.
Profit and Loss Statement. .
The profits for the fiscal year end-
ing November 30th, 1915, were
$1,905,576.57, equal to 16.48% on the
capital, compared with 01,886,142.67,
or '16.31% in the previous yeav. As
the amount aethe credit of profit and
loss at the end of the previous year
totalled $614,062.25, this, with the
profits for the current year, brought
the total amount available for distri-
bution up to $2,519,638.82. Of this
amount dividends took $1,387,200,
$100,000 was transferred to officers'
pension fund, $250,000 written off
Bank premises account, $105,966 ap-
plied as war tax on the Bank's note
cireulation, leaving the amount to .be
carried forward to Pio& and loss at
the end. of the year $676,472.16.
Features of Strength.
In the statement of assets and lia-
bilities almost every account seems to
contribute something to the general
strength- of the 'whole exhibit. Of
more particular interest are the etrik-
ing gains made in liquid assets, de..
posits, total call and etnee.nt loans.
end, in consequence, In the total as-
sets of the Bank.
The assets reached a n nv high level
at $198,299,123, compared with $179,-
404,054 at the end of the previoes.
year, a gain of practically 20,000,-
000. Of the total amount liquid as-
sets reached a record level by touch.,
ing. $84,894,462, equivalent to 49.03%
of liabilities to the public, against
$71,244,677 or 46.06% last year. In-
cluded in the liquid assets were actual
cash holdings of $81,923,680, equal to
18.48% of liabilities to the public, up
from $27,683,855 or 17.90% in 1914.
The deposit in the central gold reserve
was increased by a million, bringing
it up to $3,000,000.
An indication of the Royal's steady
expansion is afforded by the growth in
deposits, which amounted to over
$18,000,000 in the year, the deposits
not bearing interest having increased
to $37,456,997 from 01,224,129, and
deposits bearing interest to 0.7,519,-
830 from $164,827,078, making a to-
ta of $154,976,327, against. $136,051,-
208. As indicated by the increase in
earning power, there were substan-
tial gains in ;total call and, current
loans, the call loans both in and out-
` side of Canada having advanced to
$18,951,000, against $14,054,000, and
total current loans in and outside of
Canada $106,551,000, against $99,587,-
000, an increase of close to $7,000,000.
Looked upon as one of the younger"
of the bigger Banks, the Royal has
certainly made phenomenal strides,
and its ability to exhibit such a state-
ment under the conditions that pre-
vailed during the past year augur
well for its further growth add ex-
• elision once conditians the coun-
try become More 'nermal.
The principal accounts, -with com-
parisons with previous year, are as
i 914. 1910.
"Ncl, profits. $1,885,142.07 $ 1,945,570,57
Perc'en ta go
' earned on
puld up •
• caul 16.31 10.48
Total de-
posits .. 106,051,203.23 .104,974327,07
;Total as-
' sets 179,404,054,30 198,299,123.39
!Liquid as-
' 71,214,6;f7.59 04,804,462.43
' Perrentage
of ]iould
assets to
. 46.05 45.01
coin . . . 12,595,481,75 .55,940,285.05
of cash
to public
liabilities 17.90 13.43
loans .. , 14,954,994.25 13,552,459.97
(Total Mar -
rent loans 99,583,401,03 106,552,634.92
• ,.35ank prem-
ises at not
More than
cost less
' 'written off 5,891,180.37 5,077,835.01.
Ivo» Spikes, knlYeS; spear -heads,
;and brass rods are used as -Substitutes
[for coin. in some parts of Central
age. now he suggests a man much
older than one who has just completed
his sixty-third year. .
Ring Manuel and his -consort are
frequently guests informally at BuCle-
Mean -Palace nowadays. Needless
to say, Dom Manuel takes a great in-
terest in. the- war, as shown by the
profuse display of maps in,his Twick-
enham mansion, and it is superfluous
to add that bit sympathies are on the
side of the country where he has made
tis home.
