The Clinton News Record, 1915-12-30, Page 1rs Record, No: 1917 -37th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30th, 1915 THE HOME PAPER t� Newt-RecQrd wis 'OU a Happy New Year -.Sinner ate Ylgain. Children late for school — husband late for work—everything twisted. All because the clock went wrong. Donttinker with it. Bring it to our clock hospital. We will diagnese it's case in short order: Adjust it a little here and there -clean it up _ spick and away it goes again—endowed with new Oh life and.vigor, The cost? 0 1 not very er y much. Nothing near as much as a new clock, Nothing near as the confusion caused by an uncertain clock, • awii e..lu a W. A. r • -Official A foe the Regina 'Watch. Agent „jeweler' and Optician - - - Clinton The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital' Authorized Capital Paid -op Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets 11,6660,000 18,500,000 185,000,000 880 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted, R, E, MANNING, Manager` Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1LsoN85 rT....E.Li_i _ _ t#,`. _ 1 ,}li • CCapital _ a and Reserve $8,800,000 p 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted, Circular Letters of Credit t'" *t -- Bank Money Orders. p Savings BankDepartment. Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding, Manager; Clintonglrancb. -•ae RGADY-TO+WEAR'! he . or)Ysh ORD EREDCLOTHING OLOTRrNG I l Clothing' co. , Happy New Year To Our Friends and Patrons, One and All, We Send r A New Year's Greeting. We are thankful for favors shown us during the past year, and we feel that our efforts to furnish the Best of Outfitting at the. -lowest price con- sistent with good quality have been fully appreciated. Weare not content with battles al- ready w'pn, however, and during the coming year we shall press forward to still greater achievements. With best 'wishes for all we say once more— A HAPPY NE.* YEAR . THE MORRISH CLOTHINI3 CO. Motto : "A A Square Deali for Every Man." AGENT FOR- THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH, THE DR', IS COMING. Dr, J. A. Macdonald of Toronto is tog ive one of his celebrated 'lee - tures in the town hall ou January 4 1 The Subject f the address is I t t. r e s bio o s, "Canada Among the Nations" and the doctor has very generously' of- fered to give the entire'!proeeeds to the 161st I-Iuron Battalion for re- cruiting purposes. The Board of Trade are making the ,ari;angements. PASSING OF A PIONEER. The.,death occurred at the hone of and firs. rt, A. Roberton, south df town, on Christmas Day of Wil- liam Henry Densmore of Wingliain, lather of Mrs. Roberton, who had reached the good age .of nearly eighty-six years. The lateDensmorewas born Mr. b in Nova Scotia and name to East Wawanosh in 1851 where he farmed until about five years ago, then re- moved into Wingham with his daugh- ter, Miss Phoebe. About three weeks ago they came on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Roberton and though suffering from no organic disease, his death being due :entirely to a breaking up of the system, the end came after an illness of - but ten days, Mr. Densmore yvas"`a Baptist in religion, being among the first mem- bers of Wingham Baptist church. He was a man of quiet habits and retir- ing disposition and 'was held in high esteem by those who knew him best. Two daughters survive : Mrs. Roller - ton and Miss Phoebe. The remains were' interred at Westhill cemetery beside those of his wite who Passed on before about seven years ago. THERE WAS NO "PUNCH." There was a small attendance at the nominations Monday evening, so much so indeed as to Indicate a sort of a don't-caredness on the part of tbe average taxpayer. It might though be that as he saw uo previ- ous preparation for a run he thought there wouldn't be any fun in the proceedings. Certainly there was no "punch" in any of the addresses For t ar or there were four nomina- tions, a 'na- tions, Messrs. Fred. _ Jackson, H. Wiltse, W. Jackson and Dr. Thomp- son, The first two mentioned re- tired. Both had filled the position and having done their duty while. there baci enough. Mr. W. Jackson couldn't be coaxed to acee;tt. This made the medico the mayor -elect. He has served on the Collegiate board, as a member of the council and as a Public Utilities commis- sioner and as mayor is -expected to be one of the best ever. Per council ' there were eleven nominations but with thanks Messrs, E, le, Hunniford and T. Mason de- clined to accept so there will be only nine navies on the ballot. In addition to the council of this pear the' candidates are Messrs, W, J, Paisley, W. Hawkins and W. J. Nediger, For the reevesnip Mr. .1.