HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-30, Page 2G. D. MeTAGGNR7 M. D. 11cTAGGART -McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ---. A ,GENERAL BANKING EVSI. NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, D.RAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DK POSITS. -SALE NOTES :PIM 'CHASED. H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC. CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- • ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 19 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BitTDONII, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - NOTARY PU/3LIC,'ETO. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON M. G. CAMERON K.C. . BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Office on Albert Street occuped bY • Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which a.p- poifitments are made. Office o u rs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day. Mr. Hooper will • make any appointmenta for Mr. Cameron. tri Fertilizer BRITISH FAMOUS We carry a Complete Stock of 29T11 AT THE FRONT Stone's Natural Fertilizer. No CHARLES It. HALE Cenveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET. - CLINTON better on the market. = Hay• e" KNOWN AS THE OLDEST STAFF OF THE ARMY. We payet aii eetsbies the highest . market prices for Hey for balieg. Seeds Ameriean Feed Corn, Red Clo- ver, Aleike, Timothy'and Alfalfa. FORD & McLEOD 'CLINTON. DRS. GUNN & GANDIEE Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.B. Edin. Dr. J. 0. Gandier, M.B. 3ffice-Ontario St, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW RATTENBURY ST. EAST, s-CLINTON 011. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON. ETC. Special attention' given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and cult,. able glaeses prescribed. Office and res2dence:9 doors vres, the Commercial Hotel, Huron e ALL KINDS OF• COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK DR. F. A. AXON es DENTIST -.. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- ronto. •Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton; or by selling Phone 13 on 157, Charges moderate and satiefaction guaranteed. TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand I CHESTNUT SOFT COAL WOVE CAN.NEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21,4 in., a in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. M.& M. FOES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 59, 1850-1915 Sixty-five year's of unceasing effort are represented in the Heintzman & Co. Piano Sixty-five years ago the Heintzman piano was a good piano. h has been itnproved year -after year since then, till now it is achnowls eged to be the Woricils Best Piano Branch Wareroonig, 38 Ontario St, 87-RATFORD How is Your Cutlery Supply? "seete7,7„ Yon know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of themom- mon class. At least, OURS IB. It carries a distinctiveness - an air of superiority, that •comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- most skill from the highest' priced materials. If you ean use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00doz. up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. .Let us show you our Cutlery lino. Let us tell you more about 'why it is the raost desirable that you can put your money into. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of -MARRIAGE LICENSES. Correspondept at •Daidanelles Gives Due This Famous Division. Ellis Ash:need-Bartlett, who was the 13ritish press repreeentative at the Dardahellee; chronicles in siniple but telling phrases the gellant deede• one' of the commands which played a conspicuous part in the Gallipolo fighting. • In part, he says: Nearly everyonehas ripping, tearing headaches at times. Disordered stom- ach -sluggish liver doe* it. Cheer up I hero's the real relief - Ch am her' a i n '6 . Stomach and Liver Tablets. TIrey put the stomach and bowels right. All emegicte, 26c., or by mull from .9 'Citamberlein Medicine .Co Toronto , . r "The purpose of this artiele is to do belated justice to the role plaied by the 29 division in -the etruggle in the Dardanelles. The renown of this division is world-wide, and its num- ber' will ever in, future be surrounded by that mixed, halo of romance and . glory whichattachedto. Caesar's leg- itins, and Napoleon's. old guard. In tact the 29th earned for itself the title nis"1"he' 'Old Guard' of the army. . "Unfortunately, butsfew of the orig- Mal veterans who landed at Sedd-td- ' bahr are left, fey neiiiIi alt are dead Or invalided home, Some, in feet, have beenewounded many times. , I ."As the division has played e most,. peorninent role • in 'almost every en- gagement that has been fought on the : peninsula during the last pie months, ' I do not know how many Emes it consumes itself in furiOUS attacks on the enemy's work, .but already I beer . lieve at least three- time the