Who is the most picturesque -look-
ing man in the House to -day? Prob-
ably Mr. Yeo, with his white mous-
tachios, his ruddy complexion, hie
great expanse of watch -chain, and his
badge of all the Allies' flags. Also he
is the user of the most picturesque
language. To hear him on shirkers is
quite a revelation on the elasticity of
the English language. •
It is true to say that rarelyhas
there been a British general who has
inspired more regard amongst his
staff than Sir John French, and the
reason is to be found not merely in
the recognition of his able leadership,
but in the generotity of spirit which
prompts him to acknowledge in the
most appreciative terms the work of
his subordinates.
The man who is most making his
mark in the labor world to -day is Mr.
J. II. Thomas, M.P., the English rail-
waymen's organizer. He is fearless
and courageous. He does not hesitate
to tell the railwaymen when he thinlcs
they are wrong, as he did on the occa-
sion of the Great Western Railway
strike, and when he thinks they are
right he is an overwhelming advocate
of their claims. His policy to -day is
that strikes in war -time are criminal.
Nothing. is more delightful than a
chat with Dr. Macnamara, the British
Parliamentaty Secretary to the Ad-
miralty, who has a fund of good stor-
ies. 011CO he received the following
invitation from a country clergyman:
"If you like a day with the hounds I
call mount you; we have a capital bil-
liard -table at the vicarage; I am a
good judge of whiskey, and I smoke
like a furnace!" Dr. Mac. has a fine
collection of curios, includiag an old-
time pipe -case which his father used
in the trenches before Sebastopol, and
the medal Ter his work in Canada,
which the old man received thirty -
throe years after it had been earnad.
One of the most interesting places
in London at about five o'clock is the
"Rag," otherwise the Army and Navy
Club, the prethier Service club. A
friend of mine, home on forty-eight
hours' leave froin the Front, took me
in there the other afternoon, says a
writer in London Answers. The
smoking -room was crammed with
officers in both Services, most of
them, like my friend, home for two
days, some for twenty-four hours. A
gra-ire-faced, but quite youthful -look-
ing staff -officer near Inc was talking
to • a brigadier -general about tactic's
in language appallingly technical. A
V.C. sat at an adjacent table, and was
enjoying tea and toast with an ad-
miral, and in one of the chairs near
the window reposed a Dardanelles
hero minus an arm and leg. Every-
where about the great roam was the
buzz of talk, real live war talk,
among men who for over a year
have well-nigh lived in the valley of
the shadow of death,
e A Useful Head.
A. man has in his employ a faithful
but at times stupid servant in the
person of an old darky named Zeke.
Recently, when the employer had
vainly endeavored to get something
done in it certain way, he gave up in
despair, exclaiming.
"Zeke! Zeke! Whatever do you
think your head is for?"
Zeke who evidently thought that
this was another of the troublesome
questions that his employer was al-
ways asking, pondered deeply. Fin-
ally he replied:
"Well, bees, I guess it's to keep
my collar on."
Ile Was Lucky.
, Officer (to recruit who has failed
to -salute him): "Don't you know who
'I am? I'm an officer." •
Recruit: "You're lucky. I'm only
a blocemin' private!"—London
winara.s Liniment co • DI lot •
Their $trerigth is TaXed and
They are Victim S Of Weak-
rieSS arid Suffering
When there is a gl'owing' family to
care for and the mother falls' ill it is
a serious matter, Many mothers who
are on the go from morning to night,
whose work, apparently, is never done,
try to disguise their suffering and
keep up an appearance of cheerfulness
before their family. Only themselvee
know how they are distressed by
backachee and headaches, dragging
down pains and .nervous Weakness;
how their nights are often' sleepless,
and they arise to a new day's Work,
tired, depressed and quite ume les -
ed. Such women should know that
their. sufferings' arc.. usually due - to
lack of good nourishing blood. They
should know that the one thing they
need above all others to give them
nev'i health and streueeth is rich, red
blood, and that among all medicines
there -is none can equal Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for their . blood -making,
health -restoring qualities. Every suf-
fering woman, 'every woman with- a
home and family to care for should I
give these Pills a fair trial, 'for 'they'
will keep her in health and strength
and make her work easy. Mrs.' G.