-A. Ford was returned without opposition. There is nocitizenmore interested in"ttie good and welfare of the home town than is Reeve Ford, • Recognition of Mr, A. T. Cooper's past services was given by his elee- tion by acclamation as Public Util- ities commissioner. Mr, Cooper was the most active citizen in the water- works campaign and he devoted bus- iness -and rest hours without num- ber to promoting the cause of Hydro, It is therefore, indeed, fit- ting that he should be a commis- sioner, The nominees and their 'novae and seconders were as follows : For Mayor. Dr. C. W. Thompson by B. J. Gib • binge and S. J. Andrews. Fred. T. Jackson by T. T. Murphy. and J. G. Chowen, H. Wiltse by W J. Nedfger and W. Jackson. W. Jackson by F. G., Bawden and John Wacker, For Reeve. J. A. Ford by J. G. Chowan and T. Jackson. For Councillors. W.: T. 'Hawkins by A. Willren and 0. • Twitchell. Wesley Walker by H. Hill and W. Jackson. Thos. Mason 'by Fred Jackson and • B. J. C-libbings, H. Fitzsimons by Bert Langford and W. Kennedy. C. J. Wallis by J, 0. &fcMath and W. H, IJellyar, H. Wiltse by S. J. Andrews and and Thos. Triok, R, J. and, by W. J. Paisley. and A. Cantelon. J. le. Sheppard by C. J, Wallis and A. Cantelon. W. J. Paisley by R. J. Miller and H. Wiltse. W. J."Nediger by 0, G. Middleton and H, 13artliff. E. E. Hunniford bp 13; Fitzsimons and F. G. Bawden. Public Utilities Commission—Dr. Shaw by S, J. Andrews and J. A. Ford. A. T. Cooper by C. J. Wallis and John Wise, 13 J. Gib- bings by J. A. Ford and R, Fitz- simons, School Trustees—St, ' Andrew's ward—Nelson 'Ball by S, Kemp and H. Wiltse, St. James'—Geo. Mc- Lennan by H. McBrien and II. Pen- nebaker. St. John's—T. J. 14IcNe1 Cooper C Holland. bp A. T. opo and Ih I a St, George's—DE. S J Evans by A. J. Tyndall and II. E. Rorke. The retiring trustees were : N. :Ball, W; Walker, H. E. Rorke and J. S,' Evans. Messrs. Walken and Rorke refused to again accept nowt - nation,, THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat $1.05. Oats 38e. Barley axle 48c. Butter 26c to 27o. Eggs 30e to 35c. LiVe Hogs $8,25. , MARRIED ON T11E 23rd. A quiet weddingtook place at the hone of the bride at Brampton on Wednesday of last week 'When Miss Sarah Williamson was united in the. • bonds of matrimony -to Mr. ' William Vodden of Rullett township. Mr. and Mrs, Vodden are now enjoying a brief honeymoon in the city and during the week ,will take up their abode in Clinton, .in the brink resi- dence on Ontario street ihbently purchased by Mr, 'sa odden. Good wishes. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, A watch night 'service, consisting of the Anti -Communion service with appropriate hymns, will be held on Friday evening commencing at half past eleven. On Sunday morning next No. I Company of the 161st Huron Bat- talion will attend divine service in this church, By order of His Majes- ty the King and the Archbishop of Canterbury, there' will be a Service Of Intercession at both the morning and evening service, at ',which the choir will render special music. The Sunday school had their an- nual sleighride, with supper anti concert, on Tuesday afternoon, THE CHRISTMAS DANCE. The Pastime Club were hosts at a very enjoyable Christmas dance in the town hall on Tuesday evening. In addition to those who usually attend such a funation there were some visitors in town who added not little to the enjoyment of the occasion, The floor was in good condition, the ladies' gowns were pretty, the music was first ,'less and the sprinkling of oflicars and men in the Ring's uniform music an interesting note of color, even though khaki is zornewhat duller than the olci-fashioned red and gold. At midnight lunch was served and the dancing kept up for some hours longer. The proceeds, amounting to a tidy stns, are being