HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-16, Page 44
Clinton News-Reco,d
December :16th, 1915
annual beef ring tneeting
The ux was
hold on
Dec, 101.h in the hall with
good 'attendance.
many friends of Mr. J. Wat-
iritis are pleased to learn that he is'
improving nicely Rae, will soon be
around again.
Mr. and Mrs. W..Lawson entertain-
ed a ntut(ber of their friends on
Thursday` evening last.
The school children and young peo-
ple are busily engaged preparing for
the Christmas entertainment which
is to be held on 'Wednesday next.
The A.Y.P,A, of Trinity church
held their election of officers the oth-
et evening, the result being as
lows,: president, Dr. J. E. Mo'ra'g-
gart : vice, 14,iss Elia 1Vfetoalf ; sec-
tetary-treasurer, Miss Dorothy Tier-
ia}' ; executive committee, E. G.
McTaggart, T. E. Tiernay and Mi.
Marks, The society meets every
isfosdayi evening.
Mt. Matthew Bruce has disposed of
his fame and it is said intends resid-
ing in
esid-ingin the west in future.
St,.Audrew's church desire to raise
one thousand dollars for missions'
this roar.
Kira Corbett of Kincardine has
been a visitor at the rectory,
Mrs. R. M. •McKay was in Guelph
last week attending the Winter Fair.
Mrs. Crawford has gone to Toron
to 'to spend 'the winter.
Word was received here last week
of the death of Miss Welsh of Fer-
gus, until midsummer last a member
of the Blytth Public school stall. She
had been suffering from an attack of
'typhoid fever and other complica-
tions. . •
9trs. Arch. Taylor visited Lucknow
Mends four a few clays recently,
. Dee. 10th,—The ('. 1'. 11. has again
sent, out orders to their station
agents on the line between Guelph.
and Goderich to close their stations
at 0 pint. This is a great inconven-
ience to the travelling public, as a
stranger getting off the e irait
the risk of falling off. on the high
platform in the dark. Then for those
wanting to catch the train it is also
a still greater inconvenience, as a
person may go to the station and
have to stay out some considerable
time, as Cue cannot tell bow late
the train will be, and at this lime
of year it is not very nice.
• McKillop Township.
' v �It
The hap press of lir.
Go enloc s
is at work around • Winthrop, and
lIr. Gardner's press is busp in the
northern part of the township.
Mrs. Boyd, Sr., who had a rather
bad:, attack of pneumonia, is recover -
The Women's Institute of Walton
is raising as large sum of money for`
patriotic' purposes, They are to be
eotumenhed for their energy in this
51r. and Mrs. Dickson and •four
children arrived here last week Irony
Western Canada, Thcy- live agout
fifty miles from Swift Current, and
they report the crops fine in that
section this season.
J. 11. Harkwell is hauling hays to
Walton station for lir. J. J. Irvine,
Municipal matters are quiet in
this towtishil- but it is reported
that there will be a contest for the
Mrs. Neelands returned last week
from a visit with friends in Toronto
aol Oakville. She was accompanied
by 'her daughter, lits. A. H. King of
The members of the Ladies' Patti -
otic League shipped their second con-
signment of hospital supplies 011(1 sol-
dier's Comforts last week. There
were over 'a thousand pieces in all.
A very large and enthusiastic Bible
Society Meeting was held in the
town hall on Sunday evening week
when addresses were given by Rev,
Mr. Doherty and Rev. Mr. Knight.
All the ministers were present and a
• union choir led the singing.
Miss Marie Ducharme of Goderich
is spending a raw weeks at her home
on the 'Bronson Line.
Mrs.. (:ase of ,Maple Hall is very ill
H. ,Scott.
Mr. John Sproat and his daughter,
Death of a Pioneer
.of Stanley Township
(Frost Yale (Aliclt,) Expositor.)'
James Keys, a pioneer of this sec-
tion died ,at his home on Mechanic
street, Yale, ;Sunday evening, ` Dec.
5th- 1915', aged 89 years, 11 months
and 9 days. 1,1s1
Deceased was born in the coti0131 of
Ferranah, Ireland, December , 20th,
1825.. When about 3 years of age he
carne with his parents to Stanley •
township, Huron County, Ontario,
Canada. He was married to Miss Is-
abel Logan also of Stanley, and from
this ,union two. children were born,
glary Jane, who died when 21 years
of age, and William L. of of Stanley
township. • _•.