Strasser, Acton West, Ont., says: "I
am the mother of three children, and
after each birth I became terribly
run down; I had weak, thin blood, al-
ways felt tired, and unable to do my
household \fork. After the birth of
my third child I seemed to be worse,
and was very badly inn down. I was
advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. I found the greatest benefit
from the Pills, and soon gained my
old-time strength. Indeed, after tak-
ing them I felt as well as in my girl-
hood, and could take pleasure in my
work. I also used Baby's Own Tab-
lets for my little ones, andehave found
them a splendid medicine for child-
hood ailments."
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a bee: or slit boxes for $2.50, from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
War's Injuries Alleviated by Clever
No industry, coneidered relatively
to its importance, seems likely to pro-
fit more by the war than the mann-
facture of false arm; and legs. One
American concern is said to have al-
ready received cadets from the British
and French Governments for $15,000,-
000 worth of artificial limbs. The
normal producing capacity of this es-
tablishment is 250 legs a month, but
its output is expected soon to be mul-
tiplied by five.
Another American manufacturer,
who has a factory in France has just
returned to this country to secure
additional machinery and workmen.
To obtain the latter is not easy, for
false logs and arms, especially the
foie -nor, are complex pieces of mech-
anism, ancl to construct thein properly
requires much practice and long train-
The cork leg is familiar in works of
In real life such a thing is
not, and never has been, cork being
just about the most unsuitable ma-
terial for the purpose that could be
imagined. Artificial limbs are made
of basswood or willow, supplemented
to some extent with leather. -
The lumber for them is carefully
selected, and the first step in the mak-
ing of a false leg is to mit from the
raw material a block eight inches
square and of the requisite length.
Through it a hole is bored lengthwise
with a large anger, and then the block
is put aside 111 a dry place and allow-
ed to season. It ought to season for
three years. It is then Carved in imi-
tation of a real leg, sandpapered to
smoothness, hollowed out so as to con-
vert it into a Mere shell, and rendered
waterproof by et coating of a- special
kind of varnish. It may be covered
with kid, but methods of manufacture
Tho leg is Made hollow for the sake
of lightness, and also tolprotTide 1:00171
for the introduction of a Wong spiral
spring and other elements of the Me-
chanism that is to render the limb a
useful ansi comfortable counterfeit of
a real one. An 'artificial leg of up-to-
date patterll is an ingenions piece of
apparatus, and' there is many a man
to -day Who wears ono without betray
ing the faet to the casual observer.
Of course, if the natural limb has
been cut off high up, the artificial one
must be in two parts, connected by a
kneejoint If one must loge a -portion
of ones ambulatory machinery the
most desirable place for the amputa-
tion is between the knee and the an-
kle. Under such circumstances a false
mainber may enable one to walk with-
out limping, or one may evea tango
satisfactorily, but loss Of part of the
:Coot 017 of the wholefoot at the ankle
joint means that one must go halting
theorig,h life. -
The foot of the artificial -leg is in
itself an exceedingly clever counter-
feit. •Ito Core is part of the same
Mece of wood that makes the body of
the leg. Enveloping this core 10 vub-
ber, vulcanized on in 0, series of thin
layers, the result being to give the
foot a lively springiness, rend-ering
comfoetable for walking and helping
to give the Weer`er 21 natural gait.
Ali artificial ailn is of similar con-
stmmtion, With a wooden core for the
hand, which is of vulcanized rtnkei.
But as a substitute for the natural
limb it is a peer thing' compared to,
a fahe leg. The hand is useless for
purposes of maniptilation and has to
be kept Revered with a glove. Wiree
extend through the lingers, so that -
the latter may be bent into any dei -
sired position.
IYEitatrcl'e 1.41111ent Cures Colds, &a
lis blast furnaces, in whin cast iroh
is made, the fires burn '1 os' years with-
out ever going out.
They Are Almost Governed by
tury Regulations. '
In these days of general interest in
things military, it is interesting to
know that certain animals are gov-
erned by what appear to be almost
military regulations. Among animals
only thegregarious, of course, show
qualities of leadership and discipline.
Wild horses obey thole leader more
implicitly than; any soldiers however
well disciplined. Mustangs are wary,
difficult to approach, and 'almost im-
possible to capture, owing, to the de-
votion with which they follow their.
leader and to a 'code of signals that
they never disregard.