donated for recruiting purposes, WEDDED YESTERDAY. A very quiet but pretty wedding tools place yesterday at "Rowland Hill Farm," the home of Mr, and i4Irs. Roland Jenkins of the Sixteen- th, Goderich township, when {heir youngest daughter, Lily E,, was united in marriage with Mr. Nixon Welsh of the teaching stats of the Toronto Public schools, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Welsh of Clinton. The ceremony was porToemed by Rev. Dr. Rutledge of Clinton in the presence of only the immediate rela- tives. The brine, who was given away by her father, wore her travel- ling suit of nave blue with picttue hat and mink furs, tho latter being the groom's gift. She also carried a pretty shower briquet of roses and lily -of -the -valley. Miss Ruby Wise played the wedding music. The groom's gift to the pianist was a pearl necklace. • After the ceremony a dainty wed- ding feast was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Welsh left, amid a shower of confetti and good wiebes, for their home in Toronto, Good wishes from -a large circle of friends follow Mr, and Mrs. Welsh to their new, home. PATRIOTIC NOTES. The president of the Women's Pat- riotic Society requests all members of the executive to meet in the coun- cil chamber on Monday afternoon, January 3rd at half past three, To all who are interested in the earls of the Society the executive beg to submit a brief iinaneial statement with a report of the work accomplished since the organ- ization on Sept, 28th, 1914, to December 27th, 1915, as fellows : Total. receipts $3573,50. Total amount spent in Clinton for work supplies, etc. x2069.61., Froth balance of $1502.813 many donations have been given, to the Red Cross ; to the Shorneliffe Hos- pital, $560,60 ; Field Kitchen to the 33rd, $200. .The collections from the boxes for systematic giving for patriotic work have been very gratifying: Col- lections for October $130.45, For November $116.58. On December 27th the bank ae- count of the society showed a cash balance of $260.68.—M. 1✓. Mentes, Treasurer, The Work Report—Knitted work. in charge of Mrs. Munroe : 1318 pairs of socks ; 273 pairs wristlets ; 190 scarfs , 99 Balaclava caps ; 40 chol- era' belts ; total number of artioles• sent overseas through this depart - Meet, 2064„ number of donations, 255. Hospital Supplies --In charge of Mrs. Chant and Mrs. Holloway : Sheets, 237 ; towels, .1244 wash- cloths 376 , ; pillow slips, 1047 • b P 1 w s Ps, bed d socks, 70. Shirt Department -In charge of Mrs. I3ellyar ; Pyjama suits, 159'; flannel shirts, 380 ; hospitalit al 'shirts, r 12Red Cress- night shirts,1 9 • 7 • , s g , 0 night shirts, 109. The ,first meeting of the society in the new year will be held in the council chamber at three o'clock on Friday afternoon, Jan. 7th.' The ex- ecutive will xecutive'will serve tea and extend a cordial invitation to- all. WII LIS CI-IUJWH. The choir under the leadership of Mr. F. C. D. Bristow° are• ivin a g g Twilight Musicale New Year's Day, The first annual _"Watch -Night" of the Covenant Adult Bible Class will be held on New Year's Eve at 11. Next Sunday the New Year's ser- vices will he conducted by -the. min- ister; Rev. Fxank.Q ' Harper, B. D. The 'subjects will be : Morning, "The Tread -chill Vision," and in the.evon- ing : "A. Will That Li.nmits.';, There will be New Year's music. A SILVER. WEDDING, Mr. and Mrs, David ' .beep observed their siivef wedding anniversary the day ,before, Christmas and, to help then) fittug lY celebrate the e; nt 'guests were present from Toronto, Guelph, Stratford and Brantford. The presents wero in keeping with the occasion and the dinner was such as the hostels is so well able to. provide. The evening eves, 'so merrily spent that the hours saved, away all. too quickly. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, Steep mill heartily wish them many more hap- py anniversary of their wedding day. CIIEERFUL NOTWITHSTANDING. Mr. and Mrs, Fred .F. Gillies left on Tuesday, for London where they will remain until after New Year's before returning to their home at Berlin. Corp. 