tumher a its original steength have paSeed through the yanks. ' "The 29th division landed under the The Viscountess Archesson command of Major General Hunter Wformerly Miss Mildred Carter, of Bal - Wetton, and has since been command- timere,sthe only daughter of J. Ridge - ed by: Major General De Liele. All four, comities, England,- Scotland, ley Carter, ' former American Minister Ireland and Wales, have the honor to t th B 1,1 Statee whose work on be represented in its ranks. Repulsed Turkish Attacks. . , , . "On August 6 the division was holdieg its old, position on the. left of out line at Belles, across the golly ravine and on that .day the 88th bri- gade delivered a most gallant assault on a. section of the enemy's line* over Transports Are Lacking, Declares the ground devoid of cover. . Premier. It might be assumed that to expand and the .great advance from Anzac While Japan will be unable to send usual single ambulance wagon, there in- ' building plants on the Clyde so far "While the landing at Sulva Bay - more than two -fold the great ship - were taking place, .the 29th held its treeps to the European theatres of were three full of mourners, and in - employes and output is concerned gioupd and successfully repulsed at- war, ehe will gladly assist tbe Entente stead of the brief rites of the Jats or would be all that is expected of this tacks from the Turks. • Allies as fai, • as she can financially the richer but scarcely longer cere- monies of- the centre in the way of munitions. But eleThee the attempts of the new and lend them the support of her Sikhs, we were to see it is not all that the Scotsmen on diVisions to take the.-Anafarta hills arsenals, according to Premier Count something very elaborate and peatieu- definitely failed by August 19 it was Okuma who was interviewed at To- lay and in its odd way, impressive. decided to make a final effort to eut kio by the Paris ' Matin's correspond- ent. bY employing the Old Guard. Secret- "There was talklast November of the. enemy's lines of communication 1 ly at night three brigades were Count forces fighting in Europe," brought up in trawlers from Belles to Count Okuma is reported to have said. Sulva and tended without the Turks ,"To have done that we should have being aware of the movement. I had to send 400,000 men, expecting to "In rny accounts which Juive ap- lose 200,000 of them and replace them peered in the press of the events of I with 260,000 more. We have not the this memorable August 21 chief ere- necessary transports, for we should dit is, being given the newly arrived have wanted aspoppo tons of ship- yeomanry.because they were the only ping, and our commercial.fleet aggre- corps which the censor allowed to be gates only 1,000,000. In the face of mentioned, but in reality the second these figures Great Britain and mounted division of the yeomanry , France understand the impossibility of the dperation. were held in reserve behind Leila i Baba until late in the afternoon, and "Our sympathies being as strong as ever we should wish to give France . 911 selling well this year and good [monee making specialties. Our ' of steak at most reasonable prices agencies aro the best in the busi- . ness for we sell the highest grade and guarantee deliveries in first ,Toronto, - - Ontailo.si class condition. Nursery stock is Manager, money can be made In this dis- trict. For particulars write Sales PELHAM 101716SERY CO. , ,.. - WANTED NOW RELIABLE, SALESMAN TO ACT PAY WEEKLY. AS AGENT IN HURON COUNTY.. .. . Outfit free, eXclusive territory and - NEWS -RECORD'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1915 WEEKLIES. News.Record and Mail & EmPlre News•Record and Globe . 1.61 News•Resord and Family Nereid and Weekly Star ...--•.-..-.... ...... . 1.02 News -Record and Canadian Countryman .......... 160 News•Record and Weekly Sun 1.06 News•Record and Farmer's Advocate.. 2.12 Nowe•Record and Farm & Dairy .... 1.11 Newe•Record and Canadian Farm .... 1.1111 News -Record and Weekly Witneee . 1.115 News -Record and Northern Meseeng.er 1,60 News -Record and Free Prase ..........126 News -Record and Advertiser 1.25 Newe-Reoord and Saturday .1,11.ght..3.511 News•Record and Youth's 00=7:anion 3.25 News -Record and Fruit Grower and Farmer . ............... ............ 1.8 There is a Cold Day Coming MONTHLIES. News•Rebord and Canadian Snorts. man . , .. . . •. . ........ .113.011 News•Record and Lipancott's Maga 3.25 eine, DAILIES. News•Record and World News -Record and Globe News -Record and Mall & EmPlre3.130 News.Record and Advertiser . 1.11 News•Reeord and Morning Free. Press. 