,A short, shrill neigh is the porn-
mand to flee; a long -drawn, far -carry-
ing neigh is the rallying call when the
herd is scattered;' a squeal orders the
stallions to stand ready to fight off
dangerous beasts; and a wild snort in-
dicates the sight or scent of man.
The snortof a mustang can be heard
half a mile or More.
Certain movements are else himor-
tent as signals. At the first hint of
danger, the horSe .that detects it
throws his head mid tail high in the
air, stands motionless, and gazes fix-
edly in the direction from which he
antieipates trouble.. Usually that is
enough to put the entire herd on the
alert. Should tho. enemy prove to "be
bears, wolves; or any foe against
which the drove' can defend itself, the
"signal horse" dashes forward, pranc-
ing from side to side, rearing, and
striking the ground. Should their'
most dreaded enemy, man, be ap-
proaching, the horse will circle far in
towayd the main body, and as he
turns foy one last rook he win snort
out a trumpet -like blast, Then with a
rush, a roar, and a clatter of hoofs,
the entire herd is gone—the leader in
fret% the stallions in the rear, 'the
colts in the middle.
• Even old, well-trained work horses
when turned out tepasture will genet
orally select a leader and be governed
by him: The herd commander may
be an old and gentle mare or the wild-
est and wariest horse of the, drove.
In the latter case the heixl often be-
comes almost as difficult to handle as,
so many wild horses, whereas the old
mare Will keep her drove in the most
tractable conditions.
The peccaries of Mexico have a
battle cry that is never disobeyed—a
short, vicious squeal, quickly repeat-
ed, and kept up without ceasing. That
noise drives the little beasts feantic;
all within hearing rush to get into
the fray, and nothing short of death
stops their charge. If the hunter does
not shoot his peccary so dead that it
cannot emit a single dying squeal, his
only safety lies in instant flight.
The peccary has also a note that
sounds the retreat. It is a grupt some-
thing like the "woof! woof! woof!" of
a bear as he dashes away from clan-
ger. An American guide.whe lives in
Sonora, in Mexico, COD emitate that
note, and says that he can stampede a
gang of the brutes at will with it.
The baboons of Africa probably
have the best military regulations of
lany of the animals. While they are
feeding in a dangerous place, they set
sentries on every side -.--big wise, vet-
eran baboons that sit perfectly quiet
and keep a vigilant watch. At a sharp
barle of warning from one of these
outposts, every ape ceases his occupa-
tion; even the babies hush. their cries
011 the instant. At another bark, all
may resume work or play; or, again,
the second note may carry a different
message; then the leader gives an
order, and all retreat rapidly to the
denser -parts of the forest.
When travelling, these creatures
have both a front and a rear guard.
A half dozen powerful apes scout well
in front of the main body, DOW in-
specting the woods from the ground,
now climbing to the tops of the tall-
est trees. If the traveller comes on
a tribe of baboons, he usually sees
only one of the scouts, which bares
his teeth savagely, barks once, and is
goee. Farther away, the hunter' may
observe the whipping of branches, as
the Test of the tribe retreat so rapid-
ly that no man COD overtake them.
Should the observer happen upon the
rear guard, lie will observe that they
behave differently from the scouts.
Not silent or cautious, they constantly
give quick, sharp commands, now
angrily chiding some lagging young-
eter, or giving another a slap and a
As far as we know, the baboons are
the only apes or other animals that
Post a sentry at night.- Commonly,
they sleep in caves among the cliffs,
and when all have retired to vest, you
may be sure that one of thole number
will be wide awake, sitting on some
exposed rock or other point of van-
tage from which he can eee in every
direction. Not even the leopard, the
most determined foe of the baboon,
dares to attack them at night unless
he can surprise and kill the sentry.
When attacked, they will fight in de -
:Cense of their families until the last
"man" is dead.
Old Sea Dog '(to gentleman View-
ing wreck) --Yes, sir, that's the Mary
Hann whet was bound for Dundee wix
eorfee • -
Old Gentleman (hard of hesaing)--
Dear me! Coffins?
Old Sea Dog--Corfins? Nah! Cor-
fee—what you. make tea of!—London
Tit -pits.