'L. Wackett, *ho a;- companied them up and was alio the guest of hir. and Mrs. S. J. An- drews, went to the Forest City with them also. The Corp. is but a 'young titan, yet searcelyl twenty, and though suffering from wounds re- ceived in engagements in France lie continues exceedingly bright and cheerful, having the cons_iousness that he was but doing "his bit." While here he addressed the mea of tihe 167.st whom he aroused to a high pitch of entbustasm by his simple ,narrative of ne''oic deeds which are of daily oceurrenee at the front. The Corp. could personilly' testify to instancesf almost in - creditable creditable brutality by the Huns. On leaving Corp. Wackett was es- corted to tbe Grand Trunk station by Lieut. Colonel . Combe and staff and the men of the local Company of the 101st and as the train pulled out he was given 'three hearty Brit- ish:cheers, ONT ARrO STREET CHURCH. The special service of praise last Sunday evening was attended by a- coagregation that thronged the church. The "Cantata" by ' the choir was exceedingly, well rendered' and the whole service was • one of great interest. It was the general verdict .that the large choir never sang better, Mr, Russell May of Victoria Uni- versity assisted the pastor in the morning and gave a brief , address that was much appreciated by all present. On Sunday next in addition to the regular services there will be a Pat- riotic service in the afternoon in the interests of the Belgian ;relief Fund. Officers of the 161st Batta- lion will speak. The two Methodist churches in town will unite in bolding a Watch - night service in Ontario St. church oe Friday night at eleven o'clock, The members of the Sunday school classes were given a sleigh ride ea Tuesday afternoon and afterwards treated to a splendid supperr in the school room which was followed by a program of music, recitations and dialogues. The young people greatly enjoyed themselves and it was a pleasant time for them all. TOLL S'1'95 AILT NUJPTIALS, A quiet home 'wedding took place at the residence of ide. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Mary street, on Tuesday afternoon when their • youngest (laughter., Laura Emma, became the bride of Mr, Frederick W, Toll of Last Wawanosh. The ceremony was performed by Rev, 0, C: Kaine of Londesboro, on- ly members of the two families be- ing eing present. The .„Bride 'iooltecl charming in a wedding gown of cream elk eoeline with trimmings of satin and lace with long veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried a pretty show- er bouquet of rose buds and lily -of - the -valley, The young couple were unattended, The bride was given away bp her father and Miss Mildred Toll; sister of the groom, played the wedding march, while another sister, Miss !'earl Toll, sang "0 Perfect Day" very sweetly at the conclusion of ths,00eamonp, When the newly-wedtied; 'pair - had received the congratulations of the assembled guests, all sat down to the wedding feast, .The table decor- ations were ethic and white, a pro-. fusion of narehsus making the air, fragrant, Mr. and Mee. Toll left on the afternoon train on a short honey- moon 'trip to London, Chatham and Blenheim: The bride wore a pretty irook of Russian green cloth with teethes of fur, velvet and 'dainty Y lace, and black seal' plush coat with velvet hat With spray attd rose- buds. The bride was the recipient of many lovely gifts. She was most popular among her circle of friends in town and many good wishes for Continued happiness follow her to her new home. , Dlr. and Mrs. 'J'oll will reside in East Wtwanosh;'near Auburn; The Neeys-Recorir extends con - gra tulatioes ongratulatioits 55 CHRISTMAS DINNERS.: Mr, and Mrs. Ldward Kemp of,. London, former residents of Clinton, have partaken of 'fifty-five consecu- :tive Christmas dinners together in their own home and are the third couple of Kemps in the direct line to do so. This certainly is a record which seldom has been e:fuelled, A PRLSENTA'PION. - I Mrs, A. le Cooper entertained hei Sunday school class of girls . on Wednesday' evening, a very jolly time beingsent. In the course of is P the ` evening Miss Maudie Cook, who tfav- ee the beginning of the week to Itake ,charge of- her first sbhool, was presented by the class with some toiletP ices of white a o ryas k Y• ' People YOU Know. bIr, George David was in London ov- er ver the week -end. Mr. S. Kemp and Miss Nellle visited in London over Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. 