3.35 Novi:v.116mM and Evening Free Press. LIM News•Reoord and Toronto Star 2.81 News•Record and Toronto News 5.55 11 what 9011 want la not In thie Met let us know about it. We oan truDDIY you a% lees lban it would cost you to send directs. In retnitting please do so by Post.ollice Order Foetal Note,. Enuresis Order or Rog. lotered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher Neu's-Record CLINTON, ONTAIRIQ Clinton News -Record CLINTONs - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, In advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon. tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub. lisher. The date to which every subscription ia paid is denoted on the label. Mr not prepare for it by ordering your ewinter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. House Phone 12. Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY GRAND RUN. RA LW HOW, HINDUS BURN DEAD IN ENGLAND, WHEN SOLDIER'S BODY GOES ON THE. FUNERAL 'PYRE. , mess. Ritual Dm:La:else Use a Odorifetoes, Nutritive, tied Sweet Things, , .Also Medicines. So many incredible things are hap- pening that the imagination is apt to strike work and to take the ineredi. ble for granted. But the spectacle of Hindu burial rites performed on the Sussex Downs, England, is one to stir the Most jaded senee of wonder. As - I write, the sound of the queer, whin - EVERYBODY NEEDS ,• PURE, RICH BLOOD Pure blood enables the stomach, liver and other digestive ermine to do their work properly. Without it they are shiggish, there is lose of appetite, sometimes faintness, a deranged state of the intestines, and,' in general, , the symptoms of dyspepsia., Pure blood is required by every °inert of the body for the proper per- formance of its functions. Hood's Sarsaparilla, makes puee blood, and this is why it is so sue- cessfel in the treatment of so many diseases end ailments. Its' nate di- rectly on the blood, ridding it of scrofuloes and., other humors: It is a peculiar combination of blood -puri- fying, nervestoning, , etrenganeenene substancee. Get it today. ing ehant of the mourners lingers itt my ears; the acrid fumes of the burn- SCOTCH WORKING ing pyre hang in my nostrils, I seem " „' he brown, bare-footed figures squatting in prayer, or buey about the IIARD ON MUNITIONS complicated details of the long ritual, and I know that I did not dream it all, the Duchess ef 'Marlborough's Wee writes a London cotrespondent Reliee Committee of American ladies There had been a death in the Kit - has, been highly commended by Queen chener Militaey Hospital at Brighton. The dead man was riot a combatant, Mary. to see t but 'One of the personnel. The funeral, JAPAN CAN'T SEND ARMY. therefore, lacked the picturesque ole- -, ment cif wounded men as bearers. But " be was a Brahman, and of the Arya Somaj. There are many of his kind in the personnel, and so, insfead of the 200 -ACRE PLANT GREW UP IN A MONTH. Participation of Women Apparent on Every Hand North Q Tweed. -TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows:, BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East, depart '7.33 a.m. 3.03 p.m. 48 11 5.15 p.m. Going West, ar. 11.00, dp. 11.07 a.m. depart 1.35 p.m. ar 6.32, dp. 5.45 p.m. departs 11.18 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South, ar. '7.33, dp. 8.05 p.m. " " departs 4.15 p.m. Going North, ar. 10.30, dp. 11.00 a.m. " departs 6.40 p.m. The iloKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Advertising Betel - Transient ad. vertisements, 10 cents ,per nom Derail line for firsb insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Smell adyertiste meat' not to exceed One inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," Or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. !milieu 10 cents. Communications intended for pub. Heathen must, as a guarantee of god faith, be a,ecompanied by the name of the writer. W, j. MITCHELL, Editor end Proprietor. Head office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY Officers; J. B. McLean, Seatorta, Pre:sident; .7. Con. nolly. Goderioh, Vice -President; Thos D. Kaye. Sewforth, Soo. -Trees, Direotore• I). F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; Wm. Rhin. Sea. forth; John Bennowels. Dublin; J. Vivans, Kesel:mood; A. MeEwen, Brucefield; J. R. McLean, Settorth; J. Connolly, Goderlch; Robert Ferris, liarlook. Agents: Ed. Ilinchley. Sealorth; W. Cheeney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmee• ems; Alex Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jan myth, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Cutt'a Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiroue to effeot ineurance or transact °thes best:sees will be promptly attended to on application to any ot the above officere addreeeed to their reepeot. see post -offices. Losees Inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are -in their in- dieor play; or at theiroutdoor play -they are constantly of- ferhig temptations for the KODAK Let it keep them for you aa they are now. Let it keep many other hap- penings that are a source of • pleasure to you. BROWNIES, $2 TO $12s KODARS, 157 TO $25. • 'Also, full stock of Films and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing., Remember the place; TH