ED. 6.
ISSUE 1—'16.
British Army Also Well Supplied with
• Warm Clothing.,.
Signs are plentiftil that winter is
close mien the troops in the North of
France. The nights are already mild,
far too cold for -e,oinfort, • and the
characteristic winter -night Mist from
the marshes 10 183 the air. The treee
are not yet bare, bot the leaves that
remain have' turned to a sere yellow,
while the roadetlays are covered with
fallen leav.es which the soldiers here
end 'there heap into little` piles for a
fragrant,„Warming lire. :
It is elident that there is to be an-
other winter campetign; robbed, herr-
ever, of, much of the horror of last
year's 'Ordeal in boggy trenches add
along impassable roads. In Northern
France, at least, winter win find the
rival armies well prepared to receive
it. The wet mud, -the ice-cold water
knee-deep in the communication
trenches, the 'ooze and discomfort of
the dugouts, will he the exception.ra-
thee thtin the rule this year. The, shel-
ters, even in the advance trenches,
will generally be fairly livable, thanks
to the plentiful use of concrete and
tar and the -skilful employment of
Moreover, the armies will be pro-
perly'elad and amply fed. The Bri-
tish soldiers will again dou their
sheepskins, sunifiementeci by ample
supplies of warin caps socks , and
heavy boots of rather better type than
last year's.
Many of the- trenches now have
brick floors, and virtually all are
drained and protected against land-
slide by timbers.
The great problem of the ivinter
will be the billeting of all the new
divisions which have come out since
last year. In the villages well be-
hind the firing lines, every outbuilding
and old barn has been requisitioned,
cleaned,. repaired and made into shel-
ter against 'she wind and cold. But
nearer the firing lines most of the
buildings have been smashed into
ruins, and although they were usable
for heusing purposes during the sum-
fner, they are plainly impossible after
mid-November. The problem is being
dealt with to some etxent by the
building of portable hMases and huts,
but the armies grow too fast for the
The work of the aeroplane observ-
ers gets more difficult as winter ap-
proaches. The fogs of the late au-
tumn cling to the ground in little
patches well into the day, while the
evening mists make observations diffi-
cult soon after mid-afternoon.
Breathe Loth ofTCAll You Can, by
Day or Night.
Breathe all the fresh air you cen
get, night and day. That's what fresh
air is for. The fearsome legend
about the baleful influence of "night
air" is only another of the cardfully
nursed insanitary bequests from our
ancestors, according to Senior Sur-
geon Banks Of the United States Pub -
lie Health Service.
When this superstition arose may
only be surmised. Peehaps it is a
survival of the primeval cult of sun
worship, which led the ancients, to
fear anything outside the sphere of
solar influence. Our forbears were
wont to catition their offspring to "be
careful about the night air," or chil-
dren were ordered to "come in out of
the night air."
This idea is generally prevalent,
and even one of our well-known
flowers is loaded down with the hor-
rible name of "Deadly Nightshade" as
a sort of verbal relic of this old no-
tion. The low-lying mist or fog that
sometimes gathers about the surface
of the earth under certain atmos-
pheric conditions, after sunset, was
held—is held—to be "miasmatic" and
pregnant with lethal possibilities.
The night stir, minus the sun, is no
different from the atmosphere of a
sunless day. The atmosphereic en-
velope of the .earth does not change
:from benign to malign in the twink-
ling of an eye after sundown.
A story, from the trenches in
France is that is soldier wrote home
to his wife to tepee her windows at
night, as he had -found that the night
ir "didn't hurt one bit." That is the
experience of all the advocates of this
sensible custom—once tried the old
Mistorn of sealing oneself in an
tight bedrooln is never renewed.
Diseases which involve the- lungs
can usually be traced to their begin-
ning 111 poorly ventilated sleeping
apartments, inside rooms that do not
have a share of the atmosphere.
Those emancipated persons who
open theie windows at night will tell
you, unanimously, that they Cannot
breathe in a chamber, unless the win-
dow is raised; them eerese of comfott
and vigor &Mends the life-giving
qualities of fresh air.
So Says French Writer, Quieting Cer-
ium!. Prophecies.