About two years after the death
of his first wife, he was again, mar-
ried, .this time to Miss Sarah Stan-
ley. Three children were born to
this union, Alfred of Brockway ;
Maud, Mrs. Wellington Newell, De-
troit ,Miss Emma, of Yale, also one
adopted son, David, of Brockway: 1•Ie
leaves' a wife, five children, thirteen
grand -children .and two great-grand-
children to mourn his' loss,
For seventy, years Mr, Keys bad
been a faithful member of the 1VI. E.
church. •
The funeral services were held from
`the home on Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. Waldren Gcach officiating, Bur-
ial in Elmwood cemetery.
Those from a distance who attend-
ed the .Funeral are :—W. L. and ,Am-
os Keys, of Varna, Oast.; Matt Bates,
Goderich, Ont. ; lir. and Mrs. James
Graham, Clinton, Ont. ; Wm. Stanley
Holmesville ; 0. It. Keys and Char-
lotte Bates, London, Ont. ; lir. and
Mfrs. Wellington Newell, Detroit ;
Mrs. Archer, North Baltimore, Ohio;
James Walker, Ilobt. Key,,, James
Keys, Albert Redmond, L. Redmond,
Mr. Nichols, Marlette ; Mrs. A. W.
Wright, ''ort Huron.
at present.
Mrs. Kenei,en, who has been the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. Gold-
ing-. to
ing. for some timlas returned time, has
her home in Owen Sound.
Mrs. (leo. !Wardle and. Miss Mary
McGregor have gone to Ortoeville,
Ditch., to spend the winter.
lir- 1'. 1], Leanon left one claylast
week for New Toils
Mr. and Mrs. (`aro r of Lucknow
have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. R.
Miss Ruth, of Egmond} ille are spend-
ing the ,tinter in Detroit.
'lir. and Mrs. (.has. Barbet have
been visiting Woodstock friends,'
Mrs. Broderick has returned after
spending the past,. three months in
Miss Annie Cochrane of Mensall
was the guest recently of Miss lL
Mgrs. Robs. Coleman of `tuclrersniith
died at the homestead last week at
the age of eighty-eight years.
Mrs. W. Fowler of Vancouver aitd
Mr. Frank Hanley of Portland, Ore-
gon, have been the guests of Miss
Fowler of town.
Miss Frances Roberts, who has
been visiting at her home here, lett'
for Toronto last week to visit fri-
ends before going on to New York,
where she is a nurse -in -training in
one of the big hospitals.
Messrs. T, /Sister and D. Mann
have returned home from the west:
They were .absent some mouths.
Mr, and Mrs. John Casemo:e of
llanito, Sask., were hero hast wef11
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carr of.11lpth
were guests recently of the latiet's
son, Mr, A. H. Wilford.
Mr, Chris. Kentpletot of Kincar-
dine has . been . visiting friends in
Miss M. F. Reynolds of Galt was
hone last week ona•visit.
Mrs Chas., Donaldson was in Luck -
now last week spending a few days
with her parents.
Mr. 'Phos. Mill of London was in
town recently renewing old.. friend-
' Mr. James Baird has returned Isom
a trip to the west.
Mrs. Woodward of Oshawa has
been here visiting her sou, Mr, Chas.
Mr. Pullen, whose wife and five dau-
ghters' reside here, left with the 33rd
Battalion from London last week.
Mr. Pullen has four brothers already
at the front. IIo was also through
the South African war,
bit. Thos. Johnston arrived home
from the west, but not in time to
attend the funeral of his father,
whtelt took place the day before his
llr. Ernest Cook and Miss Ivy
Cook, both of Last Wawanosh, were
married in Wingham on December 7th
liy Rev. J. W. FIibbert. Mr. and
Mrs. Cook intend residing in • New
Alex. Monnock spent a few days
in town last week. He has just re-
turned from the front where he was
wounded. Mr. Monnoch was a trav-
eller who visited Wingham often
whohas of late
some years ago- but
been malting his home to Winnipeg,
and enlisted from there shortly after
the outbreak of the war,
Mr. Richard Mann returned hone
from the west last week.
Dry (foods
tent! House
for Christmas Gifts.
The Christmas Gift to be
apprec'cd should lin ye some
qualities which s ill not
pass with Ole festive. sea -
nn, Thecnduling features
or ,r i'ur garment must up -
peal to the Ch: ist,mas shop-
per. We are showing a
very large range of high-
class furs and Feer -lined
Coats tor Christens gifts.
for Christrnas
There is nothing more
appreciated as a Christmas
gift than a nice Kimono,
we have a beautiful range
made of Eiderdown Crepe,
Wraperette and Silk. We
also have a.l(eautiful range
of Japanese Kintmonas,
Prices range from 82.50 up
to $7,50.
for Christmas Gifts
Our showing of fancy neckwear is decidedly
attractive, Many new and attractive styles are
featured, The assortment is large enough to
give unlimited choice. Each article at 50c or
over is handsomely boxed if desired.
for Christmas Gifts.