0. •T. Wallis returned on Thurs- day last from a business trip to the west. Miss Pudd visited her sister in Flint, Miele, over the holiday and weak-end,Louis Miss e Beaton is home from Grand Valley for .the Christmas vacation. •i ' e.' R. L,' Moore, Mrs. Moore and family spent Christmas with Tor- onto friends: Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Harper return- ed on Tuesday, after a Christmas visit to Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. ,James Steep visited with their daughter, Mrs. Gus Collyer, London. Mr. Ross Forbes of Kearney is spending the Christmas :holidays at ill's heni6' ln'town, Misses W. and S. Powell mere Christmas guests of their brother, Mr. W. Powell, Goderich. Mr. and Mts. Thos. :IIa'son were guests of lir. and Min.- 0. E. Smith, Seaforth, over the holiday, Mr. A. Ring, Toronto, , who has been visiting at the parental home 10 Ba field, was in town yeeter- clay. Mr. Dean C'ourtice is up from, Torohh- to for tbe holidays which he is enjoying at the parental home ou Joseph street. Mrs, Goodfellow, after a mon'h's visit with her parents, • ;Vit, and Mrs. D. Macdonald, has returned to Detroit. Mrs. J. A. Robinson left . y, sterday to spend New Year's Day, and the week -end at the parental home at 3farkdale. Air. and Mrs. Wtn, Wasmann and Master Russel of London visited Saturday and Sunday at IDIr. an i Mrs, T. L, Wasutanu's, errs, flim, Simpson was in Stanley the beginning of the week attend- ing the funeral.01 her nephew, the late William Foote. Dr. l', Holloway and IIts :Holloway of Peterboro were C'hristinai guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway. Mr. C. G. Kilty of the teaching staff of the Toronto Public schools is spending the holiday week at the old hone on Mill street, Mr. T. Wiggington, his mother, leIrs. 1. Wiggington, and his sou, blaster Jack, were guests Saturday and Sunday of C'landeboye friends. • Ds. Kay of Lapeer, Mich,, arrived today to spend the New Year's holidays with his wife and daugh- ter at the home of Mr. J. txlh- binge. bits. (Dr.) Kay and ,bliss Bernice were here from Lapeer, Mich,, spending the Yuletide holiday with the former's father, 'Mr. John Gibbing, Mr. Will. Haines .and hiss Enema Wiesen of Blyth were guests of Mr, Tilos. .Mason on Tuesday, having 00100 don'n to attend the dance in the town hall. Mr. Woods and Masters Ivan and (,eorge Macdonald of Thedford were guests at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs ' L. 75. Hunniford, over Christmas and the week -end, 141rs, John Bailey was in•town Sat- urday on her way bac:: to Strat- ford from Bayfield where she at- tended the funeral of her two hro ,hers wbo were Idled in a -rail- way coliisionlat Fort William, Mr. and Mrs. George Finch came ov- er frgm Flint, Mich:, on Wednesd•ip of last ,week and divided the time ' until yesterday at their respective parental homes, that of Mr. and Mrs. James Finch and ide, and Mrs. Stalker of Auburn. Mrs. John Miller arrived elmfore Christmas from Indian Head, Sask., and will spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Evans, Towards the end of the week Mrs. Evans and , Mrs. Miller will go oto Boston, plass., t50 visit los a weekwli,th their sister, Mrs. Woodman,. dr, and Mrs. R. J, Dnusmore of St. Thonhas tvho were guests Saturday and .Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. s. W. J. .Paisley, have Of -a- eons sons both of whom are serving Ring and Country, Overseas, The oldest, Lieut. Densmore, is now in a hospital in France suffering from an attack of typhoid fever but a t Le roh receivedd this s neer stated to „d that he was improving. a t rovdu P g• Bayfield Pte.' Abraham Bt' 1 do a t n, who er- l1sted, at Listowel, vrt ied with ht S mother, Mrs, Brandon of Bayfield, over the holidays. Abe leeks well in tte,,khalte i e, Wilbur I rwiu, son of Mr. and eels, 13, W. Erwin o1 Bayfield, en- listed at Berlin and has been at- tached to' the Army Medical Cori1 ... He spent the Holiday with his par- ents here. A union prayer meeting will her held itSL Andrew's church nes t Thursday evening. - Mr, George King from Manitoba has been visiting lits uncles, Messrs. Thomas and George King, Mr. II, Drebman has ben visiting bl yroo 1 i 1t I1 t 3 The followng have , bC:0 elected councillors for :1910: George Cope- land, W, 11, Jowett, E. IP, Menthe' find. Charles. Parker. The trusteos-ebe ect are (3,. E. Greenslade, F. Gent-: inhardt and George King. For tha reeveship there are three candidates; George Lindsay, Alfred Erwin, .las. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnston and children arrived on Thursday last from Corinne, Sask, and exeeet to, spend a couple of months at the former's old helve, that of Mr. and .Mrs.. James Johnston. The funeral of the late George and David Leech, who were killed in the railway wreck at Fort William, took place on Friday last from the par- ental home. The services at the house and graveside were conducted by the Rev. 'A, Macfarlane, tate fam- ily pastor. The pallbearers were : John Parker, Perey, Tippet, Bruce Moore, Nelson Herd, 0larenee I'ol- loclr, Jonn Lind -ay, .James Lindsay, Malcolm Tom, Wm, McDowell, Geo., John and ' Thomas Castle. Both funerals were under the direetior, o: lnnertaker) rtvfn. Mr. George Greene of Goderi:h was renewing acquaintances in the vi}e loge on Tuesday. Mrs. l''.. A. Edwards nal daughter. aliss Floy Edwards, s, are vision; friends in Berlin this wee's. Mrs. I), Harrison of Goderi••h has, been spending a few days with her brothers, Messrs. George and Ti'.os. Ring, ' 14Irs. James Ferguson 1s spending the holidays with friends at Bel. grave. Mr and lfrs, leigie of Detroit are the guests of the latter's parents, lir, and Mrs. James Sturgeon, over the holidays. Mr, James Cameron and . wife or Toronto are spending the holidays With their parents. Mrs. I'lugh McLaren of Port Eigirs is the guest of her mother, Mrs. William Stirling, over the holidays. Mr. Ben Spencer of Corrine, Sask., wbo brought the remains of his late wife here for interment last week, will spend a'fewweeks in thee' village with his parents before re- turning west. Mr. Alfred Furry and wife and daughter of Kindersley, Sask., ar- rived last week and well spend the winter with her mother, Mrs, Par - 50115, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Donaldson and family of Wingham w5'0 Inc. guests of his parents, lir. add Mrs. James Donaldson, over the holiday. Forel Ring efi Toronto is se,en+.d his holidays with his paren�s, hlring_ and Mrs, George Ring. Messrs, Will and Frank Cameros. of Detroit are spending the holidays under the parental roof. Nis. Robert 14JeoMurray s;cut the holidays with friends at Toronto. '-Mrs, J, M. Stewart of Goderich ho spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo':n Pollock. Mr, Nethercott of St, Marys was the guest of Mrs. Parsons over the holid. Lawayrence Fowile of London tis spending the week under the par- ental toot. Mrs, William Green of Colbo n� spent the past week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Falconer. hir. Graham eloorho''se of Bay, City is the guest of his mother;. Mrs. Moorltouse, over, the holidays., Mrs. Wm. Gould Passes Int e Rest. There occurred on the evening of Christmas Day after en illness of some years the death of Mary Wart-, man, wife of Mr. William Gould' et the Huron Road, Goderich township. The deceased was bo 0 in Kingston in 1337 of U. L. Loyalist ancestry but fort many years had been a. resident of Goderich towntbip, Siie bail been for many years a 000015 - tent nhember of. the Methodist cll'trah; and bate her long Meese with Christian fort:bode, oft n Ie;:eating a verse of her favorite hymn . "I am thine, 0 Lord, I have heard tity.' voice," 13er bwchand and a famtlyl et three sons and three da',ighters serine Mrs,' W. 0. Anglin, Kinston; whose husband is now, in charge of Qtren'a University Base Hospital at C'airs, Egypt ; Mrs, �B. B. Ward, New- York gY w City ; William Gould, Portage la Prairie, Man, ; -Henry W. Gould of Clinton and George P. and 171i-ahetll at borne. - rho funeral took pia^e from the family residence, Huron Real, on Tuesday afternoon to Maitland cent- eteey, the services were copducted: by Rev, it. J, McCormick and Rev,, You Know Now That News- W. B. Moulton, The bearers were• t•. blesses, A, J. Courtice, George 1101••; Means News -header,. land, J. S. Holmes, S. T. Walter, RecordF. S, Sturdy and John Sturdy, a