"Even the ghosts have pronounced
Germany's doom," writes "Le Masque
de Fer," who goes on to say that a
collection of German spiritualistic
prophecies has been found bn France.
One collection, published in Leipzig in
191.4,11as a- title the trenslation
which is: "The Universal War in Pro-
phecy: Historical and Critical Studies
of All the Predicitons.liagerding the
Univereal Wale mid the Fame of 'the
German People." Instead of proplie-,
eying a German triumph, the PrediaL
tins are add to be all the other way.
It is also recorded that on January 12,
1909, R. Knapp of Oottenhoefen pub-
lished in Zeitsbrift fuer Okkultisme a
sea* oT "unit communications," one
of which says that the univereal war
will break out when least expected,
accompanied by disasters the like of
which mankind, hae imeete 10 -mem be -
Ord; aud that "Germany Win become
so small that all its people can live in
si single city." "Le lAsisqUe de, For"
adds: 'T.,e1; las see to it that that city
ehall not be Paris."
p115a7:a.5 Linlment.Cares Gar st la Cowa
Rejected Men in Great Britain Must
Apply Again.
The khaki brassard to be issued to
men in GreatHritain will be issued to
men who enlist and are placed in
groups awaitleg a call to join the col-
ors; men who offer themselves for
enlistment and are foued to be medic
early unfit; men who have been in-
valided out of the eervice with good
charaettie or have been. discharged
"not likely to become efficient" on
medical grounds.
The scheme is not yet complete in
detail; even the design on the arm-
let is not finally settled. There will
probably be different wording for the
different classes. Some millions will
be needed.
"Men who have been previously re-
jected will have to offer themselves
for enlistment again in circler to quali-
fy for the armlet," was the answer
given by an official to a question on
this point.
"It does not follow that a man who
was rejecjeted when the standards of
enlistment were different would fail
to pass to -day. In any event, no
harm is done by applying again.
Church -Window Removed to Save It
From Bombs.
The east window of St. Margaiet's
Church, djoining 'Westminster Ab-
bey, which has been called the finest
specimen of stained glass work in
London, is being removed to' a place
of safety, in view of the recent Zeppe-
lin raids. •
The window was made at Gouda,
Holland, and was presented by the
magistrates of Dort to King Henry
VIII. for the chapel of Whitehall Pal-
ace. The King, however, gave it to
Waltham Abbey. The glass, of which
the blues and'greensare remarkably
strilcing, suffered sundry removals
and vicissitudes, and at one time was
buried to escape the zeal of the Puri-
tans. Eventually it was purchased by
the wardens of St. Margaret's for
$2,000. It is now valued at 20 times
that sum.
Ivor 15 days in the, month of January
I was suffering with Min of rheumatism
In the foot, I tried all kinds of remedies
but nothing did me any good. One person
told MD about MINARD'S
as soon as 1 tried It the Saturday night,
the next morning I was feeling verY
goOd ; I tell you thls remedy's very.good;
I coubd give you a good certificate anY
time that you would Biro to have one.
If tiny time I come to hear about anY
person sick of rhounta Minn. I could tell
them about this remedy.
Yours truly.
FaNICST r1cvss 80.0.50,
216 nue Ontario East, Montreal,
Feb. 14, len.
The Result.
A Sunday School teacher asked a
little fellow how many commandments
there were. ,To her surprise the lad
answered glibly enough, "Ten, Ina -
dam." "And now, Sammy," asked the
teacher, "what would be the result if.
you should break one of them?"
"Then there'd be nine?" triumphant-
ly answered the youngster.
Psiacions, as Used for
many years in their
Fon practice, now dedicat-
YOUR EVESilgthEueloitiFil
Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to
while others perhaps jealous of its
rams, tallstrui rushditeito print in opprrioN
thgg iltr,re's7AVgn Los In 0,1f,":!;II hnnd
rdaitY 00, 050. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's
_cPYgfoitq 9:17,T,,roVN,TaislooMaerZTV:::.t E"
Marine' Eye Remedy Company, Chicago
Talking Rig.
, "Marriage, sir, is a failure."
"Are you in a position to know,
sir "
"8 am, sir, and in a position to say
so—rve just been divorced."