Kid gloves make an ideal gift. We have
every good kind in a full assortment of sizes and
colors. 'Every pair boxed for Christmas Gifts.
Miss Ethel lhrtchinsatt has gone
on a visit to friends at Cloverville,
Miss Pearl. Bradford and :Miss Olive
Goldthrop were in Toronto recently.
Mr, Terence Kidd has gone to Cha-
tham to take a position fn the C.P.
R. offices.
Mrs. Shopland has returned to her
home at Rochester, Alberta, after a
visit with her daughter, firs. Isaac
Salkeld, Sr.
Mrs. M. K. Me.Qt arrie and her son
Keith left last week for their home
at Revelstoke, B.C., after a visit of
several weeks here.
Mrs. Geol:gc Scott is sreuding a
few weeks in 'Toronto before leaving
to Join her husband, who is engaged
in making munitions in Scotland.
Mrs. Thos. O'Neil and Miss Margar-
et have arrived home after an ex-
tended visit with friends in Manftn-
ha, Wisconsin and Iowa.
Mr. and llrs. 55'm, lia:teeth an-
nounce the' engagement of their dau-
ghter, Lottie N., to Malcolm Robert
McLean, the wedding to take place
this month.
'Mr, John H. Voorman of town was
wedded in Stratford recently;-. to Miss
Lily May Fraser of Seaforth. lir.
and firs. Voorman will '!wide 01
G oderieh.
-Y large number of boats will win-
ter in Goderich, ,the Torktott and
the Thunder Ilay being now tied up
in dock with' others coming in.
Mr. II. J. D. Cooke. formerly of
Hensall but lately of Toronto, has
joined the law non or Ptoudtoot
Moron. Mr. Cooke e is a native of
Goderich anfl is very well known
The Goderich Hockey Club has been
reorganized with the following offic-
ers : president 55 E. Kelly ; treas-
urer, W. H. Robertson ; secretary,
Will' Craig ; manager, D. Thompson ;
committee, H. Davidson, E. R. Wig-
le, L. Young.
Miss ]rmah Whitely has returned
from a visit with friends in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs, James Doyle have re-
turned from a trip to Ottawa.,
Mr, Joseph McMath of Regina is
spending a few weeks with friends
hereabouts. ,
Judge and Mrs. Doyle intend spend-
ing the winter in California,
Mrs. Harry 'Knight and two child-
ren of Toronto are visiting the ladyr's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1-I. H. Martin.
Pte. 'Thomas Pritchard of the Prin-
cess Pats returned to Goderich last
week to visit friends He has been
sent home to recuperate, having suf-
fered ,ouch from the effects of the
gas used by the Germans. IIe liar
spent some months in the hospitals
of France and expects to go into a
sanitarium here. to complete his re-
Messrs. Mex, and Robert Johnston
of Midland, Mich. came over for the
funeral of their uncle, the 'late' Ar-
tliur Spotton of Lowick; and are
spending a few weeks visiting friends
and relatives in Howick and herea-
bouts. •
Miss i+'essant and her brother, ,Mr,
John ]i`essant of Buffalo, spent a feW
days visiting Lucknow and Teeswat-
er friends recently.
Mrs. A., T. Ts English and daughters
of Saskatoon are the guests of the
lady's sinter,' Mrs, Hariy Iltnsclihe.
' r'
Mr. Ernest .Pitt o
f town left fo
England with the 33rd Battalion. His
wife and .seven children reside in
.Miss Annie Findlater is spending g
fortnight with friends at Paris, Ayr'
and Galt,
Mt. John. Kerr of Indiana is spend-
ing the holidays season with his dau-
ghter, ,Mrs. Benson Cruikshank o[
Mr. and Mrs: John Reid have re-
turned from a visit to the _ west.
Their daughter, Mrs. Tindall, accom-
panied them home and will . remain
some weeks.
IVIr, Geo. Ansley of Winnipeg and
Mr. Wesley . Ansley of Regina have re.,
turned' to their respective homes af-
ter spending a couple of weeks here.
Thep came' home onaccount of the
death of their father.
Single Fare good going Dec. 24th
and 2511i, return limit Dec. 27111, al-
so good going Dee. 31st, 1915, and
Jan. 1st, 1916, return limit Jan: 3rd,
Fare and Once -Third good going
Dec. 22nd, .23rd, 24th and 25111,- re-
turn limit Dec. 28th, also good going
Dec. 29111, 1915, to Jati. 1st, 1916,
inclusive return limit Jan. 4th,.,1918.