REXALL STORE Before the bode Was put into the big black motor hearse a photogra- pher was allowed to come and take a picture of the dead man's features, to be sen,t to hiserelativee in far In- dia. The bier lay in a small court among the hospital buildings, where a little crowd of the personnel had gathered to watch. Over the body was stretched a pall of printed cre- tonne, bright flowers on a dark ground, mid white chrysanthemums were strewn lavishly upon it. The folds of the swaddling clothes were turned aside to show the dead man's face -ea face paler than in life, young and peaceful, with fine and clean-cut features. The photographing done, they only came into action after the h our financial support, at least, and the face was covered, the bier was repeated efforts of the 86th and 87t thus perhaps, hasten the end of the put into the hearse. the crowd clam- bered into the big motor ambulances, and we set forth upon the long drive. failed to. shake the.enemy's defense. , war. Japan is not a great financed Brigades Of the 20th mounted division j Power, but we have certain resources. YeoMaery Deserve Credit. We have just covered twice over a "The Yeomanry deserve every. credit Government loan of 30,000,000 yen for th,e magnificent manner in which $15,000,000), and that .probably they behaved when in action for the Would make the iesue of a second loan first time. They advanced two miles difficult; but to prove our sympathy' under a hail of shrapnel over ground for Frame we simile be happy to of - which afforded not -so much as a blade fer our aid, however modest, of grass as cover before they reach- I "The impossibility of sending troops ed the 'dead ground at the foot of the , westward does pot .prevent us from enemy's works. giving the Allies naval and military "It was the 21 brigade, under the • support. Onr arsenide ate mobilized. Earl of Loniford, consisting of Bunks, as in time of war. We play also the Berke and Dorsets, which made the role of sentinel in the Far East, "Re- tinal glorious charge in_ conjunction venting our eneinies from fomenting with the 87th brigade and obtained revolt among the warlike Mussulman temporary possession of Hill 70, people, who might be tempted. to pro - which bad subsequently to .be aban- fit from your difficulties. • donee in the night. The losses of the I "We are also doing everything ne- brigade were very heavy, the Bucks cessary to guard against ,clamege to reghnents losing .almost all their of- , the Trims -Siberian „Railway, whereby ficers and men. . lour supplies reach Russia. The prin- "The arrival of the 29th division on eiple back of all Japanese action is the battlefield stimulated the whole that while Our allies are fighting we army and showed how seriously our shall not allow them to be attacked from behind." • leaders regarded the task ahead, The division was ranged along a line stretching from Hill 70 to Hill 112. The 87th Brigade was ordered to at- tack Hill 70 and the 86th Hill 112. The South Wales Borderers acted- as a connecting link between the two. The 88th Brigade, which had suffer- ed very heavy losses at Hellas on Augest 6, was held in reserve. Whole Army Watching Them. "The 'nee of the 29th rested quietly in their trenches during the morning. They realized that every eye of the whole army was watching them and that a signal, if dangerous, honor had been conferred on them. Throughout the afternoon the 88th Brigade made • repeated efforts to advance on Hill 112, suffering heavy losses, but could make no progress in the face of the enemy's determined resistance. "When the final effort was made to capture Hill 70 late in the afternoon, the South Wales ROrdereee who had been held in reserve were brought up. This regiment advanced against the south face and dug themselves in beneath the crest before the 2d Yeo- manry beigade, under Lord Longford, come up from behind Lelia Baba: There they remained until it was al - Most derle- taking part in the final charge which gained possession of the crest. "It will thus be seen from this brief summary that the brunt of fighting on August 21 again fell on the 2eth division, but even the efforts of these heroic troops, ably seconded by the yeomanry, failed to achieve success against an enemy equally brave and determined, who enjoyed the incal- culable advantage of fighting behind intrenchments on commanding hills. But the 29th division has only kidded to its fame by this failure." s. CITY MEN MORE FIT. Physically Surpass Recruits Froin the Country. City men are better men physically than those from the country, accord- ing to the investigations of a Bavar- ian army surgeon'who gives, in the Munich (GermanyY Medical Weekly, the reeult of his examination of more than 10,000 men. The greater physi- cal atlas, especially as to the sup- pleness of the body, of the city men over those from the rural districts was striking arnong the younger men, Functional and organic heart affec- tions existed in about equal degrees in the two classes. The farmer boys were far inferior to the city recruits in carriage and in: the development of the bones, and muscles. The most ag„, gravated cases of ourvature of the spine, flat feet and varicose veins ,.........