1'A0/fi3 rose. sanri.
Grain, Dairy or 'Fruit. When you
want to buy, write N. W. DawsOn.
Brampton. Ont.
00 ACRES, 14 III SIX'.fa 00N-
:!siNiiitt1500.Lousa Wild;lcennislcok2
vLt'2052610..mozortus, WZANDOW.
oaks. Illittraorrlinary bar-
. Miller, St, Marys, Ont.
12.4 Illghest ivies pato, for new laid
eggs and dairy butter. 3, D. Arsenault,
142 Sanguinet St., Montreal.
NEWSPAPERS Pox sae,ri, „
pritiglaLMAKINO N.1.0W1 AND '3013
to wn0e. The t fifes t"u1seIn ef a'‘d°11ntet)reniiritn.ilf;
of ell businesses, informatloi on
a polka to Wilson Publishing Com.
nutty, 71 Wos t .Atielalde St , r,,001110,
It I Sr Elt.AN.E0U8.
CANCER. TTJMOES. LUMPS, 18T0. Internal anti external, cured with-
out pain by oils home treatment Write
us before too late. Dr. "Hellman Medical
f!r) Limited, CollIngwzod. Ont.
A 4e, c*,uept 240. s.on.fora,C
Dog gemedlos
Ii001< ON
And How to Feed
Mailed tO any address by
-* the 'Author
H. CLAY GLOVER, 17.-8.
115 West 31st Street New York
a big knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat.
will clean it off without laying up,
;the horse. No blister, no hare
gone. Concentrated—only a few
drops required at an application. $2 per
bottle delivered. Meanie vour me for special InstructIoni
and Book 5 sol free. ABSORBINE..115.. the esti;
senile liniment for mankind. reduces Painful Strellinai.
Enlarged Glenda, Wen., Britian. Variance Veinal anal,.
Pain and Inflammation. Price SI and SZ a bottle at drugabit‘
or delivered. blade In the LT. S. A. by
IN, F. IfOLING, P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can.
Alnorblne and Absorblee. Jr.. are made fa Canada.
et) Ill" HOTEL Di 111E WORLD .114.1eter,,
T11,0 Spirit 0£ .11.112enioo at play;
Magnitude and Cheerfulness.
n. S. White, Pres. T. W. Mott, Mgr,.
Freneh Grower Substitutes Numbers
for Teuton Names.
French rose growers, says the Paris
Figaro, are extending their patriotism
even to the petals of the queen of
flowers, and are debating the advisa-
bility of renaming all varieties that
bear German names.
One of the leading growers, Jules
Gravereaux, has not • hesitated to
"degerrnanize" many of the varieties
in his famous collection. For the pew
sent he has given each rose thus short,
of name a number. All will be re,
classified after the war under Frencle
or other non -German tames.
&Miami's Linintea.:i Cures Ittstranner.
18,000 Jews Fighting for Britain.
Of 411,000 Jew's in the British Em-
pire, the London Daily Express esti-.
mates that 200,000 are ineligible for
enlistment by reason of alien nation-
ality. Of the remainder nearly 18,000
are servi»g with His Majesty's forces.
Start off the New Vear
with a Victrola—and it
will be a happy inc.
A Victrola is entertainment for the home, and an
education for the family. It will acquaint you with
all the great singers and instrumentalists, and every-
thing in standard and popular music. Home is not
truly home nowadays without one.
for this
15 ten -inch
'Double -Sided
Vidor Records
(30 selections)
mur own choice
Vietrola IV.
Other Victrolas $33.50 to $400. Write for a copy of
Our Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor
Records, including all standard and popular' music on
10 inch double -sided records as low as 90 centf 'for
the two selections.
Any of "His Mastee's Voice" dealers will let you hear them.
It there Is not ona in youv vicieity, notify us and wo will see
that you are not disappointed in an early delivery,
601 Lenoir Street, Montreal
ONE retaten 207.0151 ooAsT wo COAST
vxoteon, nee.coreose-mAnr. 3,851 Ciii.ZAIDA
noon POE 1180 117.0.526E305 VOICE
New A eMicies Considered Where We Are 'Not Properly Represented.