Return tickets will bo issued be-
tween all stations in Canada east of
Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port
u Black Rock,
1,. Buffalo, Huron, Mtc
Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge
N. Y.
ITickets and full information on ap-
plication to Orand Trunk Ticket
Mr: S. Brown was a visitor in
town last week and on his return
home to Creditor was accompanied
by his wife, who had been spending
some time with friends here.
lir, and Mrs, .J.. P. Ran have re-
turned from a visit with friends in
the State of Michigan
Miss Pearl Wurts is spending a
few weeks with Guelph friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Merner of Bay-
field visited here over a week -end re-
Mr. J. Hey, ,Jr; has been on a
business trip to several of the frowns
in the northern part of the township.
Mrs, John Kipper and Miss Maryl .
Kipper, of Biggar, Sask., arc visiting
relatives hereabouts.
Mr. John' Attire of Walketton, a
former resident of 'this suction, has
been renewing old triendships lienee
In the testimonial of Thos. Love of
Jarvis, in fares of the Connor Ma-
chine Company of Exeter, which ap-
peared in an advt. in last week's is-
sue of The News -Record, it should
have read two gallons of gasoline'
were used. in.anaking 1100 cubic feet
of concrete:slot:.five gallons.
Mr. and Itirs, W. J. Henderson
were in Guelph last week, tiie " ter-
oriner taking in the Winter Fair.
Mr, David Calvert of Kindersley,
Sask., is spending some time with
friends hereabouts.
Mr.' T. J, H. Tenet', teller in the
local branch •'of the Dominion Bank
for some time, has been transferred
to Seaforth. Mr. A. M. Bishop of
Welland has succeeded him here.
Santa Claus Headquarters at
Selecting Your Christmas Gifts
is easy and simple this year and NOW is the lime and THIS is the
PLACE to buy the neweet and best.
Charming Gifts—Ploaty of Them
aiSe ready and waiting for you(' inip et ion. To long: through our fine
as,ortmerit is a pastime—to price;the goods is a privilege. Come and
see the bort for Christmas.
as sx,
s> r'>,
l0 )re!
GR --
We take both pride and pleasure in showing our
fine display of Christmas footwear—and by. the way is there anythingthat would make a more practical and
sensible Christmas gift for anybody than a selection
from our choice lines 01 excellent shoes,
For Men
We've shoes foe
business or dress
wear, also dancing
pumps, storm shoes,
storm rubbers or a1'-
ties, handsome house
slippers, bath slip-
pers, etc., etc.
For Women
We'(e shoes for
street or dress wear,
dress slippers, colon-
ials, pumps and dan-
cing pumps,
an-cing.pumps, Boudoir
slippers, etc., etc.
The Choicest Models!
For Children •
We've school and
dress shoes, star ni'
shoes, storm rubbers,
rubber boots, storm
leggins, house slip-
pers, baby shoes, ate.
Aline display of the
better styles !
Come, See Our Great Slipper Show !
Make your selections now and we'll make any
exchanges desired after Christmas.
The Good Shoes Store.
Give China For Christmas.
Yon will have no trouble in selecting a suit,
able present in this department, It is a pleasure
to show you our splendid stock.
Books, Toys, Games and Sleds for the Kiddies.
SantaCllttus has it& a barge stock with us to• distribute. Come
Diaries for 1916,
Peloubett's Notes $1,10,
Tall bell's Notes $1,10.
Gist of 'Lesson .25.
Canadian Almanac $1.00. .
Boys' Own Annual 51,75.
O1 1s' Own Annual 51.75,
Chums 51,75.
All the latest books $1.00 to $1.50 each.
Special list of copyright hooks 50c, regular $1,00 to $1.50,
rou Pen
$2,50 to $5,00
Special- Pens
$ 1 00
H lS ,and
Why should old acquaintance be forgotten
Or faith in friendship shaken
When a line or two with your :Fountain Pen
Fond recollections would awaken ?
Whatever your needs, come and let us show you a variety of beau-
tiful presents that, will at once appeal to you as 'Just the thing." Ws
We have ani immense stock end satisfactory prices.
CLINTON. Santa Claus Headquartars.
Billets for Soldiers
---to be ----
Trained in Clinton
Duron Overseas Battali;+►t.n
Board and lodgings will be
wanted for a hundred men. All
who can accommodate boaders
are requested to send in their - 4
First, those who can supply
lodgings and meals.
Second.; those who can sup-
ply lodgings only.
Third, those who can sup-
ply meals only.
State number you can ac-
commodate and prices you will
These will be required for
a period of twenty weeks. The
pay will be guaranteed by the
government, and will be paid
on the 16th and the 30th of
each month.
Send this information at.
once to
H. B. Combe, Lt. Colonel
O. C. Huron Overseas Battalion.
We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are
going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd
pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our
stock and see the bargains we arkgiving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spectyand we guarantee the besli of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at 1^.residence over �.
28 Phone /02 28