„..„„enee.„,„ense.esee",neeeseeeeeee were found in the country contingent. LONDON RENTALS LOWERED. Landlords Give Tenants Appreciable Rebates. Weird Procession. Through the pretty village of Pat- cham, intensely English with its church and its duck pond, this strange funeral procession went, till the road changed to a steep track, and before king the motors left the track and took .their heavy way over the soft tent in a fold of the downs. Soon there came into sight a very ugly little screen and shelter of corrugated iron. At the foot of the hill on which it stood the vehicles stopped; the mourn- ers clambered out of the ambulances, and with much chattering and gesti- culating began to take the body from the hearse. In time the procession began to climb the hill, the mourners chanting as they went: "Ram Ram eatya hat: Om lm nam satya bai"- Vedic verses telling of the eternal and single truth et the Name. The gates of the ghat were un- locked, -and we passed inside a little enclosure, where stood three plat- forms of cement. One of these was carefully swept and sprinkled with water, and when thus purified for the reception of the dead, it was heaped with wood blocks for the burning. The body, under its bright pall met the chrysanthemums, lay outside on the grassy elope; when the prepara- tions had hem.: made the mourners gathered -round it, It was sprinkled with cleansieg water; the face was exposed again, and honey and ghee, and minute portions of the eight me- ters, and other yitual things, ever° passed between: the' pale lips. Then the mourners gathered around in a semi-chele; and squatting on their haunches, with their hands folded and their eyes downcast, chanted their sing -song chants, now shrill, now soft, • now it murmur, end then a shouts - Ritual of the Pyre. Rentals of business properties in London have decreased during the past year. Even in eases where pro- perty is being rented under long- term leases the landlords have fre- quently recognized the position in which the war may have placed their tenants by giving appreeiable rebates on the contract figures. In the Stock Exchange district 40 per cent. has been knocked off the pre-war rental in many cases rather than lose a des sirable tenant. • Office and loft building property is naturally very diffichilt to rent at the present, time. Many professional and business men whose leases have ex- pired during the past e2 months have taken advantage of -this to secure new quarters at far lower rerhals 01' else retain their old quarters on MOTO or less nominal terms. Real estate men state that the big reductions in rental values have prey- eda serious matter to many landlords and property -holding eompenies whose income is dependent upon the renting of high-priced offices. The higher mange of interest values at the present time, which, moreover, is practically certain to last for many years after the wen also tends to lower the return on rented property of all kinds, as there is no likelihood of renewal of mortgages at the old rate of 4 and 41/0, pe -r cent. THE TR1-COLOR. Why the Freuch Flag Has Uneetuti, Stripes. It is not generally known that the three strips of color that make up the French national flag are not equal in width. When the trimoloy wee first authorized, 3792, the positions end propoytioes of the three colots weve not stated, arid such a variety of flags was seen that'two 'years later the National Assembly declared that the national standard should be formed of "the three national colors in equal bands placed veydcally, the hoist be- ing blue, the middle white, and the fly red." For years the flag was made in tide way, but though the bands were equal, they never looked equal owing to an optical illusion, the blue ap- pearing wider than the white, and the white wider than the red. At laSt1 • after many experim' ents it was officially decided that in every hundred pales the blue should be thitty, white thirty-three, and red thietseseven. the western coast are contributing by any means, for here as in other • Parts of the kingdom new workshops are being erected for munitions and plants intended originally for other purposes are being turned into shell factories. "Somewhere in Scotland" an As- sociated Press correspondent recently visited a two hundred acre filling plant, which has grown up in a little more than a month like a magic city, with its scores of separate structures. There are no less than eleven miles of trolley track to carry shells from place to place. The plant will be finished soon and workers for it are now being trained elsewhere. Contractors Mahe No Profit. At last came the time of the burn- ing aed the ceremony of haven which accompanies it, The preparations had been long mid complicated, for the ritual dome:1de the right use of four kinds ' of things: odoriferous thinge, tutritive allege, sweet thines, and -Mira:dye medieines. Some had been melting ghee, some preparing the raisins, the almonds, and other food. When all was toady the body was laid on the pyre, and over it and around it were heaped more and niore blocks of wood and inueh straw., Then crystals of camphor were lighted in a seoon on the end, of a long pole, and when they were flaming well were poured on the centre of the .pyre. A flame leapt up. A torch Made of straw and camphor was lighted at this flame and applied to the four .corners; melted ghee was poured here ane there, and soon the whole pyie was eblaie, Ana .while it bereed .the mournere kept toesing upon it little pinches of ghee mixed with grains and fruits, scent, saffron, and,: spices. It will 'burn for . long, and to -day, when the friends of the deed Man go back, they will find nothing but per- haps a few fragments .of his larger beeee end a heap of ashes, And SOMO of these ashee they Will take heek to the hospital, where -they. will be put ento a little wooden Offer beaming the dead .man's name. And in time the coffer -Will be sent to his fautily,in tied from the Sussex Deeps hiS Relies will retire home, to be sprink- ledon the hemast of S0010 Indian 'stream The plant is being erected by Ceti - tractors Who will make no profit and e tour of munitions plants much of that sort of thing is seen, Engineers of large experience end reputation and owneys of big estab- lishments are "doing their bit" with- out a thought of personal gain. As in the case e2 the famous Arm- -strong works at Newcastle plants en- goged in shipbuilding on the Clyde were open to inspection. 7 The shops on the Tyne and the' Clyde are playing their part, and a tremendously impressive part it is, In Glasgow as elsewhere the par- ticipation of women in the industry is apparent on every hand. In their khaki or blue aprons, with dust caps of the same color, they are busy at the lathes and fiWarM in and Out in thousands at the ehift periods. Every foreman with whom the correspond- ent talked was enthusiastic in ap- plication of the efficiency of women of the weeks. Of course they are not set to work at the heavy ma- chines and they are chiefly given tasks vequiring only few days ex- perience. In every establishment, the women workers learn how to work the machines for the lighter shells the men are taken out for the manu- facture of the heavier munitions. Problem After the War, What the permanent effect of all this change in the working operations of women will be after the war is not concerning the employers now, though they appreciate that it will bring its chain of problems for eolu- ton later. To the women it is al- ready bringing more money than they ever had in theh• lives before and a sense of independence never experi- enced. This alteration in the industrial fab- ric by women's increasing activity and broadening opportunity is perhaps the most vivid impression left on the mind of one who devotes a week to it tour of the munition plants, eecond only to the comprehension of the ere ormous scale of production that the Ministry has planned. It is in all pee- bability the biggest engineering and labor enterprise in modern history. THE UNSTABLE MOON. Not Yet; Amenable to Astrouomers' Mathematics. Changed Citcumstauces. "Before Kate married Wit. Rich- leigh she used to walk in her sleep. "Whet dims .she do now -ride in an automobile?" The celebrated obseevatory at Greenwich, England, the place from which we reckon longiteee, wee -found- , ed by Charles H. in 1675, mainly for the purpose of investigating the • Moveneemts of the moon in the inter- ests of navigation. Although in the intervening two and a half centuries astronomers have worked at the probs lein, the moon has not yet become en- tirely amenable to their mathematics, The astronomer -royal of Great Bri- tain, in his report of the work at Greenwich during the past year, mile attention to the increasing deviation between the calculated position of the moon in the sky and its real positioe as shown by the Greenwich observe., tons. The deviation has lately been growing in a serious manner, Thel. error,last year was more than twelve ' times as large as the error twenty! years ago, and the everage anneal, increase during the two decades MIS.' amounted to hall it second of are irii longitude. The reason that astronosi mers have failed in gettingsexact Te. sults from calculations based on thee • dynamical laws of gravitation is pose, sibly the existence of some attractive force that they have not yet disease eved, although the result luny alto be affected by the true shape oe the earth, which still awaits accurate de- 'et.;1417,atriximty6'o'n are ordinary People wit their enderstandings polished,